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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1897, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, OCTgBERi 13, 1897. ENGLISH BREAKFAST 0O0OA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits: DELIGAGY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIC. NUjTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALL.ED. In Quarter-Pound Tins onfly. prepared by JAMES EPPS & Co., Llinileci, HomSopathie Chernis, London, Enziand. 41--6m. DE. J. C. NITUIIELIW M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂN land Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office and Residence, Ennisklllen. 74. D BltuE ESIMPSON, BARILISTH, SOLICITOR, &c. MOIPRIS BLOCK, upte3tairs, King Street. Bow'usa- Ville, SOUCtor or the Ontari B3ank k riv'age bliones toanad at the loweBt rates tORT. YOUTNG, V. S. O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM Ijews Block. where himself or assistant wîll]b found from 8am. to 9 p.m. Night catis t residence.directly opposite Drill Shed. Calis yelgaph or telephone will receive prompt tention11-yr R. PEATE, Tailor Gexitlemen'a lothes Made ta Order. J .11.BRIMACONIBE OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. liggiubotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMA.NVILLE DENTI ST RY tHAIINDEN, L. D). Gradua of 1 ho Royal college Surgeons, Ontario. E OPPOSITE E@XPR.ESS VITALIZED AIR. of Dental OFFICE.m New Tailor Shop The undeasignad who tas beatu carrying on lItea tatericg buisness in coccactien witt MoneDry Ge-ids Sture for a nuamierof'yeurs bas conanacced trainyeos for himuReif at hie r Klene ing §S.,west, where he je prepareal o naka sect' acd teyo' suite in al' ttc lateat sles., and at lewaaàt price't, For thîdae whn wish te oralep snits, lae will cariry- a full iice cf aeepies i l i thtecneWest PetternS.. cL4ve tut, JT.ALEN Fashienable Tailer MONEY TO LOAN. $1 00,000. A large sum of mcacy tas teen placad in my hands by a private pacson '.or invectiaant, on appl-oved loans on farci seccriiy fer a tr u o CARTWRIGHT COLJNOIL.' TowN HALL,artwright, O-ýt. 4ch. Regular meeting of Ccouci, memn bers ai present, minutes of the las meeting reud and confirtned. Cens- mnunicati< ns were received fraim the Clerk ot, the Peace, givîug the tiumber et jurors te lie seiected. From ihe Clerk et Darluîgton Couricil re8pectitig a wire teeÀce on the bouiadary lice lie- tween Darlingien and Cartwright. Frein the Couoty Treasurer respecting lands te be sold 1er streais et taxes Frons W. E Yarîîeld, D. L. S., re- sepecting liE surrucg et part et Mauvetu- bouudary upe. 1Tho Cierk scbientted the CollEýcluis, bond for approval of Ceuccil. vd by Mr. MeLauglilî',, Coecter s coud aîd ecpsen, that the collcto's j()ýd idsureties are satis factory an~d ehat iliSe saine bts received sud accepted. Carried. Moved by 1Mr. Thernpsoil, eeconded by 1r. Me Laugilin, tlaat thu Cierk bts itioced te cemaunicate with the Reeve of the Towneglîîp of Manvers, as to au allt-ged utataunda escdiug of the Survey ot cer tain cocacesiens aluîig thbou udary lice betweeta Manvaresuad Cartwrighit, Carried, A deputation, ceusîeting ef the Rev. R. M. Phalen, Meîsa. S. Jelfery, Andrew Kicnman, W. Bing haun, Dr. McAllister, J. Parks, R, J McNally and Fred Moore waited on the Cocaicil ple-adiog the cecessity tÀ prcceciug a Fit-e Engice fer the usaeto the irccncipality, and after heariog the Rer. Mr. Phalen ou behali f thse de putation, tlie Council preînîaed te give the mialter the best consideration; the du putatien thaen seitlîd e w. Oc motion tfie Reeve sigtaed ordera ou the Trea - tirer as feilows J. Mforrie;îu, Rubeci Edgetion aud iC1czier, indigce!, $4 ccl. Cee. Fallis work on Di sïieti Ne. 32, $6.00O; David Fallîs, work on quarter lice in tihe 6:h concession, $2; G. Greer, tîmhzýr ussd ou Manvers bou'adaiy lin',, Div. No. 54, $4.00 ;W. Hacca, work ia Div, Ne. 35, $1 25 ; John- L"n-ter,--wor-k aa4îas rril Division 22, $4 35; D. H -aslip, wekl Pcd materiai ouMqinveri bouudary Div. 55,' 4 00 ; Win Thompson, repairicg read iii Division 45, 7th con., 1060 ; Jas. Gaie, advertising Cour'tfor revîien ot Voler'a 3Let, $3.50 ; T. W. Rabertseni, keeping two chi dren of Mca. Saners, indigent, oes sud sXcuif menths up îo this date, $12 0 0 ; W. .1. H[1im es. pse r vices as watctin, ni2ht t ofB adi 'stock fire, $1.50. On motion the Courccil adjourued. Wiu, LucAs, Tp. Cie-rk. The GIieat LkiTe h That lRas Resolled Thoisallds of Wrecked Mortals. lhJff ll9[D9F il R09 1ESR9 là 1RAfl B f s iM ll1! N'i W~O. A PREACIIER,' STORY. Like Otiier Mortals liefel! a Victi toi Disease-Dr. Agnew's Catarrhial Pow- dor Was the Agent whicli Restored Him to Healtl a.nd hie Gladly ,kllows is Name to lie U#ed in Tellin;g il That Others May be Benefited tood Rev. O.has E. Whitcombýe. Rector of St. Mafthew's Episcopal Clinreli, and Principal of St. Matthew's Church School, Hamilton, was a great sul- ferer. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder eured him, and lie nc>w proclalims to the ivc>rId4 that as a safe, simple and certain cure, it lias no equal. It never fails te relieve catarrh in ten min- utes. aînd~ cures pertnanently. Slld by Sntt & Jury. GOOD AD VICE. When is the best time to propose to a girl? askeýd a young man wlao was 1tliinking of taking that stap, In warm. weatlier,. replied lis expe- rienced friend. Thie warmer the better. How ia that? Becaiuse when you say Wilt tlion? te a girl 'n tlie almmer, she 19 moist like- ONE H0N1ýT îMAN. Decr Editor.-Pieease ita0m yaur ca,err, t î;i ter, particulars of a te.; ce l1-w t, IM br.riy which 1 was permancL a t d ri hîcan cd mauiy vigor. etter years eff , g ID7-1 e;,, cii ou deblllty, sexuai weakue i. htLu ýsad1 ,- S, shrunken parts, I was -t; 1bsd and ,Yind],edLb> t & guacesunitilneariyiectteî iti u ni -iun, but ii;u;k braisenIarn now weii, vigoroue and eirongItand wish to mnake fiiS Certain imeans efen; e Lkeown ote ai f- 1i ..khave coth ,g ta a i ccad i ut noe mu y, Taihe r encth r cepun '.a procît îforex- Empreass ugenie a constant body- guard ln the persûofe'a Corsican, wliose service (dates frein her own reiga. EHa "" her faiclifully at a distance co protect lier iife in lier freqirent waýk. WONeýEIEUL. Ples Cured Ln 3 to 6 Nights-Itching, Burning 5kim Diseases Relieved in Or. Agnew's Ointmc-nt wall cure ail cases of iteihing piles in froin t tree to, six niglits. One application brings ccsufort. Fer tuind and bleeding piles it la peerless. Aiso, cures tetter, sait rheum, eczeme, tarber's itch anad ail eru.ptieins of thse skin. Relieves in a dlay. 35 cents. ffl-d by Spott & Jury. GREATEST ALCUHUGL DRINKERS. A learned professer at Geneva, Swit- zerland, states thaL France drinks more alceliol annually tlian any other na- tion in Enrecje. Utis caiculatien is bas- ed on the Vercentage or aicoho liecIl- quors consumed. According te this stan- dard each person in France drinks 13 quarts of alcohol Ln many more quarts of wjnes, beers, etc., in the course of a Sear. How To Cure Ail 8kmn Deseases. Simiplv eppl , y"Swa.v-ncý'gOintment." No initernali nedicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, ail eruptions on the face bands, nose, etc.. leavîng the sikn clear, wh ite aend heaith, Jts great hcaling and curative uowers are-pos sess- ed bv noother rermedv. Asky~our drug- gist for Su ayne's Ointmnt. Lvnan Sons and Co, wholesaie Agents, 'Mont real THAT WAS ALL. You two aÉtoanneys Io ok like trotn- ers, said, the client to the partners in a) ]aw firmn. 33ut we are not, rep lied one. No, added the other. We are oniy brethers ini law. GOOD WOMAN-BAD HEART. When Could tlie Life of a Loved One lie More Uncertain Thlan Wlien At- tacked hy Heart Disease f-If You Have a Hint of il hlave Dr. Agnew'sj Cure for th.e lleart Always at Hland, lIt is the Only Romedy Which Can Rileve You in 30 Minutes and Cure THOS. HOAR'S LETTE& No. 24. Re-gina, thse capital thse North-West Terriiories, wiîli a population ot 2,200, as a distributing pejint toc the country fac nortli ccd aouth, Fe-id a branch lice i xtendEa tri iihere te Priocc Albert. fTic Executive Cooncîl et the N, W T.. embraces four districts--Asiniboi9, Alheria, 5eekachewan sud Athaheeca. SA i bulidings pertaiuinJ te Gîve-,nine-ct ai 1buBintss are grectard here, lHed quartera fti he Niirih- reet Monted rPoýice, numb riaag 800 men;, arc statieon- ed hére acd are, ettitues scarte-red river dirtrihuïitgp, pits te preere erder mij2, t ihe Indiansas sud laf-bre-ede Leavinp ibe capital, 1 go ahoard the train forlI dian Hesad. Ha-ce tc Bell ferm ce situated, coaipcieintg troi tuafity îo sîxty uhoiea.auid acres ot land, botitu ie uoe5 bpi i vaded lulua eralier faims snd seîld in arry stz d perti -e10 t it the percit-er. Ttc G îertlmcct Ex perimental Ferm here is une r tha> ablo maagpent u f Accus MeKay, E q, bruther At Mc. Wm. M.Key, et Bise marîvîlle. Acca mpauied by hina Wtt wurnt ner the farci compritinq 680 acres o c n1tl; L-i'ig soi], everything on itae place sh;iwin2 evîdeceetftb i;îg Welî masaaged. Roi-s, flowera, tmecs and shcois arce abuîdaIctitsud of weat, iharlry, qals and pa)tatees ýthrre are more uhan fiac;y or tltty varietios et wbich maliv buidru-ds etfe-implec are distributed tree every year. This -proves te bct a great buien te leî counîryý Wiih regard te the biildîtga there i> a place foc everythitig sud apt parently everytbing in ils paRceý. There is a fiue collection cf stock and in good conditioc I amc satistied tha-t n,, ilate cotirri eus snd alemaniager cutad be- focur.d ftir uch ai, iiecitoten, Here I visited thse fat as oet teefui mer B twtDnvile-boys-Mr. Wiilimson, ad il a Potiet H. Burk, Eq.. e-- M P. They bo h seçuns le le coulentt cd and prîtanere us in thait we te. n thnmes. Ai; the kin d in vitation oft fIiirnd Wtliiaîneýn e torik a drive te- cetbh-r of thir y miles iiri cgt the Qua Appelle Valley itlit is beiutiful Bee-i-ry, paealt;g laie sier laie uccii we cetee acroFs an uild li 'dmprk. a Hiadi3ocDBay tort, called Quea Appelle. Hiere a tescili as spracg up 'bat W fully able e ia ire cille, stores and uneci'sîic ai branches et lid;usty te scîply the nec de cîtthe coumi îy. About cena mile away is ai ladian reeervmtiGn where thie- 3000g luiîs are ttULh t 5 -1050ew;rtc cnd henie fferent branchesi rt echanîcal wrk. le is a perfect ber- hive and ferme a decenfaC e*zed town ot iteelf aud bas muchto edo ini sdvancing thcetia clilgeuce efthtie noble ' ed mmel. ludian Head te mmproving vety fIsLt Bîîsroiîîg train agaîn sud a riaiso'ft134 iile, 1 stop at ithu town ot Virden. This îuîwn wîîb a populationi ct 1000, as eîîuatcd on a biih gin plate-as u uplied euh 2044d aatEr, and the centre of a large wli1at gruau ng l'icaliiy. This îs the huan-îng rîne) for sild iieese, dockýs snd pi airie ch ckeîns anad the spor tir mec are kepitcsuy availinv 'irnselves ot the opportunity. Wî;h the corn- pacy we drive mny iîisi i ha country. Could theaoCotte ba hintsî,ne but see bew the cia-ricenccumbed iii rhe- irîng, they wîiuld sy M,,uit b-a sas a buntînci gcou;îd sure. Ai f -r iaiyeclt 1 think prairie diickiiîcaria tlýe meet delîcieus garrre fowl f ever b-ad the pleastare ot eîtang, Hareetîin le ever, tiresbirîg meauly. Týilt ork is lîurrîed Ibrouita eery qu ici, ttc-m 1500 te 2000 bîchlrlepor day. The average crop is tri ua 12 te 17- bubelis per acro and tlt wbe'at ia teîng dcswu int the elevat'îr8 by lice ticuas sud et buseeia daily and the pririe given tiokies tihe tarcaire. Travelljing through the country il is ensiv kpown tubera tbe wheaiiaitricts e uh y tbe cumbar of e!evalorg cnnnec(d with il e depît aiong thitrue of raiissy. My nexu stop is at Brandon, The cîîy bas iuipt-eued vary mnis sînca my aset visît itere. Bus;icee s8 abuonsnz Tic ccxt teau ta Caria rry, Four cew st4ira-, are I do- CM Ver New Spring G-oods at prices that wiýrl] astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to oî'der ~S8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest ai-d most attractive stock of lm- ported and Domestie Woolens ever sbowil in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. We carry fulll unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-maide Clothing'. Fine ordered Clothing a spccialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best, We have special vaines in TEAS. Fullilune in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantities at 3c. per pound. H 4mPTON. 'l'le tndersigm-d tiesireto thah k the arrners i We'st i)îrHmmtî for the liberal patronage extendcd to us during tihe pnst season, also to remnind them that we are stili in the mnarket and prepaî'ed to pay tha e HIGEEST MARKET PRICE F(0 R ALL KINDS OFC -.S delivered at our sterehouse cor. Kinog and Georite sreia. or ais Por ..-.... - --- -------

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