PI yr lier I aaaaaaaaaY W 4 ~'hwndtnYttA r'dea womn, Gd basa oaI laQurertos Tn ol. a ndrmIervnLnc flle Lt nanLaNDa flr-of t 'hru *h4jJ4fi . t2 ---se t=*n ? Fut- _e___ z0mSpatie berists Lodon E-zlaa. hd nttt shu thm-t se aPg5' flhaiflmr't1 loii-liere _ct ave t; t, z rnC nriv n h la__ 4 -of "v rasd h ldan awtor yigrZseysstred m.e s n s ait; afma srveratacLr. r --- -a ,i-ieOI C I T O R'-o. M-1-'-sa-- -t 1~4U'1izC11Vt QUALIIÉS UNitimustsu. _ t t- t- - InQate-endTn eî. l n shLd calemd the y e oses; ,The nt etutem auta hilmfol- 2. irec ht irsitatn tntsliinmm SodicitJAMES t e nPPS & G.,Lmte, leBadnlytkhu i e e-nd e ean d h et. rn as. wPeo ite Aurh, ban tte r n hitu eeas- trvae M o es s end henE l ao d Lat l-d ont s utth ta -toe su agan thi Y½ Y e h ti kl dmti suF lid e alli tobe, odease in exiing he a oeeathc 4rGflt rotem. k a littumefte leving ber, i a ey"e lonsteateesaroxyms eosb tlower-struwn Audrey'sanloveltesLar, andaLad nethi.ngpteeI bai b-irf , ih4o- 'car osin t oucr"h" le pr e orssh ir"of fj fn gh tion o vri oonst qt o i sr qr urnesanaAestuece. wnnisuien ngo. -- abssBark. w ineenceivablAde.Y te sliert fmetherfl.1whic<nditactirusualonlfstshaslngas - » RElE aonatshsrimslavesHeI Then tofieyegeni'asawsast eman ossthtethe oure anyadti airoue et î, B AlbRISTER, SrOLIGIm.TOR, t. iMOl cUs wee on trses, ter lgthr as hat e olan a nw ha a"en" en.Epeinume tabtest BLs egtairil pi te llStreet. Eow'es-anweulie ed te m, d they over- lot hrn.Adaaadac dtMaea rrwa knse riats ae as vill. Soleior fi- hs Oter Ban tlwud n t thetabe wbrewithandpeLse ias ha wteb Layd aedI pceîîyt oe d ae mte bs ndiiul s-' Yktelevas orneleplonet aill Uts b voyowre ats îcr elag bae h let- Ofthe ptare ting. li e tars inwar ee ase. Fehr Ldanmikrsn BORT, TOUNG, V. s. Cnmsae n l ew ed gee, e en tp sa et Hehld d, and rlld i .lamp e nd arsein i swall-paer ae self Tberthrcbaokse secencof-alaed. antng ad Qft himoecemnaot iret - - FFC 1 lEWS URMwh, s -i-w icarrÙ0sing tnd, îaanfdf i e--------- tsn-t' ivungt -a- lm ptat hanhd 1 rtants. f umrso New Elck.whee hmeuf o asisantAnday Ic weeest.eErey aild ene wll e go. estlesanoe ath nat hrg iect rerione te ernsvI iII1I R .l efomdfE in A Tin, teS a igltl t le e ld su ea d r a r pota han tdtu i e tan e nl t et i rthe ly aIfys d at ee Pdist n te h o g q ~ q , q ~m i , , u, i y'olegaph otehoe wiil i -eei erm theru scare tl mores.dec a thtfber pae e pac, H e rlte lt i e A tcc s & as xn ay b Magdiebcbt pttom veyh rerindLmatun im ndoirgdglns sapr le nesrvek" Gentlemen'sOohsMd 4Ore1oa,1l a le u-fufltYena ewiea il{i' h xesone pcs ugr J nbdedvvauch cfttc;Wo -n11 thec ±: krkew-husnseit ure,,d. mn asau shaaiie o r sr% - Isjiih -. - P ~~~~~m- ýa foolcf hl ,-114 p h -a icuer'cdcre.F- :1~~~ ,~~~ Ln-a.s~lertd marriage. -.Dtse a -NŽ h ee Bin eýLavsei" '-r-da thrtl-atre4uant arnong the.~c~ DEN-TIST. And . -. .-Dring e- et oa vstl envar ert .agents in the production et paroxyýsme' Ardoesraiwne vessaiOneund. Four1,o1v-fair sea w! Ilier fa(e au -ef asthme are' wîaLtare caîpîed x New Sn)rina Cooulat-re-Qfh wl toxCc,,d uiceSut ill(jj ratonisb yo- #ïÏî41Uthouicearcf 2iifnrs.4 aR-.ur ne s epu o i D î LInFurves o!ner r, rt e ht '.'-' 'n'" BuCew s d e mig a d h as-o- 1ntcameWÙ V oohtm.in dretaetiieatit I-'1-'c--" o r t - a d - orci oo en er is?.uu, ing e rp 111 BOirete ai.no ms in'y hae nei mark eas r tkn ür te îll ain n+ o m ~f-a c. - i at i-a t e D y e R ses en A i- hatla ec n ts' rfl e d n tP hr i-,LUuisuf l ie flofdte searchud t l o Ijiana. Ste came in wth an apeolgy erwards te remember in iiat iLs7limmedbiate that a curaet the dieaso I1ooug in the best market for SPOT CASH. j -_# u .miîj- J _t Lb -1±tcaon Rsit r rr!tiaOnly knew that lsh&had 1bean witi hmI t btsOtn remaciied. Clothino' Fine redCltigascaty et bis dînîng sithI lier, and nette Pin e.sleeping as wNaking thresighîle nîghtc. orre Cotigapeity there te recel-e Ibm!1 But it was maex- The air, and tLe liglit et day, hwvr; SliAMPOOTNG THE RAIE, _ - eusubl-inexcusable, She Lad ladan cîearedsd g Ou rHG roce ryaDe part ment afternoon isobrin. le Epet a mrnîn Tp>keep the scalp dean end sweat, V ru o e y D p rm n - atteroon etdaluty-just that; diy witl DianÉa, and, by the time e La si-asth J auryîer. Eîrt te trasme awsittin[g opposite tehIm at lnh lie te ver-sucretbons efthte glands, that - yer people, and thon île truetees, axtd cod vless tha situatien calmly, and, is te atudadutadcl cuu Is w'ell equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as eheap as thc frmattolainetmsomet a eung weman eauthat Lis lappineslay bu tha db(lrec- lutions et tereign matter which tend 1ebeapest andi "as g-ood as the test. W aeseilvle nTA frntAnoiuta' bot ertrusea.tienL e was taking. Ner wes le con- te clog ,un Aeprs hud ecv-Pl ioinPtn iie tpplr prie sSiphvauin quaisý WIat a business marriaea as! And escores,îy seltisbcarI - tîetact t îaing san treugbit le parted wbth. biaan akc fully reruoved. Thlis lest accomplislhi battue did neteaese maltersaet al!L omewarde. t was a tite e osas The ad by the intelligent and systamatie at 3c. per pounti. Cemplicated tIent, Aylmar euggested. rosas in,a flewaer-shop cauglit]lis atten-1 use ofthîe slamupea C. HARNDEN, IL. D. S. Cemplicatud tIent, sîe agread. tien. TIey tilaed tLe window.T "l'm gîvîng yen a lot et troubla I'm lie feund hineaif in tLe sbep. le Lad taere is ne set raie as te tLe nom- Graua t te RyalCeleg O!Denal frad, Luaaî, silig.beon ettracted hy rad roses, yt la the bar et wasbhinga whi 'h tLe scalp sliould Singeons, Outario. There was tl eLene sentiment ln Ibis and il was wite'roses L lse.leL-rc-eiag-nlm;muhdpde HMTN E OPOSTEE PES OFIC-flmariae.Liae ad 'goidandgraan liai-ad tact Mimada iis coLe iy laz- -on tleamount et dandrutf and the te resta;-' Aylmar lad spent lis gold, erd, IlieugI new hae sometinses wnes VITALIZED AIR. and thu petential cutting et certain It mayLe thaï soe thonglLI tAd condition efthle scalp. A sbampeo ai--_____ ______ abuti heeraetymsepLad Abrouî e' nature bfluencea him. sry second or tourte waek, bewever, tIo__ Taiorabot Leenggeen. LdyAymer li tok uta crdanpaea.-bat abselutuly necassary for those wbo are ~lin-n Ld pprîups a band ln the imalter, te eay ? Ris lovaili? Leiatd ndtrubeawil anrut ovv NrJL.L¶JjJ wlen she askad the cemely widew ef te-l - "For au --ltg sn. h£ e Fentauebrînk ir trunton etflxroad t Lreat gave Ails directosast Lsjnin,-Thse habit et sousing île lead daily 4 Theundersi -ned whe Sase been. earryînig on te the Reup te meut 1er sôn. and leftI îLe sîp. in celd water le net enly insotcin the tailering busines ln connection w'th 'Ail thaï will laye te go" aIe said Trsay ae atrraîdln u undesi nbcss e î Masons ryGod Soe oranubrfare eaday te Sire. Granton- and si-ai-ad H-ePOpened iL caraleesly, not recego esnta L erads'l r e lias enonnd buisiness fer hinsaîf et hglis er banda tewarda a Wood on îLe hli.nglIahnwrtn. iMînge-reaso httehi n!sýI r û residunce, Ring St., west. whera ha te prepared lItre. Granten dw'- eyebrewe i . to make gants'and boys' soite tn ail the latesi Aie. da o w raisea ler yebows tightened suddanly uon tLe Sheet. proerly cared fer at terward. T 'he undersîo'nled'desire to th'uîk Oie farruer "1 -1LWeltIuhn styles, and at loweet prices. For those whe ayo tolater driving bhouh-Iput y roses on hboa rer- wrota Te shampee prOperly requires tiret a frteotna h esn ampesmal is nwus pttrn. ibe hm ar-a acoplaetma wîLneu-ooka weuld have leved thant se." the Lest; bat if Ibis cano ben - aise to remind then that we are etîl] in the market ïanti ~J. T.A LE carnage s it paased; and ste obsrvet d & - d pore, any good onscented seap wilil prepared te puty thé Xymrsface, tee, as le raturnedtbair A trnly élegant teste is generally d h l-u Fashienhie Taillersaut, with a wevaetfbis wîip. accentpanfied site excellency et heart. d-Te icue et green seap or île ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Lady Ayinir caught, perapsug t, Fildng. tinctre of prepred lie-sep issme- -H I GH E S T M A R K E T P u CE ber eye and sîghed. ________tintas used FO -mr..srrrrTOT4~5AT tsaI oevenin r.GalnwsîeIf the scalp is very sensitive, borax T V.tJNfl TI JL LN, firite e uenfront dressing ad andsauttar or a mixture oethîe yle - ste strolled ont on te tle terrace la psnd lrze-,a-esailstia AL s-têO cisn, settîng=- ehind bar, cleMUen ta iIUII AL ëNBS0F t dooeeod s. Gold ateeped tIent-. Ic ged lattrand Wlii seten ad seetha lare oi o moeySasSan lasdlamy lii sveld ha an ueeoa.' --tt capoIl vrmateris elivertsd at our etoreheuse cor. igan'urD teee. r at Pl'r Lande by a private pareon fer li-uesment, on kSte-lhuard a stop on îlegravai, and ieddt8aaa11klie.s'îîDrlnln ehv ieo adalresok aprproved lbans on arin seeurity for a tarin et sasa Aylmaer frnt le 'cohtat4 bgth Dicas- -t.- tl aegRtiy rflbhed---]n c D-1-na'r N. e hmAN l F~- bet-A - - - --t ' - -- - -- - -- -- t .vn r lStu- R ckSiin Gt l-7 - - - - - t - - _ _ - r a.. ..__....-.. - ..- t I--- t 2-----_ _ -- -