- ,.-.---.- _________________________________________________________ I I ýVFÀIES!ÀYi NOV. 3, 1897. ENGLISH BREAKFAST COOQA, Possesses the following Distinctive Merits« DELIQAQY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. GRATEFUL and, COMFORTINt3 to thé NER VOUS or DYSPEPTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. In Quarter-Pound Tins onlv. Preoared by JAMES EPI'S & Co., Limited, JIommopathlc Chendets, London, Dicland. Dis. J. C. HITEflELL. ~EMBER OF COLLIVQE OF1 PHYSICIÂN J.1-nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office and Rezidenco. Enniskilien. Id. Db BFUl~E 14IRPMON, B ~tUST~I4SOLICITOR, &a. MOPRIS 00,npstalrs, Ring! Street, 13ow'nare. ville. Ï3olloitor for the Ontari Bank -à r1vate 910ey loanad at the lOwest rates BIOUT. YOUNG. V. S. O FFICE IN TEE WEST DURHAM News Blockç, where hinsolf or assistent Wi1I be found froin 8a.in. te 9 p.ns. Night catis t residence,directly opposite Drill Shed. Caii8 y teiegraph or telephone wîil recoive prompt totioni71,.y R. ]PEATE, Tailoir Gentlemxen's Olothes Made to Orderi J.M.BIiIMACOMBE DENTISTr. OFFICE -Rear of Messrs9. Hliggiubotham & Son's Drag Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE Gradua of the noyal College surgeons, Ontario. EOPPOSITE EXPRESS VITALIZED AIR. D.. et Dental 01 FIOE.M New 'Tailor Shop' The usderqlcaed who han been carrylna' on1 *hO airin -business la connection with Sason s Dry Goods Store for a numaberof years ýs ccmmeced business for hîmaeoif at his tgeAldence, King St.,wost, whero ho is propared té teake Reute' and boys' suit. ta ail the latent et les, and ai lôwest prieso, For those who Wleh to ord, ute, ho wili carry a full lineofe ,,mples -ýla ilthe new-eet patteras. Give hlm J. T. ALLIEN-, Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large ofa money bas been plaoed la my hands b a rivi.persan for Invetitanaion appreved basns on farra secnrlty for a term oo vivE or vss yoars, erîvitAND ONS ÂK E VENT interOSt wlll ho asked payable yoal Satisfaclory condtione for ropayment wlli be arrannged. D. B, SIMPSON. Soicitor, Bowmanvilio, Dated Oct. lot. 94, 40-tf. UANTED- C-ýAN TASSERS-'Queen VYVictoria: IIêrlîf-f sud reign,"has capter. ed the Britishin w r Extraordinary testi- montais frein the gre wieaen ; seed for copy free Marquis of Lorne say, u hebest ppular lita of the Queen I have ie, iten. " ler Majesty @ends a idt1 ottreap -lation Seiliniz hy tht thousaudse ;îo slentbiagtic satisfaction, Canvasser mIiefromfl5 45 weekly. Pro. spectus trt t agt. Titte 5AnLEY-ýARitETa- BON Co., Limitegf, Toronto. WXANTED.-Fî rnrÀrs' sons or other Vindustrious pers(, ý of fair education to whora 890 a montb weu ýli e an inducement. I Could aise engage afiv, ladies itu their owe hom1es,ý T. IL. Lriscopir, Tqronto, Ont. JL ADIES WANtý"i.ý-Three ladies ýeto introducea heuspliold eork. Spleedid îratures tecompetent pëeýons qJ. GALr.OWAY, Torontof UTANTED-'ý-, n and womien îho e!can work hard 'aajnad writicig six hours dalyfor sixn daykwak, ;)ud will bt c-n- tent with teu dollârs.ieky Address, NEw IDEAS CO., Madicali .i dtg ornto. Ont. W TANTED.----Soli,ýtois ?or "Canada" a n enryeiopadia of 4 Country, in five Royal Quarto volumes. Ž51 eiverlug. Coin- imission paîi weekly. A ,,, asper reports lis irst week rnakiu"g over ,eaety dollars profit. THEsLu'mSCOTorvCmpai,-, Tu roato. fi ELP WANTED.-Reliable men in -I--every ioeaity, local or travelling, to te- trodece a eew diseovery andi ktep uer show ca-ds tacked up ou trees feeces and bridges througbout tht country snd town ; steadv cmn- pogment ; commission or saiary. $65 per mentt cendexpeeses, and monty daposited le any batik whan startefi. For particulars Write Tigs WOnu.n MEnhCAr ELECTRIC Co., London, Ont. 85- nu. BOTiI11 EN ANI) WOI'IN.1youar willng to work, wIfs gv you aprye wlth GOOD PAY ai.d y ou Cee work a or part turne, at hmboru traveling.- The woîk li Lig-ht #daAy. Write at once foi- terrmsetc«.. to TEI-IWKS NURSERY COMPANY, L'OC HESTER, N. Y. 38 -4Mn A On ~ux FB AAD.DO UB L ED1UP ",eaue e-avoiy Ruaeolu oea o that thiey have nom, reached an emuinence from which tiney cau look backwards ,with relief anti forwarti with hopeful- uess. Thne year bas been au eventful one for Canada. It bas seen the great wealth of British Coumbia acknowleti- geti by mining experts, from every couutr. lin Europe; tise golti fluts in thne Kiondyke rogion have also attracteti the wori's attention, wbilst tho social and political occurrencesi confection witb the Jubilee year have boon of in- cacuable value to tise country. Toron- to Saturday Night's Christmas Nunnier bas been propareti witb the view oi gain- iug for Canada as mucis as possible trom this favorable stateofo Britisin feeling$ and of correcting some palpable înisre- presentations of aur climate andi re- sources. Tinousands of copies of the Christmas number are sent 10 Great Britain, andth iis year 'the Editor tries to correct falso impressions about tho Canadian climato, to show that the Kiondyko witin ts ico is a thousanti miles nortin of agricultural Canada, sud tinat the St. Lawrence River sbould attract the plessure seekers of the world during summer. The two beautiful, hi-hart, coloreti supplemonts wlnici are tis year given free with the book, also carry out tine ide%. One is entitieti "The ?irst Har- vest in Canada," and tino other "Canada Sixty Yesrs After." Tinese are beauti- fnl picturos, paintod by Mr. J. D. Kelly of Toronto.- Every home that is, or bas been,'conuectetiwith a farm will desire to have tbem framoti for its walls-. Tinoy are saîi to be tise linest specimeus of lithographic art yet produceti in Cana- da. "Tine Graves of Three Great Cana- i lans," an article describiug the last rectiu places of Sir John.A.Macdonald lion. Alexander Mackenzie sudflou., George Browu,with photograpiei viows of tise sate, sud haîf toue portraits of the tbree men as wo knew theut, will prove iigily interesting. Several first class original stories by Canadian writers and illustrated by Canadisu artists, malte Up the bulk of tise book, while a now feature wsll ho a record of tise leadiug sporting events of tino yoar, with portraits of Canadians who have wou international sud other triumpins. Escin copy le stron)gly wrspped ini a pastoboard tube, The number is sure to attract great attention. It will boby far tise best souvenir to senti to your friends. It willbhofôr sale in tiss own by the stationers and nowsdealers. The publishers' address le TORIONTO SAT- UIIDAY NIGI{T,SATUIRDAY NIGHT BuildingToroînto. fil 8 G1 8(1 o i x[Cf 190DO Hot ADDOGI TH1E NUMBER CURED lncreases Each Pay, Untl a Record Has Deen Made That ASTONISiIES EVERYBODY Tihe Victime or Diseaso Who Have zeen Rtestored to Heaith Blass tue Neme ofr>lunyon. Mr. A. Atkey, 49 Nortbeote avenue, To- ronto, Canada, says: 1I have beete a con- tsant sufferer for the last ton or fiften years, At tImes 1 suffered severe pains lu the' atomach and cbest. At other times it has talion the form of seumness.of, the etomach. Agaln intense Tasemawouid oc- cur. I bave treated wit a number 01 medicai men, who ail faiied te offeet a cure. Inbegan taling M-unyon's Dyspepois Cure, aa di eau unheaitatingly sas' that the new treat.nut bas actsd wondsrfuliy and ,I have vastiy lmproved. The pains h ave dis- appeared and the depresion aftor.,,ating, aise. I muet epes yentir a tsfa - iýDore'S bleuatieCur esel&olni tlla toest. tievee la ce te tieree hb ou acotue@sIna etow cays. prîce 250. Munyo's iiyspepsa cure pesltlvtiy cures ai ;ferme et Indige4tien qateG teeach trouble@., lerice 25e. - l4uuyn'e Cld Cure prevents pneimonia and~ -breaks up a coid la a few beats. I'*e ZC. blunyci'a Cotugh Cure stops Coigbs, Blairé gweate, slsys sereneau and sPoedily hlIte5 Ings.Frie 25e. Bi.yen'a Kldney Cute .epeeily cures pt~ e tthe bact. lainua or grolus, sud Iii toes 1,@Vii4at. PrICe 25C; UNABLE TO IWORK. Suffering Agony Day and Night. "For nearly two years," saye Frank J. Wray, 211 Sherisourno Sb., Toronto, "I auffered greatly witb lameness anti ainjr my back. It ottocn happanedthti ybc and lddneys pairned ieso badly thati1 was dloubleti up and coulti hardly waik, except in a stooping position. Very otten I was. unablo to work, sufforiag agony both day, anti nigist. 1 had severe pain lne ilowor part of nny stoutach, and titier symptouts wiih proveti conclusiveiy that cny kid nayî wero ia a very unnealthy condition. My appetite was lost anti my strengtii elnd rapidly. I. began.taking Doau'e Kidney Pille Li ~iarcis iast, andi after using three boxas ýo? thout was cooupletaly rastoreti to isoath. I have noi hadth Ie slightest pain or ifns in' aey part of my back, or any iedlicatioa of my former trouble, aince using thespý wonderfui pille. 1"With the resioration of uy kidesys tep a- healthy condition, my appotite waa ru- atoreti, anti my treugih returntd, so t1mý1 I amn now strong anti hearty I malte thîta etatement of uty cure by Doan's Kidney Pille with the greatest pleasure, becausýe wisen I commenceti taking tiseut Itii net really expent sa reutarkable a cure se that whinisfollowed tieir use. I arnvorytl)vinnK- fui tbat I hit upon ibis remedy, anti gladi y recomutenti it te ail sufferers." 2b71 One Laxa-Llvex' PIIl eves'y 1Ni1ght fur Thipty Ditys Cues oenmtpa1on A BOYS SUFFERINGS. ATTACKEU WITH INFLANNIATORY RHEUMATISM AT AN EARLY AGE. Eacli Seccessive Year Strought FresiAt- taciks With lncreitslag SeverRitYUIMt& ne Was a PFluysucai Wreck. Fr<mU theSum, Belleville. Mr. andi Mir. W. Pi. KeitRy aepe w ;ho, are deepGý gratefW~ for akind ini- terveiltion of Providence whiereby the Dife. healtýh and happineLs of t'-eir twêlveyearsold snMaa.e arry, lias~, bnretedand preeMr.11 Kelly laoue of tho best known 'On- duc toris on, the Midliand division of thli G. T. R., anie isncw residiag jril thi's ciLty. A sumn reparter having hadof the eie<fthe limittle f elew anti j~oy 01 bis pa)"tj.ca"Iled t àthteir hon t' n wabe' moUy hs Kll, whoo (n 1eing infrormeti of Ue o bSéot of his \j'4t, at olnce told tinostory of thé oure and Jhow the re<snùts w6e attained. We -ere living in M'iacloG whnn r oy was, abo4it five years of age andi in ltho wgriag 1 vent to cala hionemirno-ilg. 'Hip repi'.ed to My eall by syihei co-ui not riski. 1 at once xvent to hi-m andi fcund-,tjit frwausiunabl owlk Medical aid being euwmmoned we d(is- covered tha.t inLtammatory hma tissu ladour XJttie boy jin its ýgrasp. ADIl that attenton andi doctor5s coald do was done and the attack pasa;ed off, but the' fdlowing gpring Whle in Peterboro liewas agaïn sie witai the dread disease andi again we were in tprrib>ýe dreati of lot- ing the child. Wbeýn tihewr weather camne again lie rallieti, but was very weak and only a olladow of hiq Muy'serva Cure tepB e nr?01unesgOg0 ;former îeelf'. Deepite ail w-ecoti4 ltide uticoe sYstene. Pricoge.e50 4 a glB ,tckdi HeD,- MSiecoxVa Ileadacho Cure stOPS bbýldRebo ow-saai Idkeii tenx tbue ucminutes. I'iieè 25C., spning. Youoian imagine tbi fansd tdunyec's Pile Otlitent pultilOy eltO ie dread Mw-ti wihh ie watcised t -hese toe-maot pilies. Frics 25c. I Munyn's Blond Cure eofelcotes u mttultglrecurriung attacks, eachi one -more ëf tht' lad. Prîce 25Q. iserere dise tise l'ast, antid aco ne edua7eo15 a*Ve iQenedles §le a bodU e 911 aieavning ouar boy cn a worse cnîic Munyef'a catiirrb Iteiedies neyer fait IrT than those tisat xenieor. isat Carrie Cure-price 2âe.-eradicates --the 41seZU attackcounfinet i hm to hod for tiirea frein the metc.ad teo Catarrb ThcU in onths, set bis heartw-as dangerilOuslY 25c.-C)eatse and ieali theparts. fetd Hi Mdunpon's Asilna BernaCles rely eîèvafett.Rs ufnesw-r erbe Mrinutes andi cure per-naeniiy. Pricé 91. anti itw-as pitiful to sea hlm itrýyin)g ttc Munyn'., Viielier. a gret toiiilO anti 'ü crry foodt te is mouth. Ris noervous etorer et vital etîength teaweair peoplo. $P. A coepate Cure feoieS iQee O :.U 4tIW sy8tea w-as se shatteredti tat, a toru £itm oBtly 25 Cets s vil. -ut St. Vitus' tdance bat atfec-ted hlm, reresical letters toi Prof, Munyul. Il Aiberý .nd bis lisbnt anti arm t renibbPd se treet. Torntoi. ont,, aewered wltb fft ts at acnt o et radhmaf Soute frinds ativisati me t10 try Dr. ----- - ---- Williams' Pinks Pilîs anti recomman,ýideti w A TED GEN S.- Quen jtiem so iigily tiat my husbacti anti - - A GE Qein mysaîf decideti to try this .Wo gave Eigt colan ite ce Il'boomtitii. bieutto Harry for several moutisaanti Elght copiesanolfi. Tc-itre-' thousaîrd - ire inicdred ordered. froin Australia; lange e-ber' the sprir'g came ivatchetiL anxi- quactities gonie te Socth Afiea; goiug like wld 1 oualy. faaring a returu oft tie trouble, fit-ein Canada. Lord Lorne Han- Msjesty's suri- but teatsnfu nidlgseit e i iaw, sys: "The itesi populsir lii e of Ise Queci wr hnkuaddliheioe I have accu,' sud thousaiis endirse tule stata no symptom ofut i, nor lias-,,ho beau mient. Outfit fret' to Camivý"ssser;,eclitcveter- trocsbitd for tht' past tire years. n-ton-y; books on tuine- ea,,y ,tu etajke ive dol_'iWhat i, tise condition of hie; haaltb lac- tiuly;to inaketi, o t. ue RAn- IaI preseuti- asked tht reporter. "Ho asvGxsravu o.,Licitei, oroto. ies as sturdy anti as isealtil a bo as A GENTS SL'LN Y EGL parants could wish for. 1 aftribute -C-FieldaIlîke a wbirlivind. Experîcuced it ecve anti praseet ha t canvassers reapingitcer-tobcst banvan t ofbeir uothing but Pink Puis, anti 1 chuter- lives; new hegience doieig Noccders. Nearly f iliy recommandti tisonsteail." cvery bsody aubscrlbes. Oece vOlIng feliewoct a jRisenmatism. sciatica. neiiru-gia, fantuaies sntntri mteeg- 5.A lady typeiprilprlse oooe txa w riter at t-t a week ciease sÎn A meebanewho pria aayis oonLý txa bail ecarnet $10asday le clealýnigQ'i day. We nervons iseadacha. narv;ous prostira- w-setrmornagents. Caevasseig oui it2ticworths- $1. Tise BsxAsvLE-GARsssaONt GO., Limiitait,Akyergo? o Toroînto. s or r-ý1- fi WANTED. --Au experienceti canvas- - Bar to travel and appoint ae-auts. N',o ec- vaasing. Saisi-y sntiexplens a parTh.vie lisn- Ltcv-GARanTirSuN Go., Tononto. TAN ý,TED.-fudustnionsr mou of r a-ca.The LîtescOToviC. Tonr- For TableançIu ltr --- ' t ton ani dseaos epeldiug Vupon I neosin tise bloti, suecb as scion a - TORTRB F011 YEA71 'rostrated by the Diseasu Piles. Une Cause of Sieepiesseeoes That Can lBc lleadiiy Overcoe, William Wslt, Satoga Springs, N. Y~ ay:"1, tiese ubsRI4býer, being foS ffty years a ceaiýdent ofthtie towr' o' hiareto-ga, N.Y., do centdth~ at I bave j een foreny years aàfited wlth thçc pilies. 0or anonthse 1 got noraig-uli tleep, 1 beanie uouspitely rostrate, taie dootoe's did me nco gond. On no- Ùilotng ans aitvrtiaonsent oif Dr. A. tln'ask's Magiieteo Qinment, I at once pro-curait a twonmty-flv-e nint bottis, and aseti It as direeteit, and ti i ls off eoied & panfoot cure. 1 have not laneuage to expresesmy feelings of gratitude to th<' iocior for -is bevaluauble Ointrnenb. 1 <ouît sa-y to tIosý auffering witb t-bt ýame ooiplaet, "Bry taiaresaedy, uani -tou wHIiinot be luappoi-ivteti."» Expen-tanco w-ih Dr. Trask'e Mag- îîetio Olntnezat lu the past flfty yecars tias demor'etrhitedt» te u ediesipro- lesi.os, as wèSuas azt dllicus of auffor- ars frou pilies, t ii sth eo anfest andl riost effectuai cure over off areti te tiE t'ublie,cooutsilning ne, oplates or poi3sons it any klid, peinless, andi con'venlentI oû handie, ani being solti by tiruggisit8 tt 25 cents ai 40 cnts e pr bottie, is rlthIn tiha Peadis of evary sufferer. 7ery frequently two or thrao bottleî gave made a comtpote cura etof orÀcni maes that isat 3l ieldeti to 'tiser emedlas for years. There's scarcely . disqssee more ng-gravatlng sud ob- ftitlne to cu-re iban thea vanto-us formg tf piles, ant i ttis a comuton practice Io use aintutento,»Ives, ant i iâlu Wrepaxatio- coentaiulng dangai-ounupot- eions, te remoîve thse trouble. Dr I'eke MaÈnetic Olutrnent bas super- stedeit aJilof tino-e Ineffectuai rernecies itadno paee ufferiug wis any recta troubla makes any mistake le giv,,i' Or. Trnek's Magetic Olntnnont a trial Any dr-ug-lAt eau furulaii Dr. Traeli- gagnoiloObntrisent, as h.t is e bez nown andt moU p opular ren-raty tic ýl1e9an sd if you asis hlm ha dan flouS, t'es refer you te mncy peoplaetin youù rIllrty$'1who have beau ouretirm Vbtely by ItL Frnis IJ . Iahie, 127 Bay sireact, ~hi Idren C~y fo~ ?itc~u~"s Castorla. --.r ý 1 beto)re a tai.r treatineat with Uvr. W liim3'Pink Pille. Thay giva a isealthy glwto Pale anti sallow complexions. Uolt byail dealers and post paid at 5ac. s oor six boxes for $2.59Y, by adi- trsigtisa Dr. Williamts Medicine' Ce., rockville. Ont. Do not ho per- suddto take soute substituta. WOMY'AN'Sî ESTIMATE 0F WOMAN,. lesviinwomen wîillho wî1e t recuguisze with Georga Eliot tise tact of sex le litarature, anti realize that toC write as a woiilan is tino office tbey bavie to perform, says G. G. Buckier icihý tiNorths American Rgview. Atter tiseir kinti, in iner opinion, womol oan tully equal men. iProhahly -,voman's kinti in literature will alwayg be founti t<) ho the humbler apecies, tise lyric, anti sspeciaily tinehyna, latter-w-rit- !Dg, anti tomestie novels. Ir' art she, will do well to confine hersoîf b the loDwer anti no letis usatul brancises, de- eoration and tise varions art indus- tries; jr' music anti trama she must be content witis being iutiisputably a file- or interpretor than man. Ia teacbing phiiantbropy anti madicine aie oaa take an honorable place, ant inl religions wo(rk, spart frosu the vexeti question of Praacbieg, abe wil ho uuiversaly welcomied. ln tise sciences of invention anti discovery she isad hast not hope for great acisievament, but be satistieti Wi4ti a large arena of usefuiness lu as- sisting anti carrying out tise creations of Bien. For it je in tisis subordînate reilation tisat women cau probably find tiseir truest ant i jsest aphere, tisat of intlieonce. It laý the modtern tashlon to tieery tisis power as degrading; noue thue lets it is a vitally inircortant factor ta isuman affairs. Buckie daclaras that le tise mottera evorîti the' apreati of civ- ilization anti tht' influence of womezi have been conuzensurate. Not only ou miorals, ha tells us, but on kaowl&dge. bas this; influcence hean of enormous nnportaee, for it is women who en- courage iu men tinose pirocasses of de- duction anti imagination wisicb are for- elgu t6 tise maie nature. Tio tise samne secret but henelicout agancy Mll as- crihos tise aversion ofthtie woriti now- adays te, war anti its adtdiction of phil- antbroýpy. ln whatever fieldi of miena- tal activity we 1oo& women bave fromn ail tie beau tise great- inspirars anti mocld ars ut men. No ouecar' mention Barak. Pendces, Dante or Petrarcs witbout thinking simultaneously of De- boirais, Aspýasie, Beatirice or Laura. Tise tinest compositions hy Beethsov- en, Schumann anti Chopin wo'itid prob- ably neyer have been wirittear but for the women to wisom tbey are dedicat- et, andtihie paintings oif Andrea diel Sarto sud Tîtian show almost 10e plainly. the eartisly aud feminine sour- ces oft tisar inspiration. Tise Frenchs Academy 0w-us its birtis tetise famalo p)urLstziw ho assambloti in the Rotai de Ramboullet, anti indeed througbont the bistory ut Frencis literature wo- rn er'sm to have abideti by the faut- o0" ativice of Lebrun:" Inspire, do not write." luIntise vai;ons salons ot the savanteentis aniteighiteents centuries, literary, political pisilosophical, seuil- religions or wholly revolutionary, a eew Frencs literature anti piilosophy, ai above ah, the spirit ut a terribly new political aga, may ho saiti to bave beau cradeic. Clubs bave now arîsea to tiraw maen away frout ladies' drawv- iîng rons. andi tha power of tise prose is eclipseti that of auy social diroit' but noua tise lem eoau women expeot anti daim'a vital if subordinate or in- direct shaire je -11 tise -activitiaà -of men. To thosa ,who are not coonteti wits tiis wecan only say: Take your own way. You are probably as well fitteti as a man at lest to, acquire laarnjng, anti ail oppurtunitios are norw optentoi you. But if in' acisievemient yuu fail to attaîn tise higist ranis, do not be surpriseti, but look with more tolerant respect on tisa women wbo are satis- fieti to ho anti ounfess themselves the intellactual inferiors et mon. as the TEAS. nîlties East End Grain, Depot The undersigned desire to th ank the farm ers of West Durham for the liberai patronage extendod to us during the past seasun, also to remind them that we are st lU ini the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOIR AIL KINOS OF COARSE(0- ilBE DU deliverfd at our storehouse cor. King a-nd George streetsa,, or at Por Darlingaton. W. have alIso on band a large stüGk, Caadan NEW AND FRESHC, of Unda and Liverpool Coarse Salt in , Bags. Rock Sait for eau!,e and homses, and Freali Ground Grey Plaster in l3arre1a which we are prepared to seil c~i-iEEA-2? Â1I kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SOREENED) OGAL, always in stock. W. invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCLELLAN &n TGM -% CuresConstipation, SLÙÊý AN ' Sick Headache, Indigestion, I NoïDIAN 1ePl g earste knad En[ it gives greft refu Compleidon. kiDlarysn ai sd on tbS oUsIdli Tonîc,, for winicin you WINl findeco $1.0, and oblige, euî- enytrilý, Well andi favorublyitnLwn a Fl and Mitidesex Counties. Belmont, Sept 26th, 86 Dean- Sirs: Blesse fini enlosed ofieodrfor $1.00, for wbich sedc bottle oif Sloan's Indian Tonie. \V tih it an excellent medicine. on-, MERRîT '\ Y'11 ! Aretoimendation froîn. Haldinianti ,< - Dear Sirs: We used vour Sloan's l Tonie sud foundt it&f great bouefit. NELSON PAGE, Byng P. 0.,( TRADE MARK. prarEsi$1pe3r holtie, 6 for $5.- Ail druggists or f-i, P. O. DRAWER 33,Hamitton,Canada. Send for printed proof of cuýre The SLOAN MIEDICINE COMPANY, of Hamihltonl, Ij l , Succossors to Burteis Brotbiýrs & Company. fi i J j-- f fi v y die-- e7--s- Hapton General Sore1 New Spring O-oods at prices that xiii astonish yoii for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest and most attractive stock of J-m- ported and Do mestic Woolens ever shown ini the -County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. Wecarry funlliUnes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-made ýCiothing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery,-Department Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as eheap cheapest and '.as good as the best. We have special values in Full lune in Patent Medlicines at popular prices. Suiphur tu -quai at 3c. per pound. Fr,_ankA.eoIc HIAMPTON. Yýý < conadjau èýKtattomaul Ic is