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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1897, p. 7

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0f ail i the nerveis- sy'e to disease that some physicia'-ns pres cribe Hypo- phoshit alone in the eary taesof Consumption. Scot't's Emulsion is Cod-liver 0O1, emulsified, with the T'-lypophosphi'tes, happily ,ýitided., The resuit of its use us greater streng'th activity of the brain, an d the spinal cord arnd the nerves. Lot us send yau a book cl saut it. Sent fret, SCOTTf & ZO\VbL, Belevek, OnI. ESTABLISI{ED Wi SI per annum in advan 'e, otherwise $L51 Subscriptions always 1; ya ' 8a athe, oras a f pubhilction. Avr'i. ae neb o ract, 10 cents per fin, ou: sm first inseti o, and 5 centu uer fine each sub8equoný in- Let on. Lacs,lû0cetsiperline, M. A. JAMES, Publishai El eamstresses, and families shouki prcureý the best and simplest method of cultting, viz; IL is up to date and will sa-ve fully hall yourtime, and give your work the elegance of Frenchi Style eiurves. This systcm received first lass Dipi- ona,,s at Toronto and MnreiExpoîf. tionb, 1897, Sto W. SPAULDJNG, 7 Euelid Ave., Toronto, Genera] Agent, or to Miss J. MARTIN, Bow- miianville, (at, Mr, Davis', Beech Ave,) 8ome dealers try tO paIm M imitatious to obtaina big, pruf. Seo that the trade mark name "Tutti i tutti ais onu chc5c. psclage. Save coupuns for bokeid Pr,*zes. FOR W~~TSEVEN YEARS. L Us Purity. 2. tV'>Thousands of Cures. 3. Us4 Ecouomy. le. a dose. :5.mà 3 Regulates thse Stomach, Liver and Bowels, uxilocks thse Secretions, Purifies the Bloodl and removes ail thse impurities from a common Pimpie to tse ,Worst Scro fulous Sore, and DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, H-EADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEARTEURN, SOUR STOMACH. DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DIS.EASES. [A THE DEIETZ Sle about ana perfection as 50 ye-ars So f Lamp-Making cen attain to. Il t borne kerosene, andi gives a pawerful, s ciear.white light, anti wil neithar blow n or jar out. Whcn eut drivin g wilh it the darkness easiiy keeps about two bundreti bel ahead of your smarleat hhors Whe" you watt the very hast ým Lam 2 P ta ho had, ask your reaier for th9 - Dietz. " A e isaue capeciel Catalogue of this 0. Lamp,sud if you ever prowl around after njght-fall, il wiîl inlareat you. 'Tic mnaî!od free,. R. Z. DIETZ CO, 6oIaight St, New York. Zsteblshcd-, lu 1940. îin eteetw 1eniisth tr Jt chi If thecoma nou)the long' nuilffîj jjJ, l ity of thje pat nndthe eternity 0f flgltcf stairs and -ýýk aik t1the door, thý future.De the rýïght waýy, young Meet 1them ae afaean Vnl et I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - DI AMG' AII( QIS in i o vlcreota tue 'imY rfsetemamitnc.Hve rig gal, fewfamiy patrais onthe waIi, if RN ING INTO DEBT1. ,Bring moe a al -'",Ilg maInantIell mne yenilroubt therwitb you f rom yOUr IlhUt hlply1c. ealth e 1 î ha tuuty um.Have a .Bible on the h,'a mental celihre anid vwhIat hi ho,)- sad.I on can affard it and can Tîie Evl iifuîeîcs a' ecRa1Liee '1 Aiai t, andi 1lwiji t'el you whtwill be 1play o01 nehave an instrument of flrîh elk 'Like mieex (0 te Sia"7git h iestiny for this wudd ,and his S1ei-htarj) or flube or carnet, or me- tee"-ewnrof ci'iiu'esty alfi iiîsIusi;ýy- desttay for the, world tu corne, ad loenr vialin ur piano. Every murn- ltev. Dr. TalImage preaalied on Sunday 'l will net malte five inatcurate pro- îng efare yu leave that rourn pray, moringfrin roerb vi 2, ýAsphii$ t o0f the, 500. AI! this maltes Evryniht after you corne home ie mornng rornPruerb vii 22 Asme soljitous int regardtot yonngm, ,that raonpray. lalte that roorn yuur an Ox tu the sauaghtern" and 1 iant to makee tRam nervone lin Gibraltar, your Sabastupol, yaur Mount There le nOthiig li the voice ur man- regard ta the econtractioýnOf unpay- Zian. Let ne bati book or newspttper ner of the butoher to indicate tu the abhia debts. iL give yau a, paragraph caM- intu that room aey mure tbee ox that there is death ehead The frolum iY OWlf experience. . i yon. onîd show a cobra ta coil On Aiy firet sattlüMûtnt as pastor was te Ox thinks ho L going on te a ricli Pas- aï, village,. 4y salaryi was,?fsou %,nd a your table. Tako care of yonrself. Nabody edca tUre field. of clover where ail day he ampescsaiga lhe arnount seemeti ener-wiltkcraoye.Y rhep il W1111 rïavel li the herbacome luxuriance, mouths tef' stdtemhslf Wa t cý1eu w rthe rfu lg altifor unB year!" fw1 eraaof fo on p w rtreorfuSlgt but after gwhriie the men and the getîieg woxldly onder s0na chPraOs fsais Your belp will cerne throngh boya close je upon hlm with sticks and. parity. J: resolve ta t invite ail the the rudOýwn from heesen, f rom tbat Stoes nti aomtegae drve lmconragtio t ni hoa, lugropeGad -ho li the 6000 yeare of the stoue pnd shoting anddriv cd 25ngea.h. Webelygan, a n a s eyworid's bistory nover betrae~d a yolleg through ars 'and i. mba duoray, 2wareath be oigegand leailthe man, who triod te be geod and a Chris- wbore ho is fastened, and -!th a well- world and wa f elt noxhitng waes t(), tien. Let me say in regard ta yaur aimad stroire the ex faMe h lm, and sa goot ,for therM W&î phied aIl the lixur- ~vrewrdycrusacsl ae the anticýipation of the roe ent pas--les Gon the table. T nover comPlatad ing that yen are un a leyal now witb tur fiid conpltei diappintd.the, unertating. MAd thaeEnd of six those Who are finally tu succaad. Mark tUmfied s comletlydisppintd.Month43 I Wae les financiai dlespairi ry 1rsyotuzg maxi, anidthixik af it Sa many a young mani hec been driven foulnd that we ný onîy had eot the 30 yoaqrs from nuw. Yen will find thet on1 by temptetion bu WhIat ho tbhungbt surplus of luxuriait, but xve had a thaose Who 30 years fram eow are the WoUiltl ho paredisical ejaymnent, but cf- sbýru9ggleta gat the necessities andtiI milliaereuf this country, who are teor awhi7,ea ieflsencme wilzh darkar hua learued wbat evory young mani lcarns the arators of the country, wbu are the tandete svo hmselror ee l tePoets Of the counntry, whu are the strong ant sartio am oioe t tlin hmttb I'yolu uet m6asureë the si7eO0f a marchants of the country, who are the andI ho fintis that instcad of inaking an 'Man's body before yen begIn tae ut great plhilanthrupists of the country- excursion into a gardon ho bas beexi the, Oloth for his cat. mightîest ini church anti etate-are thss driven "as an ox te the slttughber. IcWhPa, eYoung inman ilfully andi of mtOrifl]g un a lovel with yen, net an choice, having tht, nomforts of if c, inch bae and yon in straiteneti cir- We arm apt tea met youeg mati for goas into the contraction of uepey- cumstance.s now. heing deatroyed whe we ought ta able, debte, ha knows net ixito what Hersuh(LIel arned bis living bv playing bl)ame the influences that dastroy them. hl' goes. Thea creditors get afber the a vielle at Parties, aed 1in the interstices debtor, the peck of hounds in full cry, of the îplay he would goou andi look Society wanghbers a groat many youeg and 9nies, for the reindeer. T'hey jingle uP' etfthë midnight heavees. the fieldi af men by the behat; "You muet keep bhis tt9urbell before hébe gte p in the hbise immortel conqueste. George Steph- up appearences. Whatever be yrmorun;the jinl bs or c1f- n, ye tI~te h oetjinge hi dore1Penanrose from being the forernani ealay, yu mst dees s wîl mot~ es ene o bt nt ight. They a colliery te be the muet renowneci of sa7lry, ou ust ressas eeo sth- et him as ha qcornes off bis f ront the svorld'e engineers. No outfit, nlo ttp- ors, yen muet give wino and brandy stapS. They secnt. hlm a postal card itel te stert with. Youîng maxi, go dowxi ta as mraey friends, you must ernoke as or a latter in cnrtest stylo, tellinig ko tht, librery and get soeabooks and costil cigare, yon must give as expen- h1imtQ Pay up. They attack hbis read et 1-wbat wondrnracxisnGt sive ontertaiemenle aandI yen muet goods. Thay vant cash or a noteaet gveye li o rfxilxi yuur ieet Glx '0dYe or a note un dernand. They yn y nyu a nite s live as fashionable aboarding bouse- oeil him a, lna-va,.They say ha lies, Ysema decito te ar yndixtthe ds- If, yen haven't the moeey borruw. If lthY want him tflsciplinet lit ,saeting ro atI litth e dyen yenoent brre, mlt e aile eîry-therchn. Tey cwat hm urtt ot of What yenhaveread about, anti navet or subtract be and thora a biE1l freim tht, bandti. th carneehnm f rom isagaifn comamit lte blasphamy of sayixig a buW.F ofban bilIs Yo wil sIa v.and from, that aideandh f romin- bave-no 'capital te start with. a budlaof anitbile. on wil nlyabav anI fom bneaitantIho se- Equippied 1 Why, the, poest youiig maxi have te malte the desception a little suited a.nd gibaeted, andI sued and dun iseqi-,paia ny hGt o h b while. lI a few monthis or ini e year ned andi->WDrn et unlil be gets nas re o athe ord ofatnip hlm. or two yon eu mak, it ail argt.oNo dyspepsie, gels nouralgie, gets Thon 1ýhie body-, e vry pueor eff air whan or wo on en alt itah igb. N-'liver compleint, gets heart Wsese, cmee ibbsiedgîlsu-h bod wil o hrtby'lbxibed wll o glsConulive disorder, gebe cee- that le xhat makes me soilcitous i farn bbcâvser, Yoe q ourwef will net he SWsiPtiOn. NO-v hü sdaadYeilo OuuhmxosUI 1'laO" B ba wij rcesaSY O' Oiu1 te Ld eat imn fo Omul fxosabout yen, yeill demgecY ly iha afsx pZocss , 'fcorelhywilethr mxbecanse yen hava 50 itie ta de hude huad mnhv elaobn. wtth as I ajiaxioyus about youuho- Jeh rd tforsati m nd h een h.nseovtla, ir ateifual t<au Se -yu nhave se much te rislt and Ilose sOagiterd oi'tie atIalcghere 1e '- ýhether there are aay nneces- for eternity. lay apnese h hequies, te gain Sups y brÊw eeel n-s, whether Ihera esany uselese ban- AwaiItlIynt ao aec Supposa on boutr. ingre je aiO"diaon te cakot, tease wbether thera yureal yenmisundexstoeti me if yen thie wrng bou borowiig eno. t any surplus plait On tht sitrout, te'1b meent yen are te depend up- Thora e i hardE a man Who bas noltotu cee Whether the hearse is oostly or on huri- l resolution, whlch may bo dis- sooimsloro>dmnY. Ves et hap, tb se whebhar thaeflowers sOived intefoam of the wine onp or sent to the, oasket have heen heught Mey b8 biewxi eut with the firat guet of astates have been huit on e borre- hy tho faily, rdostt ace nemptai Dr etehlatha m""Ovl- nam the ded ofU g ea e Word of tae Lerd G otiAlmighty. Cletho8 of borrowod money: Moeey borrowed iiide out.Yne hoiputat c osiend iapys oll for tho purposo of abarting or lteeping Than ithey tan saiktth hereftoue- y uîflitatconsop.lyin anIyushaei UIP oglimao eiterrass atI xpene bidtht boos, ha ictrethe care-neaither li this werld nor the naxt,, but and g im ty ho e t o gri e t at w hic pehll, tha chais, the sofar, tho e no, rig bbtink li g and rig h t bel eving andI an ce o wetaRetfiret le igh tsthd chirstih d Fortheltaariglit acting wilîî ata ye n lisafety Yo' ca dowitiou. hefirt i rihtthe mattrasses, the pillow on -whichhe through this lifa andtinl transport thes ether is wrong. If yen have meeey Of yeur owua bappineses, for the sake a prayer I hoarti a yonng maxi malta eougit oftyonr ewxi te buy a cent, how- OfYour goodi murals, for the sake of biough thteextag. j t warsha fere everpýân. ad ten yu brrowmon your iminirtal soul, for Goti's saka, short prayer, but it wae a tromendous overpitn, ntitho ye borowmOnYyoung mati, ea far as possible kecp ont pray'er: "Q, Lord, heip us! 'Wa finti il for e daxidy's, ontfit, yen have takon ef- ut. j5 ayes adowogat ebr thefirt rvoiitin f te wtee don ut 1l thinlt more Young men are te do right. Lord, hale us!" That grade. Bûrrow fer the necessities; slangbtred îhrough irreiion. Tae prayer, 1 warrant yen, - recheti the thst may ho w&t. IBrrow for thoe wayahiyoung ýmaLn's religioe cati you -ar of God andi reacheti Hie iteart. mlalte hlg theprey of evil. \X'alal And Ibae are a hundred mon whe luxuries; liant tîps ycnr prospects Cvetkilo- that the Bible !e the only lier- have fouxid eut-a titouseet Yonlg in the wrong direction. f lit eystem of morale. Novv, if yen mcxi, perhaps-who have found, ont The Bible distieobly says the ber- walit tcbtietroy the vonng maen's mer- taI very thieg. lt le su vory easy rewer le servent of thIe bander. It Lea aIs, balte hie, Bible eway. How wili bu de wrung. andI se bard te de rîght. badstae o thngs henyouhav.ayo'u do thet? MTOI, yenu wil catitta- I 9ot a latter CDee day, eniy onie par- hot ette f ting wbn yn bve,10ture bis reverenoe for the Scriplni'05, agrepit which ï shahl reati: go down semane thor teet te escape you wihl take cali those incidenite ef "lavieg movad arountI somewhat, 1 meeting sornoone W.jaom yen ewe. I tt, Bihble, witicb cen bc matie rirtb &t have rue acrose many young -men of ini- Young mDieutxiew what h lte tIspotism -Joush's whae, Samson's foas, Atiam's be11,genca ardent strivars aftar tite ofmoreg of tli, moewoflid b-thon yen wi11 caricature ecceil- il-'-t e-isp.fortune-autiof one of cf bing n doiCric Chrlellexie or inconsistant Chris- tes I wenld sp2ak. Hoe was a youufg keep cnt oe it., Whiat diti tibt dou hans, than yen wîll pass offt as ybur Engli 1man ut 28 or 24 yeare whu came for Lord Bacon, with, a mind toering 0fl al these hectneyoti arguments te New Yorkt where fie hati nu acquaint- abo-e, he entuies Itindues imegaïnst Chrirtianity whici are as i ances, with barely sufficlent telteap hlm eboe te cntuies Itindceshimas Tom Paine, as elti as Voltaire, as a couple of welts. Hie had heen tan- te laite bribe% antI convict bimsef as a citi as cia. No-,,,-yen have captureti darly mret, perbepe, I shoulti say, tue criminel hefore al cgee,. What ditI is Bibie, anti yen. have taken hie tenderly andI wes net used te earrileg dobt do for Weltter Scoît, brekeniete strongeest fortrase. The way la compare- his living anti found it exîremely dif fi- ed at Acearrantit ail wtitg gales f9iecuît to gel any peseition ltaI ho was I olara, set open Ln ievitation tealte capable of filling. Afler maxiy vain ef- nintil is haed gave ont in paralysie, sde of eerth andI the sorrows of forts ie thie direction hoe found hlm- le keep thoe seriff away from. his pic- tiactb, that they may cerne in and self on e Sunday evening iBrooltlyn ture an 8tauar, Btterforhimdrive the steke for their encamip- near your churcit wiîh about $31ef tto Inrs nt aatar. etefe lm mnt, hie emeli capital. Providence seeme t l if ho hl itidlte mexim witich A steamer 1500 miles f rom shoerewlth leati hi- te your door andtholietermin- ho lied ciseed oer the tireplace et bruken rudtiar andI lest compase andtIat t go Le andI hear-ycn. Abbtteord, "asenet, waut not." linlk leaking 50 gallune the heur le bob- "lHa tolti meht ogtaeryu ThaetouLe s, my friands,ltat ue'- ber off than a Young maxiwiten yen have tit i ngbb e hinobedcigteheer n pàa dot et undoreand iee aaxiic oit rohhed hlm of hie Bibla. Hava yen ever Point i bis life for wbex ieho woxt li- goipug Ici datansd RaI if yen pur- nutîced how tiespiceably znean it le to te your citurcitha toiet desperae, but ýchSp90odý ývth r, xpctaionofpy-balte away the world'e Bible witliout whiiî listonixig te your discourse baisi ing fo>r tlaem or go iOt6dobI witicit u TOOing a substituto i It le meaner bister nature gel the mestary. 1 lruly cenanltnetyen ýsteai jusa ee ý bban te coma te a sicit man anti eleal heliave from wiat Ibis young maxi bld ooeùuey. If1 go inte e grocer's stoe bis meldîiia. meaner than te comaeluabme that yonr sountixg lte teptits ofi asnd 11bÎY 1augets ýana coffees anti measa ipple and tislil bis crulcit meaxi- hie itearb alune Ihat niglit brought , with 11c capaciby ta psy for them andI itr tha. te corne te a puer maxi andi hurn hlm bacl tot' bis GotI, whem ho wgs se no intention et paying for tem, I am hie bouse tIuwn. It,,le the wursl uof ail near leavleg.- more diEionestt bhcn if I go mb tte larcencies to steal lte Bible wbicit bas U fia t te the eche of multitudes. I arn store, and, 0hee the gtecetas face is heaxi crutoit anti macicine anti food anti, nett reacblng an abstraction, but a turned the other way, I f111. my peck- eternal home te se many. Wbat a gen-i gras realily. 0, trientiles Young abs with thte artioies et marchandise eraus anti magnanimeus business i-_ maxi! (Oprodigal Younig maxi, disceur- antI-carry off a a ie. entaeona case fideity bas gone intel Titis sýitn i gdYugmn oneyugmn 1 tako th- e mrcanî'ls tlxue andI:I talte Of lifoboate anti talxg awayofir1 e- ndtyuChsthsdath the timoe O hie maessexiger te transfer escapes anti extingiîishing of ligitt- beet friend e maxi avarlied. He meels yeaa Ibirongit mladirection, liant it is1 tact yený or citurcites lu pretecl yen.1 possible tb calculale just itow jasny Appealixig lu Goti ferrlilp, Lakte cere of B t oigFin letters -will ho detaIneti for laclt cf yeureelf,)B t oigFin postage IRrugi ltae forgetful- Firel, have a reom somewbaïire bîit ness of Ihe condors, antI that il le pos- yen cen ccll yuur owxi. Wbether i b subie l ttll just, how many peuple wlll lte baclt parler of e fashioxiable hadL L I , tail la the streeshy slipping on an iig lieuse or a ruem in lte fourthstr orange pael. Incteér words, ltera ay oit a citaap lodging I care net. Oxilyý are no acidents. Tho mmost insignif - have Ibat one roem yeur iotrrese. Lot Oaut avant yen. evor heard cf le the netthIe tissipeter or uxiclean sltep evr EY LON TEA.- Childre-n Cry fob Pitcher's Castoria. HAMPTON.- * enry Elliott Jr. Queen T op Draft Stove. Wanted rraOnly Stove made in Canada with Top Drafts.... The newest, andi best. Ttie most economicai ever invented Made of best Arnerican Russian Iroli, and lined -?~~i~II~ with Steel. No ash-pan or draw daînper for ]':~Iih~~ ebidren to draw ont and set lire to building. No ashs neect removingony once in month or two. M Will warm a house in five minutes, Your in- sieanoe is iess when you juse the QUEEN. Will ____ save 25 to 50 per cent. of fuel. Will positiveiy keep a slow burning lire ail night. Bew:are of Stove-, adverttsed "Top DOraft" but have draft atthsde Ail of these imitattons are taken from the "Quecu." When buying, b'e sure and get the genuîne Queen Top Draft Heating Stove with our niane on it. Pat. Feb. Tht, 1896l. It is a Queen because it has no equal. PRGENTS WISNTFD. 87 Church Street, Torontio. There were 50,000 oft hie couxitryrn gatheroti hn an ampitheatre of lthe bille weitin-g le iear the aulogluan, anti lb was said, whex lthe graat orater oft teie day aIlth stenitonian voica hegan lu speak, tee 50,000 people on tee itilI- elies hurst ixibe lears. Ahtat wes iva riglil and die nigit, hat was a lame sceno comparati wilh ltaI whicit will greet yen avhen from lthe gallar- les, oit heaven thea one huntireti anti forly anti four thousent sitaîl accord wlth Citrist lin cryin.g, "Wall, dune, thon guoti anti iaititiul servant!" Anti bte influences taI on eartit yen put i motion will go dewn itrem genera- bien te, generation, the influences yen wouni up hantet l your chiltiren, anti ltai'r influences woundl up andi handeti lu ltaeit ciiltiron,until atacitanti dont: are ne morel needadti t mark lthe pro- grass, beause lime litebsaîll hane longer. ANENi' YOIJR CORRESPONDENCE. Whal e higit-breti, welîl-groomati buotIhore is about an envelupe lthaI ila pýropcni'y preparoti for the mails. A 11111e lhieg, oit course! Blut oea oftlte ittie titings whîcit tells. The hanti- writixig!1No, the itantiwnitixig duei' stand for mueR, because este indivi- tuaibhas its own special cbir"graphy, anti lb la more cbatacterlstic Ibat site sitouti. ,But the writing on s wall- lkaoking envelepe le hogun fer exieugli te the lef t tle howell alanceti. Tht Dast word le net squeezati anti crammed, The addrese, with eame of stabe anti City, le wrilten lefouI. Tite stampa are evaxily phacot inl tho upper rigit- baud corner, wltb a alîglt margin laitt bctween lthe top ofithbetanvaloe anti the etigeocf tee slamp. The tl:ap, toc, oi the well-breti envelope le mun- Lagati down in a cheanly, ortiarly maxi- ner. Il is eflan randereti modisit wite treabing wax, andI tthe saxier's mono- granm. MR. SPURGEON ANDI DIS PIPE. "Cantab"' writas "Il lias navet bean staltd yal how andI wbax Mr. Spur- geon hearnad te emeke. Il was aviie ha was an usher in a boys' echool et Cambridige, and becama the pester oit th itle RepliaI citapal et Waterbeach. He usoti le slay wilh oeoi thebades- cons frem Saînrday te, Monday. At- miring lta zest, wllh whieh his lied enjoyed is leay pipe, a 'citnreiwarden' was promiset hi mta foihlowing waelt, wviicli offeanlha eagerly accepteti. SaitI thie old mani: 'He amoked his pipe as ho did -everythlng aise thoroughly, then, ho said, "I thixik 1 have had on- ough,' "Ye-s," 1 repiied, "I think you have," and he thereupon left the in-~ aide for the outoideo f the cottage. - nearly five ar.Mpyicn prescrihcd fo ewihunpou dag favorablý e reut,, nnd dnally advised me ta try Ayer's Cherry Coughs a re ti ckl11s là 'corl.'rhae aLr ixbot-. things. Nowhere dostheý tics outhis miedicine, and amn now* extravagant sayýing: «1 ;was tickled to death," corne nearer being true, than in the case of a severe cougli Do you know the feeling? The tickling ini the throat,, that you wrîthe under and fight against, until at last you break out in a paroxysm of W\Vhy not cure the cougli and enjoy unbroken rest? You can do so by using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. * Ti!s testimonial-i will be fo'ucd in fait iu Ayer's 1'Curebook" with a hiundred uthers. Free. ddd'es-, J. C. Ayer Co., Eowell, Mass. iA There are rnany kiîids of Sewiîng lachines, but where purchasing a new machine you shouid lby vail means get the very best-This is the kind I seil. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonabie, terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee wîth every machine. lntending purchasers shouid eall and investigate, ,or sent postai card and agent wiii be around. Best machine oil for sale. Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs suppiied. I have a beautîful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a Mig bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Seed.

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