)oNot TO See the new stock of extra fine Tooth'Brushe's at STOTT & JUJRY'S, Se, 10e, 12c, 15c, 25, 35e. - OUR BAKJNG POWDER at 15e a pound is the best in the market. STOTT & JURY. Sale of Hand, Mirrors. We fiave been fortunai in seeuring a line of han mirrors that are a marvg for chp.aness aninh-nrd te nd ler to turn thein over quickly we aý ' e off ering them at prices that will surprise you. Stott & Jury. We are stili selling the 'best Baking Powder at, 15e a Pound. inazoI1s That Ar~e Guarranteed We have just received an- -other stock of rozors that are worthy of the attention of those who enjoy a nice clean >xshave. We wil gladly return your Mgney if you - are flot pleased. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, borax ,And Arn mon ia. These are two articles that are not used as largely as they should bc by the ,general publie. Those who have flot used them have 11o idea as to their value lu the every ~day wvork of the household. We are makiug a specialty o!f these two lUnes aud will give full directions for usiug to every eustom- -er, STOTT & JURY.: YOUJ WILL ASSUREDLY Miss A. Goodthing If you fit to take advantage of the sp ecia offers we ate now mahing in thoroughly high grade Razorm. A poor :Razor is dear at any price. We oitvl guarantee everyf Razor we Bel u=y rmoner la refundesil cheerfnlly and promptly if you are flot satis-t ied,1 A considerable drap has taken place lu thei prlce of Shavïng Mage and our new styles are inuch tssuparicr ta the old lines. Cal! sud se thei., Stott & Jury. YOUR EYESIGHT IS VALUABLE. > If we did not tbink eo we would net have spent hundreds of dollars lu expensive Sinstruments, In o0er ta, get the bets- sible resalte with these instrumente we hv S taken full courses in the three leading Col- leges of America aud the more we le. inlu refereuce-to the fitling of glasses lunampli-1 cated cases, the more are we cou vnced of the importance of care sud adcuracy; for we meet with so many cases -wbere greeu iujury le being doue on acconut of mi@flttiug glasses sold by persans witbout ither experlence or ability. We are more than willing ta abs olutelyc guarautee satisfaction aud refund the sucney in any case we cannot fit accurately. Stott & jury. iïTOCK F 011 -SALE OR BENT. -àýKO Acre Fanin. finit claie for stock, about 1L0 arss -cared ; 50 acres good pasture. A neyer lailiiug creek rns tinough the place ; barn 30x ,0 - table i8x15 ; trams hanse gaad as new l8x27 ____ staus c-(*ear; god'rel; gootI alsike cduver mniles trram Lindsay 4'1 milesfrorn Mar1posa Rta- tion ouGT.R.Besi Takt lu Ontario. le miles fram Po rny, 4 mile& froin Scugog lake, un firetciass Gravel road ; 3 haurs run te Toronto ou R. R. Terns easy. Apply ta J. F. DIX, Littte Bitain. 4 - 2w, GRAND 1HUNK RMILWAY. BOWMANVn.rLn STATION. OINO EAST. GOING WYST. Express.... 831 a: M: Expreas. 5 r,23 a. M *Expreàs ....:1018. mILcl 8 18 Pusesger . .. 29 p.m. IPasenger.. 2 05 p. m Local... 642 p.m. Express- . 522 BOWMÂNVILE. NOV. 3, 1897. Local and Otherwise, Ash Sifters 12e at Nicholîs'. 15 bars Lauudry soap for 25e this week at Nicholîs'. Read the West End flouse advt, in this issue-it wili pay you. 1The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company are having two uew steamers bult. L. Morris is rushing trade iu Parlor Suits. Ris big vsriety and low prices will tell. Several residents of Chesley were fined for keepiug pigs withiu 70*feet of a house. For the biggest stock aud 'the best value in overcoats eall at Coucli John- ston & Cryderman's. The new incandescent lights are quite an improvement in ligbtng up the dark streets of the town. Mr. Isaac Bescock,, Cartwright lias purchased the residence of- Mr. hRobt. Spence, Port Perry, for $1,000. The Pbrivate bank of Gillies & Co., Teeswater, was robbed Friday niglit sud the burglars 'ecured $2000. 11ev. S. J. Shorey, Peterboro, preacli- ed anuiversary services lu Sherbourue St. Methodist cburcb, Toronto, Sunday. Dress Goods of ail kinds-the latest weaves and the newest colors-now showing at Couch, Jolinston & Cryder- man's. If you have auy furs that are not up to, date, bring th em to M. Mayer and lie wili make them over into the latest stYles. Darlington and Cartwright Plowing Association match takes place on theè Mont , omery Farm north of Enuiskilîeu on Nov. 9th. Mr. S. W. Sauders will open a first class grocery store lu the building for- merly known as Variety Rail about Nov. 1.Further particulars uext week. Ladies' and Misses' Coats the finest assortment of new and perfect fitting garments ever seen in town now show- iug at Couch, Johuston & Crydermau's. Saturday 's Globe contained a fine por- trait and sketch of the life of o! Capt.A. W. Crawford, one of West Durham's successful boys,Commodore of the fleet of -the Ramilton Steam Boat Company and Commander an the, mn betweeu Toronto and Ramilton. The article says "Fortune lias followed Capt.Craw- ford for not one disaster or accident bas hie to record, althougb lie lias encount- ered saime' terriffie gales ou the lakes, and has ssiled lu dangerous places lu thick fog." At the meeting of the Town Counei 1 Monday niglit Mr. R. Windstt resigned the position of towu clerk to take place Nov. 20, S Burden, W. M. Rorsey, W. Power apied for the position. Mr. T. Roar resigned as chie! foftire depart-. ment, Poor relief committee recomn- uiended payment of $70 medical accoint' aud reported $51 expended Iast montb. Finance committee recommended psy- ment of accounts for $419.815. New scales, have been purehased for $75 and the old oies. Mr. J. C. Vanstone was appointed; Higli School trustee. Fire committee recommended purchase o! newengiueof 600 eallou capacity. Ad-ý journed meeting N'ov8. The Ralloweeu social at Trinity churcli Monday eveuing was vers' en- jo.ysble. The programn consisted of pilano solos by Miss Edith Freeland sud Mr.Percy Rook,vocal soto byMiss Nellie Saunders, readings by Mr. Geo. E. Maynard and trios by Messrs. A. Darch, G. Pethick, and C. Osborne, sud a chorus by a number of youug people. '£lhe program was nmucli spprecistedi as was shown by the applause which gre et- ed nearly every- number. Refresh- ments o! eoffee, bread and butter and cake were served, Not the least inter- esting part was tbe memory test and observation game. Mr. Fred. Vaustone won the prize-a pretty china plate-for largest list of articles sud Master *Carl Maynard won the prize for smallest number, Proceeds $12.50.- Our former citizens, Messrs. Geo. J. Cook sud D. S. Weir seems to bave had a narrow escape from the Manitoba prairie fires. -Mr.Cookwriting from Ba- got, Man., says; We were not ini the tire beit but it came within lî miles of nere wîith knowledge o! hià Ïbusinîess, wrhicli is up to date lu every hue be E melîs, sud does it flot stand to reason, thst asbis expenses isless inBowman- J ville Man tisat o! tbeV iuthe culies be eau selI yo'u goods'bougit at the verv saune market for less money, fHe does do it. . You lose money by7dealing else where. several were turned away. A large xaumber of singers oceuipied the platform and led the singing but some of them who bad promised to take leading part sent word that the ' vwere prevented by sickness., Mr Irwin's sermon on cou- secrated fearlesmess wss listeued to, with wrapped atte ,iÎtion by the large gathering. ' Y Their action ou the stomacli. Liver and Bowels, MrLER'S WORM POWDERS eorrect aIl such troubles as lack of ap- petite. Biliousness, Drowsiness, Salloiw Complexion, et$; nice to, take. PETtSONAL. -m-, This offer will1 be -(ood for the next two mouilis. On motion the Council adjour- ned to StudyNv 27th at uslual hour. R. WiNDÀ-T.T, .p C. OE-hêee is nu autbority for a ilero to kill dogs except by by- lawý of the to3wusýhip sud there bas been nu suci y-awra,ýsed.-Towusbip Clenk. Corn popper 10e at Nicholis'. Tea Ketties cheap at Nicholl's. STATESMAN tilt Xmas for 15c. cash. Buttermnilk Toilet soap at Nicholis'. Read the Witness elubbing offer or inside page. The North Kingmade ber last trip fo this season on Saturday. Do vou read the West End flous( advt.*? Look at it this week. Allan and Dominion Line oceai tickets for sale at STATESUÂN office. We wilI send Toronto Weekly Glob( to, end of 1898 to new subs for $1 .00. An immense trade in ladies' jackets iý being done by Couch, Johnston & Co. A gold mine is in the STATESMÂN'S a& vertising columns for Ithose who us( them. See those lovely Quarter Oak Side boards at L. Morris', the newest and very cheap. Messrs. MeClellan & Co., are paying the highest prices for grain delivered ai at the Rarbor. The weather last week was perfect for shooting and many of our sports took advantage of it. Mrs. W. Y. Brittain and familv,, To. ronto, have moved to town and &ccup: the west side of Cherry Cottage. A fine range of new Dress Braids, Gimps and trimmings of aillkinds ai Coueli, Johnsto n & Cryderman's. Compare, please, this journal witl other eounty papersand say if it iE flot worth any two for home news. Some iron and brass bedsteads alsoa very pretty line of rattan chairs are sold very cheap at L.Morris' furniture store. A speia snap is advertised by thE West End flouse for next Monday anc Tuesday. Read what they say in thei: advt. Daily Witness, Northern Messenger, The People's Doctor and Tins STATES- MAN for 1898 for $3.00. See offer on in. side page. One dollar a year is the priee of Tin STATEtnMAN when paid in advancee; a. ter three months we reserve the right tc charge $1.50., That weak, tired condition will soon change by the use of, Miller's Compound Iron Plls. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by ail druggists. It will spruce up your ideas of furni- turc to see the Quartered Oak Writing- desks HIall-racks and Centre Tables thai are selling at L. Morris'. Gentlemen who are particular about havino- a perfect fitting suit of clothes shoulY leave their orders at Coueli Johnston & Crydermnan's. It bias been suggested to the Dominion Goverument that October month woulc be more suitable for the observ anee of Thanksgiving day than November. It is what a cougli may lead to- that makes it so dangerous. Ransoni, Rive Syrup and Tolu is a medicine thai lias long been tested in private practice. 25e at Stott and Jiury's. Now is the time to bring in your furs to bc repaired- If y ou eau 't eome dur- ing the day, my door is open until 8 or 9 o dlock a-s I have to work. M. Mayer, the Furrier, Bowmauville. You eau buy a marriage license, steamship ticket to any part of the hab. itable world,order any newspaper.mag- azine or book publîshed from M. A. JAMES-, STATESMÂNoffice, l3owmanville. The danger is in the negleet. That's why so many colds lead to a fatal dis- case. Ransom's Ilive Syrnp and Tolu is made for throat and lung troubles. It acts like magie. 25e at Stott & .lnry's, Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the p ast fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver PRlIS did me more good than all the rest. Scaly éruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns and scalds are quickly cured by Trask's Magneti< Ointment. It is at present the article most used for Piles and it always cures them. 25e at Stott & Jury's. The regular Quarterly, Fellow~ship [service will take the place of th e prayr meeting in the Methodist churcli on Thursdav evening 7:30 p.m. Ail mem- bers and adherents of the churcli are asked to be présent and participate. A CURÉ' FOR CHIL BLAINS.-DEAR SnRs I used Ragyard's Yellow Oil for chl blains this winter and found it most effectuai, It relieveès the irritation almost instantly,and a few applications. resnltýed in a compléte cure. F. L'Es- TR.ANGE, Port Sydney, Ont.' The South Ward Sunday Sehool wilI hold their anniversyry on Sunday after- noon next. Addresses will be oiven by Rev. J. J. ltae and Mr. Jas Giffillan, B. A., and singing by the sehool. A liber- ai collection is asked. AIl are welcomne, Shortness of breath-a sensation of dryness and heat lu the throat. Ne,-- Mrf,JohnIHelly an, jr., speis Sunday lu Cobourg Mn. Oscar Scott, Cronoe, spent Suinday iu town Mr- A. S. Vagtisj presideut of Toronto Cle 'n Club. MTr. Harry Minus, Toronto, wau ln town Sai ris ir5 eomans, Toronto, le guest at Mr, j C le Miss Tamblyn, Orono, le gueit of Mise ShIrie: Mies Lily Evans, Toonto, le guet of Mns. S M.John J. Dingman bas reiurned frotr eBran don, Man. Mirs. Thus. Bradley, Dundas, la vîsiiing Mns M. Wlndatt. iS Mn I. asud Mns.-Win. Werry, Sollua, epeut Sun dy ai Lurue Villa. Mr. Juin L. Masun, Daveuport, la., is visiiu hie miother, Mns. S. Mason. Miss Guernsey Port Hupe, le guessiof bel sister, Mns. A. L. icClellan. Miss Eliza sud Mns. El!. G. Pasue, Slina, vis ied,;, Mns. Geo. Juil, recenily. Miseý Ethel Trebilcock sang ai the Ladies' Ah sill Port Hoape Frlday evcuing.. cl Mn. (Rev.) Geo.Blain of Premcot wae areceni tleset of Mns. D. Glbraith,, Queeu àt. Mliss Hunier of Smith's Falls wae guest of hez oncleý Mr. Geo. Pearson, oî er Sunday, Mr. D. L. Mudythe great evangelit, wai i! guet of Mr. S. H. Blake while la Tononto. Mns. S. Mason sud Mns. laworth aitended the -W C. T. U1. Convention in Toonuto lait week. Mr. sud Mns.Jon. Lane, Port Perry, visite, y ' lMMWain sud uther relatives lu town over _Mecesrs. Frank Trebllcock, John Waliers, J. 1 . lEllioti, A. N. Mitchell, Toronto, were in tjwa Suuday. Mrs. W. W. Allin wae lu Toronto lait weel ý,visilg relatives sud attending the W. C, T, U. Dr. NV. E. Tilley, Miss'-Moonrafi sud Mrs. .)se ewell atieuded the Normal Sebuol Jubil Iü( leelebration ai Toronto. 4Mr,. J. F. Osborne sud Mies Emma Knlght areviitlg hei sstesMrs. D. Livingstone, sulmMs. S. Stauley, Guibrie. e issDors McMurtry, daughier of Mn. W. J -j MeMitry3, Tunounto, bas g ne taNew York City r to penfect herseif lu vocal isusie. Miss M. Mosetta James is mskiug a briet visii ta Tonouc)to. She sang lu Berkley Street Meibod. iïi chunchel, Sanday uight by Invitation ufthti chocir director, - George Haines, Esq.,Pollce Magistrats of Bow- mailleil, called ou THiE WORLn lait Friday. M r. Haines is iooukig particularly wueli and hie maniýy fiende werc pleased to have a social chat wiih Ihim-Cobourg World. -Many citizeris of Buwmanvllle nemember 0 Lucy Smih whi e fi here mauy years ago. The Mr.Thurmau of Jscksou,Mich., representative of thc colorsd people at thse receut Wunld's U Conivention of the W. C. T. U., Torouto, was ehle d sud very.glad ehe wue ta meet saine uf our ladIII again.ý Te Choir of St. Paul'e Church was assisted ou1 Suiudla y by Mies Margaret Breard, of Monroe, - isin, a graduate of the Boston Conserva- -tory af Muic. Miss Breard, wha le the possese- on ut a soprano valse of great campassud 00 t Pgave Roek ofAges" asa solo t o tiseedigt uft1w th ougregatioii. The Rev. H. Douglas Fraser.; sermon was on Paul's faith, as brought ýt ont by tlie storin ai sea, 'I ishieve Gud" sud the s seletiou c (ame lu immediately afier with great siff Let. Mr. Th omas Hoar, our travelling correspond- eut, returued home laut week after hie long îjourney as descriised su well lu the 25 letters pub- iished lu THE STArESitÂR fromn hie peu. The jauiit seems to have doue hlm great good for i sys hie feels like a youuuMalis of 25 again. He ceriainly looks, vsny we 1. 1He apeaks of the great kisîduess showu ta unm by frueude of form- ter days lu many places visited sud of ths pieu- utse he feu aover seelng thein once mure. He Smay repeai ths joutney iiextyear. Oîîe fai le very eviderntihe has travelled with hie eyeesud sari open sud eau recali laces, olstauces, pen- sons, etci., with great rea lues8- -DA.RLLNGwTON COUNCIL. Town Rail, Hampton, Oct. 30, 1897. Regular meeting. Members aîl pre- tsent. Minutes o! last meeting were lread asud conbrmed A A umaber of accounts were preseut- -ed sud laid on1 tbe tableC. Communi atoswre pnesetd : From J. W. 18 Kerr, Esq , Clerk o! the Peace, ackuow- -ledgaiu. receipt o! report o! selectors o! ti Junors for Township,received and fyled. From J udge Beuson, revision o! voters list, received sud fyled. -Charles Rowe and James MeMillan made application for sheep damages, laid over tili next r meeting for waut o! witnesses. The eclerk wainistnucted to write Mrs. Phil- e 1Tylesuad Messrs. Samuel Real sud harles Axford to open dîteli scross tbeir propenty forthwith sccording to 1 eugineer's award, which eau be seen lu c lerk 's office, Mr. Poster pnesented a creport from special committee appoint- eed at iast meeting to select oravel pits ssaying that they had selectel two, one firom Mn Thompsou about 40 rods west o! Scugog noad lu the 4th Concession r sud one !nrom Mr. Courtice, Lot 24,Con. 3 Tie report also recommended the -sale o! timber on road allowauce lu *front o! lot 26 in 4th Con cession, On motion received and ado pted Mr. Cour- tice was sppointed to selI said- timber. iThe clerk wasinstructed to advertise -for plauls sud cedar for yean 1898 as per tbill. The Reeve, wss instnucted to 1grant ondens ou the Treasurer for the !olo iiisus: Thos. Power, sheep - damages,1.0;Artbur Burgess, 'do $8; A. Mann. do 818; Samuel Allin,do 1 12.67 ; Samuel Snowden, do $4 ; Geo. - Power, do $2.84 ; Geo. Tremble, do $6.68; W . Fley, do $2.14; Geo.Tom- linson, do *4 - John A.Glbraithi, do $3831; Mrs. hi. Galbritb, do $8.67 Samuel ln lot 6, B. F., do $8.67; Daniel Galbraith, do $4;, James Sulley, o-avel095 ; Blakze Courtice, do $8 95 ; R.S. TooleY, do $2.15; E. J. Bunk,reut o! noad suid gravel $7.60 ; Al vin Peters, g ravel 1; Beuj. Powell, do $240; Samruel Allin, do $6.11); James Stain- ton, do $645U7,- John Mrt , o A$"A00 The Grocers, fié - lE use -1t. CS He wn'tuseitbecause its " shine" I as&s lit too long, and stems too sîimple. , - 'Pays hlm 1better to use a wax, pore-fIller, and polish at up a previous- polish. er Paid by the week, înstead of by the pair, ir he'dshine the actual e, leather, hard and v- smooth surfaced, wih le -M04 ee Sole agent for Bow.,manville, JOHN HELLYAR HIGH SCROOL RE~PORT. FORtM.,-BOTANy.-E Coucb, B Vanstone; F McCrimmon, E Worden equal; V Jewell, K Edsil, Rl Maxwell, E Dunhai e q ual; H Pearu, M Reid equal, M Cryderman; A Wighlt, P ck ard, M Henry equal, L GIfford, L Mason equal. M Aluin, A Lyle, E. Blackburn equal, A Beith;' E Pattinison, L Bragg, Hl Tyler e qfua, ?Pearce: M Gaud, E Scohel] canal,C MeCan M Mason, A Morris equai. W flowe, T Scobel e q al, M Trebicock; C Wight, G Cawker equa, FMasoui; W fluxion, G nilkey -equal, A Hi, FoRm II.-LITERATIJRE -H Walbridge v VanCamp, A McKowan e ual, KB darE par- ling equa , V Pollock; H~ Reid ; C Joness, A Mc5orley eq uai, H Huter; M Riekard, P Os- borne e al, E King, E Folcy H Freeland e Ë al Maning; F Mason; E Henry, A Knight equal, F Reid; H. Mitchell, H Hooper equal; G Beiuh; L Glbert; L Jarvis; A 1105ki; H Osborne' W Roy equal, P Tait; B Foster: A Haruden, H Hook equal, A Renwick; R Bing- bain. FOinS III.-ALGzEuA.-C H- Mitcell, E Free- land, N Pattinson, N Hall, A McRoberts, S Hutchuson, M James; N Allun, R Hoskin equai, M Clemens, P Henr y ,W Morrow, D Galbraith, F Galbraith, S Blackburrn, G E Gilfillan. HIGîNno>Ti1r,ý-In Howmanvjlle, on Cet. 27th ta Mr. and Mrs. T. E . Iigginbotham, a daugh ter. SHERIDAN -In u owmiaviile, Oct. 25th, the wife of Mr. k'. J. Sheridan, Osnawaofadaught- er. TRtEW,-Iu Oshawa, on Ct. "lth, to Mr. sud Mns. S. Trew. a daughten. MORRIlSIn Oshiawa, Oct. 27th. the wif e0f Geo. Morris, 0i a daughter. FLIMTOF,-At Mitchell's Corners Ctt.ïh, the wife of Herbert Flutoif. of a stili boru*). MARRI ED. L TANNEn-LINTON,-I11 the Presby terian chunch Ornlo, by 11ev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Mr. Edwand A. Tanner, Lakefield, aud Miss M. Linton, second daughten of James Lioton, Eeq. DIED. BASSETT,-In Newcstle, on Oct. 27tb, Rachel A . SoleS, beloved wife of Ricli. Barnett, aged 37 years. HRES ER-At Pickering, John Remmer, sged 557 ycars. MÂCEs<y,-At lot 32, 2rd concession of Wbitby township, Ct. 25th, Mathias S. Mackey, aged 37 ysare. Lovsotr,-Iu Toronto onCt. lti, Robert B' Lovekin, son of Mn. James Lovekin, Newcastle, aged 24 years. BURSes-1 Whitb'y, ou Oct. 2511,, Charlotte .Isffery, ei viwfe of Wm. Burns, aged 64 years ad 10 mouths. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Correetedby J.MeMlurtry eacli Tuesday F= PU, 100 lbs.........ý2 50 to $2 90 WHAFaîl, bush... 0 0 fi O 75 Sprinug ....0 00fi0 75 lied Flfe ...0 0t0 80 'I GOOSEi ....o0o0o f 6 BARLEY, e bush, No. 1 0 3O 4 0 O35 I fi2 .0 26 0 27 il i ....0 25 0 26 il fiTwo rowed 0 25 l 0 27 OATs, white... .........0 00 fi 0 20 RY i ......0 00 Il0 42 BUCKWEAT...............000 et0 28 PEAS, Blackeyc, P bush.. O 54 fi O 55 et Canadian Beauties.. 54 O 055 etMummey ti 00 1 O4 eSmall, il O 40 t0 O42 t 'Blueil-, 040 11 04-0 BUTTER, best table, P lb..- O 10 f" O 15 EGOS, VIdoz ............. 000"il0 15 POTATOES. bush..........0 25"teO 30 isy per ton .............00 f t fi9 O fIOLTS STRAYE D-From lot 14, con. %_ , Dar-llugtuu, ou Oct. 28th, tw~o marc colts, one thrse-year.old heavy draugit, wlth three white feet sud white strîpe lu face; aud a twu- vear-old llghi bay driver with une white foot. Information leadîug to their recuvery will be snitably rewarded. JAcoB G.&ui, box 126, Eow- inauville. 45-tf. HAGYARD'm YELLOW OIL cures sprains, braises, sures, wounds, cuts, tfrostbItes, chilblains, stings of inseete, bnrn s,scalds, contusion s,etc, Price 25c. DR. IOW'S WORtMSYRtUP je a safe. sure and rellable wssrm expeller. Acts equally, weil on elilîdren or adulte. 1Be ,les fat- t '-P<'7»/.t'yo« ia M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M, -'X JAMSe~, Issuer of Maniage Liseuses. Resideuce: Centre street. Q ERVNT WATED.-Middle.agedl kJ omu pefnnei.MaiS. HERBERT MCMTIR. TRvBowanvsle,42 -if, 1{NITTING.-Mrs.F.Piper, Ring St. Dlc E., Coruisls's Block, bas a uew kustting usachinisleprepaned ta du ail hinds ut tam- ly knitting. Give hel seau. 44 - tf TiT AIR WOR.-Laidies wishiug bair LAdoue uver,'cer aintMits. Dscwussoms'sia Street, WeSt, Bowmauvllme. 43 I 1-1OUSE FOR SALE ORF TO - .LOwned and formerlyoepc Mn Rankîn on Division St. Applyto.AW'O Bowmauvills. 44 - 2w. c AMERA AND OUTFIT FOR 04.50.- -Qnad, 54x31; in goad condition ; easy.ta work sud gives excellent pietunesi.out- fit with camera. ARtTHURiS-GOÂAID,Bwmanvilîs V IECULTURE-Miss Glover. is irpeanedto.giveîlesîons lu Voicesculture to a Ilmatedumier ofîsuplle,,at her home, King Street, East. 50 - if TOICE CULTURE -MISS M. Mos- V set taJames, pupîl utf Mis J W Bradiley,Tar-. 61sto0 sd Gold Mefia isi ai the Ontaio Ladies' Coii3ee,Wuitby, will neceive pupile for Insinuc- tion in voies culture ai 27 Centre St, Bawman ville If you this ~ ~ ~ -- fai wecn el paper cheaper than you can buy in the city. We have some, very nice patterns at 4e and 5c, worth 10e and 12c, With fine inch borders to match. ' W.T.uAllens AND Lehigli ValleyR. R. System, 'BETWEEN TORONTO, IHAMILTON, NEW YORK,PL.JjEL.. .PfIA, WASHINGTON, BALTIMVORE. THE BLACK DliMOND EXPRESS --VetibjedTrain to Bu-flalo), Levs-- Finestin the World. LevsTornto 9 a. -., daily (sxespt-S'-day) Hamilton 9.155a. n., srnivu- n u 0lo12 noan. No. i5 expri-ess (dsa iy) 1îi9ri,Turoto S)lt 5.50 1). M. intend papering Tirougi Vs~lstihule a onîa Full perdoil"ns su tram Woos, get Bw-nau.îl orWrteTro Ou1rStr is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods every, time you trade there. This is the way we want you to feel about Titis Store and we'll menit your good opinion of us every âime. If youý should buy anything from us that is flot en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it ight. We Keep full linos of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seil cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principles and the public like our methods. Every-dayis a bargain day at our store and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see as and bring your produce. We will give you the best pnices going. e2awker &îtTait, n ve.ti bule parier ea 1 -- - - 1 1 ý, + Fý - i .- X- K- -.- .. i bn*IiU-"'Fýl -t -L -r -L -Le --i larm. sIftla - - - - - '-- - ý --:ý l' '-" 7 1 --l A- -f 1 --l- 1 -L LS IBoWMANVILLE.