Insecticides, * Pure and reliable. Insect Destroyers at' SJ. IGGJNBOTIAM & SONL, Chemists and Druggists. I PURE PARIS GREEN,, PURE INSEOT POWDER, * PURE MOTII CAMPEOR, * FLY POISON PADS, STICKY ELY PAPER, (I9RUIgtao)] Hygeia Beverages H ires Root Beer, MeLaughlin's Hyg'eia B everages, Lime Fruit Juice, etc. SJ. Hi*gginbotham & Son. BOWMANVILLE. NFI W w - - ~~ww O O O O O O You It! That Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring: to place in your home, we have in great variety and our priées are so low you cannot afford to be without it. Cali and See the newest designs in ail kinds of Fainiture. You are always welcome, t Ie BowmANVýXiLLp. Undertaker and FurnIture Dealer, Beungall's Block., Sewin mes. There are- many kinds of Sewing Machines, but wherý purchasing a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind 1 sel, For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms maïde to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers should cali and investigate, or sent postal card and agent wilI be around. Best machine oil for sale. Buy no0 other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. I have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Orgau for sale, a big bar. gain.. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper,. Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Seed. HAMPTON.lenry Elliott Jr. SNew Wall .Paper., Latest Sprinig Patterns just arrived, a large variety to choose from, lovely designs and prices right Painting, graining, kalsomining, paper hanging, tz etc., as usual. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders may bc dropped in the letter box in door S of shop, Market Square, or lef t at residence. EJNO. C. WEEKS, 40- BOWMANVILLE. Ontario Street. -- 10 N - TOURISI SEASON IN FULL SWING Rail-Lake-River- --Ocean To the Muskoka andi MidiaritiDstrict; Grand Trunie Railway 53 stemi Ton'ist -Resorts. The MUSKOKA EXPRESS leaves Toronto (UniouStabtion) 11:20O a. us. daily (except Sunday) fo Makeka Whiarf, couuecting with Muakoka Navigation Company 's steamers. Tise Fat Seasiti' Pullman (vestibuleti) Special. E ASTBOLND.-This magnificent train teaves Toronuto (Unioni Station) 1:05 a. ms. eath Fitisy arrives Kingn 5:1.5 a. m. (cinuectiug utt steamer fon Thonisands siad niB1ian St. Lawrence), tran arrivs iluMnstrtal 10:45 WýESTBOTJNr.-Turuasto 6:45 p. sasMusday. Arrivsssg Chicsgù 10 a. 5m, nasal day, Tickets anti ail informnation fsnm G, T, R, 115-luis- M. C. DICKSOSN. lis.. Pass. Agenit, Toonuto. P ROVINCIAL EXHIBITIO N) MONTREAL, Aug. 1 9th to 28th, '97. $175000.0O in Prizes A Grand Show of Live Stock. Herses, Cattie, Sheep, Swine, Pouitry. apei Prizes for Canadiau Cattie, Spcal Hrticultural Display, Agricul- tural linpletIls and Dairy7Producés. Band Concerts Day andl Eveniglg. B eioon race for lie Cliamùp!ýihip of the world Prof. L2o. Sensan sd Prof. Chantes Lesirauge, Atronauts. 'Fie greset strles OF liecial attractions e-en s-en tu Cascada. A M1-sumer Nigts Dream. Fairyid by day The msnsiwnuisnýfuli eletrieal exhuliazlon aven g1nas an Mono au6. BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 11, 1897. CLARKÉ NEW (Condensed from the News.) KIRss.-MiSS MCIUngBowmanvslle, lias been vlsiting at Mr. R. Brfnilr Jh Bieovisited friends in Tyroe receutiy.. M . drecentl iaited atr. .edersons Mrs, A. Morrow ias returneti from visiting in Lindsay. CANCER CAN BE CURED-FOr six years I sufereti fromn cancer,and got no relief until I used Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 useti seven botties faithfully. when the cancer gradually dried up ant i tnally disappeareti. I arn now, entirely well and rejoice that by using B. B. B. I have escaped death either fromn the surgeon's knif e or front the cancer it self. Signed, MîRs. ELIZA. TuFFoRD, Paris, Ont. NEWTONVI.LE.-MesarS. Chiarles and Willamn Thompson have returnet home with thoir famil- jes to Su. Louis.Ms. Jolis Muldrew and Mr. aud Rira. J. W%. Myckiehoro, of Glen Road, TFor- onto, visiteti at Mr. Samnuel Joues',...Mrs. Geo. Patteronu and Miss Bertie Hancock, Bow- manville, are speuding v acation here ...Mr. Arthur Smlith, Peterlioro. lias been visiting lits mother. Rev. Wesley Down and wife. Balt- more, Hamilton Town8nip, visiteti frieuds here .... Mrs. McCullocli and famlily, Michigauliave been guests of Mr. T. H. I. Watts. If you're troubled- with piles it need only cost you twenty-five cents to be cured. Trask's Magnetic Ointment cures piles quickly and surely and s6 soothingly that your torture is allayed at once and in the end al traces of the disease remnoved. Don't sufer any lonager; use this world-renowned reia- edy.-Stott& Jury. OBuNao.-Miss Emma Hall, Toronto, is home., M 1r. Thomas Vlnson, Toronto, was home Sunday week .... Mr. Wmn. Heury, Junior, tsaut Rosslaud, B. C ...Miss Lucy Allen is vlsitlng friends in the citv. .... Miss Magglc Jerome of the News la off on lier holidays. .Mrs.Galliraitli of Port Hope, ta visitiug lier sister, Mrs. Jones.. . Mr. Robert Cooper,- Toronto, recently visited frienda here ..Mr. J. B. Moat, Toronto, spent Sundy weekut Mr. N. F.Halls..,. Mrs. ODes, Cadla Mich., ta viiting lier mother, Mrs. Gilison ...Mrs. E. M. Jewýe]l aud son Guy, of Batavia, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Geo. Beer._ Mara. Frank Wîlliamsou sud sou Earl. Troronto, are visitiug Mr. J. P. Wtlliamsou ...Messrs. Noble Graham aud Wmn. Pollard, Peterlioro', vasiet relatives liere ...Mr. and Mrs. S. S'. Gamahby, Toronto, visiled bis father, Mr. L. A. Gamsly.... Mrs. Johu Bell, Mar-sîsalliowui,Iowa, visited Dr. Rutherford ...Mra. Quackinbusli aud daugliter Misa Liliau, Newtonville, were recent stuestsaia Mr. W. Popes..Mrs. Thomas Cronkhite aud dat glter Misa Rita, Wlasaw usa, visited frienda her ecety . isLilly Keussedy' Peterbnro, aud Miss Jean Keuuedy, Poutypoo1, visited fieuda litre rceully ..Mrs, W.Boddy, Toronto, visitedi inonda here... Master Bert Turner, Peterlioro, visited aut Mr. C. J. Tliompaon's ....Mr. Sanmel J. Cutteil, Toronto, la doing compo. w ork ou tihe News..,. Misses Ethel an Minutle Thoropson, Omemee, are vlsittng their oncle, Mr. Wns. Thompanu .. Mr. and Mrs. Rolit. Gillies, Havelock,1 sud Miss Edith Gilties, Pontypool. visited iriende isere rccently. .. r. Hlerbent Odeli andi Mr. Bert Thompson, Toronto, are, speuding veestion litre ....Messrs. G-. B. Stant,,ss, G. T. R. Mail Cerk and Morley Fautas of Trinity Medicsi Coltege, Toronto, were lu toe u resýently. Miss Lillisu Gamsby ta visiting lier e,,i sn,Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty, Gardenhil... Mr. ianti',iMr -t.bert Knox are su Muskoka, for.t.i.sst...ossug Mr. Chas. Cutteli and son fnu1 n -Tronto, visited ist father reccnlly.RUas ýis 1VOi Mniing, Bow- mauiville, sud Mr. George- Frýeeland.i Torouto, were recent guests of tiseli sses McPherson. A PoiNTESIFOR BîCYCLSTS.-When your joints £eed stiff anti sore after wheeiing, so that going up or down stair is unpleasant, andi ail movement is distressing', rub Trask 's Magnetie Oîntm6ant on your kuces, thiglis, shoulti- ers or back-3ou'li betieighted wit h the quiche and soothin2- effect it has, remnoving every trace of soreness at once. 'Bettes' keep some ln the bouse; it only costs twenty-five cents and is of valute for rnany other ills.-Stott & Jury. _____ NEWCASTLE. Mr. aud Mna. A. J. flouey, Toronto, snd Misa Emma Tuck sr, Leakard, visited liere tsar week ..Mr. 1-, R. Pearce visited lu Bowmnauville recently . .. .Mr. T. H. Rice, Toronto, was reeent guest ut Mr.Joliu Uglon 's ... ýMisa Stella Mason, Bowmaaville, la visiting Miss Leali Hutchirsou After beingpos.tpoiiedItlreetimes ou accout ofraiuiy weatherý the ladies ni St. George's Chorcli helti a garden party on Tuesday niglit on the licautifully illuirnted lawn of Rev. Canon Farncomb.* Auntexcellent prngrsm was renderedl, speetal featuoses nf whicls were: vocal solos liy Mies Coleman, B. A., Mrs. F. Brantou sud Messrs. A. Waldroui andi W. Spencer; lu. sîrumentai solo, Mises Mettait, Port Hope, sud instrumental duel liy Misses Grose sud. Paru- comli. .Newcasde Brasn Bandi added tu the leasure nf the occaaionn ly cioice mnusie.. r. Rd. Stein, Toronto, visitcd RMr. Rlenry Dsckaon recentiy. ... Miss Annie Cr-eeper,Hsy- don, was gueat at Mr. Johu Douglas'..Miss Ethel Powers,1 Kirby, spent Sunday iveek at Mr. John Rickard's... O0n'Thoraday niglit some hall a dozeu yoong peul(ecalled ettlie home of Mr. Wmn. Piekard, thear numlier was soon incressed util uearly.5e of Mn. Normran Piekardaifrienda hadgathered to aayfarewell to hlmn beinre leaviog te take a situation su a general store in Norwood. He w as completely surpriaed. eapecialiy an when lie was confroufini by Mn. C. W. Barett wlio reati a very uicety wonded sddressansd Miss Edilli Orchard tire- seuted him with a beautifol Bible "on heiaf nof vour yonng friends." The recipient made a very suitahle and toehing reply tliauking them for thesr gond wiil after whiclialal sat dnwn te the gond thiugs an boontifolly proyided liy the youug ladies. Newcastle thus loses onue onits most promisiug youing men. He was anlactire worker in the Royal Templars sud Leagne and alan heid positions iunthe liand sud Methodist choir ..Miss Bertha Morris, Bowmanviile,was gocat et Mr. A. A: Colwll's recenty.. _ A union service was heltilan tihe Preabytersan chordli on Suday night, ai wbich Rev. Mr.A McWilliams, YOUr13 very trly (.4euîd OplIfr110s n iiL~swi2~ (Signet) AMC A11ROLL., - S',C. STEVENSON, Man. and Sc~~gliiiB»mnilb TT MONTREAL. URYý FREE DISTRIBUTION of SMNPLES 0f Dr. Mis, for Hobbs' Sparagus, Kidney The Universal Medicine ail Kidney Troubles, at Stott & Jury's Drug Store. FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY. FREE FOR THE ASKING. àULP.JS HOBBSI M. 0" Stott & Jury, tbe well-k-nown drug- gists ut this tuwîsn have thse repratatiosa uf ofring to patrons those gootis onlv which are known to produce satisfa c- tory resuits. Learning of the marvehlous worth ef Dr. lobbs' Sparagus Kitiîîy Pih+ts, as evidencet by the entorse ment of curet patients and druz-gists, Stott & Jury made arrangements with the Hobbs' Remet! Co., to give absolutehy f ree ef charge ., to every penson lu this vicinity who may be iaterested, anî opportunity to test the value of these Pilis as an agent for tise speety cure ef ahi forms of kidney disease and' alhieti troubles. Dr. Hobbs asserts that lielias discov- ereti a remedy in bis Spaxagus Kidnev PuIs that wilh positivehy cure that most insidions anti commesi of ahi complaints which is wrecking men andi womn by the score daily, viz. KidsseY diseuse, except where tumors anti ulcers have formeti, nequirisîg surgical eperation. For onue weeh5 fron tise date ofttitis publication, Stott & Jury, n iii give away. FREE 0F CHARGE, te any persen -who willh cal tor a sample boxetf Hobbs' Sparag-us Kidney Pis. With each box wili be foutîti a iitthe booke on the tunctinus efthtie kitine5s, giving just such information as is desir- etd or needeti by these suttering from weak kidneys anusinnary dfficulties. No eue who is aifecteil by Kidney Diseuses anti alhieti troubles, shoulti neglect this great eppnrtunit.y. It is offeredti teenable yen fe jutige et the menits of fthe Remedy. Yen do net have te take any one's opinion but your own. It will cost you ouly the asking. F011 FIE E SAMPLE S, CALL ON Stott & Jury., BFLCIaSiIg,> BowmANviLLEu, ONT. iRev. Alex. Grant, pasten efthtie First Baptist churcis, Winnipeg, well known lu Ontario, was drewneti lasf week while canoeiug lu Nepigon river. UJNDOUBTEDLY THiBRST. GENTLE MEN. -I wish te say that Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wilti Strawberry has proveti a ivonderfui remedy in my family. We would not be without it for twice its prîce. 1 say il is THE BEST (net Merely eue of the best-but the best) medicine ever brought bef ore the public for summer cemplaint or diarrhùoa, either in chîltiren or adults. JouN tJNDERniLL License Comimission er,Strathclair,Man Convict McGarvey who was te have been reheaset from' Kingston -~eniten- tiary ou Monday lias been sent back fer five years more for aftesnpting to robi Warden Metcahfe's residence Tuesday niglit hast. SPEAx R 1om EXPERIENCE-Mr. JW. Tomlilsoni, Amherstburg, Ont., speaks from experience when lie says :"'I arn well satisaiet with Deau's Kiduey Plilîs. They stre untieubtedhy the best medicine on tise market for ftny eue afficiee wîf h urinary or kidney troubles, sucli as pain in the back,tired feeling,cramps, uumbness, etc. They cureti me and removeti ahi my pains anti aches." Tees, Wilson_& Co., tea jobliers, Mentreal ,have caleti a meeting of their creditors. Liabilities $22.000. WRONG IREAnT ACTioN.-Wreng action et the heant causes nenveusness, niervous d1'yspepsia, shentness et breath anti etler distressing symptoms. Mn, Samuel Yelland e oftdon, Ont ,, vas cured et these troubles by faleýing Mil- burn's Heart ansd Nerve PuIs. Mn. Yeland savs: '"Thev are a reinarkable, madicine, and I hiave îlot been troubieti lu the least since talzing th esi." The Ürst number et t'a e Kamloops (British Columnbia) ,tau.lwd is te liant. The ue-v paper is unden the manage- ment cf Mn. J. T. R'obinson, late etffthc Caiisgton Gleaner. 'Just a soîre tireat,'" that roay get better ef liseit, onrnîay icati te a !ng severe ilîness. I-lad't ynu better cure if by î-ubbing on Trask's Magnefic Ointmet ? If gives relief fomthe pain and liearsen iess at once, healing up tise sinrume eti mb~llrRflc in 50 gentle a manner that yen douît realize ifs pres- ence. It will enhy eost I ou twenfv-five cents at ans' drught's, anti wilsa ve ~ou usut-1 tistress anut pau,--Stott & Iii -Clothing We Ofer. A fine range of new arrivaà i harveet men's and thresher's wear blue overails, grey oveialls, black overails, plain & stripe cottonîadelpants lined and un lined; in fact we are f ally assorted and have sup erior val- ues. Some fresh assorting in the light coat and vest line to hand, war have sorne choice Black Suits for men justi to hand ruade for us frcQ. our own materia], sec these for value. ln both Boy's and Mlen's Suit we have a few new arrivais just in, we are expeeting very SOOi a won-~ derful fine choice of men's faîl overcoats, do not forget about these Bicycle Suits and Pants away down to elear, sec thern. Dry, GOods. 7 We mnake a point of offering special bargains eaeh week in just the kînds of goods you will naost likely need, read the following. 5 doz Ladies fine cashmers hose, assorted ribs very special at 25e a pai, Special purchase table napkins wore $1.for 75ù doz. Speciid purcliase table napkins $1.35 for $1. Also in Table Linen we offer for this week only, Narrow width but; fair quality 10e yd. 46 in. check pattein with border for 15e yd. Reg. 50c wide tabling (unbieached) for 35e yd. Beautiful pattern, extra wide, reg. 80e for 50c. Very fine, bleached, reg $1:.25 for 75e. The,e linens and other specials will be placed on sale on our bargain tables on Wednesday, Au g. llth and that alil nfy have a tair chance will net b. sold at the above prices tili then. in 1 Wn nnLzHJ' E?-3 New goods just in, Ladies Belts, Pins, links, st;udds,' etc., or silver novelties,-fruit forks, spooris, etc. As you know our prie 'S'e always lowest for good gootis. TloCaaiat~BRADLEY'S SOlIOOL ]fU- The anaîan ateman Report of S, S. No.'14, Darlingtoni. AriElgt PgeNamesiluorder ofmenit. PublicSeheel1 Au lrt Pge 'ntyEigtC~psiswep.pnLeaving-Edith VanNest, Ernest Heuor; ta published Extrance-Myrtle Milîson; Jr. 4th b) Sr 4th-Vincent Farrell, Maud Illddon EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, Florence lleduion, ArthurnStnith; Sr. .srd AT I OF 'RE to Jr. 4th-Gortion Souch; Jr. lird to Sr. 8rrd-Lizzie Parr ; Sr. 2nti to J r. Pirt- 26 STATESNIAN BLOCK, KING STREET, John VauiNest,Edna Parr; Jr.2nd te Sr. 2nd-Barbara Leaslç, Archie ValaNoat, BOWMAiNVILLE,, ONT.. BY Arthur Jackson. C. W. SLEMON,tala- er. M. A. JAlVES, Edîtor & Proprictor. Snbserlpioni$1.50 penrsonusn, on 81.00 If paid strictly l in dace. ADVERTISING RATES Transicut Advertisiug. Ton Cents per Lina, irai insertion iFane Cents per LUne esdli sul- sequient tnsertaon. CONTR ACT RATES. SIZEFADERTSEMINT TIMES iNS ERTED. One Colsamu.........$20 o 54 mote 10 Hali Coloan .........15 OU0 26 40 60 ýunarienColumu .... 8 00 16 26 40 ighlli Columui ........ 5 110 1 16 26 Tweuty-five Line. ..4,%0 9 12 15 Twety Lse. ...... 4 00 6 Il 13 F _fee Line.......... a5o 5 7 50 12 ToneULnes........ .s2s50 4 f5 6 5e Il - CLies ..........1 21 50 61 10 'Fhe above are contnsct rates, sud spply oniy to negulan business ativertimens. 'Frausient a- ventisements 'Fen cents a lune tirai insertions, sud Five cents a Ue tadli subses4nent insertion. Chang8feani otraci ativertlsemeuts must lie haudeti lia nitliter Ibatonue o'ciock onuSairtay -ihis nide wil liec stictiy enforceti. Panagrapli atventisemenis smonnews Itemis 10e a Une ese inlasertion. Notice oi Birtisa, 25c; Manriages anti Desilis, Diaplayeti adventisemenis are measuneti by s scale ni soliti nospaneil anti elanget aeccrtisng- Y. Orders ionrtiiscoutituing adventiseuieuta muai lie in writiug otherwise tise poliiher wiIl net bce nespenshL. 'F. SuBSCsaBESunNo Pper. will lie stopjed outil ail anneanages are pat, except ai the optiaon ni the, puliialen. A po st office notice te tiascon iunde tnt sufficient. Double negular rates aeechangedti uring, Mancli, Apnil sud May anti Octolien, Novemisen anti Deeuern i on dispiay advetiing nit con- tracteti for liy tle yean, AIl kinda ni Job Prnting doua witli tanes anti despateli sastioun easonaable ienms. The office la supplied w !th s gresi vantety nf the istesi and mosi fashliaaisîsstyles of typa. Busineas notices las local or uews cclomns Inrsti insertion 10 cents per lune Nompanel; 5 cents par uine easiseqsatuetiinsertion. Noticesonimeet- ings ni aoy kind ti ai ch su admission foc la chargeti on a (ollection. iatssken mathepaitiior. Ail communicains s loui liebatitre5sed, M. A. JAME$, 1Bowmanville,Ont PLEASANTl.SUIIU ANI) QLIca-GâN-rnln- 'tE .Iara pheasedtote ecammnent your -Luxa Liver Pilus for constipation, dys,- pepsia anti siche heatiache, 1~ have used fhom for those troubles, and futd them a picasant, quiCk anti sure Cure, free' frem the anneyîng grlpiug of other Plus I have hiserý4êofone uset. Signed, uI. JAMEý,S, St. Nîcholas Iloel,âamIkon, Onf. The t-e- ADVERTISED MOST SBy its Loving Frienti 6918ALADIA> CEYLON TEA. The Best Always The eheapest IIBENRY's Photos are notedt for their beautiful style and finish and his prices are away down. Special atten- tion ziven to family groups. Opposite Bennett lieuse, Bowmanvllle. DRKESSUMAKES5 Seamstresses, and familles siuuc procure fthe best and Asiiples nîefhod et cutfing, viz ; wofril's fli fÉ NmiWU101101 808Imî It Is up to date anid will savi ,f'auli haif your timie, anti give your wor the elégance of Freînuli Styl e uN es. Apply f0 W. SL5AUIDING, _') Euclit Ave., Toronto, GTenera'l Agent, or te Mieýs J. MARrm, 13ow nianv ile, fat Mr.Dasvis', Beeui Ave. 30 - 1yr, ciii.ireisor adults Dm,.É lo ri W Syrup is a sale antd sz1re emd cures Couulsnaiýd.ý Non-WA,£VI PRBYBîiliup,"'Qilonrl 46*ds aud arR 1t I k utf1,1IL,".V"tllf pricee2 auýd 50e. SICK zmA~AI d a lsmý4poaet R-expoaul bvRs~d~~ P 'ý,te totý«ei W càC,,üte .~ The Mason Oo,,, This week we are bringing forward for clearance 80ra very special values and our remnants are int ail sold yet. In Groce eries W . ffe r. 2d-Me lst India ard Ceylon Biend Tea for 19c. nA Choice Japan Ta?4 20c, 3rd a very fair flyson Tea for 15e. Maple Leaf Salmon 2 for 25c, Eagle Salmon at 10e, good Baking Powder at 10e, a ehoice 1111e fre~h ground coffee at 35e. Can Meats and flsh in large variety, California fruit Cider and wine a choice summer drink qt. Botties 20c. In Cen ts Furnishings we Offer Ail Wool ribbed Bicycle iHose rugular 60e- for 42a Men's Heavy union Sox,-pecial at 10c. - - Men's and Boys Straw Ilats must ail go at kss than cost. Fine Ntgligee Shirts reversible collars i-cg. price $1 no gW 75« Men's Shaker Fiannel Shirts dark colors at 40c. Men's lEarvest Mitts special at 15e pr pair. Men's Shaker Fiannef night Shirts very special at 35e On Saturday from 8 o'clock your choice of 25e and 50c ties for 19e and many limes to dlean. p