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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1897, p. 8

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This is the season when you waint Spices, such as Pepper, Ginger, Mace, Cloves, Mlustard, Turmeric, Allspice, Celeryj Seed, etc. Ours are pure and reliable. There are Soaps and Soaps and ail look pretty, much alike, but there are great diff ereuces. We hav e a pure Soap, nicely perfumed that wue are selliîîg' at peîr cake worth 10c. Use it and sa-ve money. 0e,,e This is the time when files corne into the house and are more annoying than at any other time. Keep them down by using R~ED FLY PAPER (double strength), also Fly Pads, Tanglefoot and 1nsect Powvder. J. Hîggî nbotham Son. Be WMAN VILLE. Chemiists and Diuggists.1 - 2 2 B ~ P ~ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 ~ 2 ~ jFeelsaI) sysow LEEMING, MILES & CO., AGENTS, MONTrft<AL [sa OatS-M this wiii eo be the case tvitj i',is S oet io±der. Wheu 2 fn le mieed a tonic the saine =at iave colaplete rest.E iks-Blood note how quickly bce viii pic ýem vJIi bcivagoi&ted. Iik îg-th'ened. so- that ail the is wn-frem thé food and lessof Wà Blood Purifier diliveâ ail parasites. In cows it gre of inilk. SCENTS A PACKAG haanmal whese al hom s lil rua as a Ra=. Often Pluriier 'ur~Bmà1; 1 ibe it whllbe required. out Bots, Wormns eanly inv.reases the $ Fandsomos t $stove $Eartli. 0 . Modern, Artistic, Efficient. The Crown Brilliant is thoroughly up te date, it is the finest appear- ing stovee-rer constructed anti is a perfect operator. It bas large aîr :Rues extending froni bottoni to top of stove and is fitted with large and con-renient oven. It is the most pewerful hentor e-rer put on the market. See it before bhuying. Be wmAN VILLE, Dusan I-ar Phone 74.1 We wiIl send Toronto Weekly Globej Mr. Wmn. Aung-er, Raydon, beats the to end of 1898 to aew subs for $1.00. record for large pears, having present- See those lov ely Quarter Oak Side- ed TuE SrATESMAN with one weighing boards at L. Morris', the newest and 16 ounces of the DeurreD'Anjou variety very cheap. which was grown on a graft on a Tai- The finest display of Dress Goods in man su cet apple tree the country and so cheap at the West End bouse, What It Is ? Messrs. MeClellan & Co., are paying the highest prices for grain delivered at It is a simple inexpensive Ointrent- at the Hlarbor. a curative lubricant- a valued remedv Flaunelettes-an immense stocks in that thousands Of people wouidn't 1ke ail qualities jast received at Couch, without for a day-a soothing healer for Johnston & Cryderman's. ahI inflammatory aches or painis in vour fine range of new Dress Braids. od-a uecrfrfotbis. rheu- Gimps and trimrning of al kinds at miatisin, Piles or aay kinds of acheý. It is worth thousands of dollaslit Couch, johulston & ryderman's. eft u oNfr2 n 0cs aS Some iron and brass bedsteads aiso a bottie and is called Trask's MUaL'netic very pretty lino of rattan chairs are sold Ointment.. For sale by Stott &' Jur'ý very cheap at L.Morris' furniture store. *druggists.1 PLY Campeni or, îrv- i n, T San GLASS J-LAI ILS' DEPARTMENT. JuGE-Ms.J ohii Lyle, Bowman- ville, Mis. Thos. Elliott, Hampton. bume-inade C-ohh, Mis M MeLean, Mis S Shephierd. Rlom -ronde Flannel, ail wool, Mis M Mceanài 1 and 2 Home-made Flannel, mixed, Mis M CARTWRIGHT PAIR. COMPLETE PRIZE Lîsr,. (Continued frein First Page.) CLASS A HORSES. JuTiEs-Chas. Elliett, Waverly; Fred Richardson, Columbus; Wm. Weîry Lifford. Draught Team, Anson Taylor, Stew- art 1100ey. Brood Mare and foal, dos. Campbell, Abert McGili. Two year old gelding or flly, Thos White, John Bartley. One year oid gelding or filly, Jos Campbell, James Rowan. Foal, Jos Campbell, l and 2. Ceneral Pur- pose Team, Jas Pari, T A Wright, Brood Mare and foal, Thos White, Isaac Whitfield. Two yeaî old gelding or filly, John Mountjoy, John Foîder. One year old geidino' or filly, John Bartley, Robt byland. Foal, Jos Forder, Robt Hyland. Carniage Team, Wmn Coulter, John Carscadden. Brood maie, Wilson Nesbitt, Thos Hooey. Two yeaî old eIding or filly, Isaiah Iîwin, Arthur Gibson. One year eld geldiag or fliv, Wilson Nesbitt, S T Ferguson. Foal, Thos Hooey, John Caiscadden., Single Diing Hoise 151 hands and over, Cee Nesit Jas Holmes. Single Dîiving Hoise under l1, bands, W Boe, Wesley Bradbura. Saddle Horse, Wm Swain, Isaiahtirwin. CLAS n CATTLE. JUDGES-W McGee, Janetville; Wm- Graham, Port Perrv. Milch Cow, T A Wright, John Wright. Two year chi beifer, Jos Campbell, T A Wright. CO year old boiter, T A Wright. beifei Caîf, T A Wright. Bull Caîf, T A Wright 1 and 2. bord, T A Wright. Grade Milch Cow, Jos Campbell 1 and 2. Two vear old Heif- oer, TWhitfield, T A Wright. Coneyear old Heifer, W Swain., Sam Beacock. beifer Caîf, Jas Parr, Anson Taylor, CLASS (t-SuR.. JUDeEs-Thos Graham, Scugog; John Martin, Raglan; Henry Allun, Crono. Cotswold Aged Ram, Jas Contes, Levi Skinner. Yearling Ram, Levi Skinner Ram Lamb, Levi Skinner 1 and 2. Ewes, Levi Skinner, Jas Contes. ShearlingEwes,H Pollon. Ewe Lambs. Jas Contes, Levi Skinner. Leicester Yearling Ram, Jos Campbell, John Wright. Ram Lamb, dos Campbell, John Wright. Two Ewes, dos Camp- bell, John Wright. Shenrling Ewes, Joseph Campbell, John Foidei- Ewe Lambs, John Wright, dos Campbell. Fine Wool Agod Ram, Thos Wood. Yearling Ram, Levi Skinner, Jos Camp- bell. Ram Lamb, Levi Skinner, Jos Ctmpbell. Ewes, Levi Skinner, dos Camepbell. Sheaîling Ewes, Levi Skia- ner, Jos Campbell. Ewe'Lambs, dos Campbell. CLASS D--5WINE, JUDGEs-Same ns Cattie. Berkshire Boar, J L Power, Thomas Swain. Sow, Nelson Mariow, Boar, under seven months, J L Power, Nelson Mnîlow. Sow, undter sev on months, T Whitfield, Frank Sanderson. Laige Breed Boar, J L Power, ýJ P Trewin. Sow, J L Power, J P Tiewin. Boni, under seven months, J P Trewin 1 and 2. Sow, under seven mouths, J fl Tre- wia. CLASS E-FOULTP.Y. JuDGEs-Same ns Sheep. Plymouth Rocks, John RplThes Wood., Black Spanish, Thot We'od 1 and 2. White Leghorns, John IlEundie 1 and 2. Dorkings, Wm Swaiýn, Thos Wood. Houdans, Thos Wood. Brown Leghiorns, John Rundle l and 2. Ham- burgs, silver spangled, Thos Wood 1 and 2. Hamburgs, golden spangled, Thos Woo d 1 and .2. Biahnas, light, Thos Wood, John Rundie. Brahmas, dnrk, Thos Wood 1 and 2. Black Min orcas, L C Taylor, Thos Wood. Silver Wyandottes, Thes Wood 1 and 2. Tur- keys, S Sheppard, Thos 'Wood. Ceose, Thios Wood, dos Campbell. Ducks, T Wood 1 and 2. Dezen laigest liens' Eggs, John Swain, T Whitfield, Mis Thos Wood. 1 LASS F-nAIRYPRaonUEu. Tub Butter, 50 lbs., Mirs S Shepherd, Mis. J Pari. 10 lbs, Butter ia Prints, Mis W C Ferguson. Mis S Shepherd. Bread, Home-made, Mis Jas Pari, Mis J Y McLnughlin. Dozen Ruas, Mis N Mailow, Mis J Y McLaughlin. Col- lection Cnnned Fruits, Miss Sarah Pari, Mis Monnet. Honey in Comb, G L Mc- Laughlin. Honey, strained, dos Camp- bell, G L McLaughliin. Cheese, Black- stock Dniry Co. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. JUDGEs-W Mountjoy, R Philp, N Mnrlow. Single Ligbt Hnrness, W Bingham. GLASS G-iIPLEMUÇTS. Doub le Wagon. C dolias, Jas Holmes. Cutter, Jas Holmes. Fanning Mýiii, Chas Jackson, Cadmus- Sewing Mach- ine, R McNally. GLASS I-GRAIS, FRUIT, VEGETAnLE S. JUDGEs-C. C. Kellatt, Port PerîY, Thos. Elliîott, Hampton, Jas. Carnegie, Port Perry, John Lyle, Bowmanvi]le. MeLean, Mis Jas Pair. Home-made Woolea Carpet, Mrs J Parr. Home, made Rag Carpet, Mrs M McLean, Mis W Bradburn. Woolen Blankets, Mis S MeLaughlin, Mis S Shepaprd, Cot- ton Coverlet, Miss M McLaughlin, Mis J Y McLaughlin. Woolen Coverlet, Mrs 'S Sheppard. 1 and 2. Gentlemain's Plaid, Mrs M McLean, Mrs W C Lat- timer. Ladies' Shawl, Mrs MeGregor. Fancy Quilting, Mis J Y McLaughlin, Mrs QJ Parr. Plain Quilting, Mrs J Pair, Mis J Y MeLaughlin. Gentle- man's Shirt, Mrs J Y -McLaughlin 1 and 2. Patch Quilt, Mrs J Y McLaugh- lin, Mrs MeGregor. Patch Work, Mrs Monet, Miss L Parkes. Knit Qulit, Miss L Paikes, Miss M McLaughlîn. Yarn Mat, Mis J Y McLauoehlin 1 & 2. Rag Mat, Mrs J Y McLaug4Iin 1 and 2. Stocking- Yarn, Mrs J Parr, Ms M McLean. Woolen Socks, Mrs McLean 1 and 2. Woolen Stockings, Mrs M McLean, 1 and 2 . Woolen Mittens, Mis M, MeLean 1 and 2. Woolen Gloves, Mrs McLean Berlin Wool or Worsted Work, raised, Mrs T Wood, Miss L Paîkes. Berlin Wool or Wor- sted work, flat, Mrs N Marlow, Mis Monet. Embroidered Braid Woik, Mrs J Y McLaughlin, 1 and 2. Crochet Work, Mrs J Y McLatughlin, Mrs Monet. Fancy Netting, Mis J Y Me- Langhlin, Miss I Parr. Fancy Kuit- ting, Mis3 L Paikes, Mrs Monet. Em- broidery on Musln, Mrs R J Bruce, Mrs McGregor. Bead Work, Miss L Parkes, Mis J Y McLaughlin. Wax Work, Mrs R McNally. Painting la Oil, Miss Parr 1 and 2. Painting la Wateî Colors, Miss Parr, Mrs R Mc- Nally. Pencil Drawing, Miss S Moore, Mrs A Beacock. Crayon 1rawing, Mis', S Moore, 1 and 2. Monochromat- ic DiaW!ing, Mrs J Pari, Mis W C Fer- guson. Seed Work, Mis J Y Mc- Laughlmn. Chair Scaîf, Mis W C Lat- timer, Miss I Pari. Paper Flowers, Mis R McNallv, Miss S Moore. Cotton Stockings, Miss L Paîkes, Mis J Pari'. Cotton Socks, Mis J Par1 and 2. Sofa Pillow, Miss I Pair, Mis R J Bruce. Log Cabin Quilt, Mis M Mc- Lean, Mrs J Y Mclýaughlin, Tuft Quilt, Mis N Marlow, Mis J McLaugh- lin. Lace Work, Mrs R J Bruce, Miss I Pair. Crochet Patteras, Miss L Paîkes, Mis Monet. Cr-azy Patch Work, Mis W Coniter, Miss I Pair. Pillow Shams, Mis MeGregor, Miss L Parkes. Faricv Bracket, Mis. Beacock, Mis J Y McLaughlia. Geat's Slippers, Mis McGegor, Mis Monet. Cufline Woîk on Mnslin, Mvrs McGregor, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. Outline Work on Linon, Miss 1 Pari. Miss L Parkes. Tinsel Work, Miss L Parkes, Mis M McLean. Teapot Cosy. Mrs RJ Bruce, Missl1Pari. Set of Table Matts. Mis McGregoi, Miss S Parr. Baby's Dress, Mrs McGregor, Mis W C Feirguson. Ottoman Top, Miss S Moore, 1 and 2. Kensington Painting, Mis J Pair, Miss S MooÈe. Ribbonette Work, Miss I Pair, Mis A Beacock, Daîned Nett, Miss L Paîkes.' Guipure Work. Mis Monet, 1 and 2. Sîlk Embîoideîy, Mis R J Brince, Mis W C Lattimer. -Table Scaif, Miss I Pair. Mis A Boacock,. Arescene Work, Miss 1 Pair, Miss S Moore. Toilet Set-Botties and Cush- ion, Miss S Moore, Mis J Pari. Foot-* stool, Mrs W Bradburn, Mis R J Bruce. Sideboard Cover, Mis J Pari, Mh-s J Y McLaughlin. Maciame Cord Work, MYiss L. Paîkes 1 and 2. Set Toilet Matts, Miss S Moore, Miss 1, Pari. bandkerchief Satchet, Miss S Moore 1 and 2. Whisk bolder, Miss S Moore, Miss I Pair. Collection of Ilouse Plants, MisRMNailly 1 and 2. Lamp mat, Miss S Moore. Miss I Pari. Cro- chet Quilt Mis F Rawken, Miss L Parkes. lieced Qujît, Mis A Stephens, Mis J Y McLaughlin. Ladiesý IJader- clothiag-, Mis W C Lattimer, Mis, MieGregor._______ TORTURHD FORE AS *'lrsated by the Disease iPiles. One Vaus, Oft Sieepiessness That Can Be Readily Overcome. WillIam Watt, ýSaratoga Springs, N. Y., als: 1, the subseriber, belngfor tiftY Years a resident of the tlwaof Sarala N.Y., do certi'y that 1 have beoin fur mnny ye'ars afflcted wdth the pilles. For months I get ne rogular sleep, I became cemipletely piestrsjte, the doctors did me ne gaod. on no- ttcing an advertisement of Dr. A. 'al' Magnetic Ointment, 1 at once 'procu'red a twenty-five cent battle, and used t as dîrectedand Ît has off ected a perfect cure, I have net languagete lexpresls my feelings of gratitude te the do.0tor feor 'is invaluabie Oia'ent.' I Weuld say te thoso sufferiag. with the, ea - eplaint, 'Try this remnedy, and1 yeu Wih net be disa.ppe4atIl 1 1We Have SoId A large number of Suits, Overcoats and ulsteis Iately and ar e new showiag uncomparably the best ýbtoek we have ever owned, See us for your new overcoat or suit and we will make the price, style and quality nil interest you. WeH2lue SoId - heaps of Idnderweai, oui stock in this line is very extensive, ribbed and plain, Scotch and Canadian union and allwool, ail the leading lines in~ reany qunlities and sizes, we ouglit te be able te suit yen in underwear, alsp oui stock of bats and Caps seemn to meet the popular demand. Ties, collars, gloves, sox, shirts, etc. are ail in demand and oui stock îs very complete and see our Gent's furnishing depaîtment for your new suit, n full range of the very best imported worsteds, and heavy black stripe pantings to match our pricces are the mest favorable for ordered clothiug. We Have SoId- 25 per cent more boots and shees this fail than last, se far, and we expect a stili fuither increase in sales, see our fine line of b(ýý'js and shoes, rubbers etc. whea buying. Diy Ooods. -- WE HAVE SOLD se many Ladies Cents züready that we have had te order a fresh supply, these are beirig manufactured for us, just the style we want them, and wili surpa s ail former goeds in style and value. We haýve seme snaps in inantle cloth, comprising Tweeds, Curîs, Beavers etc which ar-e much below the regular price, anieng these are a number of nemnants, plenty in themn for childs cents, we seli these at about haîf price. WZ~ ~E~JTESOLID moro Gloves and besiery this season than everZbefore in cerresponi- ing time, there is a reason for it, it is that we are giving better value. We now seli a Ladies heavy wool hose for 15c, a splendid heavy ribbed line for boys at 2octs' a rice fine close knitted hose for 65cts a pair, ibis is fully equal te what you usually pay 35 or 40 cts for. In Gloves we have several special values, one box assorted lot 5c a pair, -a splendid cashmere Glove regular 250 kind we are iunniug these as an advertisement for 2o cie. WE ELATESOID n great nmany watches this fall, Watches are costing more than they used te, we bont.,-ht up a lot when they werc Iow, w.- are selling- them Dow at the old low pric-cs, it won't lnst long. Caîl and sée us anywny. ee s DllhessîofOford Ranges - For Coal or Wood. BowmANVILLE. In these >Ranges are comabieot ail the impiovenients known te modern Range construction. The Countess of Oxford Base 13urner with this steve we eau assure the highest resuits combined with the largest measure of eeonoîîîy. Fitteti with the celebrated systelu of bOT AIR CIRCULATING FLUED which draw the cold air from. the floor of the room. into the stove,mak- ing every steve a deuble heater. -' Caîl andi examine these stoves every oeeof whièh is guàÏanteeti. cî We aise carry a fullli ne of Stoyo Pipes, Elbews, Zinc, Steve Board(is, Scutties, etc. Estimates for Furnace Work pr- pared. Stoyes put up. EdsaII & Co. . Quick's Blocak, As our Boot and Shoe Stock has been the talkz of the public as being the best in West Durbam, we are bound to sustain our reputation. We have placed in stock for H Fail trade a complete assortrnent of best goods from best manufacturers and our H best endeavor will be to give every custom- - er the best value obtainable iu all kinds of ~ Footwear, Trunks, Telescopes, Bags, etc., Hand the best makes of Shoe Polish anci the vert, best of everything kept in the best Hequipped and best conducted, shoe stores. H CalH .and inspect. Grocers due "bills and checks taken as cash. JOHN HE"LL'.YAîR, H BO\VMAN ILLE. The Palace Shoe Store. Tho Mason Oo. ý, A large number of barreis of' coal oil durisg the first ten days of October, but stili have a big lot to seil, get our pr<,es for a barrel as we are anxious to make room, also about 150 sugar barrels complete we want to get out of the way -which will seil at ten ce'nts each or Il 'for $1, a lot of' lard tubs and pails, candy pails, dry goods and boot and Shoe cases, we want themn away, price accordingly. To arrive this week a crate of special values in Crockery, also Gem Jars, al) sizes. Five Barreils, Til.Aonburg pan dried iRolled Oats just in. IIIM Stott & Jury, Bowmnanville. APPLFES WA'i'IED. 1 ain now buying for e,,àporttinga-ýnd cider purposes ali'Liîuds of'bOlind apples large or small, sw-cet or sour--I aii maIýe use of them aIl. I will also payv cash for farmers'clriel apples, delîeed n anviLe. J. R, FiNELE. 37 - 2m.

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