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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1897, p. 1

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t0 LOF p l' ' 7.ý NY, N Ny Nw 'v\V'Fq 'I TERMtS :-41.60 Pzs ANNJm. 4OUR TOWN ANTD COUNTY iR1;THE WORLD APTERWAEZDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SER.Ips. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. VOLUME XLIII1. No. 45. I rfi r f 8~ o o i o o o o o o o o i o o o o o o 'O o o o o o o o o o o o I o, FloýIwer Pots! Cold weather is just here. Your ont door L Ylowers wili require to be, piaeed under shelter, we have the pots to put them in. Al' sizes and prices from one cent each up. Fine New Raisins just received. Our Grocery Department is stocked with goods of the highest grade which our trade demands. China Cups and ýaucers a line of nice serviceable Agoods at hall price. Cali and see them. New Toilet Sets. New Dinner Sets. Our Crock ery Department is Snoted as being the largest and best in this district, giving you a large assortment and good valu e. We wiil be pieased to show you oui stock. Produce taken. CINAHALIOrQ& 0y Bewmanville. The Grocers. Aite Voi ScureC your Furniture at M. D. WILLIAMS &SON'S Voitr IIbest and cheapest place to do so is at their ware-- rooms. wiii be pleased with what you buy from us; oui goods and prices isuit ail classes. I.BlaLI1VS&SON. BOWMANVILLE. Furniture Dealerand Undertaker. U--ünd-r-taking aiways rcceive5 prompt anf penoua>l attention d¶sy or night. Ove rcats. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are now showing a big stock of New Overcoats in sizes to fit the smallest boy or the biggest man and at prices to suit everybody's pooket. We believe these t 'o be the finest lot of Coats we have ever shown and we confidently recommend them to any one needing a n'ew Overcoat. We are also showing a big stock of New Tweeds and New Overcoatings which we are prepared to, make in our usual well known first-class style and at moderate prices. A big assortment of ail kinds both for Ladies and Gentlemen, also Chîldren's in ail sizes. LADIES' COATS.-We have already done a big trade in Ladies' and Misses Coats,but we are still showing a fine range of new and perfect fitting Coats in ail qualities. Grocers' due bis taken as cash. Colijolistoil & rydourmai. BOWMANILvxuE. This Week, -A T -- MASON & SON'SI Ladies' Coats. We attribute the great suces we have experienceet in the sale of Ladies' Ceats te the fact that we are sho'wing only the latest fashions, al of which.-are this Beason's mak- no old- Coats-which we are sel1Iing~ 257. lo-wer itan the same quality cf garraents were ever before offered in Bowmanville. Dress Goods. New Plaids and Novelties.-Our! sales in this department have prov- cd an immense surprise._ Demoni- stratiug the fact that our iuethoti of buying enly the latest, and nover repeating patterns, le acceptable te the Ladies,and that tliey appreciateý eur enterprise in their bebaîf. We respectfully invite your inspection of our Dress Geode. Men's Furnishings. This depatment la now complote lui every tietail-evemytbing the newest- at popular prices--Hats anti Caps, Tics, CoiiarsSbirts ,Socks,Untierweam,Bmaces Overcoats Ovemails, Smocks, anti Nielit Robes. touug men wifl always finti something uew lu Ibis department. Tai Ioring on euch garments. Grocers' due bills or Butter anti Eggs taken as cash. One deor East fSadr ak ENFIELD, RZeccnt 5Visitors :-Mr Bradsbaw, 1,i'antfi-d ; Miss Fletcher, Olshawa ý eem.A. antiN. Bowerman, Port Ferryj- Mms I anti Miss Ellen Elford, Iîla;'Mm. il, Ashton, Columbus.. Ress . anti Norman Nititery bave gone onflie-buniters' excursion te Mus- Ik .Miss E. Wigg, tecirhas' r'sgne. .. .Enfielti Division is imcreas-ý 1v',gu~4oTmoto ,.Mrs.RI.,Eeynolrdsi iimpovngfronmalber tiangerous ilneýýse ..,N preac i hoe next Sunday. No II GNHEDEnD.-In cases of seem sprmiis or strains, ordinamy luni- nits tlit meq ire ubbing are very pa!tin.ful -A little "Quickcume" epreati ou iue or ctton, anti placetiecmthe some part roimoves thepaii more quickiy ani srely than any other kuown mo1Ans11. 'ite 50e anti. $1 sizes contain tir nt i uine timies the quantity in triale; only a littie le requireti. TYRONE. Mm. anti Mme. Z. Pollard, Lindsay, vitdfrientis bore recently.. . .Rev. D C McDoweil, Bowmanviibe, preacliet bo-re twice ou Sabbath ..ev. Win. JlffBowmanvihie, will preacli at no1xt Sa ýbhath' Quartemiy meeting.. S oea f our citizeus are ou tbe movo; Mm, J. CoAill, jr., being about te move o . cr to bis fathem's, bas enteti bis h onse t9 Mr F. Wilhur. Mr. Jas. Morris wil movei the bouse occupieti by Mr. VW*11bUr wih le recently purchasei. ... Mm. A. E. Clemens matie a flyiug trip te Mari p îrosa te) accompanly Mrs. Clemnens At Miss VFleece borne -aftem their plîeast 31,visit. .. . Report cf Miss E. M. Wejrmy's Junior League "at borne" Nov. 2adt wiii appeitr next week. T pun 1 Hoits-Theme is hope for toewbo sufer frons bilicusuess anti liver complaint. Bunoc BrLoou BIT-' TERSIt regulates the liver anti restores hleAlth1 anti vigor. Hoe isl the proof : D)EAR Sis-I wam troubleti with hbilionenese anti sick beatiache, and cQuld get ne relief unïtil 1 trieti B. B. B. 1 hiave takie four botties anti am now côpltecureti.1Irecemmeuti it as- tke beeýt (cure, for ail liver troubles. MUtS. (-d GLR ADnOW, Walketon,Ont. SOLINA. Mmi. D. A. Traîner bas ecevemeti fmom b(silnss. Open Division will lie helti a~ iSons Hall on Tbumsday eveniug,Nov. 1l1t1, wben Mm. J. M. Walton, Grand W-ýotby Patriarcli, will ho present. A capital program. le expecteti froin home ati foreign talent. The public are cmalyinvitedt t attend.. .. Quarterly mr4etintg at Eltiat on Sunday at 10:80 a, m. .. _ Missicnar.y services wili bhlelti homue on Sunday l4th, when 11ev. J. P. iloB. A., Oshawa, chaimman cf the iistrict will preacli at 2:30 P. m... 1 r. W. N. Pasce visited at Oono me- c...t.y.Mm. J. IL. Tremeer was in imtawa last week... . Miss L. Williams, t?ýwIm, isvisiting at Mm. Wm. Ashton's,. E. G. Pasece bas a chrysanthe- mnuum witb over oee undreti flowers thereon. ~CAN'T You SLEEP ?-SieepbIessness iS ene cf the most frequent symptoins cf hiart anti nerve troubles. It affecte al clsss nti ail ages. Milburn's Heart i id Nerve Pis estome the nerves to biialthy action anti egulate the heat Mr. Milýes Boone, Fredericton, N. B., ttlils owv they work. 'I coulti nover mý,t wiell, anti often xvoke up witli a ttart, anid theýn.sleep lef t me for the 1J1t 'ies lser ve me a most iriiediate relie>, giving n'e bealthful,, r'ebngsleep, anti I am new strong axiti Weil," fit g o o :Iant Tlat: the complaint -f Thrtv o appetlte; tend E a t 4e.. ~ot r lstTey aed tbetonlng upot * the stoinacb and digestive organs, ie a cehrze of ood'* Satrsaparllla illIgi'vO tqâ taise purifies and onriceo th* b IQow, cure§ that diatreue alter eat!ug andi lnuanal mlery omly a dyspeptte eau ýmow crate anappetite, evercomes that ordf n alde op and astalna !thie whole pbyuieal system. itooeprompt- * y and efficlentiy rellevea dysoptie symp- * ons mand cures flervoma headaches, that 18 1 jees te have aimoent a magie touch.," Sarsaparilla Us the btt- In tsettbe OntTrue leod PurMfer. are the bagt fëdla NEW }HAVEN. ~mJ, Bumk. Osbawa, bas been visit- ýlg iýss :MeConach ; Mrs. Geo. With- Ci Ci 1ge, sr., antiM. W. Witberidg, 7oTronto, at Mm. John Witberidgp>s; * Ms. Whittou, Whitby. at Mr. T. Van- ~ Cap's. . Mrs. D. Moffatt anti chiltiren '~spent Sunti0ýiay t Omoîmo... Mm. Fred Tmue'ifl anti sist4ers visiteti frientis at Wbîi1tb),.--Misse" Eva Runtile anti Winnie Powem have heen appointeti * çoellecoms for the Bible Society ... . Don't1 the social Friday evening lu the h e o equla rmp nipst nocu. a rmt n pst <ý1- iýincur for sick beatiache, bilicusuese, * cOntipaionpain in the side, anti al 1iýrtoubles. Carter's Little Liver * Pi1s. Ty my AL AL 1 NINIK T14E U11 RFRGCTOlîV. A Successful Start Made-New Hands Being Added- Orders, Commencing to Corne In-The Finished Goods on the' Market-Descriptior of the Building -Ail IÇinds of Rubber Goods to be dIanufactured- A Fine Outflt of Modern Machinery,-Sorne Skilled MecLanies-The- Personnel of the Company- Grand Outlook for Business. Bowmanville has been the favored mould inaker who like his feilow the home of some of the most successful in- rubber designer can make anything, in dustrial establishments, on the inerits wood or metal that is set before hM. of the gootis they sent out, known to Mr. Thos. Brickenden is another skill- Canada, Notably our present Dominion ed patterni maker and wood worker Organ & Piano 'Factory. Where are who fins charge of the wood worlking there such pianos and or gans as are department,and his brother-Mr. W. J. produced luit? The old Upper Canada Brickenden,--is boss of the smithing de- Purnîture factory was for many years the partmnent, both being masters cf their envied cf many-another manufacturing respective branches. Mr. Chas, Brati- concernbecauseoftheuniform excellence field is the traveller for Eastern Canada cf the fUrniture made therein, Now we and is a renowned hustier in trade cir- have springing into notice a new indus- cles. Thus equipped with sucb trained try that promises te, become the leading artizans and men of wide experience in manufacturing establishiment of its class business, we predict for the Bowinan- in the Dominion-The Bowmanville ville Hublier Co. a most successful car- Rubber Factory. The essential ad- eer and the factory aun institution >that juncts 61 every commercial industryviz.. will give empicymen t to a large num- skill, capital, enprgy' and enterprise, ber cf our young citizens. exist pre-emiln,6ihtv in this institution A branch is very soon te be openeti in and its managýenîent. The exeutive Toronto where f uli uines cf samples ability anti business connections cf the will be kept for Inspection. The great company are at the outset a strong aug- demant t ha t is sure to exist for Cana- ury f or success. Thorcughly skilled û% dian matie rubber geetis of the hîghest trittives are at the head cf each branch quality,abundantiy justifies the sanguine and~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e onotepffcei rtut fteranticipations cf the promoters anti stock - hands wll go forth into the avenues f oîters, We anticipate for the intiustry commerce. one continuai, march of developmient The factory is a spacions three storey anti enlargerent. The aim of t he di- structure, supplied -with modemn tools rectors is te, turn ont goods that will Win and machinery operated by a superior wide fame andi that are absoiutely. un- 125 horse power steani engine fltted -with excelleti by those produceed in any other the great fuel saver, Joncs'Untier Feed p art cf the world, not excepting the Mechanical Stoker. The dimensions cf Uni ted States. Beirng matie from the the main building are l40x3ù feet with finest materiais in the most skilful man- a 24x 34 foot offie in front with tbree ner, their mierits shall be acknowledgeti compartments. The first fiat contains on ail sid es and those wbo once purchase the heavier rnachinery being fitteti for tbem should invariably become perman- wahig grinding, mixing aànt calen- ent customers. This is a most landable deigail classes of ruliber gootis. Here ambition and we wish them every suc- are very large vuicanizers, hydraulic cess. anti baud presses for ail press andmnould GAINED VERY Mucnx " My Wife was work. Thiese are already crowded te afflicted with sciatic rheamatism for fullest caXacity. Just now the staff Ùlire years. Seeing an advertisemeut is eneageî in producino' the Bowman cf Hooti s Sarsaparilla w e concludet t ville ruft Trendi Bicycle Tire, sing'le give it a fair triai. Afrerseehad taken pneumatic anti practically unpnnctur- a few botties she gaineti very mnuch and able, the tire that every eyclist in this she continueti its use until she was country should dtemand for his wheel. cureti." CHiAnLEsBABcovT,Coidwater, It is destineto ehave an immense sale ý,,iigal, as, soon as itsrmeritsareknowýntewheel- iti men. -Se mnan, shams have been cdaim. Hood's Pis rhlbq aiiah ing non puncturable qua;Ilttes thkat the rtc andlirtoi.G teriae patroage Bt thesevere tssti tire bas udegoe ale tsvirtuesn AMP1m quetioabl. he band pesesare; busy niow on rubber halls for piaving- Vsios Miss Jennile Ward andi Miss with. Large contracts are crowdinzg Vîsîors, ooiý, oe r them in this ue for the coming holidayGrcRoeTrott m;D. trade. No less a skilled artist than Mr. J. H. Eliett and F. Tîrbl1uloek, Toron- Robert Sinclair is engageti painting te, spent Suntiay bore; Mr. F.H Joness, these hals lu attractive colors-the firit Bowmauville... . Master Ewart Creeper eue to do this work successfuily in Can- wheeled te Port Hope SaturýiaY.... gMrs. atia.we, are told. J. Clatwortby passeti quietly to rest on Ascedinby he levterin henrtbMo day cvening, Oct. 25th, after a few eas coner wereclithesecndflor d3s lîess. The fuerai on Wednes- Hatreree fnd a cllarg e umecf on . day' te the Methodist cemetery was at- Herwefndaarg nuberfvorigtontietby a large number cf friends women employeti as well as several mon anti acquaintances She beaves a sor- putting throukh the varicns operations rowing husband, sou and danghter to ruliber balls of several kindçs,bubs,bla d- mourii ber loss .. .. Annual E. L. C. E. tiers for feot halls, inside tubes, bauds, social entertainment -wiîî be belti on bot water anti fountain bags,musliroorn Tbanksgiving day. 11ev. E. E. Hew- valves for tires and -very seon many ar-d preachet i aniversary sermnons at other classes cf mechanicai gootis willW 1 v~eSndy...Re .HHw beseyil mIro ucei. Un tis Bat s a wel bquippre ma.hin shp it the ver v ated juniior pastor cf the Welcome circuit equppe' mchie sop-wit te hanfssupplied his, work hem........Mr. Bert latest tools and macbinery. Nwhnf Stevens, Enniskillen, bas taken a posi- are being taken ou almost daily. Here tien in Wamsley's evaporator....Mr. tee are machines, the like of which are netBw hsaknpsei otehtl to be leunti elsewhere in Canada for~Bwula ae eseinc h oe mahing mubber bands cf all sizes. The RoPerty ....Sorry te 'ose Mr. ' John first formation cf the bicycle tire is dloue Sîbat i rmorvlae on this Bloom untier direction cf an ex- pert-Mr.E.C.Gavin ef Brockton, Mass.- When lv an experienceti tire-maker anti pos3ibly knocks at a w o - one of the best artizans in bis speci ai em an' s heart lie. tiepartment lu Ameica-arman it is usually cernes in. claimetiwho can make anythiug be z disgulse, Doesn'tlý sees matie cf rubber. Mr. C. A. Clarke ~ want, it known' is the superintendent anti takes charge If hel$new ail specialiy cf tbis fiat. His long exper about he klittie ience lu the large rubber factories ef rascal, would she New Englanti leaves no question cf bis let him. lu? Thates a question., abiiity. Prominent men in. some of Womeu are apt to loek uponî these establishiments say lie bas few love 3nti marriage as purelyl equals as an aIl-round mecbanic in tbe a mnattel of sentiment and af-j rubber industry. We founti here au fection. That is pretty nearly which halls are inflated insteati of by to tteo; at the halastewayof baud according te the olti custem. pmrnae aetndatpec st of moden biltdrybea roni equredforte forget the practical part of' certain classes cf goods is founti on tbis hit. A woinan cannot be a fhcg. floor too. h oughly hap py wife antimnOther i The hiri fat j usti or temaufa- -unless the distinctive physical Thetingfat i tebailhepanufngai- organîsm of lber su lain la ture cf bligadtehl aniga - hualthy and vigorous coui.- reatiy mentioneti is doue bere A, de- tion. The best frend that wo- partaient is used for drying thermb- - man ever hati is the " Favorite i ber after it comes from the wasbers. Prescription," of Dr. R. V.! The workreoms are weil lighted anti Pierce, hief Cousultlng Phy. i aîry, good ventilation beiug inecessary sii 'ftk nvlds oti owing te the odor tha.+ constantly oh-" M. Y.'The " Prescription,>' la tains in sncb au industry. k perfect sud infallible reumedy for every

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