týoît eadache anfrd lleve ailt he troubles ImeS- nt tua bilions tate cf the ay st. s£ DIunem, ansa.DrowsieesDisten$a aiter qatiag Pin ta te , &c. Wlile their mest hmar~bI. sccssbau ean shewn i urnc gaaaeb, yt Cstva'sLITTLE PLv:a "Vs aud proventing this annoylng comnplaint, whlIe . they ase correct &Il disorders of thse stomacli. giu at. tiverad regulite the bowelà. tqiettlfteyonl u lobe they would be almoqt priceéeu te tbeu ~r o sufer froim thisditesgcoplnt ufortunately thoir 19. d ess do u bore. and those who once try tberm will find tihe" littie pilla valuable in-lamc a asi e:yjlll nt bce -ilung tO do v u hm t« ail si d CâaT's rrric rnaPzaia are very ost~ mdteysaytotke.Oneortwye pillamaki a do. Tey re tritlyvegetabie and de laet ifflp or purge, but by their gentie action Who use tilora. In viala at 25 cents, =v.fo1811. Sold everyviser. or sent by mai& cà2T i mEicIIIR 00.,ilsiTe&i FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES .1-700 acres, shrubs, roses, vines and seed Potatoes. We bave the largest assortment and employ the latest and inost improved xethods for propogating, Ail stock!,s careful ack- ed under our personal supervision, ani allnew varieties tested at our trial farms before betug cataloguefi. These are the only testing Orchards connected with any nursery in the Dominion. Agents wanted to i epresent ns. Special atten- tion given to park, eretery,boulevard orders. rEstiniates furnisheti for supplying entire or -bards. Why boy of foreign concerus or of middlemeri when you can porchase as cheaply from us and get hetter value. Our stockis Can- adian grown ami aclimnated. Catalogue (E. or F.) frTee on application. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto , Ont. Fonthili Nurseries, the leading Canadian tree men. ONTARIO BANKC sontinmes te do a General Baaklag Business Eowmanvllle Âgeacy. DEPOSITS aeeved la Saviags Bank Departmeni andi on an Interest aliowed tourrent rates, No tîceof wttdrawal neoessary. AIl deposits yable on demand EXCRANGE M mghtand sold andi Draftsissued upon Enope United States andi Canada,alo old, Slverand UxltetiStales Greenbacksboucrht andi solti COLLECTIONS Pmimptly matie at carrent rates 'spon aila1 f Greant Brittasin, the Unitedi States antvi Leh- Do Milaon c fCanatia. Telegraph Transfers Macla fer large or smail sunis on ail part cf Canada. This is espacially ativantageous te0 TeToi liigi ailoba o he rhwt -tmk- theg unds availbea neal h Oerlpicuars a ! ao 1t th. bank. ~. L. 10RTT, UO. MoGILL, BOWI4AN VILLE BICYCLE General REPAIR SHOP. W. FI1SI-IIGH, Practical lWahinlst, Tool Maker, Laek andi Gunsmitit, Speelal Machiuery for handling Bicycle Re-e parisg ta aitlibs branches, and ail Fine Machin- cry. CYCLISTS.-Rave your wheeis put ln irin by a thoroughly practical n.aehiuiist.1 Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Sewlug machines,1 Clocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cutlery, Loeks, Electrie Bells, Dental andi Surgical Instruments. Saf e Loaks, Iron, Steel and Brase work of ail kînfie, MARKET BUILDING, l3owm an villet Rochester Route, The Canadian Statesman W:EDINBSDAY, AIJG. 11, 1897. NOTES AND G'OMMENTS Aca-mncamant O! t-le discovery o! naeW gold f ields has heomme commoxi- Place in recent years, % but tbe news o! thbearicix fieldi o!the Kiendyke placer diggigs haa reinewed an interestwhichb se long as thse desire for acquisition remains, is neyer iikely ta wholly dia out- Tfha new goid, fields lie lin tha Caùadian Nortlisxest Territory, about saventymiles enat o! t-hal4lst mari- dise. wfhicb, const-itutes thse houndary het-ween Alaska and 'Canada, and ner- ly mniîtway hatween Fort Selkirk, a t-r-adig post o! t-he lluidsùn's B3ay' Company, and aid Fort Yukon. Thse Kiendyke creek, flowing fron tise nortbenat, hare entera t-Le Yukon river aind i t is !romits bed and t-ha uer- mo-w Valey tisrongiswhicb it >fiowsý t-bat the gclld la takeai. The reports of t-be richnesa o! t-be aurifarona tiaposits, tai the imaginatio. but it la belie-vat that $5,000,000 Lava beanr taken ont durlpg t-é, past'season andti -atthbe annrual yield wiJl udt Le, les than $10,- 000,000. As the regici bas, sava i a few tavorati spots not beau tborougbil1y ax- pioreti, the latter astimate is litile mare, th'an an assertion. Thse -ieltb a! pl acer diggings la by no means preof t'hat it will continue or increnase ia t-he lower levais, and the yield may, lika oit-bars wilchhave ahsorhed. atten- ttion for a tume, sean lie exhalnsted. But indications are that t-he confidence expressetinlx the future o! the f ield will ha hornée ont by reanits, and in any avent tLe discovery will doubt- lesa Le ta sutideniy transforai that remote corner of the earth, andtiat diserganize ail neighboring sodiaty., Mixiing lin ibat region la attaideti hy unnsaaihardship, transportation is slow andtihes coat cf living Laavy,, but sbonld thse yield cont-iue, thèse conditions will hae reversed as if hy magic. Sinca, the dawa o! bistary tLe existence o! golMi any locality bas always Lad t-bat affect. It was the golti o! the Eat that st-imulatad tLe deveiopmapt o! ita vasi commerce, and upan wbic)h as a base its great em- pires weme built np. It was gold that iok t-ePhoeticiaina toaSpaîi nand Ophîr,' that matie thse Spaniarda grat navigaters; and conquerors, andth e yel- lou- matai e! Mexico and Paru thai 11f ted tLe SPa,sisÉta;te ta a position o! pra-eminence i Europe. It was t-be aquisition by thse United King- dom o! rich! gelt-beartng districts that bhas been',oùie o! t-he chie! causes o! the tiavelopment o! t-be British em- pire. lUise transformation o! a region anti -lie disorganizatioîn o! society n'ear, h bas aiways beau t-h eeffect o! sncb dis- ceverlea as thbose reportad fron t-ha Klc&ndyke. - The unoartainties cittend- ing tiserush for tise preciiena matai enly teind to niaia t-be chwnxge more rapid, and ranarkabla. ThIe- imagination, o! men isa akeased lby, t-hLspospecýt'o! quick gaiùs, tlIe ga.xnbling instinct is aTrousad, an i gread quickened 'lt-ea fierca passion. Already t-lise mevemaxit bas hegn. Thmrughouit-Lhe niirtbwasi mars are forsaking ileiir usual avoca- t-loins, oad pnsshIngie t-Le Arcie wii- deruasa, ta brave celti ald'teil anti p:rv- ation for teVha bdce e!ftigging up t-be sUsnilng matai. A f ew may urcquire grat wealtli, at t-ers a campai- eeicy, but thle m"is will st-ruggle on foir monjt-lis or years, te f laid ai mat t-liai theLaWirais vouid bave hauts greater froi soai quiet business ai home. Most o!t-hem, parbaps, kuow t-Lis, anti few o!ýt-hem wduld take bal! tise risks t-bey will ruito get nay other metal, t-hongh ih mapreseutetipropor- tionately as igreat a profit. ýA'ntineawonders 'Wly. Wbat la t-be sp-eciul at-traction of golti wbhch suakas desire for it a thirst wLich doas (mot axteati in anytLing like t-ha anme de- grea t-o inotes or aven t-o fortunes gaineti by stock gamblhsg? Tisa!act t-bat goit îs, lika (precicus gems, coincent-ratad va- lue,--andti t-lit doas neot ueo cbang- ilng t-o ha a-vaillble, d-oes- net-adéequate,- E E .it received. froùm India. Tb0 stoýry con- tained in the M~ue Bok is o! very great initerest, revealing as it dSs the international influence, in the internai affaira of nations. The dangerous na- ture of thxe pligue, and the fear of its spread ta Europe, cnnsed the Govern- ments of the Continent ta bring pres- sure 'ta bear, on the Blritish Government ta prohibit the annuad Mussulinan pil- grimage ta Mecca from ILndia. The In- 7diaji Government, whicb was awakie ta tthe danger of thus opposing a barrier Lta the inost cherished desire af every devant Mussulman, and had-apparent- ly same idea that sanitary re-asons were not the only anas prorupting the pres- sure of the, European Governments, an- xiously asked the India Office, i Lon- don whether the Sultan a! Turkey wvas amang tlhe poweris urging that the pli- grimage might be prahibited, as, if that were the case, it wdiulýd strength- en their hands in dealing with the ques- tiaix. The Sultan, it wouid aeem, Lad been approached On the subject, but, with biis usual'deaire .ta discover saine advantages for hianseif, would give, no decisive answer, and declined ta use bis influence in the wýa~y it was îlîesired. Meantime the urgency of the Enropean Governments was such that Lard George Hamilton, Secretary cf State, for Jindia, having the chaice o! two evi, chose, as he thotflght, the leat, and preesed, on the Indian Government, the cessation a! the piligrimniage for the seaadn. Thée e!!ect an the Mussulman mimd o! such action can be easily imag- ined, and ail reports fromn Indis go ta show that the reséntment among that section a! the population is stiniulated actively by political agitators, who see an oppertunity for strengthening sen- timent against Eniglish rule. The political assassinations atPoong,, in the Bom}bay Presidency, appear to have beoin due wbally ta the stubborn iÉsistence o! the India, Office in Lon- don on draistic application o! the regu- lations for the suppression of the plagne. In Bombay itself the pravin- cial Governiment carried ont the sani- tary regulatioas isnch a way as ta conflct as littie as possible wîth the religious and social prejudices of the people, and einployed in the sanitary service, s0 far as possible natives Xof the sane religion and race as those in- habitîuig the districts infected with the diseasel. The resuit, i the opinion of the Bomnbay authorities, was that they averted n, calamity,, more serious and more widespread than the very terrible onc with which they had ta deal. At Poona the case was différent, The re- gulations were applied lin their full vi- gar bY Mr. lid, who was assassinat- eýd, desoribed as an - uxsympatheti, suIsp!iciolns, and lgh-handed o! ficer," with the resuit that the native spirit was aroused, and the events which we have heard of followed. The tâtiwe press for sèlme time bas vLol.olntly denessnced the Government ainid lita xixti»*is, and the pecôpleý are urged, ta foirai commilttees for tihe3 pro- tectoh of! tr ir ghts. Tb do; this, in a cou*itry adrJiistared like India, i$ really ab inluipient torm of r8eellion, Tihe Ainglaý-Itdian preffs Ù9 for the sev- ereist trleatMeht oif alI agita tors, but it seirs moire likely that the short perod ot violetice tht t ag just pas- ed over 'certain districts in India lbas eerved. as a. warnwng ta îLie Britishi Goverisnezxt, anid that lit wila go for- Waed. more wari&y. !A"tbo fetmre. ,Ai- ready there are alg of! a more con- ciliatory iipolitiointtolward thée na- tives in the Poona districts, who are Mialrattas, and aimcnk the pr«udeslt ain'd snoýWt warlke <ofthé native races, TIse edlioirof two Poïona papens, one, thée IVlhratta, ptsbiod in uEeglish, the Otiser, OKemnpi, lin, the vernacutlar, in W4blh sobma 01 thé inoat vilgoroue de- tvubnciationa o!t£ teéGovernmient, its agîeints, aând thée Engjish sdldiers have beéa' prlnted, Ibns been1 renoirninatod by thse Lhexitetuaxt-Govexior to, the DBom- bay Legýglltive Conuneil, ln spite of the csppoýsitiot ai! ý&he ALngll-Indian aie- ment. in Wîs Ppprs Mir. ,Ganigidh-a Tlak bàs tiot gimoouit ô£ Lis way ta &YOMlidwýDiding thse, ssceptiblities cof tbIa dDbmulnânt race, and has pbkured ont, especinily in the nativer paper, Kesari, h9s bitterest wrath, dxi the Indian princes aid officars who went ta Exig- land ta take trt im tbb jubile. j A Change of y LiLeraht weire wise, ttsey would wwnt ta augment, flot dinlahçiRi the import- aixicofaithe pwesideiai office, axid in âny avent wouid ineiet upo'n assurances tibat Frabiea shou(ld reOivé om ase o! the frukts oo!an aaihinnéd o! w'iich she Lhas hâiherta borfrve al Lehéubrdena. For the immense suma of maxiey wbicb sha bias loaned to Russia, for her shame in Lelping the narthern pow- er ta, rob Jaipaxi o! the rewards of, ber victory over Cibina, and for her humil- iationi in ccndoning, for Russia's ag- graxidizamexit, the massacres o! Tnrkey in Armenia, she bias absolntely aothixig t-o showv. Witb a marely verbal uxider- standing, capable, as ail Such, under- standings are, o! easy evasion, shel Las not aven the aseuirance t-bat Russia would move were France invaded, or could move li time to prevent lier ter- rit-ory from being overrun throngh the more rapidi mebilization of tha Triple Alliance. In the assertion of lber dlaims la Egypt, a matter o! vital coxicern to iali Freachinen, Russia bas not- rendared bier tLe slightest assist- ance, though evidcntly enconraging the French expectainof aid, axid those besi informed aasert that the czar bas neyer Lad any serlous intention o! do- ing se. lt la the opinion of se cempet- ent an observer as Mr. Enstis lately United States ambassador at Paris, t-bat the alliance la wbioliy one-sided, but that, Lad France possesseti dnring the Armeniaxi criais ,a far-sighted stateaman she couldi, owing to ber comparative heutrality with respect to Turkish territ-ary anidiber guardiaxi- sLip under Enropeaxi mandate o! the Cnt-halie Armenian 'Church, bave used it- ta greatly exteindiber prestige anid power. But insteadi e! assusning the leadersbip, abe folloiwed the Russian programme, ns she did lithbe Interven- tiion in China, and it- la the danger that she may continue ,ta do so that excites fear lest bier national virility and pow- er may be sacrificedi to an exaggeratedi dread o! isolation. $ome newspapers speil the namne "Elondyke," lusing "y" as a vowel. This la entirely contrary to the pre- cept and practice of ail tiseieading gaG,- graphical societies. LI none o! the speIlLnga o! tbe isundreda o! Indiaxi namea whicbh have in recent years been uni! led ini Goverument publications bas tLe ltter Y beexi enployedi as a vowel; and t-ha mie aays that -"Y la always a coxsonant, as in 'yaârd,' andi there- fore shouldi net ha usadi for the vowcl ý V'" The purpose in aiU proper speil-j inga of aberiginai words la to convay approximately the native Soundi. In ac-1 cordance witL the haýst geegraphical us-i age at home ant aibroad, tL&ï name of tLe river wLlcL is now on every one's tangue sbould ha apelleti "Klondike." The rule with regard ta the'latter C'o! course applias in the case o! sncb nagues as Chilkaot Pass and Ciikat Pass, thesa spellinga heîng t-Le prescribeti usage i all officiai publications, tbougb mast now, bot-h names are hcing widaly mis- spelled li the newspaper press. Par about eigbt- years the orthogra- pbic mules adopted by tbe leadig geo- graphical sociaties have agreed li re-1 jecting tLe possessive casa in many eames. Ha!! m'a Bay andi Hùdson's Bay for instansce, nÔi longer appaar ln keo- graphîcal periedicals- nbr on the Lest maps. eaffin Bay andi Hudson Bay is tbe accepteti ausage. The rule apply-. ing ta t-is mattar is: "Tise possess- ive form shoulti be avolded wlianever it1 can hab doue without destroylng thLe1 auphony of t-henime, or changing uts descriptive application." Sa "«Cook lI- let-" anti "St. Michael" now appear in ail Goverument publications, thougb "«Cook's Ixlet" andi "St. Michael's" are stili current li many nawspapers. The mules adopted by the varions sourcesj o! geographical aut-herity bave, witb- lu a f ew years greatly lesseneti the confusion due ta various, spellinga o! the anme place uiamea. Thle evil la 'by no means abolisheti yet. butthe ten- dtncy la toward uniformity lu geogra- phical ortbograpby based upon cammen1 seixse principles. Knihts of Ilaoaboos1 la4n d SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE TO PROTECT CANADIANS. The- reports fros t-Le Yukon coun- try af t-La axiarmons richnass of t-be ýplacer gaiti tiposits in t-be Klondyke district teva movad t-haGoveramentt-o consîder wLnt st-eps shoniti ha t-akan ta protact t-ha int-arets o! Canada. Wbatevex disputa t-Lare may Lae as ta t-ha exact- bcsindary linae bet-wea Can- ada and Alaka, t-Lre ts no question at- ail about-t-be rich Kiondyke goid fields being nît-ogat-beranti clearly liw Canada. This heing t-ha case, tiseques- tion ariâss Wbet-har Amaricans anti oth-arforaignars aLoulti ha allowed te came in t-liera anti take away n million dollars wiihont leavlug anythino- lut-ha caunýtry or cont-rihut-ing anythino-t-ot-ha public revenue. lI maay of theSt-at-as Dver and Clothescleaner [las removed Lis works t-o thLe well kîîown Eastern House. ' PR.ICES:-For cleaning, dying andii beauiifully pressing an Overeoat M~ cent-s; Complet-e Suit $1.50. These prices are lot- more t-han one bliI what you would have t-o pay any ot-her Dye Works, and the work wi-Fî be as good as eau be doue amy- where. 3-m ne ana Lut- a citizen o! t-ea Unit-ad States, cain Lelti a mininig licensa, Lut- Lare t-Le Canadian Governmeat issue licanfes ta anybody on payment a! a palt-ry fea.. A short whila, ago a Swiss whose eaaning capaoiy was a dollar a day, went- i t-b-at- count-ry anti re- tunend. witlh $50.001) dug ont o-f t-Lhet-~ banks of t-he river. Ha, îook bis fortune ta Switzerianti anti le! t 85 for Lis licensa in Canada. Unlika quart-z minino-, ne towns apwino- up. lUhere is neo set-tlamant. Thea placer miner is net a pioneer o! frontier t-owna. A PICK AND SHOVEL AWs a ant wali ancoustit-utehbis aquipnt, lr anti thesa ruay hrivig h-in $100.000 inBa A. N IrMnla81 a aummer x witbout stirming froeintLlisI iU banks o! a fuiw smaiui st-reaina, tribu- Especially weeu Lie can purchase tise tarias o! t-he Yukou. Ha t-baýn !Baves, good article for n reasonahie suin of! t-ha cOuntry. WLhet-ber under thbe pres- moaey, therefore if you wish a walcls, euinrgimenofsas auti Lecafnei t-l cldh ixdig ring, spectacles, a wed- miniglicnse shold e cofind todgn present, a hirthday present orý Britishs subjeots la a question wblch ai aefryu w s ~lat mny be caxideiret, Lut t-lera seems aRicisars. r No itr ootsfer youra ba.rdiy any deuhi t-bat iany eavent Rcads obte od o-or a suhat-antial reyalt-y!ehoulti haexact-adi money in Canada. Any amenai o-f by tisa Goverameat upon ail t-be goîti pretty tiîgs. Bowmanvile,Canadian,, taken freint-be soil, &nu tha public anti Juhilea Sonvexiiors. Ail thLest revenue t-Lus benafit frcin' tLe public gooda anti many 'more heing salti at- wealth. Thea greai difficulty tisaGov- prices wilhia tLe reach of every ane. exmemnt labeurs untier a ais a! odea!in- Aise Sewing mnachines of lhre.e makene lt-a inforat-ion. It tIas a yeart- get- a mam lut-at-bat country anti acis Eyesigbt carefully sud scîent-dlcally agalu. Many ativant-urers have lefi iest-ed free, their bones en t-be ieL sands t-bey weni Grocera' due his taken as cash. te exploit, Sonma dieti o! siarvation. Footi is di!! icuit ta abtaîn. Saine dieti 10, 15 or 20 par cent. onal h, od Waichmaker, Jewelier anti Opticiau, t-aien away fromn t-ha Canadian Bowmaaville. atreans lit-be Yukoan country, t-ha Eyesight Testeti Free. Govamninent would doubtiass ha large- ly guideti Ly it-. At- all a venta, an express ofa public opinion wonlti as- alat t-ha Governinant li raaching a conclusion, and t-La feeling at Ottawa la t-bat- saieaction aboldti ataan lin ie for naît session. ONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE. Dr. W, H. Dalana, o t-ha cumat-ors of the Washilugton National Museumn, la familiar with t-ea raglan of country i wiicb t-Le5Kiandyka golad fieldis ara, iccaatti, t-roug l LaviIno-beexie on severai geological axpedutions te t-Le raglan in Alasksa adjaîiino t-Le. golti district, anti anys tisai in Lis opinion, thle reports froni t-Lame probably are not axaggamat-ad. "Whan 1 was t-lere I titi not- tintigalti, but knaw o!fis Le- io- t-akan out. in profitable quanti- t-les for fîfte-en years or more. It was first disceare thihere la 1886. lI 1880, w.bau I was np la t-bat count-ry, my -tet tripliavino- beau matie two ycars no-o, t-e firsi part-y o! prospect-ors who, niaisat-be minliso a protit. st-art-ad oui. The goad is fauxit on the, various tribu- taries o! t-ha Yukon, antiI bave beau wit-Lln a cocmpaativey short distance CUBES of. t-La Klonctyka fields. I matie ona COLIC, CHOLERAe CHOLERA-- _tip- ta _Circk e-City, jusi ovar- t-he r~ D*RIO Laundary- cf--Canada.-- 'ÀV Cildren'steetb are or ften aacrifie by o neglect-toa aften O Ch 1 &OIEvt domsacbe. extracted before BiQllerd[dItawek. o =1 pear-too often cause needless enifering. very motiier ahould have In Cr the hanse "Q ic cue0 Dr. s. J. Andres, Montreal, says; . «Quickcure, overcomes thse painf quit kly ; gives relief for a long tine; la especially valuable for childrenU'S Iteetih which should not be extracted until their successors appear. It la j perfectly safe ta usenat all ages, and does flot injure the teeth as maxsy &otho.- remedies used for toothache do." Ask yourdrnggist forit'. HEÂTIIDE HE YUKONTHOMASý PEATE,