"t TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNuPA. OUR TOWN A"D COtTNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWýARDS., M. A. JAMES, Edlit or ani1 Proprietor. NpEw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1897, OIM LI .No. 44. Flower Pots! Cold weather is just here. Your out door Flowers will require to be placed under shelter, we have the pots to put them in. Ail sizes and prices from one cent each up. Fine> New Raisins just received. Our Grocery Department is stocked with goods of the highest grade which our trade demands. China Cups and Saucers a line' of nice serviceable poods at haîf price. Call and see them. New Toilet Sets. New Dinner Sets., Our Crockery Department is noted as being the largest and best in this district, giving you a large assortment and, good value. We will be pleased to show you oui stock. Produce taken. GHIMA HALL, Bo'wmanville. YOIJNG & 00., The- Grocers., ,After You, Secure your Furniture at M. D. WILLIAMS & SON'S your best and cheapest place- to do so is at their ware- rooms.Wife will be pleased with what you buy from us; oui goods and prices ~ z3uit ail classes, lv. .WILLIAVS &SON. BOWMANTILLE. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Undrtainga1waYs recOives Prompt anî,,personal attentiond %y SaIes," Wlth Hood's. I aiT Aula, Il<Sales Tai,â m l ishow that tit .Medi- cine ha. enjoyed pubilcconfidemi2. and patronage ta a greater extentthanà accord- td any other propriotary medi aine. This 1îe mlmply because tposeseegreater meit a nd produce greater cure@ than ally ether, IL là Dot what we Bay, but wb'at Hood's Sareaparilla does, that telle thse story. Ail advertl.ementa of Haod'u S&ÊrjaparIilla, like Hood's Saosaparûla It- rei banest. W. have neyer cleceived tihe public, snd thle wlth its superlative mefficinai menlt, la why thse people have absdlzng confidence ln- IL, and ýbuy , Hood 's Sarsaparilla(' Al1most ta tii. exclusion of ail aLlers..Try Mt Prepamed euly by 0. 1. Heod & Ca., Lovel, Maso. Ho~ds Pus ar lieonly take MiR- IIOAR'S LETTER.' the best Canadian, . No. 25. *The appearance of Winnipeg with a~n iManufacturers in (JItule ati<vîty et its citizeus 15 like that et tnd~~~~~~ Be esinalsze, h Am)erican chies. No great increase ind Bevers n allsizet'Iuew buildings duriug the' nast Ssummor 1eli.i apparent, nievertbeless a largeamount ini ropniring anti beauti- f\îing bhas be 1en doue te buildings. Very ~ lrg suusarebengexpenleti en t.he s ~streets gratiing anjti rvlig owing tIhlsetnsfetitýýS si.Fort Garry, ;)-.tvb the Hudson BaY Compnuy, id hbas beeni preseutedti t the c ity as'a jub- icgi i,,iif t aniid the conucil is isîow repair- Silig the same te hant tewn te the ris- ion gencratien as a relie et by-gone da s.- The fCire bell gave au alarm anti fCoats ever shown in w s au o)[-[timer, 1 hurriet te the lire y lay inWestDurhm wsHiutan invita tien, carrying ont the y lay i Wet D rha oýî aage"Nover teoidtoteleamu." il1 do herseif an injutce With twoteamers anti cheiuicals lu Justice nutin for a shiort time il was bard te .r stock before buying. saývwbh was g-eing te ho, victoriens. cash ' o soonecr dît thIe firemen get master ýn as cah ,' othe siuaýti(in wbeu the second alarn ~Wseundeti ýanti thiero- was a stampeto slure .Tho ,ppýr fiat was bumnet eut dnlar., sundeti forth, but 1111 x~ tte taagewas doue. Bv the 11111 p îeiîct1 hre are firebugs lu this ýý1m fï cnt-0 as Mfin othecities., Thle mnrease et its population froyn %vi bcm v bho tya rilu et41-',; mik lesndu- ____________________ e a h tqaters et thýemn 4,i) Il, This, city is improviug fast, ow- îagte its being n tistribu ring peint fer t:ho uiîies which are Iroîn live te 100 ileis' access by waggon rond or by semrou the Lake ef the Wloeds. Thie l(thodists arc building au elegant ehhebre whose foundations willl novr gve ayfor it is toundeti oua t1(th ferr.y for Keewatin wlbere T h îs , rI('.Isdaiiy. A ver *y large building is proAInt for crushing minerai ore et W e %et;k 4iiehthousands tonsr aat iscompletion. HoeeI came lu coin- 11iy-ý hceeoetmy cempaulous et bey -- ATu l(aswben Bowmanvîlle was sur- unoîby ntural forest-Mr. Fletch- or, whe is now mail collecter anti town MaaiA SON1 & SON'S. . Taking train, a mun of 293 miles 'f)oi,,htmetoFort William-popula- ion front 2000 te 8000-a raiiway divis- îinial peint wlth ropair shoý; aise a Ladis' C ats.1 Jag(ýsbipping port. The C. P. R. L adjes' Coats. very large elevators anti It is We attribute the groat suceess marveilous te sec how quickiy cars are wo bave expericnced in the sale eof îioaticd. Cars carry froni 600 te 1000 Ladies' Coats te, the tact that we arec, h1ptsli nine cars fuls the space for uni- shewiug only the latest fashions, ail iaîu.The cemimant us gîven anti ~vry car is unloadet lu the short spae et which are this Senson's inake-- svi minutes. The C. P. R. is now ne olId Coats-which we are sel ling bu1ilting t- romu eue of its finit desigus in 25% iower than the same quality eit iant, a steel elevator which wili ro- î Uîre fromu 4000 te- 6000 tons et steel te garmnts oreeverbefoe oferei &ompete ils construction. This will lu Bowmanville,. 'ave iinsurance. Capaclty fromt ene te 1two million bushials. 1 next take the olcrecar for Port Artbur. No more D ress G oods. c),an(titul sigbt couit ho fount for a iy New Plaids and Novelties.-Our Itis cievation overlooking the waters sales in this department have prov.- beo01w ou the shoreofe Thunder Bay. 1 cd animmese srpris. Deon- xt go aboartioee etthe Beatty Lino ed n imene srprse.Demn-sta1shîps, the Mouarcb. The strating the tfact that our method et Monjare isi a flue goiug steamer. every- buying only the latest, and nover tbigtroughout shows cloanliiuss, at- repeating patterns, is acceptable o e10o ant civility. Passiug down the Ladies,and that they appreciato1,tbrough Lake Superier, the largest our enerprie in teir bhlake1'Cetffresh wator knowu lu the werlt our eterprse inthei ba îf. ,We beiug- over 400 miles long, a mun et 24 respectfully invite your inspection heurs anti wc reach the Sanit canal. ot our Dress Geetis, Time et o passing througb the canai, 15 minutes. Owîng te a dense tog wc mc- ma(winet at Sauit Ste. Marie over nigbt. Men' Furishigs. At the dawn et meruîng we steani Thisdepatmeu is ow cmploe ludow the river passing isiant atter is- evhrs teptaieertiug thcme eest-laut with their beautful sceuory, anti evut popuaic-Haerts ntieCaps Tc.s tteraiun et50 miles, we emorgie into Ct olarSbisSocks ndrCap,raes, Lake Huron-a ruu et 25 heurs fronu ColarShrtScksUnerwarBrice. ilthie Soo anti we liarbor at Sarnia. Overcoats, Overails, Smocks, ant i _AoLaviuig this port I take another steam- Robes. Young menu xviii always h ide ?, - onte t li ie. as somctbing new lu this tepartment. tg euteS.Carrvr as ,11g th;;itugh Lake St. Clair anîd atter a rua eto i60iruiles the barber et Detroit, TailringMich., is reachet. To give an outlile Do you want an elegant anti peect o iiictyw d ho usoless as it is se fttiug Overcoat or Suit, mate iup bY e--- 1wllkuown anti nckuowlotged as oe et1Uncle Sam's most iovoly cities. This peîcet workmeu in the latest tasieo leteiyffhcatrb h We guarautee to, save yen from i $2 te - 1(dstetetyfthcptrbte ou ~ ~ ~ ~ v snb arius.watriug bey. ,on uchgarnent. Dotroit, Oct. 15, '97. T. HoAR. Grocers' due bis or Butter anti g$ e uo werofweafiri he taken as cash.W ýïwhrofwafrm he ive state that Ayer's Piils,talzeu prompt- ma ~ iy,-JJtthe lrst symptomus et coltig anti ~ V ii so n foyers, arrests furtber progress et these S.a . a ' n ersia s ý(ed'I~y estore the stomach, livQr, ani boweis, te flidir One toor East of Standard Bank, normal antiregniar action. DISTRICT NEWS8. Be"lieville" is borinig for petroleumui.. 1). Wood, Fraserville, is homle troin Manjiteba. Caiphelîforcl curlers will bild a rink te cost $2,500. Deer are very pieutitul in 'North Hiastings district. AI 100 sbeep 'have been kilicd lu the viciuity et Lindsay. Dr. Powcrs is a possible candidate for May-ýor ef Port Hope. Eva;iugelist MoedY beld meetings -in Peterboro iast week. Joseph W. Cryderman, Norbani, died October l6th, ageti 71. Rev. Dr. MeDiarmid preachet inl Port Hope last Suuday. Miss Kate Carveth is now assistant lu Milbrook post office. Mr. R. Ritige's only danghter, Ponty- pool, was marrieti Oct.23. The gate rcceipts at Warkworth fair amounttedti t nearly $600. W. T. Donaldson, C. C., Cavan, has retumucti from Manitoba.,1 owl oet ilrokA. D. Ciapp, portrait painter, Bright- T. Cowau won lst prize ou single driyer at Centrevilie Fair. Miss Ida Brown, Buffalo, us guest et Mrs. Cee. Duncan, Miiihrook. F. 0. Myers, Kingstou,coverecd 7,6000 miles ou his Wheei this seasen. Carmel tea in Cavan realizeti over $75. Roc. C. E. Cragg, pastor. Belleville Council grauteti $100 te ltire sufferers in Russell anti Prescott.. Durhami Lodge ef Oddfeliows, Port Hope, had an At Home iast niglit. MNr.Isaac Beacock, Cosarea, lias pur- chaseti a resîdence in Port Perry. Mr. Geo. J. Rowe, Coîhorne, had a valuable Cocker spaniel poisoueti. Rev. J. J. Rae will lecture at Cratton Nov. 5'on "People with eyes open."' Rev. Norman Russe]i1, returned mis- sieuary from ni ti, is at Millbrook, 11ev. Ccc. B. McLeod, et Newcastle, preachet in Millhrooli last Sunda. The hrickwork or the new surtmer hôtel, Coro's Lanting, is coinpleted. Mrs. J. T. Finkie, Belville, visited Mrs. 13 Gummer, Norham, recentl « . A Port Hope mari is like a prieumlatic tire his wife lias te blow him up seotften. Treasurer Heaiey, Port Hope,, bas resig-neti anti J. D. Smith succeeds hlm. Mr. P- J. Whitney, Conservative leader, wil spcak at Millbrook, Nov. 3. Mr. R. W. Clarke arrivet home te Milhbrook fromn Halifax Satutrdav week. -Rev. A. C. Courtice, B. P , preacliet for Rev. L. Phielps, M*ýi[lbrook, Suuday. M1iss da MeLean, Tomante,aiiis ing thleir son. Rv .CebWlo Mrs. Br,jck PtiiNwovle i itet Miss Pl. J OlIiver,Mililbrooký, irecent- 'y. Mr. A. Tambî.vu. Oreno, had seven thoro'bret sheep killet bydogs vaiued at $60. Rev. Rural Dean Allan, Millbreok, is crippieti, a broken needie rau inte lis. foot. Partritige andi ducks are very scare in Peterboro ceunty, partritige especial- iy se. Rev. F H -. Howard teck part ilu'the Epworth League ConvQntieu at Wel. coune. Mr. and Mrs. Ge. Cooni, Hampton, wvere recent guests et Mr. E. Cox, Col- berne., Ensigu Peers and wif e, Bqrre ,Vt., are now efficers et Salvation Army, Ce- bourg., Hlood's Pis are prompt, efficient, always reliabie, easy te take, easy te operate Rev, W. A. Hunter, D. D., Toronto. a Cavan boy, is going te California fer bis healtb. Mr. Chas. Perry, Whitby, was fluet $50 anti costs for selling fîquor on the Garden City.' Rcv. A. R. Linton, B.D., et Port Credit, eccupiet the pulpit at Piainviiie iast Sabbath. East Durbami Agri culturai Society bias a nice surplus alter payiug piizes anti expenses. Ceunties' Councl spent last year $124 for repairs ou the goal, uew eavetrougb- ing anti plumbing. Pestmaster anti Mrs. Vance, Mill- brook, werc guests et Mr. A. T. Elliott, Beaverton, receutly. What a glorieus couutry is Canada! Whero wiil yen tint a botter climate, and less dirawbacks? South Monagbau Agricultumai Soci- ety's exhibition at Centreville, Oct. 8, was a grand success. Many peopletecok advantage et the recent*excursion te Bracebritige, Mid-. landi anti ether Ncrtbemn points. Mrs'. Joseph Jones, astieLOen, died suddenly of heart falilue. Always avoid harsh purgative pis, They tirst tuake you sick 1a hen leave 'yoiecnstipated. Carter's Little Liver *Pis regulate the bowels and make you well Dose one pili. Mr. dos, M. Bail, Cartwright grew two monster Rural New Yorker pota- toes measuring 18xl1l juches, and weighing together 31 pounds Mr. Bal thinks the 'v will be hard te beat, andi we thiuk so too. Do net snffar from sick headache a moment longer. It is net necessarv. ( arter's Little Liver Pis wiii cure voh. Dose, onie littie pili. Smnall prisee Small dose. 5mai] pili. Judge Gaynor, Broolyn, N. Y:- Four inches of space in a uewspaper is more effective than a public meeting in promiotinig any good cause or over- tiîrowinig a bail eue. Torrents oet min fell We(iesclay uight and Thursday was se dark that the fac- tory, shops and bouses had ligbts buru- in.- inost of the forenoon. 'Electric lighls were aise shinino- on the streets. Tuhe oldest inhabitant âoes net recail so darký a day, Iu many cases,the first work of Avers Sarsaparil]a is te expelý the effects et the other medicines that have heen tried ini vain. 1it mw oulti hoa saving eof time and morneY if experimenters took A ver 's Sarsapariila utfirst instcad ef at last. During the past year 199 persons were committed te Cobourg goal, 162 maies aud 37 femaies. The nationalities were. Eiigqish 28, Irish 28, Scotch 5, U.,S. 5, Canadiauis9l. Religions denominations: Roman Catholic 14, Church et England 47, Presbyteriae 34, Methodist 58. 75e had been married, 50 were victiras et intemperancg, and 34 were illiterate, being unable te read or Write. FACT, FANcy AND FABLL-Have con- vin]ced pecopie that Punam's Painless Cern Extractor should be given the pretecrence Cret rid et your corus; get rid et theni without pain; use 1Ptnam's Extractor and ne othier. Now is the titue te give back yards a good tail cleaning Up. Pull dowin the old vines and dig up the decayed reets, ralke over thie earth and lowerbeds,rake, over the i% ole yard, clean ont negleet- cd corners and remove ail rubbish trom yotur prendfses. Cet evcrvthing doue betore coid, frestY weather sets in, and .ou will ho surprised te sec how neat N-our vard w ii llok in the- winter, and how much iess work tiiere is te do lu the Spririg. Besicles Wfis healthy te have dlean promises A Mîcn-oBecfs WoiiK.-A m icrobe is aibout thle srnallcst thing e meets in a dlay's journey, but it cani more hnarm fer its size thaýýn aniythin- ..oiwn. ]Bousq, pimples, etc, ar'e simpIy nicrobes intheý * ski wlch case iritaibedoiis- oreu f uot sopt tonce: and 1it is "1Quiekeu1re" kýijj lîs he iirobe iTmmedi. aeyatter application, antiauy sore heals rapidly where Qýýuickcure" is useti. The residence etf1-ev. Geo. Xebber, 101 Bloor street, Toronto, Oct. 20, was thc scene et a pret-ty but quiet wedding, when bis eldest daugeiter became the wife of Rev. S. A. Snell et Rodney, The ceremnur was conducteti by Mr. Web- ber, 1kv James Allen assisting. The bridesmaiti was the si stcr of the bride, Miss Bessie Wclbher, anti Bey G. M. 1-Jazel ef Stratlîroy acted as best man. The bride was gewned lu daiuty gre en cloth travelling diress. Thecbridcsmaid 's costume was of blue silk. with lace as ribbou trimmings. After the recept- !on Mr and mi. Snell lftI for INew York. Mauy SEATESMAN readers wish them much jey, Seine nmen are af raid of deatis, somue are neot. ,Mest et us 'weuid rather flot ineet tihe gnsn destroyer te- day. WVe wauld rather put it off until to.snor- row, or until next, year. Mere wishes do, net counit for uxucl i jf the matter. A niani niay net »want to die.t lHe nay net waist toi be sick. He may wishei and hope and pray! that heé'will flot bei eue or do the other,' but wishing and hoping wqnt help him.i It is what he doe,and net what ho! wmishes that serve his pur pose. if a mani is losi i g, flesh, aird is nervous, irritable,!i ieeplt . î and debilitateti, he may. ýish he! would jýet vieil, bilt oui bottie of Dr. Pierceis Golden e icàl Discovemy willi do more than an ocean et wishes. If ai main is on the way to consumption, hel shoulti make a stop as qiieckly as pos-j sible. He shoulti put' on brakes. Hel needn't be afraid he has censumtption ifl he will do the right tiiing-if be will! just take the riehtîmedicine. The "Gold.- en Medical DisLeovery"' cures incipient! .and wellI developdcnsmtenMo- (p A1;lý.