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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 4

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D&RLNGTN YUNGLIBERALS. bouv nirWKan esThe meeting at ilampto Souve ir R nges.(Wedesd )o baurgss a~nd, Q W est End House H a v e ~, ,1T'hDe should b very largely attended. Ev r OMN V L E Havycodetd The young Libérli ai e ra ols cinW AN IL onde r present. A youlg men s political club is a capital educator when properly Darlington can improve their minds by us no ad stat f d~cebates on publie questions and we feel we do notiednt Special f sure that any youug man who takes rirai lives. The fem- Ssa cea hold of this matter in earnest will be the minetpoion of ourl Ar~I~d better intellectal for the experience al nti a. rn rv-Aetd it will afford. Doan't miss the organiza- cuile elu thiway.e tin eein t-ngh.that women are as i t ret vnWHIITN¶EY AT ORONO. healthy as theyffare. LIII; Very few womeu get L an1y outdoor exer- Ail I s Fro no urouneporer)l took nocisei anyt al We have sold as rnany of these robes already this year as we did TH TTESMAN's advice and attended interfere with the ls winter. We expet another lot in this week. The more they are O ne eetig in he tXVIIproper musla known the better they seli, If you are wanting a robe don't fail to T heir O ehl here Stra night. The recept acin n it h see this one. It is both Wind and Water proof and wilI outwear tw( ion ven Col. Whitney was beftting circulation of the Own. ~~~ 0f the m. the ~~eader of the Opposition and thebio.Altey. Goat Robes and it cornes as cheap as a Goat Robe. You cannot buyti Ofte .meeting was voted a success by his ad- gienic laws are bro- robe from anyone else in Bowmanvmle'. We aie sole agents. O w n ke . Iis littie won- mirers. Fully a quarter of the 375 per- der that nine wonxen sons present-several ladies-were Uib- in ten are troubled, Everywhere everybody die hm SOUVENIRS are hoig and howling element was flot- the ation f the organs distinctly feininine. t iceable. The meetino. was verv order- Negleet and wrong living wiii show thern-N v a marvel of beauty, economy and eonveniený,e and cost no0 iy. Dr. Hiler of L3wmanvi le was selves first iu the most deiicate organs of chaîrman and there seems to be a wish thewhoie body. With such weakuess and We have' had Bargain Days on ýMondays ali Tuesdays and it rails more tlian ordinary tvs o eol y in the hearts of many Conservatives tbattesss rvli s be expef' li1deno1d on those two days so we are goîng to try Wednesday, Nov. 24th, day, stoes. Fo sae nlybythat lie were the candidate instead Df fraught with dread and danger. it shouid before Thanksgiving. Mr. W. H. Reid. Something Mr. Rel d not bc so, of course. Nature neyer meant saîd in the coimmittee roixns in Bow- it to be so. The performance of the high- manville on the nigît of Mr. R. Beith 1sý est function of whirli a wotna' i j capable L a ja kets, R .Wr helection the last titnte gave'a shock to should not be accompanied by pain. If L a i s'Ja*- Bo MAVILE.Ploc 6.many temperance men and others who perfectly natural living were the mIle, it 10 per cent. reduction on any Jacket bouglit on W~ednesuay next. Opposte Otari Ban. hod a ighercodeof mralsthanlie ould nnt be so. As lives are lived, soine-30 p w Opposte Onario ank.hold higlr coe 0f oralsthan h ing else must be doue. A remedy muet We stili have a good assortmeùt of styles and sizes froin$ O p w _______________________________Phone_______66.___ seems to possess, llowsomever, there be found, For nver thirty years, Dr Pierce n t t raining the last two days we made the special discount on Dress is a decided coolness on the part Of has been chief consulting physician to th, ngo fiEO J1LOSUPLS. many of lis former supp, î tirs because Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Goods, we will inake the saine offer- again for Wednesday next. 10 per THE NTAIOURPUS. of bis indiscrete remarks. Lb k bottles Buffalo, N. Y. During that time he has Cent. Off ail Dress Goods Lining-s and Trinimings bought on Wednesday On page two of the Public Accounts and corruption are evidently niut ap- treated thousands of wornen. He has et.Toscalin fSUkrla e or5pryrd of Ontarin for the year ending the 31 st proved by ail the rank and file. htn,fodlis Fvrt Pecito" et w special husfofShakr Flnuel or 5 peryard NnDec., 1896, appear the following entries On the platfori were Mr. J. P.W It- strengthens the wbole body and w"en n Hosiery, Ladies' Vests aud Corsets, we are showing extra value. ~ e ningunder the lead of "Receipts_Consoli- uey, Lieut -Col. Matheson, Dr. Wil-. taken during gestation, shortens the peiod Have you seen the Ladies' Elannelette Night Robe we are hwn? qua il -1 daed evnueFud" loughby, Messrs. W. 1H. Reid, M. P. P., of labor and makes childbirth weii-nig heyare eywl ot okn tadtepiei o esnbe will be al the rage now. Interest on capital he'1land eXT.C. ï K o'dAln, Augusaim ain lceas t aOls OpIF-lro te nabudan hy evr elwrhlo gat u h rc s5 esnbe New allPape fodsore i due'4y the Dominion Oui Bandl under direction of Leader %à-duBo ts an*-d R ubbers, New Wall Paper for some if................. .................214528-68 Leigli and Drum Major Staîker playedAr% àWPbu iILl K1000 flot ail the rooms wilI be Interest on iuvestmeut...... 46:026.11 several airs before the sp~eeches began. T he ]j a y S We have just placd ito tokacopéérnef ltndRbr nee. Prices now are so .Total ........................,5 .Dter préslercehand mae Lier appory pcn110 oca omlet rng o sehonrtu.e needed. 8260,5 Dr. - Htle i er ecankd madeLéa$few opy haebrmesot Goods. Men's Rubbers for Socka in one and two buekie, with fulIlihee iow that every room in the How is it the province is in receipt allusionîs to the future, then iutroduced P i eand quarter heel. Men's four buckle felt, and two buekle feit, also half houe an e ad spe ndof this large sum of interest if, as Mr. our member, Mr. Reid. The reception 1 h foxed and full foxed felt Top Boots. Lined and unlined Rubbers. spn tveylitWhos. i stney sAt ,the srplusofbas perentis "gern ec me of old ws thmei ceSomething especially nice in Men's Stormn Rubbers, ined, also with san aselling pape strom 4 esAiteretereu ts cpaofer pe ch wga d eoid ofoenthumsIisbu of Watches are short at waterproof Tops light and warm. e hv eyhaywr e' si eln aer rm4 h er mllios hnk yucaptaislavrpechis abl ving e orkswe saplaut Rickard's. Oversloe, wool lined, which we soul very cheap. In Ladies" oswe up. Beautiful goki papers sum of interest would come into the a few times. Hie did not tell the elect- hv ndaduhndRbesi h tr n od for a place, a .10e.Provincial treasury year after year ors what lie had doue for the ridiug as oriays pen fitfraplca.1 . uniess there was the capital iuvested? member, nor what le expected to do. h u ltdepaértent t rial.n Oesokig.GveorBotadSo Window Shades, picture frarnes CoME ALL WHO SuFFE.-Mrs. E. Hie smells defeat and cannot shake offX1 e patn aril and framed pictures will be needed. Brown, Hamilton, Ont., says: "I la ve the terrible effects. of the Gosmasln These 1 have at very îow prîces. used Laxa-Liver Pilîs and find tlem Col. Matleson made a gond speech of Woodaea. log G rery'eSrtm e tla perfect as a cure for biliousness and its kind, but the questions lie discussed wear.r Mend your garments without a sick headache. I stronogly recommeud were petty matters like school books, Leiîgthen youîr days bx- saving needie or thread. Wlat next ? them to ail who sufer from such troubles examinations, etc., generalities that yortm h abdonby Just in Pure Codfish iu one and two Pound blocks 10e per ponnd or The Mer ding Tissue does tlis for aabnrvledrmdy"fe haudis eer. he eo ro ati ryigon f5 s epione ly 3 pounds for 25e. Fresh Haddies just in also some very fine No. 1 Labi- you. Repairý any kind of Clotfhkg.boeteauine Tcsholoo arngOdftoeecpinly rador Herriugs and Seal'd Herrings. Fresh Qysters received every Fn.. Oncetrid, lwas ned.Prie 1e. IREAPPIANES.buglear las been explnined so many first-elass Watehes. Neyer was day niglit. You ilfn u asnCratPes Spices, Extraets, tims, hatbisstae dnuuiaton:f te sclivale gvenin ny tor inSugars and lu fact every article we seli is the test quality from. long ex,. The New Presbyterian Book Of The public meeting Friday night to with the intelligent electors. Minister of Education lad littie wei gît Canada as Riekard. gives. perience we know that people want the best groceries they can buy. Praise, ini varios styles, reeeived. discuss tire appliances resulted in tbe Dr. Wlloughby aroused the audience The evenings are longer, the time We not only do this but we have the price down SO low that At does not matter being eft with the Council to to quite a pitcli o enthusiasmi over thc for reading is longer. Have your pay auyone to buy cleap trashy groceries. fliglest price paid. for all P.T e ilcock do as tler think best, A strong pre- public accounts and the Guelph Collegeat es tcsted andfte thpcalskn ofrmrdu.Sav y rPutyaddypi tm f u P r ba erence for a new englue seemed to gt in a few dry knocks at Ministers ydfte ihpcalsknso ai rdce treyu olr n r ikteni o BoMNIL.obtain. The state of our finances, our Dryden and Ross, but bis manner isa Rickard's., That your ligît may want the highest priée. heavy indebteduess, almost freedom lacking in sîncerîty and an audience bec"longer" Riekard eau fit you fromn tires, infrequent use of the englue, sooil begins to feel tbat lis atatements with Spectacles if any one eau. No /r iu:w t.. ~t$ÂInnthe sacrifice of ourpresent equprentt a must le taken with many grains of sait. need whatever to go to the eity. BOW ANILE.NO. 7,187.mucl discussed. Wcre tic louselolders mentative and convîncîng. g The above are facts. Nothing is y_________________________________ BOWMAVILLE NOV 17, 897.of this town to act on thc saine reason- Miss Bea Nasît prescnted Mr. Whit- advertised that is not earried ont to ing as was advanced at thc meeting, ney witl a prettv bouquet as le ros(e to the very letter. Grocers' due bMiRft TI T0%,. WESLEY ON BÀPTISM. tley would seli itaîf of tîcir bouse fur- speak. Ris peaoyrmrswstkE ___'eouuatil etigfr nis1kings and tlree-fourths oheir taffy for Mr. Reid but le soon struck e scs.f . ' 1 On a inidepag wih befoud abouses. Better furniture and better off on otier matters. Hie made a fine TN IMN EmE' l Onabniepg wl cfudahuses are desirabie, but tley continue speecch, oratorîcal]y speakimg, but there RrrYn nI I tîrc-coumi artcleseting frtlRev. to make thc present ones do until they was realiy nothing~ new in it. It was R ,N John Wesley's expressed views on the cau afford new ones. This is wbat the oid story of extravagance, inancial met orinfat baptism. Tndis le as urrjuieiong eolewi .Th t nu s. tm I oflice uhino i EgelU derN 8~HSmd fadl ats n isa aeujdiin eped.TI onritnmayofc odr, the scinol TEHMLO UI 81IN BOW MI~ANILLE actuai teacling and we publisl it witl- wleu we lad business booming here far due deal, the early session ,etc lHe is a COLIEGE ~wYIIV out comment because there is s0 mucl beyndits present dimensions, but it fluent speaker and was frequeutly ap- P and Shorthand Institute, by siip-slod theology faleed01 did satisfactory work. 0f course a plauded, but ail of the speeches' con- masicprgtdss great man wlose teaching was always larger one would do better, but we can- deused into onue would not contain tic terne of Business and shorthand iractiee ecie so emiuentl{ reasonable, iucid and flot afford tic outlay at present. If a information nr prove as convinciug as ently trains its pupills for positions in irs.-eiluss I have opened out a funil line of Groceries and scituat admits of no cntmoversy new engine is got au enlire neÉv nutit cither Premier Ilardy's or Hou. E. J. noumemt now ready. Send for it to the Provisions, hece we sa'imlpuihîlarcefo of lose must le gol ton. TlitImca ns Davis' at tic meeting tlcy addressed Principal, ' le information f our readers. over $000 outlay, whcn 8800 slould herelast monti. Noatemptwas made 0 .M L O G .IN V RE YH L suflice. If we spend s8500on île present 10 declare w lat reforms lIie Conserva- '*M .A uli g a it n n. 3.f DJURHAM I STRICT DIVISION. engine it wililebcworth tlat muci more tives would inîroduce, wîat greal pro- IY.MRMIS'BLOCK.oBuiltedingBi Ha.milton, Ont 381f' ex if we want to exclange it later for a vincial problems tbey would soive ni uMRI'BOK opst h i avn a 5yas x TIc next regul r oi0 f Durham larger onue. what spécial benets a change of Gov- cma~ pericuce, 1 wil le able to cater to the wants of the people and suit the District Division, Sons of Temperance, SNÂP AND vîaon wÂN=D.-Mnderu lite emument wouldproduce. Fauitiuding, British C-iamiteèd, tastes of the most fastidinus. My stock wili consist of Teas, Sugars, Cof- is 10 le leld in Newcastle, Friday, Nov. demands snap and vigor from ahl. Thciunoadisnainwr i c-Coe ll,1dai'n .fées, Spices, Curr- ts, RasnFg PueDtCaedGo fal 1911. First session 10 a. m , day sessions race for existence is hbIter than ever. in-trade of tic, combination. Tiey. ' e ic n . kid , rd étsaL ardn, i..igs,,ruhes, Tbs, aed Goandai open to ahi memb8rs of the Order. Tic Keep your blond pure by usino' BURDOCK could not flud in thée 25 years' record of "ý ,.i5iCaf Lt, uidin.CrdMasadLrBois rseTbPis lu G. W. P., Bmo. J. M. Waltou, BLooD BrvmzRs, and 3-ou will %e lealtly the Libéral Govemumenit one measure e s civmlmercicl e eBs rn oAmrc adC ainCalOFutihad Ketlleby, is expecled to le préet. vigorous and strnng. Miss Jeunie À. to praise nr one specitie corrupt or D S f Courses. Oysters i n season, In fat, vrt - uulyketi is-l At 7-..0 a pulic meeing willbeiéorgan- Gleason, Cetreton, Ont, says: "For dishonest act to coudemn. Tie bur- Conlle eerythng uuadlykeptin a lrsorea. ized whena first-ciassliterary and musica tw ears 1 suffered fromn poor, tlin den of titeir plaint was "It is lime for a g~iee Ownoed S Grcrbsoe mciilerdee.The Gx biood.- I grew wcaker every day untîl chauge" and "we are ticfloswo h olwn otes ilaloadrs îeItridB .o t ý meeu1 1î ffcs" felw îocnrlldh invite the people of Bowmauville and vieinity to give niea cal p rog ra m e will b c ren ered . I tri ed . B . B It co m l et elT o r o n toe cntoi fbuth e-fa nde .iTspon otTorytg n o ds- an ddig etctp ric esd an ddgI parnesan diIa miedtIf e auIc a ivei e th eei metn.Collection in behaîf of cx. by enriching my blond, making me Well, il is a pe stmong testimonial . C.A., q . . . laksnEsq. agista ilwl a hmfrtertobe pen. slrong and vigornus agati." for the Liberals wheu in a quarter of a Fr.d 10d.EA., E. r . . aksnEsq., bagan talwilweipa 1c fr11m rube Jenss.A.WRY FEDT.AI, ________________ ceturys transactions,n charge 0f r.F. ., andS . P. MeKinîjon, Esq. 'Ai-'2My motlo wiiile bhonest deaiing and one price 10 ahl. JAs. A. WERRY, FRED. T. ALLiN, ~~~~wrong-doing bas been estabiisiedi and iated with the Institute of hanrteS dAcHgetmrt rcpa frroue Bte, 46-2w. D. W. P. D. S. tle sîrong mn of tiCon *d ti e at year. Send for free prospectus to wanted. A eau snicied. *party, like Judge Meredith, have given DAVID HOSKINS, C. A., AIJOTION SALES. up lie strugglc in despair. Tic great Principal. M Iquestion con fronliug tie electors uow FRIDAY, Nov. 19.-Mr. Jas. Dcmp)ster aismIf.acagqecdsial ? hr nsefon!s oihema lbins.leA Indigestion. Everything I aIe distrcss- Hoo~d's PHis efhiie, ndstlc;sesoni amut1cmie-anuua cdm. ave taken a few btles of as it las been customary for thc councul liood's Sarsanarilia and it las cured to mccl on December lâtlin cacl ycar. me î rn nw aIe 10 al nmosîauy-The reason of the earlîcst summoniug of WSl tig1ws ihu ites1 ercouuty representatives is thec uessity y! çt ýaget or11mnvle, JHN H LL A tlin I ishwilnutdistese I eariiypmovide funds 10 pay for tIe new bridges recommend liood's Sarsaparilla.".. A. Aiwuh 00NrlEwrsat present in course of crection and also Your Gocer wîll gîve you patchASIETei- ORFRSRIE-Te regis- StretKalmazo, iciga. e tOarrng cetarrangels hicertainrsordromauollesdt wpatîcl UAhaveR§ orC.-dmpi- -tA FFOREVIC. CRi _______________________________ prove Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Emigrant'" tered Berkshire boan O. A. C. <4522) bred ______________________arisen in connec ion swltl lic nfnionewtckelb i waw0 fMr .E retu'hamu tc on the Model Parut, Guep ih awcll briage aIt CanipberlTCiDfIITf hogs and sire of a number of bis pnize pigeslhe framied animal; also a thoro1-îred Tamworth of brThetCmîciod LJjf'acLîtî-iiU1î ~o immense lcngth anSdep.S ire" Holywell extra gond qualitv. Prîce t1. D. J. GmiNLo About twice as muel live local newvsEmigrant" 1p.Asoa drks.h r'nneLc 4Cn3,CakBwavîe h4î "0tf appers i evey isue o Tic STTES-HAGYRD'sYELJ.OW IL cressire and dam impqrted by Mn. J. G. Snell. A ~ OW'S WR SR ea ae siaueMAN as lu ils couuty conlemporaries, sprHAGTAbruisesyEsores, wounds,, t, yugYokbr taiorsl lea.Tr e uoand reliabie worm explr.At vwý b So]d b',A. N CHioLLs, Bowmanville îepieletcsm.frostbltes, chlbiains, stingo of 5eo 7einse V.J LMpets, Oc vequaiwilOn ehlldren or adulte. De of4ze, ye i hepîei tesm.burnu,sealds,contuàions,eîePrice 2 5C. Lot l, 2,alnt Lowanil,.04 w"l« y w s

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