You cani't go on losing flesh1- under ordinary con- ditins, without the knowi- e d ge that something is wro(,ng, cither with diges- tion or nutrition. If the b;ain and nerves are flot fed, they ,can't work. If the 'biood is flot weil supplied, it can't travel on 'its life journey through the body. Wasting is tcaring down; Scott's Emulsion is building up. Its first action is to im- prove digestion, create an ap- petite and suppiy needed nu.- trition. IBook free. SCOTT & BOWNE, eMleville, Ot In Sping Tirne get Pure Blood by using B. B. B. No othe-ir remedy'poss esses such per- rc cleinsiin., heal ing and purifying prceries s urdocli Blood Bitters. Jr not o l îanses internally, but 'it !~s, he applied cxternýally, al soresilc'rsbsscesses, scrofulous sores, bl chs ruptions, etc., leaving the ckin-ia and pure as a bnbe's.> Takn rternaliy t rernoves alrnorbid ef'fete. or waste mattr frorn the systern, and thoI(,roiighly regulates ail the organs olit,: body, restoring the stornach, [e, bowels and blfood tt healthy E O0R TWENTY-SZiVEN YEAý'RS, LARIGEST SALE IN' CANADA. 'THE DIETZ *DRIVING IAMP Jsabout as near perfection as 50 years Sof Lamp-Making cani attain to. It burns kerosene,' and gives a powerful, clearwhite light, and will neither blow n or j ar out. When out driving with it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smnartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Larnp to be had, ask your dealer for the -Dmetz. We issue a speciai Catalogue of this SLamp,,and, if you ever prowl around after night-fall, it wili interest you. 'Tis rnaied free. R. le. DIETZ Co., .o a ýht St., Newyok :Established in 1840. WHEN OUR SHIP COMES IN. 1o Long WNaling for It Noii lik These ilodera flnys of steeam. "f doji'L s"e," said Mr. Billtops, "but w;hat we shall have to alter or amend hefamuiliar phrase: 'When my ship consin.' We are aill going to be ricli w-e->ur ship cornes in. It lias been delayed by wind and tied, by varions ad ers crcurnstances, for il is a sali- ing ves-sel, one of the old, oid kind, with ql t sars and widespread wings. But ,lts cargo, is ail riglit, and it will corne iet port soine day., "Dut what are we going te do about thi stamsipbusiness? f here's migh- ty f ew aii shlps nowadays, 'mosi everything la teamers, and our for- tune, like ti r'os j- i of "d;te lolks's, must be on soe steamer. Mlavbe it's only a ml fortune and on a slow boat. But thse SlOWE t of the tramps bangs through oomehow, iin about so long. whatever lie weather may be, and if our for- 'une doesn't corne on that; boat then what is the fair presumpiion f That it isn't cerning that way at ahl. "And wbat des that mean.? Why, it ineans, tiat; if we really want a for- tune we mnust give up waiting for our ship te corne in, and pitch in and earn LIvES ON INSECTS. Their is a quaini plant which grows in pea bogs. Itlias large flowers, wjIi an <xid umbrella-like shield in thse cen- ter. Thse leaves are generally about half full of rain water, in which rnany insects are drowned. Sorne naturalists say that the flower lives on thse drown- ed insecis. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. We were goiag te have sucLwa fun çut *it camp the otherdyu- We.hi, wliy cidn't you I We found a stray cow, and intend ed fte mîlk bier, but there wasn't a seul 5~the camp tirai kn;ew how. samiletna ashow you asioed religion -of Jesus Christ,1 1 sa thee tingsto sow on tat Dring Zonas the lau-yer." Y tire bas been a prejudice going où hr aeteo brsfrao dawn againal ttIprofession Iro e tlo awih Ielgipo rne-temptto owihtelglp- eratien ta generation. I account for lb fessien la eapecialiy subjeci. Th irs irai e au tIse grount tIsaitbey conipsi men to fall kpiiun oioes abqchoit, always ready, al- psy detis tînt tbey deoaat wan t teifetirne business of ibat occuain ssofcet lasat pay, andti tntthey arraign criminials Cntoerynybeicie tai or a a- s fci pent a ols at- wbo u-ant ta escape tire camsquencesidenhal wtir us bumaiIsyu*h a o lver, cure allver 111,T oI Ibeir crime, anti as long as thal is se, perpeluai. Yo e gs usedt lapnsbing ~'nheadaebe, jaundYce, constipation. etc. 2, R] aAd lb always u-ihi ie SO, just 50 long thesearpi question ",Why?," antimak- Lie a -nly.PiUs to take with Uood'à Susiaparilla il ChilrenCirfor Pitcher's Castoria. aihere will be classes aI nen who wii af-. ing unaided reason superior to theT TAJJMAGE AND' TITU. fect at any rate to despise the legal pro erMotions, that thse religion of Jesus fession. I kno-w not how i is in other.i Christ, w hich is a simple matter of NEW ESTMEN WMIER ND HE ountries, but 1 have had long andwide 1 faith End above human reason, al- NEWTESAMNT RITR ND HEacquaintance with, men of tIsai profes-1toh 1n ot rary to it, bas but MODERN DIVINE ON LAWYERS. son-I have found ihem lu al rny par 1little ,gchanoc with aome 'of you. à tshes, I tarried in one of their offices brilliani orator wrota a booki on the --for i'hree years, where ihere carne real1 first page of which hie annouuced. lis The Bar Recelves a compllient From the esta te iawyer,,, insurauce la\vyers, crirn- sentiment, -"An honesi God is the Wshkiigton reeneter - The Proiessioninrai lawyers, marine ]awyers-and I)J noblest work of man!" Skeptiiism la Front aMIloral ad iteligios sta..dlpoiflt. bave yet to find a class of men more the mightiesi temptation oI the legal Rev. Dr. Tairnage preached ou Sun- genial or more straightforxxa. Ter profession, and that man w ho can ,,3,gare in that occupation, as in ail our stand in tIsai profession, resistiug ait day from ithe texi: Titus iii, 13, "Digoccupations, men utterly obnoxious 10 slilcitationa ta infidelity, and can be Zenas tIse lawyer." C-ad aud man. But if 1 were on trial as brave as George Briggs of Massa- The profession oI the law la bers ln- for my integrity or rny hf e, aud I want- chusetis, who stepped from the guIs- ed even-lianded justice adrninistered to ernatorial chair to thsernissionary troduced, and witin two days iu the me, Ii would rather have my case sub- convention, ta plead tIse cause of a Capital City 303 young men joined it, mitted ta a jury of 12 lawyers, thaa dying race; ihen on is way homo and at this season ln varions parts of a jury aI 12 clergymen. T'le legal fromn the convention, on a cold day, the land other Isundreds are taking profession, 1 believe, lia less violence tank off his warm cioak and. ihrew it aIo prejudice than is ta be focud lu tIse ever the shouiders of a ihinly clad tireir diplornas ior that illustrious pro-, calling. missionary, sayiug, " Take that and fession, andi is it not appropriate that There s, hiowever, no Man who bas wear ht; it wilI do you more gaod tIssu 1l address suh oung men f rom a mor- mare iernptatiaius or graver respafisi- it wiil me,"' or, like Judge John Me- aladrlgsc yg -nt a uo bilities tIssu. the barrisier, and ibe wbo Lean, who can step from the Su- ai ntirelgies santpeits uonatiempis ta discharge the duties offlbis preme Court room of the UnitetiStates ihema are now roliing the responsibili- Position w 11h. only earihiy resaurcea is on ta tIse anuiversary plaiforrn of tIse ties of ihai calling representeti in the rnnking a vtry greai minsiake. W.ituess American Sunday ScIseol Union, is text by Zenas the iawyerý the scores oI men who have in ihai pro- miost powerfuî orator, deserves con- making a Very great mistake. \Vitness gratulation and enoomium. Oh, men We ail admire thre heraic andi rigoraus the flis who, with the woftslnio he egipfsinetm hg side of Paul's nature, as when lie stands uader iheir arin, have violaied evel'y of You to quit asking questions in cool ly deiherate ou thre decli of the corn- Statute Of ihe eternal God. Witness tIse regard to religion, and hegin Iseliev- shlp w hile tIse jack tars of thse Mediter- men whiO) have argued piacidly Iefare ingl" ear't.hly tribu-nal5, who shail sbiver in Th'e migh, y men of your profession, ranean aisa cou ering lu tire cyclone; as dIstrnay before tir Judge of quli andi Story and Kent and Mansfieldi, be- when hie stands undaunteti amid the ileati. Witrness Lord 'fhurlow announe,- carne Christians, not ibiougba their marbies of the pal ace hefere thick neck- !ng bis ioyaliy ta earthly gavernOlenit Ieatis, but througli their hearis. "Ex- et Nro srrunedwih is12crelinl thet enc fI.h1forget MY eartbly cept ye Isecore as a litie child, ye ed Nrosurrundd wih bs 12crulaavereign, may Goti forget me," anti yet shail in ne wisa enter the kiagdorm of lcosaswben we finti bim earning stopngte unaccouniabienleafluesses. God." If you do net become a, Chris- bis livelihooti wlth bis own needie, sew'- sVtness Lard Coke, tire learneui sud the tian, 0 man of the legal profession, iughaicltb ndprechug heGoselredues5. *Wituess Sir eogeMKeni- until you au reason ibis whoiet iig ing airlot andprechig th GoPelziethet execrated ofr ail Sctch Cayoeu- out in yregard ta Gotisand Christsud lu tire interstices; as whsu we find i hm auters, so that untili this day, lu Gray tIse imort aiiyftIesuouwh able te take the 30 lashes, every stroke' chnrchyard, Edinurgh, tIse neer ec oe a thrisiln ai ail. of which fetced the bhood, yet continu- children w'histle brongb tire bars of Onîy believe. "Bring Zenas ihe iaw- in nbi isinr wr;asNhnthe taýmIs, crying yer."1 iuglu a mssinar wok; s wrenBloody ilhaclieuzie, came outifi you daur, Another ighiy tempiation for tIse we find hlm, regartiess of tIse ceuse- Lif t tire soocli and dxaw the bar. eaprfsinsSabtbekngT quences, te himseif, deliveriug a te- NOoether profession more needs the Teatrprofesson sSaisatnsfr en gr'acTheotrial hai beenvgoiugeou fortten Perance lecture te Feix, tIse gveru- grialstod ittemivertheInsc heror fifteen days. The evidence la ail meut inebriate. But scaeioiimes we catch Ofteralsty.ostailetha1 wldisave uin. itis'Saturday night. The judge's a glimps of tire miid sud genial aide of briugthie merchaut te Christ, sud -hile gavel lahils ou tIse leali, and lhe says, Panl's seeis iliat he irati 1 w0cit have yo, bring tire farmer te 'Crier, adjouru tIse court uni1 10 afrienti who was a barrister by pro- Christ, anti while h would have You 'colhnday morning ."e onslOu Ms o u- fesson. is nme ~as Znasand r î'ng the mechanie to Christ, 1 address dymrigts onelrl osr waetmo.Rninb e hlm. h band ey0ilw li tirewortis aI Paul ho Titus, up the Lcase. Ihousanda of dollars, waned o Ëe hm.Perliapa i a "Brimg Zenas tira lawyer" By sO mu'b yea, th'e reputation andti1f e of bis formeti the acquaintance of ibis law- as h eduis r deicate and great, by client may depenti upon the succesOf Semuelirdoes he neeti Christian stimulus bis l ea. How willilhe spend thein yer lu tIse courtroorn. Perhaps somIe- sud sitreguard. We ail become c lients, 1 tervening Suudayf Ihere la not ans limes wbeu be wanted te ask some do uet suppose tirere la a mnanc 50 years iawyer oui of a Isundredti ta a witir- quesionin egad toRomn lw he otage who has been in active ile wlse stand tIse temptation te break thIE Went i]astot been affILl'eiwslwsi, Lerd's Day under sucli circuin- wetto Ibis Zenas, the" lawyer. At any YOU naine ta asaaulted. andi yen muai stances, sud yei if lie dees be hurta rate hie had a warrn aitachmeut for their hveal protection. Your tjouudary his owvn soul. What, my brother, man, aud re provides fer bis cemfori- miel, nvaded, and tire courxtsnmust re- you cannot do before 12 o'ciock Satur- abl eseriant sueralunen, a li etabl"isit. Yeur patent la infringeti day nighi, or afier 12 o'olock Suuday able, elspon. anddeytemuai rnak, as tieeeotfeng night Get doees net waui you ta do ai Writes te Titus: "DBring Zenas, tIse manufacturer pay tire penalty. Yenr ail. Besides thai, yen want the 24 lawyer." i-reasures are take, andt ie thief mauaI heurs' aI SabhIsi resitec give yn tIsai This man of my test Ielouge.ti t a te appel e. You waut te, make eletricai ant i ragnetie force wbich Profession in whîch are mauy ardent Your uil anti yen douait waut ta bliOw wiil be werth moes b yershefore tIse tire eampie et those who for tIse salie jury than ail tire elaboratien of your supporters oI Christ anti the Gospel, Of aaviag *loi f rora an attorney, imperil case on thse sacreti day. My intimais among thiemBiackstoue, the great cem- e20,0t anti keep ibis generatien foi, anti hameuteti frienti, the laie Jtidge meniaier on Englisir law, anti Wilber- 20 years quarreîîîu-g about tire estats, Neilson, lu bis iuterssting remîn- until it l ai exiratsteti. yen are striscl iscences, of RuIna Choate, says tIsai force, thse eanucipator, andtihie laie ai by an assassin, anti yeunmusi inveke, turing tIse lasi case tirai gentleman aC Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney-General for mm tIse peniiieimary. Ail classes oI tried inl New York tIse court adjourueti cf New York andtihIe laie Charles pensons in course eft ime becease clients, fremn Friday until Mouday on account ,aeandtie.refore they are ail interestetI i I fthse ihinesa ef Mr. Choats. But tIse Cbaunicey, tIse leader of tire Phlde-tire merality aud the Christian initegti- chronicler says tIsatihe saw Mr. phia bar, anti Chief Justices Marshal ty Of the legal professeon. 'Dring Zeni- Choate in tIse aid brick churcb lisien- anti Tenterden anti Campbell anti Sir as the lawtyes." ing te tIse 1ev. Dr. Gardiner Spriug- TlioanasYMe e, who dietifor ta utiron tIe But irow is au atoruey te decide a5 ta er. I to nov know whetirer on the scafeliaayngb iis ugst aretIse prîucipes by uhicir ire follüowdng day Rufna Chaste w'on bis scafodsaingtohi agus eectin-sheulti contucti hîaelî inregard te iis c' rlosti h, but 1 do k tirai er:Pluck up ceurage, man, anti do clients? OnUnee extretill Lord Breug- irsSaIsIsatir rest dit uet do hilma'ay dyour tnty. (My neck isl very short. Be ha, wil apoear, sayiug: "tIse lu- harmî Every lawyer la entitîsdti t carful threfreant d~netstrkenocence or of yaur client IiiCn-1oeda' reat oui ef seven. If Le5 sut- caeu, hfe, add o te sou. You arc ta save 1our rn~- Ia orb he-oii awry.client regardlesa eoftira torment, tIse Own su antilbis client. Lord Casile- Amo'ng lire migitiest pleas that ever aufiering, thre destruction of ail oth- rahat i IimsRril vr hav ben mtieby onge e bariserers, Yeu are te knew Ltnue man in tIse'leaders of thse bar in tireir day. have been pheas lu behaif of tire Bible tire world-youx client. Yen a re ta f bey both died suicides. Wiiherforce anti Ciristianity, as when Daniel Web- save hîm theugli yeuahoulti bring cotsfrhe 'brain fi- ster stoedc in tie Supremne Court ai your country ie ocaufusion. At ail iraz-aconsortoiabrton fl- Washington pleading in tire famious arts yert must saye yeur client." Se teleçt ou tIse grounti that tirey weîef Girard wili cae, denueing any aI-sanys Lord Brougirumn. But ne rigbi unitermnitteut lu their work andt heY ternpt to educate the people without rnînded iawyer ceuit atopi tis senti- neyer restet ou Suuday. "Poor tel- gîvînig theni àt th, s.anie ime moral ment. On tire other estremne Clcerc loyl sati Wiiberforce in regard ta sentiment as "lew. ribalti anti vulgar wh on eyu nisy Yuma Castlereagh; ' peor Ieiiow, it w as non- taien andtintfidelity' as wiren Samnef eetlaite as tatt an," observance of the &tbbath," Chief L. Southard of New Jersey, the leader forgetut cf tire- fact tIsai tire greatesi utc aesy. VsuId o of tIse forum lu iis day. stooti on tire vilain on enrili enghite h ave a f'air preperly keep thse Lords day ail tIse platberunai Princeton College cou'- trial, anti that an atterney caunot t, reat of the week is antid mencomneni advocating tIse iterary ex- jucige nand aax'ecate at ibe. saine talle. unIsuccessful luinMy werldily emnploy-p Iceileucy of tire Sriptures: as wheu E- ti. lwns granLd wireuLord Erakinle sacri- ien.' munti Burke, in the lmn trial of liceti iis ntrorn.ey-generalship e ts 1 quote ta-day Irans thse Iighest sta- Waren Hastings, not only in beirafofskof deeading'hlhomaas Paine in hs tute ina the universe, -Reniera- of elevatet morais, ciasoti bis speech lu ighis ofl Man," whiie at tse saine urne Thý: egai gentleman whe breaks tIsai tire mîisiof thse moat augnat assem- ire the atvocate, abliorredThoirmas statute may sesun fer a whrle ta be bMnge over gathereti in Westminster Palns irreligious sentiments. De- ativantaget, but in tIse long mun the lalby isay'*iig: "f1 impeacii Warren tucan. tirese tue opposite theories oI mon whe, observe tirs law ai GetL illii Hiastings iu thse naineof thse Honse of what la right, what shah ithe attorney bave harger retainers, vaater influenceI Comnwhose national character liede, Got alcne ecaua direct hlm. Ta greater prof essionaÀ succeas than hasdsonoreti; h impeach La in tIse tirai chancery ha, musit e appellant, those men who break tire statuts. Oh- nae f ir people of Id' whose anti lie wiil gei, an ausweBr in au heur, servance of thse law oIfC-ad payas righis anti iberties lie lias subvorteti; Blesset isl that atorney Ietweeu whose net only spirritually andi eternaliy, but I himpeac ir hlmil the naine of human office andti tia tirroue of C-ad there is it pays in bard dollars or biank 1 natue, w'tchlielitas disgrnoed. hn the pr epetua i, reverential anti prayerful blls. poefi epala Iea and oef every station, anti oI every ait- neyer make au irreparabie mîstake. legai. profession is te artificiai stimulus. nation ru the worid, h nupeacir .War- True htotira habits et your profession No ans excepi athose who have atidres ren Hatings." 11 yen say, "Cite us sema ,autlseriy oun tadecskes bu h e u Yet. uorwithsiaîiing ail the pions tire subjeet." Weili, 1 quoetoteyen tire exlaudsinethat smete ams er-u whib tsaiproesionhasmate l t- decision et tira supreuse court ai bsn- ward. Tse temptation oI strong drink hall of Goti andthIe church, andtihIe yen, "I any lack i wldem, kli lm aak Gospel, anti the rights of man, thers bas of Goti, wiro giveth le ahl mon liberaiiy appreacires thse legal profession ai that ceme cown ibrough the generatieus anti uptraîdeth net. anduti bsa every pointi. Then, a triai coring an. MM aogmany peopIe an absurti ant i gven mam." Thrmegh tire il-ventilateti court roomn wicked prejndice agauat i. So long aga Wattirebarriter's bleaith bas been depresa' w as iu tIse Une of Oliver Cromnwellit lb a ascenBleis he office ef abusy et fer days anti for ueeks. Ho wanis E wns tiecidet that iaxvyers muigt net ou- atorney 1 lu addition ho tire meu wIho o raliy iris energy. H1e is bemptedti t ber tire Prliameur lieuse as members, cornete yen wnnting ta kuîaw irw ihey res.orita artificial mneans. He las ither b] andt iry ucre cahot "-sous et Zeru- mou wili corne te yen. Thoy will aller toget irimsif up or lsthimselfdlown b: lair." 'lIse learneti Dr. Johnson wrote Yen n large, Ina for cusel in tire htira is temptalien cornes upon hlm. SI au epitapli for Oeeoa thens lu tirese wreng- direction. Tih-sy waut te know' Thre Iloier aI thse Amerian bar, ruineti9g words: Ironyen ir -ow they eau escape ftmin raputatien anti minet lu esiate, raid cc C-et erlis wouders uaw' anti thon. solema nmartial obligations. Tirey - .slaimmns:"hsi teet lise ,lies a lau yer, aunlieneat iyaln came te yen Iroun rigii motivees bat I ning stomn s:rToised tcaeeti Y Tua bu(ntret f ears ago a treatise was make tir- insnrance cornpany psy Ia yn nabroe e oee issu't iihtir tile."D.omsay p 1r a destroyeti ho-use whieli they anirn- vithla aIorrow'et sheet, lu a bousebiuili CISSZIAF E'--On aIA-sEi-i Ail kinda of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COLL Cways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCLEbLLAN & GO Hlampton Ge^nerwal Store1g New Springr Goods at prices that xviii astonrish iyou for Cheapness and Quaiity. Ail WooI Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. Sec our $2,50 Pants to order. We have the largest and most attractivestc of Imii )orted and Domestic Woolens ever shown in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. WTe carry f ull unes of Stapie -Dry Goods, Reacly-made, Clotiiing. Fine ordered Ciothing a specialty. y LJeIjctlrLment s well eqnipped with Choice Grocerles and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. WVe have srcci'al values in TEAS. Fulllhne in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Sulphur in quantites, .1 3c. per pound. HAMPTON. Frank A,,. were put on triai; tire day wiren Riobert rnrnet was arraigneti as an insurgent; the day w-hen Biennerhasset u-as rougli miathIe court raom nbecause ho hat trie tote verih:rew tIse United tales Goverment, anti ail tire other gres trials of the world are ýnotbiug emparet witli the great triai in wbich ou andi h uii appear, summoneti Ise- fre, tIse Jutge aI quick sut test. Thers u-ill bc ne pleaýding ibere 'tIse stalute Of limitations" no "ttoruiug lfate's evîdence," irylur ta gel off aur- ulves, wiie others suIfer, on "rnaving fr a non-suit." Tise case u-lhi corma on îesoratly, anti ue shahl be triet. 'You, mybrother, ube bave, so afien beau uivoca ta for others, wihl then noean a 'vocate, for yaurself. Hlave you se- 1 ed thi-n Isa Lord CIsýncellorn'ftha, Universp? hI anv man su, walzive au dv0caie-Jesus Christ, the ri(rhtoîî'm. rt ha uýncertalu u-ien your case avilI ha calet on. ",Be ye ready.,, h,onurl Achiurton sn-i 7Mr wî" "nsk' l-lainý barristers in thair lamv. bav-, d<fi taotfl'. ',, ý ' feu m-fib'm Rbafora iba-ir ,,Pq.qpfbp15v "- Denet d h l im sna , in *- K a e-9,v*t- limaeon., Conseo gainz to)Daven- tha Ie otetbr oi,.,,gla Londau. TIser li' f 1oi -ban seized n 'on liv a ,îi'se which tbev kna'x xx'o'îlç a laIsanti bey reQnasedi tatiev ha carrietifl- en t-he hkaine mcmandi taitdtû-n 0on soIas site by side tIsitibhey eigirl lalir aver oa i res andi talikovertIse Inture. S0thýýV 'are coriet lu, ant inîg tIsera nM oposite sofas tliev talkave r bi id contestg aitIsaebar, andthi en tbPv Laket of tire futurseu-arld, u(in-hieb bey muai Sean enter. Il was saidto bave besu a very affecting antisolen [jtervîs- el-esue Mr. Wallace anti Lord Aihbrtpýn. MlVy subject to-day )uts yen aide, hy site u-iitirose fnetin sur profession Nviso have departedthis lef, Soule af tb,,ern akepýtieal and trabel- eus. sarne of thiem penitent, chiltilike ýnClhxiiai. TheSaeu re wandering ;ars for u-ioma was reservet the black- ss of darkuess farever, wmhie tires thsers weunt up f romn the court reocof arh tothp-thIrone cf eternal dominion. rerugs Christ lhe, atvocate these gel dorious acquittai. Iu tire othier case tu-aa a irepeleas lau-suit-an npardon- et sinner versus tire Fn urd Alrnigisty. Ob h.'-at disastreus Aiitigatiaul Behoit, Hie coeeTl, J utge tIse Jutige,tIse Idionds ai eavea ,the judicialermine tire great whiite ibron,,, tire judicial beucir, the mrena- "avoice tIsai shahl wake tire deat, bise crier, "Cerne y6 blesset; iapart ye oui seu!" tire acquit- tai or tire condternatien. "Anti Isaw tire e tsanalaui dtgreat, stand belore Goti, andtihie books were oponeti." "SUNDAY DYSPEPSIA." Kt1,temnzt Anmong EIlt iîs A> a TIse opinion aI a well kuoWu doclor la ihat the Snuday dinIner dtismore rr tIssu goatotatire average man- Insteati aI eatiug lu strict ticrdaucet with tIseues carnieti ont ty hlm tnur- Lng tle Weok a heavy tinuer, quit if- feront f re.n the ordinmry, ha taken, anti the systsrn is upsat oiireiy. There is eue remnet -i hat 's, te taire oees meals ai the sanie irours ou Sun- day as ou elher days, aidto a, e lhemý of a s:ri ar choracter. Suuday ty's)epsLi laqareceognizetaali- Ment rng physicIan,,. Medina mo-n, peint ont tIsatIn' inur progmess froun barbarisra we bave evo,ved a people u-ith xviom egulariiy in eatmng lsaba- selnieiy necessýary ta gueti healtb. Dyspepticsain-e ee o fa et at in-, fiesibly reguhar iniorvals. Once a week tire ibree regular meals are repiaceti by haie rising anti abstinence, Iollou-et by, over-enhing. Thse gasîrie juices know noîbing of a seveuil day of " rosi," andti he resuit ladiscombeori, shupidity, anti bas of appetite an Monday. A chime matie of sigirteen bronze- tubes arrauget lu tu-e paralsi rows, and tisruck by sa.mmerswuorking frons a keyboajrti bas heen set up intthe, Town Hall cf Levailcîs-Perret, near- Paris. TIse tubes varY in5 leugili frcm 4 1-2 lis 9 fest, and ln weight frern 5V lis 100 pounda. , ýi , . i. 1 4 Bub bics or MeCdals I ~Best sarsaparillas."1 When you think of it 1mw contradie- R tory httr s For there can be only one best in anything- ne Sbest sarsaparilla, as there is one highest mountain, one longest river, one deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparilla is -?.. * There'stherub! Yua auemutihihand ocean _ , ~But then do you need to test it? The World's Fair Committee tested it, -and thoroughly, They went behind the label on the '~ S bottie. What did this sarsaparilla test resuit in? Every make @ of sarsaparilla shut out of the Fair, except Ayer's. So itmwas that Ayer's was the only sarsaparilla admitted to the Word's 'i~'Fair. The committee found it the best. They had no room fors * anything that was flot the best. And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa- parilla received the mnedal and awards due its merits. Remember the word 41best " is a bubble any breath can blow; but there are Spins to prick such bubbles. Those others are blowing more @ "best sarsaparilla " bubbles since the World's Far pricked the '~9 old ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla bas the mnedal. The ' Spin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricks @ the bubble proves it wind, We point to medals, flot bubbles, '~ when we say; The best sarsaparilla is Ayer's. Fhe- idersi-ned dt-sireto thank the Jarmers fi West Di)rharn for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, also to remind thein that we are stili hi the market and prepared te- pay thi e HIGHEST MRE RC FO0R-7 UL KIND0S 0F CGC ARS*3E G I &SEED lelivered at our storehouse cor. King and Georgre streetss., or at Por Darlington. We have aise on hand a large stock, NEW A NDFPt, SSH, )f Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rock Salt for cattle and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli