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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 1

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£i TERMS.-$1.50 PEU. ANNUM. NEW SERIES. o 01s fi'9 COUCH, JOIINSTON & CIRYD1ERMAN'S is 0 the place to buy cheap goods. O From to-day they will, seil ail Blouses' E at hilf price. 4 Blouses worth $1.35 now 68c. Blouses g I Worth $1.50 now 75c. 1 Blouses worth $1.00 now for 50c.3 These Blouses are all new, perfect fitt-( ing goods made by Williams, Green & iRome. Al'Parasols== every one new, 110W selling at cost. A lot of new Dress Goods at about haîf O price. 1 * A lot of Prints worth lOcnow 6c. Prints worth 121c, 110W 8c. * Scotch Ginighams worth 12ýc, 110W 8e. * Silver Silks regular price 35c, 110w 20e. O Dress Muslûs, regular 121c, now 8c. t Orcrandy JVuslins worth from 25e to 35et no0w 20e'1. t * Blouse Silks worth 25e, now 18c. t * .These are ail new goods * but they must be sold and i wil be sold at the prices advertised. BowMANVlILLEI. eeylon Tea, . In these days of Package Teas one sometimes hesitates as to the particular brand to use. If you decide on Kincora Oeylon you will make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, combining Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of -1 lb aD d 1 lb each, in black and black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40e, and 50c per pound. Caîl at YU -Lng &Ro. adget a package and you -will be convinced of its superior excellence and deliejous flavor. We are special selling agents for Bowmaiîville of tlie-e fine Teas. Our Grocery and Crockery stock is com ô'.te. We ask you to f avor us with a trial order. Prodi ce taken. CHI'NA HALL, YOUÙNG & CO15 Bewmanviile. The Groéers. After You Secure ýour Furniture at M. D. WILLIAMsSO So' Your best and cheapest place to do so is at their ware- rooms.If Wife will be pleasedl with what you buy from us; our goods and prices suit aIl classes. ai' e - t ,-A r- OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THUE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor arn. Proprietor, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGJJST 25, 1897. VOLUME XIJN.35. J IAPYBEUNON -+711 - ing deeps. A moment re, we have The nnua famly gthorng c thee io . YO It eaI. completed the descent ai ride in tran- The_____________y_________ f thequiiity the placid bosom of the river be- ~jdescendants of the bite Christopher_____________ neath, with a sense of relief born of the ~'0 t S r., which to place in the centeînpiated danger past. RIad we but pi. ea".nie, was held at Osha wa-~ iru The ThOUS&ncl Islands-Shooting The deviated to right or lcft by se mucli as a onthe-Lak1e, Aug. l8th). The day few yards, or cast our length athwart proved te be ail that could he desired, îapiis I The St. LtaL ence. the stream, we liad been hurled, by the the delightful zejihers from off the much- lovecf waters of Lake Ontario mingliiîg with flic warmth froîn the suns rays made the atmosphere exceptienally' Spleasant. The place cf meeting heing se ccnveniently situated te boat and >)train as weli as te tiiose driving fliat ore fthe sun liad reached meildian spleiîdor there wcrc gatlîered together sixt 'y or more cf the relatives. Many etiiers regrelted thaf thcy could tiot lie 'present on accouîît ef distance and un- controliable circunyistanes .amieng- these we should mention Mrs Pouiîd,Morlen, Manitoba, eldcst tiaugliter cf grand- father Courtice, witli ber fanîiiy.'thers net living îîear the Courtice vicinily Who ivore present are: Rey. S.aîîd Mrs. )~Tncker, 11ev. A, C. Courtice, editor of Chii istian Guardian,and familY.Toronto, Mr. G. R. Giirov andý famiiy, Mount >~Forest,Mr.Thomas (Courtice anîd tamilv, Port Perry. Wben the companyliîad asseînbied*a very beuntiful repast was partaken et sucli as alone the worthy ») spouses cf the presperous agîiculturists can previde. 'fhe afterneon was spent 1»principaiiy lu boatiag and social inter- course. 'f he little folk ver Y much en- joyed the fun cf paddliinz lu the water and building sand forts aud castles, 1»until the day began te wane whqn wifh 1joyens fareweils each starled on their Yhomeward journey. Intrinsic vaiue of TaIks Igeod'oSaroapariliga w Menit ln medicine means the powe to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilia possesees actual and unWequalled curative power and there- fore It bas tino merit. WIý,eu you bëy Eood's Sarsaparilla, andl tako It according ta direetions, ta purlfy yonr blood, or cure any of the many blooci discases, y"' are moraliy certain ta reclve benefit. The power to cure la there. You axe not trying an experiment. It wlil rmake your blood pure, ricli and nourIshing, and thum drive out the germa of disease, strengtlien the nerves and build up the whoie system. la he arsapari lia latebest, ln fact-tbe One True B1oolj Purifier. Prcpared oniy by C. l. Hood & Co., LowelI, Mass, Ilood's PlIls fofo freano ê O~llÎn NEW Dry Goods Store. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS One Door East et the Standard Bank. We will open for inspec- tion and sale 'on Septeniber lst. Our new and select stock of Staple and Fancy Drv Goods, Men's Furnish- inigs, Cloths, Twxeeds, &c. We cordially invite the general public to visit our stare on the above date and LEARN OUR PRICES. As we are deteî'mined to make our business a success, and selling for Cash ")nly, we are prepared to c ýfer goods at such, close prices asý wilil make it interesting 'to1 every purchaseî'. *Everything new and c,seleci, not a yard of old goods or trash in stock. --NO CREDIT 'Tlere are se very many intcresting ing sun ; whilc fthc old brown timbers ictrsassociated with a steamer tn1p et the pier, anîd the equally old and down the St. Lawrence iver that we brown Frenchi Caliadian heuses- with eaui oniy devote attention and space te the rather Dutch looking boats rnoered the mcist promînent. Last week Wc by the pier, compose a piclure te which igave a two columu acceun t et the -river enlv a T1urner could do justice.' in general and of flic 1000 Islands in Across from Coteau, on thec Southera pari-u lar with a few local andl personal si!de, is fthe distant town et Valeyfield, aIui ns.l this article we desire te mith ils huo-e cotton Miii, at the upper ceuxcy te our readers some idea of the end of thce eauharnois Canal. cxiiraý,ting and romantic experience Atter Leaving Coteau Landing, flic et "runniiing-therapids," fors tbe unsur- steamer passes under the magnificent passed slý,,cenery et the 1000 islands and iî-on bridge etfflic Canada Atlantic Rail th sve ralrapids which the steamer des- way, one cf the greatesf engineering cends1ý on flic eastward trip give the St. masterpieces fliat adorns flic St. Law- Larnea unique position among the ren1ce. If is aboeut eue mile and a hait great w,,ater ccurses of flic uorld. long. Sliertl 'y beloxv this bridge we en- Pesotfades in flic distance as ive fer the Coteau Rapids. This is a very pass inti flich first of fthc troublcd waters beautfiul stretch et rapids about two etfli St. Lawrenîce, flic Gallops a fore- miles lu icngf b, and frequeîmtlv liaving faste etofwhat 15 f toiiolow,tor as flic speres a very swift carrent. and r oof tops et the fewîî ot Mrrishurg About seven miles turther dowu, wc arcý scen flirough flic frees, we find our- sweep past a smali island whose tbieklv selves,en reuading an intcrvening point foliaged trees almost dip af the margi lu fil view et flic Rapids du Plat, as inte the hnrrying streain, round a sharp fhey s-wirl their dark green waters curve into the Cedar rapids. This is a am( ,ng aî group et weoded isiands and ver - turbulent strctch cf water and bpieith the shadows of f heir overhing- ifs passage is mcsf exelting. At tiînes ing freeýs, After shooting flic du Plat, flic steamer seems te be settling as te the steamer gildes witli steadily increas- sink, but she swiflly gildes frcm flireat- ing motion, past a, picturesque point ening dang-er,from ominousrock te rock n edWoodlands and lii among boider- until she emerges frontflic r'apids. shorcs, on the nertli shore et Croyies But scarcely lias she icI t the Cedars hlands, inte siglit otfflic turbulent sur- when she enfers what on approacli face cf the Long Sauit, witli ifs snow bodes te be flic mest perilions et al the cstdbillews of ragiiig water. This, Split Rock Rapids-sentinielcd by linge flic 1irîft one et the really reniarkabie boulders gnardingtfli entrv. On ceau- rapids cf flic St. Lawrence, exfends fol lieip a shudder of fear -as flic slip som in, iýe miles down strcam te Cern- approaches fhis flireatenino- rock , but wai[, dividcd into two main channelshy fice kilîful baud et the heim sman aI tle nunieroufs beautifuliy wooded isiands. opportune moueuft,detlv turnsfthe boat Thie "!sliooting etfflic îapids, "as flic des- aside and if passes awav unscaf led. cent 1by boat is calied is most exciting. The Cascades, flic iast of this series et We siec before us a seething mass cf rapids, i conspicucus bY ifs white crest- watersi2-, ruslîiag wilh lîead ed waves which moutît tumultxîouslv long specd dowîî a decidedl declivity from flic darki green waters lu sud aà which sitretches ahead, apparenfly witli- choppy, angr *y way, fliaftb-ey make the eut fermaination, far as flic oye eau vessel lurcli and toss as though at son. reacli. Each momnteîfwetel curselves T1his group cf tour rapids, foliowin- one and eut .greaf vsssel being 'di'awnii ito anotiier in close succession, have a des- ftic Ciairylidis jnws cf thc miglify cnt centîf cfeighly twe anîd eue hlait eet,and rof aong ,ifs aîgrY darliîîg eddies, exteud in ai about cleven miles. pa' ;Juliîîg headiandi, close te insidu- Below flic Cascades, the river expatîds eus rcs while ftic roar etfflic surges, ii A Lake St.Lo>uis. Aiîîeît at ifshlead flic foamiing spray fliat dashes ovcr flic where flic Cascades' seething-, water-s vessel intensifies flic exdifeinent caused self on in te caim, flic Ottawa River. dis- by ieriwft owiwad i uîdiating7 charesone et ifs branches inLotheli of, io asis u iogt ficwavs Atrisigto llke, \c coicw thatl m e acl vnc Coiîhiil t ineet ier f0flicltwn et aclî, nineti frein ani; r gie alone b the extra overceme flicý descent etfflic river ini fli maî_1ir'ed himi,past flic dangerous places Lacliineu Rapids. Event as we pass aiorîg,1 aid ic ci- ceaîî rear and tuinuit et lash we eau sec the enclosed waters etfflic igsr.Navagationoetflic LonigSault canal beariug upen their bosom the requLiires exceepticuial nerve and precision linge form et soute up-going stentmer. lu 0iiefing as well as extra pocrf0If h teo this littie village et Lacuine that conroetc elm - heuce.nlu "hIooeting people coe. roin Menti-cal by traite t0 rl apis" the ruddcr îh previded withi shoot flic rapids. -A nîcî excifing1 a tlle (esiesttî rgular apparatus), neflod hs te shotfiradsiiasf, and f lii ls manîîed, whule feur mien are under tl'e silfal guidance of flic In- kczpf : at fic alîcel te ensare sale steer- diatîs. If is appareufly, af firsf siglit, ing- and as a resuit f sncb precautioîîs irmpossible for a suxali 'boafte live lu se fatal accýidents noeoccur. wild a current et -waters, but flic Ind- To ou, r igît is thie pictîîrcsque Judiati ians are se tliorougflîly acquaint cd witl tilage ot St. 1ýegis, witl itis ittie cdus-flic sheais daugerous places, as wuil as ci-(, ofieuses and tf ligitceriug roof et with tflicfrantie humours o etfiferce ifs churcli ý- stands conspicuiously among current, thiat fhlnbt soiietimes risk flem ced by Ihose secking excitement. Across (nea ily opposite thus prelfy Iîndian frein Lachine is flic Indiati village, village, on flic IcIt, is flic tliiving fewn Canghîawaga, on flic senth bauk etfflic et Ceraiwall, witl ifs extensive woollen river. If name meaning "praying Ia- and c-,tten milis. The complefion et dian". fli c Cornwail Canal, somte fwcive miles Atter nasîing this village, we come lonig, wiith seven iocks, eff ets sale pais- toelcmàgnificent hxen bridge etfflic C. ag ititallcratt on flic casteru journey 1'P. .It is abeautitul structure bulîf and(l hi flic oni 'y course possible fer wcst on tfli cantilever principie mucli re- boun d craft. We ari îw nearthfli ne senîbling flic International Railway at whîh iviesCanada from flic United Niagara. Passing under flic bridge, Stsas weil as flic line separafing flic steamer gildes ite iciid-sfream Rateru O2intarie from Quebec. TIc led fliaf moves witli fli calm majesfy et ir- et flic5St. Lawrence expauids near Cern- resistibie power and spccd, indicative wvali, forîuing fli beautiful Lakie St. etfflic comiag rapidi, which appear fll Fraîis ý. Tie shores on cither side pre- la view as wc swecp arouud an inter- sent a plcasing prospect divcrsificd witli ccpfîng curve. A nd new wc are be- wii iees akd tarais. "But," says a weil- fore flic fiercest, moîf celebrafed, moii kn w iter, "flic duel glory et a sali diffienîf et navig-ation, as weil as flic don ake St. Frwncis, isflic distant lait cf flic great' U. Lawrence tapidi- inountain range, bine agahit flic hoi- flic Lachine, A universai sf1lness zcn.ýfling-up flic lack whidi flic oye lias reigîs amoag flic paîsengers on dock, faeulytithefi flafunliroken horizon and fhehr hearts flinob with a dubieus whîdli beundi flic groater part et On- expectafion as tley look torward te flic tarie. If is flicClateauguav range, a guittering sheefetofeaming breakers spure cAdirondacks -sometimes aliead, nwitli fwo luttle green-isicts, daignearer, sonîcetimes recedingin- dashing flîrougli flic spray. Iluran tePlu) lk indisfinctncss. At fhllw- speech caîî flnd ne fougue in snch a or (,iud etfflic iake we draw up lix'tfli scerie, but awe and flic everpowering long wý oedeî pier et Coteau dii- Lac, senses etfflic miglity terces in raging wlliosc stî-aggliag row et littie Frencli acîivify arouîd, inspires flcthetrlling lieulses, ioeking sf111 imaller i coutrast stilinesi et a mîn2-ied tear aid pleasure -wih flich great stone churcli and gicae- ilu ery seul fear aI flic awful possi- in prgives evidenice thaf wýe arc biiity of seme miscarriage in car des nowý lu Frenchi Canada. A charicing cent, pleasure. n hieflc fiumphauf cxlii- sce,' dites this old Coteau mnake as secu bition ofthfli "flash and cloud otfflie ut zsu et enfthe refuru trip, when Lake cascade ofeetcar-flquake and foaim- Sf. F rancis, sf111 as a mimeor, refiectftheflfire etfflic cataract," combined wî h flic rie ci nimsons aid urpîet flic descend- bewling multitude et waters aid flic _________________________vait sweep and surging efthfe ocean wave. In we pinug e ainong the break- crs, aid tflieadMong curreuf bears us towards flic sholvîng and irisidueus rocks, somefimes hiddcn, soetmcs dhscloscd te vicw with flic durk suggest- ion ef ters ceuched uiiseeiî bcîîeatli flic wafeî-. Dcftly wc pais thcm by wifhin a f cw yardls cf 'their freaclierous edges, flirougli team, flirengli mcm- tain bîllows, witli eut bows somefimes apparentlv sxîhmerged. flîmougli hurry- ing eddy aid swirliug whiilpeol. f iragi ...d..tspaya...i. to angry current, upon ftic rocks te *utter wreck ,er instautly capsized, submerged and rolied. ami(l a ragiu wiiderness of waves. But the cool hand and clear cye, of the pilot is equai to the per ilous work and it is a notable fact that ne accident of any consequence bas ever happcned, nor bias a singleefle been iost iu the course ef many years ef steamboat navi- gation on these wonderfnl rapids. Passing by the bcautifuily wooded shores ef Nuni's Island, we corne before the lamnons Victoria Bridge-one of the, wondcrs et the continent and one ef the greatest engineering achievements ef the age. It connects Mentreal with the south shore cf the St. Lawrence by the Grand Trunk RaiiwaY, and thus with Canadian Pacificellailway Bridgeabove provide the aiternate route by rail a cross the river. It is bulit of iron en the tubular principle. The abutments anîd twenty-four piers cf solid masenary extcnding in ail some two miles. The tube, throngh whichi the trains pass, is some twenty-twe feet high by sixteon feet wide. The structure ceat 56,300,000 It is a striking centrast te the mere modern Canadian PacificeIlailwav Bridge with its lighter, more acrial structure. Now we are at Montreai and cur party of 13 are seon comfortabiy cnsconsed ini 1-otel Richelieu where after enljoying a capital dînner and a icsureiy stroli we retire for a geod nîght's rest. M. A. J. (To be Continued.) PRtAC-nîeEElCONoMv-In hulying mcdi- cine as inother matters. Il is economy te -et H-ood 's Sarsaparilla because thr is more medical val-Le lain Iood's Sa-fsa- parilla than in any other. Everv bottde cf llood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will average,taken according te directions, te iast a nîenth, while others last but a for tnight. LJEATII 0F MIR. JON. PORTER. A weil known and highiy respccted former resident cf this towvn. ln the person cf Mr. .Jonathîan Porter, dîed in Lapeor, Mili., on W'cdnosday. If appears Au-. 18 fliat lie feu frin ma iadlder somei three weeks ago, from whcîlie rci dsevereierniin- proý1miît irmnin t (- ou, w fryas ciga wealthy farme fi oshawa, owning some as good ;rse. stock as the countrv produc-d. Throngli an obliging disposition hie was, hefore going to Lapeer, now some y cars ago, con siderabi y rcduced iii circnmstances, ai-d yet hoe knew rie defeat. le was ant honcst nman, aîîd met his înany difticul- tics in a rnanly way. Ris second wife, the daugliter cf Mr. .J. Jeilkins, and soveral cÎiuldrensuirvive tîim. Remains cf deccased were breught here and interred in fliec[Jnion Cemetery,Oshawa, Friilay.-Reformer, g.dreain is onet tiatý I - ~ witih intensest joy., Senietiies the' happý dream a s quently, it is flot.' ir nmany cases 1ev-, ing youlig couples fail short of trie murïied uap irxess n, heaith cf the young iife. A wo. Amnan Who is tot- tured by pains due to weakness and ë ýc disease cf the or- I gans that arç dis- J tinetly feininine, 'I cannot ho an ami- ablîe and helpfut thirwife. Troubles or this nature rack the nerves with z ~pain and sap the' strength. Under termaign influence the most amniable andi heipful disposition will become soured. The 1 wife that promiscd te he a clieerful, capable,, and wiliing helpmate surprises her husband by proving a sickly, nervous, fret fui and 1i%1?less invalid. This unfortulate otcItR, cf l.ove's young dreami",mag ho re vented or remedied by resorting te tI ig medicine For trsubies oe, this natat,1 The r½ if nedicineis Dr. Pierce'6 worite, Prescri nü. over ço,oeowomen have saidli r0 iu îi9licited letters te Jtp disc 'overer' Dr. R. V. Pierce, chiçf consuitng physician! to the In7ralids' Ilotel and Surgizar Insti- tute, at Bluffalo,, N. Y. The " týavoritQ Rxe,ý scriptioxs" acts directly upon the organs thaf make wifehùond su-d mothe.rhood pose1i- hie. Rt maires fhem sfrong and h'ealtliY. It allays inflammation and so(§ties paîn. It' relieves tie stixn upon thé nerves. lt'pre- pares for miotherhood and iù.sures the h.«alth of the chuidl All Medicine deaiers sell it. '1 take pi0Rees,~ writes M'rs. Jessie Ftiii5r, et Euiogy, Besque Ce., Texa,"in witinb yoùmg-a1s. Iýý in j better health tâOan 1I hsyeen in six yeass. I tTink your rnedKine is, he be-t ie the wol.i hope everv woman who i affi4Jd as 1 was wil[ taite it, Your 'Faveie Pre2cription' bas saved miy iifé. I wes net abi to ge tup w4ie I sic-k etili be,,ae tetare your iaçliciee. 1, cane3ot tîaek yonenoegh fer what vou bave done' for ne. you can lis- r-y stnteineet aï you like-l' Corstiptyaroflis the ail - eracing caius& of 1hclh Dr. Pîece's Plesaut Pelleta cure i t. hcy îîcver grîpe. x V Aresideiuia! schioe! Collegiate aiid Pre. Sparairy St u die s Music, Fine Art,

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