Whatý bout Camera or Il.,oli*days? ..O .$ ýNEY PREMO. ... .ï TAKES ...... ...... >KET KODAK.... 17-60 2.50 3.50 K.OWNIE..... .........4.00 RYPLATES (4x5)........-50 ~C1EMICALS, &c., &c., at iowest îces and quaiity guaranteed. ~e have supplied local xotographecs for over years and can give ,est value in ahi uines. Stott & dury, WA1I WAR' The recent War in iates among Bicycle makers en- ables us to offer the follow- ing prices which are in some thases away e(w Te=ims f alance in early paymentc ~%off for cash. Regular $ 100 Bicycles $65 ec. 70 69 -50 94 65, 4' 55 50 s, cc 45 ec 40 " 37.50 Wilibuya good wheel sultable forlittie girl $25.00or lboy 7 ta ilyr Stott &,Jury, Paris 5 lbs for $ 1.00. Every one knows that some PrsGreen is' strouger and goes fîur.- lker fhan other kinds, ',,but if you have neyer tested the kind we have ~eyou should try it and @mpare resuits. Those who have used it for years say it is the best they e-ver tried. Stott &Jury. Oî,*course we have FIy Poison, $îicky Fly Paper, &c., &c., in ail the latest shapes. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANviLLE STÂTios. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Express .... 831am Exp 5.28 a. m *Express ....- 10 18a.. ': Lo:al.8 passenger .... 8 29 p.M. asne. 2 05 p. m Local......642 p.m. Epes. 5 22 *Expre.a. .10385 BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 18, 1897. Local and Otherwise. Mr. Cole advertises a choice farm to rent in Clarke. Brighton Ensign is taking its aniual holiday this week. George Glass grocer, Port Hlope, has assigned to J. P. Hâerwood. Ail who work for a living shouid read Dr. Talmage's sermon in this paper. Blouses of ail kinds selling off at haif price at Couch, Johnston_& Cryderman's. Mr. John Vance, an old resident of Cavan, died on Thursdav at his home near Ida, aged 92 years. The farmers' Institute meetings for this ridino' will be heid in Bowmanville, Dec. 15; ýrono, Dec.16 and Blackstoek, Dec. i0. Mr. Campbell, the Good Roads In- structor, says there are 100,000 bicycles ln Ontario, representing an investment of $6,000,000. Farmers requiring Eall wheat,Clover and other grass seed for autumn seeding should write Wm. Hennie, Seedsmau, Toronto, Ont, The Ministerial Association of Co- bourg, are urging the Town Council to do .i in their power to prevent Sunday excursions to the town. The base bail game played Saturday afternoon between the Dukes of Toron- to, and Bowmanville was -won by the former by a score of 7 to 4. A splendid 240 acre farm lu Clarke is advertised to rent. Sec advt. of H. H. Burubam,Esq ,,iu this paper. This is a grand chance for an up-to-date farmer. Three conductors have been dismissed by the management of the Grand Trunk railway for non-compliance with the miles laid down for the handiing of tickets. Jones & Co., Port Perry, are offering to compromise with their creditors at 75e ou the $1. Messrs. Laing & Me- harry of the same town have made an assignmeut to Henry Barber, Toronto. The Orchestra spent a very pleasant evening at Victoria Cottage, the resi- dence of Dr. Briînacombe, Port Bow- manville, on Wednesday. Choîce music was ýrovided by the visitors and ice creamn and cake was served during the evening. The Oshawa Base Bail Team-Mc- iLaughlin Carrnage Works-wili piay a friendly game with our boys to-miorrow afternoon. Game caiied at 3 p. m. Tickets 15c., ladies free. Turn out and encourdage the boys. A good game is assured Ail cannot go to Aiaska'but ail can save money by purchasing where they get the best value for tbeir money, whether it be Watch, Ciock, Jewellery, Rings, Knives, Fork or Spoons, Spec- tacles or a Sewing Machine By buying from T. N. Rickard, Bowmanvilie, we gay positivelv that you can save money and "saving nioney" is niakingmoney. The American Justitute of Phrenol- ogy, President, Professor Nelson Sîzer. The aim and object of the institute: The Institute commences its aunuai Session on the first Tuesday of September lu the Hall of the Institute, 27 East 21st Street. New York Citv. The course comprises tbree lectures daily lu the Theoretical and Practicai Aspects of Phrenoiogy, and 'necessarlly include Ethnology, Physiognomy, Pbysiology, Anatomy. Hygiene. Heredity, etc. It, is TI-E wel recognized and only Chart- ered Phrenologicai Institute lu the world. It is theolodest Institute of Phronoiogy. The qualifications. for jonîngare, each student must possess a good common education, and must show the recomînendation of some per- son from the place where be has lived. Bargains at Nicholl's every day. 5c buys a tooth brush at Nicholl's. 3c buys a nail brush at Nîcholi s. 2 dippers for 7c at Nicholi's Saturday. Opai Rings-great value-at Rick- ard's. Repairs doue quîckly and weli at iRickard 's. It wiii puy you te cali and see our new and nobb «y deigns lu Suites of ail kinds. L. Morris. furniture dealer. If yen want to be in style. jlst cal] at M. Mayer's, and suit yourself with a Fedora or Chrîsty stiff hat. Fulll hue of gents' furnishings as usuai. COLLECT-...gý- ANDo COMPETE FOR THE' I2 STEARNS' BYCLES AND 27 G ýWATCH ESý WHICH ARE1 GIVEN ,cýWFýYj EVERY NMONTH Ask yenr grecers for particulars or dàrop a post-card te Mr. Chas. Goheen recently vislted friends iu Oshawa. New Raymond Sewing Machines at Rickard's., Rogers 1817 Knives,Forks and Spoons at Rickard's. This week the Orono News is having its annuai holiday. The Westminster and Canada Pres - byterian have amaigamated. THua STATESMAN is one of tbe best papers lu which te advemtise farms for sale or te reut. Mr J. A. Young of Thamesfomd was elected Grand Master of the 1.0.. O,, at Belleville iast week. The 82nd annuai Provincial Sunday School Convention wiil be heid lu Hum- ilton Oct. 27, 28 and 29th. Mr. Daniel Spry, Post Office Inspecter London, died on Friday iast from Bright's diseaise aged 6-2 yeans. Mrs. J. Luscomb,Sarana, was elected President of the Sisters of Rebekali at their session at Belleville )ast week. Funther important reduetions are made lu Summer geods by Messrs. Coucli, Jolinstou & Crydemman. Read their advt. Sherbourne Street Methodist Church, Torouito,agaiu heads the list of mission~ amy givings for Canada, with the con- tribution of $4,066. The Mitchell Farm advertised for sale this week l% eue of the Lest lu West Durham. Bradley's school house stands on a corner of it. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keith bave re- turned from Newark, N.J. Mr.K. has etumued greatiy i mnproved lu bealth and wil esume teachîng when scheol opens Sept. 1. Sevemai aged citizeus are lu very feeble heaith-Messrs. S. Washin-îton, Jas. MeFeeters, Coi. F. Cubitt, S. Ivan- stone, Geo. Haines, Police Magistrate, Rich. Gouid and Mrs. Saudemcock. I'Good Lnck" Wedding Rings at Rickamd's. New. Williams Sewing Machines at Rickamd's. The Mason Ce. have eceived advance sheets stating that part of their fal importations fmom the British Market have beeu shipped per S. S. Tritonia. Over £600 Sterling woth of choice dry goods are now ou the way and more te foilow. Miss Newby Muir twisted hem arm very badiy yestemday while carrying hem littie sister npstairs almost disiecat- ing hem eibow. The doctor was sent for, eieved the initense pain and set the inuned liniL. She wil Inet be able te use it for some time. Large attendance at the Leagne on Monday niglit. After accepting tbe resîgnatien of Mm. Thos. Smith as President Mr. L. T. Courtice was e- eiected. The addmesses on the topic "The Apostie Paul as a man of Prayer," by Miss S. E. Cole and Mn. F. A.Haddy were excellent and iistened te with great interest. A vemy pleasant tîme was spent by about tweuty yonng people Fnidav evening wlien the Misses Osborne,Fmouit Road ,gave a bicyciing party lu houer of Miss L. Welcli of Pamk-daie. After the mun around town a deiightful time was spent on the lawu and a vers petty unucheon semved in the lieuse - The deccrations of fiowcns and gnccncry ludeers, and chluese lantemus and cosy corners on the iawn weme veny unique, A large and interesting gatlieing, which compnised between 30 and 40 members of the Henry family and their relatives, teok plack at Osliawu-on-the Lake on Monday, Aug. 9. They were a genial company, who spent the time veny pleasantly, beating, chatting and feasting, picnic fashion. It was trnly "4a fat of easen and flow of soul," which ail highly valued. We hope they may meet agaiu.-Reformer. Mr. R. H. Henry and family fronî this town were present. BORN. WEnitv.-Near Enniakillen, on lug. rith, the wife of Mr. H. J. Werry, of a dangliter. BAsITON. lu Darlingion near Eniskillern. ou Ang. 9th, the wife of Mr. J'ohu Barton, of a son. tîve fihpes and hops but a ti~ cones -, ess, aud tihe 15lWck slsadow -of d'espair forecasis tise --0 deatîs. Thon- sands of do,- tors Say that consumption le -incurable. Thonsands I of conaumptives believe that this .tr lea ndobing mneh thcero be ndtisaItisera is neneed taboiser wjth Medi~cine." Both are Vrong. Consumption is the most deadly ,4 dîseases but it'ie disictly curable. It bas its inceipiion, like aIl otisar wastiug dis- nases, ind sordera of thse digestive organs, and tise firat aîap towardf ste cure musi ba the relief of these discerdars. Nlnèety-eigbî Per cent, of ail casas of con- stimpîlon are cnred* 'y Dr.- Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Thousands of con- siamptis-es havre tastified to their couspîcte and Permanent recovery tismoug it s use, after they weye given up by ihe doetors and all-kope was go-ne. It correcteaIl diâor-ders aft i lg-tioiiniaises assimilation perferi niîrlte bî%ood wlth the lifc-g'lving ceients th» uild up ssew,, finis Md be tiy tisanes, sund actjnr diractly uoposi thse liasgs drives x«e aR dfseaaa-g6wims. It le aepecifie for iii lnigering, 'bioncisial, thrctî Lsd kug 41 bauvce eea troubled wils indigestien sud 9%Psiea " wriies Gro. IL Stater. H-suvas Sîty ilux co111s., "for the tasi lwo xeara. I utabeiiofyour (Shîden Medical niicoYery' la I roing to gelanoilier boIue ansd take it. Kis.theMlei M edicine in the worid- for those who have î4iomacis tsro>ible. I Suave rafomnsnded ît to severai elready. Tise bedsnar-d'ial book ever published in suy lansguage le Dr. Pierce's Comsuon Sense Meâical Adviser. Over 68b,ooo copies, of tfrie'book hàvIe lBen sold foi, $1.50 each. It 'oataiss ,o08 Pages aud 300 illustrations. it gives suggestions for treatnmen# of alj ail- menite. There are also prescriptions. Tiss ealliable book, in tasper bindlng, usay niow t>c had F55ER for tHe askiug. Send 31 (me- eni statnpeta tise World',. 1Ditpensary Kleýdical Associastion, Buffalo, -N. y.,, b a ýise cosi ef customs and smailing only, if fine clatis biuding la desired, send 5o one- Soid by A. NicIIoLLq, Bowmanv-ile,. MDNYONI1 What He Has Dune For WeIl-Known Cana- dian Peoule. BE-AD WHAT THEY SAY Bheumnatismn, Calarrh, Byspepsia and Other Aliments Cured by the Use of His Wonderful Little Pellets. Mr. N. J. Mýineýr, bicycle maker, withs E. C. Stearnse & o., bicycle works, aud ru- siigai 166 Borden streai, Toronto, Ou. talCanada,sys -I suffered intense pai n ruariy tse yasfromdyspepsia t5d- cosiain ccompauiednlby a loug train _Of distrassing symptoms. I1isad -ne appetite, ass, temac,,,was melaucisoly and nervous. I couId ntlicpasud tisera 'ras area cansidarabie emaciatiou. Oua month aga 1 deciled ta try Mnnyon's Remadi es sud afier using t-o S ott f tise dyspepsia. cure 1 Was completely cured asnd arnI .to-da y lu Ise oymeut of excel- lent helhas prits., a m able 0ta et auyting 1 conssider my cure masit won. derful anýd cannot endorse Msnyou too hlghle-1 otîupon'. niseaumatie Cure Bseldoin talla te tM lIeve lunue utelsree bourga suitcures lua afeW Qa4un;ycîaDspp Cure P..ltIVsi cre formna of ludlgestlon faxai tffausae trembiloest .reahs up Sj ead las a ?fe or=- ie8 MuuynhaCuîgsCre stop%' ceugis, pa $ceatuallaya oreliea s udapeedle hlito sthe Idaney 11= ,,é.Prie 25e.-' Muxyo'aSeveCure stops VieivoUie4b 4 Lidupthse .sYldlemx. PriCe 25e.ý Mnuoa5 eeacseCure etQ a b&411Cli0 tu (bree Cinoese#ce41e louruyaus i e luietqOil icp!nltai faims af pilles rc 25e.. MWlneyaVs;lllâ aa r e elelCOCeaVlWè ?I M-1 S, lod.Piict2e Catarris Cure-bi-ice,25c.-eradientet eh, Aeq greux tse systeux sud«tise atarri TSbletWuDlâ 254c-leange ausà Ieal thea part$. Muaya~s Aslima ll îl5réllav la tflla mintes scue pesLeuty ra 1; Munyo's VitIslizer. a great tonle ;o< ctorer et vital. atengtstoe eak isle.$1 Asapa raie cur for eaeis diege as, i l P*rsoa. at 2cents a VIiuol . l'Ab - 'o5Ilatea aProf. luyit "Ireet. Torouto. Ont...;Isercqi ltâ ting là.lcs adiotr aoy 4l.spjg. À Gret Spectacle. Tlic proposed rcpro(laction of a por- tien of Rer Majesty's Great Diamond Jubilee Procession' in London, with ceremoules ini front of St Paui's Cathe- dral, au immense tableux of incidents durine' the Queuns Reigri, at the Tror- entoELxhibition fi ori the 3ûth of August te iith Sept., is "reatingnuch lnterest throughout the Dominion, and thons- anls will gob to Toronto te sec it from ail parts. Ail the ursifonîns, costumes, carniages, and state harness, is hein- brought from England, and the actuail decorations used lu Londonî. The attractions at the Toronto Fair this year will b(- greater and better than ever. 'lihe (_x hibits in ail departments exceed any jrervious year. The illum- ina tions willJ m, grand and cost a lot of moncy. 1,t xi iilea fittiîîg concelusion to the Jubilee year, and nwiil be weli worth going te scec. îTe usuai cheap fanes and excursions will e given. F ARM TO R'ENT-93 acres of lot 10, con. 6, Darlingîon, knowni as thie "Gibbard Farm," adjoinirg village of Tyrone. Apply f0 joun, HoDosoN,,Txroiie. f8 w TANTED.-Teachers and other ~Vbriglit men for, vacation or permanently, fo solicit for -Canada ;aul encyclo edia 0of the Unau try 'Iuii Ove rob ai qua rto volufnes. Node- livering. Coisision )aid weekly. THi: LINS- COTT CoiM5'ANY, Toronto. -A MTO RENL -Parts of Lot 15 JU ad m BrKenFi-ntClarke, 3 miles from Nwateand 12 from Port Hope, eoniainiug about 240 acres. About 180 acres tillab!e and balauce pasture. BiiildioýgF and feue-es good and Sudffleent. Good cattie and bors stabljng Free from mustard aud ail noxlous weeds. This is a first class finrm f n ail l)articulars, and lus been oeccpied by Wm. Coulson as a tenant for over 25 vears. SX IiS e let for 5 or 7 years. PIlowiug possinafier baîx est fu possession Or-t 1r. rcs or further partieulars apply toHI. H. BUEN- HAM, Port Hope. 3i-.2w HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. mIIAT F INE FRAIME DWELLING Lhonse on King street East, Bowmanviîîe, the resideuce of the deceased lirs. Hibbert, wiih about 12 acres of Land îherew-ith. On the prem- !ses are also a frame stable and woodshed, ail the bufildigs are lu good condition There are also ou fhe preises a large orchard and a larg,,e quantiîy of small fruits a large lawn and beatuti- fully laid ontgrounds adioiining th 'e resîdence.ý For pas îicnlars apply 10 the undersignedA. -JOHIN Ký GALBRAITH, 2b2 Sm Solcitor, Bowmanville. The New Presbyterian Book of Praise.. is uowr ready and eau, be seen at the BIG-920, a good assortment to select frorni. We H ave a large, well selected stock of School Supplies ready for the School Openiug. W'. T. Allen. A lot of Summen Dress Goods seiling off at about haîf pnijce at Couch, Johns- toin & Ciý deruîan'. A Mail Commits a Crime when he allows his wif e or daughter to endanger their lives on a poor wheel. It is wisdom to buy the CLEVE- LAND favorably known the world over, Price $100 and $75. H. A. Lozier & Co., Toronto. Agents, MASON & DALE, Bowmanville. A Good Up=to=date Grocery, and Provision Store-.e is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and, gct pure gooci goods every time you trade there. This is the way we want you to feel about This Store and we'll menit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is flot en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. ,We keep fulli hues of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seil cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principles and the public like our methods. Kvery:ýday is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. e2awker& îThit 3o WMAN VILLE. The Qrocerês, LSL 5HOE Po-uv Sole agent for Bowmranville, JOHN HELLYAR BOWMANVILWE, ONT. E. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and Sdealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de- ~ Sscription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. * Ail orders promptly filled in a satisfactory *manner aiid at reasonable prices. A. E. MeLACG HLIN, Barrister, Solicitor aud Conveyancer. Office- Bieakley Block, King- street, Bowmanville. Money 10 lan atrTeasou able ratms 48-lyr, TI3OAUD WANTED in private famiiy ,n> o 0 mali eilidren), refes-encea, appi STrTEMANxs OfficeLocis DranPr,7, Bow-manviýlle -D,,. G. R. PArTERSON, Dentiet. Hlonor Graduais Toront o University sud Jlyal Coliege Dental Surgeons. Speciaities Artfliciall)euturas $800; Amaigam F!iliigas5OC. First elasa work aa; very mnoderate prîcca. office Orono, wTANTUD.-I eau pay ten dollai-s weekly 10 a lady of mature age, reflue- ment anud tact to speud ber times lu a good cause, T. H. LIssSCOTr, Toronto, Oui. 1JARRIAGE LICENSES.-M. A. .T&JAMES, Issuer caf Marriage Liceuses. IResidence: Centre street. IXTOICE CULTURE.-Miss Glover is Jý prepared to give lassons lu Vosce Culture te a limite« rumbar of pupils, at ber holhe, King streef, Easst. w - if A G£NTS.-Second edition "Queen LA.Victoria" exhausted. Jubiles Editiosi on 1-e ss. Besi history o!fise Q"eesî aud Victoriasi ibra ps!blished. Th e ouiy Canadtan work ac- eepied by Her Majesty. Sales uîsprecedeued- kuocl thse botiom oui of ail recors. Ca'svas- mers scoopiug uin oney. Eveu boys aud girlsi 'el it fast, Blg commissions or siraiglit weekly saiary afier trial trip. TEE RIDLt.yGÂESatx-. sous Co., Li'nited, Toronto, Ont. Apply at once t BERT MOMENT, rIno, P. O. .terI ""oIr" dalyfor six Onys a weskand wl ois IDRAS Co., Medivai Building, 'oroito, Qtt nOYOU WANT A HOM.-ýd taT seAm for a nice Molid brick ctaecisaap and on easy terni$. a-. mEACHERS -If Enwant te Inmake T 150 during Jsly aud Augnth;-g Cause, Write or wire me quic-kly. T. . 'LINS- CesTT, Toronto, Ont. F ARM TU UENT-.Haruden etate- - nie12 acres, more or les88, South pari of lot 20 iu Broken Front Concession of Dsniiugton, ~0bc rentsd for a term o! 4 or 5 ysars. rs.-le farm, good buildings and fenees, vood bocalftv. Apply io D. B. SIMS50Marrister,owjpýviief TANTED.-Agents fo "QuenVie.. Y'Vorla, Her reigu aud Diamoud Jslee." COverflowiug wvith lafest aud riehest Picîsîres. Contains the endorsed biography o!f Hr Majesty with autheutie Hîistory o!ber remarabîe reigu asnd ful secount o! the Diamound Jble 'Onîy $1t. Big Lacis. Treindous imud Bsa za oraeut. Cmmisio . per cenltCredït eyven. Freight paid. Ontlit frce. Dtý ,,id1 W ît qei for Ouftfli ansd terrîîs.t 0y DomiNuoN C0urxu tep. 7,556M earY.rnTBi Chicago. Datr i .e. 1 f J