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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1897, p. 3

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* BABY WAS CURED. q 4,DEAR Sas,-! can highly recein- q 4,menti Dr. Fujwier's Extract cf Wild q .~Strawbcrry. It cureti my baby cf " ,e rhea afte alothar mannefailcd, q 4,segiveit rat praisa. It ia excal- q I ent for ail bowel compiaiets. q 8 MR$. CHAS. BOTT, Harlowr, Ont4 + THE HEAD MASTER q q.GENTEMN-I have fçeent great q *satisfaction in the use etftDr. Fowler's + +Extract of Wiid Strawbarry, and ceni- 4sider i invaluabie in ail cases of q 4diarrhoea and semmner complaint. +, It i a pcasurm te me te reconnendiq >l t to tla public. q. :R. B. MASTERTON, Principal, q jHigli School, River Charie, NB ------ 9wayne & Sou, Pilaideipiin. Lymana, Sons, Wilolesale Agents, Monts-cal. LTVED 'F00 LONG.' ft ~8TFO TALE 5t Great Publishr-Very susry, ir, buti mu . FOR DuIRY USE yes- manuer£ript nial not do. 1-4.0aeusse FOUALITY R'd, OTi hm.e Noelit-Eh, I%,Wi;t s theraterulIiths hsea t h CANhA DA SATAOCIA T/ON, CL/ N, O INT, tiamotr i1n On Top... of al asoaps fcr nurseryuse, tands BArcY'S ON SOAP." It Ia made of purest Vegcetable cils and sliehtly perfumed wtb finest f lcwer extracta. Il bas been sold and used for s0 long, and always been good, that doctors al ovr Canada recommend is use, havIng practi. cal knowlede of Its Mot of its nmeroussimitations are js/u,*ss tA thskin. TItZ ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO.,* Mire. Montreal, 74 Specalsts In the Treatment 01 Nervous, Blood, Sexual and.: private Diseases î 7Oban lu DEII'IN~aaC urd despondent;ýwea n lifeas mory poor; eaely fetigned; excitabW1e; les sunken, red and blurred; pim-,pies on face; dewms nndnight l'sses;ý draille at stol; oozing on excitement;' 1 11ard looking; weak back; bone pins; ý ler;hair loose; sore throat; varicoele want o onfIdene mp tency; lack of snergyM E:regt Thrlis important steIy la MjABB 1A L ifesol ee i takennatil Yeu are positively cnred if yen have been weakeaed or diseased. temember "LI e father, likd son." Emias$- ions, vaaicocele, permatorrhoea and s8ypili ndnerhpiness in marrled life Orc e Mtodcres them per- mennentlr Ifjea? -,Me lfA t congut ns at once, as we can restore Sour strength, vital energy aad desires, If you wsh to Ma riy, oni advice may be wortla a fortune kou' Lit Tor Lifi bi Drino1 Aïly! New Method wus iscovered bY Do enveral Vears ago. It builds up and strenqthens he nervons system; restores 10 t vitality te0 the sexul organs; stops al drains and Ï V-s3es; invigerates and restores lst man- nood. It neyerfailsini ring theresuit8 of ell Abuse, Lster Excesses, Blood Dis- es8es, or th f.ts.o£a MIsspeni Lie. CURES GUIRANTEIED ~~-OR NO FAT What we Treat and Cure! lil,3NervousDebliity Stricture u)Ischargres.Lqost aan hood, Kld- nevan dBiadderDtseas s.Con- au tation Free., Books (illnstrated) Free. Write for Question BI an k for Home Treatment. Everything Con- identia. Plain enveloipes. Nothing sent (j. . JD. ee testimonial« net wesk ORS. KENNEDY & Kir GAN 148 SheibY St, Dtot lh PRQ pTYSECURîEDa GET RICE QUICKLY. Write to-day for nn~beutiulilutrteBookon Patents and t4* asrhiating story of a poor Inventor who a e$200000Send us a scighasketch or moled of yeur invéntion and we will lIromitly tell yn FRE if it Je new and No sumbug, HonestfiervIce, Spectalty-: Toughi cases rejected ia other hands and foreiqn applications. Itoferelicos: Honor- ~ l .Berthiaume. prop. of "La Presse, onrbaD. A, Ross, the leadiug news- apers, IBanks, Express Companies & clients aylocality. Al Patents secured through our aec are brouglit hefore the public by e specia1 notice in over 300 newspapers. FNÂ'lrION & iNARION, Patent 'x~re Temple BtiLdïng,l85 St. James St., Mot'rea, The only flrm of Graduate Engineers in the Domi;inion transacting patent busiins E>xQhnively, Mention this paper. rw'Alexandrian grain ships ware fâil CT1E S TIDA17 clà lar ta tuie Moditerraneainporte. TWe<~e which bati just beau wrecked was 1 aýrge aaouoeb to aecoinmodata two hunidrýd INTERNATIONAL, LESSON, NOV. 7, andi seventy-six people, countîng bt crew andi passengers and it was, -ý P auli la qielta andlnome." Acte 28. 1-16. uausually large. for ;Josapbns tells Vns Golden Texi, iRem. e c M cf one whiioh hati six huudred Un board Hadwintered. The capt*i PRACTICAL NOTEe. of tisasliap bati actad xser thalý with whom Paul andi biscmanos Verme 1. Wben they esciapeti. Freinhuati i et;fr lhe bail taken tmi thleir struggiea with the destructive Sea. refuge f res the destroying str. 'bay! knew. They asicertailed. Thara L VL- esin as lto nd P '1Y better ai: ' for reading, -we were Ancent sitillbuilders carvad ln rel1 if on eacdh sida of the prow a fiigç esc.apeti," and "we knew." The isiant wilih gave naine to the ship. Castorý1111 %vaf callec Meita. Every incident of anti Pollux wara diviait îes whonaýl' the narrativ e favoris the> rnxposition seamen especially veneratati. It s a that this is1iad was Malta, which lies Pleas1ing coincidence that n famuius iondera steamer- one of the finxeat on the direct route frora Mexandria to lever hauit un any country-bes Rome. The opinion, now neary ex- the[ nama or "Siga.," of St, IPaul. p.ýbted, that an isiwad of similar nane, 12. Syracuse, the chie city ofSily Mèea, ff Eecoat e Danitiais a-was eiglhJy ies fron Malita. Tarried Meàdaoffthk cootof almtiais n-there thraa days. Eips of that dayt, teudati wae based on a misapprabension heing without any amotor but tno of "Adrira," in Actas 27.27. This timon wind,, were at the mercy of evary Lakea for the jouýney froni Ciauda te breeza that blew. Voyagers frequut ly badl te watt for the weather. it i1ý ItJta corresponds with the- distance a favorite tradition in Sci y that Paul, between CLiuda andi Malta; but te "instant in seasoýn andti o f seasoni," drift froin MeLeda woujd tuj&ke mueh took advanatage eft tEls delay te go( longer. The mention of SrcieBe.ashoreandat preacil the Gospel, andi that: ho was able teý founti the churcb the!re giurn, anid Puteoiii, versa 12, 13, 'vas the ibfore the winti changeti., nearest ponta ia the joUrney ohward 13. We fetchet a cempass. "Pro-ý i. aition.a1 evidence tit tbe iplace cuedati circuitously; worled te in, M'a~ta.ward, availing ourselves of the siaswý- of egcape wns at. osities of the coast."-,Ssnith. Rhegiusu,ý 2. 9Brbarous peopL;e. Iblt t '5 A littia town now, callat Rheggie a),t feVges eop0te Wfho spoka neithar the very axtreniity of Italy-its soutb-. Greek nos- Latin. ]Thu Meltese of western corner. Ït Le worthy of niote1 PauV da wee O Pheàielan rceandthat the cins of this ancient tetn lpra.-1 Paui's ay wre l PLeesiuia rae, aented tha profi'ies of Castor andi Poilux; net at a il "barbarouls" according to as its guardian deities. &f ter'ene day Ouuseofitýi ord.tfatger iaanti hati tispent here the sonth wind, for wanut of rby ith atiiteturle aturea Tad-ewhich they hati been cempelled f rslt t nioraia achtetrahow tu raisofTbe "tarry," and then te '-fetch a con- more Anriae s-swh it scileenthe'pass,11or tack, blew anti witb eveýry- mNorLhd mican labUe Mwititilw7erAgeyNothiag in thair favortbey soenraca litte kntiesa. "N' cmmo iend-Puteeii, now called Pozzuoli, h) Un nee." hulre, knit ra"X cm. "'ile nertheast angle of the Bay of Naplas. raili that fintiset in ;" "Th oi- li5gs stheport atieth ý tïuupous ral T e c.Ck According rajas inclutie fragments of p> grea, to thl, mont correct ohronology this ilathen temple anti a mole with twen wreck occurre4 toward the nuiddieB oftyfvarhs Noven aubergthre b 14. We fouhd bretEs-en. Seoi hbs 3. hauPau hd gtilre a un-îtity was alIready establisheti ina dia of sticks. 0f dry brushwood. Com.. PuteeÇ, wiletlner t hati conina th,ýihel iantators bave notatihow Paul's an- from Home, or ýfrom Aexandria, orý ergy of body anti seul is shown aven froim Jerusa' ëm. Wes-e teire-' !'lu- in this. Thera came a viper out Of viteti." To tarry witiltilein aventý the bent. "Dy reason ef the boat." tinys. Tile narrative threrogheut jin- Rouset tram its winter torporby thle c1iates tiat singu[ha' privilegeis waýra gutiden lent, it fluag its deaatly fangs given. by the cenuco4riom Ju lus t i into bis baud. At preseat tIare,,are Christian prisoers. Probably the ne venomous serpents in Malta; pro-, g171otest oit a-3 thse erivilages wi bably becausa of tbe dansity of the tibis permîssion, cbOse to the gatrs et population. Reome, toenaaweek of -ev'ng iter 4. Whani the barbarians saw the von- course with the'Cristians of' Putii oosbeast bang on his baud. Paul Andti ae, we wantowarti Home. tr- omous ing frein Puteolt by landi. was prebably in chaina; cilains, ilow- 15. Freina thee. Frei Rome. Whelu oer, tii net prove gut; for Roman the. hrethireu board of u». ilah simlpïe magistrates wasa et tanunjust; but infesace la theiaChristians of tPu- suraly tha getis were just! Neotioubt tara,'i notlif lad thes Chriatiansg of Renie, this man is a murdaras-. 'PTahegicOof perilaps certaib goit'y iltabrew.s nîso, this conclusion was la harmony witil oftha rrivai ofthUis disýtinguisheti the pravailing sentiment of thnt age rabbi. Aý3 fur as Applir F«rums. About -a sentiment which, la spita of eus forty-thrae mies from Rome. 'Phirea Saviour's rebuke, is witiespreaati ven Taverne'. About thirty-thrae mires te-day. Vengeance sufferatil not te fron ulRme. IRu&th)aiked Ced andttook liva. "Vengeance" was a gotidess, cOUTrage'. PauX-- hati a special disposi-. the avanger of crime, Whlo raquitati iiîae tien te thla&k Goal, as la ahewa la aIl wîtil like, killing witb kîlling. -If uow bis epiattas. In the latter years there this man's deom bat indeati been de- iat been mach the deoirega hlm. The clarati by the baavenly pewers the la- chagrin of bis fni'lare lu Jerusalerm, the lates eltwac ia apparent teck off eympathy on the part landrs ouldwath it excutin wt e ft Jesi1pilam Christiana. the waariaome great interest. captivity in Caesarea, the tarrih.e in- n.Re Ha sook off thle beat rate the niidet oi« the- voyage, tube drenry win-. tira, anti fait no u hrin.The aies-y plain- tes- inalMaita-thur8 Wasntm ly indicates that tbe vipoir huat hltte'a pEasuini neaawoff tteir ayantg; but Pui. Roud Mark 16. 18, anti Luka the true-beartet i reet-iungts oitthase, l0. 19. But, as Professor iLintsay.1 two partieof HoMan Christians, coma nays, tui have, escapeti biting iii sucil n te show him that ,the faithi te whicil casa was almost as mach a miracle as hebaigivcn bis .Iife'a, anergias batlal-i tu- have beau hîtten anti not suffereti ready taken root. in tin imperia.à city, frim the bite. chased as,] tifficulties away frein ha-I 6. Tlhay lookeet. Continiiet to look. fore is peerless seul. W'ban ha shoulti have swoilen. Have 16. The ceauna. JmIua. Thie cap-. bacoma infianiet. Or tallen down tain of the guas-t. The Pratorian pre- dead. Su viruient anti fatal 'wes-e Ifact, Wbo if our cilsonolegy is correct, thle fMaga of the viper1kaowinte ber, was liesrus Afframius, a nobleman, Tilay ohangeti thair niinds. Which a tistinguishad general, Seneca's easily-jimpressati peupla are very apt friand, anti Nero's tutor. Thie oltest te do. Saidt tit ha avas a got. Thay manuscripta, however, omit the words stopped. net hait way; a tartlig cal- betweaa "Home" anti "Paul" Suffer- amity provati ita viotina an assassin; iet te dwall by himselt. Tisia like otiler powrsto ignora, it proeat iim a got. kintily incidents seems te indicate an Compare, Acta 14. 11-19. 7. The saine quartes. The sainie unusual indulgence te this vary un- neigiliorbooti. Possessions. The estatae.1 usuel prisoer. It was a favor alloir- Th l ief man, The trotes, "the fist' et by Roman lair only te prisonars ma,u " Til is an u»usual phrase, but n1et suspeott et serions Offenses. Pro- inscriptions hava been tounti in Mlta. bably Fastus bati sent a favorable re- in butE Latin andi Crac'k, irbich mue pus-t of Paul; certainly Julius weulti it a« the officiai titla, of tha chiet H-o- speak irali of him; thon, tee, bis own ma magltrata of Malta, "the Mal- conduot in contributing te Une snfety taise rapresentativa of Une Roman pre- of bis escrt anti' bis flloir-priîs- tes -of Siily," or aise as an honoras-y oners weuld maka a favorable tihgiven- to, one who batibeau impression ou the autherities> magistrata. Receiveti us. Paul anti at Home. A soltiies-. Heviset Ver- !ls tire companionse; tha'y walre p ro- sien, the soltinr; the oue to whoinnha hably btter treateti thaii sonneof w as heunti witb a chain. Sýea Acta 24, thair felleirs because they woeavoiler- 27; Epil. 6, 2a; Col. 4. 18. 'hs guards- atati as religious touchers. -Loigati us tlsea tinys. Tilli winter quartes-s for men irare peidc llycaniget, anti the whole party coulti ha prepared. Tra- Paul iras kept seo long lu onatedythat dtuba tells us thet Publius atterirard ha murt hava hueera' obainatinl tura, bacama Bishop of Malta, te a large numbar of the memibers et 8. Sick- of a t aver, Lteally, "fav- the famous Pratesian guard. A holy ars," meaning wblat ira wouldi noir eal impression matie on thesa men iroulti an intermittent taver. Bueody flux. iuavitably ranch te the'lamost et the Jyeautesy. Luke's pretessienal inter- ccenetric imperial ices. From Pihi est gives paculiar viviiness te is de- 1. 12, 13, wa laasr.' that Paul iras seriptiens et disense. Prayeti. Vocal distînctly nwara of the grant influence- prayar was of value la sucE casas as Ced's mystarieus providenceliadt tins an evidence that the cure wns tile se- secureti bim, anti ragardet iL as at suit of faitE lun-Ged's peirer, anti not <race n grant rasponsiility anti agrant ot magical charma. 'Laid bis bauds on privilega. hlm anti healet i hm. Tila is a second ________ Presbytery of Whitby. Tino procoedinga of theo Prosbytery et Whitby heit in Brookinlenlat week was bagua on Monday evenlnag by a Convention oetttenouYeng Poople'is Sootieri witinin the Preobytory. Tino Programme te vrhich rotereuce was m-ate latoly la thoso clumuss vie carriAdt nul n d provod te loset unustial Intereat aud profit. Amiong thoso ifromthie iocoiliy vWhe contributad te theo programme ware Mr. J. Stewart, Kendal; Mr. Donald MecDonait, Bewmanville; Mie Bas- att, Bowmanville, Mine Batisoît'a belng rand by Misa Grâce Laing, Bow-, mianvillo -, the Ravis. J. A. McKeen, Orono ; R. Douglais Friser, Bowman- ville ; anti G. B. MaLeod, Newcsetie, a;Ise took part. Mr. McLend'a atidreisa on "The actelaiand ideal ia life," vas of unusual -poeor_ Thnoreport given by the Bey. Mr. McKeen on the mis. sIoe'n fi)the North-West, vhich la sop ported by theo Young Peopie's soloties cf the t'resbytery, vas of a most on- couraging nature, and frons tho pledges made It can bc stated wîtin confidence thît aven a larger tutuviii ho availîbie for this mission next Yser. Theo singing cf the Convention tias e marked Meature; it was ontirely cou. gregational, led by the Brookla Pres- byterian choir, la whose memborship are tin olliday family vina are known thronghout, the vinola district ferthelr musical talents. At the evening session en addition %vas made te the pregramme by an ad- drcss frems Misa Mmraret McKellar, M.D., of tihe Proibytorian Mission et ludore la Centrai Indla. Miss McKoi. lý a had at7yeare exparionce lumedical and generîl misslonîry work thore, and hor attro, toucbed upon various pointseIa connection vlth mission work mat the relation cf lthe Young people towardf iL a inohemont practicai vay. Lt vs admirsbly deliveret sand vas $pokers eut of the fuli ofe experienco. 'hc appealet atrongly te tEe Young people for recruits for mission wçcrk abroad. Theo business meeting of the Presby- tory occupied Tuasday forenoon sud attejrnoon. Ail theo nisteris vero proeet, witi s f air proportion of tho eiders. Tino Rov. Mr. Hodges, cf Til- bury, w7heosutpliedt tin vacant congre- gaLtion et Otihâaion the proviens Sasb- bath, vrai invitedtote it vitin theoPros- bytery as a corrieêpon ding member. Conssidenablo ime was devoted te the boit methot cf bringing the varions musionary, educationai mudt enevol- ont acharnes beforo congregationis of ino Presbytory, and t ivs agreet thist tiie second Sabbatin cf November ehonld be takon for that purpose. A Coemmîttee vas appinted viti tine Rev. J. A. MeKeon as Converser, tc, arrange for anu îtnrchange of pulpits on thât day and aise ta appropriato aonoigat Linocongregatious Lino propor- tion eoftino sîmount requiret for theve richemesos that eacin congregation migint ressvonably b. expected te coutribute. An eider wiii, vinonever possible, ,,àcorÀapany the visiting minister ina ii exisgo. A Committea, viti theo Rev. R. Wiiteman,,as (Cenverser, vrai -appointed toe rrange'moetings for Rey. Nerman H. Raeeil, onae o the Central India Misî'nariee vhin e aspend froms Decê) let te De. 4th vitinia the Prs. bytery. Au appreciativa resolution mes padoptad in regard te -the Rev. H. H. Estmîn, iately removed frous Osinavi tco Mýeaforl. The 'Presbytery agreed te oerturo tino Generîl Aaisembiy for a reduction lu theo represeumation in Lino General 1AesembIy froua ono-tourtin of the numaber ef minustersanmd eiders toenue- sîxth. It is tinougint that tbrouasuscb reduction et meniberfs thne Genorsi Assemably, theugin smiller, viii be more The attention etftino Presbytery vrai drawnte Lino tact of the noir approacin otf tino 250tb Annivorsary of tino stop. ,n o ethîe Shortor Cateobisua by the Westminster Assemby, and te the, arraàngements for ils clebration by oýthaîr Preasbyteries. h vrai agroat tht pasatoes honit givo a special a- dress to their congrogations ounLina îub- ;ect at soino early coavealeut t;e and tinat tbe Presbytery shonît toyote tino fuioutay evening proviens te ils Janu- ry !îseetieg ln Pickering te Ibins mi- jeet, ant a Committee asaiformad te carry thie eut. A very iteresting addreae on lin. tullesof fine'- eldersbip vai givon by John MeLaughlin, E-q.,wino is an eider lu tino Eîîniskilleu congregaticu. Tino attdroslad Le a profitable discussion ontbe sbet WOMIEN _WANTED BEARDS. BOWMARNVIILLI E I. R. BOUNSALL, mai Sdealer in Fine Monumental scrptin, nd llkinds of Ce Ail orders promptly filled manner sud at reasonable'pi Gî- NieT oks- inufacturer of and Work of every de- ýmetery Work. -Ki in a satîsfactory ýrices. 19-tf boots and Shoes, lmnofi inesC hunuM 0~ ie Suermilice. s.0 llaving secured the services of W. JENNJNGS, as salesman, we hlave begun sellilng out the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Fal Importations. This is a great opportunity to. secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be reduced we shahl offer at once $3000 worth of thèse goods at sacrifice prices. Ail outstandingaccoiunts must be settled in full by Aug. l5tii or costs will be incurred, as the present books must be squared up. D. DfXVIS BOWMAISVILL, BI.A-VER BLOCi I 1Now is the time to look around andi see. if youî- fur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer', the Furrier, is the man who ean do your work properly, cheap -and guaranteed. The latest styles in Rats and Gents' Furnishings always on-hand. Bring your f urs early before the ruùsh commences. FiirrieI ,s,~ ~ s -,?M- 1 1 ruculcui c ul-1-lur, u 1 Teacer-What do you know about akangaroo? J Boy-It bas ý.?ouch. TaPeacher-Wha.t does it do 'ith BOy-Wben it la bu nted it gats in- leý causedi bylterpit liver, wbidh prevents diges-' peo a ntis-mtafood ta ferment anti putrify lu Usestma i.Thn 1011ev dlzzinoss, headice, PIl stimiuinale LIna stenacls, retreli il. rcura beadb, ,dizziness, con- siptoî t.25. cents....old-,byaildruggsts.

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