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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1897, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THfE -WýORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, NEWSERES.BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEIR 10, 1897. VOLUME XLIII. No. 46. AMI, VOICE FRO1NL BENVER. )MJNITOBA IFTTER. m mmmEDITOR STATEsNAN-I take pleasUre EDTOR STATESMAN.-I arn writinig ~~ ~ ~~ in handing you herewith a sheet that thesefelisfomtebsltietw AI bias just been thro wn into our office. of Lethbridge,, situated 60 miles north Tu eaen!aI - o-morrow is election day, the County of the boundary between Alberta Terri- ~ Iofficers and the Supreme Judge of the tory andthe State of Mentana, and 85ý' and corneryo if IA S tate wili be electd. Yo u will notice mies east of the farnous Rocky Mo mi- o! lt he W ,>B there arc twenty-twe distinct partie î in tains which can be seen quite plainily sytteni le reached by the blood, and onl the field. Polites are introduced inte froim here, on a clear day, their snow- lttaqiality the condition of e7ery organ do- ail elections here. One party ony- clad peaks glistening in the merning's penids. Good blood mioans trong nezves, The Civic Federatien Ticket- are, or sun. Sgood digestion, robust heaith. impure claim to be, nonpelitical. They hbave The principal industry in Southern biood meane erofula, dyopepa,rheuma. for their motte "Municipal Government Alberta is ranching, of which there are ti»in, catarrh or other diseases. The sues is business flot politics. " These several two classesfirst there is the big rancher hae od iod to bave ilood'e parties indicate vory plainly the un- who owns thiousands of cattie and shlips '~ arsparfla Ths ediinopurfie, '~-settled condition of the people, how dis- by the trin load, thon thero is thie man1 BaaIzanerilo h e the rlood , an Ysnd satisficd vhey are with their goernment . who goos lit for mixed farring and who the elements of hes'th and oteghto o alsoffieh owsth erentf the popltinaiote raising grain lias prob- etregth hok offce.Govramnt c th pepleably frem ene te five hundred head of '~evry nerve, organ nd tisse. Il createu b y the people that wo hear se much catle, and both classes are making a good apptIte, gives rrefhng leep a bout is a mvth. That is if it means molloy. Some of the ranchers fromnthis , R udC :res thaLtiOred feeling. Remember, t bat the people elect their own candi- district go down te Ontario and -biy iii & dates. What proportion of the twenty- ail the yoiing cattle they can, whichi v two parties wiil be satisfled alter to-mer- they sb .ip rp lhere and tcn them ont on 9 ________________________________________________ vi o? If they adepted the grand old therahe and in two-lor threo years EU ' UCanadian system of compelling the can- thoy are sbhipped back over the saine ~ U~Udidate to deoesit twe bundrod dollars rente, and go to England where the COUC , JO NSTO & C YDER AN ae no shoingwhidh he would loose if hoefailed to re- beef is sold as"6Alberta boof"and brings ~ lia ceive a certain percentage of the votes, the hig1est price in the market. Calvos bi tock of New Overcoats in sizes to fit the smalalest rs p i it weuld b ra eei etiscu-are selingas higlias$15 here now. byor the bet mnand at priceS to suit everyhody's Xabbes -n faetthe One True B1ood Fur1ler. i Butsth os ia f seo ry 1tinkofelAlebsert ainim~o boyiges an~ -cue very man is allowed te do as he pleases ftisgetSouthern iet n pe t. We believe these ,to bc the fiestlot 'of Coats we curtae easy Illsperate thùe prînciple Is centrarv te al îaw. ï ingDistfrict and tliousands cf cattie are ommen the tohave takeni an interest'in varions forms shippe fom bore eý,erv season., One have ever shown and we confidently rec ________________cf evruentcflae arsadhaeCornpany (Ccrîi kanch C.) having Iiv amen aritv cf anpeop e i-shîpped 6 train Ica c,l, nearly 1,600 lbead any one needing a new Overcoat. 01?3iWDIG.lvdaogaareyfpolefi- fremn here this fal11 UOLDN WDDIIGS. feront nations but 1 f'aîl te find a ocoun We re lsoshoînga ig toc ofNewTwedsauJCnTtesayeonnoeOctO6t, aortry whose laws givo greater freedom and The immense ceai mines and shops cf we are als showing abig pteckantNeeventeteckd 0 Icet. 2tho rosir reator retection te its people than the Alberta Railway and Ceai Ce., are usa elkonfirst-c1ass style and at rnoderate, p'ices.g thn ITggi roos e isef 2,00 u giv. 'hou ce 11lý1bra1tioni of their Golden Woddling. ledg ocf how t e dolope the Wonder- cf thie mines aveýrages 60'0 tons andyo f and Y hur.n and Mrs. 'W. I arnlad te sethat under its pros- and Manitoba ande the Northern Statfes. U nec oh in g 8 aivedcflitarandenterpont Canada is bigvz etbi- iacfth '.Rgih odtc;M.and Mys. beginning te take beau proper PaeC .RCo' et1asR . n A o ai kidsbot fo Laie an ~ lli l ait, a ome.Torontoagiss among the Important nations 0f the Great Falls and Canada R. R, mako it Abig assortment earth. Immigation important railway centre, and if, as ig ldet yar~ wa aie er immense fertile tracts cf land 'Will it is hoped, the C. P. R. mako it -a divis- Gentlemen, also Children's in al sizes. preseýntI. 1Thréeesons, Richard Ilaggitb.-.lie tilled, lier mines will bcewerked ai-d jouai point for the Crow's Nest Pass R. (centraIl :arls.o Rochester'. and lier forests and fisheries -wil ho tnrned R, the future succeFssocf the town seemjj LADIES' COATS.-We have already done a big trade ii c4 o Dakota, were unable te lbe inte goid te the benefit cf lier People. assured. Ladies' Tho clildren 1re.softed the Where people are factories cf al l inds haoi etliaerpoe inLde'and Misses Coats,but we are still showing a fine oldcoplw~ith a pair cf Gold Spectacles will foilow. There is certainly a great brciiidgI.e bexcHi wtr-powor of perfect fi Coats il qualities. eac~anTini gold, wiîile Mr., iagkith's aud prosperous future in store for a-fcites11'0Biv ie unn range o new audJ fctftting ot in allemployeess in Corîcl, John1stoiî & ada and the tbousands cf Canadians cirougilmtndinsepc l~ ryerm~' ti ng etbiment, this side cf the lino will watclî with in-ed hatIn a shýo rt tîme we wm0'K,ý tll ver Grcr'due bis-taken as cash. 1_ reo t1 the with a pair of easy terest ber preg-ross. cipees ti o 9 ~~~~chairs. Mrs. J~~~~~~~~ohin E,. Bond, Ilochester, Iecoeoedla o u T'E-dmsi îdieproe.'br r a î4ece lýcf M.Haggith's, wired a nmes 1Mnfoeoe dlar, wor leaSed tES-oktwo tigs_. in hd Iehrig's deQ- ( icf congUratulationl. The gather A orhonews each we ekpl frcm ote1var- fic-ient i f : womn sd atrT i I uh ~ n imîIa r"i ngws o fined!te(t, famnily and aieslocalities that wo aa re efIfirprsn mtid fsppsn ~ULLU il, ~vO"Y Ilaggiî, wîo orîgnaîîy came itbmfamilv say there is neotr rW n rottehussntak OEPI us 11( oleti i pl a nt u itg owt e the 100 etric ighatïweic are sed t mest j1tterestigcmonrtn f illuminate thc residenGces, stores, pub1lie r1i t nierrycf their wig buildings aud treets cf tho towni. WWWWW day as been cxperienced by our hon- TT 1 y%0f churches, Lethbridge bas four: ered frieuds. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bing- UA f) J I~~ Preshyterian. Engiish. Roman Catholie aaEnsiln o.2dthvwr j~ j I~ IJ nd Methiodist the pastor cf the, last the recipi-euts cf a letter from ail the uamned beiuglkvW.PGarnod memobers of their famiiy,exprcssing the~ Bowma uvule boy,weil known te STATES- W E elove suid kiudiy feeling they experîenced MAN readers. Unlîke some western fer Itheir aged parents accompanied bv towns, Lethbridgeis a peaceable, law- audsomne purse containing acousîd "" bdin town; altliough thoro are 3, ho- erabie number cf twenty dÏollar gold ho aremade QUll ndStro ctes and considerable drinkiug doue, Cold weather is just here. Your out door pioe. I'ie,ýedIess te say the parents therois littie open iaNviessness, owing Flowers wiii require to be placed under wr emltl n eflysuised i nesClr opud îPoal otefc htteeI e l but apprecîated far more the moieIýHIIV e6iIftOfllllu tachimentcf 25 Mounted Police stationed sheiter, we have the pots to put them in. Al T .,.,, prompting the action cf their cbuîdreu iee sizes and prices from one cent each up. I Il Is tan rhey did their valuable gift. Mr. I must net close this short article,with Mnd Mrs. Bingham wero united in out ssying a few words in regard te the ~au marriago in July 18,17 and their family É_%dm% centompiated a reunion on that date N o Return of Disease. climate. Ibelieve that thisisonecof the Fine New Raisins v e i thisyoear but as Prof, Bingham of To hoalthiest places te hc fouud suywbere. w uqc;k l 'ho air is pure sud braciug and plenty just received. Our Grocery Department is Arente was on a trip te Europe sud one cf it, in as much as we are quite fre- A- dangliter in Wiunipeg, they badl te stckdwih odsofte iget raewhch- T aanoi ha reecan dcde o ~. quently visited by the famous Ilchinook" stoced wth oodIof he hghet grde hicthefabdoveii,'atexproestherlvesdfland~ll~îWu~ f winds, and when thoy cople there is ai- Our trade demands. Cina Cups anu cancers S 0 9 Suî1 &i etbee plrand Mexres. înham haove Ltl ways abundance of air, as anvoue who a lne of nice serviceable poods at half piice. been iiaimost continuons residents of En- Wasthadany exeieneinlf i h j la ndsethm e Tie en.N wiskillen since their marriage snd bave M. West can testify Cail auJ ee them.iNew Tolet ~ Newenjoyed and rotain the good-wiii sudM.JIUHiSN Dinnr Sts. Our Crockery Departllieflt us ýdj C at onfidence of ail, hein g among our most 'A Letter from a Montreal Gentleman -Lethbrîdge, Oct. 30, 1897. noted as beiug the largest and best lu this LU trbu p tegra see s long embfiers of h aesboorin Cured Fouir Years Ago. TriERE is ilopu-There is hope for district, guvrng, you a large assortmnent anJWdtrbt h retSCOScuc u M.Bnhmwt e those whe sufer fromn biliousness and we have experienced in the sale Of great mnany yoars an eider sud Sabbath--ivrcmantBuoc Bo B- good value. We wiil be pieased to show Ladies' Coats te the faet that we are school teadher. Ho was aise fer some TRsrgltmtelvradrsoe you oui stock. Produce taken. shewing only the latest fashions, ail yOars a coeiiilicr and deputy-reove cf Medical college conferred n on Pro- health sud vigor. T-loe is the proof: Ïis ~ te township cf Dariingtcn sud retired fesser Edward Phelps, M. D., their DEAR SiRs.-I was troubled 'widh cf whieh are tis Scasons mae- voinntanily as hoe did net aspire te the highest henors for bis nvaluabie inves- biiiousuess sud sick headache, sud ne old Coats-which we are selling higlior honors cf Reevo sud W ardon, figatiens in medicine, but ail this seems ceuld get ne relief until 1 tried B. B. B. 'u Allcer1tan he srnequaity f pstosho was Qwi cslcu rittil. -smal] in cemparison with the grand I bave taken four betties sud am nouw 3uit ailclasses. perbiced wcrkmon n tue litstsfasumon. -h h~ Tese pis gave me al;Uost 1-TlJu, j- Weguarautee te save yen froim 2 tf08b imiiediate relief, giigie hatfl -y ou such garments. refreshin- sleep, sud I am nonw strong - a M Grocers du b is or Butter sd Eggs sad weil.U" Pù-rnitur-e Yeater anCt-Uudceralcer. ao £ S w-Yeur Grocer wil gïvo you particuý BOWM1~vIi~E~lyviLXPlars, or drop a postcard te 5 ,UnlertalUng alwayi ree0iveo popt 4 Iperxm attention d&ty signabtureCOLS owavll, LEE RO.IMTDTOO One door East ot Standard Bank. b'.LVRB O.IIEOOT

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