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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 6

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Rer. a a ad rilaa aI ta troublai moel- a te a. blloaatt d h&ya , Snba Drowalneat, Diatrsaaf er Ma MI ir m"t in ourlas ~ata~by~tÀ~E'8LniziE Lrvgg eO OlelnÇ;astAilo9011, Ur eg Li ba at rauste l ita bewa ~'l~~uffr frnt t a asin opainti ~ctfe goo4naa o 00% an 1_re. ur Il o uti lIlasty t a r a II 0 tRai lita ~iia VîUO.a10lya re vywaaIa 1 iiilut 4to it rlaut o r lil e at 411 Whao ef o ml va s. lera a LrrrA14LIIE LUANaXî owaaaa aillwhAgncyt. aa t15ot ao I.Sl arowe a 3, o sntbmA EXC17ANGBEN ô amanvilietesgen th I Sefo arlo as fainsDearnmapandof Ç,-,*jaa.le tourrêut yeagoutaao yal ndua lbeat nea h D~~ttadaold aI rtt the adti o PnladIlt~a~itCaadtaiOQolihlaer.I TLochrandh TraSmithr ,bine for ittrgeor afrmail in ouBicleaReo Varlin il lu ng tsbr~achesandor th e M ahin- ya lëounty atiealiaeMititnae t o oîIronte l umi ass wonn aith Speforel Machnr erhutiing iliycielie pte gcluail it and has duail fe Mcin ontemaktraresc.esl Yul t.-}apersyou hee îpthet yee a tTuhy pracal nahînat. okR, H. Cewniitt, 11th Con. y, oskt a Loe's, DIrn ito and awr 0 I PTMKTRBILDiNG, Bowlanvll agnt owDuram. I LookHere on ~ ~ jlais lioare. amescn ail or, R. 1,% Calactts0 5thCe os Bowmùana ilea 'E ai ofor Wrhm ou-"d trs5, Is SUI'Z' To Cure'---ý- COUGHS AND COLDS. Price 25 Cents. S A3. lTe Calladilan Siatesmail 'VE[DI',ESDAY, NOV. 17, 1897. NYOIES AND CM ET Hlenry George's sudden taking off lu the clsing day-s eh on exciting eau-- vasa lunwbiicisha v as tisa most stit- ia- auS pituresque figure viii serve te recal soe aof tise otisen dramalie deantis cof publicîsîÉs and' ,tatasmen. "I live un anu inverted orLier," saiS Burke on tiseSentis ofh isasonvise ha t juat kiecluSes an uppe n au undSa plane jolined hy other planes ah nigist angles. Tise matartal is chotis, curved lite tise wlng of a binS. What is enleS tise taU:islaàa igid coinstrutien cf frame- work anSdclotis. Tise surface of.tise kite la 7(f square feet, and n'ben an eatiîn oh t-wo miles is reac.hefudiar miles oh fine piano n ire have h3een paiS, out isy macbinery. Ou tise day wben tise ki.tes n'aie wrected tiseiid n-as gusty, anS a sudden extra strain sanu tise wtre, supposeS ho hae eual te a, tan Peavier pull. been elected te Parltamunt. , Thay vhisel.urnqlip. mrpCL 5 us iafldY)vth ougist ho have succeeded me have gene beoe me. Tisey wioso ued have beau te nue ln the place cf posterity are lu thse pince oh ancesfors." This dentS led Burke le refusa tiii titllacf Lord Bea- conaield, vwihichs George 111. hbAS Off an- cd him, indirectly causeS savage aI- tacts on Banta hy his apolitical enein- ses, causeS s criais In Parliameul, anS eleS eout frein hlm oae cf tise pro- of bis costitutional exposi- tiens, his " Lettur te a Noble Lord.' Tise Earl of Chathamn nas seized vitis anu apoplectïc fit andSdia-S lu 1778 wheu ntaiang to speat iin tise Bouse cf Lords against tisa motiont for tisa recognition cf tise indepeaidence of Engiland's m enican colonies. Premier Spencer Fer- ceirl ai~s sPot Suad ln tPe lobby of the Puliament Poisse lu 1812, but bis tating off produceS ne important pci- itical censequeuces. The deaaP of Cas- tenleagis, tise Britishs Foreign Ministon by suicida, la 189-2, startieï Furope, put Canning lu tise Foralgu' Office, turn- eS Enigland's lutins arn friendsbip ho- wnrd tise Holy Alliance ite open bas- tility, and, fhrougb Canning's friend- ï,hil ici thse Unlia-S States ut ttihme 'Monroe lasued Pis iistenloc declaration, oh 1823, "enlieS lise Newi WerlS mbt existence t erdns tise balance cf the 015." TPe fait irons n berce whicb killeS Peel in 1850 came at a lime n heu tisa troublas of htse Russell ministry promiseS te open up te tise vterais Op- îeîtunist chieffain a noir career of glory. Tise tisclogical tudeut Sandi, iris asssinatel Rotziabue un Manhielin l 1819 for is powsanhul opposition te Gar- man hraiedous, narmed Shein anS H-lan- Seaberg, vise vereceider andi viser friands oh liberty tisan Sand, andt hey saur thut tise a-sassiu's vert Pad Sa- streyed thiait soes. -"Nonbisa cen- sttulion ha impossibln," saiS William von lumboidb, lu vondu tiat voee vrophefic. Time sud circunistance marode Kotzebuee's Setis a triumph for abseuuisin inwt4ad cf demo-racy. Mlai sisal Primassasia iun 1870 stair-- led tise vorîS aveu ai a lime visen tise France-Germaitn-ar waa furnisbing n nan asensation alinost every n eet, Se- privaS Spain oh an alent andi rasourca- fui mnd at a deidadly criblent parieS cf ber Piatory, anS bot frein King Aunadaus, wisam ha had juat elevated le tisa Spanlis tisiole, an advlaun whcsa gui nce migist have changeS tise car- rneroh future airenti. Tise assassina- toncf Aheanduer IL. lu 1881 carne ah an inoypportune lime hon tise assassins, for if ciected tise reformai tien lu pro- grass ilu Russia namovcd. tise lieraten of 24,000,000 serfs, anS put upon tise Ibrone th ise mort etcienary cf tise Pussian monîcha ehftisa century ex- coolt Nicholas t. Canevais' recant death bo& plac"e at tise Most criticai stage lu Spain's -arear since lise revehaýtion- ary dnys of 158875, piut a nen îîarty in p-vcr, masdea n if i andi aneepimîg cisange in tise management cf affaira un Cuba, anSdinay be tise hrecersor of tanIser anS shilil more startling con- Ttsuugb a balloonist net long ago crossed tise.Englis Channai. a eat sier- formeS satanail imas bsoeate ise 1s cf casualities te eronuts Sns-ing tise Year Pas beau a long oee. Tise hast tis; aI usbu SapeS for Audrep ta tisaI se hait dasceudeti in sue Arctîc m sale tram vistoisha uili suoceaS la makïîug isjvnay oui next sammon. Wheu le tieparteti bis balleon centaineS 162,000 faet of gus, enougis te keuîî hlm allont seBvenhy-hiva daYs. Ils' lifting poe-r wonS 12000 pouadaý anS il w ns provs- icned for se-ver-al yea rs. As nenîiy four mouluhs have paStS since Xiciree tient- eS off hLoea a iinti <arrylng hPlatot tPe noiîisn'est, tise cisances tonrisis re- tara ave sînali, theugis î'Sunseus con- iders thomn ot unfavora île. Tise air-- rage eh bailoon fahalitmia- s lmaintuin- uS y-ar sitar year, and paracisute pîno- lic4 la aimest certain in tise euS te ne- suit in a tragedy. Great rimks ara la- ton nlutisa balloon show' business. Tise air ch1ips UseS are flimsy, anul tise aer- es,ýiauts themsuls as are a peu uVnrly ne,,tiess class, taoçssing thie danger they lac tIr, thugis91 unalie teo escapa front visat te theas la sfascination, variabiiity cf air currents. No oe, bas succeeded iu making a trustwerthy map cf aernai movemeuts. Audree bad the wlnd hae desired when bie cf t the Little islaud near Spitzbergen, but the curraut may have chauged lu a few heurs, and ail further trace cf hlm is lost. No real progress bas been achieveS, la steing a balloon. Weath- er observera are well acquainted n itb what sceins to e uhimsicalities ef the air. The moalt careful conclusions are eften at fauit, and currents that prom- ise rain or decided changes turn aside and are spirited awcy almost myster- icnaly. Mankiud apparently is utili far from the pariod of safe aud use- fui air navigation. Terra firma is de- cidediy the best place for the race. Thse balloon of to-day is substantially tbc saine as that of a hundreti years ago, lu spite, cf the- fact that its stndy bas been continunus, and n princeiy soin niavetel te making it more secure and manageable. A strtking article lu the unirent number cf the Niuetceutb Century discusses the conditions under which tuberculouis or consomption may ho conveyed frein cattie ho man. The writar, Mr. James Long, wbo, la an au- Cberity upon the subjeet, dees net hesitate te express the opinion that, lu the United Kingdom, more lives an- nualiy are lest thieugli drinking tub- enculous miik than wonld be sacrificed ln war with a finat-class power. Tt la an undispmrted fact that the cattle dispae, the techuical naine cf -uhicli is tuberculosis, is ideuticai n îth con- sumption lu man. The malady is caused by the organlsm knowu as Koch's bacilles, and is communicable through the medinum cf this- organidin frein aninfal te animal and froi aui- mal te man. _Wheu the bacilli estab- Ilash thainsolves lu thse body, of a cow or, of a huaman beiug, tha, formation cf audular growthýs ort tbercles foli0ws. Lt la computed by the leading vetenin-, arians cf ]ýngland that 20 per cent. cf the cattle lu their couutry are af- fected with the disease, a much higbher propoetion ,beiug shewn by miLki-ng cows wbY-iob ara housed in thickly pepau- lthd places. 1h und te be -1p c, however, tisat Eloeb's bacilles n as pres- exit only lu n ilk drawn freinPranl- feoteti utder, and, consequeatly, that there n'as'ne achual danger to the con- ,sumer cf tisa milk cf a cow affacted nîtisu the mataýdy lu any othar nart of tbe body. Mr. Long, howeven, asserts toiat thera may be tubarcde la an ap- parently bealthy ndder. One of tisa exparimenta tipon niîich t4is assertioin te baaed vismade iu the Uitedfa States by' Prof. ýPruat, whc neiccted thirty-six cons fer examina- tion. There vins ne îercemtibile (lis- cuse cf thse ndder iu auy eue case, yet lu thse milk of, taaie tha, tubercie bac- cilitis xas diuýoverod. Prof. Theobalt Smithb, of the UiteS States Dupart- ment of Agriculture, hast expresseS tise opinion that milk is f ree f rom tibercle, bacilli lu thse eariier stages of the disease, if thse uddnerý la baatby, tut hae adds that, lu more advanced stages, aveu thoLigb the udder hoc norma., the milk may conta lu the g1arr. We scarce- ly oe point eut, tbat if tubercuicus miii'la is ing led nith milk free frein tul-ercle, thse lacilli are propagatedt e itlî great rapidity, anîd the whoie JuiS soon I ecoiras infectec. Now, a Large prosiortion. jîractically thse xvhce, of tha milk retailad ýiior great cities lu thsemie milk of many catle, soe- tinles of many herds, Lt folloivs that ail the milk of eue retaiier may soe- Lrnes he infectect, and that bis cas- tomers, as a body, mnay consumle a flaiS coutaining lie dreaded sced cf consiump)ticat, thtisa tuercle bacillus. 1h appears Iliat lui 1895, the Royal Commisioln on Tuberculeais. n iici lias 'been re-appointeS by the present Goverument, issueS a report, to the foi ea ing effect: Fîrst, conisumption, in mins aprobably acquired from animal fThe Wonian, TheMari, AndTePii :hepiewa heoo; i wif ~h~IrenCryforPthesCoorê sympToMS-MIoistue; intense itciig anti stinging ; moat aI nigt ; n'ense by ezratcislng. If alhowed ho cntinue tutmons fhem, wiich otten bleati anti ulaeraha,beomng ver ysera. Sw&TNE's OINTMEINT stop s the itching -and bleed- cihest, always reaivy, a lng, heais iilcataion, and' lu most waya ameient, aiways set- %sgs reinoves the humons. Ahtmrg- îsîaetory; prevent a Idl gisîs, or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. or tever, cuire aiil vaTr 118, Sn'ayne & Lou, Phiiutieîpiia. Lyman, alek beadache, jaundIca, constipation, etc.2Me. Sons, Wholesale Agents, Motreal. Thse OU1Y rie o tâkea tals Reod2s SarsaparilN food lu an appreciable degree; secondly, CA1'iPIELLFORD. miik contaïing huierculons matter is1 responsîble ho a larger extent than MR. E.LISOŽt WRITES TO A LOCAL PAPER.. ùs tise meat of, a tuberculousa animal for the appearance of tal erculosis lu Mr. W.Ellisoufoi a great man yaara man;hhidlythetubade'hacili rebas resided lu Bowmnanville. At pres- euot hltis e guet tof Pcv. Fatiser Mc- extremely active su tise case of animais loskey. His impressions of tise village or Pumaz airîgs fa-S nipou nmitlu inare very initestîug-te hoie Campbeliiord whiclh they are present;, finaily, mnas- j people andtiePcbait toucheS upon a nain- mach as the consump)tion 0of unboiled ber of questions that sisould stir them. or uusterilized miik la attendeS vilti Mr. Ellison bas secureti a goverument osition lu Ottaw-a, for whicb ity hol risk, the commission necemmendati that caloves shortly. Hae says ah~~~~~~~~~ mu hudb oeS seily aving bcau a citizen of Ontario for wisere it la ccnsumoled in large qluan- twcnty years, I baS of course, iscard of tittes. That ta a precautton wisich tise favorahble geographical position oif tha individual conîsumer cf' milk may1 Campbellford, aia lPas often listened to take on bis own, account 0fû course tales of its natural beauties antinurival- 1h behooves tise coramunity- on its part leS water power; but it nus net until te provide for the systematic i-nspec- my arrivai Parc the otisar day tisat 1 realiad tise truthfuiness of these tonies lion cf cattîn, anS for the slaughter previously told, On tise day aller my of ail animals sbowuîtehoIll infecteS arrivai I visiteS soe of tise principaÏl wiltistise disease. strecîs entier the guidance of Father McCio£skey,sy navet-enS friand anti iosl. Iu tIhe chief tisorouigifane 1 noticeti man~y fine shops anti mucis commercial No sladngthe place tise dwaellings strucit me as a baving- a lok cf conîfortabicuess that Staternonts.denolsîl tbrift,carehulsiessansui seaness 0cf tise part of the citizen, Tise next1 anS lollowing- day i1 clîmbed ho the top oh the bill over Mfr. Horkins' dwelliug, and fs-oas tiat elevation 1 baS a fulliai vieNv ohftise village and its s ery nictun- Il Stro g L ttes Fo e cque ýsituation, anti 1 cosîludedti iat r Strog LetersFromRe-tisat few Ontario could compare f with itinsup oints ef natuai lbeauty. i lia lePeoleTise higis hi l ou itises-sida enclosiug the peaehful villag-e beneatli with tise splendid Trent River flosing tisnongh its centre seemed te use ho foituau en- chauling sceniu pictître, andSoee vhicisla ryetIffrt fD RpSI baS net often accu surpasseS. Proie me Wotli t Paile's Tise tenture -ihicis must trika tise eye of eî-erv visiter is thse immense Cclr opud watcr power which utigst ho nmade tise C ~iry Oll1Olllu.source of great ma nufacturng- industry anS wiicb nedoubt wiiibe utilizeS lea great extelît as ceeu as tise country reCeives ils wunted mercantile viger, a tiig il is sure le do uts-ber tise Inspira- The P ublic Demand fer the Grea4 tien of thse prasent progressive govaîn- matît aI Ottawa. Medicine Fast lncreasing. 1 anm a'arc cf tise existenceef tise Trent Valley Woclen Mill, of tise Rats- hemn Lusuber Mill tise pilag cotais- -- lisis meuts andtof ohtie Paper Mili con- duclet by tise la te Edmanti Burke ; but Tise propnielors cf Paiîîe's Clery aIl these exiasnt ouly a fraction cf tise Coinpounti have noever givan ho tise press great water facîlsîses ah baud. Tisee of tisacountry unyinisleadiug state steain eugish 1eha ceai-seS for tuiles hera mente, anS have neyer cxaggerated abouts ivlis varions manufactuning lu- L cither tbe virlue of liseir n'enËdentai dastries, for il is quite clear tisaIttis is îemedy enlise uslonising cisracter of whni nature intenSeS by lier bastowal, tisa testimoniale il bas received. of snch magnificemst watcr pivilegas. Puiue's Celery Cernpounud, tisa great- On wideuing mvy views cf tise generul est ntimoa mavellus f al bocSfeatures efthtie sunsoumsdîn-g country 1 purifiera anS rastoers oh nerva force anoticea vey geod ugnicltha har so anuS powier, anS whicb bas a greter ai s-aamutidy ouvti taptietri- public deniandthan ail other combineS nd emuiy aotCmieiodta - re die, aitbeu ahlasig- tethos-as n'el off as tisat cf any part ef tise 0f hmes, asien alsse inontef Chun Province, Aisotiser advantage 1 saw lu ada. Tiseudicine tisat maltes people ltipson, 0f tisvilaetwethe i cena iveli receivas snonthly scores of lelters locaton, nely blëan eten tia huecen of praise f roin men anSdnromeu rescueti tfuret ell eilied nS etero Lt l frein diseuse aud dealli. Ever usenlis tfan cueugîs supdircoerc vidl of he iaear hundreds are restoea a o nesvhn- c ier ueircmeca life, bât nsauy belug diflldeat lu nature srnls u e a ov eei ho h seognzet byfî-om a business intencisange n'itis bols anuS net nisiing t ercgie yohftise municipalities isamed. Then as tise public, refrain frein wctiiogfer tise a markct-towu, I undorsan t iat press, Casuphelihord draws clents freintheisa Paiue's Celary Comnpound being a distrets of Codrngton anS Wooler. guaranteeti medicina, tise public have Juat tise othan day I met n respecteS faits lu il. Tise cures affecteS for lisose fariner Mr. Mosan, of lise firet îîamad wso lu tise pust wene isurdautne ilî place, going~ home wîlb a hall wug-gon niseumatisinieuralgia, tiduiey disesse, IonS et purcisase rnde bore. Anothser lver troubla, Syspepsia, heant troublas feature ohftisa villagie is ils fine publice andi blooti diseases are lu mauycases antibigi s chools. he respective balS- lruly n'endentaI. succesafian the ings are certainly a cietiit te tisep lace, declons fall uttise boat eoftisa world's andt hey speat veinantes for tIse Inel-1 populan tuiediclue, Paine's Calery Ccitt- lactual anuS ducatiolial hastes ohtise Pound. citizans. Mrs. A. Penny, Pont Malîlanti, N. S., Ohfbtte religions stattîs Pore 1 have but writes as fohloîvit:- a scant tnewledga, speaking lu ganaral "Foi- îwo yeaî-s mv avstèeni was allîrun tarmes, Iut lu tisa inidteoft 1ev. FaIsan downan sdI enff-ad msuea isu1Ieau McCloey's cogt-eg-ation, wliancin I Sescribe frein nerveus prostration ani orshipped. I suiv mssy proofs oh ral incsomnia. At itimes I sîmost lest my gielus zeaul anti cf tisat i Pg standard cf neason frein savane pain ah base oftise nierai contact n'hicis is nlways a sure brain. My Isushbaui. adyls se e îry guai anteaetoftise industrieus n onkar Paine's Celery Cornpoundq, nih i 1d danti goodti hzen, andtihetsacongr aa anS tise affects ware wonderîtii. 1 so lieu as n wisole 1 ebsens daS a egree of bagate sleep wel ;tise pain lIf, m personai neatnéss anS respactabilitv ijeati ;us' n'bole sysîcîma was st-essai-tisaI wisîld l hiard tri surpass outside o anaS, antilTain now eujoying venr goodtheIb chas chas lu tise large cilles. iscaltis, 1 uni tisus spaakiiig frosu parsonul "I would cîseenîaîîy racommenît observation efthtie only congregation 1 Paiue's Celai-'y Compounti te ane saw,' but i.sin sure tise record n'ouni ot suffering frein lita troubles. Yen have be lacs favorable ohftisa se', aal congre- my best i n'sisf on tise frtle succees of galions of tise dufferent deisominations Von-- ramelenbaie. Iu suittig np tise varieSuat- excelent iv. ~tractions ehftisis pîcaseut village il mnay ha broadly claIeS tisaI it bas ail tisa BRI-DGET STRIKES. lacilities for greatly aslargeti uercantile M'r. Poore--Ts Miss Tiptop lit ? enterprise lu tise future, anu bas alraady Self -respectinig Servant-Yis, sor, laid lise fouridtaion of a tisiving coin- she's'iu. Ol towid bier tisis miaute that usercial town wisic inil axpenience Oi'S rias me sowli sic nore tellin' ye grat'deelop n th te eeis-ya shu ins, eut wiscu se deotein. i amu gin5 that 1 did tnt finish thsse bncI inotes tee hitedl * , for, till yeaher- "l'o Ove Fsfy Yars. day alterisoon Iihad ll ot ceeu lisut spot "ForOverFify Yere. oh vait boauty ovei-boetitg tiha Trent1 rive r halls, skirtati by tise beaultil ooti- Fer over tifly yeans Mas. Wîîttnow's tipicuic grondts of Mn. Ferrie, n'itil SeormTo NSYRaUr bas b8en netS by Iil- tlise grnd isino-n'ooded his iu tise Children Cry fdo Pitcher's Castgria. Within oes eek Paris abeltered thiee monarchs-Kiug Alexapdti cf Servia, King Lecj'e]d JI., of the, Bell- giaus and Ring Chnlalorgkorl of Siame. Ail tbrcc maiut'inadl the ttt est incognito. The Lea ned Professai Creatine a Sensation. REMARKABLE CURES n li Parts of Canadan convince i eMost Con? irind InvaliWs Ihât They May Yet Enjoy llealtb and Happiness. THE CURED TELL [he Glad Stery of Their Pellet front Suffering. Mra. Lat'ens. Ruait, 215 Vtitorta stret Toronto, Cana% , aYd: "Oue hottie tlunyon's $ore Tfroat- Curaetbure" al t verysever acretî)roat coeumwt teck,. I aIsa bal a stiff haccorop M ty pain and nurnbuoss for Ià, ycaî, 4 ii band was practically iliaIesî-4. sD Iu1 îured cf ti tro awil;ope bottia cfÊ ilon' s o at Cure, I bavecv~~ confideuce PhU MuYon'~lzieffles, antI a coustsutly recommeadiag thant.i nay ais addt timat çlufing pmy sts. c la or it lu Torontolhavo follf e n mou fnx andasthan lvlenyôn'a.1" Mnot ouslbimatie Curaesitîdota fr (0rd &lie ln Oete Ibrea boura and c ci la à 4, layaz. Frite 21,0. Mlunyou'e DyirpoaaCura Posîi-tl rioreunrsf ptouey &Iw1lgcatieeand tI ab b ousý Mln 0 olI ura proveets peaelona. ae4 ~rez up aeCl la a ew Ibouts. ZlPrI ee ueltn'% i uh re atep o lthou£, nIghi su calS, alla a iorenesCtan ah pee<liilitais tbo tango. Frre lue. uln on*o îdne ura ,spaedily cures pain~ lalte harit, l1 ndior - s, sf0 iii forme , jildney lsessa,e. ce % 5h yOn'i Naîve Cure etopst uanvousnait gSi 1lIi'ds topthe s Ste - Frite 2l¶e, Mitimîo(a's Heada Cuve 11015 libatdleba idÀ three minutai.- Frice 2e. Mi1miyon's Pile OltetuttPOeatlyall ('11M 6 Conus$ Of li.s Frlce 25e.. vilnyol 'i lBlond curae eatlicatCi ai lmicrltiel bf lite d. Frire 25C. uu111Y00*3 veemale Ramedles arta eItoin te 80 Aoneo'5 a ti temals caar £-1il. Ca1TÏYrlî Cute.-priaM xaaiitslt tlaê mmr'sVîtalîzer, a a î,,'t ioue! - v1 stette cf vitail 3atregth ta walipcpla. # , A saparta aura for eaeh lieaAt ail 4rw Pansonotl, lattate prof. MimryoiI, 14 Allia qtrit'çrne nto..anawaî4 ,wttb fige M ~a dîtfr ao~fleai BABY LAND EFstablsheçl 1877) THIE BAIlEW 0OWie MAGAZINI~ Itothers' besit 1xeitu i usiug aud îsrthg BiIIGIIT STOIIS,- -O- EsW JIN, JîS PRETTÏY PICTEIIES. 50 cents a yaar. 5 c-enta a eopy. LITTLE MEN AIND ÛOMEN FRo OHILDREN FROM SE yEN TO' TWELVEM YEARS OF ÂGE. Ipal the important age, wlteîî chS tee xay b. imosteaslly lufluenceti by goodltterature. Interestiag striais, Poerus, F alry Taies, Fa&nOY werk, Ganies, Short Storles, and Beatîtful Illustrations. $1,00 a year. - - 10 cents a eopy. CHARLES E. GR4FF, Pebîlîbar, 150 Nassau, St., NeNvy enla, là wanted ili usch ttnreprea.ialed district for the naMilton Twice-A-Week spectator. EIGHT PAGES 1sed every... Wednesday and BatuTday. $100 FER YEAR. For ternis and OSmple copinesapply to <Spcota tor Ptg. Go., (L 1M ITE D) TeE SIN 0F FRýETTING. There ta one sin, which, it seexns tà,

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