r~~uu u-rv S-~ - m ~ m R a - m~ ~. I -~u~v--aa n4>Lu-~-L~fi-Im~'a-u.- I ~ * ýaýP1Ï This is the season when you want Spices, such as Pepper, Ginger, Mace, Cloves, Mustard, Turmerie, Allspice, Celery Seed, etc. Ours are pure and reliable. 0e6 ]I'here are Soaps and Soaps and allook pretty much alike, but there are great diff erences. We have a pure Soap, nicely perfurned that we are selling at b- , per cake worth 10c. Use it and save money. Ths s LY -PA PERS. 'ri sthe tirne when flies corne into,,the house and are more annoying than at any other time. Keep thern down by using RED FLY PAPER (double strength), also Fly Pads, Tanglefoot and Inseet Powder. J1 flîggillboâtlam &soII. Chemists and Druggists.1 C rowvn Brilliath.. Modern, Artistic, Efficient. The (rown Britant is thoroughly up to date, it is the finest appear- ing stove ever, constî'ucted and is a perfect operator. It bas large air flujes extending from bottom to top of stove and la ftted with large and convenient oven. It is the most po.verful heater ever put on the market. Sce it before buying. BOWNMANVÇiLLE. Dustian & I-bar Phone 74.1 Every Dose Effective. A safe, pleasant and reliable remedy. A perfect cure for ail diseases of the blood, iver and kidneys. The true specifie for general and nervous debil- ity, femahe iregulanities and ail weak- enîng and acrofulous tendencies. R NREI LEG[RRIE COMPOND The Greateat Sytem Renovating Blood Punifying and Health Restoring Tonic 4L~.S"i e siG6, 610oi $5. Ail u! ll~s8 F)wrg~s TRADE MARK. P. 0. DRAWER 33 Hamilton,Canada. Send fo r printed proof of cures,free The SLOAÉIIiEDICINE GOI~PANY3 of Hailton, Lîmited Successors to Burtch Brothers & Company. A.EB. McLAUIILN, Barrisier, Solicitor anS Couveyaniten. Offce:- Bleakhey Block, ing tm-et, Bowmauvilie. Money to boan ai easonabie rates. 4-lyr, r Dr. G. IL. PATTERSON, Dentilt. Honon Graduate Toronto Universiy anS Royal College Demtal Srngeons. Specialties Artificlal Dentures $8. 0; Anaigamn FillingaSc. Final clasa work ai veny modecate pricea. Office Onono. O[3 ARS FOR SIARY1RV CE.-Tbe im- B proveS Vonkalire "Oak Lodge Emignant" was one ni M. JE. Icetbouns famous stock bogsansine ni a iumber ci Iis prize pigs ; he la of immense leigb and, Septh. Sine"'Holywell Emaigrani"' imp. Also a 'Brkahire'Princc Lee" -sire anS dam impotedbv Mr. J. G. Snell. A youug Vonkaire B' - forsalechclr. Term- 50c or 73cBooked. T. J. Cona, Maple Grove, Lot 19,con 2,Darlirgtonil,io wmifiVile,P.O42 - 3w F ARM TO RENT-.llarnden estate- 1U 20 acres, more or less, sonili part of lot 20 in Broken Front Concession of Darlington-to be rented for a terra of 4 or 5 years. First-class f arm, good buildings and fencea, good iopallty. Appiy to D. B. SimrsoN,Barrister,BowmaOVýille 32 if. B OAR FOR SERVCE-The rcgis- -D tered Berkshire boar 0. A. C. (4522,) bred on the Model Farm, Guelph, whichla a ý weli framed animai; aIls a thoro'-bred Tamworth of extra good quaiity. Price $1. D. J. GiesoN,Lot 34 Cou 3, Clarke, Bowmanvîlle. ch4l 24- tf. The fac- 01 wratupee BOWMANYILLIE, OCT. 27,ý 1897. CLARKE tNEWS (Condensed from the News.) LESKAThD. The President of the Comity Snnday School Association, Mr. John 1Dafvey la ttending the Provincial Sabbath School Conventin in am6 liton. - A number attendedtýhe Epworth League convention at Hlampton. Misa Et tle Davey pre- sented the report of the Home League. ANTIOCH. Mr. and Mra. James Waddell recently visited Mr. Wmn. Waddel . . . .Mr.Welch viaited hier sis- ter, Mra. T. G. Waddeli, receuil . ... .Mr. Wm. Little ifs assisting ha brother-mlla, M r. J. S: Robertson, wltli lis corn liarvest,. .. .Mr. Cen. Waddeli and daughtera viited lits sister, Mra. W. J. Boy, Tyrone, rccently. KI]RBY. Mr. Jas. L. Powera is sick .. . .Mr. Edward Bircl isl expected home from Manitoba ..Mr. Thos. Powera viiied frienda. at Mariposa .. Mr. Arthur Powera has returned fromn Fenelon Falla.... .Mrs. John Cliapman, ar., la viiting ie daughter Mca. Jas. Morrow, Bowmnie.. Misa Ida Îfang, visited Mca. L. B. Davidsou, Newcastle. ..-. Mr. Cen. Cain, wif e ind f amly, Weicome, visied Mr. Albert Cbapman), Sninday week . NEWTONVILLE.' The remaiua of Mra. Thos. Welclî, an nid and higlily respected resident of Iis P lace, were ln- terreS in the Union cemetery here 'Inesday week. .New chandeliers have been placed in the Methodiat churcli. ..Dr. Olver, South Grey,vis- ited friends li ee.. ..,Mr. Wmn. Quackenbnsl isl remmvellinghIda resideuce anS buildingr an ad- dition, ... Mrs. Smuih lias returned from visiting lu Peterboro snd Whitby. . ..Miss Fligg and Miss Hall, Bowmanville, were guesta nf Mra. JJ. a pe clal course nf instruction at the miliiary scbnol, Tornto .... Mr. and Mra. Ge'.cid Peterboro, attended the funeral of >ier other, Mr$. Welc..,.our citizens are bcnomlng alive to their privileges anS talents. ColJn.Hughes aspires to lie the M. P. for West Dcam ai next Dominion election; Mr. G. Payne toelie lai De- piy-Reeve and Mr. M. J. Holïimntne 2nd Deputy-Reeve of Clarke. Capt. Millien la training for anma higli position in the M tila of Canada. Any more ? ORONO. Mre. Wmn. Armstrong la vlslting lu Port Hope ..Mrs. H. H. Odeil viîtcd friends in Peterboro ...Mr.and Mrs.Batton visiteS frienda lu Castie- ton, recentiy . .. .Messrs. Wîli Davey anS Will Webber have returned to New York..Misa Caverly, Belleville, la visiting lier sister,Mra.E. B. Nash ý.. . Mr. A. W. Carvethi bas a force of mec at work cleanlng ont the race. .Miss Jeunle Adams, Bowmanville, recently visitcd lier is. ter,,Ma Le n. Gamsby...._ Mr. anS Mca. Gorrili, Soia iied lier son, Mr. W. Cerry, last week ...Mrs. Abert Odeil visited lier siter, Misa Dewar,1 Toronto. ....Mr. Thos.]Rainey,Box Crove was ln town recently.... .Miss Neiiie Pollard lias liecu i11i... .Mr. Joe Henry shipped a carload nf horses to Boston,, Mass., W ednesday. . . .Misses Galbraithi Port Hope. are vlsiting their aunt, Mca. W. 3ones .. . .Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Howard, Hampton. visiteS at Mr. J. A. Jerome's, recent- ly.... Mrs. A. A. G amsby, represeuted Orono branci nf the W. C. T. U. at the World's con- vention .... Eider Huas, Gralton, formeriy pso of lie Christian chiurcli lere, anS Mr.H.K Gray, Peterboro, were recent guesta nf Mr.AA. Gamsby. ______ SALEM. The Leaguie service on Sunday evening nexi wiii lie taken by M~r. J. S. Huiidie and Mr. L. T. Courtice of Bowmanvilie. The topic la IlTrust Christ for What ?"1 2 Tiho. lai chiap. 1-2. NEW HAVEN. Mc. Sharp anS f amlly are about to remove to the N. W. T ..MrLviBrîtC acaMs E. skerville anS Mca..F. Bura,. town, bave been visitlng atl c. W. H. WondaI.... Rev.-R. D. Fraser wili administer thbc aaMrament of the Lord's Supper Salibatli aiternoont next. HAYDON. Josephiaud Ro beri Burgess, Elias Ashton anS Richard McNeil anc home irom Manatoba...Mc. D. Brokenabire anS wlf e visiteS Newcastle frieuds, Sunday.... .Two of nur worthy farinera traded bises as tlicy have oflen doue befoce but thisime it was a litthe Siffercaît, crie wauied b-c trade back anS got bois wisb. TYRONE. Mca. CummingsanadMr. Byaii, Kr.,. were ce- cent guesta nf Mr. T. G. Byam,leit fo r Ottawa on Fniday. - .Ms..AGad 1MissFinreuce Clemena are viaiting ai Little Britain. - - . Mr. J. H. Man- ninghlas been very ihiwitb Inflammiýation ni île lunga. -. ..Mca, Hearl, Toronto, bas been visitiîîg lier brother, -Mr. Jos. Hawkey. MAPLE GROVE.. Mca. Win. Pethlck is very ill.. - Mr. Fred'R, Foley feil f romn an apple Cree last Nweek aprain- ing an arickle. ...Mastcn Leslie Snowdlen lsabale tob oe uis g sin aser five -ma-eka' vconfinement froc a scalding accident.... .Visitnrs: Mr.M.and Miss L. Clarke, Newcastle; Misa Pearl McGilh aud Mn. W.* Poster, Oshawa; Mr. John Crumb anS Mr. Howard Fhinioti, Tamutoi. NEWCA$TLE. Mn. AI. Cowan,' Oshiawa, sent Snnday la înwn.... .Mr. and Mca. Gen. Rickand visiteS fnicadsata Welcome, cecentiy. - ..Mr. anS Mca. W. Chestaut, Lindsay, were necent visitors hene .... Mr.N. T. Selby la movfn g on the farm. late- ly occcpied liy Mr. Jas. Scott. . .. Mr. T.Dougls l dssS.l . .Rev. R. Taylor and Mc. Waltec Rikcard sang a dcci "The RarvestislaPasi" ln thie Methodisi cliuncb Sunday nîght . ... Grand Temperauce Rally ai the Royal Templars Nov. 9thi . .. Miss Pearl Pearce, Bnwmanvhihie,Sunday was ai home... eMrs.James Wright bouglii Mca, Alln'a bouse. A WOMAN'S TRIUIIPH. She Managed Her Work so weIl that it Equalted the Efforts of Professionals. While it la well known that any woman of intelligence eau- do as good work with the Diamond Dyea, and at lesa than haîf the coat eharged by pro- fessional dyers lu city steami dye houses yet there may be some peophe who doubi the statement. The followiug extracta from a letter written by Mrs. J. Gardner, Owen Sound, Ont., prove that Diamond Dyes are unequalled. "lThere was a man in our town going from bouse to house takiug orders for a Toronto dye house for the dyeing of all kinda of garments and clothes. 1 had juat taken off the uine some gooda that Iý had dyed witlî Diamond Dyea, and, ahiowýed hlm, that 1 eouhd do as good work a s aiiy dye, house. H1e honeatly admuitted that 1 was right about my work with Diamiond'Dyea. "ll-aving a large. family 1Iiue Dia- moud Dyes to economize, 1 bave ai- ways the 'beat of succesa with your dye,1 and must saIY that 1 arn more thanl delighted with your cohors for dv-e4ng cotton. L- LMO. * -mU -E --à- To) thosýe who sufer pain the joy of relief is indescribable. Debility or nervous prostration causes ail the in- conveniences of pain, though nlot its sharpness, It is a latter stage of dis- ease. Pains and debility are symptoms of a deranged condition of the kîdneys. Both will disappear when the kidneys are made to act right, not before. Dis- eased or inactive kidneys con be CURED I have suff ered froma liver comflaint for ten years and have tried different medicines without any relief. Finally I was persuaded to try a box of Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pis at Clark Bros. Drug Store. 1I have been cured of my liver trouble and relieved of my nervous condition. My nervousness came fromn weak kIdneys. ANN DONLION, 268 E. Second St., Jamestown, N. Y. SparagosKidniey PUIS. BOBBS REMI EDY CO.. PROPUIXTORS, CHICÂGO. Dr. Hobbs Pilla For Sale in BOWMANVILLE, ONT., by STOLL & JURY. HAMPTON. BOWMANVILLE. I WU~~I~FII9J IJYIIIIII~ Yes, there i,4 untnistakable proof of better limes ai fband aid a1..' a natural conEequence values will improve. Do not wait but do your~- buying Dow when things are cheap. Anticipate your wants; a. long cold winter is cotPing, you will want Flannels, Blankets, tJndlerwear,. Ulsters, Overcoats, Cloaks, Jackets, Carpets, Curtains, Boots, Rubber3 and the scores of other tbings that help to make life pleasant. Why buy now ? Because the assortment is complete and -ý1he cvaluei. neveý were better. You will likely save yourself time and perliaps disapq poin tment if you select what you want110W. Neyer sold better than this season. we have a very lI of new Overcoats and Ulsters (having cleared out our old stoc'k'a, a big sale in January) and our suits are selling fast, particularly îi. Black Worsteds, We are now manufacturing from our own clthàý lot of Pants and Vests; these will be in next week and will he wort looking at. c la fu ti ir Dtix Dry GOO&B De;'t fias received direct from the manufaeturers in iPhilade,,lp large shipment of Chenille Curtains and Table Covers,,these are b ful Goods and the prices are very low for sncb fine goods, a5K I them next time you are in the store. LADIES' FELT HATS.-Sailors, FAdoras and Walking in latest styles. We have some decidedly new things j u t lu. shades, new styles. JERSEY EIDER-For Children's Cloaks, in single and d. fold, very handsome designs and shades, also plain, whitc and red. have Fur Trimming to match these cloths. Hat received aîîotber lot of those favorite Seamless Bljs ashmnert Sox which we sell at 25e a pr; also the Grey Mixed, rib tops at 15c 20e and 25c, all special value. UNDERWEAR.-See the special values we are showingi Boys,.& mens. Oui 35e, 40e and 5o unes are great values. GLOVES.-We show Kid, tJndressed Kid, Mocha, Mock Buck, sapa Buck, Cordovan, Kangaroo, Iined. and Tnlined, ranging lu pnice froî 50c to $1.50. Our special Kid Lined at SOc is a surprise. See them. Blue Beaver Overcoats, made to order, price $14 to $20. Good ft and workmanshlp guaranteed. Our M ~ot & Bhjoo Dep't E-las received this week new Trunks; oui' prices for this seerms to move them out quick. We keep the best makes in Trunks and Valises. The new colors in Chihdren's Dongola Kids, just to hand; the dark green is very pretty. (DTJR &IOCE IDEI'T -las received this wcek 5 bbls. of Proof Vinegar, "Government inspected," ibbl. Crystal Drip Syîup, i bb]. Imported Molasses, 5 boxes New Figs, i case Extracts, lemon, vanîlla, &c., 26 Boxes Richards' Soaps, 2 cases Lemons, selling at roc and 20c pcr doz; i case Scrubbing Brushes, 5c to 25c. A lot of i lb Butter Prints in two grades, also 2 pails of our 'Oc Baking Pu1w- der, i oo, Tins of the "Mason Co." Baking Powder which seils for 15c. This s only a sînail pasrt of the goods this dept. has recently received. This dept.j Lyetsa bie ha h,, of the n,,liic favomrsan er,1 xatink thev ti-,,, v l.,-.r-A 4, ,-,,,it.......%J<; s.,Lis. , Bring pour trade tn .he MASO Oè DRohess 0of Oxford Ranges For Goal- or Wood, Visitora: Mr. E. Haggith, Woodstnck. ai Mr. SI H. obbies'; Mrs. J. Noble liad a gathering on àer riglit hand whicli had to lie ianced ; Mr. J. I.Burrows lias alan one on ha uUper pwlilcvi hfi ail lo be lanceS... Atthlhe public, temperancee1 Meeting Frida evening Rev.E. E.Hnward and Il [r. . D.Week gave very iutereating and lu- tructive addressea. .. .Mrs. Jos. Ciatworthy ta ery seriously iii Mrs. Win. Short la alan quiteI 1._ Mr. Thos.«Tard whn lias been arespecteil rsident nf the village for over forty yeara,died hiursdy. Foc sons years lie ias earried on thia business of biceher, but ha liealth having faiiedq àe was compelled tb retire. Duriîîg bis healliC before the nnion,he was an active worker in the Bible Christian chur cl of which lie was a local preacher. Since the union bis healili lias been ýpoor lie lias not been able te take any active part. Iu politica lie was always an ardent sup I ,Srter of the Liberal goverunment. Ris funeral aturday.was attended by many nld frienda. Mr. W. Beer lias bought the Panningion bouse ind loi for $1000. SOLINA. f Mr. Markus W. Paacoe, Toronto, lias îeen :6 iecied President of the Trinity Colle ge Liter- Rry Society . ... Mr. anS Mrs. Steplien Hogarthi, Ira. W. L. Law and litile Misa Bea, viaited ai Mr. Samuel Allin's, Lake Shore', recently ._( [aster Norman Laughlan, Oshawa High Sehool rcently viaited lias clioni chuta, Master ClauSe Law, Garden HiB Farmi.. . .Messrs. Lawson and [enry Hogarthu, Courtice, speni Scnday ai iheir 0 (Fncle's, M . W. L. Law.... Master Claude Law j visiteil relatives ai Bowmanville and friend$ ai Foley' recently .. . .Master Ivan Law lias a l- yce M.R. McLaren n cita flie achool ai Xmas to study medicine. . ,Visitors : Mr. A. J. Reynolds, Scarboro Junction ; r. and Mca, Ed. 'ascoe, Whutby West; Mr. aud Mca. H. Pascoe, reil; Mc. J. H. Williams, Crooked Creek, Clarke .. Mr. S. J. Williams lias a miid aiiack of fever .... 0ur Division visited Enfieid Division Tuesday, Oct. 19 and furnished a capital pro- ram. Miss Mabel Pasene W P, presided witli grace and nrbaniy. En#,eld ladies furnislied bundaut refrealiments . . . On dit that Mr. John McCullougli nf Ottawva Normal School lias boenU engaged to teacli Solina academv for 1898. ir.. Thos. Baker, Mr. and Mca. S, J. Wllliaýs visiCed Mr. Honper WVilliams, Wybridge. recent- g lr an-i en joyed the trip thococghiy. . . .Mr. John TanNeat, jr., la cemodelling the intecior of bis esidence ... . A ynuî.g Orchard appeared on Mr. lakeras sou l pi ace, Oct. 20 and iltai a very lifi y maiden. . .. Mr. W. Wecry lias hought a econd Jersey cow foi, bis dairy berd. She lsaa quceu... . Mr. C. M. Cawker bas bonght the tirai «iz Dragrade blcer ai Bowmanvifle Fair rom Mr. W.Werry for Chrcistmas. _Mrs. T. H. Hancock of Pickering, speni a very pleasant week with relatives and fricuda. She's as jolly as nfIl ..... Mrs Wm. Souci was at home tn a f oodly number of inviteS guesis Oct 20, lu innor of the vi sit of Mca. Isaac Eiford, îsîay. Thec ladies had a very social afiernoon .... Mr. Thlis. Pascne, Reeve nf Darlicgton, gavehas laughters a picasaut surprise, Oct. 19, by pres- uthn lem wftli a supenli Dominion pîsno.. rc. W. Lynchi lias stared business lu Solina as aboni and sIme dealer. Hope lie will cecelve extensive patronage....Mc. John Reynolds liaS ajolly husking bec flic iiglit if raineS, sud Mr. WV. N. Pascoe liaSone jîst as lively;.T.1he Saily mail fi mcliappreciated anS ifla ssait almoat as mcci oaalnate corues dally as formerly aes Cc-ekly. Ourpeopie arevci takc to Mc. R. Beith, M. P." LIVES I'N DANGER. The Time, for, Action and Gireat Care. Paille' s Celery Comfpound sliould be Used This Ilonth. Our changeable Autumu weather brings f ear to the hearts of thousands of rheumatic suiferers who are unable to go to warmer climes. The present month with its wet, cold weat:ier and chilling north-east winds will, without doubt, increase the agonies of those who are affiicted with acute, chronie, inflamrnatory and sciatie rheumatism. The unec acîd iu the System, which the kidneys have flot removed, la poisoning the blood, causing stiif and swollen joints, twisted leg s. lingera and con- tracted corda. iWhlen it reaches the heart it generally proves fatal. Rheumatic suiferers, why remain lu agony and penil ? There la a sure cure and a new lile for ail if the proper agency la made use of. The true agency, Paine's Celery Compound, lias trîumphantly met hundreda of cases far more subtie and dangerous than yourS; it Will surelY Meet your troubles. It la for you to determine this day » hether you shall be free from suifering and take on a new life, or remain lu a con- dition of heiblesaneas and torture that may drag yon to the grave at any time. Bear lu mind that Paine's Celery Compound cures ail forma of rheuma- tism, and does the work so well that the disease neyer returîls. Mra. M. J. Vince of Barrie, Ont., sayS: P'"I am happy to Say that 1 have taken Paine's Celery Compound with great results. ,I1had sciatîca 50 badlv that I couhd flot turu in bed orwalk without help; and for a perîod of three weeks was heèlp lessly laid up and suifered pain that at times wa;snbearable. "I> tried manv medicines, but ail in vain. I was afterwards recommended to try Painc's Celery Compound. I used six bottles, andam entirely cured In these Rangeg are combined all the improveinents know to miodemn Range construction. The Countess of Oxford Blase i3urner with thià stove we eaui assure the highest resuits combined 'wth the largeat measure of, ecojiomy. Fitted witli the eelebrated system of flOT AIR CIRCULATING FLUES which draw. the cold air fromi the floor of the rovim into the stove,mnak- ing every sto ve a double heater. Caîl and examine th( e stoves every one of which is guar ateed. We also carry a fuill line of Stovcý -'- Pipes, Elbows, Zinc, Stove Board s, Seuttles, etc. Estimates for Furnace Work pre- pared. Stoves put up. EdsaItI & UO. Quîek's Block. - w - w.~ £~ 0'.0SOAPS BOWMANvILLE. Sloan's Indian Tonic -r IMMIRL - 4MMIK 1 qv#» qcyuim»4«" qrta 1 Fi B 1