Base, Burnher The handsomest and best finished stove in the market. Powerfuh Double ileaters, taking cold air from floor. All the latest improvements "lwith or without Oven"' are combined in this Stove and B~,e'mAIWviLLEp. Plonc 66. fliouse will be ail the rage now. New Wall Paper for sorne if flot ahl the roorns wil be needed. Prices now are so iow that every room in the house can be made spic and span at very littie eost. IJ arn selling papers frorn 4c up. Beautiful gold papers fit for a palace, at 10e. Window Shadles, picture frames and framied pictures will be ueeded. These I have at very low' prices. Mend your garments without a needie or thrcad. What uext ? The Mer ding Tissue does this for you. Repairý any kind of Clotikig. Once tried, always used. Price 10c. The New Presbyteriau Book of Praise, ln various styles, reeeived. PTrebilcock. BOWMANVILLE. BOW ANILE.NOV. 10 , 1897. A PUJBLIC MEETING. Citizens are requested to attend at the Town Hall next Friday niglit to bear a discussion about tire appliauces, the great question being, shaîl a new fire englue be bouglit or the old one re- paired? THE.STATESMAN says emphat- ically, Get the old one repaired. WNhat do you say, electors ? YOUN4G LIBERAL,BALLY! A public meeting under the auspices of the Young Liberals of the Township of Darlington will be held in the Town Hall, ilampton, on Wednesday, Nov- ember 17, when addresses will be de- livered by E. C. S. Huycke, Es q LL. B., Cobourg, D. B. Simpson,Esq., Hon. Pres. West Durham Reforni Association, and Dr. J. C. Mitchell, the Liberal candidate, Durîng the evening the organization of the Darlin ton Young Liberal Club -will be completed when officers will be elected and other business transacted. Chair to be taken at 7:30 p. m. W. L. WARD, Secretary pro tem. MR. WHITNEY COM1NG. The leader of the Conservative Op- position in the Ontario Legisiature is announeed to address a meeting of electors at Orono next Saturday night. We hope our Liberal friends will turn out and give Mr. Whitney a respectful hearing. This much is due the gentle- man owing to the position he occupies. A few weeks ago when Hon. A. S. Hardy, Premier of this Province, and Hon. E. J. Davis, Provincial Secretary, were at Orono, they got a splendid re- ception. FuIly ten to twelve hundred people welcomed thern, many of whom were Conservetives, and none gave a more attentive hearing to the speakers than they. We ask t he sanie f or Mr. Whitney and lis eolleagneis. ilear both sides then decide for yourself whidh party wiIl promote your interests best. If you expect to be told anything new by these speakers ý ou may be disap- r inted. We have followed their ad- resses during their recent tours and they have long ago becomne "oft told tales." So far as we can remember, every one of their stock arguments las been again and again satisfactorily ex- plained away or refuted by the Ontario Mînisters, stili they go on repeating theni day after day, expecting people to accept their utterances as gospel truth. Pay very close attention to what they say and then ascertain what the other 'side las to say on the points discussed , thus you will sec how very hollow is every solitary cry they are raising Go early to g et a seat, as the town hall only holde three or four hua- dred. The meeting begins at 7 o'clock. To LArEs-The face receives the record of daily experience. Constant suffering froni corne will mar your beauty. Do not look aniions and dis- contented, but use Putnam's Painles Corn Extractor, which will extract that eore corn in a day without pain. cost no more than ordinary Stoves. Cali aud see it be- fore placing your order. We supply repairs for al makes of Stoves. Opposite Ontario Bank. HIfGHLY APPRECIATEI). If Editor b. Willoughby Laird of Co- bourg, could have dropped into our home thc last fcw Friday nights and be- held with wlat interest and cagernese our family listened to their mother read- ing lis letters la the Seatinel-Star : "Awheel throngh the Rockes"-he wonld have felt amply recompeased for lis labor in wrting the intensely inter- estiug series, because an cditor'e great- est pleasure is to know tîat lis efforts la lie writinge arc appreciated. Bro. Laird le a capital writer of descriptive narrative and ont wlole family unite la thanking hlm for the delectation and cd- ification afforded by the accunts le las givea us of lis western waaderings. MR. TARTES DEFEINDERS. TIc Toronto Teleýram (Mr. John Rose Robertson, 11. P. s paper) ays: "laspired probably by partisan mot ives, ' r. Tarte diS a patriots work la the settlement of tIc Manitola ScIool Question, lichas brougît a great deal of abîlity, encrgy and independetuce to hie duties as Miaiter of Public Works. Just at the preseut Mr. Tarte's paet seeme to bc ia tIc grip of lis enemies. The public eau judge whethier these enemies are, making- a greait deal out cf Mr, Tartes 111e listorv. It is for Mr, Tarte to remember that lis future is exactly wlat le clooses to mnake it. lie ie sure of faur play frmi Ontario. For independent Canadians will not sec one of their fclow countrymea hounded ont o! public hile bhv partisan journals, wbich! simply cainnot forgive hdm for tice crime of being useful to tIc otherparty." The London News (Ind.) ads: " Hon. Mr. Tar-te may not bc a-saint-~ stili lie can lardly be de- scrving of ail tIe abuse the Consci-vative papers arc leaping upon. lim. Their hate is runet malignant, anS like every- tling cisc wlcn overdonie rebonds. Instead o! injuring tIc object of their abuse they will create a sympathy. rThe Toronto News (lad.) BayB: "Mr. Tarte bas been 50 tloroughhy villifled that lis assailants have over- donc it. * ** They set ont to drive liru foi public life just as they set ont te kili Sir Richard Cartwright politicaIIy. The long ycare of warfare upon Six. Richard lave not driven lim ont of publichife; le las lived through abuse and calunay, anS to day is regardcd as one o! Oatanio'e foremost men." The Hamilton lierald (lad.) ays: "Even Ils bitterest enemies muet ad- mit that le le able, encrgetic, industrions and public spiriteS. lice is a capital administrator. lie is progressive in his ideas, anS prompt to put lis ideas into into action. Moreover le is a man wlo las emaneipated limeif froru thc nar-' row raciat and religions prejudices that are nurseS by ton maay Quebec poiti- clans. Ia short, Mr. Tarte las the power, and, we believe le las thc will alec, te do splendid service for Canada." te a discase whucl if allowed te fasten its bold upon tIc victini wil sureJy land hlm in a permature grave. It is causeS by inactive kidacys TIcs' fail to filtetr frôni tIc blond thc imiputities and poisons wlich it takes up frmi the fond, anS which should le throwa ont cf the systcm by way nf the urine. Weak or inactive kidacys anS all symptome of Diabetes can be CUR"ED I lave for years been afflictcd wtl, eatarrh nf thc bladder and diabetes. My urine on standing for a whihe would alsolutely become jellified froin an cx- traordinary amant nf albumen. I t-ould oltain no relief wîatever from mv troubles and lad about givea up la deepair wlen I read of Dr. boîbe SparagusKîdney Pille as a cure for kidneyuanS bladder diseases. I decided to try tîci and was astonisled to find, after taking a few boxes cf tlese pille, tlat I was again as wcll and beatty as ever. No one eau speak more hioehly of Dr. bobbs Sparagus KiSaey î'ills tlan I can and will frmi now on. DAVID L. KNIîc,'Rv 158 Adamus St . Memphis, Tean. DrnHbbs P>ille For Sale in BOWMANVILLE, OTby STOLL & JURY. HAGYATTJ'sYELLOW 01_L cures pratns. brWoZes, goe*, wolndo, eutq, iroîthitea, rkilbîm4ns, stingrs of Inoeets, i I MAPLE GROVE, Mr.S.U.linae-aa a suc ces o U ushiliL,1)ce Monday night. . .. Mrs. J. I Littae, Port Hlope. hae beau viitingher mothen, Mrs.W.Ptik who s te eu eny 111 . . . Mr. Wm. Woodï, Duc- laUS Point Laka Simcee t islsting hIe dauglîtar Mrs. A. W. Foley. .... Miss Salisbury', lampion, was nuesi of Miss A. Cola Snnday ...ev. W. H. Marke, Onono, will nceupy tha pulpit Sucndaiy afternuon. A dose of MlLLER.'BWORM POWDERS occasîonally will keep the chiildren healthv. ENNISKILLEN. visItons : Mies Bain, Taunton; Mise Nelba a nd Mr. Jos. Pollard, Onîo; Mn. Fred Parker, Ncp)- anea, aueste ni Dr. Mitchell..... eBible Socîety meetinigwas well attandad. Veryistuiv cddnaee by 11ev. J. A. MeKeen, Orono. M-ev S. G. Itorke g ave a short'addnese. The chair was oceupiad by the Prasident, Dn. Mitellý1. Fnee lecture with refreelimante et theMthdt ehureli Fniday evanlng next. 11ev. J. J Rea_ will tell y ou how to "Mind youn own bulsiness." ...Mr. Gan. Gineon and famlly anaremii1ov .n~ fnom the Pya farm to the Shand farnm nean o umbus whicbhae bas reuted. Mrs. G. Howell, Dailte, Ont., Baye: I find MnILRîS WORM POWDE RS a gond medicine. TAUJNTON. On Wedneday ex enlng Nov 2nd,tla e-sidenca(ý of Mr. A. E. Hanry, was takan possaessi) of1hy a&large numbaronifriands and relations with the intenition ni calabrating the annivareany o1 his tiltieth birthday. Atter sttting down to a snmpi- tons reaet, praered b Mns. and Misshoy the compcny gat ered a ont thie nforcedpe- enca fni . Ilenny who stood the ordeal watt, coiîeiderlng hise tirlng disposition. On bhh1f 0f hies friand,3 ha was pnssented witli a cane, by Mn. P'. E. Elles, Oshawa, aitar which Mr. Haýnry neeponded lu a mnosi cordial mannan, walcomlu",g hie iriends and thccklng thera heartlly for -ti, agnecablasnrpriee. With instrumental and vocal music, recitatîn, Ce., the Company spanit a most pleasant and profitable evening tegethar. Among those presant wane Mr-,.Dr.)Glemesof Toronto, Mn. and Mne. J. O.0 . Mr. John Henry, Mn. and Mns. A. D. 11elll .~ ndMe E. M. Moore, Mir. anîd Mns. W. 'x.. 0mrMn and Mre. F. E. Rutis, Mr. and Mrs.Hni-Pu. niey, Oelîawa, aid othan friands from Bowman.- villeand othar places. I was pale and weakly for y cars, Mil- 1er 's Compound Iron Pilîs broagî1t about a change. Sold by all drugg,,ists. TYRONE. Mr. and Mre. Wmn. Brent uttendedithe tnneral of bis uephew, Mn. Harry Bnent's son, Scot townshfip. ... Rev. Mn. Irwlu le takbng a holiday for c weak or two by visitiug hie home Lday.. Qnartanly services were wel i aten- ded andavr rci addrass was glivan by R1e^. W. Jolliffa from taxi found lu 2 Pater 1 : 10 Applications ion the position of Princi ai Of Tyrona Public Sehool ana pounnu. T ee- tirnug teacher, Mies Mowbray, wîll ha mmcli misseS iu church ccd social cincles.... Mr. Fred. Dickineon of Bowmanvllle, who has beau takig Mn. J. Saudans' place In the mOll during lits ill- nase, leaves bar. banng the respect anS good wrill ni îusny citizejîs wbn appreci aie tmue wortli in a young man of hisebaractar.... It was a pratty sens whlch grsetad the syas of lb. soci- able folk as they entered the. lecture room ni the Mathodist Chonch on Wednasday evaning, the occasion being the annuel "At Home" of the Junion League. A daaldadly home lika appe ar- auce wcs noticable lu tha draper>' ni the wiî dows and otben portions of the rooni in the beautiful home plante and iancy bouquets, lu the artietie arrnnig of the seats, the cosy litt1. centre tabla. the rugs opon the- door and lasily tha vart- tabla cradla in wluich reposedscomas six daiutily dres5ed ltlle dolls which wltlîthe scrap album liedt beau preparad by busy 11111e bauds for the b rightenlug op of wary ones lu the CblSnen 's ttospital. wheu the visitons wene comnf.otably seaed a literary and nmusical programwa given by membare ni the iasgua soaly, the 1ne-t item baiug thereading of an appreciativelst.srhy$ tb. Presidaut from the racipients ni the quit, Britieb Columbia. The pleaseut gathanliig waie thantol15they mlgbtenjoy thenisalvem in eny way ihay pleasad tillt1he taffy wes raady, but theC chaîrmnan hana Iterposeedthet there was sil anothan readlig by Miss Alice Creapan. -Batfora Mies Wary ould recovar from lienreoismu Miss Alice Came fonward aud nead lb. inowlývng address, the presantation belng maSe. by iss Alda Collacot: DzÂu Misse %niqay:-The mambaers on iie Junior Leagna teke ibli opportuuliy of ofnn yu ua slight expression of iheir hlgh epprecla tonn of yonnieithfni and efficenst services.The years ago our sociaty wua orgaîiized large]lv as a resull ni your zealous efforts lu th.e ate cause; an duning Ibis entire paniod yon haive beaun on President aud the chiei homen agent. inour prosponiy. 'No one eould bave beau moýrs ibonoughly lnieresied luour walfane, for you have not stniven manaly le abtain a degrea ni genaral succeess for our onganization but we feal tbat y ou hava. exérnclsed a tender auS lovlng- watcbiulness over the life ni the Individual mem-ý bar, warning of danger, advisng in dificluity and~ chaering In tua nf i dlcounagameîît. o have beaun on friand sudyoun e*ruest christia n exempta bas beau an Inspiration 10o is. wiVoj thereforesk y ou to accapi theee volumes ni Miss Havengal's Posmesud Ibis purse, nitfo(r tbeir real wortli but f or what they express of ort esteani for you sud on gratitude for your labore ini oun eociaty. We lieartlly express out des-iref to hava eu otinue u onpresant relation 'to o nd wokeu eseeek the blessing nf GoS upon ynnr lii e and labons. Signed, Iu behaL.( ni the Leage(,. With a full heari Miss Werny thanked ber cn-wrkars ni the League for ibis totally uneýx- pected mark ni their appraslstioi aud aiten thaso pleasant ambarrausrents everynne proceeded te anjoy bis orlieliaipuliing taffy. The suecees of ibis latter puni ni the pro ram is owtnig antire. 'y 10 the skllled efforts ni ls Minnie Adams, ebe hcving giveîî bansaîf up tb th. prepanation ni ibis swaai adheslou. Altogethan a very ecioy. able trne was spent, the gnodly dumber attend- ing givung ample testimony to thue gnodwill bonne tb. Junior Laague, wlbo are iudeed an ahi. bond ni Christian wnrkers, ni lb.eleast ni their efforts haing the rising ni over $13 ion the mis- sionary causa during 1897. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped bande and lips, cues, brulees, scaIde, hurne are quickly cured by, Trask 's Magactie Ointment. It le at pre.sent the article mest used for piles, and It always cureis tîci. Stott & Jury. NEW HAVEN. Mise Cameron, Grafton, and Miss Bidwell, Coîborne, have been visiting Mr. Henry Mana, "Raby Head. ".. Vîsitors:. The Misses 'Burk, Oshawa, visitinéý Miss Vida Vancam p ; Mise .Ruthclla Hamm at Mr. D. Moffatt's; Miss J. Williams at Mr. S. Rundle'e; Mrs. R. Galbraith, at Mr. James Mc- Millau's .. .. Mrs.T.Blythe las been veryv 111l.... Mr. John boit by being injurcd on a barbedi wire fence .... Rev. Mr. Mc- Aully will preach here- next Sunday The social Friday cveailig was quite ai success. Receipts $16. I can cat well and My digestion is gond, Millet's Compound Iron Pille did it. So-1by hi- rug.t1 Onels physical feelings, like the faitlifuï setter, search and point out plainly the fact of disease or heglth. If a man is flot feeling well and vigorous -if hie je losing Rlesb and vitality, if lie is listless, nervous, sleepless, hie certainly is flot wefl. The down bill road from hbealhl to sickness is smooth and declines rapidly. At the first intimation of disease, thxe wise man takes a p tre, sinmple vegetable ton ic. It pute his diestion into good ac- tive order and that puts the rest of his 'body in order. The Miedicine that will do tbis is a inedicinie that is good to take in aniy trouble of the blood, the digestion, or thec respiration, n mattet bow serions it inay have become. The medicine to take je Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It je a rernark- able remedy. It cures diseases in a pet. fectly natural way, witbout the use of sttong druge. It cnres by helping Nature. It bas a peculiar tonie effeet on the lining nmembranes of the stofnacb and bowels. hly puttiug these membranes into bealtby condition, stimulating the secretion of the varions digestive juices and fnrniehiug to the blond the proper purifying properties, it reaches oui over the wbole body and dlrives disease-germs before it into the usual exctetory channels. It builds lup frfin uscular fli, niakes the skin and the eyes hrigbt. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery lias been found wonderfully efficacions in the treatinent of skin diseases-eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt-rhenîn-from coni- mon pimpfles or blotches tu the worst cms of serofula. The Days have become short. The P riedûe of Watches are short at Rickard's. T he .,Quilality of the Goods means lonig wear. Lengthen your days by saving your time. This eau be doue by carrying one of those exceptionally first-class Watches. Neyer 'was such value given ln anystore in Canada as Riekard gives. The eveniugs are longer, the time for reading is longer. Have your eyes tested and fitted withSpectacles at Rîekard's. That your liglit nay be "longer" Rickard eau fit you with Spectacles if auy one e au. No need whatever to go to the City. The above are facts. Nothing is advertised that is not earried out to the very letter. Grocers' due bis taken as cash. T. N. RIGR"ARD, !Hl HAMILTON B81IME ~' and Sborthand Institute, by auneans of copyighted s teins of Business ad Shorthaud Practice, effci- ently trains ia% pupls for positions in firet-clams mercatIle etablieliments. 15th Annual an. nouncement now ready. Send for ilt t the Principal, O. R, McCULLOUGH. 'Y. M. C. A. Building, Hlamilton, Ont. 38-tf. ~BritishLimited, Briishconfederation - n Life, Buldinîg. lAnierican Sborthand Commercial & Colurlege Collek;controlled by the 0olOWiDgy Toronto b ]biý Toronto es men: i Fred. WyId Esq. E. R. C. elarkeon, Esq., F. C. A and S F. MeKinnon, Esq. Affil_ lated wilh the instittte of, Chartered Ac- coutants. 10 Students aessted tepositionso lest year. Send for free prosectus to - ~ DA.VID HO K) , C. A., Principal. ALIOST A IIRACLE - To the Phrctnollne ediciae Co., Limited. Ottawa .~GENTLEMEN, -I bardly know Show best to express my apprecia- 4tion of your valuable rheumatic remedy, Pîrenoline. My son P4 Gordon, wko le 9 years, old, bas C been a sufferer froni inflammatory 'rheumnatism. for the past two Syears ; was so bad at times that à le lad to be carried about on a matrees; was attended by two city doctors apparently without the sligliteet benefit; spent 10 da.ys àat Caledonia Springs, came home P4 with, no marked improvement; took threebotties of a Honico. pathic remedy now being exten- rieledve lm wintc est.Idwas siedverm tewladid 1not ,beglnning to give up ahl hope of hie recovery, wlen b y chance I mentioned the case to a friend . who strongly advised me to give SPhrenoline a trial. 1 did so, witl thc resuit that 31 wlen my boy had taken only bal a bottiele was able to get on to his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. 1 certesinly feel that I cannot Say too much in praise of your medicine, and shall do ah I can to Yous ery w s verely, CL Tourskernonitrvluetoohes (Slgned) REUBEN CLRKE. 0 Art souvellir- I have deeided to go into business and will open out a fullUe of Groceries and Provisions, on Saturday, November i3th, In MORRIS' BLOCK, (known as Variety bail) Having lad 15 years' ex-. perience, 1 will be able to cater to the wants of thc people and suit the tastes of the most fastidions. My stock wili eonsist o! Teas, Sugars, Cof- fees, Spices, Currants, Raisins, Fige, Prunes, Dates, Canned Goods ý9f al kinds, Curcd Meats and Lard, Brooms, Brushes, Tubs. Pais, Flozl<and Feed, Best Brande of Amerlean and Canadian Coal Oil, Fruit, Fisl and Oysters in season, In fact, everything usuaiiy kept in a first-elass Grocery store. I invite the people cf Bowmanville and vicinity to, give me a eaul aud iuspeet my goods and get prices and I amn satisfied I eau give them bargains that wiIl well pay tîci for tîcir trouble. My motto wiil be houest dealing and one price to ail. blighest market price paid for produce. Butter, Eggs and Poutry wanted. A eall solicited. S. Wv . SANDERS., BowmANVILLE. 46-8m. Sho .Reform Object-health, comnfort, econonmy. Ru'ober abandonnuent -disappearance of corfis, cold f eet, clanimy f cet, tired feet. Water-proofed leather adoption-Convenience, igsproved appearance, longer wear, foot comfort , comimon sense. Se the new wet-proof, footwear muade in tan Willow caif, black Alumnina caîf or Kidduck leather. Light, springy, stylish. Aak f1« tise Oodycar Wolted, $5.0 Slater Slipless Shoe. ~a Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHIN HE'LLYAR;, 130 ARS FOR SERVICE-Thec mi- BOAR FOR SERVICE-TIc regis. ..~prnved Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Emigrant"' tened Berkshire boar O. A. C. (4,52) bredg bon irM. J. E. Brethour s fanions stock onte Model Fanm, Guelph,~ whîch le a Weil ho (ge cdsre oie numbarotnis prize pig ; lie framed animal; also a thoro -bred Ta mwýonih of Iofimmense lau th ccd depth. B ire' Hohywell extra rond quel. PrIce. . nJ. Gms.'ý,Lot E igt mp. Jîso a Berkshire" Prince Lee', 14 Con.9, Clatie, iowmanville., ch4î 24 - if. -ie and.demmported by Mn. J. G. Snueil. A -DUt . OW'S WonXR U 1P l Yong Yorkshine Boar for male clieap. Te- im- mre andi rellable worm expelles.. Act$ bOc or 75e Booked. T. J. COLE, Maple Onove, equally weli oun hîdiren or adieltis. Be Lot 19,eon 2,Dalngton,Bowmanvilla,P.0.42 - 3w au,. yu et 1»,'.~w We St Eid44use BOWMAN VILLE. Art Drapery in H1eliotrope, Old Gold and Light Biue. Sateens iu the leading shades for faney work., Velveteens, new lunes of Blaek, extra value at 50e and 75c per yard, almo IHiHotrope, Moss Green, Navy,X Fawn, Mid Brown, a splendid range of colors just in stock this week the price is 50c, per yard and the best quality at the price. A new lot of those very wide and heavy Grey and White Strip Flannelette at 10c. Plaid Flannelettes at 10c, and a new lot of Fancy Cashrnerettes for Blouses which are extra nice and very cheap. Some new goods for ehildren's Cloakings in liglit fancy colors and famis wool trfmmings to match also fancy Hoods and Tams for childreu's wear. A new lot of Ladies Veilings just in. Ail the above goods and much more have just been placed in stock the last week. Cail and sec the new things. Our Ladies' Night Gowns are selling fast and the styles are admired by everyone. We have a splendid range of Ladies' and Misses Fancy Wool Gloves and our llosiery and Ladies' Vests are extra value. Our Ladies' Wear Department is in charge of young ladies who take plea sure in showiug the goods. hfave you tried one of our patterns? We are selhing lots of tbem and there are n oue better, the price is only 12c, for any pattern. 7he December fashion sheet i5 1in and we expeet the magazine this week. The little cold weather we have had started those Robes we seli, have you seen them? They are the best robe for anythiug near the price to be had. They are interlined with rubber making them both wind and water proof. They corne as cheap as goat robes' and Worth t wo of them. We have a nice line of Men's Coon Coats at prices rang ing front $18 to $40. Before buying a coat see what we have. Splendid value Iu Frieze Ulsters for Men and Boys and our Pauts at 81.25 aud $1.50 can't be beat. The fine dry weather this fali has make some line of Boots slow and we have 2 dozen pairs Men's Top Boots that we will sell for $1I.50 a pair. We are showing a fine line of Feets for Men in 2 Buekie, 4 Buckle, and Haif Foxed Top Boots, felt lined, also a fine line of Rubbers both lined: and nnliued as well as Overshoes, and you will find our prices riglit. We will not seil trashy goods, we want to seil goods that will give satis- faction, anything that is flot riglit we will make it riglit. Our Men's L-teed Boots at $2,00 we think are equal to anything showu elsewhere at $2.50. We get Oysters lu Fresh every- Friday evexning. 'The uew Currants and Raisins are very flue. We keep only pure Spices and the best of Extraets. Try the West End House Baking Powder there is noue better priece 40e per ful pounid. You will always fiud tht price 10w anéd,î ual- ity high in our Grocery.Department. Highest price for Butter, Eggs, Potlltry, &c. John McMurtrY NEýWGROCE4'wmRY STORE IN BQWMAINVILLE.