wFDNEseAY, SEPT. 15, 1897, Dia. J. C. EIT<IIIEU. lEMBBI0F COLLEGE OF PHYSICTÂN L.and Surgeons, Ontarlo,Corofler. etc. Mofe and Residence. Enniskillon. 74. D BIILIE SIMPSON, "3 RPJSTER, SOLICITOR, &a. MOF RIS IBLOCK, upstairs, King StretBow'nn- MIl. Solicitor for thse Ontari Bn k rivate floney loaned eit the lowest rates itORT. XOIING, V. 8. FFIOE IN THE WEST DURHAM O Tews Block. wliere himsesf or assistant wili be found from 8a.m. toP9 p.m. Niglit palis t resideneedirectly opposite Drill Shied. Galle y telegrapis or telephone will receive vromPt tention 171-yr RT . TEÂ uM ATETailor etentemen's Olothes Made ta Order. J.MBRIMACOMBL I>ENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Uigginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DE-iN T ISTR1bY. Gradua cf lise Royal Collage Surgeons, Ontario. E OPPOSITE EXPRESS 1 VITALIZED AIR, D. S. of Denta OFFICE.Z New Tailor Shop The undersizned wliolias been carrying on the taiioring business in connection with Mason's Dry Goods Store forsa numberof yean has commenced business for himself aetbis residence, King S t. ,west. wliere lie is prepared te piake gents' and boys' suits in ail the latest stý,'ies, and t lt owest prices. For those wlio wïsb to order suits, lie wili carry a fulll une of amples inail thse newest patterns. Give him J. T. A L N F'ashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. A large suma et money lias been pl aced in my hisby a private person. for investmënt, on, ~tved loans on ftarini security for a tem of FiNrE or TEN YearS, pivz ANDb ONE HALF PER «r rz in terest wili bc seket payable yearly. Sisfactory conditions for repayment will be arranged . D. B. SIMP5O%. Solicitor, Bo'wmanvi le. Dated Oct. let, 9L ~ 40-if. ANTED -CA«NVASSERS.-'Queen W ictoria: lier hfe.and relgn,"has captur- ed the British Empire. Extraordinary testi- moniale from. tlie great men; senti for copy free Maui of Lorue says Tlie best popular life of tlie QeenI I liave ever sean." lier Majesty sentis a kinti letter of appreciation, Selling by tlie thousands * eves eutliusiastic satisfaction. Canvassers ma7kng from $15 to $45 weekly. Pro- spectus free to agents. THE BRADLEY-GARRET- soN Go., Limlted, Toronto. WUANTED,-Farmers' sons or otiser Vindustrious persons of fair education to wliom $60 a moutli woeld lie an inducement. I could also engage a f ew ladies in tlieir own homnes. T. H. LISsuu'r, Torontu, Ont.ý -W AN ED.Menandi woen who heurs daily,for six days a week, and will be con- tent witli ten dollars weekly. Atidress, Naw IncAs Go., Medical Building, Toronto, Ont, RoyalQuarto volumes. No delivering. Comn- mission p aid waekly. A canvasper reports bis first week making over seventy dollars profit. THE LINSCOTr Company, Toronto. JI ELP WANTED.-Reliable men in every locality, local or travelling, to in- troduce a new discovery anti keep our sliow carde tacked uDn o trees fences anti bridges tlirougbout tli&country and town ; steady arn- ploymiet; commission or salary. $65 per month anS expenses and money depositet inl any bauk wlien starteâ. For particulars write TuiE Woanu MEDICAL ELECTRaîC Go., London, Ont. 35-G6m, HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. m .HAT FINE FRAME DWELLINGT .Lbouse on King street East, Bowrnanville, the resideuce of tlie teceaseti Mrs. Hibbert, witli about 12 acres of land tlierewith. On the prem- ises are also a frame stable anti woodshed, ail the buildings are in good condition.Tliere are also on the premises a large orcliard and-a large uatity of srnall fruits a large lawn and beauti- ully11 laid out grounds adjoining the residence. For particulars apply to thie undersigueti. JOHN XK GALBRAITH, 25-3m' Soicitor, Bowrnanville A HARD WEEKIS WORK. Great Lawyer-I amn tireti to deatis. Syrnpathetic Wfe-You look tireti. What's been thse matter 1 I've been making my speech for the defense for three days now; and, tired or not, 1'i1 have to go right along with it to-rnorrow, andi perbaps thse next day. Cen't You cut it shiort? Not until thse jury have had tirne to forget thse evidence againet my client. AVOIDING DISTINCTION. First Burglar-Ill have ter get a bike isoon. Second Eurglar-What for? First Burglar-Weli, if 1 tion't, lil soon be known to thse police as de only mani in de perfresh what don't ride.r EVE'S FATAL SOWINU. WRICI{ HUMANITY HAS BEEN REAP- ING EVER SINGE. Tise Calamslty lu Pi'adise - Fruit That Dees Net Beleng te ius must be Raid Sacred-Hev. Dr. Talneaga's Picauresque Sermoen on Fatal Charme, On Suutiay 11ev. Dr. Talmage preacis- et f£rom Genesis, iii. 6: "Anti when tisa wernan saw tisaitishe trea was gooti for foodi andt ta it was plensaut to tise eyes. anti a tmae te haotiesimadt t maka oe wisa, sise teck cf the fruit therect, anti titi ni, anti give aiso unto lber. bus-- baud with ber, anti hatiti eat.'" It is tise tiret Satumtiay aftmneon in thse world'a existence. Ever sinca sunnisa Adam bas bean watchiag tise brilliant pagaantmy cf wings anti craies anti ccuds. Ia bis tiret lasson ln zoo- logy anti orniibology anti icithyology he bas noticedt tisitise robinsf ly tise air in twos antitisaitishe fiis swim the watar in twos antitisaitisae lions waik tise fields in t4vos ant inltise warm e- dolance cf tisai Sainrtiny aftaeron ha talls off ie osiumbar, anti a if by ai- lagcny te tennis ail agesa taheb grant- est cf eaatisly bleseings le souati slaep, ibis paradisaical somnolence antis wiiis th isticovcry on tisa part cf Adiam cf a crresponding intelligence just anutiat on a aaw planai. O, tise muther ut al tise living, I speak-Eva. tise firat, tise faimst anti tise bhat. I mako me a gandan. I inlay tise pause witis mouniain moca, anti I border them witb pennes freux Ceylon anti diamonde fnrn Goicontia. Hure andti ieroaran fcuntnins tossing la tise sunlight anti ponds tisai ipple untier tis a unitiing et tise swahs. I galber me huais from tise lkmazoxi anti orange grovea fromn the tropies anti tamaninde fmem Goyaz. Tisane ana wcedbina anti honaysuckie clixnbing oven tise wnll anti stamnati spaniala sprawiig themselye on tisa grass. I invite amiti these incas tise larke. andthie brewn tismushee andthie robins, anti ail tisa bnigitstsi irds ut beaven, andt isy stir tisa air wth la- fînite cbiip anti carol. Anti yct tise place is a dsent filet i wti darnuse anti dets as compameti witi tise rasiti- ence cf tise womaa ufttisatx, tise suis- jeci of my siory. 'Nover ince have suris skies ooketi tiwn ibrougis sucis lenves lie osucis waters! Nover bas riv- an wava hat suris cunve anti seauanti banS as atiornedth ie Pison, tise Havilais, ts Gihop andtihie Hititekel, aveu tisa peishias beiag bdeliium anti onyx etoneal Wisat fruits, witis ne cunculie ic eiing tise inti I Wiat flowere, wih no slug to gnaw tise root! Wisai aimospisere. witb no frosite chili ant i wth no boat to consume 1 Brighti colora tangleti in the grass. Parfume la tise air. Mus!i'e in tise sky. Greant scenes cf glatinese anti love anti joy. 1Rigisitisane under a bowan et lent anti vine anti abruisoccurredth ie tirai man- niage. Adarn took tise hand of tflis srn- maculate daugister of God anti pro- uounced tise caremony when he said: flOneý of Miy bone andi flash of. my f iesh." A forbidden trae stQod in the midst cf that exquisite park. Eve saun- tering out une day alone, looks Up at tise tree and sces tise. beautiful fruit and wontiers if t leseweet anti wonders if it ls cour andý standing tisere says: I think I will just put rny hanti upon tise fruit. It .1ill do nu damage to tise tree. 1 will not take tise frifit to eat, but I wîll just take it tiown to exam- ine it." Sée examineti the fruit. She sa,id: "I do flot think tisera can ha any harin in my just breaiing tise rinti of it."1 She put the fruit to ber teeth, se ts.steti, she allowed Adam also to taste the fruit, the door of the world open- ad, and tise monster scn entereti. Let tise isavens gather hlackness, anti the wind sigis on thse bosorn of tise bis, end cavern, and desart, anti earth, and isky juin in une long, deep, isell-tentiing howl, "The world slosbt 1" Beasts that before wera harmes and fulil of play put forth claw and sting and teetis and tuýsi. Birds wiset tiscir beak for prey. Clouds truop in these ky, Sharp thorus shoot up tisrougistise sof t grass; blasting ou tise leaves. Ail tise chorde of that great harmony are snap- peti upon tise brigistest horne this wurid evar saw our first parents turued tisir backs anti led forth on a patis cf sur- row tise broken hertcI myriade of a ruiued race. , Do you nut cee lu the fîrst place the danger of a poorly regulated inquisi- tivenasus Sha wantad to know how the fruit taeted. She founti out, but 600 years hava deploredti iat unhealthfuî cuîet.Hlialtsf ul curiusity bas dune a great dpal f or 1letters. f or art, f or ei- enca and for religion. It has gona down into tise teptiss of tise aartis with tise gaologist and sean tise first chapter of Genasl.s writtan in tisa book of na- ture, illustratad witis engraving on rock, and it etoti with tisa antiquarjan while he hlaw tise trumpet of reeurrec- tion ovar buriet i Herculaneum and Pompeli, until from tiseir sapulciser there came up shaf t and tarrace andi amphitheatre. Hlealtisful curiosity bas enlargadth ie telascopic vision of tise astronomer until worlds hidtien in tise distant heavens bave troupati forth anti have joinedth ie choir prai.sing tise Lord. Planet waighed agaunet planet anti wildest cornet lassooect witis raplenti- Whnt dcls that imean Sup- 1 pose yuu are tling in mu sey ail day>at drop it into a pocket vuitis holes , you ciii fid vouslf a .loser iLïstead of a gainer by the day's business. -Sanue with your Lhealtis. You cnt and. drink and I. lep, yet lose justcaci of strcngth. Tisere's a isole iu your iscao.lti. Some blooti disease, prubably, sapping your vitnlity. You can't begin, too soon, tu take tise grent blooti purifier> Âyer's Sarsaparilla. aq lasiiug zzyour oilaffaire!1 T4is , how maâny youang moý,n tismougi curlority go ibrougis tise misole renluxI of Frnhnovai, se cewisetisem tbcy ana really as bati as moraliste have Prenoluncedti su. Tisey coma near tise venge of tise precipuca jusite olook off. They want to e ce iow far it really le tiow-u, but tisey lese tisein bal- anacewhila tbey look anti fali lie m e- Mcdetiio rmin, on, catching themeselvas, ciauxr-up lheediung anti ghastly oni tise rock, gibberng with curses or or gneaning inaffectuai prayar. By all meane encourage haalthful inquis- itiveneffl; bY all meaus disceurage iii raBguiatati curiesiiy. Thisssibjeet aise luxpreeces me wlti tise tact ihat trnut that are cweat te tise taate may afiarwart produce great agouy. Forbititen fruit ton iive was ce peasaut se luviteti her isusisandt afise te take cf it. But ber banishuxant f rom paradise anti 6000 yaars et sorrow anti wretcednus anti war anti woe paiti for tisai ]uxury. I!n uay ha veny sweet at tise stant, and ti mray, induce gr'eat Wretcisednass aftenwamd, Tse qup of sun. le sparklinz at thea top, int ihere le dexitis aitb& eboteux. In- toxination bas eeat axhilaration for awhiule. ant i t fîilîs tise blooti, anti it uakea a man sea t uve stars wiseme otis-- ers an. cee ouly oeestar,, anti it makes tise poor mani nichi, andti umas chsecks Wbkb a7e white reti as roses. Rýut wisat about tisetireants tisai corne at-- tar wleiu ha eemus tallig tnorn great iseigiseorn leprostrateti by other tanci-- eti disasters an~d tise perspiration standsa on tise foeaiea-ti-ie nigisi dew ot everlasting darnese-anti ha is grautidUnden tise horrible hoot ot nigistuxares sriekiug witis lips tisai orackle witis ali-censuming tentureI 'Rejoice, 0 ounng man li thy youiis, anti let tisy henniciseen tisea u tise days of iiy yoniis. But kncw tiscu tisat fer al tisese tisingz Geti will bring tisae into jutigrnnt 1" Sweet at tise1 atari, horrible at tise met. Go lie hall et revelry, wisene nlugodiy mintis stnaggers anti blaspisamea. Listen te tise senceless a bble. Sea tiese me trace ot intelligence tiasheti ont fron. faces made ilu Gode owu image, 'Aisa, alia 1" says tise hoistoriug inebriate,1 «I'This s Lejey for you, Fili bigis youn carpe, My beys. f drink to My wi.esj miýsemy, anti my ciildens rags, anti myj 'boti tiefiance.' Ant iehakaows iiot risat a fiena suirs tise geblet lu bis baud andt tat adtieri uncoil frux tisei dregs andt Irust tieir torkedti lngues honsing tismouige te rta un tise nij. lise Phistinîles jeereti anti laugseti anti siseuteti at Sauxeen. Oh, they want'ti hiini te make sport for tisem, andtihie matiesport fon tishem! How bigisi anti gay war, tise cene for a itlîte wisile! Atter awisile tise giant puIs oua handt against tise pillar andt tishuer band againsi tisai piflar anti bows himseaf, anti 3000 merry-makers arc masheti like grapes ia a wiue press. Sna aptuneus at tiese tari, awfu,liti ait. Tisai one, Edonic transgression diti net seaux te bec mucb, but il struck a blow wisicis te this day maakes tise caris staggen. Te finti eut- tiso un8equenras et tisat oe e cmyou woulti baye to compel tise worli to tbrow open al ie8 prison timrs antidisplay tise crime, anti thnow open ail is hospitals anti display tise disense, anti throw open ail tisa insane asylumns anti show tise wretcisadncss, anti epen ail tiesa epul- chers anti show tise tient, anti open al tise doors of tise lest worlti antisow tise tiauxeti. Tisaieue Edenie trans- gression ciretcbe-ti chentia cf misery acre-es tise henni cf tise world anti struok tiseu witb doleronis wailiag. anti it has seatedth ie plagues upon tise air andthie siipwrecks upen tisa temptest, anti fauteneti, like a leecui. famine te, over Adam anti ovar tisa ganerations that have followad it suggasts to me tise grant puwer ail women have for gooti or for cvil. 17Isnv eno sympathy, ho ave you, with tise fsolow flatteries s,-Prdupon woman from tise plat- formn andtihie stage. Tisey mean ne- thinhey are accapteti as nothing. W ans noiility consiste in thse axer- cisc of Christian influence, and wisef 1 cee tis epoerful influence of Eve uP- on bier husisahdt anai upon the whole huroan race I make up my mmnd that tise frail arm, of woman can strike a blow which will resoundt irougis ail et- ernity down among thse dungeofle or up arnong tise tisrones. Of course I amn net speajrng of re- prasentative wonien-of Eve Who ri.n- eti tise race by one fruit picking; of Jael, who drove a spire througi tise head of Sisera, tse warrior; of Estisar, wiso overcarna royalty; cf Abigail, wio stop- ped a host by ber own beautiful prow-. esc; of Mary, who nursedth ie wonlti's Savieur; of-Grantimother os immoi't- alizeti in bier grantison Timotisy; cf Charlotte Cordiay, who tinove tise tag- gar tbrough tisa heart cf tise assassin of ber lover, or of Marie Antoinette, wis, by une look from tise balcony cf ber castle quietati a mob, hier own scaf- foli tise thrurne cf forgiveness anti worn- anly courage. I spaak not of these ex- traortiinay ,erons,, but s0f tisose, who. .n.mbitious for political powr, as wives anti methers anti sisters ýnd daugistars attend to tise thousanti sweet offices cf home. i ,Wien at last we corne to calculata tise forces that decitiedth ie destiny of nations, it will be foundt iat tise rigist- iect anti grandest, influence carne frorn home, where tise wife cheereti up dçe- spondancy anti fatiguje anti sorrow by bar own sympathy, anti the motiser traineti ber chilti for iseaven, etarting tise littie feet on tise patis to tise celestial city, and the sisters by their gentienees refinedth ie manners of tise brother, andth ie daugisters were diligent in tiseir kintinaeste the ageti, throwing wrcnthe cf blessing on tise resti that leatis f atiser anti mother tiown tise stccp of ycars. Goti blase our home! Anti may tisa home on eartis ha tise vestibule of cur home in iseavain,, in u hicis place mnay we ail meet-father,, motiser, sou, daugister, brother, cister, grandfatheir anti grantimotiser endi grantichilti, anti tiseantire group of pracieus unes of whom we muet say in tise wertis of transpurting Charleus Wasiey-. One family, we tiwell in Hlm; Our church aboya, beneatis, Tisougis now divitiet by a streani- Thse nnrrow ctreamn of deatis- One army of tise living Goti, To Hs couimanti we,bow, Part ofthtie host bave crussadth ie floodi, Part are crossing now. Constip&ation Lauses fuliy hiaitishe sicisuess iu thse world. Il reteins tise digesteti foodi toc long lu tisa bowelue anti produces biliousness, torpiti liver, indi. gestion, bati tastecaet tongue, sick Iseadc uein isomnia, etc. Hood's Pille p î1 U s cure constipation anti ailuis resuits, easily andt loroughly. M5e. Ali druggists. Prepareti by G. I. Hood & Co., Loweli, Mass. Tise cu i lu to take wîth Hootl's Sarsaparulla. ent law. H1ealthf ni curiosity bas gona tis eisart of tise sick anti dying na- down anti foundth ie traoks of tise et- tiens. Beautif ni at tise start, isorri- ernal Goti in tise plypi andthie star- hie at tise last. Oh. how many have fias under tiese ea andthie majesty of exPerianceti it 1 tise great Jaisovais encamapeti under tise Are tisera iscre tisese who are vota- gorgeons curtains of tie dahlia. It bac ries of pleasure f Let me warn you studiedthie spots on tise sun. andtihie my brother. You pleasure boat ie far larva in a beach leaf, andtihie îigist f rom shore, anti your cummer day le untier a firafiy's wîng, andth ie terrible ending roughly, for tise wiuds andthie eye glance cf a condor pitcing from waves ara louti-vouceti, andti »s ovar- Cimbtorazo. It bac etutiiedth ie my- coming clouds, are ail awritise anti a-- niads cf animalculae that matie up tise gleauxi witis terrer. Yeu, are pacst tise phosphorescence lu a ship's wnka anti Narrowse, anti almeet outsitie thee Htsok, tise uighty maze cf suns anti pesres anti if tise Atlantio take thea, f rail anti constellations cf galaxies that blaze mortal, thou sisaît nevar get te shsore on in tise marci of «cd. UJealtisful agalu, Put back, new swiftly, swif ten, curiosity bas etocti by tise invantcn un- swifter J-ecus freux the shore cast- tii forces tisat were hîitien for agas etis a nope. lasp lb quîckly, new or orne to wbeels, anti levers anti shafts neyer, Oh, are tisera net coma cf ycu anti sisutties-foroas tisat f iy tise air, Whoe are freightÎng ail your loves anti or cwirn tisea, or leava tise mountain jy anti hopas upon a vessai wisicis until tise cartis jars anti roars anti rings Cha1 neyer reaci tise port cf iseavan ? anti crackles anti booms with etrange Thou nearest tise breakers. Oua heave meobanisrn antisips witis noctrils cf upon tise reeks, Oh, whiat an awful hot steairnanti okes cf fine tiraw tiser crash was tisatl Another lunge, may continents together.. crues thea baneatis' tiesepars or gninti 1 say notising againet healthful mnr- tby boues to powder arnidth ie tomn Ocity. May if bave othen Leytian Jars, timbere. Overboanti for your life, over-- anti otiier electnie batteries, anti cther boarti 1 Trust net that loose piank non vcltaic piles, anti otiser rnagnifying attempt tise wave, but quickly ciasp tise glasSes, witis wiicis te storm tise barrai feet of Jesus walkinrg on tise waatary casiescf isenatralworti nti itpavement, sisouting until Ha heare thea, sisal currentian its iast secret. We 'Lord cave me or Ipansihl" Sin beauti- thank Geti for tise geclogical curiosity f ui at tise start-oh, iscati, isow dis-- cf Professor Hitchcock, tise macisanic- treseful at tise laet 1 Tise grounti uvar ai curiosity cf Liebig, andthie zcclcgi- whici it leade you îs hoiiow. Tisa cal curiosity cf Cuvier, andthie inven- frnuit it offers. to, our taste le poison. tive curiesity cf Edison, but we muet The promise it makes te you le a lie. admit tisat unhealtisful anti irregular Ovan tisat ungotily banquet tise keen inquisitivenase bas rucsedti iousantis sworti cf God's jutigment hange, anti anti tans cf tisousantis into ruiu. tisera are ominous bantiwritingsý on tisa Be uttastedtihie fruit. Sbe was n- ourbonUsto .finti eut iscw it tastati, anti Observe aiso nta isssubjact h0W e that Cunieity blactati ber anti biactati Pell!ng sin is when appandadti t great ail nations. Se tisere are clergymen tnrie5. Since Eve'e iantis lu tisis day, inspireti by wnhealthful Lucre bac been no sucis perfection cf inquicitiveness, who have tniedti t look womnnhoti. You coulti net cuggast an tlbrougis tise keyisele cf God'c mysteries attracien n tise body or suggast -rysterjec tisat were barreti anti boit- any refinamant to tise manflar. You eti froux ail hiuran inspection-anti tiay couiti atit no gracafuiness to tisa gait, hiave wranchedti isir wisele moral na- ne lus9tre to tise ave, no sweetness to t'Iare ont ef joint by trying to plucld tise voire. A perfect Codi made ber a fruit freux branches bayonti tiseirreac fperfect man in aerfhe comeani Or bave coma out on limbs cf tise treefa pretmni efc oe n frori whicis they have tumbledti aih'er entire nature vibrateti in accord mnîns wîthont remedy. A tisousant iwtistise haauty anti song of paradisa. trea's cf religiouis knowledge froux wbici But she rebelleti ugainst Goti's goveru- We nxay cat anti get ativantage, but ment, anti with tise samne baud with freux certain trees cf mystary how w bise pluckedth ie fruit se launcis- many isave plucisedti isir ruin!1 Flac- eti uPOn tise worlIth ie crime, tise wars, tien, free ageucy, tËinity,' re.sunrec-tise tumulte that have set tise unîvarce titn-in th isetscusion cf tisese euh- -lwaiting. jecta -hundredesud tisousaude of pao- A terrible offset te ail han attractive- ple, muin tise seul. There are menubo nase. We are net surprieed wisen we actually have been kept eut of tisa finti men anti women;naturaily vulgar kingdom of iseaven becawse tisey coulti geing into transgression. Wc, expact net untierstanti wio Melcisedactians tisat Peuple who live lu tise ditch shahl net I1 have tise mannere of the ditris, but isow Oh, isowmany bave t'ndestroyeti shockirig uhen we fint incluappendati by an unuiealtistul inquisitiveness 1 Ite superior'etincation andt th ie reflue-- ts eû ine ail directions. Tisane are ment cf social lite! Tise accomplisis- theOse who stand with tise eye etare anti mente cf Mary, Qucen ut Scuts, make mentis gape of curiosity. Tisey are b erparng of Darnley, tisa profli-- tise tîrst te hear ut faalehood, builti gata, tise moe appaling. Tise gauius it anotiser story bihi ad îwo wings cf Catherine Il. of Russia onl1Y set te, it. About other people's appare'i. forth ln mure powerful cotrnst han about other peuples business, abouts inappeasable ambition,.Lise tranala- cuber p)eupes financual conditiontiens from tise Greek andthie Latin by abOu oter pople's ffars'te reElizabeth anti ber wontierfui qualifica- overauxiens. Every nice piece et gos- tdons for a qneen matie tise more dis- Cc'p s3tops at their doer, andti iey fat- gusting ber capriciousuese of affection tan anti luxuriate n tise entileas round anti ber hotnese of temper. Tisa Of. tise great worîd cf îittîc tattie. They greatnes O-f Byron'e , mmnd makas tise ini._anti sumptueusiy entertain at more ninrmîng Byron'cs -eusaity. their bousýe Colonel Tliatdiae anti Squire Let ne one, tiink tisati nemrent cf Chitchat anti Goveruor Smallialk. manner or exquisiteness of taste on Wisee,-ver bath au innund, whcavar superiority of aducation can in any Wise baths a scantile, whoever bath a valu apologize for iii tamper, for an oppres-- able secret, Jet hinm coma anti sacri- sive spirit, ton unkintinese, for nny klati fice it te tisis gotidess cf splutter. et sin. fisobetiience Godwnrti anti Thoeus>aR" cf Adams anti Evea do ne- transgression uxauwarti can give no ex- tising but eat fruit tisat doas nef ha- ruse, Accomplisment isanvanisighis l long te lisam, men quite âeIli kiowii net apology for vice bell deep. as mathematiciaus faiý Ibis romn- MY subjeci aise impreses me witis pru-tati0,n of motai algebra-gý:ýod sense tise regai influence cf wumnn. When TH1E CLEVELAND is famous for mechanical,,exactnes~ and unapproachable riding qualities.r PRICES $100 AND $M. ÂLOZIER & CO.TORflNTO It nMIJXflN flt lnmvii Ham 1 lton1 u IIl dl oLoreC New Spring Goods at prices that wîll astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to -order *8.OO, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest andi most attractive stock of Im- porteci and Domestic Woolens ever shown in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. We carry fulll unes of Staple Dry Goods, Readly-made Clot hing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Departm-e,,t Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions ats cheap as the cheapest and as good 'as the best. We hav, special values in TEAS. Fullline in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantities at 3c. per pound. Frank A. E!o1e.Z- HAMPTON. 'We Hlave i = You'CAN Have It!l That Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot afford to be without it., Cali and 5ee the newest designs in ahl kinds of Fuiniture. You are al-ways welcorùe. La MORIS 1BowstÂwvIuLE. Undertaker and Furniture DeaIer["Boangll's BI f ~~qggggnggngnnnnmmmmgmmmmmmmmêe. w- Derby -w -w -w -w --w -w -w -w -w -w -w -w Cigarettes ~< -w -w w-- - w- -w -w -w --w -w j5CtS. --w w-- w-- w-- Ver Package. -w-w~ w-- The High Grades qs tu tu ce fil ai iosity se e £4e e Ïl.-ý- ---t-in fia eree, -F 1 1 , 1 ' 1