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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1897, p. 7

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There are thousands of sickly school-giris ail over this broad land that are 'dragginkg their way through schoolTliîfe who might enjoy that akundant life which be- longs to youth by simple at- tention to hygienic Iaws and a proper course of treatment with Scott's Einulsion. This oudmake the blood rich, 2ý the 2heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken the appetite by strengthening, the digestion. Our book tells more about it Sent. free. j SCOTT & BOWNE, MeleviIke, ont. Strong Points ABoUT B. B. B3. 1t Its Purity. .2. It1,ýhousands of Cures. 3: Its Ecouomy. le. a dose. M. 3. 33. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, utcsthe Secretions, IPurfies the Blood and remuves ail the impurities frein a commun Pimpile to the woe Scrofulons Sure, and DYISPE-PSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, 11BARTBURN, SOUR STOMACE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM. SICIN DISEASES. BOP. TYVRTY-ISEýVFN YE.ARS. TI'ECOGK"SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE iri CANADA. 'Or have you palpitation, throbbing or .irïregular beating, dizziness, short breath, ..rn.tberîng or chnking sensation, pain in ithe breast or heart. If se, your heart is affected and ivili in turm affect your nerveà, causing ner .veusness, sleepless- nuess, morbid anxious feeling, dcbility. Puis Cure ail these complaints liy regulatÎng the heart's action and buildingup the nervous and muscular system te perfect heaîhandstecgb.Price 6oc. per box or 6 boýxes fe0. e At ai druggists. TUMÊE DIETZ * RIVIGLAM is about as nea perfection as 50 years of Lamîp-Maýking can attain te hI b urns kteresene, and gives a powerful, Iclearwht light, and will neither blowÇ ilor jar eut. When eut driving wth it the darkness reasily keeps about two Ihundred feet at'pad of your smartest hoitrse. When-you wnt the very beat Oving Lamp te be had, ask your dealer fer the - Dietz." We Issue a special CatalIogue cf this Lmp, and, if yeu ever prowl around v4night-fall, it will interest yeu. 'Tis mailed free. R. e. DIETZ Co., 6o Iaight St., New York. Zotablished in 1840. GLASS HELMETS. If scIence lias its way we sheuidi Pro- ably befere long te ordered te Wear Lamaý helmets as a protection against urimtroke. Tliis is the idea cf a f ar- w4s Frenchi scientifie man who lias toidentally made some very enrieus INoveries in the nature cf sunlight. ~ssscientist believes thatthe X raya zniigb are what produce sunstroke, iid that witls bis glass caps br helmets ws will be able te liring about abso- utoly complete immunity frein this oinplaint, in just the same w ay as te ancient Greeks didi, whc always eý brasa helme "acf a character ti eh, made thein impervious te ýthe X ays OÊ the Sua. i~ A lAflIITTTT ~er af ter awhible, and the meney they' B1 ALG Villil lUb Si. fling away on hrurttui indulgences they xvii put into a cc-operati've association andi so e Icinte oitalists4 If the Ri4V. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ON werkLinma put dcwn hie wages and HOW THE MONEY GOES. take bhis expenses andi apreadti lem eut B:e they will just equal, ho la net wîse. 1l know working'men WhoLi are in atper- The Ceebrated Divine Arraigus AIl ClasCse fect fidget until tbey get riti of their of Speidtlrifts - Thelr FoolighInesS last dollar. Iireedsi ioverty - A sure iLeMed3 For flie following circunistances came un- *eep Losses. der our observation. A young man Rpv.Dr. almae pxache on iun-werked hardi te earn hbis $600 or t$700 Rex. D. Tlmae p'eahie on~ Iyearly. Marriage day came. The bride day frcm HIlaggai, i. 6, "He that earneth hadi inheniteti e500 freinlier grandifa- wages, earneth wages te put into a bag thon. She spent every dollar cf it on with holfl."the weddrng dreas. Then they rentedi witl bob." . tw rooins ia athird storey Tlion the lu LPersiit under the reign of Dlarius Young man took extra evening employ- HlWstaspes, thie people did net prosper- ment; almost exhanisteti with the day's Th'ey matie money hut, diti not keep it. work, yet took ove'ning employmient. It They are like people who bave a sack in almoat extinguisheti bis eyesigbt. Wliy niti he atit evenng empinyment te the whieh tbey put moiney,t knowtng day empbloyment? To get money. Why tint the sack is tomn or eaten of moths, niti lie want te get nloney? 'To lay up or in seme way incapable of holding soinething for a rainy day? No. Te valuablea. As fast as thEý coin was get luis lit e insured, se that in case of is death bis wif e would net be a beg-, Put in one enti of the sack it droppedi gar? No. îlie put the extra evening out of the other. It matie ne differ- werk te the day work that lie mlght once how ranchixa.ges tbey got, for get $150 te get bis wife a seaiskin cnet. theybatthe. "ie tnt arntliThe sister of the bride beard of this theYlos ther. liethateaxethachievement, and was net te ho eclips- wages, earneth w ages te put it into ed. She was very peor. and &'ne sat up a bag witli ols.11werking nearly ail tiE ng ina for a Wflat bas be.omeofo the billions andi great whule uintil she bouglit a seal- .skia cent. I bave net bearti of the re- billions of dollars in tuis country paiti suit on that street. The street is f ull te tie working classes? Some of these cf those wlio are on small jucomes, but moneys have gene for bouse rent, or the 1 suPPose the co'tagien apreati, and purclias8ofe homesteads. or wartirebe, or that everybody hadi a sealski'n coat anti thc people came eut anti crieti, prac- family expeuses, or thie necessaries of ic l, not literally. -Thougli the life, or -to provitie comtforts la eldi ago. he-aveus fali we muist have a sealskil Wbat lias becomre of oLber billions? ceat ' Wastedtu infoolial outlay. Wasted at 1 was eut weîqt and.iamLnister of the .gospel tolti me la Iowa thut lits cliurch the gaming table. Wastet inl intOxl- andi the neigliberboodi hadi been impex'- cants. LPut into a hag with a liuntired erishet by the fart that they put mort- holes. gages on their farnin u rtier te send Gathr u th rnneyltha th wok- heir familles te the Philadeiphia cen- Gathr u th i:oney tht te wrk-tennial. t was flot respectable net te îng classes have spent for drink during go te the centennial. i3ctween sncbi the last thirty years, and 1 will buildi evila and pauperism. thuere is a verY for ver woringan ahi ndla 'short step. The vast majority of chli-1 forevey wrkigma a ieue ati ayd rea in your almalieuses are uhere lbe- eut for hlmi a gardien anti clothe his cause their parents are drunken, lazy1 sons i brcadclothl anti bis daugliters, or recklessly improvitiont. in ilks, and place at ils front door a -1 have no symlpathy for skintlint sax'- prancing span of sorrels or baya antid g u laifrCiita rteie Yen say it ta impossible ncw te lay up secure hîm a poiicy of lite insnra-nce , anytàlug fer a rainy day. I knew it, s0 tint th& presenit home may be well but we are at the day break of nationalt maintaineti after lie is deati. The mest presperity. benîe people tlink it is1 meantte turn the gais 10w when tliey 9go persistent, most overpowering eneOmy Out cf the parler, fhey feel emibarrass- of ticý working classes la intoxicating en if thse deorbcîl rings before tbey have liiquor. t la the anarchiat of the cen- thse. hall liglite.Tii. 1by apologuze 1er the turies and has boycutced, anti is now plti il yu surprise t.Cem a4t the boycottikag, the bodiy and mind and pilebWVei la l mean if it is only te pl a misenly hoarti, but if it bo &eui Of *Americaln labor, ltit t it a te educate y ou childrcu, if it ho te givo werse for than monopoly anti womse more lielp te youm wite wben she doies tint aesociateti capital. ne e tmong, i th e ke your funeral day frein being horrible It annually swlndlea industmy eut o? a beyond ail endurante hecause it is te be large percontage o? its earnings. It t.he diruption anti annihilation of the liolds out its blasting solicitations te tiOmcstic cncle, if it hc for that thon it the mechanie or operative on bis way - are icthoewoaekp.a~O te, work, andi at tic 5neen speli, and on erty because of their own fanit. They lia way borne at eventide; on Satur miglit bave beca wcLl off but they smok- day, wlien the wages; are paiti, it snat- ed or chrawed tep their earnings, or tbey livcd b hirmoans, while others obes a large part of the rmocy tbat o eye,, ad ter n nth an migît corne into tlie farnily anti sacru- salaries weut on te competency. I know fines it among tlie saloon keepers. acman Who is ail tlie timo complaîning Stand the saloons et this country ide et.lies pevemty anti crying eut against si~u, nd t l cxefllyestmattiridli men, while leho inaelf keeps two by sdadi saxflyetmt doga anti clews andi siokes anti is full tisat theywoult reaci front New York te thse chin with whisky andi beer. Wil- te Cicsago. "Forward, mardi," aays kins Micawber saint t David Copper- thua drink power, "anti take posession field; "Copperfielti, my boy, £l imceme; of th Ainrica naton."expenses, 20 shillings anti 6 pence; me- of th Anixiým naton."suit miisery. But Copperf ield~, my boy, The drihk business is pouriug its £l1 incoei; expenses, 19 shillings anti vitrielic anti tamnnable liquida down tlie 6 pence; nesult, happinosa." »iut O work- throats of buntirets of thousantis cf la- Ilagnan, take your merning dramn anti berrs ntiwltil th orinry triesyour noon dramn anti yonr evening dramn boxes, nd Mlethe rdiarystrkesanti apendi everytiing yen have over for are.,minous oti te employers anti em- tobacco anti excursions, aad yen insure pboyes. I proclaâm. a strike universal pOcity, for yeursolf anti yeur children agaist siongdrink, W'hcb, if kept up, foevirl agaast srongMY Plea la te those werkiag people will ho the relief ot the worktng classes Whio are la a disciplesbip to 'the anti thu saivation of the nation. I will whisky 'bottie, the beer jng anti the qundertake te say bhat there is net a wine flask. Anti wha.t 1 say to thera hualthy laborer la the Unitedi Statos ivill net ho more appropriato te the working classes than te the business Who, within tha next ten years. if lie classes, anti net wiîli the people cf one Wil refuse ail intexicating beverage age more than the peopleofetail ages. anti bo aavin.g. mayi net becerne a capi- Tale o good lolk at the suffeing of tallin on a amail acale. Our country the man wiom streng drink lias en- lina earspnts ~.b0~0.b0 or rik.thrallcd, anti remember that towards in yex pens $,50,0,0,00fordrik.that goal multitudes are runiag. Thie 0f course the, workàn.g classes do a disciple of alcohelisin suffers tlie s great deal oft f is expenditure. Came- et respect. Just as seen as a man fui statisties show that the wage earn- wakes up ant i flds that lie, is the, cap- en lasses et Great lIritaiu expentis tive of treag drink hoe feels demeaneti. ing 1 do aot came how recllessly ho acta. in liquers £1,000,000 a year. Sit dOwa fie may say, "«ltient came;" li ldees anti calculate, O werkingman, liew care, fie cannot look at a pure man in mnuch you bave expentied inl these dur- the oye, unlesa t la wîtli positive force ecti,Ânr. Aa itall p. etofresolution. Tliree-feurîlie et hisna- ectins.Aaait al u. Ad up what turc, is tiestroyeti; bis self-respect la youur neighboeahave expeadeti. anti gene; lie says thinga lne woulti net ofli- realize thit inlteati et answering the erwise say; lie does thiaga hoe would net becd ot ottier peopie you. miglit have etherwise do. When a mais is aine- houa yeu.r own capur.taut. W hon you teaths gene with stroag drink, the fimat tiepbete a we-,rlingman's physical on- tbîng hoe wants te do is ts persuade ergy yoyu deplote h%-a capital. TIhe afi- ycu, that hoe cau stop any lime lie wants muinteti worltman gives ont. hefore the te. jHoi cannot. The £'hiliestinea have utotimulateti worknn My father bouat bi hbanti antif out, anti shoru lis saiti: "I became a temperanco man in bocks, anti put eut bis cyca, anti are early lite'Peeause 1[noticeti la tle bar- making lmii grint inlathe miii of a vesf fieldt tit, thougli I was physi- great liorrer. 1 w 11 prove it. fie lnows cally weaker flan echer werkmen, 1l that lis course la hringing muin upon could bolti out longer than they. Thoy huiseif. fie loves hinmseif. If lie coulti took stimulants, I tol none." A stop, lic, woubi. fie kaows lis course bricîmaker lu Englaut i gveBis ex- la briinging ruin upon bis'f amily. He periance ln regard to thils natter loves uliom. fie woulti stop if lie coulti. amnong mon L in " ompbey. fie says, fie cannof. ILerhaps lie ceuldti hree aftter investigation: "fhe eer drink- montas or a year ago, net nous. J ust er whlo matie the fewest brieks matie asl hum te stop a month.. Ha cannot. 65q.000. anti thi abstainer wlio matie fýiek-w. iecnno, s li ticnet exhortodi abaut the evil habit saidi "'Uncle, IL can't givo it up. If tîcre ateod a cannon anti a glass cf wine, weme set on the nicutb et' that- cannon anti1I knew that yen weulti fime if off insomina, nerveusness, aud, uat as IL came up andti tek the glass, et net relioved, bilions feyerI wouidi start, for Il must bave if." or bloot i oning. Hood's C Ohý it la a sadi tbing fer a man te PuIsstiulae t5stxualiw ake ýup la tels life ant inld that ho rouse the lîver, cure hoadache, dizztness, con-laacpie Ho ay,"cudihv stipation, etc. 25 cents. Solti byal got idi of this once; but I can't new; I Thte unly Pillasto take wtli Hodla Sarsaparillm. miglit bave liveti an honorable 1f e, anti CýhFIld ren C ry for died a Christian deatli. But there la no liepe for me o w. There la ne escape for me. Deadi, but not buriodi. 1 arn a wakiag eorpse. 1L am an apparition of what I once was. 1 amn a cagod im- morfal, beatia-g againat thie wimes ofS a s p i againat the cage until there la blondi on the wines anti blond on mny seul, yot nef ahie te get out-deatroyeti withont remedy." I go on anti say that thei disciple of A 1 ss rmn suff ors from the bs cf boalte. The AnY sarsapari.1a sa eider mca may reniember that seme tea is tea, So any flouri yeama ago Dr. Sowell wenf flirougli this CI!Y uwathebsIts country anti electrifilotithe people hy Y u at h bst t' bis lectures, la whioh ho showodi the are grades.. You want th effocts ef alcoholism on the hurnan stomaci. Ifo hadi sevon or ouglit dia- sarsaparilla as welI as igrams by whieh ho sbowed the devas- ~ wudb ayt een tation of streng drink upon the physu- should b you ? etrr] people wlie furneti back f rom thatî ulcerous sketch s1veariag etomnai ah- When you are goi, stinence from evemythinig flat conid inl- whose value you don't 1< texicate. Geti only knows what flic tiunkard r establish,d house to tra sutfers. Pain files ou every nerve. antixerec travoîs every muscle ,andi gnaws evory epeiec and reputat: houe, anti humas wif h every flarne, anti sarsaparilla. stinga xith cvery poison, anti pulls at hlm wifli every torture. What reptiles n.yers iarsaparîlla1 crawl ever bis sleeping li.uss! Wliat ~ ffyyas orgad fienda stands hy b is mi(lnigbt pibbow 1 It er.Y u rnf Wbaf greans tcar his ear1W hat ber reputable medicine, Th( fltuhera pireoftaeiust fionusagoof thse fratal po? ,te iquistion, taîl etBut only oeAyer's. J'] JUggcmajauft-b0 teels theni ail at once. Have yen ever heen in flic ward of thie lospitai where the"e inehniatos are tiying, flic stech et their vountisdmiv- iug hack flic attendants f1 'ir voices____________________ seuntitng flimougli the night? The keeP- , er celme p anti says: *'!bush, now bje~4 lit is effectuai enly fer a moment, fer n du s1!Stpmaking ail this noise!" But a dn if is effectuai ouiy for a momentfer as allen as tlic keeper is gene Mey lie- gin again: "O Geti, O Goti Hebp, heipi Drink!1 Glir e m drink! Ilelpi1 Tale The llidersigned desireto thari flicin off me! O Goti 1" Anti thon tisey for the ib,, atoag xtenduds shriek, andti ely rave, andthey pluckl libO ea arnr Onf their haîr by banifuls, antibite aotormind them that we tbeim nails into flic quick, anti thon tliey grean, anti they aliriol, anti tbey prepared to buspheme and they ask the keepers 1IGES4M Stranglo nie! Strangie nme I Tale tiseF devLil off me !" Oh, if is ne fancy P sketch!1 That, thing is guiug on now ail up anti down flic landtianudT, will AI tel _1yen further fliat flua la geiag te I LL ,IN ; b he lcdeafli some of ou il die. I înow it. 1îsec if cominz. deliverpd at our storehouse Cor. Kin Again the iniebriaf e sutters Ilireugis Darlington. We have aisc fhe boess ethome. 1 doticnt came 1h0w mcliho loves bis wite anti chîldiren, if bis passion fer strong drink lias Muas-NE A [ feret i hm, xiii do tee most outrageonsan things, anti if he ceuidinef get drink of Canactian adLiverpool Coarse Sî la any ether way ho wouiti pell bis and horses, and Fnesh Gnoui farnily inte etemnai hontiage. Howrnany homes have been broeuUp la ehaf. which we are pi way ne eue but Goti knews. Oh la there anything that wlll se destroy a. ' lan ton flua lit e anti tamu hi oton fis E MI- - R --l lite that la te corne I-Do nef tell me fliat a man can ho happy when lie Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and1 knows that ho la brealing his wife's always in stock. bearf anti clothiag bis ebiltirca with rags, Why, teere are on flic reada We invite inspection and guarai anti streets oflua ati te-day littie Chludrea. harefofeti, unwashed antiun- lem-pf-want on evexy patois et thoir tadetidress anti on every wrinkleofe thoir prematureiy nii ceuntenances- wio wouiti have eeon tu churches tO- day anti as weii clati as yen are butteor the tact that rmm testroyedi thoîra parents antidiove tient inte fie grave. et home, thon rocrnîiig off icer ot the pif, 1 hate fiee.- Oh, fie deep, exbausting, exaspemaf- ing. everlasfing thimat oethfe timnal- anti la heu I1 Wiy. if a fiendt a-e Up NewSrn od tp te earth for soie informai work Lna ae pigGosa grogsliop anti s.onid go back taîing on for Cheapnessý and Quality. Ifs wia.g just one t-rop cf that for whici fie inebniafe lanfthe îost Worlt Ail Wool Tweed Suit to longs, whaf excifemeaf wouldtif maIe fliere f Put fiat one drop frein offthie e ouf.0Pnstor f iant's wing on the tîp of tic Wongue e u 25 at oo ef the, deatroyed i nobriafe; lot the We have the largest and liquiti brightness juat toucli if, l potd ndD meti ooe drop ho amal. if t oniy hlave i tpre n o eteW oe the smack et alceliolie drink; lot tise , u'tiite etmîktf dirop jusf tonte fie lest inebriate int ogti h etmre o fhe lest worlt, anti he o wui sping We carr'y f ulli unes of St te bis feet anti cny: "Thi lamm aha i That la mum 1" Ant it wonbd wale C]othing. Fine ree lt up thieechoos et theo ti.neti: 'Give eodrdCo me rmi 1 Give mec mm 1 Give me rmm 1" Lia flic future xvrld 1 do net bcieve O ur Grocery Ithat it wIii bc fie absence ot (loti thal- wilb niak e I tiu.kart's semrow. I do neft believe if wiilb le 'the absence Is well equipped with Choice Grocer et 11gb t, I do nef holieve teat f iw iii ho tee absence ot holineas. 1 think cheapest and as good as the best. if xii be the absence of mum. Oh, Full jute in Patent Medicines at popu "Looknoneupea theewino wien if Is reti. wben it meveti itselt arigltin l at 3c. per pound. the cup, fer af fhe isat if 'itefhli bie a serpent anti if sîrngeth ile anut- Wien IL declareti seme finie ago thatjL fiscre waa a peint heonti wvhiel a man HAMPTON. coniti not stop, 1 wanfte tell yen tint, wile a man cannot stop la bis exvn ________ ______ afrengtl, flic Lord loti. hy fila grace can lielp hum te stop at aay fime. IL yen alintden, andt le celer of the liquer usas in a moonu in Neix York whene wonlti maIe you tink et the bleod. cf tiere xerc inany mon wlo lad been the seul, anti the feani on tise top et reclaineti troni tiunikonneýsa. 1 boartithe cap wonid nemintiyen et the freth their testissony anti for the f irst fume on the maniac'a Ulp, anti you wonlti Ineel in my lite Ibure flasheti()nt a trntl 1 dexvn andi pnay Goetfat, nathen than nover untieratooti 'Iliey saiti: "Wewxvcm yonn chidren shouldi beceme captives et x'eiu.ns et strong drink. We trieti te tuis cvil habit, yen wonld ikhe te car- give it up, but always faibeti. But some- ny tbom ont sorne bniglit spring day hew sýice ve gave our liearts to Chist, te fhe cometeny anti put flient axay fie lias talon came of us.'"IL believo thaf tote easf sleep.unatil at tise cal ef fie tme xiii conte when the grace oflie senth is ditithe fleuvers xvculd coe i(s ligits,-a- prnnten crtie1be ,-00iùotons cf fleur, eigify car-loads. nesetftiar-ne-sa foi vn.4,000 boxes o? bacon, sae'nty-five car- Oh, il yeoulM only bear intemper- îoadjs. anco, xifi timalad'boues drumming 3,000 tiuesofe lard. fenty-eiglrf can- on flic iseatl i etfieliquor cask heicdeadilds matco it immrtal seuls, methinka fhe 1,300 bales of cet ton, forty car- very gianice eof a xvne cupvonldi mIe ea. < pitcher'szC toi, irsaparilla. True. So any is flour, But grades differ. so with sarsaparia. There te best. If you understood you do tea and flour it nine. But you don't. 1kw ng to buy a con'modity know, you pick out an oId ade with, and trust their ion. Do so when buyin bas been on the market [rather used Ayer's. It is a àere are many sarsaparffJas. cJ L' CURES. kran. epot k the farmers of Wt-,, Ourham ed to us during the past seasua, 5are stili in the market and 3o pay the LRKET PRICE EGRAI &SEE03 Ing and George streetss., or at Por o on hand a large stock. D FRESH, Salt ini Bagos. Rock Salt fore attie nd Grey Plaster in Barrela prepared tu sel CM 0.ASIL DRY CLEÂN SOREENE]) OOÂL antoe satisfaction. ~n eraI Sto re. prices that will astonish you order $8.00, great value. ýder. 1most attractive stock of Im- as ever shown iii the County, r SPOT CASH. aple Dry Goods, Raymd bhing a specialty. (Department ries and Provisions as cheap -&s Ike We have special values in TEAS. Llar prices. Suiphiur in quantilies 11200 bhead of lhve cattie. eighty cax- Icadis. 3,600 qurters of dressed beef,ï in addîtion lihere will probably be a tbousaand tons of snisollaneous mer- chazdîse, say eighty car-loads mûre; in ail net lems tdan seven hundred and eighty car-loads, or tbirty-nine- long trains of twenty cars oaci,. Nor, ls tlie a.bove by any means the entire load of " monidern ank. ¶lhe Pýennffsylvania will Lave accommodations edige. se thnt after steady use for sev- aoral months thie fibre of the steel oc- oupies a position exactiy the reverse of that which it did oni the day' oàf pur- clisse. If you leave the razor alone for a month or two, and take it up, yâu will f lad that the grain bas assurned its; first position. The opration can lie repeated until the steel is Word tbrougb te the back. ýýi i'ýï

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