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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1897, p. 4

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OSHAWA. â Thee__M Miss R. May la in Chicago, 1ii 'f Oshawa has an active Golf clubti. b aIILE n"LIi-u s îk FAINIUÜ%*)MissPli e1KyIe isin-Port lUole.p î__la_________________Oshawa____asa few live advertisers. ----B W A V L E t.m.E ont . J Maxwell, was here entà-1 WRAPPER COMPETITION,BO MA V L E EvURV ifflTP dOTO-th JhnT.Gould was 'n tw ecn . Septem ber I1897.8 tbat kugc ensures EVEN COOK- J. A. Thompson, Belleville, is in town. elpetIoncO <n I~~~NO, w1lle a TIIERMO- Geo.ý Phillips has gone to Winnipeg. TefloigaehwnesnititN. couid dev moe Ia flETERIn doorSHOWS Miss Mand Hall is home from Toronto. Eastern Otarjo. eboett.EXACT IIEAT-NO Mrs. llglh Ross, Toronto, is visiting domrn nEQTDNQ D1VIE thoe .Ranigea, OUESSINO aM to how, ere. yourAKIOorOAS- Mis Vo Mndy a hme romMiss Laura D. Lavoie, Belleville, TING WILL Denver. TMrs Jas. Bntland. Ottawa. Every ouse- Mr. Jas. Hyland bas rented his farm ~ 1iEl FG~WiCF.S e i lO f r f rl l n a wife nows to Mr. John Webber. waana- Mr. R. Lovekîn has gone to Toronto JmsBar ecle vantage tlils to reduperate his health. Mr. Jands'Ilaesda.y nexit, __Miss D. Kinsman, Toronto, la gnest Mr. Neil Craig," Whig" office, Kingstonan ,T e d v ex OFof Mrs. T. MilesK sman, Mr, C. E. Baker. 290 Lyon St., Ottawa OE$IMSOEill ars~IRE ül asQulck W 1rOsawari s it e d local psMr H apers.1 hrh tBle-.LiNoveniber ,ist and 2nd. C? fOFOAL. Eh flinth lca lpes.ville. Eall *adld Miss Edith Rogers attended the W. C. Mr. W. J. llough, Farran's Point. Fanlte Cnt shows 8 honte' worli by one votuanii sing 0111Y Fel T. U convention in Toronto. ThWbv optto ilb otne ahXe will seli ail our and plain twill Fanlte 27 to *one lire-pot of eo1. prn Rev. J. R. Johnston preached in the month of 1.9. 32 inch wide, Snlendid quality in fie patterns. fast colors woad svey "mac tme nd ory. aes fthe Golf u c ub neraineusual price 7c and 8c per yard, lor 5e. This'is only for Orie in your hob orne th-1-ac ie n wry.Lesoftthe Gfclub ouseria LEVER BROS.,Ileij, TORONTO. Monday, and Tuesday next. We do this in order to test We are showving the fiost cotuplete lile of stoves ever offured in Mn. Fowke iA home from Seattle, ac- ___ ___our esae detsn.D o vrokti hp this district. Cal nd ee thein.NIS 1d8companied by hier niece, Miss Kennedy. EXTRA-PROVINCIAL COMPANE. rew aerdvrsig Doftoerokhi ap _U - -V-i( Oshawa boasta of a first class home, PUBLIC NOTICE is hiereby gien ,,than und,,er - .._U..lj...Ls made candy store, namely, D. M. Tod's. the provision of Section 104 of TheOtaoCm Cpanies' Act, every companry, NOT INCORPORATED W n e X b ,Z Repairs of ail makes of St ves prornpt1y supplied. Mr. L. C. Smithi's new poem "The n Y OR UNIYER THIE AUT}IORITY 0F AN ACT OP THE DISTRIT E. L CONYET1QY. Yantîc," appeared in the Globe Oct. 16. LkISLATUM OF ONTARIO, which 110w or priol ehv utrcie nt tc netrl e wheeTeRICT* E.orotoCaNVENsTIdON. First Day of NOVEÏM BER, A. D. 1897 stock of"those fine Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. These - Jhn lfa Ünoandd. r es on business in Ontarlo, havinge gain for Thethid anua covenionof h Fr aTie a picsd h its purpose or object, for thcarrying on of are withoDut doubt the best Robes for, anything like the Epworth Leagnes, Bowmanville Dis- doubleframe residence, ,, l½md street, thembald At 89, sh akout anforet efrsca c oney toe be had. They are interlined with rubber, m1 trheld at Hampton. October 18th, of the Deans' estate. NebeAD.87,nkeotactrnsm o waa peni sces n vryrspct Ewadllwonws h ety ~Provincial: Secretary a stateinent, uncier îng thern* both wind and water proof.-See thern. qeu-min in e, -attasend uce hssis nd e pctp wil e ilth ro' nw.wok.ev. A C . Crws, m n pthe eial goal. to work thirty days for disorderly (a) The corporate name of the company; ,We are also showing some great value in Men% Goon will be all General Secretary, and Mr. . conduct on the streets. heedpaywsicroaeadteAt Coats, pricee from $18.00~ to $40.00 New W'all Paper foir sorne if Stephenson, the enthusiastic CoýreE- James Gallagherhbas bougathbouse and aednscspeclal or general Act: Rot ail the roo ns will b e pouiding Secretary of the Youngý lot of Mrs. Cusack, (late Morris Kenney's (c) where the head-office of the company is WI People's Forward* Movement for Mis daughter), for $70O cash. situateci: needed.' Prices flow are so sions, were present and added to the George H. Flint, of the Linotype (e) The amounit of tekautioried o i~stock, M ak e a *poinr t dayhteer omi teitrsp of the sessions. The whole Comnpany, Montreal, was reent iguestand e al1ont palci ciithereon;o rDes(od n op igvle. W da' rogramn was of the mort practical of hisuncle John llyland. . (f) The nature of ecd kind of business whlch o seeing orDesGosadcmaigvle. W bouse can be nmade spic, and andiniistructive character ever given An Ayrshire cow soldlat the stock sale thecopsn s moered to carry on, id think we have the, nieest display and we know that- eui span at very littie cst Jlt lItiYconvention ln the district; coin-of the late Thomas Guy, died before be-' Ontario. pkincise is or are carniedCoretsare ont parativelv speaking. it was not even ing removed by the purchaseir. ifth ompany makesciefault in co p rîe r aa on. Toe 9eCres r o amn selling, papers frora 4e second to that of the recent Interna- Jo rat .B otadWn rirV5Oso h ac etoi.i looking . at and they are going fast. Remember, thy tionaByatlW 1,,Wotan W tepnalsionof tety dto lar s r alo up. Beautiful gold papers to a a Toronto. The dist..twsHlia atne.h uealo h uu pnlyo wnydolr e a e Well represented and reports from the olia teddte uea fterevery day dnring which snch defanît continues, cannot ibe relcdfrtemny OuLais sst fit for a palace, at 10c. soîipties showed the worlt wel sustain- uncle, Mr. J. J. Bryant, Lindsay. ani very diretorjanager, secretary agent,2eanepa dfoth mny. urL is'V tsa traveller or ano such opnwh20ad 25e are deserving of inspection s0 also are severail Window Shades, picture frarnes ed and the iîterest mnanifested by the Mr. Wm. Hamilton, P. M. and Mr.i with notice of sncb defanit îransacts within andfrme pitueswil b nedd.delegates present betoken a for.ward Thos. Keller, editor of the Joisrnars, Ux- Ontario an y business whatever for snch corn- lnes of Ladies' H1osiery. Our heavy line of WTool Hose, an faedpctrs il c ede.move alover the district. A resohiition bridge, were here last week. Dany, shall for each day upon wbieh lie so tirtnsaets snohbus,îiness lneur a penalty 0f smooth finish al 25e is grand value. WTe have ail wooil These 1 have at very low prices. to work in unison witlî the Forward Mrs. Oliver Hezzlewood and Mrs. 1 wcty dollars. Mend your garmelits withont a Movement along evangelical and bible Hezzlewood were to Toronto the latter Forms for the purpose of enabling companies White Blankets- as low asý $1.75 per pair. neede o thead, Wha ne tiistdv hues, to begin on Nov. 2tst met to have an operation performed upo lcomply with the above provisions, myb withheaty pproal nd as doptd. n ee. btaineci upon application to the underslgned. The Merding Tissue does this for As the district is now credited with If writers on town matters in l E. J. DAVIn(iSery, B you. Repairý a.ny kind of CIo0111kg. $175 raised for missiotns durino' tie past papers would siga their reai names 41-3W Toronto. o ots, an d S h o e s. Once tri'ed, always nsed. Pi-ice .10e. year and the Leagne pledged to ralse their arguments mîght have more Ddyuee erapi.o igsBos hr Bookof00îOor more the onsuihig year, a reso- weight. Bond's sale, near Genpair. ofE. HAMILBootst? INF88 The New Presbyterian Bo flution to arrange with the' General Mr. Saninel Bn' ae na eivareplnyopopetlusha ey augtobott Praise, in varions styles, received. Board of Missions ln selecting a candi- was largely attended with ver y fair lnyope letlushate c g obo o date to represelit this district on the prices,, especially the stock which sold COLLIGBE fit thern like King's. If you have neyer worn a pair give msinfield was unaniînonslv aropted at a high figure. and Shorthand îostitute, by thern a trial, if you have worn thern keep in mind the P rblo k A plîî of f ficra eint hoe usg thpes use Bsesand Shorthandogracticý,e,ci- faet that we keep, their goods iu ail prices and styles fât BowgANVILLE, . plan of ~~workç, aîîd the hearty co-opera- tirely removed by teueof MilleirseP l rin t puil s for positions lu first-class LdeMn os n hlrn ehv atclr3 BOWIIIANVILLE, _______tion of 1,200 Leagners warrant the Compound Iropi Pills. 50 doses, 25 cts. mercantile estab lshmenls i15th Annmal an-LdeMnadCilrn ehv 1ioneetnwready., enci for n so the .Bosprcu ry predîction of far-reaching resuits for Sold by ail druggists. Principal, ne hieo ot o nat nTnadBak ~~Jj~< t~e elsuing year. The new officers BThe Thirty Club entertained, Mir. F. C.R Mc LL U ai-c: Hon. Prem., Rev, 1 P. Wilsoîî,B Morgan andi Alfred E. Morgan, to a 0.R c U L GH BOWMANVILLE. OCT.~. 27, 1897. Oshawai Pres,-Mr. A B. Cryderman, fareweil super on the eve of their de-l M. C. A.Builng, Hlamilton, Ont., 5îf G r c e i s _____________________Hampton; lst ie-Mr. W. R_ Cour- parture for ri s tice, Courtice; 2nd Vice-Miss M. E CITIZENS, WATCHI 'EMi. Joness, Bôwmanville; 8rd Vice-Miss That hot, dry eczematous ceonditlf j I -- . ambel, lado; th ic-Mssof the skin will disappear by the use of Our Grocery business is' steadily on the inerease. A motion cearried, at - the Council watts, Newtvonviflle sîh Vice M/iss E Millers Compound Iron il.5 oe What is the reason? Selling only first quality of goods mneeting Monday nighit t1 bu.v a new Werry, Tyrone; Secretary-Mr. Fred. 25-cents. Sold by ail druggists.11 1 IN 'flll and askincr oulv a moderate pirofit. A fresh supyof R. Yoley, Bownîanville; Treasurer- Liberals did a good day's work at the 115 LI '1I - 'rspl ire engîne. The vote was a tic but Miss M. Osbotrne, Bowinanvilk Confer- Revision Court adding 43 naines to th(- NwLFlitsin UIUiI eknew CFuencr Penesaveryafiso Mayor Loscombe voted yea decidiný it. encerepresentative, Rev. M. E. Wiliso», bat and striking off 56, besides ma king IU1 TO nwClstrRaisinsNwCrat. ehv lojust Anew englue is not wanted; the old Newtonville; Representatives on Exec 8 corrections. Conservatives added 112 TO jrrns hn a e repaired "1to be as good as utive Committee-Mr. A. Jackson, niames te, the list, struck off 7 and made Muskoka Lakes,Baia, Beauniarlsjllam. in some very flue Labradior llerrings and Dry Cod Fish, when ew an guar ntedfrt Kendall; Mr. F. Manuel, Oshaira; Mr. 3 corrections. Il's Point, Foot's Bay, Blackstone, High .ist price paidi foe ail kinds of Farm Produce and whennew nd uaratee fortenW. Rickard, Newcastle; 'Miss M. Mom- Government Inspector inspccted the Moon River District, Redw«od, Port vears" for $800. Then why spend $2500? cnt, Orono; Miss Berry, îlethesda The the orchards sprýyed lat sùmmer and Cekbarn,. aganetawan River,. Ros- Coarse Grains. Hat! Hat!! Hat!! ! Citizens, whatcnetion 'wfilYb eu nBwavles heldfound of the spray'ed fruit front eui eeag Mdad ryet ~~~ ~~next year. FRED R. FaLEY, 80 te 901 per cent dlean, while from 10 to Coboeonk, Cameron to Haliburtoin, Dela h etEd H ue say you ? District Secretary. 20 ~~per cent of the unsprayed only was SeverntoNorth Bay,Pointson CPR ela hetEdHue AN UNIQUE JOURX'ALIST. fit for market. Nisttawa tob Nîpîgon and Spantslx MAIIKET JOTTINGS. The lecture bv Rev. J. J. Rae,, Bow- River, via North Bay Inclusive. li ThefeeruchenstelteCaîes--manville, in the Metcalf St. church after FrermBrockville and West in Canada at A.hena feedr of e thea e Yor Sn Cauadian hayin Eunland la 2s higher. the harvest home suppez was eue of the Jo h n M eMu rtry , A. D-na edior f th Ne Yor Su, est interestlng cif the kind heard bore <FI11T the United States or any other country Canadian bacon bas declined 10s in a for sometime, and maRy were,,surtsrise 1NiL 'td(sVXt has the better for the country. Ife was short time. when hieelcosed te find that, he 'hud Oot26,2,25;9,30andR ... yat h eve ittigl syidbnut tei easl abae isjkouournoaelr l geandnoerofFui ariulrs9n0 uiemin. ro baseômistaW IIiuu4lii D;_' portunist ; that is, he would throw Petatoe8 are a trifie lower iu Canadian having the heurt muscles graauuîîy Woo,1r agent Bowmanvlle or write ~ messand ieraimebwardstuely and Aincrican markets. weakcne-d by infiltration ef fat This M C. DIC1KSON. an nhsertcsnh a rel n istl Pus.,Agent Toronto gE h obetSye consistent' Christian Work fittinglY Fuctorymen who refused 10e for Sept. can be preveuled by the use Milburu'a h obetSye describes hlm as lacking a high moral cheese are mad now when 8p c te ic a llart and Nerve Pis. Mr. James HAGYAIRD's YELLOW OIL lu prompt proebased upon principle, as was the highest bld, Kelly, Hamilton. Ont., says : "I hav9 reie sdsre thra, nte roes ors,-T eFnetFns sebeen sick and feeble for five years, witht ness, quinsy et:. Priee 25CTe.ies ins edetîv otltadalst h erv eof al1'1icntu bt evidePtbv is praisilsg aioieey Ier i mrcntbbter awaiî- aa*ve kthreat, pain n the ehaest hoarse..The Best Values notable Trammany acamp and unprin- ing sipment st Montreul bas been shil- . we, uterng hert, ssiofkng td- cipled politician from Tweed te Croker. pcd back te the Uited State" owîng toetng, bnerv o -,ah ousayet brathil Iewas a man oi uncompromisiîîg, vin- criy.ebnts ar aàNow rid e Psuy haveii and' Hur asdNevePilahae i n Ft r iour Bilin de vthing British lhe stood AUCTION SALES. eelnpletely removcd ail my heurt and L i1"ýLRfn t r writhoaiivai lu jounalsm nerve troubles, and given me back My TITURSDAY, Oct. 28,--Mr. Wm. Doidgehclh"Iaetbefudadreofedaotrwermaad THlE APPLE MARKET. lot 10, con. a, (by Tyrone), Darlington One of the best concerts ever given aetb ou n r fee tOrwrro n will sel bis valable tarmn stock, îm-ý before an Oshawa audiencewa Pre- as il is impossible te describe the different uines, we Mr, Eben James, 259 Cemmissioners, plemetîts, huy, etc. This is a big 1e,,ted 4Mondav evening b aivit whcpulieli-fihied viit St., Montreul, Canadian. Agent for the sale. Sec large posters. Suie ut 1 p. onse, this being the re o enn e the mi Mllier's Compounid trou tis. - 50ooses cure. Noueetf hemn suited-my case ede ie orchestra, perftenmed bis otoldb an1 1bi r y f (oý centns.s, i bSaiodugist.yi aLau-ivndPll. hgysutt mcduie teth eîmn stifacio e ai ie ollwlr sx2 dlvigshcianc tios-mil4s2"4,dhi MesssC. C. Jiield, M. P. P., and exactly and removcd the trmbes presLüthe M r. e sn a teeton- ronto Toronto tari wiiibe sold 1ai esoa pisandi on 25 a, redorWlhave o., E. B.opt.ynand manront veny favorable terme o eement. Fer full par.- Su . iuke C berg hve go e e no pty nd effectualiy, 1 wilingîï grutuîaîcd on bis enterpise ln fitling__FCan o, E On, yrtoJ. E. Mc L ixSRRY, eesy did.uép4uc a i«emusc hll nd he uc-gimje' C.A.,E.IloutES .LaTaerý ulh an utarle Investmexît andiSavingese-ýo Manitoba where they willl spend sever- recommend lhem te al Who suffer as uM= ricA.aandeeSmFicebail und the sc- ý C.A.,,nons C ate wh te nsttue o Csanerci c- Bow;n2Z.C191 We bave alzo on bandi aiimlr aiwea i. es etthe opening entertulument. yd rlth nttt fre CidA-ofnsrehi* fei al or y un soVn at-ountants. lloStuclentaassietedtoposilin te hle aisI oc Af er serions ilîneaýs, like tb hoid A.rý;l.. ew vig rand nryaegoat1' willa esnbePIéadonQ" fevr, neueni, o th gnp, foe's ~ i' ~tained by the use et Mil er's Compound CE "L N T EÂ-DAVID HOSK&NS, C. A., ei5pye.-w Sarsaparillu bas -wnderful strenglt- si 010e on Pilla. 50 dosed 25 cents. Sold by Sl b .N urs omuvlleST--IlA li ma orîe fst al Igît.Sod .NtLm omn-Ie

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