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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1897, p. 8

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* Insecticides. .. t Pure and reliable Insect Destroyers at t J. IGGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemists and t Druggists. t PURE PARIS GREEN, t PURE INSECT POWDER, t PURE MOTH CAMPHOR, t FLY POISON PADS, STIOKY FLY PAPER, (}j *Hygeiîa Beverages t Hires Root Beer, McLaughlin's" Hygeia t Beverages, Lime Fruit Juice, etc. * J. Jiigginbotham & Son. CBWAN HLE T'l"hat Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot aff ord to be without it. Cali and see the newest designs in ail kinds of Fui niture. are always welcome. BOWMANVILLE. Youi Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Bo unuîsil's Block. There- are many kinds of, Sewing Machines, but where' purchasing a new machine'yort should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seil. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machinîes have ne equal. Prices reasonable, ternis made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasors should eall and investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around. Best machine oul for sale. Buy no0 other. Machine parts and repairs snpplied. I have a beautif ni Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar. gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Seed. Henry Bliott Jr. MAPLE GROVE. 'et- ovr pr y hyr pori s goodlm. ,Thaquesion oar a wbii ae a to ha;va ont Civu'le holiî daySMssAne ae:Tornto, f5 geifMisa Annie Crumb ... Musa Annie su Mis df M aor, Po CHope, re visitig t Mn.r. H aud '-HtJohn Powcr, Toron- Oo, lvîii'frianuds liae-...H.John Cox bas goaf hcago aflar a pleasant visil ai is BURDOOR BLOOD BITTrERs.-Burdock Biood Bittera regulates the stomacli. liver, bowels and blood; curing dyspep- sia, billousneas, siek hoadache, rhouma- tsm, serofula, and romoving ail impur- ities of the blood, frem a common pimple to the worst acrofulous sore, As an invio.orator and tonie B. B. B. la an uinequa1iled medicine, WI.LL RF -OPEN ON Wednosday, Sept. 18st, AT 9 A. M. PupilS prepar7ed for ail grades teach- er's' certifie tes l'id for University Ma- #riculation, both Pass and Ilonor. This school la thorCughly oquipped lu overy particular. new apparatus is bing ad- ded and eacb teacher la a specialiat lu lis depatment. tahn The folowiiîg conmpose the tahn staff JA31ES GILFILLAN, B. A., Principal, Scienîce. W. W. TAMBLYN, M. A., MDe Lu guagea .1 T. G. BRAGG, B. A., Classies. Mr. F. H. FROS,T B. A., Mathernatica. It la Toi-y desinabie that aIl pupils be pi osent at the opoing of school that no ti.inebholost. Board mnav ho obtainedat i6asonable ates. For further particu- lars appl 'y peusonaily on by letton to the Principal. T IrL Pincipal. Bowmalivhie, AUg. Stit 1897. NEW IIAVENx. Visitota :MISS Jassia MeDonaldý town at Misa M. MeMllan's ; Mn. Md. O'Brien, ToronIýo, aiud Miss Tillev, Fit zgerald, Seafortîs. t Hr.Erastus Butk's HtMrFdwin Elybail, Mns. R. Haybail asud chlidren,Mrs. Ibotsou and danghtan, Hamel, iTorouto, st Mn. C. Goode's ; Messrs. William, sud wastilkc, Solina, at Mn. S. Waty 's ; Miss Annie Rates, Toronto, at Mn. J.\Vifhei-idge',. Mn. A. Moore la visitîug af Long Sal.Mn'. G.Sburbliff la visiti g friands in Toonto .. . .Mrs. T. Power sud Miss Wiunie Powrt visitedfriends lu Toronto. .....Mrs. W. Janninga visiled lier sis- fan, Mrs. Aunis, Uxbidg ... . Mamie, dangbler of Mn. F. Guy, feli from. s lsddar oua day last week trikiug on han bead sud aras uncouaclous for soeimatin but is convalescent. A SUMMER SPacîFc.-Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures choiera, choiera morbus, diarrhoea. dyaentery, eramipa, colle, summen com- plaint, canker of the mouth and ail bowel complaluts of children or adulta. It is a sootliug, effectuai and neyer faiing medicine,which gites immediate reiet and speedily effects a cure. SROVIN CIAL EXHIBIT 10 N, 1RhCUgjoISM IId OSýýs1gCUCI Aug. 1 9th to 28th."97. $173000.00 in Prizes A Grand Show of Live Stock, brses, Cattie, Shi'ep, Swinle, Poultry. Special Prizes for Cauadiaii Cattie, Special llîrticî'lturtl Display. Agricul- tural Imilemcnts andý1Dairy "Produets, Band tOècerts Day aud":Eveffn9ng Balon raceforltùe Championîhip o01the world Prof. Leo. Stevens, and Prof. Charles Lesinanga, Acronuats. The greatasi sanies of tpacisb stftactioie aven seau in Canada. A Miid-munmer Nigts Dreaul Fairyland by day The moaf aronderful electricsi exhIftiiout aven gis en lu Hontreal. 571 ST. PATEICU STRE ET, OTTAWA, JUly SlSt, 1896. To tite Plirenol bte -Medzedne Go., Limit- ed, Ottaqw!ýa, Ont. GENTLEMEN ,-On the advice of a friend I tried a hottie of your famous theumatie remedy, Phnenoline, and to my surprise it euned me of rheuroatisrn, frein îvhich I have suffened for many veaars. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from whlîi I waa suffering at the time, so that 1 feel now hule a uoav manî. 1 have tried. sevorai roînedios for rheu- matiam., somo of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have takzen bas donc so înuch for sue as your Plîrenoline, and 1 have much pleasure Chea exl.rlols onailRaîway. in necommrndimgit 10 otheu suiferons, Chca exmsloIs nal diooan 25glIYours verx triu1ly) Grounds open Éill lop.m. flUli8iÔmtJ 5i (Signed JAESCARROLL., Prlze listsanad ail information on aplsbîcaflonm o Foremnanu of Works, Rideau Canal S. C. STEVENSON, Man. and Sec.,i %,Id l oravleb STOTT & MONTREAL.JRY î m'as j "VYour Paine's Coiery Compound bas mnoat wondorfully impnovod rmy healtlî. Before usinz it my appotito was poor almost gome; I waa also weak and de- bilitated, and suffened fnomn pains in the head. "Paine's .lory Compound does al that is c.aimned for it, 1 have neeom- mended it to my frienda, and thoy al speali highiy of the nesuits neceived fom- it. I wish Pain's Celery Com- BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 18, 1897. (OCondensed [rom the News.) IÇF.I\DALL.-,esSrs. G. H. Jamieson ansd Jas. Magahey leave lits week for Manitoba and N. W. T...Mel e.Chas. Magîh1^ey sud llugh l{oy"pentSun.daywekhr.. * M Jas.McLean of Port Hlop, ami dautchter were visiting frieuds 1,,,r _nly.. Ht. Th., Stantou, Pont3 pool, washer eerb..MssEa aMcLeaîndsay, is visîting at Mr. _Wm. MeLeauls, 8th con. Miss E. J. Fallis, Toronto, 1 5 visiting i r Wmn. Underwood's, also Mrs. Chas.MeLan amd daugliter Mai-d of Toronto. Mr. Natanul Mortonsona well-known citizen of Ishperinglý, Mich., and editor Superior Posten, Whp, fora long tirne, suffered from the rnost excruciating pains of rheumatism. was cured, eight years ago,bv taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla hax'ing never feit a twinge of it since. NEWýTONVILLE -Mi&s Kate MeMturtr*vTorontio is vjsiting friends here... Ht. and Mnâr. Robin' SOu, Lfindsay Mrs. Mslcolm and son Lindsay, Stator, Mr H. and Mrs. HMacher, Hont Forest. visited at W. P. Moiluligan's tetentiy.... Win. HrChesiiey ansd wife otfiochestet, were, visiting at Misa Jene Thoinoson's... Mrs Thexînai, Lind,,wav, visitd ai Colonel Hughbes' lt e eek _. Mrs. J. Pay ne. Toronto, is visiriup at her fathet's J. Pethick.. Mrs. Hnldrew, Toroiito, sprnt a few days 'aitbhber aister Mrs. S. Joues ...Miss Gertie Moase bas teturued home froin. au extended visit witlî frieuds jr M aripoa. Miss Chisholm, Blleville, and Miss Lawle, Clý'aIioage, ase guets of Rev. M. E. aud Mrs Wilson lat tie parsonage . ... Ht. and Mrs. J. W. Braidley have bees, visltlug frieuds in Toronto. The hair, when flot properlv cared for, loses its lustre, beconies crisp,harsh and dry. and f ails out freelY with every combing. To prevent this, the best dressing iu the market is Avers ilair Vigor. It imparts that silky gloas so essential to perfect beauty. Ateioa. t.Robert Foater and family visited nt Ht. W.Foster's reeently ..Mr.James Waddell sud wife spent Sunday week fit Mr. Wm. Wadde1s . Mt..Ais. Malcolm, Totouto, le visitiug at Mr. Thos. Somierville's. ..Mr. Win. Bellamy kas gone to Manitoba...Mr. 0. A. Gamsby visited New Ylork State recently ý.. Mt. Geo. L. Waddell's recenit visitons were: Ht. sud Mrs. John L. Rowe,ronuo,Miss Hamblv sud Miss Bell of Toronto, Miss Wslker sud Ht. Curtis, Pott Hone, Hisses Jessie sud Ainme Waddell and Mn. Thomnas Somerville of Rapgle Hil ... .Mr. sud Hts John Waddell sud Miss Waddell, Orono, Hr. sud Mns Thos. Viekers were the guesta of Miss Aggie Sumnierville recently. is7 H. E. Best, Miss H. E. Hall sud MisMoat were visitors at Mr. Thos. Wsd- del's rerently ... Mrs.Johu Millii d Miss MeLcod were home Sanday week ant their father s Hr. R. MeLeod. . ..Cuests at Ht. John Buekîcy's Sunday week were: Hr.and Hrs Wesley Gleuny àof Poulyn'ool, AHt S. J., Cuttell, Orono Newa, Hr. W. S.MelÇowan of the BOW Mauville STATESMAN sud the Misses Dingman. POW~LAR loTEL MAN.--"I W as troubled with pimples on1 m ' face and head which caused me much annoyance. After trying many rernedies without benefit 1 was advised to take Ilood's Saîsaparilla. The, flrst bottle helped me and 1 took four bottles. I arn now comp]etely cured." JAMEs REILLEY, Propritor Chapmar Ilouse, Sarnia, Ont, KIRB.uv. H. Tiios- Heniderson ast a valuable horse.>Miss Csmpbell. Camernu, vîesited het siater Mrs R. Dou ,son Ht.dr Robt. Clemence wsguest,-of Ht. Wm 1,,iterson's Sanday w eek Ht M. and Mrs.Eiward;, Birch visited frienda lu Leskard,. ..M. sud i( ]ss Quantrili, Kesidaîtl,. visited at Ht. laac, C hapmsan's teeutly ..ev. A J G. Cnsaddeu, Bowinanville. visirsd at Ht. S. M. Rillînge ' ... Ht. sud Hrs. Jas. Mortow of Rowýmanville, viaiting at Mt. A. Morrov's Sudy weck.H.. rs. (Mev.) Chas. Adams, Flntou, wiho lias beeni viaittng at, her fatbsr's, has tetnrned home. Ht. ..M. Josephu- Rickaby, Lindsay,viaited at bis brother Mt.Join Rickaby ....Mts. Tva Rillinga vîsited friends lu Row- mauville tecenitly. .. . Hts. Job Cobble- diek, Newcstle, vlsited at Mr. Jonathan Clemence's Sunday week ... Miss Ida Larng bas beau engaged to teath Enierpri3e School. sue- ceediug Misa McKay. .MiassEtlhel fickslîy nicnieked waitb ber Sanuday Sebool Cisu lun Ht. Thos. Lattîci gtove, Tbut-sdaty affornoon.. Ht. Fletchet Cisapinauls report of tht Interna- flonai Conv ention was very intteaîsing Sunday evening week. A DOUBLE CuRE.-Mrs Jas.E Elwood, St. Tlaomas, Ont., says :-"My husbaîd' and m 'yslf hav e taken Doan-'., Kidney Pilla. We iîsed them for kidney and back trouble for which we had spent a great deal of moneY without getting relief. Doan's Pilla cured us both in a rernarkablv short time. I believe they will cure even after ail other medicinea fait. " OsoNo. Orono Fait Septembet 20 audtln.... Hrs. A. S. Tooirjep lias been visîring friends lu Hamilton .. . .Mrs. Elouzo Wood visited friends lu Rowmanville... Mr. Chas. Doneaster snd daughttr. Bowmauvilla, visited ftieuds hote... Hta. Eobt. Foster and family are visiting tels. tives lu Guelph.. . . r. Geo. Edwarda of Pem- btoke, visited obidfriends litre . R.ile Don- caster, Orillia, la viaitiug bis gtaudfataer, Mr. Thos. Doncastet..Mrs. Nash sud daughter Beatrite are campingo ai Salmon Lake with s pstty of frienda ...Mrs. John Yeo sud two chlldreu ste visitiug bere from. Vittoria, R. C.. HtM. Metb Hiii bas goueto Rowýmauvil]ew1iere ha bas sectured a situation as baket for Ht. F.R. Clarke ...Misa Editis MoMfilîsu, Barrie, la visitiug bat miels Ht. Thos. Moulper...Mra. Skinnet, Wattowu, Dakota, sud Tirs. Corhutt, Perrytowu, visited at Mr.David Walsh's reeeut. ly .... .Mts. Rutledge, Canton, and daugbi-tots, Misses Lizzieansune usetledge, have been viaitiug Ht. W. W. Troul.Ht M. J. W. Odell, R. A., bias returned from the city wbere he bas boeeu ployed by the Edueationsl Depsrtmeut as s Ptovincial sub-examiner .. ... su ad Mrs. Fred. Heal, Ht. sud Mrs. W. W. Aluin, Rowmau- ville, visited at Ht. J L.Rowes, Monday week. Miss Bell sud Misa Hambly,Toroiit.o, are preseut guss tth 'am lace...M.rsoe H lto H'AMPTON. ViaRtots: J. B. Motn, Piekering, at home; Misa Mitcell, Sf. Marys, at Ht. W. Rectas; Mr. J. A. McCiarty, Toronto, ai Mn- J. Cola's, st.; Mrs. L. Muse ausd eilîdren, Oshawa, fit Ht. W. L. Ward's .... Mr. F. A. Cola bad p art of is bat- niessatolan necently.M.ev. E. E. Howard bas returnied from bis vacation and took bis -wotk lasi Salibstia . . . Frmtns wo have fbraahaed report a fait yield. Brsley la badly sained, fal whaat sprouted too mucb f0 ha saleable. There's no question about it. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the best blood purifier. This is proven by its wonderful cures of blood diseases. PROVIDENCE. Folloo fing are tht realuta of the Midaummer iixanainatioiis. Naines lu onder of menit. En- trante-Clarenca Smala, Laurs Bragg, Allia Wight, Charlie Wight,Tielboutut Aluin. Jr. IV to Str. IV. Lillie Yellowlees, WallaceaRattia. St. 111. f0 Jr. IV. Ethel Bragg, Florauce Jack- son, Nebie Wight, Luebla Colwillb. Jr.III. to St. III.-Emma Prout, Minnia Moar. St. 1IL t0 Jr. II.-Normais Yeilowless, Everson Ptout,lfrauk Rafîle. A. B. Mosaîs, teaciser. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness, trembina nervous beadache, cold handslandfoot, pain in the back, and other forma of weaknesa are relieved by Carter's Iron Pilla, made specially for the blood, nerves and blood. t ENNISKILLEN. -Visitor : Mrs. Ashtoun forinerly of Greenwood viaitino bar sialer Tirs. Woftou; Tirs. iteinuet, Pickering, gucat of Mi. F. Ro.%ers; Ht. Jospb Martin, Haîmilton, afbila father s oyne Wafer Hilla; Mra. P. Bartley visltiug friands lu Liud- say; Htr. and Ivts. G. L. Stevesmansd f amily Casates, goasta of Mn.C. 7Williams; Mrs. S. G. Rrown aind tbildreis formenly of Wiugbam vis- Sitiug friands hene previons 1te moval t0 Wiîa.i- peg1;hra. T. Elford, Misses Addie aund Flossie Pythome againi;Tir. J. T. Pobock leaves thia waekfor Manif oSa.H..isTulnie Mogers ýave s very graphie sud full accontt0 obr viait fo, tha great convention lu Toronto sud Miss Emma Warrtt of Tyrone,fgave s capital paper ou the 111e 0f flc late Prof.Dtummond, at the Leagut Friday. .. .Cougrafulations to Misa M. Rogers sud Mt. L. R. Williams ou auccees af recant depuntmnentul exams. 110W TO CURE PAINEIJL ERUPTIONS.-. What a pity to see a child or grown person disflg ured by eczema or scrofula, with their torturiug sores and irritation, when a fe w simple soothing applications of Trask'a Magnetic Ointment would relieve the suffernîg and entiroly heal the disease. Try lt-lt only costa twenty-flve cents, and la a wonderful cure, known and valued by doctors as well as sufferino. peoplo ail over the world. Stott & uy. ENFIELD. Racant visitora: Tirs. (Rev.) Smith and Master Smith, Niagara: iNra. C(Dr.) Archet. Port Perry: Tliss L. Reynolds, Daufortb; Hra. HcKlosky, Toronto; Ht. W. Reynolds aund Masten Artbur. Oshawa; Tir, sud Mra. Luxtoni, Mn. sud Mra. W. Malfatre, Rowmanvilbe; Tias R. Avery, Piffa- Surgis; Miss P. Hezzlewood, Tira. Kilts ansd TMafaer Max, Sagiuaw, Tich.; Mrs. Hezzlewood, Oshsawa..ruad Tira. W. H. Nichols visitad friends in Courtire Soniday.... Tir. Alax. Smith la aractiug s silo.... Mn. R. Hall lost s valuable horse by pobaoniuso.asd two others ara lu s aniti- cal condition.... Tir. J. R. Dyar eutatainad the baud reccntly to blsck Senties sud cakes ... Our Division hadl a deliciona treaf Tuesdsy night to bananas and peachas .. . .Endeld baud played at a lawn social nt Myrtît Friday cvening sud ara aungsged to play on tht extorsion te Fanebon Fala frein Port Perry Aug. 20th. OTHERS FAIL-IT CURES ! DEAE SIRS, PFrom my own, experience I cau con- fidentially aa-V that Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry possesses truae menit. It was the ineatýs of saving mv littie girl'a lifo last summer. She was teething anîd took violent diarrhoea. lyr. Fowler's Extract of Wiid Strawberry cured lier, and I feel tlîat 1 caiinot sav enough in its favor. MES. WILLIAMý ARTHUR, Teeterville, Ont. TYRONE.' Tir, F. W'. O. Werry, R. A..,la tisis weak attendssîg tha British, Association ini Toronto... A vcry o)ltasant sftanuvcon aras apaut in the S. School Rooun of thbchourcli. Tht Juniors mat 10 tic down f'ao miaaionary quilfa. The work was intersperiset. witls muait by Misses E. Curtis sud L. Cade. Mach mcm ber brought a quota- lion wbicb otbers watt to gueas. Viitots: Tir. M. Thornsdyka, Lindsay; Tira. Colsinsind Tîsaer Carl Mamby, Port IHope: Ht. and Ht,. Thos. Plsilp, Tiss Addie Philp,Whitby ...Laat week recorded rather more than ils usual nmbet of accidents ail of avicb i'b"t bave becu fatalitias. On Tuesday Mrs. .Ioa. Mswkey recala cd a tnemandous Slow on the haad frein a w'agon fougue -proppad af a bigh alevation. Thou.ib suffarissg sea etc pain thera- frous thea nfortunste lad y la happsîy recovarmug ...Ross Modge, the btilE lad referred to as Seing iiu anu ncoiusatiDs condition from tfli affects of a f ah froirs s horse, bas af ter ly-iug feu days lus ihaf conadition beau reatored 10 sai coiiatiousnesa- The afu ndiug pbyscian, Dr. Mitchell, is hopeful of lis complote restoration. Oui Friday basf Louis, son of Mn. M. A. Pibip, unidertook to cota bimacif of ail discases b'y swallowing a quantity of spirita of turpaus- fine. Emetica were apaedily admiuistercd sud the child soon Seesme sppsrently as Weil as evar .. . .Hrs. Ed. Fyca wbo bas beau da- ously l11 ut typboid wass alttle bettes- at Umat accounts ... Congratulations fo Miss May Cboa- au n ouibr auccesa at tbe recent exama. Tle Hîglist Positiofi In the Dominion -i Canada. Panine'a (Celery Co.mpound the A elearing lot of shaker flannels 110w for b,1 6 and 7o A few parasols te clear out at haif priee. Short length.s of sheeting twilled and plain 15c worth 25e Fine ribbed caihmere hose 25c a pair worth 40c. A few new patterns Gin ghams 7c a y d. Orocery Dept.- Our price, for Gem Jars are the most favorable, an u wmense stock on hand, pints, quarts and haîf gais. 6 doz. elothes pins for 10c, a 0ood 72 ft clothes line worth 20e for 1 Oe. We have the largest stock of teas and our valu es are right, if you want 10ib or 201b of tea eoxne an4 in- speet, our Groeery Dept. is fully assorted with ehoice seasonable gods. We pay highest prices for produce. Slan'sIndianToc TS ¶i Cures ErysipelasScrofulaSailit RI ,ui Eczeîna and4alilothererî-i î 5km BDiseases, A IzVELLous CumREORnsî A, BSLOAN'S INnIAN Tomic, INLATi COUNTY ',. a>fiTS.tim'a a .i-Tily li. 10l Y1Irecebvcd the medicluealal nig li, amrn li obliged for if. I sd Erysipail ~i i~sommer for dive years, sometimea 1 face, armsansd body wvoobd aweli to sui i suze simdtmy eyca woold ha abut for d tima.1 trsdfwo doctors Ouftbay dl al ano svsil,until I got yor ON ýaigont Sotibe the Dwebisg (asl MRlS. J. J. P(0 TRADE MARK. i'JICE ~$1 a bottie, 6 for $i5. Ail druggists or by expre,ýss Send for Our new book of 'wonderfil eur;, Froc by lmail. The SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY of Haililtoil Liit A filnsr 33 unmllan Pu~ SUCCESSORS TO BURTCII BROS il* . U. i UMOI 0 fUU lUhiJI, bUUi. COUlITICE. Visitons: Mrs. L, 'Ctydarmsn, town, atiTMr. L. H. Coutic'; Mn . sudMrs. Nicluols, Euficld, af Mn. Fred. Nichoba'; Miss Evalyn Everson, Han- mouiy, at Mr. Jas. Counflca'; Mrs. Squires, Oas asa, ai Ms-. R f'ourîtice's, Miss E. Evensosu, sud Misa Squires ai Ht. S. Evarsou's; Miss Maywand of TVStby, îTiMr. E . Wordauuils..Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. Mounoar recently vislted in Oart- ariglif. .. .H. Gay,ai-chitect, la engsadli ovanacaiag tha anaction of bbueneialleable Suildiuîg aI Osbhawa .... Mn. S_ S. Brooks lutenda buyi sevea-altbonsand battaisof applas for Engliah market flua FaIl .sGy Bros. arc busy lu thair cooper asolusud the maerry rap-a-fsp tap of ibeir hamnmers la quife sa aunoyasice f0 the laie ruses, NOT A TwiNGE, LEPT.-DO vou suffer from rheumatism ý You needn't, for either an acute or chronie case max' bs cured by using T»ask's Magnetie Oint- meut. It posfesses wonderfui heaiing propertios, penotrating to the inflamed tisanes which cause ail tic raclring pain, and lu a geutle,,aoothing way takes ont ail soreneas, reduces the inflammation and effeets a sure cure. For a sudden attack caused by exposune, one on two applications wiil be sufflelent to heal the afflicted joint, and long-standing cases eau be thonoughiy cured by a mono f aithful use of the Oitmeut. uy a twenty-five cent bottie and try it- you will ho neiieved from the distnessing pain at once and noed nover again fear the nesuit of bciug chiled oý soakod through. We. haue hundreda of testi- monials froni peoplo who have nsed it with glonions succeas, but your owum cure will ho. the moat contincing evi- douce you eau have of its woarth. It la' not a now untried reînody, romember, but one well tested and of worid wide fame. You'il ho deiighted uith the q uick way in whlch Trask's, Magnetie Oluimeut reorwesalal the pain and cures overy tradb of rheumatiýsm,wheth- on if be a suddou or long standing attack. If you buy a tweîîty-five cent bottie and rub it on the afflicted part you'll soon for get what nhounîatisun twingos are like. Stott & Jury. alpatura 'L#j4<9/-ry-. vu SOLINA. Mesrs. T. Baker sud W. Wt pnurchasad a honse .. . .Mr$. Jas. Vic brfriands afIslay.Harveat la ovan somne hsvfng finislîad.. .. XMn. C., soid and dellvered someof lits Mn. MRolt. Milles-, Claramoul.. MrVi eoc la confamplsting, a trip (fo Ratent visitons: MissaFlossie Oisbor Misa Ncbvi Ha ys, Toonto; Miss LuI Scarboto Jonc ion; Misa Leta Clii! Mn. W. G. Cowle, Brooklu; Miss> ingtou, Toronto; Ms-s. D. A. Broca f, sud Mm,.T. C. Langmsaid, tau; TM îuolds, R, A., Ontsrio Agricffui Guelph. Mrs, Peter Browne Brown Dreý,s. Mrs. -Peter Brown was a w thrifty housewif , and ti oug. hon Brown famIily lshq g-ol browns-we refen to L ý nn c, Now, Mrs. Brown ha a bý more dress that she had i( Suudays for fuhly three yea te churchinluSun, nain, slGet for suei a leugth of time hadc and faded Mrs. Brown's i! matenial atilg-od gave 'N' hope that tho brown d)reaIs changed lu color and imiade t, i until timos wore botter a muore plomtiful with her. Mrs. Peter Brown had hie marvellous Fasat Black for decided to expeniment i.i ti) homo dyeiug. The dyc w ýas from hon druggiata, and the conduoted as porlecrti eîîvelope, anîd whatc a traia resuited ! A deep, ricluand l 1 equaI to tic fineat bLacîs ;pf Frencl rofesaional dycvra -; at a coat of about tinty cen i, Mrs. Peter Bron's e"'xpçjiý the oxponionce of thiousan id- miyîrng womon ln Canlada te7, fldleDiaunond lDye so se 'B that homo would bie rbbeU pleasure if thoy conl itt w gre4t ioe-aç. t HAMPTON. - 'ast tta~ The Mason Co.; End ol Season Bargainis. Only a few days to clear off any balance of Summer rgoods. The decks must be cieared of summer goc-ds. lleavy fali purchases for early fali trade have alread\tý menced to arrive. Note the following prices and yGu. niake sure when you eall and inspeet goods that we are ter- ribly anxious to make a genuine clearancp. Special lot of Men's vests, light effects, fancy tweeds &c 750 Boy's Suits, we have put out at, haîf price for quick sale about 35 Suits, 22 to 28 from $1 npý Men's Suits in our efforts to reduce, ail sumnmer stock we have marked down a lot of fine Suits to 5 00 and remernber we are selling bine Ser~ge Suits for 2 50.- Our clothing dept. is sure to be interesting to you if von want anything in clothing just now. SUITS - TO - ORDER New materials are ready to hand corne in and see them and have a nobby new suit ready to take in the Ù411 fairs. Our Gent's furnishings, Dept. its noted fork 4ving the latest and best in the maiket. -- - Dry Ooods ,iuiý, --wreý mew-w- Specials this week.

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