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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 7

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WP~f~ESAY~NOV. 17, 1897, ENGLISH BREAKFAST 0OOQA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits PELIGAQY 0F FLAVOR. k SUPERIORITY IN~ QUALITYiî GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTI.C. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. la Quarter-Pound Tins onlv. Prepared by JAMES EPPS & Co., Limited, Rîomoeopatlol Giem sts, London, En gland.- 41-S6m. ýff EMBER OF COLLEOR OF PHYSIOTAN &nnSrgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office aud, Itesdence, Ennieliileon. id. 13AIRI8TE-R, SOLICITOR, &o. MO1T RIS JBLOCK, utIreIng Street, lowguan- vil.soller for the O.t.ri Bank kt I1vate lioneys Ioaned at the lowest rates BOUT. YOUTNG, Y, S. 0 FFICE INï THE WEST DURHAM News Block, 'where himself or assistant wili be found from Sa. to 9 p.m. NIghî caile b residence.direcîly opposite Drill Shed. Caill V telegrapli or telephone wili recoive pop tention 171-yr R. -'PEATE,,, Tallor Gentlemien'a Olothes Made to Order' J.M.BRIMACOMB E OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Hiîgginbotham & Soit's Drugf Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DENTJSTRY C,1-ARNDEN, L. D. S BraduLtl outhOe Royal cllege Surgeons. Ontario. 2 OPPOSITE EXPREtlSS VITALIZED AMR of Dental OFFICE. N e)w Tailor Shop The ure4eriRned who has been carrying on the tailoring business in connection witb Mlaeon'e, Dry Goodi, Store for a numberot yeare ])as commenoed buiness for himseei at hie reeldence. King St.,west, where ho je prepareci te make ent' and boys* senlieinail the lateet styles, and at loweet pricee. For 'hûOeWho WIeh to order ents, lho wili carry a fuil line or amples inail the neweet patterne. tive him J. T. A L N Farshionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN.,- $100,000. A large Oum o! money has been placed in my hande by a private person for inveetiment, on approved Ioane on farm seeurity for a term of VIVE Or TEX yeare, ITivE ANDoONE HÂLp ER CENTi intereet wili be aeked'payable yearly. Matiefactory conditions for repayment will be D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor, Bowmanviiie. Dated Oct. let, 94. 0,f L ADIES WANTED-Three ladies to Introduce a houeehold work. Splendid returns toecompeentpersons. J. GALLOWAY, Toronto. fl ELP WANTED.-Reiiable men in X eVery locaity, local or travelling, to in- troduce a new diecovery and keep our show eards tacked oip on treee fences and bridges thronghout the country and town ; steady ena- ployient; commiesion or- salary. f65 per month. and expenees, and money depositeg iu any bank when tarted. 'For, particulars write THE WORJ.D MEDICÂL ELECTRIC Co., London, Ont. 35-6m. W TANTED.-AGENTS.- "Queen _ - Vi-ýtoria" te booming. Eight tlioneand copies eoki. Thrce thousand five hnndred ordered frona Australia; larg rantittes gone to Southi Africaz gotng like wild frein Canada. Lord Lorne, ler Maiety 'e son- in-iaw, says: "The hest popular life of the Queen I have semn," and thousande endorse the tate- ment. Outfit free to canvaseers exclusive ter- ritory1 booke on time ;easy te aaseirs vedol- lars daily ;7 somne make twice that. The BRAn- L_ýAEx5N Go., Limlîted, Toronto. AGENT S SELL'KLONDYKýE GOLD 41Fielde"l like a whirlwind. Experlenced canvaaseers reajýisîg the richeet harveet of their lives ; new begiîîners doing Wonders. Nearly )every body subecribes. One young feliow on a farm ati21a m'nthle making f75. Aladytye writer atf3 a week leare 11 A mechanie weh baal earncd fln.5o a day le ciearing iý5 a day. We want more gets. Canvaestng outit 25e Worth SI. The BRALEY-GARRET.soN Co., Limited, Toronto. W ANTED. -An experienced càn-vas- ser to travel and apploint agente. No can- Vasirkg. Salary and expensea paid. The BRAný LEY GA RITSON Go., Toronto. -U T NTED.-Industrious m~en of BOTI tiE ANDWOI'EN.If yon are with GOOD PAY ai. d you cs o- ail or. part tie, a o rtaveling. WL,ýThe work le il, ghit tH i IAW *KS NURSE Y COMPAN,11 lICIe rER t . Y. s et, TI1B1.E'S MISTAKE. ,What vias Tïhbie? Why, siae was a dear li/.tle 'girl who liveti waýy up emong the, mountaîns of the South- lend. Sae, was short, andi piump, and round, and iaad a ente littie rosy face, witb round black eyes, andi a cuuning pug nose that of course trirneti up. Tiais hlaorning of the, day we are go- iug' to tell about, Tibbie wes drceiiag jiiet 5asfast as she couiti lu ber own litile roona; for yo'x must know tb5.t Tibljie's fatlaer was a well-to,-do farm.i- er, and they huti everything very uioe ili their bome. But wvhy was Tibbie dressing sofast? Jnst because she was going to drive witli lier papa, fifteen miles te the toywn cf Ferniock. Tibbie lied neyer been iha atowla before, and s80 see whiried round anti round trying te CoCax a refractory button of býer dres3 to slip in place, and finally when it did abe fiew dowu staire and into the breakfat reoom, thre heppLest littie girl yDU ever seew. She ate lierdly an'Ythinig, for you know that le a way littlIe girls have of duiug wbefi anY- thigreally delightfulislegolug te laap- peu. ýFinuily everytbing wes reedy, anti Tihbie and hier papa started. Whiit a Pretty drive it was, anti how Tiblle enjoyeti every blessed minute oif i ail. To be sure, Fern!oDk was not a very big towu, but it was Wonderiund tu Tibbie,. Why, she bcd neyer Iseen 8u'c stores Lu al ber short life, anti her father lied to stand patLently be- fore sbow-winrluws, wiîile Tibbie luok- eti anti exciaimei. lRe bad to tsuy a few things, too, sucb as a, beautiful 'Wax deil that shut its -eyee just like Tibbie did wheu she went to sieeP et ni ght- a set of deur little pink. andi rendisheas; and a, big sack of de- liciDus candy for ruammu. Tibble wes very sure niamma liketi cundy, and uf ber owu likings in thàt direction she had ne doubts xxbatever. Theu she went into a shady, -01l arbeýr, wbere thf-ré wcre lovely f low- ers antia, pretty fountalu lu the centre, anti set dtcwn with papa ut a little rond attble, und was served with a dish of-wiill, I declarel Could you, gucas wbat it was,I woutier? Tibile didu't know ut ail, and-laugbed wbeu the waiter brought il luini saîid "Why, papa! A ffish of snow? 110w fitanuy. Wbere did bu get itf" and then. she tusted il andti funti it was colt a nd swe.eland-I tieclare! Wbat was iti' Well, Tibble, mrelked aud walked al tbat day andtische, wusn't a tilt tfired and wa,teti te, see more, but il wae tUrne, te go home, pape saiti, so they climbed lu behind I)olly and start- ed. XVe are sorry to state t-bat Tibbie fell asleep a, gGot wbi]e before tbey got home, 'but she was only the wider awake when tbey ail sut down to supper. Thon sbe iold lbem about lier won- derful trip, anti hier queini uittle ru- nmrks brougil rn-ny amiles le the faces of ber lieteners ' ,Tib, did you sec any black peoplefi" asked hber big brother. "Yes, I diti." saidTibie, lookiug very displeased. "No; ihey're awful liateful folks, I tbink." «W/hy, Tibi" lu mucb surprise._- 'Cause ever' onu of 'cm made faces ai me like ibis," auti poor, innocent littie. Tibbie pouti beti of ber pret- ty red lips3 oui us fer as ever she Co-uld, And then everybody leugliet anti laugbed, for you seO Tîbýbie did nul know that the coloreti peuple bave such queer, big monibe neturelly, and s. sire tliought ihey were making faces et lier. Dear libtie Tibbiel A 'WONDERFUL CHTANGE Mr. IR. Wheatley, of the Department of Miilitia, Ottawa,sacys lu reference to Doan's Kidney Pilla that tliey are the beet remedy hoe ever tried. M r. Wieatley makes the follow- ing aetatement : "I1 enffered a great deal for a long time witli severe * pains lu my back * over the kidneys, reetiese, beadaches, aleepiese aad gene- rai debîlity a leo made lufe e burden. IHearixig of Doan'e KidneyPiils 1 thouglit I wouid t r y tbem, seeinig lthân other S remedy liad suc- ceeded in mny case. Weil, from the firet a wonderf ni change took place, andi I centinuedti t improve rapidiy until, at the end of six week, I as cnred.9 "I now eut weli, sleep weii, have no pain,1 dizziness or beadaclie, and ama in feet ail i O. K., thanke to Doan's Pili, whicli it je neediese f0 say I reoommend highi y."l Doan's Kidney Pille are solti by ail drug- gists at 50c. per bux, or six boxes for $2.50. One Laxa-Livei Plili eves'y Nght for, a month wiI cure Conellpatlon. ,2W8 it," saiti Auut Tildu ýwliping lier sec- tacles. W/he Benne sut down le bis ow¶a disb of sugareti Fiorida.s thet nigit lie iuoked up ut eanime. "Orange roilinge are lots of In.n," lieÉ How To Cure Ail Skia Deseases. Simpiy apply ASwayne's Oulmeut." No internai medicine retjuireti, Cures tetter, eceena, itcb, ail emupilons on tbe face lands, noce, etc.. leeving the siku clear, white anti bealthy, Ils great Ieaing anti curative powers are pessess- ed- by nuo ther remedy. Ask your druge giet for Swayne's Ointment. Lyman Sons anti Co., wholesaie Agents, Mont real. AT BOTE 1ENDS., lant Mr. Dumply liglit on hie feet for a bi mcc she asked of ber escort -wbe regards Mr. ]Jumply us a Net a, purticie lighter than le is Lu lis be-ati. ONE NaTMAN Dea,' Fd5tsr.--Please luîora yoiîr readers, Chat i. %UriteutOconSl intiallY, iiiiniait, lu a ealed lIci ter, paricutarsa f 8ile, hoQue t, bomne cors, bt m'blci'en a oermaneiitly iv toned f0 healti; a, manly vîgor, after years of si,,ing iron ruvo debiltiy, sexuai wveakness, niahtI.lo.esanad ea sh,-uuirn parts, 1 waa robMe and swludled by th' gîsake unut 11,i narty toit fa'ih in mankfiid, buti lsau Ses u ni uw elt, vigorons and rirong, and visi f0 latie this ccrtîi i meansof care i nown te all soi ferers. 1 have uothing ta sccl and vaut no nmeney bt hein,-a firnbeliever in the univerîal brotherhîe. of mean, i ama d,îheuîof beleinu ,h uf3tunate iC -gklain theirhealth and happiia.iprrns y1 e No mnnundertakes e trude lic las net Ierneti, een tih eeneet; yet ev- ery' one thinks hnseif sufficieutiy qualifieti foy the berdesi uf ail tredes -lietoe, governae nt.-Socru tes. For Infants ,,nd Children. T'hefac- zinile lgnat. cmoe 01rpp' A WORD OF, WARNING. The oail of water thet ilefIt stand- "MORE BLESSED TO GIVE." inLg in thea kitche n over nighl, bus ah- corbeti ail the gases, odone ant i nmiri-- "Mammu,"' seit Benne, eegeriy, " 1 lies of the air, ant it las tins been wanta pnnyout'f m bak." rendereti unfil for use. No' malter wau a enn eu elnaybeu." that the wcter ha coJi to nean the 'Vury well, dean," reluueti mummu, point of fruezhng. The colder tlie taking île bank down off lie sheif. water, the more perfectly bas il ai- "But whct for?" sorbeti the fouil udors anti gases about "Peley, tise pctitler's, dowu the it. Il must bu ibrowu uwuy, I rush- stret wté waon oadof ranesdruwu water brought ha for tbe coffee-- atret wtb waon tutiet raneepot andti ta kettle, anti for' genejýà for a penny apiece, anti alilof us Ici- breakfast cookery. ttews are going tebtly one." H ILGTOE T "But mamma iras oranges in the iEWL. E VE T liou se, Benne." Papa Brintle-Matilta, 1 eeriouuly "'Yes, memmu, 1 kueow; but we ail objecite you cncouraging thie atten- lions of thel young Spooler. Heie l want te bhuy 'cm with eur owu mon- the moet rakisis looking youtli 1 ever y.We're going te, havre couacInn." sw "Fun witi wjaona, Benne?" usked W/but du youi mean, paie,? "OltI Aunt Tildu," bu saîi, dinap- Wby, I mean the Nway hoc wears his ting; "Unele Marcus le going Iliere îoliat ononue elde. tua. Hie to urs sae wheu ýwe stoppet Tisai isn'i rekihbness, pape. bu tlthwitb bin aut theuwooti yard. What le il, then? Auni Tilda's ce peur, anti Unclu Mur- It's a boi. eus ha se poor, ave thougiht we'ti give________ themaun orange rulîag. Don'l ,11u~_ _ think, yeursul, blal wil bu ne marnumaY? AM Yes, I te," sait mamma, candid- AM S A MIRACLE. Seo Patsy fount quibe 9a reteil de- - menti for bts oranges lu the orowd of Ota ,Se.til,19 merry-laced srnall boys wio sur- Tlo the Phrecîoline Medicine C. -reuniet i bs cent, andt ben awey tbey Lirnited., Ottawa. sanapurei, up Winchestern Labne lto G 4EEN- brii now , Aunt TilId's cottage, wilb uts breati A;i how best 10 express my apprecîn- sigu, "W/sbing ant ilrening Donc" » tien of your vainube rheunxatie AunI Tilda's brother, Marcus, sut remetiy, Plirenuline. 'My son5 by ieruni stveani su we bsy p~Gordion, wleo is 9 yeurs oit, lias j preparng their pueor littie muai. Boil I'l been e sufferer lrom inflammatory ei olti peuple were e lie deel. Tbey !ý rbeumaîismi for tse pas t two titi net huer bbc door-lctcb sufiiy 1i11- -N et, uer notice the widening craîck until Pj years ; was coý bat et times Ibat Ke sudtenly hall a% tiezen golden 0 >NI he batl te he carniet ýabout on a 11 anges came relliug acrose the fluor, ,jitles a. tedeib wo beautiful, sun-broweavutimooti-skinneti .i city docturs apparently, withont eeriy Flonidas. Uncle Marcus frgot. the sightest henefit; spent 10 day s V- his rbuumabism, anti scranableti for i' et Caletonia Springs, came home thona as eagerly us a bey weuld. with no markcd improvement; Then bal a dezea more came roll- took Ibree bottes of a lome- ing in. ipathie remnedy îîow being -exten- "Surprise!" callet ont a chorus of ei sively ativertiseti, whici. dit nul Wk beys' velues.I ' relieve biin l bie ieast. I wesl, G ui 'cm np for ta"adyleet Buu'Ben- K no, ai 11h bis moulu at the as ncdow 1 bginninigte give up cli hopeof crak..his recoverv, wben by chance I >ç Umstle Marcus broke the skia of au mnctioneti the case lu a frient i S orange, anti the f rush, teliclous odor , who strongly adviseti me to give lilletI the rooem. Phreaoliae e triai. "I deciare, I, think Ibis town bas I dit sel, with tise recuitthlaI surnu of tic blessetiest boys lun, when myboy mdlkenonlv bal~ j a biltle he waec ble to gel ou te ÎF >N hs bicycle anti ride like cnv ollier tS' skyeur gr erfrboy arounti thc block. SIcertainis' leedthat 1 cannot I> .sus' too much lu praîse of -cour .vMedicine. anti chai idoalll1can tu %eý malte kuno sia i ssai no tg otisers. oiiroscveî-a' incereiv. - ~~(Si md) 1, llIN CLARTK,1 _-YnT able ntDairy, Pîras &. ,-w- wd" arme to tift, a *ZU-pundbale of bey, TUben she wae laken before Cuapt. Burt- lett, tu wbom ebe confesseti that she was a woman. Notiig wes too gooti for "Ilurry" afler that. Anti wben she reached. Liverpool, Messrs. William Joinson & lo. the owners of thie Sedgemaore fur- nisieci her witb e ticket to Sheffieldi, svbere she found her relatives, and, it s to b ebopeti, wiil "live happy ever af 1er," like the heroines of ail the otia- er stories. 'A IWIDOW'S SJRUGGLE. lIARD WORK BROUGET ON A SE-VEIE ILLNESS. Nervous Preetratloen, BIZZIBeRs and Ex- trente 'Weaikoieee fr. lYlhiarnts' Pin Pille Cagne te lier iteecue Ar tospital Ts'eetieimt F-Ieel. Froua the Fort William Journal. In the f own of Fort Williamives a brave widow, wiso for yeers bas by tint of constant lubor kepi the wolf froua the duor andi ber litt1e I ariiy together. Frorn morning tli nighl abc toileti te previde comforte for ber io-ved unes until nature ut leet protest- eti ugeinet eucb a constant drain on lier etrengti, anti suebe began te luse beaita, Soon the, dentier frame be- came tinable te bear its taily butd of bull, and lie pýoor muther -%vasut luet lorcedtiet give np blae unequal con- test, anti become a burden wisere she lad once been the chief support. Nericusq prostrati'on, heurt diseuse, cons-ýumption, anti otiier names were giveýn 'te ber mulatiy by local pbysic- ian;s, but monthe pussei, during whicl ebe suflereti untolti egony, without finding any relief fr:oînter suflerings. Palitation of tbe heert, duzîneas, ex- trerne pain lu tbe cieat, loas of appe- tite anti nervouanees s wre corne ef the symptorne of the diseaee, gatherings thatlcauseti excruciubing pain f ormeti ut tlie knee jolints anti other parte of bbe body, anti et lest cie becarne Ver- feclly hlîpless anti unable te walk or even ait up. At this stage sie was ativisedte t enter thie hospital, Ibet see rnigbt bave tbe benefit of skillet nurses us well. as beet medical ireut- meut; but aller cpeuding corne lime biere wiiiout obtining any relief the pour wornun gave up aIl hope of recov- ery and usked tlu ho laken borne. Se emaucipateti anti weuk lied cie becume th at hier frients were sisucked et bier appeas-ance, and soututerly hopelese was bier condition iliat i was liks mr'ckery lu speek hopefuliy of hier ullimate recover .y. W/lai iben wae the actonisbmunt of ail who hati knuwn bier dreud fui. condition tu heur thuit slie liedet lest lont a remetiy wbauee magicel powser ai once dernon- siratedti he fact thet wliere iliere ie Ife iliere is hope. Tbe name of this remedy ibat worked suchaewonderîul change lu suc a short trne was Dr. Williums' Pink Pilles, ant ler taking five boxes ebe was uble te walk about' aud visit lier Irients. Hler strengtb gratuaily but surely returnetianti inaj Iew menthe freminbte urne she began' ueing the medicine seewas able bu re- suine ber work. The subjeci of Ihis article, Mrs. Jane Marcehîle, ie well knouwi, and bier youtbful anti heulthy appearauce to-day causes peuple to ex- ciaim-wonders avili neyer ceuse. She attibuies, ber rustoration teulier fecu- ily, solely bu.bbcevirtue, tbbe ound lu Dr. IVilI 2,me' Pink Pille, and ber ex- perience shec hopes, muy put some other suflerer ou the righi roudtioe elib, Tbis great remudy enriebes anti pur- ifiles bbe bluud, strengtbene the nerves, andti lu iis aay gues te bbe rouI of diseuse, driving it Iro-n the systena, and turing wben other remetiies feul. Every box of the genuine Dr. Wi-- liume' Pink Pille bas the brade mark on tise wrupper aroundth le box, anti the purchase cen pruteci hiasel froua imposition by refusing ail othere. Soit by ail dealers ut 59 cents e box or six boxies for 52.50. BEARING THE MARKET, First Coloreti Belle-l'e gela' ter mauke myseif a news bat. Second Coboreti Belle-I aia'b nu ban' il. tnimmin' bats, but cff you'll du me t favob, I kin gel une cbcap. W batr lavoir, boncyf VonI copy the ncw bat Mre. Forliun- dred jes' got. ,',Ilat- lob? 'Cause w'cn she ses you wif a bat ike liera, she'l Irow hure away, an' den my eidter Clotldeu, whut is w asla- ady for Mrs. Forbýundrei, kmn git it foh! me.P jDVERTISED, MST By ils Loving Frierd CEYIJON rTEA. Hlampton Generai Store., New Spring Goods at prices that wil astonish you for Cbeapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the Iargyest and most attractive stock of Jm- ported and Domestie Woolens ever shown in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. 1We carry f ull unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Qrocery Departmnent Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as eheap as the eheapest and as good as the best, We have special values in TEAS. Pull line in Patent Medicines at popular prices, Suiphur in quantities at 3c, per pound. HAMPTON. SLOA N'S f INDIAN- Y..TONIC- NOIRRe'~Jmugy, conigins no miflgru PoI8on8 CURES Astinna, Eczema and ail Skia Diseases, TRADE MARK A. ST.THOMAS CONTRACTOR'S WIF-EOCURED. She says sorne four or five years ago I va rube ith a coýmplicattion ofo diseases and -was treated by several of our best city doctors, ami triedai-ýl kjinds o1 patent medicines, but receîved no benefit unitýl I tr'ied SLOAN'S iNDI-AN TONLC and I et once began to improve. My left sie etone t ime was p ayzd and I was scarcely able to move, and had to be assisted in1 dressing Befo-re 1 iad u-sed one bottie rmy health improved and the medicine affctedc a complete cure. ! can highly recommend SLOAN 'S 1-NDIANý TONIC for ail niervous disorders. It is an ide-al blood purifier andi will do alil thýat1$ clime i r, I wili ½ pleased to give any Information I cau to any one Simillary affected. Since using the medicine I have had no returu of the disease. I have incereaseti greatly ini w eight and now enjoy perfect heaith. MIlS. JAS. STEWART, 160 Hu--tghes St , St. Thomias. PRICE 81 a bottie, 6 for 5. Ail druggisits or by express. Send for our new book of wonderful cures. Free by mail. The SLOAN MVEDICINE COMPANY of Hamilltonl, Liinited. n. ~r~r , Hnnilo~ tlffl SUCCESSORS TO BURTOI1,BROS. & Co. Eàs EM '.r"an epot The undersigned desire to thank the lariners of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended te us during the pas£ season, aise te remind them that we are stil in the market and prepared to pay the HJGH E ST M ARE T PRIC410E FOR ALLKIND [1SOFCr R EGRW SEE-b delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at For Darlingten. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESHP 1eo Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini Bags. Rock Sait fec cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared te seil E10R C.A I I Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI. COAL always in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction, STRANGE CAREER. f *71, gg ~ A Wesnan Who ,werled luin >4lgîe 0on a tI ! H (t( t!1 Cattie Sip There is now living in Sheffield~ Eng- land, the newest of "nexv worncn,' a woman whose brief and meteorio car- eer in the liabilinients of the sterner J sex wes the moet extraordinary on - record.1C Accident lias power over ail lives. C'ne niglit wlaeu Hannah Webber wasF singing in a music hall in New York she was taken to a hospital, ill. ln lier stage clothing. according to the storyr~ which slie told afterwards, she was dis- 4'-' cherged in the same clothing. A great weve of loný,ging to change hier way of ]ife came over lier, and sheï resolved nex er again to go back upon the stage. ~.. Stili weering the clotbing iu wihicli she hadl been discharged f rom the bos- putai, she drifted. tu Baltirnore and ap- plieti for work. lu the course of time she reached the office of John J. Gil- man.. Mr. Gilîman ships cattiemen for the ' shipe that leeve Baltimore for Liver- .- pool. [He did flot suspect the siender young fellow who hung about his of- f ice for five du s, waiting for a IlaIl the youing fellow liat cocue ijona cattîe train froni the West, ad was supposeci to be familier witb the work. ~ hese"Harry Webber," as she calleti hesIf, was placeti on the first slip "ra k g e thet left the Setigemore, wbich sailed. - froua Baltimore Aug. 26 andi reacbed iý-7:- Liverpool Sept. 7. And she did ber ~ ixork like e man, wheu "the fear was on the cattie and the storin xas o the sea." But vwhen the voyage was ail over and the Sedgemore xvas enter- ing the Mersey she was injureti in- ternally while trying witb lier slilc r P5

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