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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1897, p. 5

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GRAND TRUNK ftAILWAY. Do N ot Bowi«AxviLLE STATioN. S GOING EÂST. GoINa WEST. N 8~xres.88 a.. ~Expess~..5 23,a. m ~Exres... 1018 . m Loal 8 18 1 F t assenger .... 8 29 p.m.1 Paasenger.. 2 05 p. m 174a ~Local.... 642 p.m. -Express.. . 5 22 To See JBOWMÀNVILLE. NOV. 10, 1897 w the ne-w stock of extra fine Faith Lodge, A. O. U.W., Coiborne, e Tooth Brushes at STOTT & denoted $15 towards relief of the fire i JUJRY' S, 5c, 10c, 12e, 15e, Mr. Jas Briggs, formerly of Bruns- 35.wick Hotel, Col borne, lias fallen heir to e 25c, 3c a large inheritance in England. OUR B KING OWDER This Jubilee Autumn lias been one of OTJRBAKIG PO DERthe finest, we are told, in 56 years. 0f at 15e a pound is the best i]3 course, it has beezi real Queen's weath- ti the market. STOTT & JURY. eThe Ladies of St. John's churcli willG - give a tea for benefit of the Poor Fundi ,s o fon Wednesday, December 8. Particu- lars later, 0 Our; thanks are due to our energeticS S a l o ftownsman Mr. R. B. Andrew, for Bos- ton Mas.,papers containing the elec- ti Hon. John Dryden attended the American Shropshire Registry Associ- N I. rr rs . sented with au address and silver pere-f M vice by his Conservative friends at anu- nington, recently. We have been fortunate The many friends of Miss Maggiee Jolliffe, Coiborne, will be pleased in seeuring a Une of hand to hear that she is slowly recoveringS inirorsthatarea mavelfrom typhoid fever. mirros tht area maVel ev. R. D.. Fraser, M. A.,will address for cheapness and in order a meeting of the Bible Society at' Col- borne, Nov. 9, on "Rome: Pagan,Pap-h to 4L-urn thein over quiekly ai and Protestants." we are off ering them at prices Mr CaresC ldeias been 0osn that will surprise you. Ontario for the Provincial Legislature to oppose Hon. John Dryden. t4.4- U. The Belleville Intellingencer sy LOLL& AJury. Prof.Rabbitts was married to thewidowr of the late Dr. Ridley of that town, afterEI We are stili selling the two week' acquaintanceship. best Baking Powder at 15e 1ev. F. M. Filln, Portage LaPrairie, formerly pastor of the M. E. Churdli a pound. Enniskillen, lias been appointed chap- __________________________-lain of Manitoba penitentiary. Chef of Police Jarvis, Mr. W. Jeffery0 1îaZorsand Post Master Moment, Orono, have returned from a hunting tour ont north bringing two fine deer with them. e T hat The Executive of West Durham Far-E mers' Institute will nieet lu Councile Chamber, Bowmanville, Friday Nov. 12t at 3 p. mi,to arrange for holding Insti- S tute meetings.V - ~ The second of the series of Parlort t. Socials by Trinity Ladies' Aid will be G ria at-Ieed held at thec Octagon Parsonage on hav jut rceied n-Friday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p. m. Admis-t We hv utrcie n sion 10c and npwards.1 c other stock of rozors that are Itiswliat a cougli may lead to thatN Worthy of the attention of Syrup andToui a medicine that lias thos wh enoy lie danlong been tested in private practice, thosewho ejoy anice leanSol by druggists generally. -StotIt& shave. Wewill ladly return uy Mr. C. R W1cCullough, principal of your money if you are not Hamilton Business College, lias beenc elected Hon. Vice-President of The pleased. Prices 25e, 50c, '75c, Maple Leaf Club. Mr. Fred Garvin, another West Durham boy, is one of $1.0, $125, L50*the auditors. To cure old sores; to heal an indolent ni cer, or to speediiy cure iesyou need sîmply apply Trask's MaigniOt B o rax ~ment& according to diectosIs ma-ic like- action will surprise you. Stoitt &Jury. -A nd Our article in last week's STATESMAN entitled ' Spending Winter Evenings" has,we are.pleased to learn froin varions A rn m n i asources, given much Satisfaction. If you failed to read it, turu up the paper and sec if you agree with ourviews. These are two articles that are Allich clerks connected wi h flic Do- use aslarelyas heysholdminion bank, Napance, at the tirne of( mot usda ageya hy hudte robberv have.been discbarged and1 be by the gelleral public. Those Mr. E. H.'Baines' tIc late manager,lias Who avenotused tliem have no been reduced. Before leaving tIat ~whohavenottown for Toronto, le was pyesented idea as to their value in the every with an address and $200. -day work of the household. Mr. Cameron L. Munson was snm- mned to La Salle, N. Y., by telegrapli We are making a spezialty of Friday, is brother, Hiramn D. Munson,t thuse two hunes and will give full 70 y cars oid, having died from fallling directions for using to every custom- down stairs. H1e was an extensive land-owner and on bis property a fancy ,er. ~s ub urban village was laid out someî STOTI & JURY. years ago. _____________________________ Nicholls'sells cheap. COMIS. CoMbAsh Siffers 12c at Nicholîs'. 15 bars Laundry soap for 25e this se week at Nicholli. Read the West End House advt. in Combs for the people at the this issue-it~ will pay you. proper prices-5c buiys a good L. Morris is rushing trade in Parlor strong Conib at our store; but Suifs. bis big variety and low pricesi we have something special just will tell. the eye. as they, and as aIl can not live lu the if you require spectacles it cities you are here, and for that reason1 costs you nothing to have, your T. N. Rickard is with vou, not becausei lic is not capable of filling a position lu eyscarefully, tested at our the city for lie lias doue so: but lie is store by the only postgraduate icre with knowledge of his business. optician iu the County. The whidh is up to date iu every lime lb poorest man lu the county can selîs, and does it mt stand to reason, no fford to wear the best that as lis expenses is less lu Bowman- now aville tian that of fhey lu the cifies lie Spectacles made. See them at eau sellyou goods bougit at the verv our store. saine market for less money. 1He does do it. Yon lose money by dealinig cisc Stott & Juryr. where. For flic biggest stock and fhe best value lu Overcoats eau .at Coud John- ston & Cryderman's. Mr. Joshua Gay is home from, Corfu, N.- Y. Mr.Hi.Burk lias refurned from Indian Head, N. W,'r. Mrs. J. C. Weeks visited friends lu Port Hope lust week. Mr. Ernest Leog has retuned home from. Necpawa, Man. An advertisemcnt ou an inside page wil] well repay perusal. Sunday was a loveiy day and many enjoyed flie spring 111e air. Mrs. W. Stephenson, Oshawa, lias becu vîsîting frîends lu town. 11ev. R. D. Fraser will preudli at Pick- ering and Brougham Suîîday. Mr. Wvm. Quay, Port Hope,visited lis sister, Mrs. F. Bleakley, lust week. Excelsior Council lad a very pleasant time ut their hll last Tuesday niglit. Mrs. (11ev.) A. B. Demili of Demili Jollege, St. Caftharines, is reporfed vcry ill. 11ev. J. A. McAulcy, Pickering, will occnpy thc pulpit of St. Paul's clinrel Suuday. 11ev. J. W. Totton, Warkwortli, ic- tured ut Castîcton recenfly on " Thc r4odel Churdli." 11ev. J. J. Rae will prendh on Suuday morniug lu fIe Metlodist cdurch ou Scriptural Gîving. Chiarles S. McKce, M. D., Bailiehoro, has been appointea Associate Coroner for flic United Counties.o Mr. Marwood Barrett, Essex, gave us a cali f lis week. 11e visitcd lis fath- or, Mr. R1. Barrctf, Tyrone. Thc sacrament was dispensed on SabliaflinutflicMeflodist cdurci fo a large number of, communicants. Mr. S. W. Sanders' ncw advt. appears lu this paper. We shahl say more af fer lis store is opened ncxt Saturday. Mrt. Geo. Power, Maple Grove, ad- drcsscd a packed audience in towu hall Suuday affternoon on Christ ian Baptism. Miss Manning is adverfisiug tînt splendid brick residence, Elgin St., fa rent. If is one of the besf lu fowu. Sec advt. TIc Y. P. S. C. E. of Sf, Paul's dhurci have engaged Mr, Chiarles Kelly and Miss fýiclly, Guelphi, for a concert on Dec. 17. Capt. John P. Brooks, brotlcr-in-luw of Hou. Moses P. Neil, Oswego, N. Y, died Nov. 2, uged 79. 11e lived at Lansing,. Miel., and was a S. S. Sup- crintendeuf and elass leader in flic M. E. dhurci. Thc HigI Sdhool foot -bull tcam, play- cd witl Whitby Collegiate Insfifute team, Saturday und were successful in a score of 2 f0 0. The Gazette says they were a very gcntlemanly lot, aud took fleur vicfory most modesfly. Mr. James Goard, Toronto, spent Snnday ut home and occupied lis old lu flic Meflodisf choir. bis solo Sundav cveuing, "I alone fthc Cross must heur" was well rcndcred audmuel ýappreci- ated by tIc large congregation present. We note by flic Breeder's Gazefte fIat Mr. Robt. Beifli, M. P., Bowmnn- ville, Onf.,scored a great victory ut Clii- cago Horse Slow, bis favorite Hack- nc saion, Banquo, won flrst prize ovr i ompetitore. Great praîse was aeeorded for Bunquo's graceful perform- ance lunflic prize ring. A large number aftendcd thc Sonth1 Wurd Salibafli Selool anniversary Sun- day. Mr. James Saunders, superin- tendent, presided, and Miss Carnie Bah- cock, secrefury, presented flic report of flic school. Thc seripture lesson was very nicely rend by Miss Kathleen Ford, and Misses Tessie Tyler, Annie Tupson und May Mutton gave appro- pri;ltc recifutions. Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, B.APrincipal of tIc Higli Selool, ad- dreEsed flic parents ou their responsibul- ity towurds flicir children. 11ev. J. J. Rue, pustor, gave some good ndvice fa ail. Two classes of liffle girls sang choruses and liffle Miss Eva Todgium plcasedahl wifh lier swecf solo. Mr. and Miss Saunders sang flic duet "bHis Love can neyer fail" which wus mudli cnjoyed. Singiog înferspersed by fIe seboo1, with Miss Bahcock us orgunisf, onluded flic progrum. Collection $9. A BE-PTER HEALEýR -"Quiekeure" takes the place of ill-smelling iodoformilu muuy cases wi*th mudli beffer and quiel- er resuits, Physicians arc using and recommcmding if for ulcers,bruises,cuf s and burus. If henîs flic sore properly by subduing inflammation and desfroy. ung flic microbes tînt retard 'henling, besides relicving fhe pain instant ly. Corn popper 10c at Nidhoils'. Ten Kef fies chenp ut NieIoll's. STATESMAN f iii Xmas for 15ie. cash. Buttermilk Toilet soup ut Nicholis'. Read tic Wif neîs clnuimg offer ou inside page. Do yon rend flic Wesf End bouse udvt.?ý Look ut if this week. Now is the time f0 bring lu rour furs fo lie rcpaired. If ,on cau't corne dur- iug tic day.' my door is open until 8 or 9 o dlock ns I bave f0 work. M. Mayer, flic Furrier, Bownînnvillc. l'à* lic- 0=113 la m Mrs. and Miss Brimeon of Toronto were receni gueste at Mr. W.G.Giover'É. They have receni ly returned from Europe. Mies May Smnaii of Vort Hope, who las been staying in Bowmanville this year with ber aunt Mrs, J. C. Weeks, saiied on Eriday froma Mon- treal on flue superb Dominion Line Steamship "Scotsman" for Liverpool havlng gene to Rai- ford, Engiand, 40 ;pnd an exiended perlod wlth a paternal auni. ie s Smaiiise a vivaclous ans intereetng young lady and bier English friend wiii flnd her a jolly and intereeting cempanion* My nervousueslias lef t me cntireiy as a result of faling Miller's Compound Iran Pille. Sold by aIl druggisfs. If ahi the pctfy thinge said of a man by licedîes and illnafured idlers were brougîf home f0 hlm, lie would become n mere walking pin-cushion stuel full of sharp remarks. Au old adage says : If we would be happy, wlen among good mon we should open our cars; wlîen urnong bad mnen chut fiern. Good appefife, good digestion, re- fresling slecp and buoynncy of spirit followflic use of Miller's -Compound Iran Pilîs. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by The sùject ut flic Metlodist League Monday niglif was *'The fnef s of flic case" faken by Mr. F. A. buddy, chair- man of flic uissionury commitfee, who sfafed muny facte regarding evangeli- zufion of tic world. The recifafion, "Stanes Crown" by Miss Vida Van- Camp, interesfed ail, and Miss -Kufe Ellioff sang "Thc Fisherman" lu a fleIasing voice. Mr. H. J. Kigît sungý -Speed Away" ln excellent form and Mliss Joncss. second vice-president of fIe district, made a very suceessful up- peuhlu behaîf of flic forward moyemeuf of missionary work. Those unmlappy persans who sufer fram nervouenese and dyspepsia slould use Carter's Littfle Nerve PiIi s. whidli are made cxpressly for sleepless, uer- vous, dyspeptie sufferers. Prece 25c. Hip, hp, hurrah ! Our own Jack MePherson wns elece d Sherlif of Marshlal Counfy, Iowa, by 481 major- ity- over flic former occupant, Shcriff Milîs. While Mr MePherson raunas a dlemocnrat lie dlaims fliat if was flic re- publicans wlo elecfed hlm. Marshall- towu papers, irrespective of political bias, announce hic clection as a big vicfory and accord hlm great praîse. bis Iundreds of friends lu West Dur- hiam join THE STATESMÂN in congratu- lations. Thc position is wortli $6,000 a yrwe believe, and this election liolds for two ycars. Sheriff J. W. Me- Plerson is broflier of Mrs. John Lawric and Mr. David McPicrsom, Bowman- ville Tic ofler day one of flic greufest ugnic-iuutnral experts lunflic United Stafs lu talkiug ta anc of tfllcdiug Amierican edifors said"Rigif over there lu Canada tliey have a weekly newsvpn- per fhe Famil Hle raid and Weekly Star thtînthfic cuntry cannof fondh. I have test cd if floronglly, and fiud if flic most excellent thing of tIc kind ex- tant. Many of mny acquainfances suli- scribe ta if and ahl admit ifs pre emin- ce. TIc publielers of fIe -Family lier- ald and Weekly Star lave discovered thc secret of making a great paper for a dollar. If is well warth emuiafing." This is nof lad for Canada and Camud- lanis lnow if is ail truc. TIc splendid position of flic Family llerald and WekyStar is no doubt due tf ret rate menit. "ýONLY TEIE BEST"ý-SIouId lic your moýtto when you need a medicine. Do not beP induccd fa tale an y substitufe wleu you eall for Hood's Sursuparilia. Exein blas proved if f0 lie flicbesf. f is an honeef medicine, posscssing atual and uneqn.ahled menit. Be wvîsc unid profit by flic experience of oflier people. Hood's Pills are flic favorite fnmlly cuthurtie, easy f0 fake, easy f0 openafe. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. At fie ast meeting of fhe Higli Sdhool Board fhe following recoin- flou was pnssed, and flic Secretary imstructed to coud a copy of flic came f0 Mrs. Cubitf. Moved by Mr,. W. B. Coudh, secon- ded by Mr. D. B. Simpson, TînttfIls Board desires ta record flic great loss if lus, snfferred lunflic removal by deufî of ifs former miember, the lut e Colonel Frederie Cnbitt. Tic forfy veurs of continnus ýservice on tIc Bourds of Trustees, firsf of tic Schuols of Bowmauville, and subsequnmly of fthc bigli Selool Board, empiasize flic ffatwliich was well knowu f0 flic cîfizens of Bowmnnvilc generally and to his close friende lu purticuhar, tint if flere were anc tliinoe of thc muny whicI Colonel Cubiff ead dear fa lis heurt, if wus fiat fthe scboois should be efficient, of fie higliest standard, and attractive f0 fIe onng îeopie who liad ta use them. To lo.C ubif fcredif lus fa lie given for flic two mugnificent scliool buildings fie town now bas. bis spirit ut a certaini fime, coupled witli hic great carnest ess uud desire f0 mule fie scliools Gf Bowmanvilie a credifta flice place and peers of uny in fhe Province, seemed f0 heur down ahi opposition and crowned bis energy witi succees, up as an lOcal, and flionglt of under " ýThc grand aid name of Gentleman". WVe part wifi lie presence -witî son- row, but we seize on and hoid fnsf fa "Sorrow's Crowu of Sorrow" lu "rcmmbenng lappier tbinge". E. MILLER & -Co., Dresdeu. DEAR Sîts-Please scnd me two boxes MJL- LER'S WORM POWDERS. I find tlcm flic best Medicine for dhiudren. Mus,(BEY,) JOHN iIOLMES, Parlihll. Our Store is the kind you eau place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. This is tha way we want you to feel about This Store and we'll menit your good opinion of us every time., If you shonld buy anything fromn us that is îîot en- tirely, satisfactory-speak right out, and we'l make it right. We keep f ulli imes of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seli cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principles anci the publie like our methods. Every' day is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your prod'uce. We will give you the best prices going. BOWMANVILLE. The Grocers. Sloan's Indian Toni C . T O L >OTHER 1METICiNES. Cures Erysipelas, SeroflaSalt Bleéuin jEezema, and ail other eruiptive Skin Ulseases. A MARIVELLOUS CURE FOR ERYSIPELAS, BY SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC, IN LAMBTO84 C0UNTY. CORUNNA, JULY 4th. Dear Sirs, 1 received the medicine ail right, and X amnnch obliged for it. I had Erysipelas every isummer for live yeare, sometimes so bad My, e face, arms and body wouild swell to an enormou$ size and my eyes wonid be shut for days at a ,- time..I tried two doctore but they didime no good, and 1 even went for change of cdimate, ut ail to no avail, until I get your TONIC. After taking one bottie the sweiling ceasef, and' I * ~roved every day and arnnow entirely Yours very trniy, ~ ~ MRS. J. J. PORTER. TRADE MARK PRICE $1 a bottie, 6 for 5. AU druggists or by express. Send for our, new bock of wonderful Cures. Free by mail. The SLOAN IEDICIME GOIPANY of 'ailalitonl, Liffited. 10. 0 DrflWCI 33,Homlln, con. SUCCESSORS TO BU11TCH- BROS. &ý BORN. MlARRUIAGE LICENSES,-Mý. A, COWÂN.-In B -ýmnii ,Nov.6, the wife of £..JAEs, Issuer of Marriage Licenees, Mr. Norman ' 0Vo aso . iResidence: Centre treet. MARRIED. GBsoN-SÂmis-In Orono, Oct. 285, by Rev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Mr. John Gibson, and Laura eidest daughter of Mr. Amos Samie. DIED. RICeADoNe,.-At Whithy, Nov. 1, Maria S. 1-. beioved daughter of Mr. A. M. Richardson, agefi 23 yeare. WRIGHT.-In Prince Albert, Nov. 2,Mary Ani Wright, beloved wif e of Joshua Wright, ageti 65 years 7 monthe. HALL.-At Sourie, Manitoba, Ot. 20, Thomas H. Hail, formeriy of Agincourt, Ont., aged 64 years. SERVANT WANTED.-Middle aged wIomnan preferred. MmS. lIEREERT MCMUR. TRY, Bowmanvi iie. é42 - if. P IAIR WORK.-Laidîes wishio- liai, - done over, ecaliai Mas. UicsiNsoxs,King Street, West, Bowmanvîlle. 43 - tf 1110IK HOUSE TO LET.-Ou Elgin B-Ystreeatretentoccu ied by Mr. Peter M.,dh. ojamsïteensConcession St., or Miss MANNO, 83 Czar St., Toronto.46aw* nAMERA AND UFTOI %-; -Qad ixà; in good condition; easy to work and gives excellent pictures. ont-. fit witti camera. ARTHUR S:G.oÂa,Bowmanville BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. IKNITTING.-Mre.F.Piper, King St. aciE', ornisli's Bllock, bas a. new knitting Corrcteby .Meurty eah Tesdy 'achmu nd is prepured to do ail kinds of fam* Oorrctedy JlWcMrtrycad Tueduyiîy knitftng. Ail sizes ribbed and oluin als( - stocktngesud socks refoofed. Give lier a cuit, FeR'up 0Io") is.......$ 250 fa $2 93 44 -tf WEEAT,' Fal, biush .... 0 '00 O75 n priný' .... 0 00 0t 75 CATTLE ASTRAY.-Came on lot 7, n Red 1, île .... O0OO0t'0 80 ~ Con., 6, ]Darlington, two yooing cattie- if GocE , . ... O0O00t'0 65 steer and heifer-2 years olfi. Owner l eqes BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 0. o34 0 O35 edto prove property puy expense anS fquake thleM uay. RBEuR IARTIN,(OppoSite Bethesdz ' t2 ..0 26 0 27 cliorch.) Tyrone P. 0. 46 - w. St .... 025 0 26_____ _______ nl Two rowcd 0 25 nO2 OATs, white il.......O 0 20 r~ 1 Ti1fl!1 -.. R'I...... 0 04 BuCICwEATil ....... 000 'i 28 Pr 11,-P ilS - 054(i 0 551 AND Canudian Beauties.. 54 0 55 Mnmmey 0 00 i0 45 'Small, 0 40 0 42 Blue, 0 40 0 40 BuTTERn, best table, P 1b.. 0 10 0' 15 EGGs, f doz ............. 000, '0 16 POTAToES. bush.......... 0 2.5 0 O30 [Hayper ton.............00 Q 8 0 A Boasted Advantage Proves to be a. Source of Weakness and WorthIessness, Makers of crude and imitation cs must of necessity dlaim some ndvantuge for fleir common prodnctions lu order f0 attract consumers. Ainongst the deceptive and sweeping dlaims put before tIc public hy a certain maker of dye, one lu purticulur mnst atfract attention of even flose wlio arc novices lu the art of home dyeing; wc refer f0 thle stufemeuf," Wili not soil fhe bands." This claim ils a direct acknowiedg- ment of wcakness and worfhlessness as far as coloring power is coîîcerued. Any wise woman will reudily sec fIat a dv c that will not stain the Iands is of lit fe nse lu thc work of dyeing. Sudh dyes may give to ligît and flimsy fabrics a show of tint or color, but it soon vanish- es from tIc materials wlien they sec fIe ligît of heaven. Thc Diumond Dves no matter how mudli water is added, lave coloring power f0 stain flic bhande. A bathi pre- paredl from on( eie cent package for dyeing six pounds of goods a ligît color bath , ve as durable a' shade as if fie bahhad been prepared for dveing two pounds of goods a dark color. If is coloring power fIat home dyers lok for and muet have, colors tînt will stand sunlight und washing wifh sonp. As f wo sticks eau be uscd for moving thc goods about lu tie bath, flere le no necessify f0 have flic bands or arme in the dyc Diamond Dye are truc and powerfnl agents, ulwa-ve doing flic best -iork, and neyer malte false and mis- lcading dailms. Zbel ene [Lehigli ValleyR. R.Sy-stem BETWEENYX TORONTO, IAiMJLTON, NEW YORK, PIILADEL- PIllA, WASINGTON, BALIMORE. THE BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS --Vestihuled Train to Buffalo, --Finest in the World. Leaves Toronto 9 a. M., daîly (except Sunday)' Hamilton 9.55 a. m., arriving in Buffalo 12 noon. No. 15 express (dally) Irom Toronto ut 5.30 p. m. eolid train with vestibule parlor car f0 Buffalo. tTîrongh Pullman buffet vestibule car, Toronto foNwYork. Tickets, Berthe roserved etc. Fu partieulaî-s an d from W. Woons, agent Boiwmanvilie or Write M C. DICKSON. Dlet. Pase., Agent Taronüto If you intend papering this fail we ean seli -you paper eheaper than you-eau buy in the eity. We have sorne very-jiice patternls at 4e and FSe, worth-r 10e and, 12e, iwith nin'e inleh borders to mnatch,

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