/ f Every mother sbould welcome into îthe bousj,ýebolti Like baby himself, though smail Itlî bringa bappiness, because it la so gooti for baby'a akin, andi makes hlm n so fresh and nice. ei BABY'S OWN SOAP la made from purest vegetable oils, la delicately ace2nted with flower extracta, and is pz-emcinently THE nuraery soap of Canada. 72 [IlR VOUjS, 0DES PONDENTj M !JE A K, 1S E AS E D EN Cures Guaranteed or No Pjay YOUNG or SIDDLE-AGED ME'T- o may have been the victim of Self AlbU~ when yonnlg. Later Excesses or exi oeure- to blood diseases may bave completeti th( work. You feel the symnptomes stea-In over yon. You dre.at the f utre resulte exl... y lot ieb n d în time td ~~~~~f ~ ~ o ths d aesth I ýWME O 1 REATMEIIT WILL CURE YOU AF i LLEL8E FAILS. 1 Before Treatment After Treatmeetî ".At thse age of 15 1 commenced to rein mieat Later on as "ONE OF 'THEd BYS" I contrecteti a serions blooti disease, -SYPHILIS. I was week anti fervols, delspondent, pimples, sunkeir eres, bone pains, ulcers, hair l,ýse, sore tongue and montli, drains in urine, varicoceis-I was a wreck. 1 wesi the lest stages wliena _friend recommendeti Dre. Kennedy 'Kergan, A dozen oteer doctor lied feileti in oring me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan cured minl a ew waeeks by their New Methoti Treatmant, I wonlti warn similer diseaseti mon to beware of Medicai Prends. "hy are reliable hionest anti skiliful pli~seins, Ç'W. M. 1MLLER. CONSULTATION FREE. .4We treat aud- cureVrio K&Ilney and Bladder D i s- 17 VEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,'000 CURED 0 ocure, No 1Pay, write for Question Elank for o e ITreaimuent. B 00k s F ree Consultation Free, NeL.RNNEDY & KERGANe S No. 143 .helby 5t. P7L Y ' Ê'C UR û ,LIT, 2EICX- QUICKLY. Write to-day for ourbe,.autiful illustrateti Book on Patents and t2ise fasnating story of a poor Inventor who mate 2lOO.0.Senti us a rongE sketch r moüel of your invérition anti we will prom;ïptly tel Yeu PFEE if it la flew and rcbblpatenteble. N9 h>, nmbng, Honest Service. Specalty:- Tcugh cases rejecteti in other bands anti frgaapplications. l'oforences: IDouer- nbbe T. !Berthiaumo, prop. af " La Presse," Ronorableý D. A. Ross, the leading news- -aerBanks, Exprrss Compenles & clients 11aylocality. Alil Patents secureti through ur ïagenoiy are brought before thse public by enj cial notice in over 300 niewapars. 0X& MARION, Patent Experts, TepeBuilffing,185 St. James St., Montreai. T hoolirmiof Graduate Engineors in Doiion traneacting Patent businSs xesselMention this paper. I pi About the MOTHIERIIQ( Good-bye, littie boy, good I never hiad thoughto Tlat corne day Iol vainly For the baby 1 used to Thiat into his corner a grOW, And ) Sihould flot misa h1 golý TIl aIf a sudldeuthle foail, And on1e be reveaied ta m TIhen I should be starti, -Good-bye, littie boy, g( Go)od-.bye, littie boy, good. YOu are going despitei You cannot and neither Sueces8fully cope witli !ibÈeLy fit for the burden hear, Antlhen at their pleasz it t Are, J]Gve you, too, but my h For the child who bas go Anto"0 ore, AnideepP in my bosom I "'Good-bye, littie boy, gc H ose~thrtsugh thiajceiter and tiiLth thbacl fa table pnflouritherea, or DD. To each cupful allow two beaten eggs -bye, f mall piece tof butter, sait to taste, and of this, flour enougis to niake a rather stil1 r sigis batter. Drap icn spooni ais in bot fat ,o kîsa.. like dougisauts. Or matetise battera man would trifle thînner anti fry on a gritdie 11kE [ni or e~ehlmpancakes, iraiio se hin Corn Custarti Pie,ý-One cup of gral- scales would ed carn,, balf a cup nofniilk, sait and pepper cayenne, slightly, butter the ne straigbt anti size of a wainut, one rountiet table- spoonful of corna barcis candithe yolks ýe anti sadly of two eggs. Sitir tie cornstarch into the milk, then adth ie other ingreti- ;ooti-byel" enta. Bake witb an undercrust only andi caver with a nierengue. to whic] -bye, add apinch af sait andt Ie samue quan- my tears. tjty of creani tartar - no sugar. Serve can 1, as au entree, nat as a dessert. the years. that ail must Green Corn Pudding.-Grate four dozen caris of sweet corni. Atid f ron ure, they piace one and a hall pinta ta one quart of lart las sre rnilk, accortiing ta the juiceiness of the Çone ta return coan. Atid four well-beaten eggs, balf a cup each of ftiaur and butter, a table- satiîy cry:- spoanful of sugiar anti sait ta taste. ood-byel" Butter an earthen baking-diisb, pour ini the hatf,,r adb na ho~l ., ,t sven CARE OF, DELICATE CHILDIIEN. ierbapa ne subject se appeais tatise motber's beart as tise iygienlo man- agemaent of chiltiren wiso are bora lato tise worid witb sensitive nerve organ- izations. Sucis chiltiren are increasing beausing 111 modern tirnas so rnnywo- men leati lives wbicb put tiseir narvous systant on s0 grat a strain tisat tisai break down, or if tbaey do not, break I town, tbey are on tise verge of uer- vous bankruptcy. 1V ougbt te ha me- memberedti Uat'tisa rearsng utfisea ltby cisiltiran, tisose witb souati bodies and brins is anly possibleB when thse par- ents bave a large reserve aiorf iu vitality. If tisis raserve la axbaustad 1in any way, aither permanantiy or tentperariiy tisa chîlt i elisuifer, for Usera wiil net ha sufficient of it lar tise motiser ta keep up ber own hodiiy strength, anti aise ta entiaw tise cisild Witbh it. It la for tisis reason tisat tisa father anti motiser sisoulti not use up ail tiseir strengthin l wowk or worry if tbey wuid giva hirtis to chiltiren with gooti organizationýs. -But aiervous chiltiren once bomn, wiat can ha tione ta repair tise injury tisey bave receiveti. Tisera, are a f ew tisingF wisich mnust ha atteýndadti t. Firet anti floremoat la tise question ai naurisis- ment. With gooýd fooataaptýedtitatise cisilti, mucis can be done. 0f course it must net ha overfeti, but in this respe' however, tisere is net rauch danger, for it often bas a dminty apetito anti will not cat enougis. Prohably la' our ig- nýorance thse hast fond la gond rnik. Goat's milk wauid ha preferabie if it coulti ha ha tieshi rein tise animai. Tise goatla0 is enitiy anti iardy, anti it rareiy or nýeyer bas consumptian- bas it enly wisen vary isadly treateti. Iftise cisilt is laideaougis gjotbreati ssaiti haatitedti tatise ml andtihIe addition of a littie creas will not ho a bati ida, but go careiully in this respect anti nover avertietie feeding. Thse value of tise creaus lies in its fat, anti sucis chiltiren as we are caon- sitioring bave ta ha manag ,eticarof ully in regard to ratty fooda, Ouly tise moat delîcate anti piensant-to-tise-tasta tata shouiti ha useti, Ifthse teetis are dovelopedti iey may ont maderately ai nuts, wbicb contain mach fat, but it la hattar Va give few ai these et a tirne, anti noue if Vhoy are net frosis, or do nat agree. Tie saine rmy be saiti of fruits. Lot tises bave fruits of tise hast sort as freely as tbey seem, to e hatemantieti. Ihava sean sncb, wenderiui resuits brougit abaut by mik. breati anti fruit, or its juicas, --ti young cisiltiren tisat I de not bas- itate ta speak confitintly. Thse juices of appies, grapas, etc., may ha cannati, anti tiieti fruit stewed anti sugar addt- eti ntake a fluiti aintoat quai ta milk. Nervous Cisiltiren ant Coiti Batiing- Nerveus cisiltiren will net near vamp mach coiti btbing, tisey bave not iseat aneugis in tiseir bodieas ta raot against it. Tise sun batb suite tbem botter, anti enougis sponging- -anti friction keep tisan dean. The oit bath aifu las geati ant i ay ha taken in connectian [witb thse sun baths. in giving tise lat- ter do noJet lthUe &un sisino on tbe beati, bat oniy an tise tmunis anti linibs. Begici gratiually anti go careiully, as sun batising may ho, overtiono. Ai ter a sun bath a water bathis l well borne if not colti or long, anti, ipdeeti, it la nerossary ta prevent' relaxation anti weakaning. Do net expase nervoas cbiltimen to colti unnecessarily, keep Usent warrnly tiresseti anti se as ta keop tise boat aIf the body anti the blooti evonly dîstri- buteti. Lot tise nlotising be woal, soIt kaitteti gootia are prof arable. Do not domandti te mucis exorcise f ras nom- vous chiltiren. Do net lot, tIas stutiy too mucis or ga Vo scbool toa early. 0f course tIseir mindc must be pleasantly arn- ployeti, anti the kintiorgamtan may be available miter Visey are tbraee ears nid. Cultivate 111 thana a lave of na- ture anti aut-of-ior life. especilly' in pleasant weather. This is tisa tmue grand kindorgarten, Do not fargot t.bey neoti contpanionsisip. Gi-vo tiem a good, comiartablo hoti, where tise air is pure, anti do ail you cen ta pronrote bjealtisf a slaep. Tiesoyhoulti not sloap) caiti. A warnt, saift disla hst. So far as possible kaep tIsen happy. Hep- pinosa la se ciosaly cannocteti witis healtis tiat tisay really go togetiser, but if isappiness does not coma, from a sur- plus of vitaiity, whio not only know isow ta love but to live an tiese ame plane mE tisat of tise cisilti . Teacis It toa amuse itself andtiet do far iteaf sa far ns poui can. Thisaila aiten isard, but ini most cases it can ha doue. Thse narvouÜs chlt of gooti atacg mray anti often doais devolop into tise robuat man or wommn, anti whien tis ilatise case, it f clip repaya Vise fond parents, wbo are hsappy wisan their chiltiren de- velap into fine ciamacters, anti miser- able wben tisey do net. DOM.ESTIC RPCIPES. Clomc Frittars.-Grata tlse corn, or wiha sharp kalfe cal ,tise kemnela two bours. Bat bot wlth pqenty of f resb, aweet butter. le Suceotas.-Cut thse cern, fron tise î- cab anti cea kit by itself. To every ;0piut etit baif a plat af aheflied beans, wbich have beeýncooketi tender. Season generously witb creans and butter, adti 9Sait anti pepper to taste anti to Most )-,palates a teaspoonful -of sugar la an 18agreeable adi tion. A KIýNCnSTON MERCHANLý yTELLS OF HIS RELEASE FRON'TUE d PAINS 0F RHEUMATISM. p~ IR ad AMIeteel iafor lfpwards of Ten Years ansd la»Y Remeelles Were Triesi lia Vain - Br. ITilliams' Pinsk Pille ir BiUcted Ris Release. rFron thte Freernan, Kingstan, Ont. ,r Fliteen years aga Mr. Alexantier YO'iBrien, tise popular Princeisa street d t~ia>r, vwas ona aC thse mast atisietib yatuigmen i Kingetan, bath as a foot racer and otiserwiiae. Edeven years agol b e conirenceti business anti sharaly, Yaiterwarda was strinken With rientrta- isu5, whicis nanseti litamucli pain, bis airest, gnd negient, oi buainea3s. tHR stiltea that ho trieti many doctars jand i sany medicine a ait no avail. 5Over aiyear aega afriend atviset i hm Fta, try gr. Wiamkc' Pink Pilla, anti 1thougs helbnd but Iittle confidence ini t'hemn, or ndvertised Medicine osf any description, at the urgent request of Ibis friondi he deaideti ta givo tise Villsaa trial, andi accordtiag ta Mr. O'Brien it was a Iuky venture. Alter tha f irat box badiboots taken, cus>tomersnaticoti tise change, anti wien tismea ioxes bati heeci finisheti Use recubt was niarvel- lous. 115s strongtis bat returned,. impovamlaebet iboti renawed, muscles doveopeti, riseumatiani almost dis- Iappeared, barriug a slïght stifi- nae ini knee joins, whichis i gradualjly gaing, anti iitise lest six montis ha bas doue more work i.n bis tailoring establiishment, tisan ho bled accompilcsoti i11tise praviaus fou r years. A Preepran represontatîva nio- ticing tise csango in Mr. O'Brien's ,con- dition, asika i hm ta wisazn ie attribut-' ed bis apparent gooti ieaM isaitar suais a long seliga oi ilinssa. Witb- out beaÎtution ho mreplieti, "Weli, 1I hava takeunoci medureflincitise past 5yeam aVIer tisan Dir. Wtihiamsu' Pink Pille, Userefora I attribaite my proseat con- ditionc soiniy ta thaeir use. Thoy bat suchb a goaod affect ici driviag risiuXna-' tisn out aIfrny systant anti building uît> mny E!sattereti constitution,tia y wife whotn hea-itis was not aniDy tC goût msatriot thse pille.a. -Xfeow boxes relmedieti bar ilinese anti aie, tco, ïS as laut inlaber paioof Viseus lc ar. Mgy aofpsy anetomers and Irlande- who witiiesod tise effecit ai tisapLls on Mny constitution cAmmnnencedte ta tisen, ansd, tiey reWate tiesearne story as I bqve tdilliYeu. Iamnas wel 110W. as ever 1F was in psy 1111e. Dr. Wimliarn' PuePille cura by going Vtisate mot of thea disease. Tisoy ranew,ý anti bud up tise blot.anti str:engtseu tIse nerveis, thgs tirivinig discese IronthVisasystoni. Avait i»mIta- tiens by inesating that overy baxyo purcise la ennibsetiin ca wrapping haaring tihe fiait tratde mark, hlm 1. W\iiaias' Pik PIS«llaorPale Peopie. PZIIIUS CUJBED IN 3 TO Ce IGIS Itcbing, Burnng, 5kin Disaasea Be- livati Ici One Day. 'Dr. Altnew's Oiatmoat wili curea ai cases of Ïtcbing piles la frani tisrao, ta six nigbts. Oaa application h rin Lgs camlort. Par blicit anti bletii*ng1 piles it la peeriaca. Alan cures tetter, sj riseunt, eezama, babr's itoi anti ail esuptins ai thse skia. Relieves lai' a day. 35cents. Sltd by SrÀtt & Jury. PEMININE FENCERS, SpanLes anti Prenchs woren ïfthfVs Iigiser dîas are usuaiiy expert swvor-. womeci. TIsey are tnugbt ta foey aýs carefuliy anti eccurately as tise ir brais- oers, aintithere are numerous scisoolY S in tise twoc counitrios, wIsere yourg W'omfen are taght not:anly ta foeý,it Vo Iantile tise broadsnord. Piles IPiles ! Itebin Pi7?le, SYMOMSMoctue;inten,1se itc-inig- uiceratebeca i1,ýiingv ae. SWYN Sonsý, Wbolesule Agents,Mote. (.aues fully hialt the sickuass In thse world. l relanutIe lgested foodi too long le thse bowelt êmd produce bliousness, torpid liver n tong,,ue, llhedeelaII L5mî,e. Ho' il cara constipatIon and ail its Uo resulta , eaily and thoroughly. zc. AUl drngglsts. Prepareti liy C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 12%e on uis ilata take with Hood's Sarsaparllla f- LS NOCT. 31. lPas VoI yaxe :,nd slîlpwreals," A«,î 27, 13 26. GojeIels' Es-, Acùt 27: 25. PR40TTOAL NOTES. Versie 14. Not long after. Probably, wbli e tisa vefsal was still off tise south- arn ,coat eofCretp: I ( 'erpetupoua 3winds. A winti with, wbirrâng etities anti sutden changes in direction. Eu-, ricyu.One of thq-e f urious storras stili tcommon ou thý e lIiterranean;, aad 'kntwn as a 'Levanter. " Sa ini ife, '"the gentia south! wini of to-day may bha fdlloweti by a ,starm to-mûr- 15. lTae ship, was caugit. Beiag wisiri- Seti Lý,plaelsiy in! thse cbanging blast. Cü1uld Riot bear up inta the wind. Lit- eýrjly-, "caulti uet eye thse winti/' iront tie, fact tbat a pair oi eyes were gen- ernl1ly painteti on the p-row oI anciant ch1ipa. We, let bier drive. As theaves-ý sel coumld not face tse sI.ornt, it must nbcsh swept on hy it. 16 RuÎÏanaing und.ex. Tibiat is, under tis alea eor shelter af. A certain' isianti callati Clauia. A arnal ile nerthe southwestern extremity of Cee McciswQrk te, conte by tb'e bu. Fouadi it difficult ta hoîst an t4xoard thé, littie boat wbicb wa, towed atsta These littie details show tiat anIl witness wrote tise bistory. 17. indiergirding. By pssing strong ropeýs iigistiy arouýndth ie vessel te aid ii holdiîýng it together. Tise quîck- sda TWo large sendIsanks off the coast of Africoti, caletpidtise Upper anti Lýower Syrtes, anti greatly tireadeti by naveigators. Strak'e sal. Lowerad the rigg;ig, in oeder ta cave tise ship. I&. Lightepned thse ship. 13Y casting orv- erlboardtihIe articles not absolutely ne- ceSar'y.: A6. 'VWlth our ow n banda. A work La bc not ohly tise sailors, but aisa theprsonrsanti passengars took partè 26.1 Neither sunnr stars., Thus tbey, ccouïlneitier take observation nor rackon wisitiser tisey were tiven, at t e m-ercy of tise gate. «'Yet one sa abione# for Paul, tisa promise Thoui mus.t bear witness at Borne,' '-esser, Mla y isys.We iamn.Iront verse 33 thaut tbb gale lasteti a fortnight, an uncommon, tibough. net unpredenteti, perieti for a Lavaiter. Ail hope. Laken away., Hope clings ta tisa last bleseing; when that leaves despaýr alone memaîns. "Thse strain both n m it oytise incessant desant in lo a ber, tise terrer of thse paccengera, tise ipesawoy'king at tise pamopa, tise ofboig the ;hlp'ls hnse anti cor- datge, thse triving ofe is tol, tise ha- nubn effect of tha coiti anti wet, make up a, scene cf na ordinary canIn- Àlan, anxiaty anti fatigue." 2.Long abstinence. Probaisiy not antiro, but partial; Irons tisa difficultyl of praparing foodti he constant neati of labor, anti the genamal tiejaction of spir- itPaul stooti forth., li tiras aIf. tril rue charactor cornes ta tisefront. JDanYger-s ani disr which conquer comon enonlyinpr great souis. Ye honiti have haarkeneti unto me. Ha reainda theni ai this- not as a rebuke, býut te) irpart confidence in bis pras- etwords. ;l 22- 2e oI goot i ?ear. Not oniy le J tbe iseliever bimself chearlal, but ho carries chorer to other troubieti boar.ta. 23. Thore stooti by me.. tise angel, "Paul knaws not wbemo ho la him- elbut Goti's angelknowa wlsere to finti hlm out."-Henry. Goti. wbase, 1 a.Woul t iat ail disciples migbt tsbidiy canfoas tisoir Lord bafore almon!I Whom 31serve. >oblestar 0,ng thea sons oI mon, Paul prouiy~ ack- niowiedges bimaaif na servant. 24. Brcugbt hafare Caesar. "Man la Éramartai tll bis work la clone;" Paul's caýýreer lant camplete until bie bas bo(rna testintaay for Christ before tisa býigheet in tise Romaýn metai. Goti bath g7ivan, tisee all. lHo baidtiouhtiess pray- aifor Ibeir safety sOid.receiveti assur- ancfa an aneýweýr. Even alunera mnay hae thankful that saints are la tie wor] ti. 2'5. 1 beL1ee Geitis It is easy ta ha- hava Gai'ýs word ici prosperity, haitS ta, rest on thse promises lna atversity tests faits. . 1 26. A, certain island. Thse resait la re(veail.eti, hbt net Use particular plan, g Whcit isiaad Paul knew nat, thougis beka tbat Gati was guiding tbew ib trtiiark aver tise vaste to corne 5ï Ladit ai reet. Inspiration anti pro- p)isecy bave, thair limita. UJ4HND INBiAND. lA Uiealtlsanti Hap-piessgoï Hanti-in- Hï.aie d-Witb Stoarnisanti Nervos âait Otio Sorts, Healths anti Happiness Are Unlsnown.s FrneA. abiCmwd nt.: EL FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON TEEl OF EVERY B"w-'OTTLE 0F asoa19p1pin u ee-aise Uniles easy. ce is aet soedinlaballeDont aliow anyon a esli yenanything aise on thea pies or pronise that it la"nt asgol ~sul "vwil ii er every pur- pose," £ eoathat yen gel ----ORIA alnile i C signiature 57557 SOWMFXNVILWE, ONT. f.R. BO UNSALL, manufacturer of and dealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de- scrîption, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work, Ail orders promptly filled in a satisfactory maneraud at reasonable prices. 19-tf 3oots aimid Shieoes. Imuoroul Bsins hue Oi ui ý Slep > orles 0 0 Having secured the services of W. JENNINGS, as ,esmnan, we have begun selling out the balance cf our )ummer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Fail nportations. This is a great opportunity to secure 9ods at your oxvn prices. As the stock must be reduced ve shall offer at once $3000 worth of these, goods at acrifice prices. Ail outstanding accounts must be settieci in full by Lug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books .iust be squared up. . Ois BOWMANVILLE. BEAVER BLOCK, Now is the time to look around and see if - your fur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer, the Furrier, is the man who cando your work properly, cheap and guaranteed. The latest styles inilats and Gents' Furnishings always on hand, Bring your f urs early before the rush commences, Practical .îFurrier. SOLIC,CiLRCLEA ?l~ rulyvaliant tiare everytbing toxcept. doinýg e.ny other body an iii- r 1g iseSonais andBowets of e uuMorphiae nor Minerai, CONÀUVOTIÇ. Aperfect Remiedy for Constip- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, fless and Loss OF' StEEP. lac Suajie Signature of 'NEW -YORK. dl I Ill il , 1 i Il tifftlleI1j Il IEXACtT COPYOF WRAPPER. 1 IIM ". -f. - - --.4. -1- t4