SKEEP THE SKIN SOFT ANDI WHIT7E WITH BABY'SI OWN tBEST INGREDIENTS MAKE IT GOODO BE SURE, AND .. GEl 1THE GENUINE The Albert Toilet Soap Co., MfrS. - ~Montreal. 20,000_C UR ED.~ Thousandso cf ycung rien are mado nervoos wrocks. onfit fo b-uses, s- c l cai pleasures or homo rOjies by evil habits On-yooih, iter -seor pri- vate disee. q1 t.Andrews, of ,Akron. O_, ooys: 1, read tins papar and have sean ;nany reporte of remart able cures smasSe by Drs. Renot dy and 1lergan. 1 decided fa treat witb ttbern. ndiscréa, linwthe cause of sny tr-oble.1 was i-weak audnS nanas; Do auabition; back I ao pimpies ou the face; thOn and aiha ýard; eyes sunkenad checeks bal- lovO ýdreams and drains ai night; main- - 1ory pour; varlcoceia, and Wea tars SJIrritable; snkiug spels; espacks befre 'the eyos; lack of confidence e urg;, and many 001er complairts. Iba 1re orteen doctors, bought four ail(, fmodOluesa11 si alaS, 1tried thé New tlethod Tres tm nt af Drs. Iienneoly anS Kargan, and t eured c a Man AZsn.t ha >e gsaid weeity-clx ponds aud ara sirong mentaly, physioally sud -sexaosi. t s awonmie;tultretenent'" IBaSohdDiease-with the vorst symnp toms; Ulcers n tisa mootb or on tha Stonuno.blotceo ruptions, hair fallan out, boue pains, ayes red, stouacb trou- bles, sore throat, etc., positively conSd foroyer. Yoî dat-a fot csarry ant1 cured. Cures guaranteed or no psy. We cure Syphilis, Netvous Debiity, Varicoceis, Faling Naniîood. Stricture, Gleet, Lloatut-al Dschat-ges, Weak Parts, tiadder and Kidn-y biocages. Consultation Free. Books Free. If unabOe tu call, write for Question Biank for Hores trsatnsent. Evrytliug coufideatlal. Nothing sent C. O. 1. N.0 CURE NO PAY ORS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 143 SHELBY STREET, DETROITM aH A RARE ARTILCLE. Some years ago if became tise duby of a certain nobieman tu waif upon tisa queei whist sise was lu resideuce at Balmorai. AL friand haviug ssked hie lordshîp tu engage a skilled piper for hlm, tise peer tisunglt that the queen's owu piper was tis est man bu consuit upon the maîf or, sud accordingby lha sougist for au interview with hlm. Tise piper, a grand sample of a Highland- er and a fine pbayer besidos, asked what sort of a piper wae wanted, sud was bold lu reply, "«Oh, just one like yoursalî." Whereupou fie isaugisty Highliander remarked, "Tisera, are pieu- ty lords like ?orsel', but very taxi sic pipera aseme. MODEL OF NEATNESS. Cara le a modal of neabuese, but samatimes sire caories f hinge ta ex- To wbo.l do you rater? Why -lie, brushes fthe feeth of lier sprockal wh-eal evary mura ng. TEE DAY 014 DOOII. Praf. Fais, of Vieuna, fixas tise ex- tinction ufthtisabnm;in race for Novam- ber 13, 1899. On,1fisat day bise earth le tu cornie into collision wifis a comel, everybody -vii lha îoouned by gus or burut to deuofis iTHE HOME.- EJViROIDEEEJLINEN. We belitave every daiuty housOVwOlO likes to have a sunop1y of embroidered doilies, centerpieoas. tray cluths, sid- board covers, anni many other thinge made of linen. Oua need not know honw ta sketch thse designs, for parforated Pafterns are so inexpensive that any one can afford them, and mauY Of the designs are beaulif ni. Ceuterpieces and carving cloliss not only look wel on" the table, but are a genuine '-av- ing in the wear of the taisiecloliss, and tise amount of waslsing required to keep tisem dlean The most popular sisapes for center- PiOrais are oblong, square, and round, and the edges are usuaily isemstitcisOd; scalloped, or fringed. If is not as dilfi- cuit to fringa the round doilies as% iL Would seam. GeL a large plate and mark a circie on the linen first. Three or four incisas inside this circia draw another, and mun several rows of mach- iue stitching around il as close ta-1 ,ehra possible. Tisa threadsca then be drawn for tise fringe. If tise fringo fins made dees not seem heavy enough knot lhree or four tisreads of cotton in tiste edge of tise doiiy at short infervals. A beautiful centerpiece and set of six do()lijes' seen recantiy wore round, with friuged edges, aud a wreath of liles 0f the vailey and leaves embroidered w vitis witie and green Asiatie filo floss. Suei work needs ta be put lu a f rame Or boops to keep if smooth nisile working. In embroidariug f îowers solid]y, maka tise stitches of different langlhs, laav- ing a regular edge. Loaves should ai- ways bc commenced at tue poont, and worked froim miîcoîn utVward Anotiser handsorne set of round doil- ies made of fine white linoni, are bor- dered wifi a design of grape 'eae so arraugeis that tise edgas of tise loe form scailops and are doueela butun- haie stilcis. The remainder of tise laf wliis delîcate irregular veine, le doue in oitline. Many of tise square table pieces are finished witis hemstitched hems from oaa to three incises la widlh, while oth- ors are buttonholed in large shailow scaîlops, aaci one being composed of tisree or more emailer and sisallower scallope. One very pretty cente'rPiOe is an oblong place af linon, thiry luchas long and elgiteen incises wide, wilh a hem two incisas wide, he- stitched araund if. There le a buncis of miguonette and beaves lu aacb corner, ombroidered wlth Roman fis, lun spite of tise diminutive size of tise bloesoms this design eau ha made ta look vary nalural. Use only pale, delicate tinte, and if you have a buncis of naturai fiowers 10 study wiib you work, you wiii ha more1 apt ta get just tise rigist tous. Smalli conventooualozed designs are offeni uSed lutise corners oftise square places otisers have threa or four-incis squares5 af drawn work, They are simple audc pretty, and do not requira much time1 to make Lhem. Another very pretty1 set af, doilies bas a border of appie9 bioseoms doue witis several sisades oft Pink, sissding almost to white. Tise sca]lopad edges araeisuttonisolad witht flowers ambroidared lu escis corner ut s square doily le a pretty f liis. A issndsome s-arf for a sideboard le made of butciser's linon, just as wide as tisa top of tisa sideboard, sud long enongis teisang ovar tise ends ton or twelve incises. Tise isms were hem- stib-isnd, sud tisa onde finished wilis fringe. Tirea incisas fhuratisa ringe 'w'as a border of Romian ambroidary, about aigist incises wvide. Af fer tis a t- tarn wa sfstmpad, if nas outiinod wotb coarsa coffon tisread Lu give firmuess, tisen worked lu buttonholestsitch wih yaliow Asiatic fwisfed embroidory siik. Tise lilen wvas cut ouf aruund lise de- sign,l eaving s besutflopenworc pst- tamr. As tise linon n s iIk ere ufthe best qnaiity, fisis place of work wlll st a litetima. TABLE LINEN, lu tabla linen for next season tise praference apisears to ha for floral de- signe, sud tise figures ara largar sud more pronuucod tisan evar. Iustead of tise single bud or medium sized blue- som witis au occasional lest or sprig aI fluage fouud un table linon isareto- fore, tice<lamasks for tisa coming sea- sou dispiay entire plante or isuge branches ladon wilb bof is bavas sud flowers. The non est sud meef styliss r-otis bave plain centres, nef satin eaask, isut plain binai;, w itis deep florai bar- dars, exten iing frem tisa hem. iu une designu utfis sertwi hisisespeciably artistic sud i;eautiful, great buncisesof poppies apparentiy îulled up by the ruots spriug from tiseir ised of leaves sud grasses juet aboyaie is em sud extaud toward tise centra of the cloti, covariug if wibis biossome and bude on tiseir owa gracefnb stems. Tisa uap- kias sud doilies fa match tisis ciotis hava a border intertwiaad long- stemmed poppies witi an uproated blossoiug plant lu tise centre. Ail table lînens, wheunulo lace- trimmed, muet, ho marked with arn- broidered luitils. For aapkins the let- tare shouid ha 1 1-4 incises long, wiie for clotiss tise accepted size le 2 1-2 luches. Tise initiais sisonbd ha inter- Lwined, but sisould not be in lise old- fasisioued monugraml. For la'e-trimmed tabla linon, wisich wibl be aven more fasisionable tissu lasL soason, thora are tirea new laces. Oua le a French lace wisicis l very lîke alab- orate patternssuofisoavy linon torcison, anotisar 15 a Russisu lace that hasclose mesises sud clumsay-Iooking figuras, aud a lisird lesa fine ducisese lace. Tise st l is e fineet lace ever used for table dacoration. If le combînad witb linon so shear as to simuet resarnisi muslin, aud ie used principally for tea' sud incheon clotis sud for centre piacaesuad tray covars. 0f course, tisera arealswaye plate sud fiugerbuwi dolies fa match. Battenhurg sud Renaissance laces wili sf111 ha fashionable if comblned wilh linon; but silk aud safin for tise tabla are taboued tisougi tise linons used witis thee laces are se emootis sud glossy as fa imaprees a casusi observer tisat thoy arc made of siIk. Fayal dran \ork l is te isteet for bordering Children Cry fob The People of Canada Are Satis- fied and Convinced. ALL WILL TESTIFY That Munyon Has Kepi Faith With The People and Made Good HIS PROMISES Hie Hemedies are ]3ecoming the. Safeguard of the Homne-Tii. Pe.- pie Have Trusted aud Have Not Been Deceived. Mre. D. Davis, Trenton, Ontario, Can- ada, saye: "Mine bas beau a marvellous cure ut ezema isy Muuyou's Rnleies, Wben 1 began neiug thase ramadico 1 was caveraS tram boaS' ta faut wiih scabs. 1 sufferaS the moot intense aguny tram tise irritatian anS pain. 1 toit sa baS that 1 balleraS if impassible ta ever got well b1isad useS a number of remedieta affect a cure, but insead, 1 was gettlug warso 1 wae lu Oroe baspital for tirea muanibo, but they could net belp me. 1 fiuslly do- ciOdeS ta try Muuyon, anS aflor îbiug Mun- yan'e Salve anS atiser remedies 1 received Immediate relief. The medicina seemed ta, beip sud cool the Irritation. 1 am hasppy ta eay now tbab I bava not a mark un my body anS feel if le my Snuty ta, tell otbars of tbe wonderfnl cure wbicis bas beau effectaS lu my case. I bave unisouad- ed faith ln un osn's treatmnent sud heart- Ily recommeuBdhie ramedles't ,Ouy's tiheumatle cana seldes a flie te ro- Sae ue xe te troe huera, anS cures ln a few Oo;'s. Pt-lc 25C. àiuay'-n's Dysp-epsie Cure poslti.vf.iy curesall1 fanrme et Indigestionandsa tomach troubles. Pnîco 25C. Muayon's CalS Cure prevente pueumealaad lueaka up s eoid la a few heurs. Pries 25c. Munyon's Congls Curastoups rougis, ulght e eas, slsasereues andS peeiOy heais the iooo's. Price 25e. M+uyo's KlSney Cure .speediiy aunees pai la tie iiack, loi"s or groins, sud &Il forme of kiidneyrÀ<tsease. Priee 25e.- Oatolns Nrve Cure stops aervouones and le!d Oe p the systesa. Pucee 25e. Mun o a'sHeodache Cure stops, boaSsebe Ii il rcc minutes. Prive 25e. ,Ouon's PilieOinimeîît poIiiVoiî curas ai forins e pilies. Price 25e.-1 Mî;a>yonouBlod Cure eradilestes aiOimtprttlee of the. lobaS. Prive 25v. Munyon's il'male itemedies are a boon ta ail Muxyoa's Cotant-b Iemediesnover fa11. Tic, C ,oarniî Cure--prie., 25e.-eradleatee the dOsanss frosa the syst.em, anS Ohe Catonth Tablets-prieqi 27O.-ejae eand iseai the parts. Muiyon's Aqthma Ritemese reliera ia tbrei minutes and cure persaaaentiY. Frire $M. iuayons Voitlzer, a great tonte a nS rW storer -et vital, streagtb ta wesk people. $1. A separata cura foin ece diseilse., At ail Stug gis tos etlo' 25 cents ae nul. . Peirsonilttera te Prof. Muoyon. Il Alberý, etreet. Toronto. oni., answered wltlo fre-e mine esi acice for avy disosat. M H14EALTJ-L S' UINSTIIOKE. Sunstrokea, or botter bealsîroke, le the resuit of expusura bo intense hat for a, consicierable period. If makes little diffa rance whafLise source of thea haat is. whether if le the sun or a bist1 furnace, sa long as thse heatta intense and long-coutinued. iracticsiiy if is tise sa's iseat wlach nmost of us, nho are net stokers, bakers, or pudliers, have teofbar. But if is 'a mistake tb suppose tisat it is Only tise direct raye ofthtie sua thaf ara injurions, for heatstrokes Ire- quentîy occur afler unduvu or luntise early morning afizer anecsivycle night. Not ail people ara, equsiiy iiab!e to suIfer'from the affects of iseat, but chiefly tise debilitated> tise aged, tiose niso are living undar unisygienie condi- Lions, thise11-act, tise nnwassed, sudî as'Pacially thisentamperata. Saeveral different conditions are groorped logether under tisa oua head,1 ista detrok, but thay are ail reducihie Lü tise two states of exhaustion sud lever, une batug ol tan oniy tue' oucipi- ent stage oI thse otiar, ittu iic i I sili pass if theu caposure to heat iscn tinued, Tise condition prasaul in nill cases of any sevarity le, as ne mogi Supposa, an ovenisasting of tisa biood- Ln otuar words, an arlificiail e-ver, sud thre treatment hy ice and Lb.y hearz stimulants le baeed ou Ihat tact. This trealment le a malter for tise pisysician sud tiesa saner ha le csilad the botter fortisae patient. But men- whla tise sulferer siouid ha piaced in tisa shadeý, if possible lu a breaza, sud shouid ha fanuad coustautiy, wisile cold watar or tee chould ha appiiedtfa is isead sud spina. Tise cloting siuuld be looseined, sud aboyea-a1, tisera muet ha neo cronis of curions luokers ou sur- roLLndiog tisa patient, sud shtrutinig off the air. lie as elsevisra, however, pravan- tien is balLer lisan cure; sud tortunate- ly it le withjun the power of uearly av- ery oea. lunihot, miiggy \vOtther, dlo- tbing sisoorbd bae ligit, bots in weigit aiud celor. Tire at, espacially siould be of straw or light-colorad fal, noever black, and inside af it sisould ha pluc- ed nef ciohss or green leaýves. Tisa sleeping apartmauts shoud ha weil van- tîlafad. If oee je bligect to ha ouf un- der tise midday u.n un umbrella soauld bea carried. Cool water and aciduiafed bevarages may ha f reely used, but ice-walar siould býe avoldad luomediataly aIfoer exercising or axposiire to tise direct raye of tise sua, sud aboyea ah, aloirolio drinks siouid be siunnýed. FIICCOUJGR-S. Generaliy tis troubiesoma, littho dis- turbance is a matter oÊ ne moment ha- ________ _________________yonid tise annoyance it may cause tise sufferer. IL le brougist about %y a smali clofis, napkius sud doilies If Os rmmenitary contraction of tise diapis- made ot the finest linen and more than, auythiug aise, resem beautiful ragur, hy wniici air is drawn into fhe uedework. Even ncerth closest i-ciýst, and may 'ne exciîed by a vsriefy spýection tisera is not tise slgisteet re- of causes. ft may evexi ha a symptotin sambian *ce to tisa oid-faehioued drun '-1ofagvedss, iulyothnrv or Maxiesu work. Thora are relioér o rv iesls5 fts ev bloks nor wiseele. Ail the threads run- ans systemn, but Most trequently it re- unlg une way iseing ctrawn, alaborate suite from trivial causes, suG-n as latigi- sud graceful designs ara worked xaifb tise needie. Tise oid-fashioned drant i n g orecr yionxg. work wiii be sold uext season for bec ey cmmen cause af iliccoughs is fisan isaîf ifs former prica. Tise reasun aling or drinkiug faoo mucis Gr too fast, -o,. - - ,,,; esecîally driukiug. This is sau e ers, le not s muncish ecauseaif bas cesSeS ta b hafsilnabie as becsuse tisa xork is uow doua lu Japan. Salin snd silk scarIsisave hsd tisair day, sud lu thieir pl aýe for lisos bouse_ keepars fond ut diepiaying their onui isandiwork on tiscir tables, isave comag crochet mate, centrepieces sud Plate sud finger boni Soibies. Those msy Le solid places of crocheted or linon cen- tres witis crociset bordere more or lae elaborate ta suit tise taste of tise1 ownar. Aftteanoon teasclutiss nitis s foncisoI color are s pretty cissnge. Oua seau ra- canty appearel 'ta ha embroidered lu fucissiase etgold asudelivor, tisa nhite silk giviug s luminous silvery affe(ct- Very pratty and l aý--rlu effeot ere the altemnoon teascluths lu a pattern af ivY beaves, escis basf formol et transparent drawn tisreads: otisars, more porfrtc sf111, hava corners et drawn tisresds1 forming squares more lovely tissu lace insertion. FOR ORNAMENT AND USE. Cnt tram etiff cardboard a perfect- ly circular piece live or six incises i n diameter. From emootis. white, gray, brawn, or auy plain paper cnt anothet' circular piece lise came siza, sud euL a hall circbe of esud or emery papier, ouby maktng il crescent sisaped. Pro- cure a pretty cild's isead tram s pic- bure card or scrap sud have it about bwo incises lu diameter. ?asbe tis isead ou tisa cardisoard almost ta the couler. Make s hala intahie wisite pa- par ut tise saine place, sud tear if suf-. ficieutiy large ta show tisa picture. Paste tins paper sm<otisiy, over Lise cardisoard, lesving tise tbru edges ir- regniar, just as iflthe eiard hsd beau Lirsut tismougis it. Now f irmly paste Lise emery paper cresceut ovar fisis, ho- ing careful to have tise outside edges aven. Pub ifta oeeaida or heneati tise head, Wlis git paint or peu sud ink sketch these words over tisa picture aioug fthe edga aftie paper; "LoakLng for Light." Paste a loup oI ribison or something aise aI the top ta, hang by, sud you hanve an ornamentai match saratcher to isang near tise match t'a- ceptacle. WORLD'S LARGEST OPAL. 1: iad the priviIege iately, writas Lady Violat Grevilie lu tise Landau Graphie, of isahuîdiug the largest sud fin-est opslinl existence, witis the ex- ception oI a Hungarisu opal in btse possession of thé~ emperor ot Austria. My opai came Irons Queensand. If walgha 250 karats, and le abouit two incisslin euguis aud thiekuess, aiea- Iately perfect ln tireanud brilliancy. It contains, asetise true opai shouid, ail thse coloraeouthtis rainbow, sud is dazzing Lu look at, witirout any of tira areamknesLiat spoiis su many fine stouas. Hier Hunigarian opais have iitherto isaîd lie tiraI place in fhe opinion of counoisseurs, but fis clone is far aud away tire most splendid speci- men possible. If le fit ta raathr coraonat oI n quean, sud quens, f or- tunately for thamseivas, areabnie the rulgar préjudice lu teliaving tisaopa toe ha an unlucky stoae. Ifl rji ly ane, af tise, muet teautiful gemns in existence. Pitcherls Ca9toria5 îý.il'UýVl bil b" the papers alw~ays sprinkie tise remarks of ain aileged drunken man with pienty of hics, i t may also be started, just as iL rnay he arreste4, by a sudden, it eau otten be cured by fixing thse attention cioseiy upon sometbing else, as upon tise attempt te hring theo lit- Lie finger of each hand as niear ats mate as possrble, witbout allowing them to touoh eoach otiser. Other, simple means of arrestiag biccougli, which usually ceases of itseif without any treatment, are the- swaliowiug of lttie lumps of ice or a glass of very cold water or acid- ulated water, vigorous rubbing with the band over thse pit of tisa stomacis or fhe back of thse neck, dasbing ice-cold wafer on tbe spine, etc. if sucis devices fail, a more effectuai measure consists in making f irma and persistent pressure up-Nvard, with tise fingers passea under fhe edge of tise ribs on each side, near fhe breast-bone. This causes pressus e on the diaphragmn aind., as it were distracts it sa that it forgats to costract epasmodically. The taking of eight or ten deep and slow Linslpirations acts in much the same way. erf ni cases of hiccoughs,b lasting for erful cases of iiccouglis lasting for days and da3 s, and somnetimes ceasing only with deati Tisera are occasionaliy sncb cases, wisicb baffle tha skill of physici- ans, but when tbey occurr there is some other serions malady preseut, which, sud not tbe icecougi is the actual cause of death. 'Ihese grave cases are nof under-consideration here. They do net corne witlhLn the domain of house- hold remnedies, but cail for profeesional interve,'ntioo. DANGEROUS INKS. The Loisdon Lancet cails attention to thse serions injuries wiih sometimes re- sult from an apparently frifling scratch or puncture made witJ tise pen. Thse chemical constituants oË the ink which le introduced by the pan into the, wouud are noL capable of produoing sap- ticemnia, but microscopie axamination proves that the iii affects are due to thse iiaiility of ink to contain pathog- ania isactaria. Dr. Marpmanu, of Leip- sic, bras raceurly publishied tha resuits of the microscopie examination of six- tyý-seven samples of ink used in echools. Most of tham were made with gali nuts,1 cantaing. saprophytes, bacteria and1 icrocoocci. Nigrosin ink, taken from a freshly opened isottia, was found ta contain bath saprophytes and bactaria. Red aud bine ink aiea yielded numarous bacteria. In two instances Dr. Marp- maxon succeedad in culivating f rom ni- grosin ink a. baciline which proved fat- al ta micel within four days. Tisis ink had staad in an open bottie for three manths, and the inference to be drawn £rom tise inquiry is that iuk used ini scirools sheuaid lways be kept covered when ual in use. Thxe practice of maist- esiing tise pen with tisa tangue is, like- wisa a dangerous one. DES FORT Ar. tif' . . NQa LO ORT FORSAItf O CAADA SALTASSOCIATION CLINTON, OUT. OpiuduMorphine nop HSal IS ON THE ý5q OF EVEliY ___)BOTTLE 0F Apeifect Ileniedy for Constipa fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhôea, V orins Con utsions ,FeverA Tac simdle Signaturc or 'EW OR . astonia is putt ap in one-size botties only. It ilsnot oold in bulk, Dont allow anyon.e to oel yo nythiuig else on the piea or promise tisat ît Ils just as good"5 and "wiil auower orery pur- _____________ pose." aS ea that yen got OAETORIA EXACT COPY 0F WRAPPER. Omî onO wrper. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. * E. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and * dealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de- * scription, and ail kinds of Ceïnetery Work. Ail orders promptly filied in a satisfactory * manner a id at r-easonabie prices. 19 tf 13oots and Sboes.' QuieR Sole Socrilices. 0 0 Having secured the services of W. JENNI 'NGS, as salesman, we have begun selling ont the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes'to make room for Fal Importations. This is a great opportunity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be reduced we shahl offer at once $3000 worth of these goods at sacrifice prices. Ail outstanding, accounts must be settled in f ull by Aug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books must be squared up. D. DRVIS BOWMANVILLE. BEAVETI BLOCK, s $2 Now is the time to look around and see if your fur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer, the Furrier, is the man who can do your work properly, tuheap and guaranteed. The latest styles in, Hats and Gents' Furnishings always on hand. Bring your furs early before the rush commences. vM AYIfE R Practical Purrier. 1: WINTER .ý,t ý3i.k à 10r, ýhQ (lpalý 1 --- -- - n"m 1 tr'at t, i graphs Tl, TiV] -u- Il ï 1 i ) .e 1 COMING