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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1897, p. 2

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iWEfeDAY, AUG. 11, 1897. DR.. . 53. rrcaEI.I. bEBBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN Ssud Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Ocsu esidence. Enniskillen. 74. 9 BUREJRLSIMPSON. â RPRIE, SOLICITOR, &o. MOVHJIS BLOCK, upWetar, King Street, Bow'nani- "l.. Soliotor for the Onari Bank A xiyate Monevs loaned at the lowst rates BOURT. YOUJNG, V. S. OFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM gew Block. where himseif or asisitant wlll b. fonnd from 8a.m. te 9 p,m. Night eallB S residenceedirectly opposite Drill Shed. Calse y telegraph or telephone will receive prompt teatioa 171-yr R.mPATIE, Tailor Getlemeu's lothes Made to Order. J.M.BRIMACOMB E DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. H-igginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DE"0NTrJPSTRY. CHARNDEN, L~. D. S. &I.dUa of the Royal Collage of Denal Surgeons, Ontario m OPPOSITE EXPRES OMMXC-91l VITÂLZED AIZ. New Tailor Shlop The apdrsissed wbo bas bean carrylag on tetoring business iu connection with Eo'sDry Gond% Store for a numbôrof years bas comnîencod business for himmeoif at lis rggldenca, King St.,Weit, where ho le preparocd lb sako geuis' sud boyo' suit8 lu al the latest ztYre, and aKt lowest prves, For those who wfsb tu order suits, ho will carry a funl Une of amples mnail the. newest patterns. t*ve hlm J. T. A L N Faishionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A largee sum of monay bas been placed in my bads by a pivate person for invesîmeni, on *,,red loans on farm secuity for a terni of vrevuor i=misyaars, ifivE AN» ONE HÂLr PE s"r irtereat will ho aaked payable yearly 9a"otory condi'tions for repaiympat wjll bi arranged.--'1 flated,9. D, B, SIMPSON. 40-tf. WN VANTED. Men and women wbo can work ha rd talking and wrlting six biours daly, foi, slxdays aweek, amud wll be content witb idn dollars weekly. Ad- drees, NEw IDEAs Co., BRiANTFORtD, Ont. SI amn 3ust starting the best nr'IT * hingflorrnoney making you T.ZÙnin ndïaddress wll bring the golden rinration. R. P. GLASGOW, Toronto, Ont. SLIGHTLY JIS-1NFORMED. Was the ISait 'Who Furnlslied This Acgbuai ar the fRutile or queenstoa lieights. We suppose that the People, Who manage the Niagara Fails and Lewis- han railway, which runsl aloag the Ain- ericain ide of thse Niagara river, must bave beau aducated in the great A.i- eriltan ac4hools in which purely "Ain- et-ana history is taught. The reason -for - hiff, uppositio'n ila- tiaL we- fiudl-thse NTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 15-1 "Abstalillag fer thea sake ori atumaýrs," i Car. 8, 1-13. Goldeni Taxt. Act% îe.aî, PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 1. Touclslimg tis offeresi. Re- visami Versiona, "eeneerning t1hinge enori- flsi" We lno'w Ibat we al bava knowhadgs. Who lMean .gof tala lause la, "Al Obritians verywhere at-s f rlniy convinedsi ihat idola ara no- tbing." Nebosiy upsiartool te dispute thia& fouindation doctrine; but not al coulisi feal stbat they, ail thonght theY balaovesi; thla reason of manY was luly coinvioced but thsy by as wot-sbiped these goda fer sa long t waË bard to get tid of thes feeling tbati they netiahy exist- am. Pau&. la reAdy te pt-aise -maxfo thiar "owledge4" huithoa elssers wbat ha says later "Aùnsiyat slt-ow i kite yen a mot-a excellent way." Knwiedg puKfftis up, but cbaxity adi- fitetis. t'Kowledga Pefs up, but love biids Up." 'Ovar t- ansovar again paIUl usas tisa figurq of a, building ris- lntg on a etroag leujdatton to rapt- senit a Chisitian 1%e isiag on Jasas tuae word "ediullati." Repgard this the word "adifletis." Regat-ý this lit- littia seàitenc e ansi tisa two following verses as a pat-antheals. Knewledge bsy âtasif le neyer a saf e diret-r of Ciritst.u lving. ti 2. If any m,n thIIlaLnthati hie lowatli anything. In modernpiraseelogy, "If any may ha concaitesi;" 'ifla sbas laOw- ledge witsouît lova, lHe nowetis notis- iug yet as bg< ought to knea-. Revises Ve'e-oný "Ria lnows net )yet." Hai naeds heart înowladge as wall as bt-arn Iaowledge. "'Sýan" as Dr. Whedon says, "la tha mode&k ef intellect witis- out lov." Thos questien is not s0 mupiswjat te know ae how to lnow. ' . Il any rua lava Go, the, cama la knowa of lins. No usattar how mut-h we know, ont- laowledg a lhs short of ont- needs; but lt-dm tihe moment we hegin te love Gosi ha la on oui, sida, ansi lis vigilant watt-ht-are ansi tender loe are botter protection ansi guidant-e tisa the igist human Iaowiadga. Tisera la ne true laewiedge uneonnectesi witahlove for Gp'd. 4. Tise parenthesis la eaded, ansitisa discussion coacerning tisa propriety ofI eatiag foodi offat-ad te idola, ansi of sit- ting ia pagan temples or ut tas) tables of idolatera, again hegias. An idol le nothiug in tise wsrld. Tbat is,, tise dei- ty repreceatesi by tise idol. This image of mataI, or atone, or ivory, l a btrn- bes ln itself, aotwitbstaading tiset-ev- et-ance o iseatiseus wiso regard it as an embodiment of soea upernatural ha- iug. Nemion!iy d w low rat tisera ta neo 8 hem1 diU at ers, but we lnew that tisera le no sucis supernatur- ai being as tiseieathea feauts; if bebinsi idlatory there hea aiy personality ut ail itis tbat of devils. i Cor. 10. 20. 5. Thougistisera ha. Net reslly, but in eutrefit opinion. ln iseaven. Tise sun enad stars were widaly worsisiped. Iu earti. isesu-nte tiiesi the powers of nature; ansi tisir faiscy peoplesi ev- st-y brook ansi trop, with dviities; ha- aides wiih tisay nerealaways ready te worlisip tisecatiags ansi csrviiR11 Of mein'a bauýýds. Ieods many, ansi lords many .Tise miade eoftisa superstitions were ibauntesi by unaumberesi gods niso conîsi oiy ha paifiad hy prayer anS sacrii<ces. - 6. Oas Gosi, tise Fathet-. Tise futiser- aiosi of God, brought bito full vlew isy Jesus, wae unanowa te tise heathen, sud t-liY di!nly appxeilsndesi by tise HIbrews 0f wbons ara ail tags. fie la tas Foluntain sud Source of aik goies. We in Mmin. "We 'unto bim."I Living for bimn, we finti perfection. Onei Lord Jesns Christ. "Lot-s" shoulsi bave a ct-Infla alter lt, or aise "«Jeans Christ" sboulmi ha put witbiin pareutisea. Tise beautissu have mnany goda; we have oae,' tisa Father. Teaheathen bava many ords; we hava oua, Jesus, tise Massiais. eWe by hlm. '"We tisrengh hbm." Tise IEeprsson rt-ealosratiser haont- bhopes fievn than ha ont original creation. Ail ws bhave, as sen aud as Christians, gs bave tisrossgb Jesns 'the Messiais. Tiis giorlous treass is introduced to showhbout-an enligitesnesi Chrstian ctan affermi to dilregard idols-they at-e cipis- are, unna ansi ail. .7. ffowbeit tisera la not in tsvet-y man that Inea-Jedige. %Ve must maka, annte'or di-soileswho ut-e net yet entireiy freesi f t-iAn eatisau tont-sp- lains-NtztszReieNrLz'oi, gauxdiau -itattomaniTHE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 8. Méat c.ommenadeth us not to God. Christignity is somaethiag mucli deeper aal more spiritual than physical food. For neithet-, etc. Paul now takes up the intrinsic rigbt sud wrong of thea ques- tion.' Both parties la the Cihutch wera conscien iens, aind ha would have each 'understand the othar. 9. Taié ebem. Beware. Thi.s liberty of y us iI ight of yours. Becomeaa stufmbin-l .Thse xet-cise et your "rigisa' is-other people inevitably misndrstndthemi lawrong. 10. If any.maný. Any weakc Chris- tîan; any inqnit-ing heathen. Sea Visse hast knowledge. One la sut-e ha watoh oaa wbom ha regards as strcnger thsn Le. "Tites" stands fer te anlightened Christian. Sit at meat la the idol'à temple. Wboe fenets wera of tan belsi; thais goiag to tise extrema in the exercice of one's "tiglts.' Shahl not the conscience of hlim wbfch is weak ha emboidened to eat tirose tfhings. The word for amn- holdeued ila edffiad' huilt up. The waak hrother's respect for your super- lot- intelligence andi goodnsss -may la- ducs hlm to follow your exainple ad do a thîng tibt bis own conscience1 an- not appt-ove. Love with kaowledge builsis up a right c-atacter; kaowledge witboUt leva builds uçp a bat-mfni oaa. Il. Through tby kuowledge shallthe weak brother hat-mahi This "petishing" does net necessariîy imply lose of coul; tisough it mny eaasily ha followed hy that. Old 'man's "indspeadence"ý-the maintenance of ihie "rights"--often breakcs dowu anether man's f ences and daatroys safeguards whicis may iadeed have beaa faulty, hy whîcb tethe wveak- et- Man were as important as wera trust- priaciples te the larger miaded man. Fot- wbom ChiticUed. A most pathetie argument. 12. Wban ya sin op agaiast thebhte- tht-en. Whan yen a-aknathem, of- fend tins, uaintentionaI1y isami thein inte sun. Wo=~d thair waak consci- ence. "Wouüiding ititir conscience wha.n it la weak." Ya sin against (lt-jt. We.akning ths'm yen wseak- ail liin, for Chriet bas identîfied i hm- seif witiest-h of bis followers. "Inas- nmuehi5as ya bhava( diine Lt, t h ie east &i thèse, my brethreaýs ye have done it ointenie." y 11 i 13. Wbarefo-a. 'A cilohion frein ail that lias gona hafore. If meut maka My brothmet haoffebwis. If My habits cega aither ha stumble. I wil eat no fleah whill the world stand- ethi-l "WiîlIest noflahi for evermore;" a deciaratibûi of total abstinence for thea sale cof others. Lest I make my brother te offand. Tisai satire lesson pt-eats stroagly oaa oL,ýthe two great at-gukents for Abstinence f rom the usa of iitoxcatiag liquors. modern wcience bas shown that thay do ninex- ainpled liYjuity te thîoiel who habitually use tihem, snd thiat wbara tbey are aven moderataly nsed tisera la an insidious teindemey te dt-unkenness passed hy haedî&ty dowà W ha iinext ganeration. Put aveus if you' =ds I lnew, what ne one knowc, that ws maty safely induàlge las tisent we 'sti1]liehoWld not do so te- cause of tisa uorL priaciple Paul bars lays dow-n; It la wrdng to do aaytbiag thât w»a>baâr~aother. IIELPLESS FOR A YEKR. Bowed Down Wltn Rheumatism anid Selatiea. Froin the Post, Sackrville, N.B. Records lika the tollowing carry coni- viction with tbem, and la a practical ssa it righit bhasaisi that thia le stil! thse age of miracles, Mr. Fmisat-d Do- aey, of Mat-tan, N.B., says-"I baT been a resident of Cumberland Cc. some yeat-s. i bave beau a greajtý sufferer f rom upw atds of ten yeas- "with sejatie-rheumatism. I was torttr- ed witis severe pains wbich at timies wonid bat-orne amosut unhearable, aad I thial I suffered alimosi evet-ything -a man eaun suffer sud live. 1 w as se trip- pied that 1 could net -ot-k and part of the tima was not able to even meve about. I became so weak, andi my sys- tam se t-un' dowýn titat I daspairasi of et-ar gtting better. My case wns an aimost hopelass oaa,, sud as I had ah- aadoaed worl 1 was almoat lhaîplesfor e-r a yesr. I heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsanad 1 was induced te t lsast giva titan a trial. la a short turne I began te recover sud the agoniziag pains 1sf t my bat-k andi limbs, se that I was anablesi te wal eut of doors Bafore I lad nised met-e than isaif a dozen boxes 1 was almost an- tirely wall and could dIo Fa a iard day's worl. I bad a good ap- petite aiid bagate gain flash and f sel ike a rew man. I am-nflt-e fMrm aches sand pisand have Dr. Wiliams' Piak Pilla te ink for it ail." Tisa re- porter coulsi not belp feeling that Mr. iDown6y's caca was a strikiag ene, as ha, ýnw presents a stout wehh bult figure, traiglit lined ani as smart la bis movaments us a young man of twenty. MR. HOARS LETTERS. No. 15. The sights iu snd aroami Sun Fran. cisco are really byprotiziug; iatehke love, bard to break aeunader. Beý mainlug iu the city over six weeks, I bud to tako my departure. Boarding the Sontharu Paciflo B. R, bouud for the Capital, seeding along ut a very rapîi rate, until reucbing Port Costo; haro tle train had to double up to cross over on the ferry 10 Benicia thon paesing tbrougb Sacramento val loy, second to noue ln the Golden State for the cultivation of ail kimde of grain, of whlch wheat ls one of the principle products. Viewiug a aumber of machines at work, tiret, an ordinary binder, second a header wth a cauvse elavator carryiug the boude îtb a large box outil fu, thon dumpemi ont ; third s baudet- witb tbreshing machine coma- bined. If the chaif in aueded, a large box le attachemi util full ; if not the chsif me ailowed to wate, as etraw e of no account bers. Iu drawing the last naumam machine it requires fromn twenty to tbmty bot-ses, 1 took my stand outeide of the car, so as 10 have a good view cf the counny, but the heat was no oppresive I bad to retreat sud go inside. Thora le also mauy groves of sdiferoent kinde of fruit along the route. With a inn of 100 miles the capital of the State la roached, uamely Sacramento. Taking in the ighte bers 1 am uebered tbrougb the Pst-lia meut Buildings. Firet give the usher to underutand that you ara from, John Bull's torritory, that les ail thut lis t- quired. Puseing tbrough the ussemhly charabers and mauy oùher departmenti i rooqis, then going up lu the dome or tuwer, So high le the tuaier that you can nos the city and its surroundîngs, compnlslag tbirty to forty tboueand lu- habitants. Tise building of iteif, the oxierior us well as the interior, le beautîf ul, and le surrounded by a grand Park. Takiug in msuy other sights of the city, I bld the capital good-bve and with the aid of the iron horse, I movo on. Leaving the city the train takes a aonthenly course, paseiug over mono- tains and tbrough valîsys, maay of wbich are agricultural districts. Pase- ing along until wa reach the diviemonul lina between California und Oregon, the sumamit ie reachad ut a heigbt of four thousand ona boudred anS tbirty feet. The Shsasta Soda Springs le s lovely elght ; the water ln bottled op for muedicinal purposes. Tisane le a nLe~ fountain wltb dippens arouid it ; the train mules a stuy bore for tan minutes, so ail its pusengers can drink of the fountain that nover dries up So eîrong le the preure thut comaes fromn the crevice of the rock, it throws the water fi! ly or ixty test higb, This le the great ioop linoansd the trala des- cends uit a raptS spaco, speedmng on ward untîl Willa mtta Valley le reuchesi Along thse Willametîe river la dotuted with largo saw mille, and by uppear- suces of the largo piles of lumber, business muet ho tbniving. Pusulug tbrougb mauy towuns, aew buildings are the order of day.. Among tise towne passeS were Red Bluff, Ashland, Rose- burg, Albany, which have buildings lu their miaI thol no city -would bo ashansed cf, Educutionul buildings in every city, Iowu sud village, the Amenican people might well bouet of, for tboy are bard bo bout. Runumug &long for six hundred sud soventy two miles from. Suorameuto, the îmon bores stops for refreshment ut Portland, Oregon. Portland,Or., July 22ad. No. 16. I wae vony much pleused with a stop off aI Portland. The city of itpelfifl wbat la caileS East andi West Portland, Sivided hy the Williamette River, whlch emptias into tbe Columbia. Muny of the buildings are vary large witb ahi modemn improvementu. Taking the cable car, I go np tise incline to Portland baights; bore yon can bave a f!uIl view o! the city, its rivons sud surronnding tnibutanmes. I aiso tale the car for Mount Taboun; bore la the groat Reservoir, where the city recelves 1 'te water for domestie sud ira purposes. Traking in the parlaeut-e cf them le ou a mountuin everlooking the cxîy, wltb a carrnage driva cincliag tise mountain four limes bef ors neaching the summnit. It la a beautifol Park, with cages of wild beauts andi birds cf uearly al j 1 down the Sound, taking lu the sighte of the Isiand and &(ter a raii of 28 miles we arrive at the City of Seatîle. There 1 malte another stop off. When Il ef t San Francisco the gold feer of A ska and Klondike had broken out, and ou froi Sacramnento, Portland, aud al the towns along the route, the fevar came to a higher heat, until I reach Seattle, where the climax was reacbed. Eanly Sundmiy rornmog 1 took a stroil dowD to the dock and 10 behold auch a sigbî as 1 have not wit- nessed iu a long time. The steamer Mexico was takimg abomird soute 300 gold buners. The IugRage wu@ 1800 tonsi; 68 horses and horrows for trans- portatiunparposas. With the shakiag ot haud and the biddiug good bye, the scenes wera effecting. This is the third steamer that bas gous the last few days Two more go iii the next eight days. Iu this city 1 hear thein say that times hava no beau so excitiug since the Civil War. As I was walkîng along the street in the evening, mny name wons called ont and ou lookint-Y around, it waa oue of the Bowmauville, boys of years ago,-John Scott, son o Captain Scott, Heienle usy packling np wi'h priuîing press, iuteudiug to go wmth uext éteemer. Alska in doorB, Alaska out doors. Should any of the Bowmnanvillians 2e'. the tever, the Dapars lbore say uolhing less than $1000 in suflicient to start ou the trip. Seattle, Wash. July 27;h 1897. FIRE IN A BBAL LIJE WATER HAS BEEN POURED ON IT FOR MANY MONTHS, Appalling lientt mnim Ieh Mhers have te Suifer-Dangers tram Collapse-Sta.gger- Ing Rusae Draken Men. Thare are few people outside, and not so many as oua, might suppose wltbla the. ceaI regions wbo realize the dangers with wbich the, mine-rg have to coatand Lin tirt arduous werk, snys a Wilkes- barre, Pa., correspondant. chief of tise, and the oniy, oaa of which I will speal now. la fighistng the f ire lu a burning mine., 1 It waaf my good fortune to, speud at fsw heUrs flot long ago wlith the men wto, were, battling a stubborn fit-elu onle of thte la1rgest, mines in north-east- arn Pennylvania, and it was an ex- parian-e net t-sadily forgotten. Thie situation was a set-ions one for the- offirlt-as te face, andi avery effort tiat the axperiance and ingenity of tihe experts comld suggeat wns made ha cointol tihe fit-e. The figbt, was a long and stujbbora oaa, but after two months of hard Jabot- the miÉeý was savad. It was on the, axtramedy cold day to-- W&rds thK, end of winter when I zeacb- ed tise mit-e. The division superintend- ent ln charge of the work, laid out f lan- nels, overals, blig rubbet- boo ts, and tie reguï[atien miaer's cap, and clad la thsa we, prepnred te- descaed. Uobldin'g tlght and obeying the timaely inju.nctien "Keep yomt bada dow'n," we rattled- or rathar sasmnad te drop-dowa the airx hsmsdred feat of the lowest level. Tise air was peculiat-ly heavy and niauseating. 1"Titara is about; six par cent. of fit-a danap lu it." calmly remarked the stapetintandeut, and added with eflual calmass, "Tan par cent. -will kli." IN TUE GANGWAY hiowvaver, thse air la we on- joyed tihe fuJil force of the Sweat ont- t-eut sent diown f rom the sut-face by tita powat-ful feus. A tut-n te the laI t, and a simaîl air- wuy paralsi with the clope wasa-b adi jubt iutimnie ha meet three minExrs' who staggersd past, us like druaken mn. "Tbahy corne frein the "face' of the fit-e," sais tise superiateadent, (la mia- ing paLrlances the "faea" mens the front.) Tiseamein wore overalls, ruhher boots, and flannal shirts open at the chest. They were balf sirk with the hjeat, and-s at the tut-a of the clope threw themsiveýs breathss in a cornet-, whiste other men daabed eeld watet- ever tbem. At thig point the tempera- tut-e was 100degreas Fahrenheit. Theire were 150 manin utitis part of the mine, divided inha amat angs otf fiftea or tsçst. mm~-mv~R nk n~f«r isae - w -7777w w downward to thetf106 degreas-for the superintendent saicl we muet cool oft gradually-and t)hon to the main gang- wniy, wbare it was about 90 degrees. Flinally up the Biope we went and made a. daali frein the head house tao the off ic-lt wais about twenty-five de- grees outside-we stripped, hed a beth aind the trip was over, I was giad it "F~or Over Fifty Years.' For over tif ry years MRts. WxNsaew's SooTHING SYRtuF hais been used by umil- lions of unotheks for their children ,>V teething. If distnrbed at night 'and broken cf your rest by a sick child ouf- fering and crying with pain of Cattlng Teeth mend at once anda get a bottilo of " Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup " for Children Te9thÎng. It will relieve theo poor littli ufferer iiniediatoly. Dejponi upoait,mothers,thoe oii no mnistake about ît. It cures Diarrhces,regulates the Stom. ach and BuwelB, cures Wind Colle, sof tens the G.Tum3, raduces Inflammations, and Oives zoue and enargy to the wbole systrm. 1'Mrs. Wiuslow's SoQtbiug Syrnp " for childron teething in pleasant to the tante and in Ibo prescription of cita of the oldest and hast fenale physictana and nurses in the, Uited States. Pt-icoi, twnty-fl ve seuts a bottle. Sold by ail dreggists throughou the worid. Be sure and ask for "Mas. WîNSaow's SOOTSillivaSTaR?.", PEDALS WORK THE BAND. A lilechanica)l Orre.letral Cendifetln tu vented ln Italy. Italian genusu has invented a me- chanical orchestral con ductor which in sniid te filaE long-fait need in Italye anad wquid doubtîes ha as much ap- preciated bat-e. The direacters o« the bainds in Italian. cafes chantan.ts are callod uipom to play tIi. violin or the plino, bsidjes conduuVting, 50 tihe Most that tbey caun do lip to sta.rt the. mumio aind thoan every memaber cîf the orchs- tra continues it in accordance with lt owa ides. of wlat it ought to ha. TWG% meohanins of TIurin have iavented a remady for this lamentable astata of f fairs, wbich ought to ha useful in soma of titae ast sis. catas and concert bolu This invention puts an automaton ia the. director'as eýa£ and in his haind ia a batcrn wbhieh a operated by the pedas o f Mie piano an which the con- djiotr a laying: ffor L ia ha happens te ala vinlrniattiepedals are placed near bts feat inluich a. way that ha ean move the arma of the automaton as f reelyq as if tba-y were bil own. The mechan.- jinm bas already basin tried ia Turin wjth isatcess, auns the amusement it created wouid cause thse idea ha sen an ujnmiixad hlaeing if it did not ap.- peax daingercu oua hameanse thse num- brof meennldit-actera by .ny iles 1 Piles 1IRlling Piles. syepois-Moisture ; intense itchiug, and stinging ; iost at night ; worse by scratching'. If allowad to eoi-tituP tumors form, whichi often blee auid ulcerate,becoming vely sore. SwAyNRsia OIIKTMBNT stops the itching and bleed- ing, hl'als ulceration, and in mont %se& rernoves Ithe tumors.. At drug- -itor by mail, for 50 cents. M1. Swava;e & Son, Philadaîphia. Lyman, Sons, Whol8sale Agents, Montreal. THE CANA WAII T SA ESITÂBLISHÉD le" 81 Per sanmn uan thriq L1 V .Advertsing ratm&s anl.esby oe aCi,10cetý per Une, noaparie drt et Oré en, aind 5 cents per Uine each subeequoaît t- mton. Locale, 10 cents per lino.,i M. A. JAMES, PubLisher Frutti Aids See that the. trade mark> narne "Tatti Frutti'",la on each 5c. package. 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