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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 6

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mucl professional activity. Wlihy thetse wonks. (Ho ev en atvancesth aas Thle t..4lddin StatesJ.11dU praciitioners shoulti le so abundant in tic notion that Rsi' Mdr an unsettieti couni-ry like Alaska, is a Paintens,- Newmeln's "Grammar of As- 1WEDNEý8DAY, AUG. 25, 1897. mystery, but the theory stiIi stands. sent," andi Buckuie's "IliStory of Cliii- The musc uito, it is said, exists in ail zaio, ould not *ibve aitracted mucb malariou.s reg;Ons, andi can not stay tittenion. if t1iey had appeared in i-be YO0TES A ND]) COMENTS wbere the air s untainteti with i-be jlest ten. yeers. and i-bat Cardinal New- poison. If science speaks truly it neyer mian and Mr. Ruskin wnvulut yi-eld to i-be The sutidenly discov ereti value of the swallows blooti, because it cein not. teste of i-le time andi put their ideas Kiodyke region, and the publici-y of When it in&ents the delicate tube it i-a-uinte f orija of f ition, if i-beëy were writ- poplarknolede cncenin ut conesbibes lympli discolored by blood, giv- inF, no-e. a.s a reminder that i-n our boasting of i-ng i-he inseti when smasbcd, wbicb thle rapidity nith wbicb i-be eartb Is ecîdom, bappens, i-be deceptive appear- Thie irutbh ei-btat i-bore are rmultitu.. atn.?in l the ie, &c. Whiie Uîir mot bing exploreti and occupied, -we are too anc 0"'v-nglestutvie siarkble scesse baplo snwn in ourins oblivious of ail but momeni-ery fart-s. pire. Assurance i-s offcered. chat it ,v iii We are accustomedto - think o? the neyer apply isi-encettio a person noti globe as staked off, and thet i-lie (,rae susceptible to ýan atttack of malaria.i HqeadatChe, yt i ri rra LivEuR PiLIS o? explorers, of w hom -whole t clans re- It foi-Ions as a mai-i-r o£ course tha- are equally vauaneaConstipaton. curing jna ,-c-ldaou-hease ihoer-acif avoyred. people are extrernelyI and preventin; hi nn-n-cm anwhile mi, . deotIcue ihuer-1s they uao.cçrrect i ioders of Mue tomnacb, thing discuvered, the w oriti will be too 15c5.1Ce alaIri-te llyan regulaite tihe boweWa monotonous a placei-o live i-n. b ~ ~ -isy ony creSouly wor kyet i-o be donc is t i-e o-iosvenif i-ta cgon eproviedi-liai- -b 7 onize, andi thai- wi-il fali largely to thbe noq.-oi ugo rvc-u e i-wo greet branches of i-le Toui-onic turo i-o presorve un equUlibni-uniho-t Aoise they wouilàe-Jinost pricelens to tbeu stock, wliosp, special aptitude for i-be iween. i-hei-oxiï', and aniitoxic elements whe suffer from thîs, distressin complant, bu forlunetely tiseir goodues oes Dut euSd iask lias givea i-.e.m a monepoly. The at a season o? thp, year trying ti-o boe, and those iiho once try tihemn will fied tisouhi- is not unnai-ural, but ns we heelth, à- doos not foilow i-bai- iho opin- tisese litile pills vauabllanse min y ways thal Uusy wll Dot be willing tb do witbout thena. have said, t is rachli ion indiffereni- ion of huananity regardi-ng i-beli-i-le3 But ater a ilr.d bead i-o facts. For i-le Germans have no creai-urcs would change, or i-bat i-be capacii-y for colonization, anti neyer experunent 'o? getting aloag wit-but it founti a uccessful colony. Tlioy cmi--woi-i o- hoadoaii - oepat- latliebanes o many lives thathbore Iowbsrs grae, bui- cnly i-o be absorbe i lto the ecabe. 'Thie are other andi more en-1 va niake.our graat bout,. Our pilacure Il new races among whicb i-bey tiweli. duraeiromedies for malaria. The while Cohers de not. CiaTa's LiTTeS Lrvxn PuLs are very mntai The Eagliali bave i-be capaoii-y, but miosquitos methotis of praci-ic are ob- £idveryeaytotake. Onoortwopiillsueal gabd olre rprto jectionabloe. hi l irii-ai-ing, spoîing d doe.Tbey are ticlyvgetablfie hSdo lavegabdslagaprprino them raswi stefc. A motgrpe r urgtuiby th i eil cin 'the eari-l's surface as i-o dissi ai ucb -ih en-e swl sib ae b s hm Ivast5p~, o -eneery niio aue i-ai ranuiii-habit o? mnd isknown i-o CARTEI MIDICIII CO., lgsw 7014 ti-ey n-ii always ho a coîonizing peo-. ecnuîeioleltat oba I I :Za 1s1. M 1pie, or even i-lai- i-ey w iî ioniinue desi-noys it more quiciy i-ban an on- hu 1 MI ~u L t io multiply, Ls wl-boni- i-e support of siauglit o? a myriad of these grati-i recienti-fic or hisi-orical evidence. The tous surgeons. I? some one wi-1l dis- R iUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES'Pori-uguese, meonding i-o i-leir nuni- covor low io wie oui- i-e wbole race .1-7(0 acres, chrubs. roses, vines and seet destid more i-o se i-ile ih-lwniei-le honra of ilie woild will be boapeti votetoe. We bave the ]arge-,i-assortm eut and upon hi-r, anti aven those wbose teci-l ,employ i-be latesi- ant illu,,0fimproved methede I Places o? i-elaceri-b i-an i-be Englisb for propogating. Ail stock ils c-refully pack- bave donc. anti look ai- i-em nion!, chai-ien bei-ween frequent 'doses of ed under our persoual supervision, aud ail new qui-ni-ne ni-il cadi him blefsoti on generel varleties tesied ai-our trial faims bofore becbg- rape. ratalogued. These are i-be ouiy testinlu orchards üoneted with îiiy nursery lu the DIominlion. htiis irue, no doubi-, ih-liihile greai- Aeutswauteciltorepresout us. Special atton- dio-ne aebe aiat -a Science bas made a cose study of tion given to park, cemetcryboulevard ou Sors,1dsoei hvbenm eadtt Estimai-os furnished for supPlying entire or i-thecarti- largely partition-oti. Ibere 'i-lebunaaiing bird of i-he swamps,'" chards. Whv buy uf foreugu concerne or ofi miidilemen iwbon You cen purchase as chealys no great mainlenti, non probably ant iit must- be atmittedti i-liinture from us eud get better velue. Our stock l- a-n.111 evan an ici-anti anywlicre, of i-be coasta lias formet iit wl-b singuler elabýora- adsn grownand aclimatcs. Cataloeue (E or F.)ofwibibnaiainbnasbv i-n. Iefonelyaere-rey froce on application. STONE & WmELssorof hc h aiainbueu aeo.Tafmaely e x 1l Torouto, Ont. Fonîb Uli rSerIes, theleigno Toandientci.ledigo a fairly aceurate cliant. But; -, o 1-aal bai-eh o? 400 ciggs on i-be sur- Canaian ree en.say i-lai- iho, globe is exploreti. oveo face o? a pool, aacho-ing i-hem i-to a ia a geougraphical seaso. is i-o fly ila i-af or other 1-gb- floeting objeîi-. ONTARIO BANK i-lie face ofeoats. Roc ach of i-be From i-le eggs are firsi- bateet black con1tinuies te de a General Banking Business groat negion. i-n a remuote corner of larvae, wl-ch sin-uthile boti-ora anti Bowueanvslle Agency. w hi-eai-riferous deposits o? te i-be -a ii-re tliree weeks, ?eetiîng, t is DEPO ITSKiondi-ho lie, lia been exploreti 1Wec conteatieti, on melani-al genrs. Present- hae eePni b avey oiehgetly i-ho larvea inconsitierai-ely netura i-o eeelved In Savlngs Bank Deparîment and on hv ee odb eyitliette ufc sppe n la hr an lntere8tallowed atourrent ratep No officer of i-be IHudson's Bay Company, i-osraea.uaat la hr tlleotwithdrawalneoessary. Ail deposits wbo dweli- on i-is shores, i-bat Greati-in a sort o? i-ile boat whicb is a part yable on dernaad Slaive Lake is iargon i-ban Leake 'Super- Iofi-bei-r growi-b. Finai-ly i-bey cplit EXCIJANGE i-r; yei- ook ati -is size on tei-enaP!i up i-ha beck anti enter upon i-bei-n final JB>uhand old and Draftosssed upon Enrepe Anti bow mucb o? that vasi- area ai e- msin eci an air-sbip o? perfect Untbd8States and Canada, aiso Gold, Sllver andcntutonti wt h UnitedStaues Green backBbouQght and 8oid cuptoti? Tiere are a ?ew for iradting pnis cntuto itt up-lt hib sa fw tat he ativs hve er-keenest oftielicate instruments for COL ECTONShupa one et ,bichi-o irade, anti ai-gerel practico. Climiate la imai-en- 1P Cptlysmade at cnrrent rates upun all 1'1t, looso fringe o e eei ln-th a(tte.Teare a odo I etBttî,the United States aono-iionntd-n ilccilioihe. Iey'ahod tA- Dominion 0 lCanada. great lehes, i-beSi-. Law ronce, anti itMie aska as o? marchesander i-be equ aion. Telegrapli Transrers Atlantic. But aven i-lai- area i-camail When i-bey bitlei-bey lasent a miinute M ade for large or small sume un ail part or as compareti wi-h i-he undevelopetian dtdrop o? acidulous Jf laid. J- is ce,,taini- Caad. hi i epeialyadauîseos ~mucli oit uni-rotidea, area o? Norib'iiy very wonderf ni. Thei-r wMl- on- personslivingin Maniloba or the Northwest, ara Asi-a andth-e greai- continent o? eni-sareti-e dragon fly anti thospiden, imakes i-be faads availabie ai- one .uj i-lue .frnhei fibr i betoibo pla e o? paymen t. Africa.. Wo i-alk o? Afnîca as înowfo îci tee snobjtothe Otherparticulars call ai- i-e bank. i-irubyeplrdhnin dui --ies i-lree are bereby proposeti. B. L. F RTT, GEO. MoGI-tL, hruhyepord M n o Accouna-st. Manager, i-le Arabs pusbeti on by greeti for ThEý west coast 'o? Newfoundi-anti, ivory anti slaves, bhave travorsed ti--s konas i-ha French ishore, is once OWIAIjVILLE BICYCLE jungle paths from cati io cati. But Mor ci-be scone o? popuar excitemont ho- mucli ofi-lie greai- central negion due i-o i-lieâoci-sing, hy Britisb warships, -AND- o?ýWedai, Bagbi-rmi anti Sokoto i o? suih lbai-or canlninag faci-ories i-lure known t ti- i-hwbte man? i- noultis av, en built in violation ofireiy General REP i R SH op.ta-ko a, a, b=dneti years i-is i-loroughly , Lght,«b1iu oasn oanioh c- explore i-be great moitain ranges ing i-n acco- danca wi-h i-hein tnstnuc- o? i-lia worlti alune, nùa4~y onbicb, i- ioi--us, andt ie-a clest are baseti on i-be WV. I 1 -H L EI1G H , onîy farti-le, migliu support whl-e ne- -modus vivendi neaclict by France anti Practlcal Machi-nist, Tool Make-r, iica.Eragisati ,on i-ha subjec t. But i-be Loc an Gusmihgrievancje is i-lichoronio one ofi-ho cx- Loc aS unmihBut ihougb our i-dcauofi-ha napidity istencc ofi-be riglts i-bei- bave given SpetalMaciney or anding B.with which makiati is possessing ho i-lia shore is nane. W hen i-e treaiy Spela Mchier fr andin Bcle 1Beari-hi-bus ruas coater i-o faci-s, ofijirooit lu 1713 cedeti Neowfouiaiýnti Varng lu ai- litebranches, and ail Fine Machin,.i-bre ino question i-bat, banningua eio Eingiandte, le servation ,i-o i-be ory. greai- nar fromN which it wihi- requino Fre-nch fisberunen ofi-be pnivilego o?ý CYCLISTS.-Have yonr wheels put ln trimi a generati-on i-o necuperate, i-be nexi f ish ingu anti drying i-bein fisb on i-bie by a thoroughly practical machinist. Bicycles, Lawn mowers, Sewing machines, Cloeks4 Typewriters, Rifles, Cutlery, Locks, Thectrie BelIs, Dental and Surgical Instruments. ifafe Loeks, Iron, Steel and Brass work of ail klads. MARKET BUILDING, I3owmanville Rochester Route Str"NORTH KING" Commenlng May lird. SOUTH ROUND ~v 'r oe, Ont. "North King"...2.30 p.m. Lv.: CQbouIlont.1.1 Ar. Chariltte, N. Y -7.10 tv.N.Y.C. adN.i.R. 7.14 Ar. Rochester, do 7.40 NORTH IBOUND. Ly.Roehezte r,N.Y.,N.Y, C.and NR.,.8.5am tCaote do' ..8 38 a.m ri. IP "North King' .8.40 a.ra Ar. Cobourg, Ont .... lp. M Ar. Port Hope..._ 1.45 p. m 3UBJEOT TO CHANGE WITROUT NOTICE Fer Further particulars apply to, STOTT & JURY, Agents, nowmanville. General Manager, Kingston THOMAS PEATE, Dver and ClothescJeaner lilas removed his works to the well known Eastern Hbuse. Puïeas-Eor eleanilg, dyhng and beautifully pressing an Overctoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are flot more than one h&N) what you would have to pay any other Dye Works, and the work wUll bai-f century ni-lbni-inasa a tremnen- doas ativanice i-n oun knouvledge o? i-be wonbt anti wbat t contai-ns. The Pb-oenicians are not deati, anti as i-a Soborn's ii-mo,i-bey are sii-iIin pan- sait o? gain. The lusi- o? weaith, wili be as si-oag- i -e weni-iei-h cen- tury as it evler was li ho sixi-enth. Thc cari-b will ho scrapedti-h a fine iooth cornb for gdlti anti si-ver anti pr-oioua geins, andtih-e greai- syndi- catea avilI send oui- i-lr agents i-o scoun hi-b aorld for vabuahie avoots on ni-ch ores, or i-hich vies o? cuai-, or rare madici-nai herba Lanavhh irade nmey ho bai-it up anti fortunes acqai-reti. The mura-ii-y outihein transactions wi-lI pro- bah-y ho hi-ile botter ihan i-bat o? i-be Spanlah conquerors o? Penn, but i-ey wLIb do mach io solve iho pnob- lem ofiho conformaiion ofi-hoglobe a.ntiwbat i-i contai-ns. Wo rnay cx- poci- science, also, io assisi- greatly i-a its solution, for thouglu i-is dovotees are fewer i-han i-be Phooiians, i-bore are i-lousaatis ofi-ei wbo even aowaran occupieti i-n explorai-ion, content if oahy i-boy rnay atditcone new i-ing i-oi-be worhd's stock o? knowledge. Thea i-bore are i-be mon i-a whoî i-he craving for ativentune le so strong, wbu su abount iin surplus eaengy vvich muai- fi-at vent, i-bai- any work wbich eniache o? danger, yet lias a definite ýobjeci-, bas for ihe3na an irresistilc charn. To sncb mon explorai-ion is vhai- stimu- lants are i-o other mon; andt -bre s ni- chance i-lai- iho suippiy niil eut iast. With sucli fonces ai -wonk ne rnay ho sure i-bat i-be nexi- fifi-y years wiil gi-vo us a fairly intimai-e haow- bitge ofi-le wasi-e places uft iho ecri-l, thougli how mucli our happi-nos nii- hoe increaset hy t is a question. Certain aieniists maini-ain i-bat i-be mosquito bas important mati-cal dties i-o look a? ien. The idca occuredt io Hwhaailorne, wbio guesses i-n hi-si-alla n Note-houYka i-lai-iho inseci- is "Na- ture's prophylaci-le remet? for suie tiis- be as good as eau be done'any- ( ose." i- i-s -rue, howevor, i-bati- -e where. - 36--4m. moaquito i-is season is sbowing iou Childre-n Cry foi non-herm anti western coasts -cas a con- cession i-o a wortliy anti important i- d'utny. France 'val-ted higbly b er Amer-cen f isferies, as ahe. tocs i-o'i-hi-s day, ant it was i-len deemeti avise i-o grant i-bis favoar i-o tboe aengaýgt i-n i-ei; huit it bah prokveti a proU? ýi-c source o? trouble, i-n one aay or Lan- otier, aven sinde. Thelo>bai-or canxninguintiusi-ybas sprung up ouii-bai- shore i h-e iast fif- i-coin or twoni-y yenrs. The Britishý coi-- cali-ts, ,Iesites nistinghruatily i-bat iho tneaty pnivilege o? fihiag anti dry- ing fisI theno e snet exclusivebtcn current wsdi-h nigbi-s i-o hoenjoyet by othena ihan French sabjec-s, aisu urgeti, in pari-icuhar, thai- a lobsti-en aet a flal, ini-beirosi-y sense, andt -ai- can- ning i-bsiera i-snot trying ish. Thc Governumnts ai- Lonton anti Paris i- tenvesaci,'andt i-oresult vms an agnee- menut iegaiizi-ng uni-y ti-lobsten cen- ni-mg factonies eneci-et up to a certain iime, -anti pnovitiing for i-ho issue o? pen- rni-s for i-le neuv unes nLi-eraately i-y i-le Engli-cl andtih-e Frenchi naval comnacuiens on i-be si-aion, ni-i-ba vLeav i-omakung tihie privileges equal. The firat resait avas i-he clcsiag o? suie Bntila fac-onies, ii- ho midtio? great indignaionua eniong-lie cobonists. How- even, i-le Bni-csh uaival patnob be 'I- tio thicir iusi-nucti-ons, and i-le nagulationme have been conti-nuat ever si-nde. -the currant troubles uatoubi-ediy arise from. a ncnewed ati-enipi-io violate i-hease ne- gui-ai-i-ns. Mehanwhilie, as i-i-e case ai-andti.-ho local ?estuiîng is i-lai-thi-blu terets ofi-be colonies are suhortinai-- edto i-oi-e goot uintersi-anting betweea Fraînce anti Engiant in aOit Vonlt a?- £airs. Andt-hi-s feeling is fnsbcned fron i iime i-o i-le hy suachu incidents as i-hosei-bat have ocurrei. ha ani article i l -iucNort-b Amen-dan Revip,,%vMn. Etmuàt W. Gosse comn- plaisCs i-ai- i-eanmudernwori-t is su naucli given i-oi-be wniti-lig o? nýov eha i-liai- i-bre i-s smeller audÇince i-ban thene usat i-o ho for serioas th1eolo)gie a-, seieni-ific, phîlosophicai, antihs-ode Piteherls Castoriaà ,nÂtsly marne ineaci rs utofitt tun andu of every sort of composition i-ban there w ere for-y yeans agou Not only bas i-hi general intelligence been vastly increalsed, bottibesura, of scLblarsbip bas becîna si-ly increased:., Especially is thbe latter faci- truc of th-is country, ,in 'wl-d i-e'number o? mca ,anti wo- nien wbo may jusi-ly be calleti scbol- ars bits grombai from âJasignificance. ia i-he liat gehaeration. lny work of genhine scliolaTship, however abs- i-ruse thle subjec-, la sure of a largen jwcicorne tb'hani it coUlti bave beti for-y yecars ago,, i qin Buckie publeeth -e f irs- col>unan o hi-s Hlstory. Moreover, i-be international -welcome i-s immcl gren ter. Any work of solid menit or ROUNDJ IHOli[ M911LM WH-AT IS GOfINfl ON 1fN THE 1FOUR bri-liant i-hcony finds i-is public, o? sehol- ", ,-Ap- - ur ans ail cver i-he o wcl. CORNERS 0F THEI GLOBE. It n,,oulti ha absurdti-o helieve ti-aa ciever anti eccomplishati poncon like Mn. Gosse belles-es as a nesuli- o? i-s own observaiion or i-bai-o? other moni-bai- Herbent Speîncer la neglecteti because Mr. Kipling is mach reati. Nir is be i-be maio draav; an indicimeat agains- deîocrac, nhich ho noulti do if' ho raaily meant thai- i-e greacer grows i-ha multitude o? readers i-be nonce for aill books oxcepi- novels; not i-bai- good novecis axe not emong i-ha beat bookis i-breare.i- amusi- bave been Mn. Gosse's i-ni-nti-on i-o sati-nize i-le wni-- ors oh so-cahi-eti novels who insisi- upon preparng theological, scieniic, anti philosophical treatises anti calling i-hem novais. Ho menas i-o say, uinking i-be oýye o? bic paretiox, i-bat i-bethekologians, i-ha men o? adi-once, andth-e philcsophers r ci-l ha out o? a joýb >if Mrs. H-uimplry Wand andtih-e 'eninnut Mn. Grant Ai-- len anti the rosi-ofi-be instructive sdliol keepi on. Vienývs on bicycles o? nexi- yean's mo- decl are nurnerous. ha 1897 i-le pr-ice ettraci-ti more ai-i-nti-on i-han i-be wheel, but fi-n 1898 tibe money question cii-I ha suboýrdina-te. Cyclists lok upon tli, $100 bicycle as gone. The standard prica ,w-ti hosotneliere, ne suppose, bei-wea $75 anti $53. Cliainlees xvbeeis, wi-111 su roi-y tepromn-aainexi- spring, promising i-o put i-be geasy chai-n n-bees compi-etely oui- o? mmid. Tub- i-ng nexi- yeer aili ho about i-le came as it i-s now. Gears o? hi-gb, 10w, anti meti- iunisi-ze vili- ho on i-le market for chofice, but during i-bis season i-li lik- ing for Lhi-gb gears hlias develýopetigreast- i-y, probi lyas i-ha resuiLothei--agreai-- er strang-b whi-ch pracie has brouglit i-o i-be average ieg. The radical gea- i-us, waho is being heard f nom. assents i-lai- i-e 1898 bicycleniil ha operai-t bv ai-i-er the ams on legs. This sounrds more, cranky i-an ioienesting. T he ut heel'ýs mri- vi-nerable point, i-is ti-re. is being siudieti anti experirneni-edtinh, c ib ardent tesire for uts improverneni- anti wi-tb no iIhi-ebpe. i-must- ho possible i-o put i-ni-o>i-be ubber corne elemneniti-bai- noulti lesseniis slipping on net pavements; ant it ceorn ab- surd i-ba-ubeels desti-nedtio pass ovar jegged roatis shoulti ha lefi- so pacr- able. less puni-durable tire anti a Li-i-e wl-ch wbenfinfliteti nill nemnain fulI i-atei-nii-ely i-s greei-ly needeti. ha spite ofi-le promise o? 1898, hon ever, owners of gooti bi-cy ci-es neeti- worny. A goo bicycle i-o y ail be goot ienxt HS TROUBLE. Tho lai-est giold i-foyer lias aiready bnoaghi- a non verb into existence. Two mon nene talking about another,' whien one ofihem ashatie: What's ihoenia i-ienni- i-bhm, anyway? Hoe doeýsa'i-seerni io ho i-hosame foi-- 10w i-la-lie vas a moai-b agir. Oh, sai- th -e other, over since be finsi- met i-bai- Mayhoarry girl ho bas secmed io ho cornple-ei- Kiondi-keti. DpizzySpls NHE EVIDENCE OF RHEUMATISM REACHING FOR THE HEART. MRS. WELDON A VICTIM, KOOTENAY RAS CURED RER. Dizziaess anti fainiing spelis when associai-ad nii-tRbeuma-ism are indi- cationsi-bat iha hiboumai-i-sm is begin, ring io wonk ils tirefui- influence on i-le very contre o? life itself--hel;-hoar-. Mrs. Mari-ha Waldoo, o? 25 Bown St., Hamilton, Oni-., nec in a condi- tion o? -l ii hit wlcn on i-be reconiy- mondaiinao? a fr-ienaIse hogan iah- i-ng -Kuotenny.- in lien awnndeclaration shesy: -1 was se weak anti sure tiiati- itook nue frem 15 io 21> min tio rct p-i- of bei, anti Once L'lie Pai-nin CPuy hneeui was sasevoro i-lai- h aearly fou /own si-airs. Miy appel-te nec veny pDorand 1 was aetiimes scizedti i--hsucb dizzj-1 a-osi-bat I tihgi faiati-ng would suroly foi-lew. On i-lic ecomînda- iion o? a fricni, h ommenced i-o iakè Ryckman's Kcoteiaey Cutre, ant imlore- tii-ai-aiy bogan i-o gai-n strengtb andi necover i-le uise o? n i ubs,iNon t,bere la no pai-n or soneness wbntevs-r ini ny legs. I--ua wui-i-ng anti auxioui ht-bi-al my fniendcs shoulti kaow wha na grand matici-no KootoeyCure ai - anti h sincerely recommeatiut fus Rheumatisn anti ns a gonerl i-i' Soitd by ai-I trnggists, on Thit I. S Ryckman Medi-cine Go., Limii-cd, Haro- Old and New Worid Events of Interest Chron- klIed Brlefiy-Interesting Happenings 01 Recet Date, -Frogs bave been rainîng down iin i-hi-ch showers on Bizerta, la Tuais. The largesi- nere i-be size o? a Mauns i-bunb. Buti-encups were tievouret ncceatly by an Engiisb chilti nitb a fatal ne- sailt. Ai- least i-be Coroner coult inld no nihan cause for deticil. Ci-ana Novello, i-be wel-hnva n Eeg- lisb ui-orio singer, auho i-n privai-e life is i-be Couni-ess Gigliacci, bas jusi- anteneti upon ber eigb-i-ietb yean. Egyp-'s pyrarnitibaui-i-trs were can- ai-bai-s, according i-o Mn. Fhîntens Pet- ri-e's assertion. Ho bas fouatihoues, pichetici-aa, anti separately avrappeti up, la many tornbs. Sarahi Sitidoas' pai-cbbox andti-oui- pi-ch bnougbt ia $59 ai- a raceai- Lon- don auctLinsale, ber silver puchetui-- îeg grater, $20, anti a gui-t lochet sdi-h a.loch o? bar bain $35. Kaiser XVilhei-rn is makiag roui rap- i-tiiy for bis young mon. on Juno 17 he aammarii-y retireti fifi-en Generals, wbich makas ti my genera- officers ne- tiret lani-he pasi- i-roc moni-ls Mn. Atiams, a Norfol-k hlant de- scendant ofi-be mutineers ofi-be pick hrougbtin t $49 ai- a rocent Lon- don. Ho bas writi-en a complote bis- toryofi-ho Picara Island commua- ity, antiofi-he transference i-o Norfol-k Isi-and., Pope Lco's long life is tnuly min- aculous if thbe Londue Daily Newss's ac- osant o? bis usuel dinnen is correct.- "«Hi-s faithful valet serves him vith a lighi- vegetable soup, tuvo friet pOup- hi-ns, a monsel o? veal on foavi, antibai-f n glass o? Bordea;ux.", A st-eel bn-ige, cani-ilever, 140' foot ta span, i-o connoci- i-e Rua Stephen- son i-a Paris wL-b i-be Rue tic la Chap- elle, wi-i be put Le place over i-be tracks ofiho Nord Rai-Iroat i n a cingle night, wl-bout using supports or inter- ferng wl- hi-e i-ains. Englanti las sent an expediti-on i-o explore i-be river Juu, iho boaatiany beiwee i-bei-ahian antiEnglisb aphones o? influence in Sornai-ilant. i- le untioncominanti o? Major Mec- donaldt, wlio madtiei-e survey for i-be ra.ii-oat from Mombasa i-o Lake Vic- tosri-a. An oIt man, 88 years o? ago, stand- ing on i-be bridge ai- Si-akonitz, neer Pi-ison, in Bohemia, saw a scbool boy trowning i-a i-e river Wa-tawa, lHe jampot inl, goi-i-he buy io ianti, but sank back exacusaet t=d nas hoing carnieti off by i-he cannent when an eighi-eea-yea-o-t girl swam io hlm anti savetihi-m. A airange aoffîi-, said i o laicnt- ed foi- a British Admirai ofi-ho Fleet, La on exhibition ai- (Liverpool. Ihi lein i-le shape o? a douhie-enieti lifeboat, sevea foot long, anti peai-tet ni-i- whit-e pontholes like an olti-fashioneti battleshi-p. hti-is fi-ited wit i-1f e linos, oans anti a nutitir, ant isl matie Cea- wortby le eveny respect. One shilling anti four pence a beeti was iho allowanoo matie by i-be Brit-ish Treasuny for i-le lunch ofi-be fouse o? Comnions whea i-le members weni- i-o soc i-be naval nevi-ow ai- Portsmouthb on i-be Canapania. The Canard Coi- pany rofusedtihi-u ffer, anti fi-bd t ho ropreseutatives W.itb champagne ati- -is ownaexponse. Si Mobamomed heu Moussa, the gi-ani- Moor, sent as i-be chie? ofi-be Moroccan mission i-o Qacen Victoria's 4uhi-ce nov- er reachet tondue, baving gone mati la Pari-s on bis way i-bore, anti thon baving been sent home. Hi-s matiaess i-ook a very queen forn; ho iho ughi- ho avas Mon-jarret, i-be chie? oui-rider who procedes i-he Presitient ofi-ho Frnch nepubi onsi-ai-e occasions, anti in- si-si-aton being tresset in i-aivery ni-h ritiing breeches anti hi-gb boots. Kinag Chluiaioncorno? Si-arnheýps hi-s oyes open anti asks more questions i-han LiL Rang Chang. At Budapesi-ho enjoyet imnsel? as mach, eatiag gou- lasch, lisi-ening io -o uaganian bandis, ati-endiag banvesi- festivals, ant inl- spoctiig studstisilai- ho stayedt i-n tinys bay-ont bis seheduledti iime. He expresseti bis opinion o? newspaper mo.n as foilows: "The- aewspapcn re- porters musi- bave i-ebe hst places anti i-be greatesti-honore because i-boy sea for thoasants." By i-be lest steamer in Juiy f nom Ja- pan s Japaaeffe resi-dent o? Los Ange- les, Cal., receiveti a circuler f nom i-ho,, Japenese Si-ai-e Doper-ment i-eiling hi-m thai- he nec directet hy i-be imponia- Gover nnitio colleci- fortbwitb hin-lia formiation acheti for i-a soie accoî- pntnyiug questions. Tiieo irnl asketi for informaiion as -o i-le naîhor o? Japanese i-ni-be cousu-y, i-be number o? i-hem who avore Amer-cen ci-izens, i-be numbar ofthi-e nomen, i-be nearesi- sec- port, andt-ho varions means o? reaching it, together avi-ib i-le time ia which it nigiho e> eucheti, andth-e cosi- o? tran- sportati-on i-o i-, andtbtec names anti atitiaesses of i-bis hi-tf Japaauose Li ho county. 1 1. i 1 Thlis is an adver isemelnt w iteils t_ triuth about M Iburn s Hertao Nerve Pis. PEOPLE WIO SUFFER frorn sleeplessýness, dizziness,shrns of breatbi, smnothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast and heart, anxious, morbideon..- dition of the' mîtd., groundless fears of comingd anSmia or impoverished bloc,aer effects of la grippe, general d'ebi;Lity, etc., should Truy THESE PILLS as they cure these complaints. Every bon us guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party frozil whom the pilîs vere purchased, and we- authorize thern to do so on the strength of the above statement. t7 This offecr is limited to the first box used by anyon person. T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto. ~O a-~'i.g, A. Wisomail luRI R ON Rflicgg Especiall.v ween he can purchiase the ,goudarticle forre asuahe au mony, heefre i. v ish a watch, cdock, weddhs ing-,, speut-les, a wed- dino' present, a bjirthday present or abf ware for your own use call at llickard's. No bfitter goods for youa' monay in Canada. ny amount of pretty things. Bowmanvllle,Canadia.n, and Jubile. Souveniors. Ail th.i goods and many more being sold at prices within the reach of every onte. Also Sewing machines of three miakzeâ Eyesight carefully and scièféica-îýlly tested free. Grocers' due bis taken as cashà. T. N. RICRARD, Watchmaker. Jeweller, 4îiýd OPtician, Bowmanville. Eyesight Tested Fre.. CURES COLIC, CHOLERA, CHOLÉRA- MORBUS9 DIARRHOEA,t DYSENTERY, And ail SUMNER SOMPLALNTS et & bldren or Adults. MICE, 35c. Beware of imitatiom. PRJITTY FAST. It -wns in a neýgligence case recent- ly, and a good humorediInishlman was a witnc-ss. The judge, i-awyers. and everybody else were -ry ing their bes- to extract froni i-be Jrishman somei-bing about the, speed of a train. NVnas it going fast-? askea i-le Judge. Aw, ýis, ut were, answered, theý wit- neas. How f ast- Oh, purty fasbt, Yen Honor. Well, how fast? Aw, puni-y fash-. \Vas it as fast as a mari can rua? Aw, yis sait the J-risbmuin, glati that the basis for an analogy vas supplied, As faslit as i-wounenlJçi--un. UISklleadache and rslleve al the troubles Inci- ~te a biliougseute of the sn'stem, sncb as - lmmwmmý

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