What About For llolldays? I EMO 'D ........ .....$ 8.oo HOTAKES........2.50 KET KODAK.,.. 3.50 WRWNIE ..........., 4.00 >RY PLATES (4x5).........50 ,CIIEMICALS, &c., &c., at lowest )rces and quality guaranteed. Ve bave supplied local 'hotographers for over o years and can give )est ývalue in aîl lines. 8tott & dury, Wl 'e The recent War in iates among Bicycle makersý en- ables us to offer the follow- ;lîIg pric'es which are in some3 ,cases away below whole sale. Te=o. Balance in early paymen ts. 6% off for cash. ]legular $ 100 Bicycles $65 ' 75 CC 55 ci 70 " 50 cc 65 e 55 d 50 c 45 ic 40 "r 37.50 5 0O iliuyagood wheel suitabie f onlithle girl or boy,7 ta il yrs. Stott & Jury Paris 25e a Pound. *5 lbs for $1.00. Every one knows that som111e Paris Green is stronger and goes fuîr- ther than other kinds, but if you have neyer- tested the kind we have you should try it and campare resuits. 1Those who have used it for years say it is the best the"y ever tried. Stott & Juryo Ofilcourse we have Fly Poison,1 Sticky Fly Paper, &c, &c., in ai the latest shapes. suddeu death of Mrs. B. S. Manning which occurred early Thursday morning Julv Bist. Deceased retired'about il o 'dock the evening before lu lier usual health aud about miduiglit awakened lier daugliter but before a doctor could be summoned she was dead. Heart de- cease was the cause. The fanerai took place on Monday from lier late residence "'Avoca Villa." Bey. R. A. Bilkey con- ducted- the services. poiver a7ue compass anti'n-11i, w-e ai-e sure, meet with the success w-bicb sucb a gi tcer- mands. Topicis 0F THE DAT.-Everv one is surprised attse rapidîty andf efficacy with whicb Nerviline-nerve-paInl cure -releves ucuralgia aiÏd rheuruatism. eNerv.i,e is a specifie for ahi nerve pains and should be kepi on liaud by every family. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYý. BoWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WIEST. Express ... 831ar Exprs..5 23 a.M *Express .... 10 18. r.Lcl 8 18 Passenger .... 3 29 p.m. asgr.2 O5 P. M Local.... 642 p.rnm: xpes. 5 22 Exrem. .103&5 BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 11, 1897. Local and Otherwise. Port Ilope's rate is 22 milis. 31b> Bar of Soap 10e at Nicholl's.> The town voters' list is out. Blouse Sets at Rickard's for 8c. J ubilee Souvenir at Rickard's. 15e buys a Tea Kettie at Nicholl's. -7e buys 1 doz. Gem Bub ber Rings at Nicholf's. A croquet club lias been organized at Peterboro.; Grocers'; Due Bils taken as cash at Rickard 's. Sterling Silver Novelties in abundance at Riekard's. Our Dîning Boom Suites will surprise you. L. Morris. The Milbroek Reporter is taking a holiday this week. Summer Silks from 18c. up at Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman's. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmauville. Mr. A. Soper, Port Perry, bas gone tc the Klondike gold district. Methodist S. S. excursion to Grimsb3 Aug. 25. Reserve the date. Dustan & Hoar is headquarters foi Binder Twine in Bowmanville. Allan and Dominion Line ocear tickets for sale at STATESMAN office. The root crops have in Mo St placei been greatly beneflted by the copiou3 rails. If any friends are visiting at youi place send in their namnes and wlierf they are from. Miss Cathro, Lindsay, is the new as- sistant' teacher of Newcastle Iligi sehool. Salary $400. Don 't fail to eall and secure somte oi the bargains no 1w going at Coucli Jolinston & Cryderman's. The Disciple Sunday, Sehool enjoyeè a pleasant tirne at their pienie ai Pori Bowmanville Tuesday last. A Port Hope bank clerk was a p as senger on the steamer Passport whiel was quarantined off Toronto. Mayor J. W. Johnson, of Belleville galantly rescued an American visito] from drowuing at Glen Island. The D. 0. & P. Co. Band furniahed e flrst-class open air concert Friday nigli to a large number of our citizens. The steamers Algerian and Amerîic collided in the Lachine'Rapids damag ing the latter to the arnount of $1000. - Mr. John Moment, Crono, occupiec the pulpit of St. Paul's churcli very ac ceptably Suuday. le will preach ther( next SuÏnday also, One liuudred and forty-eight1 China men and two white women-of Montrea were each fined $10 and costs for non payment o! the Ilaundry tax. Appies placed away in cold storage aý Moutreal h ave brouglit $5.00 per barre for Spies and Bassets, and $4.50 hwa been refused for ten barrel lots. Mr. M. Markliam, a shoe merchani of Lindsay, diel[ suddeuly Thursda3 eveni ng while returuiug on the Garder City fromt an excursion to Toronto. About 140 persons went up to Toronto on Frida, from this port by the Garden City. It was Neweastle's Civie holidav and the Newcastle Baud was on board On Satnrday Police Magistrate Ilance of Bowrnanville, flued William Pope. ilotel Keeper, Orono, $200 and $5.9( costs for selling liquor duriuîg prohibited hours. At the Summer sale at Coucli, Johns- ton & Cryderman's yon eau bu y Wil. liams, Green & Bome's blouses f or 75e. worth $1.00 and Blouses for $1.00 worth froru $1.35 to $L.50. Port Hope is re-organiziug its fire department. The council proposes te employ a man and team for work on streets, and to draw the fire appliances in case of an alarm. Those who attended the Sons o! Eug- lând excursion to Burleigh Falîs on Mouday report a very enjoyable time and speak highly of the trip About 75 went from this town. We do npholstering of ahl kinds, parlor suites, chairs and lounges recov* ered, mattresses restuffed, chairs re- £eaned aud re-perforated. Give us a tri .al ' when having auything doue lu PERSONAL. We invite ail our reatiers to contribute to this columu arrivai and departure of guesis, mnove- mente of weilkuowu people, business men etc Sentia postal cardti teTHE STATESMÂN, drûp s note lu our office letter box or ring up phone 52 Miss Kennedy, Dexie, ait Mrs. WV. P. Prower's. Miss Ethel Fester is visitiug friends ai Iuger- sol]. Miss GOale bas been visitiog friends lu Peter- bore. Mr. Rd. Thompsen, Newteuville, was lu town reeutly. Miss N. Hayes, Toronto, bas been visitingMrs. A. Hook. Miss Maggie Climie ls visiting frieuds lu Colborne. Mr. M. J. A. James is visiting frieuds in Detroit, Midi. Mr. J. G. Witton, B. A., Walkerten, gave us s caîl last week. Miss Anetta Roess, Toronto is visiting at Mr, R.it. Heskiu's. Miss Greta Hallett, Whitby, e visiting Miss Arnella Knigbt. Mr. E. E. Henry, Leavenwortb, Kansas, waE lu town Friday. SMrs. R. Cawkcr, Oshawa, bas heen guesi ai Mrs. W. Wiutiatt. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Quiek, Lindsay, are visitiug relatives lu town. t Mr. Findiay Leekisart, Mentreai, Que., is visit- ing relativeibere. Mr. Downing of the Lindsay Watchman gave us a caîl last week. Mr. John Hellyar, jr., spent Civic holiday witl] friendinluCobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Bear, Courtice, spent Sunlday ai Mr. Thomas Nichels'. Mrs. Wade and sou of Kinigston arc visitine Mrs. J. K. Galbraith. Miss Clara Bahceck, Toronto, is visiig ai eMr. James Saunders' Mr. Herb. Keuner and wife of Siraiford ars avisitlng frieuds lu town. f IMr. L. N. Vaunstone, Toronto, ls enjoying vaca tien witb relatives bere. Mrs. S. Law, Guelphi, is visiting bier si ster Mrs J. B. Taylor, Churcl i S. Mr. Thos. Smoith and family are rernevlng ibis week te St. Thomas. Mr T. Frank Wrigbt of Toronto, visitet 0frieutinl town Saturday. Mrs. Clarke Evereti, Agosta, Iowa, le visiting ber sister Mrs. John Frice. y Mr. Steen of Les Angeles, Cal., ls vlsitiug hii mother, Mrs. Robert Steen. Pr Miss Pinel aud Miss Nelîle Grey, Torouto, au( guesis at Mr. C. D. Pinel's. Misses Millie anti Mabel Grigg are visitinî tl friends ai Midiauti and Muskoka. Mr. A. H. DaIe of Rochester, N. Y., visitei hi, brother Mr. W. F. Dale last week. [SMrU. M. O'Rourke anti sou, London,bhave beer visiting ai Mr. John Brirnacombe's.< Misses E. Weekes and F. Plugle are visitînï Irfrleutin l Pickering and Whitevaie. -e Mrs. R. Brignaîl and son Mark, Kinsale, art vîslîing ber sister, Mrs. T. P. Geard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Colvin of Omaba, Nebraska -visited Mrs. F. J. Manning, Monday. h Rev. A. C. Courtice, Editor of the Chrisilar Guardian, speut vacation ai Muskoka. Mrs. Thomas Jury, Rochester, N. Y., is visit ing bier parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Kerr. Mr. and M rs. C. Avery Jolinston aud dangbtei bave heen visitiug relatives at Coîherne. Mrs. Frank Guibrie aud Miss Minnie Themp sou, Oshawa, are visîting friends iu town. Mr. D. M. Leckbart, Columbus, O hie enjoe& a short visit witli bis parents over Sun ay. Miss Irene Gobeen, Bewmauville, Is visitiný i hler sister, Mrs. George Hinton, Port Hope. 1Miss Carnie Ellioit, of Grand Rapids, Mieb. has heen vislting bier cousin, Mary Gobeen. Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell, o! Nerway Michligan, ù> )r thse guesi of Mrs. W. L. Parrish, Port Perry. Miss Mande Fairbairu, is camping witb friendi a ait Juniper Island, Stoney Lake, for a meuth. Mr. John McMaunis andi two daugbters o: itPhiladelpisia, Pa., are visiting friends lu towu, Misses Bertha, Aima aid May SboreyToronto ýahave been geesis of Mrs. J. B. Mitchel, Elgin St Mr. Daniel Manning, Independence, la., wh( was visiting Mr. S. Vaustene, bas reiuruei borne. Mir. Amos Golicen and Mr. Charles Goodman Bowmauville, visiteti frieutis in Newcastle te 2ceutiy. Mrs,. S. B. Gerry anti Misses Loule anti Pans> Gerry of Lon-ýderi are visitiug lber moîher, A-re -Aikin. hl Mr. A. S. Goard o! Tua STATESNIAN staff bas l.retnrnet from a 'tWO ,Yeckî biiday witii frieui> lu Toronto. Mr. A. J. Leggott, Waikerton, and Masti Lt Ford Fairbairu, Toronto, visiied Mrs. J. Me .1 Wain recently. LS Mr. and Mis, AOdell speut a few days recent ly ait the home of bis father lu Bewmnanviile.- Cobourg World. It Mr. Andrew. Miss Nettie and Master Berl yBounsali, Indianapolis, Ida., are visitiug ai fr n el. .Bounsaîî's. Mr. Robi. Manning andi Sou of Winnipeiý Man., were here attenthug the fuerai of hi> 0 mether lasi week. aMr. H. C. anti Miss Rita Tait wheeled te Mill vbrook Satnrday and spent Suuday aud Monday wiih relatives ibere. Mrs. W. F. Allen bas retmirued frorn a very pîcasaut visit te bier daugister, Mrs. R. Cruik. 'Ssbank, St. John, N. B. HeuDr.eA S. Tilley atleni>d a te-union of thE RueSur gens of Toronto General Hospital li. d itecity, eodiuday eeig Miss J. H. WVetlîer-ald, Toronto, bas heen ap- *peinteti' teacher ef readiug, eleution andi physi. Cal culture lu Pickering Cellege, Mr. George Medcalf ef Toronto paiti bis hreih. er lu law, Mr. Wm. White a short visi wile wheeling from Port Hope te Toronto. Mrs. John 1. Bell ef Marshallinwn, la., whc bas heen spentiing a moutb very îîleasantiy witb erelatives bere leaves to.tiay for berne. 0 Mr. ant i s. Harry Can, Mr. and Mrs. lEech. tiWortb and family and Mr. andi Mrs. Thomnas RîElioti, Hampton, are camping ai CSsarea. Mr. S. G. Brown, fermeriy of the Wingbam Times bas secured an excellent position on the *Winnipeg North Wester, as despatcb reporter, a Mr. Stephen -Hogarth and gi andsen, Master Claude Law, Solita, bave been visiting fieutis lu Scarboro, Toronto, Niagara Falls and San- humn. Mr. Donald Galbraith, Bowmanviiie and Mr. Allisien Manning, Winnipeg, are thc guests of Mr. G. M Furhy, Dramley Street.-Port Hope Guide. Miss Cawker, St. Ca tharlues, Miss Bella Mont- gomery, Chietag, Iit., and, Mr. Jas. Lnnass, by pTHyIy2vC LEVELAND, making the wonderful record of 223 miles in 12 hours and 1 minute without a break down of any kind. YOU- CAN ALWAYS IRELY ON A CLEVELAND. Prîces are stîli $100 and $75. ff -I. A. Lozier & Co., Toronlto. Agents:---MASON & DALE, BOWMANVILLE. llarvest Mits 25e a pair at Nicholl' 1s. Bead Mr. Hoar's letters ou an inside page. Machine 011 ai Bickard's for 5e, per bottle. Sewino' Machines, the very lowestat Bickard g-. Silver Polish at ickard's-uoue to beat it lu the world. Only 60e to Grimsby by Garden City -on Aug. 25. See advt. Simcoe county will build a bouse of îndustry at a cosi of $50,000. You whll flud the best assorimeut in nbats and Shirts at M. Mayer's. Silver Silks wortli 35e. now sellingoffo 9at 20e. at Coucli, Johuston & Crydler- man 's. Ail Parasols, new goods,, seiling off at cost at Coucli, Johuiston & Cryder- man's. n Mr. John Cruess, ex-M. P. P., Linden Valley, died last wetk from a paralytie -stroke. r Mr. Bobt. Béith, M. P., lias been se- leeted as one of the judges at Montreal -Exposition. Boss watcbes-guarantees stamped on back of case-for sale, at Bickard's, Great value. A lot of Summer Dress Goods selling off at about haîf-price at Couch, Jolns- ton & Crydermian's. It will pay you toe all and see our new and nobby designs in Suites o! ail kinds. L. Morris. furniture dealer. Subseribers in arrears canuot do usa greater favor just now than by paying *the dollar due us, We nced inoxqey vegy badly. The base bail game ,ou Saturday ie- tween the Royal Oaks and the Marines -of Oshawa was won by the former lu score of 15 to 6. If you want to be lu style just caîl at M. Mayer's, and suit yourself witha Fedora or Chrlsty stiff hat. Fulli hue of sgentsý furusîsnugs as usual. r Civiehoda was generally observed -Monday. A niumber took in the excurs- ion to BurleighI Falls and a large number > enjoyed themselves at the lake. ,Mr. Jos. Ileardl's barn, horse and cow t stables ountlie Adams farm, Whitby, -were buruedà Mouday morniug wîtha quantity of hay. Oigin of lire unkuowu. The subjeets of Bey. J. J. Bae's ser- ,mous lu the Methodist cdurci next Sun day will be, lu the morniug "Say Sô7 aud in the evening "The Manufactuve of Manliood." The Dukes, one of the best base ball teamis o! Toronto wilh play here on Sat- urday afteruoou. Admission, Gents 15c, Ladies 10c. A good atteudance o! oui citizeus will be appreciated by the hore, team. At the convention of the Epworth >League of the Bay of Quinte Confereuce hehd in Toronto, B ey. C. W. Watch, Brighiton, was elected President, and Mr. W. B. Courtice, Courtice, thîrd vice Presideut. A union picuic of the Christian En- deavor societies -will be held lu Pros- pect Park, Oshawa- on August l8th. AIl societies ilu tisis'district luvited. A conveyance' will leave Trinity church at 10 a. ru, to convey ahl who wish to go from town. The Mason Co. have received advance sheets stating that part of their fal importations from the British Market haebeen shipped per S. S.Trtna Ovr£600 Sterling' worth o!fhoc dry goods are uow on the wayv and more to follow. Geo. Miuty's farru bouse near Raglan was destroyed by tire July Blst. It is supposed the lire originated froru a spark in tihe cbiruney. The building is a total loss but mosi of tbe contents were saved, Loss $10W1, msured lu the London Mutual for $600. The prettiest girllu town, the richest muan or the pooresi woruan will receive a sample box o! Trask's Magnetie Oint- meut free if they will caîl at Stott & Jnrv's Drug Store.' It is used to cure old sores, to heal an indolent ulcer, and tS eiycure pilies. You ueed sirnply action will surprise you. Calearly as we have only a few hundred samples, No OxE NýEED SUFFER.-There is no pain or ache whicb eau affiet your bodv that will not be relieved by Trask 'S Mag'netic Outruent. It penetrates to every part o! the systeru, removes sore- ness,- allays inflamnmation, builds up weak tissueés and well deserves is ame 'as a curative lîîbricant that can'i be equalled. Try a twenty-flve cent bottle for piles, rheumatism, sore throat, or any other affiction of your body whic causes voit pain and suÎffering.-Stott & Jury. A Good Up=to=date Grocery and Provision Store-,,c îs the kind you can place confidence fn-f eel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. This is the way we want you to feel about, This Store and we'll menit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is not en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it night. We keep full lines of the very best groceries the markets afford and none sell cheaper. We do busi- ness on business pninciples and the public like our methods. Every.-day is a bargain day at our store and wé' live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. BoWMANVîIILE, e2awker & Tait The Grocers, .R.BOWMANVILWE, ONT.an JE .BOUNSALL, manufacturer ofan dealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de-.~ scription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. Ail orders promptly filled in. a satisfactory manner a tîd at reasonable prices. 194tf A. E. McLAUGHfLIN, FARM TO RENT.-Souîh li lot 82, Barrister, Slicitorand Conveyancer. fie- COlC5l4, Clarke, enann 100 acres. lekeyBek, _King strý eeBoM nijApply at once to Re .10-1OM. NTfet aser Money to Jana.r.aonbl rates.. 48-lyr, Orono, P. 0. 31-tf. Dr. G. IR. PATTELISON, ~iaTED.-,)en and womien wlio Dentist. Houer Graduate Toronto, Univeîity, WC workjbard talkigadriigsx and RoyalColeeDna ugou.Seil s r hSris da!ly ýfer.ixdays a week,adwili be,.on- Artifici.a Denturs$0;Aaam i usSc ent with'ten dollars wel.Atidress NEW Fb-st class work at very mioderate prices., OficeIz esedicl din , ornoOt Orono. g W ANTED.-I eau pay ten dollars weekiy te a lady e! mature age, reflue- mientidtact te speudhrtim- n ua gooticause. T. H. LoNSCOTTr, Toronto, Out. S ERVANT WANTED IMMEDIATE- "ly Apply te Mas JoaN H Kvnu>,Concessiou *Street, Bow manvilleF30l-if MABRIAGE LICENSES.-M. A. W..JAmEs, Issuer e! Marriage Licenses. ilesideuce: Centre street. -X7TOICE CULTURE.-Miss Glover is YVrepared te give lessous in Voice Culture to alimite fi umber ai pupils, nailber home, Ring Street, East. 130 - if A~GENTS.-Second editien "Queeu Vitra" exhausteti. Jnbiîec Edtitou aon4 p res-s. Bcst bisiery of the Q.eeii anti Vîcoorian Era publisheti. The only ()suadian work ac- ceptedby Rer Majesty. Sales unprecedetiuct- kuock thse bettem eut of ail records C.,nvas-5 sers scoeping lu mancy. Even beys anti girls 'eh i.tfasi. figemmissieýis or straightiweekcly salarv afier triai trip. TuE BRAÀLEv-GÂAcRliT Loi- Co., Limiteti, Toronto, Oui, DP YU AN A HME.-Iryeu,,d cttage- cheap anti on easy ierms. "11-f rrEAHER..-Ityou want to make cause, write or wire me qîîickly. T. H. Luts- cern, Toronto, Ont. F~ M TO RENT-.baruden estae.. acr1ý'es, more or less, sauth part o! lot 20 iu Broken Front Conc~essionî o! Danlingtou...to be rentcd for a term o! 4 or 5 years. Pirst-cîass farm, gooti buildings and fenees, gooti ocaliîv Aîîply ta D. B. Si3iieSOa,Barrister, Bow-mcuvilrlc 32-if. II ANTED.-Agents for Q en i- YY lana, Ber reigui anti Diamonti Juhllee" Oveîdoiwiug w_!th latest anti richesi pictures Coutalus tise edorsetibiography0f Her Mcjestý ith autheti Hsor -e brremarkabîe reigu anti fullaccount O! tise Di-amonti Jubile Oîî1 $1.50. Big book, Tremendous demlaud. flouna- za for agents. Caînmissioîî 110 pe cent. <redit gAven.Frclgbt paiti. Osslltree. Dury paiti. W rite qulck for auttit snd terriory. Tui Dosmioso COMrAÂNY, Depi. 7, 356 Deai-horu St. Chicago. ezrowneid Victor By the Mayor of Chatham. The 'Great Relay t Race was won