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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 4

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"Art Souivenir" Paten ted Reflector -O- Double Swing Couer. a a Shahing Duplex Giate -o- So!idý Firepot Large Base Heating Flues giuîng Quick Radiation. SOUVENIRS have rnany ne-w Improvements, ail their own and they cost no more than ordinary stoves. Cail and see them. Opp. Ontario Bank. e2leaning will be ail the rage now. New' Wall Paper for some if flot- all the --rooms will -bel OPENING OFE PARLIAMENT. Sir Oliver Mowat, the new Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, opened the Pro- vincial Legisiature at. Toronto yesten- day. The brilliant openiug ceremonies NV ene made more imposing and interest- ing than usual by the presence of Lord and Lady Aberdeen. ilence the fume- tion was the most largeiy attended of any opening lu the history of the Prov- SuseBt<rner andi Double Ilealer. LÂST WEEK'S BILLS. Some subscribers ln arrears have re- ceive their bis with a very liberal offer for payment "by return mail". -No)te this condition: [t is for inmmediat settiement ; otherwise the ful daimi wiil be demanded. We need several nundred dollars next week. ODDIFELLOWS 'JUBILATE. Florence Nightingale Lodge Nor. 66, I. O. O. F., have had their lodgeroome renovated,ceiledwith a metallie oeiiing, lighted by incandescent lights,painted1(, papered, etc. Friday night the re-open.ý ing was celehrated by a musical and iiterary entertainment of merit. The committee went to great pains to makze the room attractive by decorating' w ith' plants and flowers. Mr. F. A. n',ddY. Noble Grand, presîded. The opening1 ode was sung andChaplain W.S. l'ragg, read the usual prayer. The excellentý, gro-ram that fbllowed was contributed y ý1orrison's Orchestra, vocal solos by Mviss Nellie Saunders, her sister Gertie playing the piano ; Miss M. Mosetta Jamies gave two Scotch songs, Miss Tilley playing her accompanîments. Mr. A. Mitchel sang two onu-mnal 'com - positions by Mr. Percy S. 'Took, and Mn.HIook accompanied; readings, in- strumentai solos were given by Miss Tilley and Mr. llook; mouth ongan solos by Mr. Herb. Hill, and guitan and mandolin duetsby Messrs. Fnank and Guy ethck.Readings wene given by Miss McWain and Mrà . T. Courtice, and 11ev. J. J. Rae made a 20 minute address on Oddfellowship. The vocal- ists and instrumentalists were heartily encored and goodnaturedlv responded.1 The numbers were capitally rendened1 and a more appreciative '-idience could flot be dosired. Rev. J. -I Barnett closed with prayer after the ý-ual votes of thanks. FOLLOWED THIR ADVICE.-" I broke out with great biotches on my face,and frîends told me my blood W'as out of1 order and that I ought to take a bottie' of Ilood's Sarsaparilla. I followed their advlce aud from that time to tis I have not had any eruptions on1 my face. I know l-lood 's is a good medi- dune." Mss. A. E. RADKEY, St. Louis, Mich. llood 's Pis cure nausea, sick head- ache, indigestion, biliousness. AUl West End House Darlixigton S. S. Convention. The flfth annual convention of Dar-llngton aud Bownianville Sabbath School Association will1 be held in the Methodist chureh, Tyrone, Frida.y, Dec. 8, commencing at 10 A. M. Splen- g~i pormeEverybody elcm.Col- leci,, at~vnig meeting. Don't miesm it. Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, B. A., gives an address on "Read- inýg" at the evening session. Pale people should take Miller's Com - pound Iron Pis soid at ail druggss Thin' people ohould take Miler's Compound Iron pis sold at ail drug- gist. stores. MAPLE GROVE. The open debate last Tuesciay evening "e solved: That the Press has wiel ddgraein fluence for good than the Platform " was a mâst lnteresting une, the Press was supported by Mr. F red R. Foley and Misses Ida Stevens and Min- nieSpr and the Platform was bnilt n pbyMr Chs ordeni, Miss Addie Cole andi M. W. 0. Frank. Mucli enthusiasm was generated. on both sides, but th e jndges decided iu favor of the affirmaive. .Miss Minnie Spry bas heen re-cngaged as ateacheret an încreesed salary.. . Rev. W. H. Clarke, Junior Pastor, Oronc,was reeent guest of Mr. Fred R. Foley...- Misses A. G. Stevens and M. G. Foley are visiting Oshawa friends. If vou are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Littie Nerve Pils.' Dyspepsia maltes you nervous, and nervousness makes vou dyspeptic; eilher on renders you miserable, and these littie pis cure both. 1 Evcry person suffering from general debilitv should take Miller's CJompound Iron F1115; sold by alcrug-gists. BURlIETON. The plougbilng match lov. 15on Mr. William Mongomerys tfarm m'as qulte a success, a large number comipeting and some excellent work doue. The plowing ln sofi was especielly tobe commended. In the stubble it was thouqht i) very many that the class for boys did fully 1,etter work than did the men. Prizes awarded as follows: Sod-ist J1ames MeNeil, who also took the special prize for best crown; 2ud Rd. HaX; 3rd Geo. Wilson; 4th Johin Hall tRh Win. leni-----h--,-en-l- -log 1oss; 2Sud Wm. Avery, Srd J. DIXrcey, 4th J. Gýallagher, jr. 5th Rd. Ashton. Stubhle, boys, Ist P. Leask, sjnà R. Jackson, Brd R. Siemon, 4th G. Meekie. A free supper was given t t ~lcun.perlug .t Mr. P. blt's, Mrs. boit as usuel puttlng up snch an excellent meal that if it were possible site edded tu lier reputation as a model hostess. Palpitation of the heart,nervoasness, tembling, nervous headache, cold feet and hands, painlinl back, and other forms of weekness are relieved by Car- ter's littie Iron Puils, made, speciall 'y for the blood, nerves and complexion. Tuesday and Wednesday, December lth and 8'th, W/e are offering foi the above two days some speda1 snaps that are worthy your attention. Flaunelette, 10 pieces, faney checks, 27 inch wide, reg value 8c per yd, speelal pnice 4c per yd Golden Draperies in bine and goid, bello and gold, green and gold, usedi for faney work aud drapes, reg price 20c, speeil sale price 16c. Men's Baltie Seal Caps, jockey shape, nice new goods, reg price $3.00, special $2.35. Boy's Baltie, Seal Caps, special $1.50. Ladies' Dong Kid Button Boots, pat tip,round and pointed toe,reg $1,40, special price 9e. Men's Cordovan Laeed Boots, J. D. King make,reg $2.65,sale pniee $1 - 0. Mixed Candied Peel, Citron, Orange, and Lemon,speeial sale pnice 15e l1b. 2 Bars Soap, 3 lb bar and first-class Soap, for 25e. 8 Bars Electrie Soap for 25c. Boneless Codfish 2 lbs for 15c. 2 lbs Good Mixed Tea for 40e. A first-elass 3 string Broom speelal 17c. Don't forgLet the day-and- deeTRiea4ay-andWednescÙwnet. BOWMANVI LLE. Two hRAi ays....

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