~USE~e 101 ~ and you'1Il ë know why we eecommend it 13BE SURE AND GET THE .0 GENUI!NE. T!,e Albert Tollet Soap Co., Mfrs . PIGlfreal. WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guarariteed or NoPa YOUNG'C or MVIDDLE-AGKED MIF YEiý may have been the victim If Sl bs when t-g Later cxcese oDr eOxusrp to bloo d 0.ue my have eepeteth work. ionu feel the symp'tems atetdin o e y o . , F o u Id e a d t h e f u t u r e r e s u l t . -' sexnally Why net b. eured initmem avoid th @ad g.xperien o)f otherv e of these diseases. 0ure M~W IIO TUIEÂTMEYT WILL CURE FOU Al i lui ALL ELSER FAILS. Emissions, Varioocela anîd Syphilis Cured e W.M. MILLER W. M. MILLERI flefore Treatment~ After Treatment "At the ege of 15 1 cormenced to rain myhealth. , nter on as "ONE 0FTHE BYs" ', cçiltracted aeerious blood disease' -SYPHILIS., 1 w"s weak and nervone, piS. uîcors, air 1 se, sors tlng ne and mont d 6In ln Urine,varieocele!i- was.ý a wr0l was inthe iat etagfes when a, friend recommended Dro, lKenneady-& Kîergan.ý A dozen other doctors hadfie in euring me, Dr. Kennedy & aKern cnred me in a few weeks hy their Nw Method Treatment. 1 would warn similai diseesed men to beware Of Medicai Fraildsi Mhyae reliable honest and skil fel phsiies, 0t W. M.MLE. CONSULTATION FREE. ,w. treat and cure Varlco." celie, Syphilis, E isoa ffieet, stricture, Nervous ne- bility, Unnaturai Iblseharges, 1Kiduey and! Bladder D iS-k eases. 17 VEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, Neo iPay. WrIte, for; question flauk for nome Trreatmlet. ]Books Free.ý qonsultatiofl Free. No. â48 Sbelby St. DETROIT, MI . THE HOP PLANT was thie FIR'si~ 4t Ie Uwsd for Meleiinal Peirposes. ihe ,fact iiiat certain herbas and plajits produce oetrtaiin effects upon tbe humamn aystem, ýand alleviate or S»~x certain ills, hme been known frora timn immemorial. Perhaps the -Sat knofrKt of me6dicines-propearly auth- enticated, that-is hope, which was uned in thse dual teapacity of an intox- ioatimg hievîeerage and a a niedicine in 2,M0 B.O. This isj attested by pictures cif the plaint on Eg~yptian muonuments 0« tlhat date, Ore0eote twa dlscovered Lio( 180bil- vbeeel, b x fId a istry began Caffeine. the aP. Li-,e pinmcipe o j gfee, wa4s fouýnc by Ruoge in 1820. Ordinary itoffée con- ï ais about 1 pete ent-t., Java coffee, Ï- 25 per cent., wud, Martinique 6 2-5 Iper cent., Arnica bails froin Europe and Asia, but the medicine is made purpose in Germany and France. , Literary Notes.' Thie Forum for August fu main- taius thee igh standard et that mage- zine, botis as regarda tise generai ex- celleincaet its articles andth ie cane evidaucad lu thieinselection. Iu McClure'as Magazine for Septem- bar uil ha reproduced a suparb lit e-. cat et the, lace et Henry Clay, macle hi' John H. 1. Browere in 1&-25, wbeu Clay' mas ferti'-eigist yaars elti. is prohubli' Lie meat reai anc]. rivid likenes etClai' in existence, and iL bas neyer heen publishati. lutise se numuber et McClur's ii bu repro- duced the oui' portrait aven painted et Mrs. Honni' Clay'. It aise bas neyer beau puheisised. Notes hi' Ar. Charles Henni' Hart will relate tise histori' et t'hise portraits andth ie circumatances nuder whîch tisai were, produced. Tisa editor efthtie American Mouthiy t Review et Reviews, ln hua depaniment entitled Tise Progreset the World, dis- eusses isarmeat anti trade prospecta, tisa naur teriff, tise coul trýke, Amenican aunexatien pelicies, diplomaci' on tise seul question, Japun and Huwaii, Bn- ias interests in Canada, Eurepean pot- itica nand mni' othiertimneli'topiçs. Iu conriection uitis mater on tiseRien- dyke goid fields ani excellant map et AI- ask-e s puhleshxed. ln thte samue depart- ment appear interesting rieurs et im- portant -BriLlis colonial capitals. Tisa lead.Lg article lu the Anguit In- ternational is e deligbtfully irnitten sketch ofthtie lite et Leonsrdo de Vunci. The enLiser. Vlktor Rydberg, ires oe et Siredeun's moat notad men, et mod- arn tlmas---a man et parts. and eue te appreciete the moudanrful genins ef the Italien ipaintar-peet, irise uas, as eli, t musician, seuiptor, matisematician, scil entist. architeet, enginear anti inven- fer. Tise article is protusali' illustrat- ed with exemples et da Vi'nci's peint- inga-mbici are ton the moat part tek- etn f nom photogrph4oethLie originels -andi concludea mith: an interpreta- tien, partly borrouvad f rom Goethe, et is utasterpiece Tise Least Suppar. Mmern. Aunna mon Rydingsaerd, translater et tise article, la au Amienican umeman nde mannlud e S-wedish baron. Sisa lived for soe years et thse Suretilsi court and la tisoroughly familier uiti bt-r adept- ad ongue, and et tise sae timta irites graceful, easy Englis. ea combination rare anougis. Methodist Magazine and reur wfor Augusi, 1897. Toronto: William Bniggs, Price $2.00ý a year ; $1 '00 for six montha; single number 20 cent,s. This numbar bas a special scientific flaveur lu han- mony wutiste meting efthtie Britisis Association, whiiciis te taRe place lu Canada duriîg ths mentis. Tise firat article is on Glaciers, their Formation and Pisenemena, w ith muni'strikiug and heautif ut illustrations. Another an-. ticle ef sîccial interest t-5 aicharucter-. studi' et Lord Kelvin, Sir William Thomaon, -oeeoft anadu's distinguisis- eti gucats and oe of tise moat eminent soientists living. Misa Brek irrites a munyi nteresting paper ou The Curiosi- ies of Lise Microphone. An article witis tour illustrations describes tise leur borsele-s <-rria-gis and] tbieFat-itr pays a trihute te tise di-scoerer et chic- netorm. 'The WRite Flelda et France, hi' tisa Rer. 1T. J. Parr; B.A., la concluti- ad urîth ten additional engravinga. Au article, with thirteen engravinga, on Tise Appian Way andi lis IVemtories, ia et special interest lu cenuection wi-h tise studios of tisa litae o t.uPaulinoir eccupying cun acheols. Grapic esketches et tise fumous Peter McKenzie, et Lon- don, and Sir Henni' Parkas, Lieutenant- Govrror et Australia are aise given. A revlýew efthtie Epumorti Leaguse Con- vention.,uitis portraits et leadiug et- ficars, Tise Faderatien oethtie Empire. and tiesr current toplus are giman. Ai- se generous instalments oet iha atonies et Pisillip Strong anti Rioda. Robants. TAn ,NonrhAmerRt-n lievieur pra- seâtts for A*ust a table ot contents notable for vaxiiety and tiinelinesal. Tise opniu pges contelnu Lt-a second and conclting portion et Generni Grnt'g Letteris te a Fs'lend, tRo semae extaud- ltutg aer a moad luteresting peniod oe. tise ilugtrîous soldier's cereer. Mn. Ed- mulud Gosse turnishaes a brilliant essay on Tan Yolarr « EngLisi Litexai-une,ý anti Hus JudaWsn a Future? La a ques- ti-ofrt- mry fhbütgbMly cenaidored bhi Prof . fAlram S. Isas. Tise Huas. Reluki' C. Ide, la-te ChWta Justice et Samoa wntttes ulpan Our Interest lu Samoa, anti Genoaai Green B. Raura coitrihutes 0, tranchant article 1 ou Shmlltise Civil Service Order ha amelud- Shallfthe Civil Service Orders ha 1Amended t Michael G. Mulhall, F.S.S., ptratants thse fot-ntis piper usa bis san- les etf articles Thse Progreset the Unit- ad StateÈR, treatiing ilàt-ni b instance et Tise Prairie SttaLe. Admirai P. H. Colletmb, R. N., deals with Tisa Progresa ot Britisis Warahips' Dasigh, nt- id Dr. Airais H. ]}otLywr-ltasmry entertain- ïutgi' abouttQuaret-tineIMethodis, E. T: Hangrome, Presideluat et tesTheosophi- ical Socities ini America, Euirope and ,AUmurajaeia, diacusses tise subjeet et Thlesophy nand Ethiha, and Alax. R. Smiths. Sacretari' et the Amreican Mer- chant Marine Association, torcill cou- sIiers Tise lEuprt Bç>ut-ty Proposition. LUtder thse title et- Speaker Haed ant-d tha Houas ef Representatives, Mayo W. HIazeltine crificissthe article on Heur r uIt--bRt afixe-lrtobLva h -tise ti< re eX~nci5te dpâas et tisa re- spective valuý3s of -be Lire mtais jr 5tisemarRet. In Tisa Segregatien and e Permanent Isolation 'of Criminels, iNorman Rebluson points çait tisle emilu « tf fte prealunt ystam of imprisoning criminels. B. O. Floerr, Lise former- eaditor of T>_ Areba, in an excellantly wrtt article on Thow tto Increase Na- tiodnal Wealtli by the Ereploymeut of Paralyzed Industry, strongly urges that the government shinmu give work te thse tineanployed. Charles C. Mil- lard writes from Wichita,, Kansas, a pulngent Open Letter te' Festeru Cap- italista, describing the desperate finan- uiâla situation in tout distressful State. Prof. Frank Parsons continues his ex- pealuxe of thanevils of The Telegraph Monopoly, The Provisional Goveru- meut ot than CUbans la described by Thomras W. Steep from personal in- vestigation On the-t spot as a newspaper correspondent. A Noted 'American Preacher, hy Duncan MacDermid, is a highly euogitic acaut of the career oýf the, Rev. Dr. Mibnbt J. Savage, the well-known Uitariau minister. In Th.e Civie Outlook, Dr. HiRbnry landali Weite, President etf t1î AnsAeric'au Instituite of Civics, treata interestingly of a number of timiely toýics of municipal reform. Emily Dickey Beery in, -an cloquent paper onTj TempeÉ,t, tbe Saqupi te Hamiet, attempts te sheow cause for Le- lieviuýg tbat Shalkspere intended Pros- pero as a deveoprint ef Hamiet on a higher alnd more rspiritual plain. In Thse Creative Mani, Stînson Jarvis con- tends that in mian there, are higher faculties, or powers, sucb as clairvoy- ance, thte power «f ind-reading, tele- pat1iy, abnd otthers developed by hyp- notism, which, undjer strong stress of circuanstanoes or -will, enable him te, hprnr-ne a reeai retative force in the uni-. verse, and te produce great results. In the Plaza of the Poëts, are soe ex- celent apecimans of verse by Miles M. Dawson, COâtes, Kinnc'y, Charles M., Wilkinson, and Rô-bert F, Gibson. There is -wide variety in the contents of the Augnast number'of St. Nicholas. Charles Thaxter Hili, the a rtist nvbo bas written a number of articles about the New York fire dapartinant for this magazine, contributes a sketch of Peter Spots,-Fireman. Peter is a dog belonging. te one of the angine compan- les in> New York, aud ha is as enthusi- astin afîireman as anyone in. the de- partinent. A.- Hyatt Verrili tells, of Some Cormon Bees and'How they Lira. Amoug tihe ingenieus insect homes that the writerdescnibes are those made by the ca;rpeniter'bee, and the iaaf-cutting bee. Mr. Verrili aise tells of the bee that makes himself an uninvited guest lu the home of tisa bumblebee. A paper by Gustav Koba la On the Grand Banks and lElsewhera. Mr. Kobbe writes of the haýrdy, Nova Scotian and Yankee fishermen, and of their methoda of catchiung cod and halibut. My Musical Mouse, as described by Albert Bigalow Paine, was a wild little mouse that was charmed f rom its hole and tamed by its irrasistible love of music. A story for littia, girls is Prisclla's Fairy God- mother, by Gertrude Halladay, and it contains a hint for parents who have te, take thair oilîdran on wearyiug rail- way jonrneys. An old-fashioned f airy story la Twiddledetwit, by Martha Fln- lay. The tisree serials increase in in- tereat as they near their enda. In Mas- ter Skylark, Shakspara appears in per- son for the firat time, and. there la aa characteristic scene batween bitm and Rare Den Jonson. lu The Lest Three Soldiers, the Crusoes on the niountain- top receire a message frem the out- aide world that stili further mystifies thein as te the resuit of the w&r. Miss Nina Barrow continues te receive the helpful influence of ber Euglish cous- ins. There are many verses and jin- gles in the number, inciuding two longer poema by Rer. Feuix J. O'Neil and Elsie Hilli. Almoat every article la illustrated, and sucb favorite artiats as Birch, Varian, Relyea, and Clinedinat are fraely raprasanted., The Midaummer Holiday, 'Auguat, Century, is a traral nuruber, and iL opens with a panorama of the Hudson River f rom the Bartholdt Statue te Al- banjy, presented in a series of large illustrations by Andra Castaigne, ac- companying a paper on The Lordly Hudson, hy Clarence Coek. Othar illus- tratad travel articles include A Jour- ney lu Thassaly, ýby Prof. Thoimas Dwit Goodeil of Yale, attîng ferth iu a picturesque way the scene of the recant fightincg between Turk and Greek, and particularly the wonderful monasteries-'of Tbessaly; The Alaska Txip, by John Muir, an account of the wonders wbich one may expeet to see lu thte thîrtean days' trip f rom Tacoma; Down te Java, by Eliza Ruhamah Scid- more, author of Jinrikisha Deys, set- ting forth the author's typical experi- ences in this fresh field; two articles on Norway by.Horace E. Scudder and the lat.e stjalmar Hjorth iBoyesan deaaiig witb a land which is more and more comiug into the range of the touriat; On Margats's Sanda, e second paper, written and illustrated by the Pan- nelse, lu tise group on London at Play, and. dealibg witis one of thte moat pepu- 1er English weatering places. Iu addi- tion te tihe serials, Dr. Weir MiLchell's Revolutionary taie, Hugb Wynne, and kGeneral Horace Porter's aneadotal pa- pars, Campaigning with Grant, and Mrs. Cetherwood's vivid story, Tise Days of Jeantne d'Arc, all et which are illuitrated, there is a second itai- ment of Mrs. Pope's seasona-bie extrar- agauza, Up thse Matterhorn lu a Boat. Out-of-doors is aIse reflected lu anl ap- preciative article by Hamnilton Wright Mabia on John Burroughs, of wbom there is a frontispiece portrait. There aaeaise tumo completa tonies by Mar- grtSuýtton Briscoe and Gouverneur DEST FOR TAtE - DEST Fac > 1 t--NGtUAUL5DFO. QUt-ALry. CAINADA SALTASSOCIATION, CINilON, CNT, HOW THE MIAIRIAGE BOND IS BROKEN IN SOME COUNTRIES. A Ceuntiry wbere tise Leader" cf Seciei.v Are iT-jese Mile Have Reen offenlesi Divoeed alti] ,s 9'.-Ojt.,, tItSt IU Diieorce Wolen of Ceyien lixperinient Thêree er FourTnes-puahnesa Cnuise in rsîe-nere iits lule Marriage la an alixir. Yen bave tise WO-rd of a nrusty oid philosophcr for that. But elixir doesa net agrea with erverYonia. Divorce isaits antidote. Just a" marriage customs, howevcr, V&ry wetb differeut nations, se does tise divorce code. Souse races estaem ;t neoJ-cas than marriagea. Others seek te suppresa it as mucli as'possible. A few goreru2ments will'net olerata ILi at al, t Tihe àoors of the Sahara in the uortheru part of Africa, bave reised divorce te the higbeast pinuacla, hecause it la agred i tong tbcm that thse lead- ara et fashionable5socic-ty shall always be: ef those whobo ave oftanest beau divorced and remarried. And it la ectually cousidcred bou and vulgar for a couple te lire tee long together. Thte Kabyles of Aigeria 'have more scieutifie mxetheda of divorce than aither Oklahomua or South Dakota. If yen bappen te be a maie Keyie yeu can repudiate your wife in two ways. ln t-e first place you- scnd Rer bacis toe bt- people witba the dowry that you received -etitis er. lu the second case you. put a certain prune upen ber, et whihbany onea can Rare tha weinan whe la williig te puy IL; and if you suspect that any particular petr-. sou bashen flirtiug -witb yeur uife yen wvll make an exception ln hi~s case and fix the priçe at double or trahie tise ordimary rate. It is curious tbat marriage vo"s are faitisfully kept ameng Lise Kabyles. In the rare cases Lu whicis tiey are net ebfferved bath parties suffer instant deeth at the bands oet ticlrneiglibers. DIVORCE CAUSES IN CHINA. Thse Ciinese Rave a beautiful and comprehensive Est et causes fer di- vrce. Thiase ara Lu erdar, cbldIass- usas, Inalttention te parents-in-iaw, le- quacity, tlsieveislmsucs, il teintpar and centlinmed iluness. One et the anciant erumentaters on tba Chdnesae law of divorce bas laid it down tbat a wife might ha turned an vay "ilf she alieum morues in Austria by making special declarations hafore tiseir rabbis. "Tise Cumtmenwenlt-is feuuded by tise Punitans and the, parts Qf ether States settled by their descendants seein t ha Lise chiot ahodas et divorces," says Prof. Tiseodore Dwight Wooisey birn-1 self a New Eugland Puritan, in bis work et-n thse sub.ject. CAPITAL CRIME AMONG PURITANS. if sha fnigbtenathe cdog itislbar dis- ime iesu Lie early sattiara traýatad Lu- agreeable noise." Ttbcre are excaeP- fidelity lu their cisarac-teristir f ashion. tiens te th1ese ruiles, boecu r, as a Tise tirat law et Miacsacihu seLLa made Ciinaep wife, may «net hae divoreed at aduit-ary a capital crime. In 1861)tise a~l1 Lt bs as orn ouringferlaur uaS ehanged. A person gutlty cf all f sia as orn ouringfortise crime had te stand on the gelloiva aithar of lier parents-lu la-e, if sha Vith a roe round tiese utut--k.h ip- bas ne parentsiLI wiset-os teo lira, or PEXI vîti forty atripes on their irai if be-r Luebaud his gremun îci sains te the galiowt-s and the jeul, and then waar for the ret t fht-l lite the latter ha marned hm. ~A"Lu conspicueus colora sein ou tse Iu n of t fLisllands efthte wonld ciethues. Tise5Cennecticut lais eù 1773 usarriaga. and divorce are about equal- required ilant thje htter -A" should hi' ea.sy. lu Samntonmarriagea arae o- bha bUTned upen t1se foeasad efthtie ten contracted as anl excuse for tise glity 1Persan lu addition te tisa wbip- weddci3Zg feat, and if mot-e feas are pfflg and tise expeaure upon tise gal- wantad, seins agreeeblte swopping of loirs. wivrea eau-% always hning tLhem about. MANY DIVORCEs IN AMERICA. RU'IARRYING FORMER WIVES. Prof. Weolsey tunda Liant Massachu- T»isitulabitants ef theo Maltdive 1,-Stts bas PreportilnateiY four imes as lads are se fond OPt- uarryung and di- muani' divorces as Frane, sehile Cen1- rerciutg tâtat ea nan L3 net uncommen- necticut bas more than ire imes as ly feuud inarnied for the third orm mani' as Saxony. Cictago, acurding to feuirti time to Lti3seane vtif a, Prof. Wootsey, bjas a bigher ratio oif Tbs Singha.le.se urexen et Caylon fînd divorces te population than uni' otis- ut. necessaxy te miarri' tbrae or four r part etftisa country, but St. Louis imes tefere theyi' eu geL a Rnsband and San Francisce are gond seconds and te their likîug uitis whom thoy eau eniy a shosrt distance bahind bier in this pexaantly aettie doimu. Arng tise respect. Dynks et Bomuso Young uoon et ofsev- outeen or aigistean- are otten touud wiLR fusain third or fourtis bushand. Iu TAKING COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHS. imite iteir tisird or fourtis husband. lunj 1 Tahliati- thse inuand uvomeàn marry A iMost Ilmarkabla invention l ichltre wlisn tisai'have a mind te and go and 1 a1 ng - SoeaFiue Samples. and marri' someheody aise wheu tisai get tured etof eR ,otisar. Among the A CorieRs gentieman dlainos Le bave Havailans, in apite of thesir nominal dlacovered tise firat true aud direct sys- conversion te Christiauity, tise mat tme oo poorpi i'uili a rimciial arranugemnents Rave teen 1de: fclrpoorah ywk a scried b hitse phrase "go as you ha, tranisferd te, a photographie ne- pieaseý" for boths parties. Mermiaga bas gative and theuce prnted on glass or net muth intaeat fer tise Havailan paper tis exact naturel colours ofthtie his eue sole objeut lu lita being te have b a fine funexel, whicis traquant and ex- obeet teard whici tise camera has penlsive mat-riages tend te mander uin- beau diirected. Hae employa no pig- possible. ments, bis pinaLes have net to e h asis- On tise ontinents efthtie world di- edwuitis arlous colored solutions, and vrce la quite as easy te geL as on-. tise iisands. Lu Ahyssinia, Bruce, thet la inot necessami' te riair Ris pictures great traveller, says lha bas seau a tlsrougb ani' coaninations of tiuted1 t-woman surounded isy seven former' glassles. Thse colou.ns ara impinted on bushauds. Nansen says tisat Lui reu-thte plaeis sae h 1h n laud, t quite common for e isbandi sar 1 igs u and uw e0teget e divorce af tamliving'shada Luinuan ordinari' xonophrone toge-thar £or six mentis. Oua ut Dr ' pisotegrapis and are directiy visible te Ctiumler's servants lu Merocc,'tis eaya. Hbila ubie to work uiti ex- thongh ouniy middle-nged was living pesures fsxenscns imitis bis ninetea-ntis uta when thea o - setixen ecda Lor finaL met bina. Among the Tan- Hk> baf3basa put te tests umbltcisit taris, and, indsed, nmoug ail Maheme- la difficult te suppoe ho could bave tans,ý, divorces are quita frequeut and satlatied did'hanet luntact do umat at-e eaili' procured. Of course poly- h l-m ed.h(3 ira euetdt gamyi lapractL;;ed, or ilaet least iaw-, fut, se thet a ife more or lesa does focus Ris epparatus on an eaaaL.Wisen net make mueR differance. The ont' ha b ad dota so haeiras bliudfolded and excep'tion te fiLis nul s laamng tise etn tis e aselurus plaeed au impossible Touaregs, iris ruled Timbuctoo uutipteu-epitdlu!psii oos tire ý'enaSago.1 itrpit i Imosbecln Tisa womenofethtIa nation are so jea- whinbhaliebad neyer seau hafotre. Tiss tour et tht-ar b-ushnnds that tisa ie hopotegrapised and davaloed, stili get a divorce if a isand makes any, wtt-isntt sasing tise original, wltb tise attempt te taeste itrseif a secondrenttbtisimoilecor ae wife lu acoordance witis te pracaptteampsibe oor w ef the Roman. repreduced Lu tise photograpis obtain- WJslla divorce iras se mry easy for ad. 1both sexes LinLbile later Roman R.epub- >lic and ealy empire, tise husbaud SOMFE 0F THE PICTURES Iwas allowed te keep half the Whatever mai' hava beau tise me- 1wifa-'a dowry., se tisat it becaine thoss-, used, tho pîctures prodnced hy an object uwiths emue husbands to ehaten tsiuaig sadrd tex maxrnled and divorced as otten as hiatinaig sadrdo ex possible. It ought nettLo ss forgotten cellence. Oua of tise hast specimens then aven suais axemupary "o1d Ho- shieumu urs a stuidy of a sunrise. lu mans" as Cassai, Cicare, Cate and, wich the fiery orange ofthtie dawm Augustus all diveneued thitir mmes for adttebni asse luI mr sliistcases Iadmirabli' represented. Tise clouda LACK 0F CLOTHES A CAUTSE, t-excellent lu a typical Pictuxe Of Oorn- isis seashore scanex'y, anatise tinta et In East Central Africa a wuman eau tise sand and rocks and tiseir reflectiona get a divorce frein hem busband, if ha lin tise pools urr faitistulli' eprednc- doesa net setw bher clothes wisen she ad, lu tise case of, a rock pictu-re mth 1 wauta hnm te. If lsae great blesaîng mondent nil' brilliaut colouring, IL fp;' tjiefisushant tis e fimclethes go mas ststed Liant uban the glass plate a long wey in Liant part ofthtis world. on uvwt-ch it irae printed iras examined ILn Prussia a divorce mnai' eha hd for un-der a microscope, net eniy could eaci Lab)ituel drunkennesal, disorderiy lite individuel imussai on tise rocks lu the insaniti' for mure than a i'ear or by f oregroulnd ho clearli' discamnad, but îmuitueal cousent wien there ara no ce - thit aven tise iridesccut coloun on d Tm.LuNorway and Denreark mu- their shela maere piainli' diatinguisis- tuiconsent etter tisnee yeers' sep. ahle.. a ra tiLm la sufficla--nt fer a divorceB. , Among tise other phetegraphs uere iu Austria Roman Catholies cant, tire pictures ef a girl draped LunLis- gleL divorces, but fer imembers et otisa< erti' alks, wisese soft thues came eut rei'gions doneiminetinns lusurmeunte- maery umal; a atudi' ef a bank ot trees heaversion on bhsaides is ail that, itn their automnal fellaga, and a riair us necessary. Hebrewrs may obtalu di- 1un a gardea ndLR trees on oee ide and a bed of f lewars on Li othar. Iu this, wbile tihe checkering of the part by- the, patches eof hrigbt. sunlight stream- ing through tise treas umara beautifuily sisowu, the tiowcrs appeared almoet too bard and brilliant iu thair coiourinýg, wisich was a littie suggestive te thse tierce affects, et chromo lîthographly, THRE CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE. On tie othar baud, Lu setme picturea tise flowers were rather laekiug lu lustre. Possi(bly Listat a question of exposure. Perbapa the picture whiicis hast îllustratad. the capabilities efthtis process was one et a champagne hotUle standing on a white tahlacioth and surrondad uvîth marious fruits. Hare tiseraet-are tbrae or four differeut umhitea which wera distinguishable, but wisicis it woujd. probubiy have Laxed the powieraof a-n y amtlat te rapresent by pain-ting. Thse gold foul on thse bottie, was exactly reudared, and it was possible te teel that it was full by tise prisinatic glaam of the liquid. Tisa one uuaatisfactory thR inluthse pirtux-eurus a spoon, wbose, sparkle iras qui-te lest; it Iodod as if it migist haxve beau made et cardboard, covered witb du-ll ilmer 'paper. The inventer boiRas forward, amonq otsear Ltings, ta, revolutiouniziug by bis pmocaass the Il- lustration of booka andi' magazines, and hopes te, show itn tise future how, te flash a picture etn a sureau sa thst a permanent cepy may ha laf t behind, SAVED HIS MASTER. An incident Showlug (the Intelligence Of tha Horse, To thse nmuy war stonies et whicis a herse is tise haro must ho added a remarkable incident that cornes f ront Rihodesla. A littie baud et Englishmen waa on tse point et balng îurrouuded andci ut off. Tisa ordar, "Sae yoflr- saires 1" was givan. Captain Grey led tisa retreat at f ull gallop, but a hulai struek hlmu and wouudad hlm se severoly that ho lest hie nieunt. Tise hersa -,vas borna on- ward by tsa rush in tisa mmm. Haîpless on tise ground umithin for- ty f eet et two, leraitad rifles, and almost witisin reacb et a baud ef mon, car- myinýg assegais, tise officer bad giron hiniseif up fer lest. wbau, te bis In- tene surprise, lie saw bis faithfui horse rush toward, hlm aad adopt a position whLch proeted.hlm freon tise weap- eus of bis enesudes. Hia firat tisought iras tisat tise animal had goee iad, but seng that Lt show- ad nmistakabie signa et oomprehend- iug tise danger te them. both, Captalu Grey muade au alunait superisuman of- fert te reaoi its back. Tise sisot bail paraiyzcd bis rigbt side; fortunateiy ha couid seize the ramns umith is ie ft baud, and thon by putting a foot Lu tis tirrup ha mauaged soins- hew te gain tise saddie. Oua word- "Go i"-a-ad the herae bed darted Lu- te, safaty witb rocisat-like speed, car- rying bis bleediug master on bis beck. No essegai plierced herse or man, and ne buhlet touched either durlng tht. incident. Sucis nobiiity appeaied te tise savage. A LAKE 0F INK. it AISe is flatterTaneSeme bDotrs- souta 'tVenderflsl cuires Wought. lu tise Middle of the Coopai iUls, in Arizona, lais Rat ia kueumu as the Lako of lIsk. Theug s upplied by beautiful springa of cdean ratar, thse liquid of tise laka la black an-d of-tan inis-like ebaracter. The temperature maries frein 110 dagrees te 216 degrees, 'according te tise iocality, and tise watar feels~ smeotis and oiiy. Accomding ta the in- diaus, net 0111Y et the rleinity, but fer eway, tise waters et the lake have streng medicinal qualitles, theugs most white people would. Restante, tu adopt the mode of tratetnt prescrih.. ed. Tise invalid. la buried up te bis moutin utise bot voicaujo mud for front tweunty te thirty minutes. Then ha la carriad corared umiti mud, te the adge of tise lake,tinte wirRcisha la pilimged for f rom fifteasuta tweuty minuts aftr which ha lts mellad in a biauket and allowed tea sweat on tise boL, sui- 5phurous sand or rock neer by. Thi eu-ns irronglt ara said to ha wonde:. fui. i 1 -