I. First lass. Attracýting Attention. Rare Value,' Positively Guaranteed. Made by the i3est Makers. Jtwhat you want if you want to enjoy a good shave. GRAND TRUNK-IMILWAY. B3owmANvîuanSTATION. 0... EAM .G011. W.ST. Express...8 31 a. m. *Expres.. 5 23 a. m *Express .... l10 18 a. m.i:Loal. 8 18 Passenge.... 9 .Passengr.2 05 p. m Local. 6 42 p.m *Express- . 5 22 Exes..1035 a CARTWRIGHT NEWS. Post and telegrapli offices are now in Mr. Quinn's store. Postmaster R. H. Prust took a trip to Peterboro, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wright spent the week end at Solina. No attempt lias yetbeen made to re- buîld the burned district. Many people think Cartwright citi- zens shotild flot go outside of their own country withi their patronage. What they cannot buy or seil in the township they should take to or get in Bowman- ville. They are quite riglit, too. Be loyal to our own county. Glad to hear that Mr. Thomnas Philp who lef t Cartwright for Killarney, Man- itoba, lias a splendid 320 acre farm and A Good Up=to=date Grocery and Provision Store-.,, is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like vou are heinz well treated and nMe rmre unnd'