-s- ,ea lce an efVe ail the troubles Inol. fest t, a .biein state of the system, sucb as ziles, Naugea. Drowsiness, Distress afier algPain in the Side, &c. While their =eot = 1,7r bl auccess bas been shown in ouring ~ adaehe, yet CAavER's LiTTLz L!Ya U eequally valuable in Constipation, curîng and preventing this annoylng complaint. while they aise correct ail disorders of tue stomnach. g la"e the liver and regulate the bowels Ifthay only cured ,Âehe they would b. altnost priceles te those iho suifer frein this distressingomlnt Iîut-fortunately their goodness de'es inot esud oer$, an4 those who once try themi wlll flud tise Litti. pille valuable In so minu wyls th ee ll lt ho willing to do wihut ^jem =Y-7211 ail sick head Ut1w bane of so mauy lves thât bore la wbert we makre our great boast, Our pilla cure il iwhile otherg do not. CÀSTcSsl LIITTE Lrvm PILIM are Tory sMall la er azy to teks. One or two pilla makta a os. fey are strlctly wegetable and de mot <ripe or purge, but by their gentie action lesse ail wbo use them. lu vialseat 25 cents, ,va for $1. Soid everywbere, or sent by mil cama'Z xmrnonlx CO., New toit. inRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES -V -700 acres, shrubs, roses, vines and seeul potatees. We bave the largest assoriment and emploY tbe latest and ruost improved metbods for propogating. AUl stock is carofully pack- ed .uder our personlsuper-vision, and ail niew -raricties tested atour trial farins before beiing calnlogned. These are the only testjug orchards conueeted with auy nursery iu the Dominion. Agents wauted to represent us. Speciai atten- tien gi-yen to park, cemetery,boulevard orders. Estimates furnished for supplying entire or chards. Why buy of foreign concerus or of xniddiemen when you eau purchase as chcaply £rein us and getbetter value. Our stock ixCao- adian growe aud aclimated. Catalogue (E. or F.) freaon application. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Fontbili Nurseries, the leading Canadian tree men. I ucosdoreti, uiblia sOvereigun uling ONTARIO BANK 1by dineigb Dowmanviile Ageucy. DEPOSITS eceeved luSavlugs Bank ilepartmesit sud on au interesiailowed atourreut rates, No tlceofwiibdrawal necoesary. Ail deposits yable ou deenanti EXCHANGE Bmghtaud eold sud Draftos sueti upon Europe Unteditates sud Cauada,alec Gold,Sllverand UntedtCtes Greenbacksbouubt sud eold COLLECTIONS Prampîly matie ai carrent rates epon eail art f Great Brittalu, the Uited States and h. Do mîuIon 0fOanada. Telegraph Trauisfers Made for large or susali sains on ail part of Canada. Thiis is especialiy ativantageous to -ososliving iu Maniioba or the Nortisuesi, iiaes the fondis available at once ab the place cf payment. Oterarinlars call ai the bank. E. L. RTT, EO. MoGILL, Âccountasnt. Manager. BOWI4ANYILLE- BICYCLE -AND- General REPAIR SHOP. W. FISHLF-IGH,, Praotical Maochnist, Tool Maker, Look and Gunsmitis, Spoeel Machinery for hantiing Bicycle Re- palnlng luail ils branches, aud ail Fine Machin- eny. CYCLISTS.-Hav c your wheels put lu brin by s thorotgbly practical machinlet. ]Bicycles, Lawn mowers, Sewlng machines, Cloeks, Typewiters, Rifles, Ctlery, Locks9, Biectric Belle, Dental anti Surgicai Instruments. Safe Locks, Iron, Steel anti Brase work cf al k4nds. MARKET BUILDING, I3owm anvile Rochester Route., Str"NORTH KING" Commenelng Mlay Srd, SOUTH BOUND Lv. Port HopeOnt. "Northi King"...2.30 pi. Lv. CIloulgOnt. " 1.15 Ar. ChariotteINlY.. .7.10 Lv. " N.YC. antiN.R.R. 7.14 An. Rochester, do 7.40 NORITHI BCUND. Lv.Rocester,NXY.,N.Y.C.,anti NIlli,..8.15 a.m Ar. charlotte do .8. 38 am Lv. Il ,North King' ....8.40 a.nt Ar. Port Hope -1.45 p.m With -tbc brcixneladonlssocial anti in- tinetriai revelutioù n u Grnany resuit- ing fron t bb Fraucoý-PruSsian war, tbd desextion of tie ceulntny ýfor bbe bowns, andthebbc lcreasing celmýpëtibion of fer- elgu agricuilturai producte, bbc social ant i ecohnkminc position cf tbbc junkers bav6 eect seriougi1y distùrbed. Thai effect bas Lekinî WearoUnse lu thent a bitter a-eaçtiouisry 9pirit, eppoeot to al liberty anti progress, deinandîng lseavy ttaxes clu bcd pLredub-te, thc suppression cf al lIberai o0piniàun, anti lubriýef, bbc revival cf cvetry retrâgressive elemont from wMsch EMKcjpc bas taon stnivingý tei froc ibsoîf for bthe past century. Sncb an attitude, whbicb pnracbicalhy meaus a, retueu te feutialist, nandi bas bbc sup- part of tbbc soýveneigin, le a menace net doaiy te Ge^man prtlgrem, lbut bu Ger- man unit'y anti pekgas w elel, snd bas anroueeti o<n thIc part-ocf the moderateý selusible Gensuans, a, feeling etfbtlioodp- est itritatiolu, Anti wlthi cemperer la striviing te crus bhesocial dSoc- raey, ais tbb grelat4 lneàny of the saae, bbc modeý-ate ce le pi-eparing for a don dly confiet witb .thef juinkers bacit- cdl by tisi cn4tron,î sVbb are tryiLng thc reverse all bbc cuirrefnts e motion 11f e. What bbhereseit cf bbc struigle urLîl be, lb M iS fficuelbt fcrocureSt, but lb le as- se-tied tha~t the nient ellectiions urili en- ormously Incre,se _bbc radical repro- sentabiinluParI-lament, anti that bbc growtit cf "Particinllarimn" wil rýeceive a tiocIdeti impetus, tbe South German States slrentiy sbivlng their iotocility te Prusià, lb la reporbti tb'Uo,t bhc sultan itas jissueotiau irmateScopting teé,frentier betweeu Turkcy aed Greece drswn by bte nrlibnry attachs of tbbcforcigu curbaisseles and presoubti sbte limit of concession by bte amnbassatiors. Thé froubier oniginally demanieti. hy bte Porte iuclutiet wibbîn Turksh terri- tory ail that portion cf Thesealy nerbb, of bbc, Peitene, cri Salnntvria river, anti in btae Lanissa district extontiedti uelve klonretres Southt of that Streamt, thus atidiag rory ccueiderably bu the Otto- man tcrrltory. Thse froutier as drawn by te mlibary attaches ruas immmcdl- îabeiy Senti thebbcKbasia mountains, glving 'Tukey poWeessien cf bbc moun- tain passes te bbe nortb cf Theeeaily, belti before bbe war hy bbc Greekel, that is, a strabogic froutier, but heyond titis ýdepTivinjg ber cf ahi territorial fruit of ber victory. , bbcesultan bati e- fulseti te acaopbtthis frontier, bis change of attitude, if correctly raporbtiý, ]nay hob abînibubedti bthbbcactioa cf bhe am-' bessatiors ln deciniag bu proceeti witb Iceived fronti theizhorbe auwrnitten La-ccep- lb-.- ,. ,,unfée-t The canadianStatesman W~DNiE~D A JC. 18, 1897. NOTES AND COMENTS ;Signa cof polibical confliet lu Gemr- many anc, poe'tenbouK bbe emperer con- bcentratluaig al osi ern la is o-wn banda, anti sup)portîlng bbthe mionany classihlu its efforts tbu block German prognesanti liberty. Tel bbc ropres- sire measulres Lntbrducot into the Prus- alan Parliamont as a pîrciminany te beir atioptlola by bbe Reichstag, have boon atteti a partial reorganizabion cf te impexial cabinet, matie uith a rieur te socurlug advieesmore subsenvient te bhe emperor, andf more lu sympathy1 withthebbcpolicy cf reaction. These chaugosincluSe bbhé naval secrebary, thie. eat cf te, potai service, sud the chief cf thse inpersai, insýurance office, bbce latter two 'perbapLqe ceobff i- detmen for blaBir respiective positions te be fouinti anyWhible, but urbo have hoen îLsÙicedeti by milibary off icoe wibbcub expenience or spoeciai fibncss for bleir new ur ties. More, significaut stili cf tbbc ultra. coiservabive luf lu- ence ustier wbllch teecmhierrbas fali- cn, le thIiareirement cf bbc Pruessian foreigua ministen, Baron von Bicher- Stein, urla le aueceticti by Count von Bîuîow, urboee oluly recommendabicn te diplomatie' abiiby, *sd tUlat cof Dr. von Botichbr, bhe mini.ster of bbcintenlor, whbolse piaceti byl PDr. Miguel. These new names give buiclulsiders ne ides 0% bhe objepb cf bbc changes, 'but bo Goermanis bbch-mealu ýthatite emperor bas subit b imscif uriit bbc juinker ciass of wbicb Prince Bisnsarck is the expen- ont, anti wbicb adhseno' bu bis anbi-lib- eral ànd reaetiolnary politiesi theonica. Thi.s cases is matie'uâ> cf bbc lauti-ýour- ing aristoonaey sand squàlearcity, anti la poerbaps bbc most ultra-colnservabive anti arbitrary chaqs on bbc, continent, oppoeing eveny tcn-dbucy of domiocracy sud looklug 4îon tbbcýtate as mate up of à alugle cii-damr, a land-owning cias, urIose ibeiests are first anti alene bO The numerous arrests cf prominent persons lu ludian politios and the re- volts at twe poiuts of tbe frontier, give a more serions look te affairs ln that part cf bbe British empire than the first reports showed. T ho camp aù Malakand, wboere the principal figbt- ing is reported te have baken place, le only sente f orty miles lu a, directh huie front Peshawur, the British rilitary base lunerthwest ludia, but bhe roads tbrougb bbe intervening country front Mardan and INisatta are said te hoc blocked by hostile tnibesmen, who have aise cut the telegrýalph wires. The country Iletu oen MLValand and Chit- rai would appear 'by th"is bolihacut/ off from communication With Indiawbich le a serious natter for the sntall poste and garnisons, aioug the 120 miles of defiies and mouut.aiu passes that sep- arate thete wo places. The warrlors w:on thbecM-ad Mouilah bas gathered round hlm beloug to te Swat Valley aud Bajaur, and are reputed among bbc fiercest fighiters ýon the Indian border. The inferiority cf their armà aud their lack cf artillery, bowever, aiways bel] agaînst thiem, and -unlese tbey bave re- ceivced front some quarter hetter wea- pons than these with which they met bbe Britisb ,troeps during the last cant- paigu, wbeu theïr country waa annex- ed two years ago, their defeat le a fore-. gene conclusion. What gives imipor- tance te this ris'ing ou bhe rond te Chit- ra in lthbbcnoiÈth, lethat lb coincides with bbc outhreak lu bbe Tochi Valley on bhc lwesbern froutier, and wiýtb tbe agitation among bbc Mussulmaus in the Bombhay Preslideucy and other parts of Indla. lt nay ho assu-med that bbc discon- tent le far more wldeSprcýad than ls generaiiy acknowiedged, fer reports bave rebhed engianid of bbc despstcb cf troopS totebcGcdvery district in seutheru India front 1adras te put down distuýrbanoca, without aur de- talle heiug gircu. The arrest cf Gan- gutibar Tlla.k, and cf bbe others ne- portcd front Poona, shows titat bbe British Govcrrnt aime te pub down the dlsaffection sniong bhe Mussialmaus thora 'by deprlving bbc people cf their leaders. The Xu6su].m4aiis arc net bbc oniy eues wbosc passiv e ioyaity has been turueti lubo active disaffecticu hy bbe proceedings of bbc sauihîary off - cors, as tbe arrests ofthe! Niatu brotb- ors, wbe 'arc Hlndoos, show. In the moutb of W&aUy lest a memorial was tirawe up anti siguieti by twol thousanti of the natives cf Poona, Hindoos as weli as XMIseulmnens, compiaining cf the violeuc ocete the religions andi social prejudices cf bbc people, cepe- cially in thc breemnto f bbe womneu lu bbc piague camps, hy British, offi- diais. Tf tbbc disconencusteep and 5pncad over the wboec country, as3 bbc siguiug cf a mentorial hy hot hI-,zioos andi Mussuimans sceins te intpiy, the pol- icy adcptýd Wouid appear bo hbe a dan- gereus eue. ýA garrisen cf 75,000 British broops anti a civil population of about '60,000 more would count for very iittle if the miasses cf the, lHiudoo, and Mussulmna inhabibants madc coin- mon cause anti the fideliby cf the, na- tive tro-ope- shouiti happon te o bc uch- ed, and bth routii er bribes rose lu gen- as thse Eiglisb awkwardly caîl thau. The, "Researcb Acceunt" agents werk at Eil Ka%, bet-Ieen Luxer and Asuian, anti aiready seit very inberestlng an- tiquitios bave beein scnt by ethom te: Engiand, Including many piecea cf pot- tery, bead ernamea1ts, figures, etc. At lDesasheb,, about fifty miles seubh of Cairo, Mr. Peýrie bas opened a iun- droit graves, dabling front a date some two thousant ycars boforp, bbc tinie cf Mose. - àA number cf objecbs cf img- uiar iuterest bave been fcnand lu thesa tenabs. Inu bbc centre of the second roomi of the exhIbition there are some wocden off iýns breugist front them witb theircocntents. Onecf these is eut front s' single, block cof sycamore, wbýicb was ever1 l hrce'cenburiesa ldwbau bbcthetree waus felled. N'WTiln. lbis te ekeleton cf n woman. wLose thigh, as Mr. Patrie Dnforme" ne lu bis descriptive catalogue, "lfadheenj broken; lu yciobh and reunit- eti sbort; beling lamea, she carried a stick." TIhe stick cf thse lamie woma'n lies (byi her side inutbbc coffin,, and there they. have la1n tegether for more than f ive thousandi years. Ib was at Behnas- eh4 eighty miles south cf Cairo, whore disoories of te Roman period have heou made,' sud whbere Messrs. Gren- f cil ard, Hut broug4ht te light bbc Pa- pyrusMS. cof bhc Logea,, or Sayfings cf Christ. Oter papyri foend thora are describcd as beihki a bease of isand cf te tintecf AntoinsuaPlus, an officiaI lettei cof thse reign. cf Trajan, a returni of propcrby, cf tbe niuntb yoar cf Donn- itian, sud a iettey cif te firat Iceur' tluryl of the very blute w'heln St. Paul was writhug Iis eplstles, anti lu materiai andt tiùhiaracter cf bbe WrLig,, thora- fore,probably sciilte tose aplaties. There are aise frsauints of tbbc 1usd anti thieOdyssey lu clear blackt ietters. Tite contents of the Logia -papyius arc soni te ho publisaiteti lu ai fine odition cf tbc Oxford Uulrersity Presa. 'These Lcgia cokeist cf a simigie page cf forty five line, cutaining about as muchi utattet, as a prentoti octave page lu, a bock, and wribten ln the second cen- tury. Ilb las been bief initelyasacer- LaLued, tfIat whistever' lb may ho, it is not a page cf Paplaa's lest bock. A Éfiatirpcon.trcversy wil ii tiutiess ho wage'd. over te Logia, with regard te thiair relation te bbc ayuoptice gospels. FREE IFBO?<1DISEASE THlE DOCTOR 8ÂYS 60. MRt,. JLçUER SWIýbRS 80. KiOQTIENAY DDIT., Mr. J acdb Fislar, urbo le employed by bbce Niagara Falls Paper Co., of Niagara Falls,?N. Y., suffri for a longtit.fe Ritu bim Scou andi bloctidicordor. HIe took Koot- týhon, that there, wtil htucoercioun, he may be expected to, accept the i nevitable and retire, but if 'ho is no,3t thus con- vinced, lhis promise will be foi d b be oaily an excuse for gaîing time- dependent for execution upon soe con- dition as impossible of concession as the original d.enand. A.nd there is ne reýa- son te believe that he is thýus convinc- ed, thait he is nt t rpeatiog the tac- tics pursued wit'h the powers with re- spect to, Armenia, and that every de- tail of the evacuatioa of Tbeéssaly, and after that of thie indensnity and the aboli of the capitulations, will flot be made the grouýnd of contention, and delay. That a Sultan xwhN bais defied the concert thu] far -Witb entire im- punity and succsis, Wbli as seen it impotent t rach an agreement -wbich will restor order in littie Crete, will yield at once, to an ultimatum which the power presenting it have made ar- rangements te enforce, is too murli to believe. Their ultimatums, with res- Pect to Armenia weire nover acted up- on, and with, Rusi roported to be. op-É poseýd te immediate coorcioni, with Ger- maniy unwililing tO spend a cent on Crei the sultan, witb balf a million trooPs behind bilm, inay well refuse to be frightLeneýd. It is; possible, of course, that ho naay be forei to yield iii the end, but any assumpztion that thé, Thes- saliau question is settled by his prom-1 ise to, accepi tbe, new freintier, and that the negetin wil:l now proceed smoothly to a, finil conclusion, is lîie- ly to be ýdisappoinited. cîti caunot avoid accumulabing a large antount cf constitubloual consevatism Greyheards aud Rip Van -Viukles cf past generations fiud bbemselves lu a majority, and 'thoir eue ides cf share- holding is te boid ou te things as bbcy are. S. the id.a cf hriugiug the Hudson Bay Company up te date lu that' par- icular way hadti te e aliowedti tedrop for bbc, tinte heing. The ishor spaut-ou lb was hy ne mo-ans tbrown away, how- aver. lb was BREAD CAS 1 ON THE WATERS whiclâ will coure ack oua cf theso days, sud lu a fasbiou ittie expecteti y hyeb soers. Af ber the Hudson Bay Cein- psny doclinedti b e reformad frein the oulside. Lb set te work te reforn t iseif fron thbb insida.- Our special corre- spondent, urbo iately toured bbrougb the States anti Canadta made quibe an iuterestiug diseovory as te bbc cein- pany's oporabions on bis way tbreugb its torritory. At Winnipeg lie rss sur- pnisedt bufinti that bbc largest building in bbc city urss the companys store and offices; that lb býas hraucb stores alf over the Norbb-woest; sud that at most cf its stations lb bas tA beet cf bbc local business. This was s reveiabion te hlm, sud led te furtiter enquiry. He asketi bankers sud other leading cit- izens of Winnipeg, whe al sgroo, that lu bbe pasr, feuryeare bbecocmpauy bas untiergone a comploe transfor- muatio]n, Tlxree or four years ago a neur gen- oral manager urss sent out front Lon- don, wbe bas put ncsw 11f e ute every- bbing, especisihy into bbc stores. These, when first conrcrted into trading con- cerne, bad sente very funuuy, sud-for the company-nabber unfortunate ad- veutures. Iunbbcetisys cf tbci boom, copious anai cosTur stocks of Euroean gootis rere laid ln. , Winnipeg store provided ibself witb bbc finest siiks sud veivobsansd laces, sud he- camne a Manitoba Marsball anti Snell- grove. "EVERYiJHUNG AS IN REGENT ST." was bbc mette cf Winnipeg thon; but lu due tinte Winnipeg was rather vie,- leubly brought back te its senses. Se aise urss bbe cnterprisilng sof t goode departmonb cf bbc Hudson Bay Cent- pany. Sncb a.writiug tiowu theno bati te be of stale stecK; anti bow ntucb dividende suffered bbereby sbsreboid- crs hati iitble suspicion, cither thon or stuce. They neeti net trouble thent- selves about lb, fer lb le past anti done witb, anti s very differeut condition cf affaire bas bakon its place. The RUe- gent etreet reginte vcry sou,came te an enti, and ti b as been succeedeti by eue quite as enterprieiug, but botter stiaptedti te cNorbt-ueet. The new manager, Mn. Chipman, le a Canadîan hem, se ho kuows wbore hie le. jUl e snet a commercial man lu bbc narreur seuse, flot baviug been. breugbt up lu sof t gotis or groeeiýes, but lie appears te be a firet- rate erganizer anti atiniistrator. He, is aise s cultivabeti man, haviug been for years ou bbe staff cf, tbc -Ca7nadian- Age-nt-Genoral lu 4hoýndan.- 1 u fact, he went fron t tat offiedi- [<ret ta- Winlog~ Wbitob hingý e. made to open communications with Spakim on the BRed Sea. The question of a further movement te Khartoum or Omdurman i le ift for future consider- ation,, and will depend op-the develop- ment of the political situation in otb- or quarters. Meanwbile, King Menelek bhas nom- inated the Ruissian Colonel, Leontieff, as Governor cf bis equatorial provinces, and le saudiug him back to Europe on a mission cf great importance to the Czar, and the Sultan. As a proof cf his friendship for France, Menalek bas conferred on M. Lagarde, t.he head of the, Frencih miss.ion recent.ly iu Abyssinia, the titie of Duke of Entot- te. From these circuimstaaices it may be inferrod that Abyssinia is nowact- ing under the adrice cf the Russian Governmeut in harmeny w ith that cf France. What opinion the Euglish of- ficers who composed the staff cf Mr. Renneli Rodd's mission formed of King Meneleks army, of whiclh,,ho gave themn an opportunity cf seoing soe thirby thousand moen, is net knenwn, but it was ne doubt, communicated tce BriE- tisb Gov6rnment. As tbe King eau now bring into lino eover 120,000l well-armed men and a numorou.s artiilery with foreigu instructors, his diplemacy has a support which was wantlng te bis predecessor, Tbeodere, w hon ha mat the Englis.b General Napîer's sol- diers, armed with Suider breaChîcaders, witli warrlors earrying only trade muskets and spears. Whether this wii hb a permanent barnier to an ail- tbreugh railîvay on iBitish territery front Caire to Cape Towvn la a matter which the future will decide. For the present, at least it seems te be, a tolorahly formidable obstruction. RIdher resulte yet atre net uullkoiy te attend thse explorations whicb are now beilng so viguouely carried on amid the sandsof EËyjpt. Thse work cf exploration ta beigig prosecuted at tlhee ceirs~two, cf these agencles hc- !tnl iuder the auspices cf the «"Egypt Exploration Fond" and one under the care uf tue- "Egypt Researcb! Accoonti" - i A Wise manl his RA od Alicil Es pociallyý ween lie can purcitase ýthe goot article fora eoah smc money, th rýeeilf.oujuish a ratch , ding presaut, a birthday preseut or able wrn for your ouru use cal ai Rickard's. No botter gotis for vour money lu Canada. Any ameunt of pretby thiugs. BourmanvÏlle,Camadiani, anti Juhilee Souvenions. AIl them goots anti mauy more being sold at pnices uithin the reacis cf every eue. Also Sewing machines cf tree makep, Eyesigbt csrefully anti scientivally testeti free, Grocers' due bills taken as cash, T. N. RIOKARD, Watcbmaker, Jeurellen and Optialn, Bourmanville, Eyesigitt Testeti Freýe, SABY WAS CURED. DRAR Stuc,-I cen highly recoin- mend Dr. Fowlcr's Extract cf Wild Strawberry. It cureS iny baby cf ,liarrhoeaeftet-alother means failed, rSi 7 cive ila-ret pt-aise. Ih la excel- lent for iii i oxel couipleinta. .iRS. CHA.S, LOi, Harlew, Ont. great 'I S- tien f or ciivemesues There isas r-- irsia- JL17~ L]ERSXEYIneyr buay-deh It b-sLtan Tia.0 ate yeans biy have boonbof-occasion a -ewora derarayt----as Geea aagr oldrera fth opt anovrhsi.,h Se.îo >1, Rivei Chat-le, N.B. Genra Mnaer Kigaei ueutinebea i btepr$r actecoigdsrboehr seducabion imcd by ]D)r. J. '1. Sutherlanti. Forbeoapu cm ena-wm outibng. I--Iras ~v- ~ ~ ~ ~ ynt nttoo, U.r , ,v'e feee .%--crtaî:anount- o cp a sstgned ..... fcaIn.ecubhrLamy~have belpedti bwa-rd cemenbn the' onuai n eeul u bctttgt bC ricit the local manager isundet thusiani stnrsg urrspan reation. 4man's Kooteuay Cure, antind rIan _________________ lsckncurs -vn3r1tiQ-Vbat l- ,t istn. Scrofula andi. elin riseerî 'h- f ~~.- h v :. . 1. - i -- beauifuly resingan v as hoeu placed ln commandi St Don- beutfnîyprssnganÔercoat 75 Mereever, bis religious systent, urbile gela, aud Gea. Bundie bas becu ap- AN AVERAGE CONCERT. cents; Complete Suit, $1.50. These blutiing iînsnet te abandon territory pointeti chief cf, staff. Newspa- Pessimistie Auditor, at a concert,- prices are net more titan one itaif takýea by bbe surerd, ajlairs hlm buo sub- per correspouinte, lb le announe- Seeme te me this is a mighby short what you would bave te o n i t uoirfrca b icîincoýnt îodt programme, considerLng te pnice tlrey other Dye Works, and the ivork wiI cof A14a11, andthbbc cmbinet armies anti cempsuy bhc arnty. Ib le neporteti that Optîmistie Audibor-OU, wo -eau cas- be as geed as eau be done any- fl-cesothbbcconert uroulti constitube te pTesent ativance will net go beyout i ly get tbbc ortb of our money. Just where. 36-4m., sucit a force. If ho is really cenYinceti, Bonher, wbence an sbbempb uili b, encore evenybhing. Childlren Cry foi Pitcher's Castorîa5. tiltnnr- ffwWffE~i3TcIfffrflTlabeY, ie Sale dopaýtmntut as te give a gooti uere againet Usent, and ti lurs net acceunt cf bbc capital lb ompîcys. l It tilset year, urben Maitoba got a le mainageti as a disbinct, soif-dopent- bumnper crep of wbee.b, titat bbe farin- ent estahieblmeut, uribb ouiy a gener- ers, bat auytbing te spenti sfter psy- ai supervision from bhc beati office, iug their mortgage interet. This year urbicb le untier bbc sente roof. tboy bave itat a comparatively short This iutdiiiualization pninciple bas orop, but urbeat speculators have done been applicti net ouly te the stores, bisea a fine turu by raisiu.- prices but to al .other sections cf tbbc cen- 50 per cent. i- WVhy dida t you keep to We tprup ise f anis but ineyer inînd, 1 baea pot oi Quickur xiay 'lt aud it will cure cor u es . before we iret bomne. You ne er ssaw ftnnY- ting I ke the way 18t wsll hesia autor aàrio f1 n "'d, sudf. seiim erlsI s--well, t là just "ont ofasght. HENRY IEEits, L.D.. Quebec, writes, "One of rny chlldren sprained hier ankie, which becamnermuch swollen and d1scoioured. SomeQuickcure' vas spread on linen, and appîîed, the patn ceased at once, the to school as msal. 1 have also proved It to be a vonderfu remedy DliTHI\JS BÊCH E nEW. TIIE HUMDON'S BAYCOJIPANY MAK- ING GREAT STRIDES. 11)%v he Anici ayâd Slotcrrble Ccnspally Ice-s Busines- Saie aof l i uterests anît Iiow [bey are Masipulated. A receut numbor cf the London Fi- nancial times bas a most interesLing, article on the Hudson Bay Company, whicb bas beau the pioneer lu the de- velopment cf C'auada's great North- west, aud which bas cf labo, been mak- ing great advanees heth lu activity and results. Thoetuiancial Timtes says: A f ow years age au attempt was made te infuse new if e into bbe ancient and honorable Hudgon Bay Company. It was proposed te separate the land and bbe tradiug accounts, and bu bave the shares divided se as te distinguish the land anî the trading portions of bhe capita1. The attemupt did net exact- ly fail, but lb did not go tbrougb. Some how or other lb fizzled. The directers assumed au attitude cf frieudly non- brality, and sente cf bbe largest share- boîtiers were actively sympathotie. But CURE BILIOU S NESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE ,%?#: AL. Y1VE TROUBLE S alaxtiv, oe pll ctsperfect3 and if a stronger "4'ction i desired a cathartie effect is'jroduce, by two pilis. In obstînate cas*~ where a purgative is necessary, thre puis will be found sufficient. Thes pis leave no unpleasant after effeci One pili taken each night durin, thirty days will cure constipation. PHICE 25C, OR 6 FOR $1.00 la corporatýon eeariy thre@ centur.-Si /JÊI " --t)-i ............ Xff - V, ý t, ýi ;-t -L ý-L .-t