TEIMS :-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY EIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. . A, JAMES, Editor andl Proprietor. N1tmw SEiEs. 'qBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WFJDNTISDAY, SEPTEM1BVR 15.1897- 'T TVN-g CoudJolistou& Crdormal Th iargest And Most extensive Dealers in 0 IIIGII=CLASS DRY GOODSI IN WEST DURHAM. WÂHEN we make this staternent we mean exactly what we saYi ~ VYthat with us yen will find the finest stock of Dress Goods, the *ýýefiuiest stock of Ladies' Coats, the flnest stock of Carpets and Cur tais and the choicest stock of general Dry Goods carried by any lieuse in S Bowinanville, and we have just opened out the contents of scores of0 cases of New Foreign andi Domestic Goods, such as Dress Goolfs and Dress Trimrnin.gs, Ladies' Coats, Silks and Velvets, Cloths and Wor-il S steds, FIlannels, Flannelettes and Linens of all kinds. Carpets direct . from John Crossley & Sons of ilalifax, England. --ORIDEREID CLOTH-ING. - Is a specialty with us, we guarantee that every garment shall be, inot N vonly a perfeGt fit but to be as well trirnmed and as well made as any City Clothing and at- much lower prices.ougosanprc As te values all we ask is that yen compar-e ber satisfad wite with toeof any Huei aaaadw hl estsidwt h resuit. OCÔFhÔi n o rV& y~ e r man *~ J3OWMANVILLE In these days of Package Teas one sometimes hesitatus as te the, particular brand te use. jIf you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Bleuding, comnbining Pnrity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of ù~ lb and 1 lb ecd, in black and blaqck and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40e and 50e per peund. Caîl at V oung&C. and get a package and yen will be cenvincedef its superier excellence and delicions flaver. We are special selling agents fer Bewmanville of these fine Teas. Our Grecery and Creckery stock is cern Vte. We ask yen te f aver us with a trial order. Predu de taken. CHINA HLYOIIN & O., Bowmanville. After Vou Secure y-,cr Fui niture at M. D. WILLIAMS &SON'S Vour best and cheapest place te de se is at their ware-- will be pleased what yen buy frem -us; our geods and prices suit ail classes, BýOWMAN-VILlE. rl, Kiondike. The Shortest and Safest route freely shown te ail who caîl on We do net daim the larg- est stere,er the largest stock, we de net purpese trying te confuse our customers by the immensity of the goods ine Grocers. 1 shewn. but we de laim te have the newest, cIeanest and best selected stock of Dry Geods in the Town of Bowmanville to-day ; and we are prepared te show a better variety of cheice geods with less trouble than any other store. Our epening was a cemplete success, our store was crewded, and every dustemer withoLit ex- ception went away highly pleased with our goods and more than surprised at the values shown. We invite, ail wbi, have netvisited our store te call, wlîether yen wish te ,buy or net, yen are welcome. 0-recrs' dne bUis taken as cash. S. W. Mason & Som. 1sf deer Hasf cf ard ank, ow- -manville. Farnitu.re Dealer and Undertaker., Underltaki1g alwv.r ueeie rompg an4,peroa at on d5by qr n.lght. A NEW WORLDS WONDER, The Illustration of Niagara Falls and WhirIpool, Grand Trunk Preparing for the Formai openhIg of the New Steel Areli Bridge. At ftle present tfnieth eevos of tie whOle world are directed towards Can- ada. The remarkable successes whieh haveé attended the ývisit te Englaud of Sir W'ilfrid Laurier, the Premnier of the Dom,-inioni and tie denunciationby Great Britain of important conimercial treaties with suecà powerfui neighbors as Ger- man-,,y and l3elgium. in order to meet the overt ýures of the Colonyv, have caused the polit1icians cof the old world te regard wi th a novel înterest that portion of the1 newy whi*ch Voltaire once sneeringly gibe-,d at, as "a few acres of snow andà ice." Norlias thie interest been confined te coun itries cf the old world, the people cf the(, republic te the soutli having been stairtled by the aunounicement of the disc(overY cf large quantities. of gold withi the confines cf the Dominion. Scie"ýntists and members cff the loarned pro! (sýions have flocked te the country te hol their aniual conventions, anci examýýine for thernselves its resources. A ngthe many corporations which bave doncâ mucli toý retain the intorest thus aroused, the Grand Trunk Rail way Syinuder its new aud energetie management, takes'a foremost place. The wo,,,rk undertakon in connection with the ubstitution of a moderni strue- btire for the old Victoria tuhular bridge oveýr theý St. Lawrence bas e-.cçited the nitrnostt intmrest among civil engineers world cover, whule th-e completion of the Grando Trunk new single arch steel bridge'i over Niag-ara River, which re- places the 5historic Suspension Bridge, is theý talk cf railwavý officiais from one end o-ýf the continentot the otimer. That the latter structure, which, at the time of its eýreetioni in 1.855 was considered- and 'Mstly-a imarvel et engineering skill1, should hae licou entiicl 'v replaced "Ilni exactly the sainme spot witliout au ihterrptirn. cf even five minutes te the ,onistanit stream cf traffie whichi passes (over it, it is without doubt a re- markable tribute te tic advances which have heena made by the engineering professý,ion, witmin the last quarter cf a cemtvv.Th new bridge is a single steel ocfet55,0 feet in ion oth, supple- n eo',a rssd span at oithier enîd of lEr- feet luleîgtise that witli the appeacesits total length is a littie] umore than i 1100 feet, whuio the railway track. ar 250 foot above the water. It lias twoCks or floors, the uppor being used for railway purposes exclnsively while the lower contains a wide central carnai;ýge way, do uble electriec car tracks and passa4e way for pedestiams. Beantiful as it is in appearance, the bridg-e is cf eniormous streiig-th it hav- been designed te carry on ecd railway tracký a load cf two locomotives w'ith four pairs cf driveors ecdi and 40,0W pounds on ecd pair, foilowed by a train cf 3,5ý0 pounds per running foot, while on the levier dock ms designed te carry a live load cf 3,000 pounds per rurnîing foot.lu a word, it will sustain aweig-ht cf over six times the sustaining capacity cf the old bridge. The '>pening celebration in connect- ion witb this -reat engineerimg feat will take place on'Thursda.y, Friday and Sat- urday, Seotember 28rd, 124th and 12-tb and t fic management cf the Grand Trunký Railwa»y system lias determîned to g-;ive a carnival lit the Falls whici will long- ho talked cf by those who take ad- vautage cf thc remarkably low rates whici are being put la force for this oc casion. This carnival, wiici will be held for the wiole three days, September 23rd, 24th and 2.th, will'consist cf open air varîety emtertaînments from two large elcvated platformxs, oeeof which will be coi thc Americami, and the other on the Canadian side cf tic river. open air dancing te the stramns of the best bauds obtaina bic in tic country, old Eng-lsi sports, climbing tic greasv polo, sack and egg races, etc., for whieh cash prize.s will lie offered; and on Thursday evenino' a mao'niflcent illumination cf tlic Fals and hirlpool rapids will take Can Thlsuthe oceplit off tbousandm Rt .Iaseason, They ha6'e ne appett; tood 4oùesnotreIZsh. Theyzieedthetenlng upot the stooeaeh and 41âoetlve QoAn*aa "%h!ch a course et IHood's"SaràaplYa l IM ve th T. t ais pf*Iesan-e 'rlc41'ee tii la the bast -fiin fart the (Obp Trac flloodPurlfier. Nom-ia'y Pine SYYnmUre ccugiiis. Ncrway P1mmç Syrup he.aJs the Langs. place, heing the first finie thî'm gigautie MR. HOAR'S IkTTEJ1. ünterprize lias been undertaken, On Friday and Satnrday evenings an elab-No2. onate displu.y cf flreworks fnom the nowNo21 bridge wIll be given, and will ho with- DEA.R STATEsmAN,-Leaviug Vanloit- eut doabt tic grandest display ovor wit- ver, flic beaufiful City cf the west, 1 take uessed witi possibly the xcpto hcefi C. P. R., for a short run ; flic train that ý'ivnafiWod'sar at Ciica- reacher. Port Meody, once tie terminus go. rhe illuîminations and fireworks cf the C. P. R. but now fast ernmbling are under tic personal direction cf Mr. away. Af ter ruuning along for mauy Ilenry J.-Pain, the leading pyrotechie miles close te the Fraser'River with contractor cf the world. fcwering mounitains on cither side, we The artists who have licou engagcd soon reaci Mission City, the interuatiomi- for the variety ontertainîmont are ail ai bovndary lino where mail coinuoction well known, and four cf tic most fam- 'S made witb Vie Neortkern Pacifie te al eus mailitarv bands in Amcerieu bave pits i!n the States. On we go until been engaged te give Concerts lu tich asei rahdwee h oeu affernoon and ovening cf ecd day. ment Experimental Farm is and wliere During tic threedas carnival tie fruit and graini are growu in great var- d'IYSý iety. This is the firsi place wlîc ire I ever bridge will bo open for the frec passage swsok fgam ae vr r cf flic public te and fro as ticy please. R.L.awsites oan c Mr. Bej. Asto. To thoso wbco have nover visited that Darlingteu, lias a icie farm near bore. -greatesi. cf uature's manv murvels-Ai aoragnadYlesso ech NI agaa-he xtemey l,ý raesWhihcd. This tcwn was once the centre cf are being made from every point on attraction and tic head cf navigation their linos by tie. Grand Trummi system, weemtesasmidtgte n should prove-'a temptation tee strong te0 teck their depanture for the Gold mpines be resisted, whule te tose who have vis cof Cariboo. A rucf 397 miles fromn ited tie great falis by da 'y, the prospect Vancouver, Jieveistoke is reacied. cf secing themu eue blaze cf electricity lere 1 take a side trip of 180 miles on and ccicned liglit will appeal, vwitboult the trin ruiing alongbyýthe Columbia doubt, successful ly. -Mon trealI Herald. River until I cerne te Arrowlioad. flore A 1-INT Ipou YcuR MOTHPER.-Tic 1 go ahoard the steamer "Kooteuay' wisc >nofher prepares for flic amazing' pl.ing.down the Arrow Lake te Na. number cf smalor aches and pains tîa~t kusp, wiici is a point of rail commnuni- cause miscry lu cvery faiýiily by keep-ecation te many mininng fcwas, ineiuding ing a twent.v-Pive cent bottie cf Trask's Sadon, Siocan and Nelson. On cur Mlagmîctie Ointmenthlamdy fer use. It ibeaut,'iful steamer glides, as the lake cau't ho equalîcd in ts soothmng way cf rnarrows we eunter again tic Columbia curiug burus, cuts, car-ache, toothachO, river. This isý a meost deliglitful ttip corus, chililains, hives, sore throat and down the river; the carrent is se rtrermg many otior werrying troubles. It is a that vcmry littie'steamn is reqaircd.' Ticý vmlued remcdy used in thousands cf sigits cf mauy whinlpools aie seen as homes, because if is se easy te apply we glido alcmîg. As tic dawn cf even- and works its cures lu such a plcasing in-g approaches two large seaici liglits and permanent manuer. Don't wait are used te guide our pilot on>ftie way. fi yen need if, but, kecp some on band These ligits are iung ou a swivel s0 at for emergencies.-Stott & Jury, a moimcnt's notice flie liglits daim be changed. While tiec liglits gave suci GOOD TIMES. delight siowirig tic- attractions alomig tie way, slumber bl aamcst vanishîcd. Tic nigit n'assciocu gemme and -day liglit Toronto WYhôlesale Moehants Tell did appear.' We scon arrivedi at fie of the Big Business They Bld tovni cf Robsomin l a large iyinimmg- dis- During the F'air Season. trict. Lots arne settling at ý,2oo fcr iaild- ing purpoes, sizo 20x120 feor. Thc C. A numben cf leading wholesaie mcer- P. R.» are laying eut tcwn sites a long chants lu Toronto have been interview- tic river. Noever was British Columbia cd on tlic trade donc by tie wiolesale o 50 verruu by iming prospectons as at trade in Torento dnring tic Exhibition, tic present time. CM every train and Ticstaemots f il hos inervew steamer ear iecseen momi ladcin with cde ae heu unofxpeetheinterew-, 'pack and pick hIanimers, tihe then end ed hve eenunexectffl cheritg. harp Passingalong freai port t0 port Tliey tell of reman1kable improvemuemît we camne te Trial, a wnimmgtovi> witi a due te flic inceascd prices cf farmI largýe Sinelter. i dc o o Viii>k tliex- is produets and show fiat these ineneased a treftîatw(udn'cîtobok pnîces are promnptly beuefittingtrade lu Wifhîout atuiin it. IV must haveblico tlie City. lacid oufwithii t vQrmf>pa o £qarc WfîiAT TI1mx SI£Y. Laig i theamr 1 re takie tic W. R. Broch, dry goods I bave beci> tra in and lu a ru cf 14 iiles up ammd iu business in Troute for tic past 27 dle wii hackwardls and foj, nOrs, wc an- years, and nover sokt se much goods iu rive ii h ra od ' itv cf Ifoss- fie saine lemgth cf finime as durin.-fthc ]and. INow. clear Editor, 1 ami Ilest in past fwe weeks wonden aamd amnazemomît. Can it ho Andrw Dnlig, dy godsGurpossible that fils place a littie over thire orde Drivd nimî ygoolst rvwcyans age doveroci witi tiees and basies wreks imeceite tui imthefmore wiiere wilbeasts noamed. is now tie wees, ieésstat te- iýprnnt f orerîakiings afargecîtfv iu tlhe uar packages cf goocds tiami at aîîy finie future! I was imfornned by g'cod since wo bogai busines.autîcnitv fiat iasf J.îmmur, ttat lieuses Caldecott, Burton sud Speuce, dry. we ult at, the rate of 2 te 3 dailv. goods-Tîie sales made ini tieliouse Tione are wýaterwenrks ton domestie anid durîng flic past txve weeks te tic people tire, ýurpoes' and tiey anec mcw putting fromtail parts cf tic Provinîce werc the a largo scwer tlinoug,)h tiheumaini street Iargest lu quautîty and value lu car am>d some side streots, cestiug s$32,000. cxyoen ncol fiffeen years in business Tic citv is five blocks in iongth ou in roronto. Main Sireet, with mauy tirce storey 1Donald McKay, dry goods-Busiiîoss biuildingso'slieC ity was nef surveyod lias noV been s6 lively for at leasf ton antil fast Fali and imnuy, buildings wvill years. roquine mcving f e lbcicnluticir place. John MacDonald, dry geods-Tbese This is fieehlnst ycan for Mla. or and two weeks bave been w;itli as tic best AldermanT ,e1Mayors salary is $16e iu ton y cars. Ademe's ýO-firear sxad S. F. MeKinucu, dry goeds-Tie City and ifs snrreundings arc vony re- i mprovement ovon former yeans was miaîtie. Whatevcn wavyenu mav cast remarkable. vour oye von will so buge mounfains Reid, Taylor and Bayne, milliiery, lce11micîg up. Here are six chacies- 1tc.-Thîe millinery oenimîg sales were Metliodist, Baptist, Prosbyterian, Eng- thfli best for many ycars. lisi, Catiolie, and Sali atiomi Army. D. MeCali and Co., millineny, etc - Aise flirce susi and deor factorios, two Tic milliiicrv opening sales wore flic bauka, Montreal B. N. A., about forty most successfuil cf feu years. liotels, twe daily papiers. two weeklies, Tic Barber and Ellis Coîmpany- largo opera lieuse, twe concert halls, Stafioneny orders doubling. tlireo brewenies and anuy ameuint cf urefessicual men. In my nexf, with Il. S. lcwlammd, Sons and Ceo,"liard- Mr. A. J. Lock-arf as au' guide, I1iiil ware- i athen botter feeling ii business give my impressionicf ftic Gold Mines. geuerally. Tues. HoAII, W. Il . Ilàiauulton. boots anîd shees- Rosslind, B. C., August 20, 1897. More business fiaiisial. Do nef despair cf cuniug yeur sick -Every eue talking cf gcod fimes. Carter's Little Liver Pis They will effeet a propt amnd permanent cure, We eallftic attention cf car rendors Their action is mi10 and natural. ut, me aavti<s e<tntor me but i cptIalt Ontario Investmeuf and Saving Seciety cf Guelph in fils issue. Tiey have a fow choice farmus for sale at reasouable pnîces and ou vcry favorable fcnms. Parties wishing te buy wculd de well te communicato îith their Secnetary, Mn. J. E. McElderry, Guelph, Omt. Compare TuE STATESMAN witlioflier cuntry weeklies and give us )-eun order for 1808 eue dollar a year lui advauee. Balance of 1897 fiee Vo new% subseniliens. 'mpie, 'betohes, bLuekiemid, red, roug, a>ây, -Moty~in, lltçmng, sealy sea1p, dm-y, thn adtatg hain, and . aby hiemishes p!vented by <imu*mA SeAn, the imeet effectlya skidapmmifylng and beautifyin eAp lDtin > àworId, as 'weIllas parest îan etestm for tûllet, baýth, and nursery. ANP eiEN. oup.,§ýiC noBton. U.S. A. ce, t >Ilo a t n Pre e Hu .C maicdfree. IWMPOR F mpleu te serofwu>a u CI EVnRy . .u 1a, COLLECT~~ t,,D COMPETE FOR THE L7STEAfýRNSY BICYCLES ANDI WHICH ARE GIVEN, AWFýY LVERY mîONT-H on dnep a post card te New with kj-"ýL -L Il, 10, 10 ZI 1 VOLUME AL111. lýO. 38.