Keep up hope. There are t 'housands of cases where re.- çovey from Consumption has been complete. Plenty of fresh air and a well-nour.- JOBTWTY-ýSEVEN YBMaIs. MECOK'Û!S BE ST FR IEND LAPRG-EST SALE IN CANADA. TEDiETZ Irx about as near perfection as 50 years Mi Lami-p-Making cao attalo tc. It burnms kerosene, and givas a powerful. clearwhiie lght, and will neither blow nor jar eut. When eut driving with it thie darlçness rasilv lkeeps about two houndred feet ahead cf yeur arrartest herse. Whao you want the very best Driving Lamp tc> i-e iad, ask your dealer fer the '-iDiez. " Wc issue a special Catalogua cf f bis Lamp, and, if yeu ever, prowl areund ater night-flu. it wiIl interest you. 'Tis mailed free. M. n. DIETZ CO., Go Jaighit St., New York. Z31tablished in 1340. 1 1 EEV. DR. TALMAGE LIFTS UP THE CROSS To THE DISCOURAGED. lI'ise TI iidsts nt" -umier sipirîfasi PrmCtrCs thse Sîsbject ao' a Poweri'ul Ser'inoni- Cesafrd, FoSr Ail Laboriag Ueiier Adverse Cireciiistalees. Rev. Dr. Talmage preacbed on Sun- day morsixig frein the text: "Then d was costrary,"' as f ound in Mattiren air., 24. As I1n-cil know from experience on Lake Galilee, one heur uiay be calin and the nexi hour fthe wixids and waves will be se boistereus that yen arei doubt, as te whetirer yen aili land on tire sirere or on tire bottei of tire deep, Thre disciples in tire texi Wero canglt li sucir a stress of ,wea- iher and thre salis bent and the slip plusged, for "then-ixids was contrary."' There is li ose of tire Enropeaxi sti'aits a place, wliere, niricherer way Yeu smil tirewnds are opposisg. There are people n-ho aIl their ife seem sailing ixi tireteetir of the wn d. Ail ithings seem against them. it may be saud of tireir condition as of tirai of île disciples li my text, "tire wnld ixas contrary." A great number of people are under seeming disaivantage, and 1 illto- day, ini tire nartiriesi Anglo-Saxon tirat 1 can manag-e, treaitheir cases; not as a nurse cousis ont eig'ht or tes drops of a prescription anid stirs- tbam in a haif glass of n-ater, ýbut as wlire a mas, iras, by mistake, taken a large amount of stryoh.nine or paris green, or belladonsa, anid tire pa- tient la n-alked rapidly ronnd tire room and sirakexi up uxiil lie gets n-ide an-ake. Many of yen have taies a large draft of tire poison of disconrage- ment, andl I come ont by the crder of tire Divise Phiysiolaxi te rouse you out of thaf letirargy. First masy people are under tire disadrantage of an unfotunate name given thein by parents n'iratirongir tirey aers doing a good thing. Somne- tInes aitirhe baptism of children while 1 have held npose hand la prayer I have held up tire otirer hand in amazement tirai parents shonhd have weighted the bute nith sucir a disson- ant and repusiia' nomenclature. I have not so mucr wnxdersd that some chiudres should cry oui ut île chnis- tening font as ihat otirers aitir snobi smUling faces hould take a tille tirai n-ilire thre bardes of tireir life- tise. If la outrageons te affloct chil- dren nitir an undesirable name be- causa, hthappened te be possessi by a parent or a ricl uncle fros n-irom f avors are expecisi or some promis- est maxi of tire day n-ho mnay iend lis tifs in disgrane. hitis nie excuse, Ie cause they are Seripture names to cal a chili Jeiroliakia or Tigiath-Piliser. I baptized ose of tirs name Bathshie- bis 1 Why, unier ail tire ciroumambient reaven, asy parent s.houhd aant te give a chili tire name of that Aoose creainre of Seripture tises h caxinot imagine. 1I-have often felt aitirs bap- tismal altar, nlien nases avere an- ,nounoeii ta se, like suyî»g as diii;tire Rey. Dr. ]RichardJs, of Morriston x, N. J., n-len a child.n-as landed hmm %'or baptism, an tire name girexi, "Hadn't yon better calU it something elsee" Impose sot upon tirat baba a namne .suggestive of flippancy or meanness. Tirera las no excuse for sucir asanîr and buitery on tire cradie n-ies our las- guage s opulent nitir naines musical and suggestive lei seaxiîg, snobi as John, meaung "rire gracîous gif t of trieas, names which cought to bc abol- ished for the reason that tliey are a ibel and a siandler. But if for any reason you are submerged eLtlier by a gives same or by a famil-y name that you must bear, God will bielp you to overcoine the outrage by a lite con- secrated to the good anid useful, You may erase the curse fromn the namne. If it once stocid for nean- xiess you cas atake in stani4 for gener- osity. If once it stood for pride, youý can make it stand for liumility. If it once stood for fraud, you oanniake it stand for hosesty. If once iti stood for wickedness, you can maire it stand fo purýity. There have been multitudes of instances wliere men and women have n..agnifioently conquered the' disasters of the names inflicted upon lihem. Again, many people labor under the maisfortune of incomnplete physical equipneent. We are by our Creator se economically built that we cannot af- ford the obliteration of any physical faculty. We wast our two eyes, our two cars, our two bands, our two feet, our eight fingers andtwo thumbs. Yet what multitudes of people have but one eye, or but one footi The ordinary casualties of if e have been quadrupi- ed, quistupled, sextupied, aye, cent- rupled, ini our time by tlae civil war, and at the north and soutb a great multitude are fighting the battie of 1fPe with haîf or less tlan hi, the needed physicai. armaments. i-dbnet wonder at the pathos of a soldier, durixig the war, who, when told tbat lie must have his hand amputated, aid, "Doctor, cant you save it1" and when told that it was impossible, said, with tears rolling down hisc cleeks: -Well, then, tood-bye, old hand. I hate to part with you., Youi have done me a good service for manY years, but it seems you miust g GTood-bye." A celebrated suirgeoni told me ofa scene in the clinical departmnest Of ose of th(e New York hospitais, when a poor man with a wousded ieg was brouglit in before the students to be operated on. The surgeon was point- inug out this and that to the students and handhing the ivounded leg, and Wa" about to proceed ta amputation, wIien the poor maxn leaped from the table, and hobbled to the door, and said, "Gentlemen, I are sorry to disap- Point you, but by the help of GOýd, 1 will die with mày leg on" -What-, a terrifie loss is the loss of Our physical faeulie, Tile n ay the~ battis of Crocy was de- cided agaïnst the mrench wias by thej Welsbmen killmng the FIrenchi horses, axid that bronglin their rîders to theî grouxid. And when you cripple this body, which is mierely the on which the seul rides, you may some- times defeat the soul. Yet hon- maxiy suffer froin this phy- sical taking off I Good cheer, my brotheri God wili make it up to YOu someâow. The grace, the sympathy 0f God will be more to you than anything you have lost. If God allows parti of your resources to bceuct off in anon place, he nill add it on somewhere else. As Augustus, the eraperor, took off a day frore February, making it thre shortest month in the year, anid add- ed it to August, the monthi namned af- ter hireself, so advenxtages taken from one part of your nature nill be added on te axiother. But it is amazing hon- mnucli of the world's work lias been done by mes of subtraoted physical organization. S. S. Preston, the great ortator of the south-west, n-cnt linrping ail lis 1f e, bat there n-ts no foot put dow-n on esy platform! of his day that rssouided se f ar as is club foot. Beethoven waasSo deaf that lie could xiot hear the crash of the orchestra rendering his oratorios. Tihomasi Carlyle, thre dyspeptie martyr, n-a', iiveu thre commission to drive caxit out of, the world's literature. The 11ev. Thomas Stockton, of Pltadeiphia, with one lng,, raiced bis audience nearer heavee thaï most ministers cas raise tiren with two hmnrgs. lu the baxiks, tihe insuranneecoxipanies, tue commerc- ial establishiments, the reformatory as- sociatioînj, tire churches, there are tons of thou.sands of mes and women to- day douqled up with rheumatismn or sulijeci to the neuraigia, or with oxly fragmenta of limbs, tire rest of whLdh tirey lef t at Chattenooga, or South Moumtain, lor tire Wildersess, and they are wortis more to the world andi more toi the Churoli aid more f0 God tiras tbjose of us n-ho have neyer so mucli ais -'had, a fiager joint stiffened by a. Congression IIlecord. after tihcy nere de- t ivered. Tire inliionaire, literaoy of this country la beyond measurement. Nown, suppose a mianfEnds blimîself in nuidlif ewiliout educatiotnwhat l lie ta do ? IDo tie best lie can. Thre most effec- tive layman in a former pastoral charge tlhat I ever heand speak os religions tiremes coîuid n-ithin five minutes of ex- hiortatios-break a&U tirslaws of Englisis »grammer, ssd !if ire1f t any iaw n-s fractureui le would complets tire vork of lingutal dévastatinn itire, prayer withn-hich lie foilowed it. But I n-ould rathier have hlm prayt for me if 1 were sick or ixi troubla than asy Chiristian maxi I knosv of, and in that churcli al t'ha people preferreii hlm lx exhorta- tionsand prayer to ail otharis. Wiry Because hia was so thoroughly pious and had surli power with God ire was irres- istible eand as hlis nt on liniris piray- er sixixers repested and saints sbout- ed for joy, anid, tira tereaved seemned tOg get teck tireir dead in celestial cois- painionsip But wîat oflier multitudes thers are Uuder other disadvantages. Here is a CLh elitiain nomasn liose husband thinks religion a siram, and n-hile the wife pe-sys tirs childres ose nay thes hus- band swears iirem anotiter. Or here la a Chiristian maxi n-ho is trying to, do Mrs test for God and tire, durcr, and iras wifa holdis hum back a.nd says On tire way-home from pirayer meeting, whereh gave testimoyny for Christ: -What a fbel yo u ade Of yourself 1 1 liope, hereaftsr you will keep sf111." Anid wJhes shno, c lisbeseevolent axid giva 850 shIe oriticizes hlm for sOt giv- mug 50 cents. I mu>st do justice and plubllcly thask God thai 1 neyer prO- posad ut home te give azything for any causeo of huamanitv or religion but tire6 Otie partner in the domestie, fîi approved it, Anid wheui ih seemed be- yosd My ebility and, faitin isCod wag s'ecessary, sire Lad tirree-fourihs the faifli. B1ttt 1 kaow men n-ho n-len' tilIey contibuted to charitable objects are afraid tihat the wife n-l find it ont, Whist a n-itheriinig ourse sud aý weonian must lis to a good man I Tirin there are others nader thes great dLsadvantage of poverty. Who onght teget things oheapest ? Yen Say thosO Wh avltile mxians. But they pýay Moe You, huy coai by tire ton, thsy bR4Y it by tire buciret. You huy flour q by thes barreirL they buy it by thie poundý YOu get apýpaxeel chap, lisoanse YOIX psy Cash; they pay dear' becam they have to gst truusted. And tire Bible was -rigit whebxit sai: "-Thre destruc- tion Jfthe poor lo theýir poverty. Tien thero are firme who maire a miatake iân earîy ife, sand tirai over- shadon-s aI1 thea'r days, "Do y9u net knoëw tra t tirai mia wes once in pri-a son?" is n-hsp-exed. Or,11110 yon ksnoW tirai that mian once attempted suicide?" Or "Do yon k'now thiat that Mas Once, abiscondad 1" or, "Do yan ksow tirai' tirat mat was once dischargsd for dis- in*esty V" Fer laps there n-as only one n-rang deed in tire man's hife, and that ose act haunts tire subsequant century Of iris existence. Otilers haveaufortunats predomain- tance of soîne mental f aoulty, uni theia' rahneas threiws thain intu wild enter- prises, or threir trepidation, mairesthei decllne, great opportnity, or thers as a vein of mr)daxcholy, in their disposi- tien inuit deleats thein, or tirey have an on'dow'ment of ovsrmind tirai causes tire impression of insincerity. Others lad u4ronig proclivÉties f rom, tire stan, Tley' were bora wroxig, and that sticks W osoe aI ter he 15 bora agais. T.Iey have a saturai cranki- seas tirat is 275 years ohd. I came over with their greut graadfathers f rom Seotlan,aUor Wales, or France. Itwnas bora on tire banks of the Thames, or the Cly de, or, the Tiber, Or tire PRiae, and lias survived ail the phagues and epudemics of many gexieratioxis, and is living to-day on tire banrs of tire Po- tomac, or thre Hudson, or the Andros- coggi, or tire Savaunahr, or tirs La Phaca And n-leîn a maxi tries Wo stop this evil ancestrah proclivity, lie is like a mas on a rock intire rapids of Nia- gara , iroldisig on with a grip f rom wirioh tire sn-if t cnrreats are trying to sn-oop hlma into, the abyss bsyoxid. Ohi, this n-orld la an overburdened world, an overn-orked world 1 It la an an-fully rired n-orli. Ih la adrsaifulhy uxifortunate n-orld. Sciexits are try- ing to find ont tire cause of these sartir- quakes un ail landis, claatlantic and transalaic. Some say f iis and some say thai. 1 have takes the diagawss of what la the matier n-ith the earth. It bas so, mngy hurdens on it and 50 nany f ires n-uhn it, if las a fit. If caxnot stand suchi a circumference All kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI) GOAL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MeCLLL N &0C Haompton Gener;al Store New Spring Goods at ýprices that will astonish you [or Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest and most attractive stock of Jm- ported and Domestie Woolens ever shown in the County4 bought in the best market for SPOT -CASH. We carry fulll unes of Staple Dry G-oods, Ready-made Olothing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Departmenit [s well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. We have special values in TEkS. Fullline in Patent Medicines at popular priees. Suiphur in quanti*ies at Se. per pound. 'do'n't believe ilhere ever was so sie Pils. They wili do ail you recom- fi inend themu for and eveu more. *When I have a cold and ache from s 1xéLad to heels, a dose or two of these The good pili lias a goode pis is ail the medicesne needed to Coa. hen catsre set me right again. For headache,~ two purposes; Î',- proteots the pull, and ( ' guises it to the sensitive palate. Some coats are toc, ,,avy; they won't dis'solve, and the PUIlS theY Oover v',3s through the systen¾ harutiess as a bread pellot. ~ e coats are too liglit, and Permit the speedy t rainof the pili. After 30 vears exposure, Ayer's Vg -tu Coated Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh front the laboratory. It's a good pili, -witli a good coat. -Ask your druggist for ~ Th tetim fa wii h fo>odin ou n A> s"Cr>ook,"with a hud e s tr.reAdrs:jCAyrCLoei a. East End GrainDepot The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Durham for the liberai patronage extendted to us during the past season, aise te remind them that, we are stiil in the market and prepared to pay th e HIIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOI ALL KINOS 0F Cg RE lGAJI SE E S delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or ab Por Darlington. We have aise on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Roek Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresli Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared te soul c EI~IA2P O-ASIEIa i.