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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1897, p. 3

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o 0. r a YOUR BABY'S SKIN NEEDS 6V, AYSI NONE BETTER s4 s4FOR .s.s DELICATE SKINS « The Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mins. Montreal. SpociaIists le the Treatment et Norvous, Blond, Sexual and Private Diseases 17 ÏT1111tà DsTOiÏ1 caoa Cuodrî, MAN To nferrons dnd depodet weak aýndi tired mo:rnings; nambiton hfe1ss; emoy por; asil faigued;: excial;es sunke, and blnrred; pîmpoles on face;dreas and nightlosses; drains utat soo; ozngfl ni-teist býn ggar looki; weakback; boue pains;. lcer;haioose;g' sorethroat; varicocelo; teucy; lack of energy and iOUYîOdi, strength. Ti motn tpl MAnnn .ILlife sho dnld taken ontil Yon are positive1 y OurodI yon have ben weakened or dis,.rs"2 rionsjivaricocele, hsperaorhoea Pind syhlsedngrhpiesin married life. Our New Method cures thein per- maetir. Ify ou are Marricd ceusAi u aionce, as ecaraoeursteth vital energy sud dsie. ju ;h t Marry, onradvicemnaybe wort'na fortune ýlw Methed 'eus dlscovered by us several years ago. Il bnilds np an,d strengtbensY, the nervons etor.s10t vitality sthe &sexual or1ans; tops ah drains andJ 1oss nigr ead restores lbit man- tood. it neyer f ails in cnning the raseRaÉ Of Self Abuse, Ister Exeesses. Btoed Dis- esses, or theeffects of a Misepelit Lite. rc CRES GQIRNTEED'ý, on NO FÂY What va Treat and Cure E;mIssons ariPooc, ee,Syphl Gleet, LpotnyUnnatural ~~~haresLosM nhood,Kld- n'y and BladderDlseasee,.Cof- ;ulttion Free. Books (illnstreted) re.Write for Question Bien k for Hore Trearnlent. EverYttdng Con- fidentiat. Plein envelopes. Nothins sent ODSee testimoniale usit weeke ORS. KENEDY & KERGAN 149 SheIy t, e roit Mch. FATALý FIRE IN CHICAGO. Several People Loas Their Lires - Firenieis 1Kiled. A 4espatch f rom Chicago, says :-Six and 'eobably seven liresl were lest Ln au explosion vhich teok *place on Tbhursday evening during a tire in thse Nortb-Western grain elevator, et Cook and West Water streets. Tbree of thse dea.d are firernen. iThe body of anotber fîreman is thoaglit te te tur- ied ini the ruina efthtie elevater, aud three peeple blown inte tise Chicago river. From the force witis wtict the explosion swept tlie spot on whicb ttey were standing it is certain tbey must bave been inscantly kîld. lhee engin oft tis blaze is beiieved te havîe beenr in the vîcînity efttie bolier-bouse The dust as dry and inflammable as gun- puwdeoe that Lad been piling up for years aided the blaze. t spnead wich rapidity. and then camne a rerniflo ex- plosion, completing thea werk et scat- tering tire ttreuýgheut the entire struc- ture. Thse explosion stunned for a moment thse police and firemen, but they quickly raliied no help thosa wbe hed been hurt. A dezen et men lay iujured lu the withering beat, some not seieusly ba.nmed, and uthers in> tire thro-ea t etl.4t as danger- ous work te get ttlem ont, but it was gallantly and quiekly donc, and ail of tise sligistly injured were remeved. Tise deatdwere for a turne batt wbere tbey 4 fell. No man could reacis their bodies and lire. The tire was ninat ditticuit te control, as the elevator wns sur- reunded by a numbar ot smnll build- ings, wbicb were eontinnnlly catch- ng tire. Ttc total losa is esthiated et $300,OOO, wbicb is tully cerered by inaurance. 1A TERILLING SPECTACLE. A fre'e fight on top etfENlson's pillar in> Sackvile street tunnished excite- ment for a Dublin crowd one morning recently. Thse monument is 120 feet higli, and thse platform on wbicb the statue stands about 18 teet square. .A Canlow fariner, bavîng made Lis xxay up to tisa platform thraw down bis bat and stick, clirnted up thse flagstatt, and. wben the keeper and a policeman in- terfered tried te tbroiv them over tise railiug. Tlxey snccaeded in holding 1dmu off tRI men trom the (street came to tiseir lielp, and Lad a bard trne get- ting tise rasy max> dowx> atter they Lad bonnd hMm. 'r F~~~ kept no otter for yeean and considersl 4ie ay & ss, 1 jý-,4 FA -1ý themsuperîorte ail ettars for rap-,id L t r r grewtt and gencral ttnittiness. Hie cal -_____ New is the Urne, anys a witer in tise! culates [e have the piga corne in Septam- iLi Hung Chang's aýecretary, bas rc-î rCuntry Gentleman, wten tise average ber -~ as te get a god tari hctore ccntly wrïtte oTtc Uentùry Co. ex- farmr bs sverl clv tefed. ile t ha wcarher gets cold. Ttey are tee at- pressing ttc pleasure ttc Vicerey la ferer asscvraicareste e. ter -weancng on bran anA enta wîth taktng in General Horace Porters art- wants te feed ihein se thait tcy aili Isiepa trom ttheibouse-,appies, potato jies, Campaigning ailli Grant, nowJ brin g hm goed retrnus for bis outlay. caringa, dtsh-waîýer anA aIl tte milh appearing in Thc Century. Mr' Pets- >Seme tur them tuto veal, or dispose iwticb can te sparcd troitec calves' [ tk, the, secretary, says :-His Excel- of temvven tc tnyselt. nde rrations. Ha leis the piga mun eut anA leecy tusthat rend teisini General Fieor- sfem conditions it igtt te teter to have a chance te reet and have a goodti tr's articles on General Grant, and soinecondtion it ightbe bttr t tme. Ttcy bave dlean water te drink bas bec n greatly intaresteti in study-' de se, but I wUil nowv speah et feedleg at will, anti a warm bcd ef sraw ai ing the charactar et bis great triefd' itecelea n tc arm h as orn Inigtt. Tbey avare teauties anA ne mis- 1 dua'ing the greateat of bis cempaigna the alvs o th fam. t bs cinstake. He figures tlant tec c mahe a for thetc evaino heUinI te te an accecpted idea that the muanr ood profit on anch pga at aven tc.~a paeto ttbeUnioI wte tures hbts creps ieîo porti beet or o price whîet port la tringing Ibis deea raie privilega to read oet sn ded relatad soealequently by eue wto! ualk la thceue wte makes the meney. seasûn, Ttc grain is cteap, wtict tenoratly particpated iu ttem." Te de ibis tie nanat sudy rations, and t ringa the profit atout thtsanme as ttc haraier t tt aniai wtt s aal. , ' li chracer o th anmal ihasI ashet i hm if lte ted tte pige any ThLingAefoal tfiy-re muet care as lte giveste cunrency corn, ant ieha nplieti thattaey getai earTtcfLiige, sfee r l s fty-tore iquestion, le sîating a fear simple uitile. H1e fuAs cern net a geodt ting rigorens, or more minuable than n ow, miles for tte guidance et ottena,11 for the principal diet ton ttcm duning iTimcly anti able articles on thc leatiing 1 'th irai few mentha. A fow av ns qýesetiort et thea day, papers et inter- speaktinom long experiauce anda nfain ttrewn iuto ttc Peu at noon sufftee ton est anti value, biegraphical, iistenical degre et succes su prepa ring enîves Ithe midday meal, wtile monning andj andi scientifie, are always to eha tunti fox ttc market. As seon as ttec cw,' nigtÉthtt ar principal oeas anc gir- witisin ita pages. Thc e, fleaing partial mut a god tt eaUmay e we n . Hapiga neyer look -"pot-tallieti," contenta et necent issues arili gire n ml isgoo th caf my b wen- ut alavays straight anatnritty; ttey sligbt idea et ita wenld-wide acope anti ait. For the geedftet t caît, as well makea a aeady greart tremtte day vaiety: Some Changes in Social Lite as a sariug oetitme. 1 toerav this te they areteorn. I askeetimis at.h e Durng the Quecun'a Rgign, by Smr Al- be cte tianallwig te aU o sayconi.dre th min point in grewing gernen Weat; Ttc Apotteosis efthtiej te ettn tsa aiewcg tc aîtte ti sncb pige ashis, audtiea eplieti: "Feeti- Novai under Qucen Victoria, hy IRer- longer withthtie cear. In tecctng it i ng; al;saya aim to eteet jusit te pro- beni Paul; "Ttc Integnity efthtie Ot- te drink Oea aili have ample opportun- par qnanîity, net teeo muet onea Ume teman Empire " as a Diplomatie Form- ity toeaxercise patiece~ anA self-ceni- andt tutle ttc ucxt. Give tham juat nJM, hy Wemys Rp'4 andl J. Guinness tre. Li gnîbuos isneyr lst abat they aili cnt up clean anA f0 Rogers; Ttc Statssmaîî ot Spain, by trol Du geLleess s nverlos onmore. Lt is tise iceresi hind et pol- Emilia Parde Bazan, tranalataed fer Ttc a calt, andtili, ailI lean mutýý quichen icy te aerimp n piges rat-ions, yet it i-9 Living Âge trem ttc, Dentsctie Revue. if kintily hLe. ed. For tbîa purpose an injnry te evantced." Âmong ttc Liara, is ttc iitlc, giren te there ave b e any devicas Put en As Iaserideti my way hemearard I an acceunt et a riait paidti t Crate a ther bae beu tunti myscîf contratîng this man's couple ot years age, anti is et intercat ttc marhet, but se tfan i bave seau noth- piga i ttese et semne ottor fermersa t this trne avten ttc namne tas baceme ing batten tian ttc oi-tasnioneaa'wood- wtich I bave acen, piga se ttin anti se tragicniiy tamîliar. Russie on ttce au huchet. Lt is grec tly supexon te tc leer that ttcy seometi elosely nlntcd jBosphorus ta et more tian ortinary in- treugt ,tor w tare thc latter la usai thtce tt th arions -"raser-hacha "etfttchr teret, emaneting, as it doas, troin. tte eue crart ou tc clte tintSouth. W/bau it cornes te a cemparison Pan et an Engliat naval etticer, Capit. lange enscod u tecle h t ofweights, oee pig like thc onea that ijt:XV. Gambien, R.. N. "Houcrvh Sien- needthtecfeeti mesi. If ttccaif la etneng I1lied tecu adminîng wiIl eetxxoîgh iWO 1 iles," thse"Poliesh.Toletoi" as te anda godfeeerth fist ee ony o e ttiaotters ait tesaieae. I kuow lias beau callati Uv Edmund Gesse ; 1497- ant a eo t eda, tc ira tationloe merl rtese granaries are fuil et 1897; Eat anti West, hy Edward Sel- necti te entinely Ot near mils. A pint cteap grain h are rkhepiug thaîn toga, mon; A Cemmon Citizenahip for tise et skim mt'j uay te addcdti tet sec- yeas anA ether stock tee, if a talf-etanv- EgilsRc t .V ia;Recel- ouA tatA, and gindually inere'aeed. ill cd condition. 0f ailte feeliat policies !cifso rdrc eio ar arten te ctasta ecete elA, it eau it is Étcearorat to atarve thc piga for I,cisen t r trc enisone Maur- be fd etirllyon kim ilk Ass ttc ache et seîing grain ait tepreseut tee, t Eiav ar Strehcy Tisa an te~~~~~~~~~~ tdaieyousia ik.Asenpicca. But that l is e %ay ihgoes. tci tle aleat yOia as skirn milk is sutatituteti fer newr, You can't cenvincesome men ibat if Tiha Binda etf Tennyson, ty Edigar Val- oilmeal aboulA te added. Tis is test is te their ativautage to eteatioet tselir deps; Brahs anA tisa Classical Treii- xvban matie in a porridge, anA beiled grain te pige, any moe than yen cen ien: ty W. H. Haduar; Tise Position til fila tc ensstecy t guel Aceuvinca ftem tbat they are îoeing et Nen-Contonmity; Tise Paesing efthtie til itîs he onsstecy f guel A enýey Îiy net teetiing more et ht te Fin Sent; Hemr Richter's Great Soeci; ainîll tahicapeentul tas ail fisat eau te their ceas. Our expeniiecut stations tisa attractive serial In Kcdar'a Tenta, giren ait irai, anti great cane muat te have preved tbat it cesta bss te grea t y Heny Seten Marniman, arisci cou- tehen le îucreasing it, or it ailtetise pig up te 100 peunda wightithan tinually gnome lu intareat soe gooti apito aus seion boreltretie A au y subsequent penieti. Tise gain in short atonries anti aquehly gooti poatry, haniy ocaus etserins te lteouble.tAit eigt.!s nmade af increased cetfroïm antistise Mentisly Supplamant devot- heary clf houd beabl tht tme o. I iý th quik gowt dte Amraican magazines, extreets a pint aretenDrementha lis u anti early sale tat tring tte greateat trnm New, Books, and a liEstoftise tinti a great diftercuce in> animais, anti profit in> hog raiaîng nittce present Bocks et the Menitis, indicate tthe efien tte test feedens wlll gei eut oet fnie. daim et its nublishera tbsat Tise Living Âge is a ratiectiein et the wenlt's test ender if giren tisai quentiiy at six - - -theugist anti literature. Publiaheti at A nionths. There can te ne set nuls $6.00 a yean ty Tise Living Âge 'Ce., about it. Encli eue muai use bis oan A OLERGYMAN'S LIFE. Bso.- - .UU.5a.4LCUU. As seen as tise caît la tar e els olti if can te ted a vcny amail hantitul et cern anti oata greund toether. Tbis aise may te increaseti ns tte caît greas r eder, but great cane ateuld, te et- serreti net; te everfeeti. If an animal once gels "off its feed"- it ani le se moe than cen te matie up in a aeeh. r t arouiti te impossible te give any raie for ascertaïi'ng aben a caît bas ail tise fend it wiil asaimilate. If is in- stinct, natter than reason, anti net er- en experience can gire ih. As sonl as tise elf aili lieS eut tise lest spacis et meal anti lok for more it la time te increaso tise quantity. Prom tise turne it ls taken tram tise cow tili it laput upen tise marketi er piaceuinletise tairy t sheulti te puabeti te ite utmest cap- aciiy. Tiae la ne profit in letting an anima.l o! any SLx>d stand stili; if if La Woerthisralan. gat ail it laeaWertis pusbing. If a caît la dainty aben young it isati hast te kuechet inixtise hend, on seiti, torit if w net iniprove witt age. Ne ameunt. o e cedi.g anti fusaing wilaven make aixoisa caif a tirat-class coar .or iseet. Eut sometinses tise streagest animais aHil get eut et ontier. Usualiy a reductienoet tendwai rneey tise trouble, but net always. if treetment ta neceasary, arater turneti off front charcoal le at once simple anti easily obtainéti Tis remetiy I found le a bacS number et tispapér, et ahat date I arn unable to say. ant i t proeet very effective in tare cases tis s anter -tise only serin euaes I Lare tatinix my expérience. But preréntien et soeurs la tetter tisan any cure, and if propérly ted tisé caît ailneyer tareaI. Wisen tise <lf la tire or six menthe olti it may te teunti more profitable to teeti tise skim mlk to yeunger stock, If this te tise case, tisé change frernmutil anti grain te grain euby sisoulti take place gnadnally. Sanie preter aretting tise meal whén ne milS a giren, tut I Lare always ottaineti bettes' resuits ty teeti- ing it dry anti previtiiug plenty et tresis aater. IfimilS cax> teLad antis- oui stixtiug yousbgei' <alves or pige, teeti t ty aIl means-thse more tise btter. One efthtie test tfetiers I ever oarneti tranS tour huchets et nuls per day, tesitié iaît a pint et eilrneal andt iree quarts o et sniarisen six menthe nid, Tiis sanie saer dresseti 406 peunts wisen.nine menthe olti. Thîis entting plienornenal, tut t la fer aisere tise arerage. Tise corn anti eats I believe an ideal foeod fer cattie et ail hinda. Tise corn fumnistes tisexeceaary fat, anda tisa eats gire tisetoue anti mus- cie se muncis neeieti. Wisere bran la ciseap. t areulti te adrisable te mix a littie anitiste meal. Oua bag of bran te tour efthtie corn anti nets aroulti terra a geeti proportion, I tisinh. W/tare ne milS la gîren, Iareuiti net omit tise eilineni; if <mn té mixediti ntstise tiser teeti anti ted dry. I alarayas try teomar- Set may steers tetere tisey racistise taro-year mark; it seema te mee araste et teeti te keep theni attar thet. A ateer aigisteen nmenthsae ltiwill reliaSh reni tour te tire quarta efthtie cern anti nets. I tare ofettx trieti te ted more, but se tan tare ta'tled. I muet not endi wifiseii mentiening dlorer bey. Iwarulti net tisinis et trying te maise a caît aitis- eut t; t la ns mueth a part etftisa ra- tien as tisa meni. Give it ail it ai eat, anti aateis yeur steer groar. GOOD GARE MAKES GOOD PICS. "Corne 'iut anti se my pige," saiti my neigisisr tise tter day,,as I aras iearing bis lies, " I're geteme geeti cines 1" anti as I always iSe te lois at god.pige, I1arent anit i-Re. Hoati net exngerated tisecase, fer ttey arere gooti ee. HosaL tisey arere four znontts elti, andt iat oeeof tism eni egt- eti 180 peunda upen tise senTies thLe eth- er day. 0f course tise matter et teeti anti care calmse up, anti I tounti eut, says a arniter, tisat Se la tiing about tise same as isas been recommendeti tisreugt yeun colmmue trequentiy,kcep- Lng tisem warns anti dry anti giving tisem plenty et geeti uouriating tend. Tise breti representeti by fisis litter et pige la tise Duroc-Jersey. Tisis matas Prom*s TgsiioCîheertul- re5ss u Restcontains-neither OpiumLMorphlne nor Minaal. Nor NÀnco'rîc. ss nd e SF: - E .à5ne S natre o NEW -y- t î Jnn eue!ia Cd afile ois .fsrifdSagar rXlhs'COPyrf WAPPE? ?ASTER THAN A CYCLONE, t TRAIN THAT TRAVELS 1450 MILES IN ONE HOUE. Tis larvebene Spaad Attairked ce a Single flallaMors Werrlrs titan the Publie are THE HUMLN LORGNETTE. Tract Xliway rTe Line te a ton- Aware or-Nerrons Exhans tisisthe 1Fre tnosCreadEetltySple qerentetonse. Stels Ivaîsir and use Experinteate wit t h oiveoCurrea. IarliySpla Tisane ta More arorry cennectei.antis WhIcit lne Iierts Hie Cllere. ls ev orr fisc routine ite et tte arerae clangy- A tear nights aga in> Parie, a grnnp . A railrend train ai Brassais, Bel- man titan meai peopie imagine. is et pansons tonnA ttamsalvaa in tise ne- g111M, Lais acfnebby matie 150 miles an titicaare, mubtitanneus, anti if is ittbe ception neeseo! a 3 onng scientitie man. 1jlr ti otertcltan o aruenar tInt lte trequantly bacomes tise pnatbewsasaladîn-acmutonae nthsedsh n victins f etarons extaustien, lnsem- tpn al rsaaaiat ue eaptto aaio iaset ta nia, at. Intisis condtioîn Dr. W/t- ,eaut-looking glass tuba, if tte inter- in a tareo Tr trea mile run, btfou a lama' Plik Pilla act more speatiily uP- iuronfewaricttati beau seaeat a bouquet rageletien railireat, nltisongh nef té jk ontenerreus systeinitisan eny ot- et entiticial flobers eadptl teodtr alodi fl o ri er iVeicine, anti prornptîy restere ts r.Lac iptheafn duasyietsceAfrfregs user te a normal state etfiscaltis. Rer. arere pure wtite, anti aemed made etanf pesnger tretfile. W/m. Cbarkec, e rising yenng Meéthistawaax. Sntideuly tise gas. aras extin- Tise tact et ttecocmplefien oethtis ministen atatieneti et Orene, Ont.,guist andth ie rneem hecamae abse- rend anti lis brenhing et ail records tas &ays :-" I tara deniveti greaft enaftt uel dans, !a alth lsstbbeau p acoe ert ni n n frein tise useetfUs', Williams' PinkS 'lt abeats lastb, iei secr e mminar, an Pilla, I teundti tisa aien I atteniptoti1 ttc flowe rs tisappeared trom rîeav. tIssitisafirat tîmeite navatsbee te atutiy I anuiti becenie dnoasy anti lt te fbearers presently shene eut Matie Public, Tin line et rond .upon ceulti nef appiy myseit te my arerk. , n tbe laïkuie:s. 'I-ucy vase ne long- wMliitistis manvebous speed was matie My digestion aras very bati, anti ay an vwhite ana opaque, eut ratliit at is caflai the Lartigue Single Rail Sys- nereus sysiesu seeti e t e eut oethttcbursting nes ic oran un noaru taxs netri .B iat gear. At tirai I peAidbut ittie ai- ligisi. Tskptlav 'etlo .-ra, ts invntruaF c Bh n tention te tise natter, but teunti nY J pale ascre, on a tirais yeibevv; ttc beaves ah eetuscnatructet ist in tte terni self grearing averse. At tisis time I1aras avare aemniti gree. iSeve-rni secouas etaa naist constant curva, a tact stationedat tFort Stearari, Ont., antir te piesptoeaets< outinai athone whist maRes fisc tremantiouespeetiac- aras beardmig aitishe tome et a store- tben tise ihb gratiuably ieA aavay,capiatamot iacen.Ias iseepen, waisdtviseti me te, iry Ds'.W/tiliSe tise lîglit et a glexe worm.t lans' Pink Pilla. I decidiedti tede se, W/taithan tappanied? Someîuiug veny inrentei antituit ton tise express pur- anti tianisa te tisis metiLciné, I arn again singular, anti almeaiL inexplicable, Posaet malting exîraortiinry trne anti restoredti t gooti etenu. ilintia these Science etabltatas tut dees not expinin t mes beiaee asingle railarould ran- circumatancas I teeh it my duiy te, say It h, ie tube in avnîcb the pisenemena fn ceilaseie ii ni n geeti word fer Dr. Wiliams' PinkS as protincat ans a Crookes tube, a dtie acmlsmnto hst9 Pille."P tube in wicis itene aras a vacautm. casier tisan any etiser sysîam. Dr. Willinsns'PlinS Pilla cure hy Tise phsospiserescence as e tnofethte Tin cariage atichis la us On un is going te un reoof !tise diséase. Thay cautte nc ays tisai an ebacînie cunnant, 1 menti, arisAn rencwa asît butilt up tise bioti. andti raeing tise tube, projeciti upn9O PRTD~EET1IY gtrffgtseni thé neres, thsus driring tisa fboers. I PTAE YEETIIY tiseasé frein tise systéni. Aveiti ima- Tisera acre mnny otisen tubes on tise la about 59 tact long. Tise learer part tationsi5 lijssting tint every box tabla, containing butîantîies, buga. anti consista eft tar bogies on cases conneci- ya nrhumse la encloeétini a wraP- a vriaty et floerrs, aIl te tceaxpeni- putgbearinrth fituillA ide mark, Dm. manteti upen. Ttc objaci aras nef te adtiatis eacis oLher by a apecial joint. Wiliamns Pinis Pilla fer Pale People. maice amusement, as oa' useÀI te do Titaeff bogies ontain tise main anti _____________ atis Gasbcr's tubes, whicb acre tintati guidaeausceis auti tise lectiic oteira. venions stades by tise abectriec urns1h pepatcsiaofneigl BITB AAIN. nature et tise gas incioeat tinSTsupepatcniaetueigl BUIL BY ANADANS. tisem. On tisa conîrary, theaxiiioin carniage body aitlaetes'r100 pes'- efthtie phsaphorcscent becquet aras te sono, a camparfisent fer fin motos'- Forte Chattiara .1wl Malakauti iesignet pisenena et fluorescence, wiict tas anti Contrueteti by Gradsuites of the but n distant rnaimesbp -w a-tisknoaxw ufot ni n e iecn Rtoyal Mltary Collage. piseieene. durfor in tishe s', Fort Ciahdara, ini tisa Ciitral dia- TLe yenng sciantuf ic man in aLose In tfLe moteun&sunoparmmnt are trii, uti, tse amnseaet sie ta momns his interastiug axhibitihon as tare braSes.ene ty wticb tise esisi- jtr benite ab' i ntisfwis amyasNisichs traversedthit, according te tean juist bet selieed by'th sritis ar ow was Gasten Segny, tise inventer ace ofthti air ta useti fer siackaning umiter -Gen. Bloti. le tish mSe t koftareo e t isaiLaas namedth ie "tuman long- lte rin aLan trareling et graduetes efthtie Royal Miitary Cblaege nette," tise apparatus w us artichthettcis iighest rciocity, tiseetiser an orAl- Tin tie arnsonars svet, savngFraehUepartiment et Custems isas tai nary friction braeaacting on tisé Thatthegarison ws sved haingsuc sinalsucessin toc exeminatuon iselti eut so ell, i,attibuteti e to ofsaietipackages anspectati et contain- aheelis for fxnialiy stepping thé train. tise excellence efthtis consfmnctLnn iug dutieblearatbcles. Aitteugis but 32 These tare braSes cin bte asily isantiiet et tise Fort by Capf. George D&ff yeanaelti, tieas abneatiy attasi e ty tise usuiemnan fmom fis position ai Royal Engin eera, son et Liet:- bigis menS in pisysical science, anti is tise saitciheoant. Col. Dutt, Kingston, anti nephew nea rencten efthtie Radiognapi In-E et Sir Olirer Moaat. W/li a tea suinute et France, antioe of tte pran- Eaeli bogie Les feux carying ateela, yenrs ago ias determined te tonîify ciple pisammaclata un tise Higis Sciseol thisl, aight for the avisle canniage, fta district,nt etf tisa f onty etticema et Phanniacy. fie is the inventer et a te tour et aiielara attacisati etctnie et tisa enginean terces in lutta tare tiee scientaiiŽ appliences, niestby lu metens, one toectiwareel. These mn- Canntiians acre clecteti ter ts ae use in tise mates, ant is lautisoniiy fr rii bsftse osesat betis graduntea et ttc Royal 1Milter; on glass thoaring. Ceibege. Capit. Nanten, tormenîy et To- Haearas tte tirai max> in France te davelop 150 tietse powr to 600 ero-q renie, aras placeti in cisarge efthtie ep- repent successtubly tise expenimenit fmuons a miIsuié. amuiraient te abeut' anatiene et Malakand, anti Capi. DUnitRoentgen, anti aince tan -ise tas teanJ 150 mies an ieuIr. This speea It lai iu change eft tisee t Ctakiana, Tisese censtantly octupîcti, pari tte turne presttetiano tse erln ottucers tuA te bey eut anti sapeninient In tise laberatory et Prof. Le Roux, I-n Tact bogie teries aso 16 horizontal tise érection etftefortiticaiona, anA atutiying vacuums anA tise prepertaca guide ar1tela, tint la, 32 altogetisar. thnreughby wadi tisay seem te iave tone et Croises'a cattotie raya. lI bis "Su- iThiainprincipal etjetf la te suiintain tiseir ýduty. If la enly neasonetie te ex- mean lornette" tie Las given te tise tisa eqiiinurofethtie carniage, anA pec tisait tisein geeti avensaili te ne- warldti mnetiag ahiet ray or niay nfoi tetransmit t tesaguide naibs terce isuearladged ty futurenatarr by tise rerelutieniza niany fisinga. Tisaetiaf vaticis is devebopei t3 ttc ceatrtfu..- army aniberities. atvautage i ,o ei ol senfrewihis itavelopeti ythe tsacan- _______ait irai iheugisi, is ifs practicaility- rnage in geing ai-oueid cures. anti us atiaptabiluty te many uses. lin ino itsébt as censtrncfed se as1 SAFE CONDITIONS, lu ekmparaiivehy amali c empes te easihy resist any pressure ausicis msy Meteialsunrnneingaarea grat e hLes put te varions equare- ta pretiuceti, anti if is ciietly the con- tate realigirontiinsibisealgetet cmpenents, eleetrie stenege celba, strutiiou tts n n f eaint 'av ti io, e transtermers anti tubes, avhnc, are na- tisa guide aieela andthie canniage gein- froni an Englis pper w hw cessery te obtain tisa X-may. Tise erahiy 'svicis enabthés tte train te; trarai Do 0yen ahways say your prayers at entire apparatus ta net larger tan et tua rate un 50mumts an bOui antis- betitimé I asketi thé Sundaysy cisol a parler stereopticon, la usati in tisé ont danger et demelilusént. teactas' sftectienstely. - - anmeway, practicalhy, ant isl as con- The fatal arelgisi et thé carniage la Ne, miss. nef reguier, I don't, aras thé renient te Lendle. about 50 teons, or taif ea ton o e dt reply. Mn. Seguy declares fisaf the "isuman waléghf pan passenger. WiY, Mary, arc yeu net straidtot go lorgette" arilh show toc intenîns' et Thse Pressuréxes'clsed upôs tisé lins te abeep at augisi atiout asking e Skois- tise hIman bodyy 'alto as mucis tacilif y af a speed et 1501 miles anu Lianr by tise arsnîsîe? anti exactitude as if shows tise Intanior oeutnirngal foroe ln about 18 tous, se env t we lnti h M481o a travelling tag or mrunis; tisat by tsuftishe trabtLvé poerr requiret ilrih nsn't, miss. 1its use eue may sec tisé (eant test anti bé increaseti ap il! tht carniage lied an distinîguisis ail tise organs; tinably, tisaf tidutiornaj. aelgit et 18 feus. Tise test if arllb bc pessibhe te incate ant iag- et tractiMoju ai, theretoe, b e ry nese aritisont ermor fractures sut di- mederaté, 1» cempclison alw thte seases cffise bancs and ail thé iseverer an, ertinuiry express -train. t hto m a nforma of organin disease. Tisé construction et a sinallar ine SESTFOR ARIEUitaleug oneetftise gréai trunS uines et [1, EST OR TBLEJSEi1 EXTkTAS. Europe, incuding relling stock, alec- SERDET FOR DAIRY UEit l eertng station, sud erery- 1I1love thsé &ceni t fncr-m'xnn y,fting réquinét ton tise complets arorh- UNQU tEDFO UALn . . es murmuredtot a girl oeeday; ikg et tiseline extinisivéetfland, arnubt CANADA SALTAssoctI FoU, CLINTON, ONT. 7 Bab ste, aitenut a thsonigis et jest, cosit resu$40,000 teoSO5,000 Per mile. 7 Suid 1RussaunViolet suite me test. Ties wkmlsng expenses aveulti, boa- Oblidren Ory for Ptcýýrs Qgastorlap 18 ON TU-E 0F EVEIIY BOTTLE Or cesteria is put ap lu eue-iisbottins aniy. It i nt cold ite kf, înt aliasnyoesta ssil n aalythiag euse on the pies or pronise that It s djust ai gond" and ,will ansrer erery par- so," &r~ Seo thet yo engt 0Â8T0RIA of vrappe, aven, te seoinUssi s es tisan tisat et thé endicxarY doujble traplk mailways tisat tisese fines ceunlti teconatnucted aiser. aven a large pasasrgen trattin aras as- suneti, giring considei-nble suterest on tise capital eizpleyeti iy cisarging thé public rary rcaaonatle tares-Lu ail as'es hesa thefratise irst-clasa tares ebiargeti at preseni on ondinary Hunes. Tis, elcctricity is suppliedti t the me- toes ram an electnical generatiug station furuiahing abteut 1,000 herse poarar. Tisis electnbcai station, con- taining dynamnos vvrhing witis 750 volts andt 130 aiXnpes'cs, la cenuecteti abit tise ne itacit by n ceppen cable, ariicis transanits tise carrent te the eiectricnb contacter placeti abnng tise ine. Titis condtcter consista et a steel rail OARRIELD ON CHINA INSILATORS jAttachedtoi te se epers o et isene, anti tram thlla condUcier tise current passes by mnensof special collectons inte tise inotors.1 1 Tisé ccspertments in eacis car are fbree in number. Tisa ,sents are along tise aides susteati et enessarise. At dis- tances of about tismes tact upheistereti sections etfaroti have bean placeti about tare fixsiatise aitthofethtie seat, or a litile deeper tibtin tise siseildera o et t large mainI These aide piétas s'oin frein tise cusii- ion ait tAis' Isttomsute tise top of thés tacTS, andt tiseetre a penson asiting ln ente eftVhe seat sections tintis Limsélf very thureugily separatéti tron. idi Tise exact reasex> fer its pecufiar cox>- struotîmdu la feunt i mstisestatemnt or th6s inventecr tisat tise seats Lare been planneti se tisat tisé passengers wonld teed tise motion efthtie car in vrsy sligist tiagree. Tis e apecuiiar tenture oetVhs train con tis aea railron atis at is moction la decidedly différent troo fiant et tise erdinary raihvray concis on a double mail1 trac&. Tise ettécf an people in aornéting sin te senslckx>ess. anti Vary kw persessa ecape teiung annoyeti ty titis mal de mer et thé land. TERRIBLE DISASTER. Cartnitige Faetsry Expledes lit Bulgala-Â very Large tes ef Lir<', A tiespateis tram Sefia says-Thiera aras an explosion ou Fnitiay et tise cartnîige facteny et Ruatchuh, e isundreti andti rty-uix>e miles nertis- acat et Varna. Ferty-six pensons were killat outniglit, anti nany otis- ans arere injuned. Tise lires et sixty et tise latter are deapaineti et. Prince Ferdinaund et Bulgarie, on ne- ceipt efthtie ners oethtie disaster, riait- eute se ufferera tram toc explosion at tise hospital and causeti money te Jbé diatnibutedti te sefamilles o ettise - limas. Rustcisuk is a city on tishetsoutank et tise Danube, terty miles freni Buehareet. It Las 20,000 intatitants, anti tise caxritige dapet la enaetofise langent la Bulgania. Tise caiuse qethtis explosion la net knoarn, thougi i laattitut e toecane- issanesa on tise part et eue et the arerk- mn i i-bati E thc explosives, l:- tauai axcitémnt prevaala initise city. ;Sucli aas tise force efthtie explosion tisat indoas were shattencti in Gliurgeve, on tisa ethen sidaetofthé river. 0f tise 200 boys anti girls employeti in tise factery 56 ans kuonn ri have been killet, thé beodies eft tiat number isaving been recererei, waLle 25 are se tatly injuredti tiat tiseir recoery is impossble, and 80 etters, base seniousiy burt, are 'nea in tise iospitals. A sua- jonity et the remaintier oftheo employas suttereti miner injuries, thé number et those ario escapet anhurt being vrp amail. Most et those arjio lst tiseir lires acre aitiser blown te pisces or d.oanatinLaths Danube. A second pearder depot, situateti uertise tuilA- inug in ahicis tisaexpilosion ocon.rreti, escapeti destructi«n. FINESSE.'i Ttey fell me tint Pawuly iLa nUal cnining monfey. That's nigist. .ils Lad sensé éeneugla te locats bis tisreeý-trl nstltutloný allere tie coulti catchthtie teiloars CU tiseir way LacS trous tisérace,,.

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