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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 3

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"WHMAT W£1 HAVE Baby when he bas once- been treated to a bath with 1 BABY'S OWN SOAF " -wants no other-because ha knows no other makes hinm fee) au nice. Many imitations of Baby's Own Soap, look like it, but baby feels the difference, The. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. Montreal. 7 Specialists in the Treatmerit of 8100u, lod, Sexual and Private Diseases AN Tn ar fevons and YDfUNG MANdes.pon.det weak and debilitated; tired morfilas; no ambition; lifeless. memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable; oyes cumken, red and biorred; pimplas on face; dreanis andnîghît lusses; drains et steol; oozing on excitement; hiaggard iooking; weak bock; bune painýs; Lilcers-,hair loose;8sore throat; varicocele. want of confidence mo tenory; lack of enegyandà L alhI This important step in IIIMfhlIfl life ehouid never be, taken unt you are positively cured if yon have been weakened or dlseased. Bemember "Uikefather, lik e s." Emiss- ions, varicocele, spermatorrhoea and ýýsy ilis endangerhappiness in married' life. 0cr New itho cures them per- manently. If yeu are Marrled consuît us at onceas we can restore your trength, via eegyad desires. If you wsh te Marry, our advice may be worth a fortune1 ~!¶~ Vs~I his B's-i tilt UIIItIItam and New Mthod was discovered bine1 severai cyears ago. It bulda np and strengthoe the nervous system; restores lot vitality to the sexuel organe; stops ail draina and bsaes; ,,-vi,,oratei,,ad restores iost man- hood. Il neyer fails in cnring the resuits of Self Abuse, Later Excesses, Blood Ds casor the effects of a Misspent Lite. UBES GTJRANTEED OR NO PAT Whtwe Treat and Cure!zý1- , Is NervousDebîlIttYStrICture. Gleet, impotencey,IJnnatura-l Dischartves.LOSt Manhood,KI- ne v andBladderDiseaas.Co- sultation Free. Books (llinetraut: Free. Write for Question Bankfr Aildential. Plan envelopes. NoGthing sent (J. 0. D. &e testimoniale next week7 DRS.KEND & KERGAN: 148 Shelby S t. Detroit, MIoh. GET I&ICE QUIOKLY. Write to-day for our beautif ni iliustrated Bookon Patenta and the fascinating story of a poor Inventer who made $250,000.00. Send ns a rough sketch or model of your Invéntion andi wo will promptly tell yon FUME if il !0 new and prob- iy patentable. Noelrnmbng. Roneat servIce. speclalty: Tongh eaes rejeoted in other bands and forelgn applications. Referencea:e Honor- able T. Berthiauine, prop. of " La Presse," Honorable D. A. Ross, the leading naws- r~apers, Banks, Express Companies & clients n any locality. Ail Patents secured through our agency are brouglit before the public by ;acia1 notice in over 300 noepapars. ION MARONPatent Exporte, ý emple Building 185 St. James St., Montreal, lieCnly firm oÎ Graduate Engincers in ,the Dom.iniozn tranaacting patent buainffl exclusiyely. Mention this paper. Blood Bitters fias thse Most natural action on thse stomnacis, live4~ bowels and blood of any niedicine known, hiesce its effects arc prompt and lasting. It cures, writhout fail, il sucli diseases asDypsa Cntaio S:ck Headache, Bois, PiinpLesL Tumor3, Scrful Kiney Coplaint, -jauzdice, Coated Torgue,- LoRs of App'tte- and t ti "As te the grotnds et ht: If inîfants are guilty ef original Fin, thon thîey are proper subjects cf baptism ; soing ta the erdiaary way, they canuet hoe savod unless this bc wasboed away by bapticm. Ithas becu aiready provod, that this original stain clos-ces toe exery child et man;, sud titat hereby they are cbild. ron et wrath, sud lhable te etornal dam- nation. I tic truc etheseecond Adaîn bas found arenedY for the disoase -whicb came upcn ail by the offence et the iirst. But the beuefit et this is te ho received through the mestîs which lho hath ap- pointcd ; though haptisni lu particular, which is the ordiuary means hie bath ap- p etd for that puriiese; sud te wblcb Ced21 bath tied us, thengh hoe may net have tied himself.ý Indeed, where it canuet ho had, the case is differet;; but extraordinary cases de net make veid a standing mie - Tbis therefere te aur flrst grouad. lnaatts need te ho wasiîed f rem original sin , therefore thev are pruper subjocts of baptism - "Secoudly, If infants ai-c capable ef making a covenant, sud wcro sud stili * 'V MiTe orilfood" Baby uthaweaik cons- titution gradu- :Chanlce ally but surely ie *a Simple, scientific and highiy- '~nutri'tive prepara'ion for infants delijate children and invaidk * t:AYWATSON & CO., RPITr John Wesley "Te sum up the evidouce: If outward bhaptisrn ho geacrally, lu au erdiuary way, nocessary te salvation, andinlu fauits may ho -saved* as well as aduits, ner onhtwe te negleet any mens cf eavngtbM; if our Lord comnînads sncb to come,te ho broughtnto bim,and de, clares, "of snch is the kingdem ofj f z~~- The follc winq, written i 1756, is from a " TreatÎse On Baptism, " by the RE . JOHNY TVESLEY, -A. A., and is printed here from VoI.X. of his "Wor7ks." 'The matter of this sacrament is wat- are under tbe evangelical covenant, or; xvich, as it bas a natural per of thon they have a right 'te baptism, ceaasiag, le the more fit fur this syim- whicle the entering seal thereof. But bolical use. Baptisrn is porformed by infants are capable of makiag a coven. washiug, dippiag or sprinklîng the per- ant, and were aud stili are under the son, iin the naine of the Father, Son and evangelical coenant. Holy Gbost, who le bereby dovoted te "The custein of nations and commun, the ever blessed Triuity. I sav by reasoîl of îankiaed provo thiat infants 44washiag, dipping or sprinkling," hob- may enter bute a covenanît, and may bc cause it is net detcrînined luScripture la ebliged hy compacts made by ethers ta which of those wa.ys it shaîl ho dune, their anme, and roceive advantage by neither by auy express precopt;ner by tborn. But we have strenger prouf aay sncb example as clearl.y provos it ; thai) this, evon God's owa word: "Ye nor byltbe force or meauing of the stand this day ahi of yen befure the word,"baptise." Lord, * * *your captains, with ail the "lThat there is ne express precept, ail men of lermi; yeur littie unes, yonr calr n alalow. Neither is there nny wves, and the stranger, *tbat 'thon conclusive example. Johna'sbaptism inshouldest enter lie ceLevenant wlth the corne tbiags agrccd witb Christ's, lu Lord tby God. " (Dent. 29,10-12,) Now, othors differed from it. But it cannot God wonld uever bave made a cuven- ho certaialy pruved from Scripturethat ant witb the littie unes, if they had net evon John 's was perfermed by dipping. becu capable of it. It is net said child- It le truc,,lho baptised la Encu, lnear ren unilyl but ittie cbildreu, the lIeb- Saiim, wiere was "rnucb" water." But rew word sigaifying infants. And this mie-bt refer te breadtb rather than these may ho stili as tboy were of oltJ. detb;zsiace a aarrew place would net ubliged te perform, la aftertime, wbat. have bee sufficient for se great a miii- tbey are net capable of perfermiug at titudo. Nor can it ho proved, that the 1the trne of their entering into that oh] t- haptism of our Savieur, ur that admin- gat!un. istered hy bis disciples, was by immer- "The infants of hellex-ers, the true sien. No aur that of the eunuch hap- eblîdren cf faitbful Abraham, aiways tised by Pbihip ; theug-h "tbey bath were under the gespel covenant. They wont dowu te the water" . fer that go- were inclnded lu it, tboy bad a rhght te ing dewn may relate te the chariot, and ih and te the seal ef it; as aunlanfaut boir implies no dterîninate deptb uf water. bas a right te bis estate, tbeugh ho can- lu might ho up te their knes ,it miglit not yet bave actual pessession. The net ho abeve tboir ankles, covenant with Abraham was a gospel "And as netbiag cau ho determined cevenant; the condition the samne, from Sripture precopt or example, so namehy iaith, which the Apostie eh-_ neither from the force or meaning of the serves was "imputed unte hlm fer right- word, For the werds "baptise" and enunees." The Insoparabie fruit ef "haptisrn" de net necessarily irnphy this taith wae obedience; fer hy faitb ho "dippiag," but are nsed ia other senses left bis country, sud offeired hie son. la severai places. Thus wo read that The benefits wore the saine; ,fer God the Jews"were ail baptized ln the chaud prmsed, "I will bho thy God, aud the andin the ses", ; (I. Cor. lu : 2 ;) but Ged f thy sed alter tbeeé"; and lho can they wore net-piunged lu either. They promise ne more te any creatîro; for could therefore ho only eprinkled b.ý this inchludes aIl blossiage temporal and drops efttthi ses wator, and refreshi&'g eternal. The Mediator le the same; for dews from the loud ; prehshly intirnat it was lu bis Seed, that le, la Christ ed la that, "Thon soutest a- gracions fGen. 22, 18; Gai, 3, 16,) thatali nations ralnuapon thino inberitance,and refresh- were ,ýte hobessed; on which very ac- edeet it whea it was weary." (Psahm couat, the Apastie says, "The Gospel 68 - 9) Again:. Christ eaid te bis twe was preachedunute Abraham," .-(Gal. disciples, "Ye shah hoc baptized with 8, 8-) Now, the came promise that was the baptîsm that I arn baptizod witb" ; made te hlm, the samne covenant that (Mark 10 -.8:.) but neither ho uer tboy was made with hlm, was made"lwltb bis wore dipped, but oaly spriukhed or chiidren after hlm." (Gen. 17, 7; Gai. washed with their own hiaad. Again 3,' 7.) And upoît that acceunt it is we read (Mark 7 : 4) of thie baptisais (se called "au everiastiag covenant,"Ilu it is lu the eriginal)uf pets sud caps sud this covenant eilîd ren wero aiseohibiged tables or beds. New puts sud caps are te wbat they knew net, te the camne faitb nut nccessariiy dipped wheu thon are sud ohedienco witb Abraham. And se washed. Nay, the Pharisees wa heltey are stili; as tbey are stihi eqnally the outeides of thoea oniy . And as for entitied te ail the honefits aud promises tables or heds, aune will suppose they of it, could ho dippod. Here, thon, the word "Circameision was thon the ceai of the 11haptism, "in the natural couse, is net cevenarit; wbich le itselt therefere fig- taken for diýpIiig, but for washing or urativciy termcd "the covenant." (Acte cleansing. And thiat this is the true 7, 8.) 1 Hore by the cbiidrea of thuse meaning ef the werd "haptiào," Ilcsteeti- who profeesed tho true religion were fied hy the greateet scooars sud the thon admitted Intu it, and obliged te muet proper jndgesiluthis matter. It le the condItionsoetit; and wbeu the law truc we read of beiag "huried with was addod, te the observance ut that Christ lu haptism "BUt aetbing can also, And when the oid ceai cf circum- ho laferred from such a 'iozurative ex- cision was taken off,this ef haptismn wae pression. Nay, if it bu boit1 exactly, it added lu its raorn; unr Lord appeintiug weuld make as mncb f oer priakIiug as eue positive Institution te succoed an- frpagino.; sdace ila buiNrylg, the other. A new seal was sot te Abra- 'ordy i e 'Iuuged tbreugb _tbe sab - bam's covenant; the seals differed, but %tancee of the earth, but rather eartb le the deed was the damne; only that part peured or spriukled upua it. was struck off whlch wac politicah or coreeniai That haptism came lu the "And as there is neo lear proteof dip- rueni ef circunicision, appoars as weîî piag lu Seripture. so there is very Vroh. from the clear reason of the thiag as able preef ef the centrary. It le highy frem the Apestie's argument, wbere probable, the Aposties themsaives 1bPatater circumacision, hoe mentions baptisun, tized gretnmbrnu.ydipg as that wberein Ged bad "1forgien ns but hy washiag, sprinkliag er pouring car trespasees; " te wbich ho ade, the water. Thils cleariy ropresented the "hlingottehn-rtn fod cieansing from sin - wih ilefigured hy inaetIlgottebu-rtn fed haptism And the quautity uf wator nees," p hliy relatiug te efIreumcis- nsed wae net material ; ne more than ion sud u or Jewieh rites; whicb as tairly implies that baptisai came la the the qnantity ut bread sud wîne ta room ut circuaicision, as our Savienr's the Lord'is supper. 'rhe jailer "an~d ail styline, the ether sacramout "the pses. bis lieuse were baptized" la the prison, over, (Coi..2, 11-13; Luze 22, 15,) shows Cornelius with bis triende,(aad se sevor- that it was iaetituted in the place ut it. al heuseolde,) at homo. Now, l5 it Nor le it any preof that haptism did net likely,that al these bad pende or rivers succeod circumclelon, because ît differs tan or near their bouses, sufficient te la some circurnstauces,any more than it pluage them al? Every unprejudiced provos the Lord's supper did n ot succeed persea muet ashow, the centrary le ,tar the passever, hecause lu severai circun- mure probable. Again . Thrce thous- stances it differs from it. This thon is sud atoeue time, sud five thousand at a secaad greuud. Infants areo capable atiother, were cenverted sud baptized et entering- inte cuvonart with God. hy St. Peter at Jerusaiem ; wbere they As they aiwaye výere, ce thev etil are bad noue but the gentie waters ef Si- undor the evangehicai covenant. loam, accurding te the observation et Therefere thev bave a right te haptism, Mr. Fuller : There were no water-millswbclenwtoeergcaitre. lu Jrushemhecueether wa ne "Thirdiv. If Infants ougbt te coe streain large eougb te drive thern."I to Christ, if they are capable et admis- The place, theretoro, as well as the so noIh hrho oadcn number, makes it bighiy probable that clouteth em c src meutalodsdicu- ail thee e wre haptized by spriinkllng or seqn tly ce stonieaareutal edica- paurîng, sud net by immersion. Tojce hltnthyae-ppreu sum upail: Te mnne ofbapizig j cof haptism. But infants are Cwetber by dipplng or sprinklitîg ) is lae of curhnd o som ddmication net determined iu Seripture Tee t the cu Gendolm edéto ne command for co rather than the other. Thore le neexample frein whicb Tlat infanîts ought te cerne te Christ, wo caa coaclude for dippiag rather appears roem is owu words: ' "Tbey. tbau fer sprinkling. There are prob- breugbt littie chiidreu te Christ, sud the able examples et bth ; sud hoth are disciples rehnkcd them. And Jesus equaliy coatainod lu thenasturai mean- caid. ;"Suifer ittie eidrea te cerne unte Lug et the word ** **me,and torhid them anot;fer of sncb lethe "Butthegraîd uesioniswheareKiuo.dem of heaven. " (Matt. 19. 13 14,)j th4Butthegrad qeston s,?hoGreu St . tuke expresses it stili mure stroughy: ehoproper sabjects et haptisrn? rwn"They brnîAt nahlm veninfantsQ on 13aptism. il arms ;" et hoe rebukes these who, would have hindered their cerning te him. And his command respected the future, as well as the present. Therefore his disciples or Ministers are stili te suffer infants ocerne, that is, te be brouoeht, unto Christ. But they cannot now corne te hl-m, unless by being bruugbt into the chur-ch; whichcannetbe but by baptism. Ye, and 'lof such, " says aur Lord; "is the Kýingdom'ef heaven -" net of snch enly aýs were like these infants. Fer if thythemselves were net fit te be sub- jcs of that Kingdurn, hoxv cuuld others ho su, because they were like thcrn? Infants, therefore, are capable of beiug admitted inte the cburch, and have a right thereto. Even under the Old Testament they were adrnitted inte it by circumneisien. And eau we suppose they ere in a worse condition under the Gospel, than they were under the iaw? And that our Lord would take away any privileges which they thon enjoyed? Would hie net rather make additions te thern? This, thon, is a Lthird greund. Infants ougbt te corne te Christ, and ne man onght te ferbid thern. They are capable of admission inte the cbuircb of God. There fore they are proper subjects of baptism.' &Piourthly, if the Aposties haptized infants, thon are they proper snbjects of haptisin. But the Apost es baptized infants,asisplaiuifrem thefellewingcen- sideration: the Jews constantly baptized as well as cîrcuncised ail infant prose- lytes. Our Lord, therefere, comrnand- ing his Apostles te preselyte or disciple ail nations by baptizing them, and net ferhîddino them te roceive infants as 1well as otiers, they nîust neede haptizo eilidren aise. "That the Jews admitted preselytes by baptîsm as well as circumeision, even wbole familles tegether, parents and cbldren, ive have the unanirneus testi- meny of thoir must ancient, learned, and anthentic writors. The maies thcy [received by haptism and circumeisien the wumen by baptism e nly. Conse- qnenfly, the Aposties, unless our Lord had eirssly forbidden it, weuld of course do the saine thing. C.Indeed, the cunseq nonce wuuld bold frorn circumcisiun only. For if itwe re the customn of the Jews, wben they gatherod proselytes ont of ail nations, te admit children intu the church by circurncision, thugh they could net actually believe the law, or ubey it; thon the Aposties, making prosely tes te Christianity by baptism, could nover think of excluding cbldren, wbom the Jews aireadv admitted (the reasen for their admission being the saine,) unless Onr Lord had expressly fOrbidden it. It iollows the Apostles baptized infants, Therefore they are proper subjects of baptism. If it to eobjected, "lThere le ne ex- press mention in Scripture, of any in- fants wbem. the Apostles baptized," 1 would ask, suppose ne mention had been made in the Acte of those two women baptized by the Apostios, vset might we net fairly cunclude, that when se many thousande, se0rnany entire housebelds, were baptized, women wore net cx- cluded? espocially since it was the known custorn ofthie Jews te baptize them ? The saine holde geod of child-* ren; nay,nmure strungly, ou acceuant of circumeisien. Three thonsaad ivere baptized by the Apesties in une day, and five tbousand ln anether. And can iil ho reasonably supposed that there içionecbildren arnong sncb vast nurnbers? Agalu: the Apusties bap- tized many, familles ; nay, we hiardly reatd of eue master of a famil31; who was ýouverted and baptized, but bis wbole family (as was bof ore the cnstm anîonig. the .Iews) were hnptizçd wilbhim: thits the jailer's bousehold, hoe and ail bis; the heusehold of Gains, of Stephanas, of Criepus, " And eau we suppese, that la ail these households, which, we read, were without exception, baptized, there sheuld net ho se mucb as eue child or infant? But te go une stop farther : St. Peter says te themnîtitade, ',Repent aud be baptized, ex ery eue of yen, fer the romissien of sins. Fer the promise is toyen and toyoar oidren," (Acts.2. 38, à9,) Indeed, the asîswer is made directly te those whe asked, "Wbat shall we de ?" bunt it reaches farther than te these wbe asked the question. And though cbildren could not actnally repent, yet they migbt ho baptized. And thiat tbey are iucluded appoars, (L.) Because the Anostie addresses te "every- one" of tbem, amd, in "evcry une" cbiid- ren must ho contaiuod. (2,) They are expressly rnontieaed: "The promise is te yen, and te your eh!lidren. " Lastly. If te baptize infants bas been thýe general practice -of the Christian churchinlail places and lu ail ages, thon this must have beon the practice of the Aposties, and, conseqnontly, the mind of Christ. But te baptize infants bas heen the :genera1 practice of the Christian chnrcb la ail places and lu ai agos. 0f this welbave unexceptionable, witnosses,: St. Austin for the Latin chnrcb, who fiourished befere the year 400; and Origen fer the Greekz, horu lu the second century; both declaring net only that the whole chîurch of Christ BowmANVILLE. BEAVER BLocli, Now is the time to look around and see if your fur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer, the Furrier, is the man who can do yoar work properly, cheap and guaranteed. The latest' styles in Hats and G-ents' Furnishings always on hand. Bring your furs early before the rush commences. Practical Furrier. heaven;" if infants are capable of rnak-, are sncb inestimable benefits conferred ing a covenant, or having a covenant in baptism, the washing away the gullt made for themn by others, being includ- of original sin, the ngrf ting us intô ed in Abraham's covenant, (which was Christ bY makîng us members i of bis a covenant of faith,an evangelical cove- church, and heroby giving us a rght to nant,) and never excluded by Christ ; ail the blesslng'sof the Gospel ; it follows if they have a riglit to be members of that infants rnay, yea, ought to be bap. the church, and were accordingl1Y mern- tised, and that none 'out to hindef' bers of the Jewish ; îf,suppose our Lord them. * * * had designed te exelude tbem frorn bap- 'On the whole, therefere, it is net tisif, ho rmust have expressiy forbîdden only lawful and innocent, but meet2 his Aposties te baptize them, (which right, and our bounden duty, iu con- none dares to affirrn ho did,)since other- ferrnitv te the uniterrupted practice ef wise thev would de it of course, accord- the whele church of Crs fo h ning to the univeisal practice of their earliest ages, te consecrate unr children nation ; if it is highly probable theY dîd to God by baptisrn, as the Jewish church so, even frein the letter ot Seripture, were ceînmauded te do by circumcisiun. hecause the' fre uently baptized whele oebr1,176 huehelds, and it meldb strange if!Nvme 1 76 there wereno chuîdr7e among them; if the whole church of Christ for seveuteen The bistory o 1f the fan la almost as bundredv.ears togéther, baptized inf old as the history of the Nvcrld., One fants, and were neyer eppused tili the might almost ima~gine Eye flaunting mat enlrm n y ;lstly if there a primitive fan of palm ,eaves or fea-. holy mni emn- aty ftoe thers i'a the garden of Aden. kYetab1 Yi-ep a afion ferAs-' ness adlsonin eilher oplu[d,Morpting, nor l4Ueal. Aperfect Rei-nedy for 'Cons tipa- tiôfi, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worns ,Convtdtsions ,Feveriski- sinlSignature e2 4441eW --v E XAC1T VOPYgT WRAPPEB. FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURB IS ON TE OF EVEBRY BOTT=lE castaîla 10 put up lu ene-siîe batties euhy. It Io net seldind lu k, Iian't alew anyone te mcli you auything cisc ta the piea or promise that àt in djuet as gasd" sudd "wihh answevcery Pitrp mose.HeGr Seoacthat yen Set .Â8TORIA of Qui Sue ucrtis. a Having secureci the services of W. JENNJNGS, as salesman, we have begun selling out the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Fail Importations. This is a great opportunity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be reduceq we shall offer at once $3l000 ýworth of these, goods at sacrifice prices. Ail outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l15th or costs will be incurred, as the present, book$ must be squared up. AoV, -ý

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