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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 5

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Pointers For Xmas. t. You know what a, time you had last year if you left you Xmas shopping until the last f ew days. This year take a pointer from us and buy now. Our stock is ail in and we are in a better position to do business now than we will be when every body is rushing and ail is excite- ment aiîid bustie. TIIEN we will have to divide our at- tention between you and other customers. NOW we can give -you our undivided attention. TIIEN you will be' a-urroundecI by a crowd. NOW you can take your time Ond examine our stock and make your selecions in a quiet and comfortable way. We wiIl set aside your pur- chases and keep them until Xmas if you desire and we know fromn experience that you will be better pleased if you caul now as you get a better variety to select from. The best value and the most striking noveltiès are always secured by the early shoppers.-CALL THIS WEEK. Stott & J ury. Jast This week we are selling ~out a few odd lines of Xmas «Goods al exactly half. They occupy a large" table in the centre of our store and they must be cleaned out at once to make room for our stock ~of imported novelties. Call early and get your choice. ln flair Brushes and purses ¶ we are offering some bar- gains. Stott & Jury. -GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. Expres.sC~. *t~xpress... 5 23.a. m *Epes , 8a.m Local..8 18 . 1'aaengr... S 9 pm. assenger.. 2 05 p. m Localà . 6412 p, .M* Epes. 22 105' BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 1, 1897 Opal Rings are beautiful at Rickard's. See our Purses this week, 5c to $3.50. Stott & Jury. MiLiLun's Woia PowDEits are a won- -derful Medicine. Some rare value in solid Gold spect- ,acles at Stott & Jury's. Read the West End House advt. in this issue--it will pay ýyou. Have you seen those fancy rockers ,and chairs at M. D. Williams & Son's ? L. Morris is rushing trade in Parlor Su.itsllHIs big variety and low prces A sensible Xmas present. One of our :$1.50 HIair Brushes, price this week $1. Cali this week and see the snaps at Stott & Jury's ir -X mas Goods. Corne ~quick. Best bargains always go first. Sec the bargains in Xmas Goods at Stott & JuLry's. Several lines at haif 'rice to make room for their imported Dress Goods of ail kinds-the latest weaves and theý newest colors-now .showing- at Couch, Jolinston & Cryder- man's. __ .If youL have aniy furs that are flot up to date, bring themn to M. Mayer and lie will make thiem over into the latest styles. TI-e -Y. P. S.- C. E. of St. Paul's ýchurchlihave eno'aged Mr. Charles Kelly amd Mis ey, Guelph, for a concert on Dec. 17. Ladies' and Misses' Coats the finest assortmient of niew and perfect fitting garments ev-er seeni in -town now show- .ing at Couch, Johnston & CrYderman's. Lthe child is re ats as ight, ha, tttongue. sallow complexion, a Of MILLER'S WORM POWDERS !S A e1nfi cul; very ptteasant and perfect- ? amless. à1iýor book published'from M. A. iSTATESMAN office, Bowmianville. h11 sam pie bottles of Creani of Violets ggiven away at Stott & Jury's are mrsmall but one application wili con- anyone that it is the best remedy hoý market for roughness of the skin. We oi-itted to mention last week the nd sermon on Home Topies preach- by Rev. J.J.Ilae on Sunday evening k.8), his themp. being Woman's Place inte World. The churchwias packed, irs being placed in the aises Th les present were highiy pleased with e#tributes to them, and we have heard 'Mcomplaint from the sterner sex, iMce hoe must have pleased al. SEIULAB ACTION of thée bowels ls uflary te healts.ý LAXA-LIVER ýare thse best eccusional eathartie tém1lly or genes'ai use. Prtie . j ydrugglot. Machine needies at Nichoii's. "Good Luck" Wedding Rings at Rickard s. Read the Witness clubbing offer on inside page. Leather Watch Guards Se. each this week at Nichoil's. What ipovrents eau yvou suggest in THE STT= AN? This paer reaches rnest et the fami- lies lun Nest Durham. Aspirants for municipal honors shouid plant their cards uow. Good sleighîng was reportcd at Bar rie for Thanksgiving. Building operations in this towu have been very liglit this year. Do you read the West End Ilouse advt.'? Look at it this week. Allan and Dominion LUne ocean tickets for sale at STATESMAN offlce. We wili send Toronto Weekiy Globe te end of 1898 te uew subs for $1.00. Au immense trade in ladies' jackets is being donc by Couch, Johuston & Ce. Germany pa,, s $12,000,000 annually for milch cows averagîng over $80 eacb. Sec those iovely Quarter Oak Side- L. Morris', the newest and very eheap. The best watches eniy, kcpýt by Rich- ard. Prices-wîii you corne in and sec for ýyourself. For the biggest stock and the best value in Overcoats eall at Coueli John- ston & Cryderman 's. If yen have a dollar the very greatest satisfaction to, be had from it is gbt by paying thé-Editor bus due. 1A flue range of new Dress Braids, Gimps and trimmungs of aIl kinds at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Ladies of the Methodist ehurch are sending a large quantity ofetcoth.iug to the fire suifferers in Russe!! Couhty, Try Nicholis' big 5c. Bar et Seap, for the Kitchen, the Bath-room and lu the washing ef fine Flanneis, it bas ne equal., Anniversary services with 'Thaiikoff-. ering lu St. Paul's clîurcb, Sunday, Dec. 12th. Rev. Professer Robinson, Ph. D., of Knox Coilege, a brilliant yvoung schoiar and preacher, will oc- cupy the pulpit. Rain Thursday was se onius and lienv that the pleasure et the holi- day was lessened rnateriaiiy. October woîîld ho more suitabie and acceptable for Tbanksgiving than a date se near the Xmas bolidays. The preceeds ot the lecture given by Rev. J. W. Rae et Victoria Presbyter- ian churcli, Toronto Junction, lu the Methodist church, Bowmanviiie, reacli- ed nearly $50 at 15e and 10e admission. Wasn't that very good ? Germany is becoming a rivai with Britain for Canadian appies, this year's prices ranging front $5.25 te $7.60 per bbl. Shippers should write Mr. Augnst Stier, Hiampburg-,, Gerrnany, for quota- tiens. Hleis an extensive deaier in American fruit. Many Dariington readears will re- member Rev. W. R. Barker, once pas- tor et Hampton circuit. We observe that 25 new members were. ieceived lu- te feleowshîpiluAnnette st., Metbodist churcli, Toronto Junction. at bis recent Quarterly communion.* The Ladies et St. John's churcli will boid a tea in the scboi-room 'ou Wed- nesday, Dec. Sth, for the benefit of the PoorFPund, Home-made candies and a few fancy articles suitable for Christ- mas presents wiIl be offered fer sale at reasonable prices. Tea 25 cents. Sale will opeu at 4.20 p. mn; tea at 5.30 p. mu. A rare treat is lu store for ail o tr cit- izens at the Saivatien Aria y Barracks ou Mondav Dec. 6th ut 8 p. m.'when Mr. Thos. i-bar wiIl give a very inter- esting address on bis trip te the Coast iîîcluding the sights lu California, the Kiondyke excitement, and the Gold Mines in Rossiand, B. C. It will be gond te ho there. Don't miss if. Great preparation is being made by "The Young Meu of Triuity"' for thoîr social on Mouda.y, Dec. 2o. It is the intention et Trinitv Churcli young men te mun this entertalument and social on uew and novel plans aSnd yen will be sure et a geed time if vou go. Give yonrselt a Chnistmas preiÎent, treat your wife and family te a ticket to the Young Men's Social Watch for bis and programmes. A NIGHT OF P AiN. Atter yen have sp eut a niglit et pain. unable to sleep on accnt of toothache, eue shouid thiuk yen would be sure te keep soute "Quichenre" ou baud lu case it happons again. "Quiceçre" la tbe quicltest, surest and safest cure for toothache or any paîin. Ail pain preeeeds from ir- itation or inflammation. "Quiekeure" soothes and reduces inflammation at once. HAGYARD'8 YELLOW OIL cure,» ail] pain t lu man or betat; for apraina, utbruisseallous lumps. swellings. Iflmmattin, rheullatiois and neural- K14 iSt la a seltt c r i t nTwo rowedo0 25 il 0 27 OA'rS, white ........O 0 0'fiO020 RYE fi'....... 000 '0 42 BtOKwE:AT fi .......O GO00 O 28 PHAs, Blackeo.t4 bush.. O 54 055 nCanadian Beauties.. 54 0 55 tMummey til O0GO00t0O45 Small, ti O 40 il O 42 'Biue,' If 0 40"il0 40 BUrrTlu,,begt table, P W,, O 13 il O 15 EGG, ~dz~.0 06*O O if O16 'PorTTOls. bs... *,0-00 f O &J 1 lay per ton,....,50004 00 l ~~8 00 l ', Mr. T. Button, Orono, recentiy visit- ed at Castieton. Subseribe for THE~ STATESMAN and read the best local paper. t Mr. David McDougali visited the oid t tome at Baltimore, recently. Miiier's Compound Iron Pis have I such virtue that evtry one should try ' them; sold by every druggist.' Compare, please, this journal with ' other county papers and say if it is not worth any two for home news. Pickering temperance people got a i stunning backsct in the vote on the 17th the repeal being carried by 12 votes. 1 Some iron and brass bedsteads also a very pretty line of rattan chairs are sold very cheap at L.Morris' furniture store. It is the general opinion and it is a fact that M. D. Williams & qon are offering some great bargains in furni- bure. Remember the name, its NICIIOLLS. There is oniy one A. L. Nicholis. You wili tind hlm one door west of the Ex- press office. It wiil spruce up your ideas of1 furni- ture to see the Quartered Oak Writing- desks Hall-racks and Centre Tables that are seiling at L. Morris'. Gentlemen who are particular about havingý a perfeet fitting suit of ciothes shouNId ave their orders at Couch, Johuston & Cryderinan's. Now is the time to bring in your furs to be repaired If you can't corne dur- ing the day. my door is open until 8 or 9 o dlock as I have to work. M. Mayer, the Furrier, Bowmanviile. It is what a cough mav iead to that makes it so dangerous. hansom's Rive Syrup and Tolu is a medicine that has long been iisted in private practice. Sold by Stott & Jury and druggists generally. Your trade is what we wauit. If you deai with us once you wiil again and we are goinoe to eut ahl prices on our large stock J? furniture this month and next, cal! and sec our goods. M. D. Williams & Son. Oniv four weeks,-to Christmas. Do not p ut by your repairing until the iast week. Eiery care taken of custoner 's goods at Rickard's. Ail go in the safe at uight. Riekard is a genuine mechanie with years of practicai experience. It wili be lu cvery way to your interest to have your work donc at this house. We kncw lhe wouid. Our old friend Mr. John N. Kiveli, who was recently promnoted to Kingston, and Gananoque District and is now in charge of the Singer M'f'g Co's. business in the prett-y citvy of Kingston writes us that hie îs me~eting with good success in business and that lic and Mrs. Kiveil are delight- cd with that city and the people there. We are not surprised because we feula i love with the Lirnestone city the first time we saw it. Is there any wonder that there is such a rush for tbo Family ie raid and Weeklq Star of Montreal ? To look at any single issue of that farnous paper tells the whoio story ef its wondrous succeess. Every page, every colurnu of the whole one hundred and twenty- eight of them, is brim ful of matter of intense înterest. Well may ail Canada take pride in the success of such a paper as the Family lierald andWek.'ta A splendid union Thanksgivirrg ser- vice was held in St. Panl's churcbRevs. Fraser, Rae, Barnett and Burriss tak- ing part. The, audience cnjoyed it _-reatly, The choir of the church led the praises, the selections being singu- lariy ppropriate and the congreo-ation joined heartily iu the singing. 1i'e. J. J. Rae delivered a masterful sermons on the, Power of the Past. A liberai off or- ing was made for the poor of the curches participatiîîg $17.16. Another successtuiaîsad entertaining eveninz was spent at the Methodist Epworthi League lMond ay evening. LThe Juniors gave the programn and -deserve great credit for the wiliingness in which they took thtir parts. The 3subjeet was "Johnî Wesley's lite" and -the papers were of high class. Miss Velma Jewell occupied the chair in a modest and becoming manner and Miss Vida Haines made a splendid pianist. The room was so crowded that some couid flot -et seats. At the close Mr. Fred. R, ?oiey was introduced as Dis trict Secretary and hoe in a concise psanuer pointod ont tise work to ho coin- meuîced by the districts. METHODIST THÂXNK.OFFERING. $1000.00 ASKED FOR. Next Sunday is the annual Thank- Offeriiîg lu the Methodist church, Bow- manville. Rev. J. J. Rae, the pastor, told bis congregation last Sujiday that the Board requested a contribution of >$1000 and as they h ad aiways met the expectation of the. Board lu th e ast, lie had faith te trust tbem for next Sunday. RAgrand day is anticipated. Rev. Mr. Ra ilpreacli special sarmons. The PElISONAL. tMrs. A.- Mi tchel speut Thanksgivîug ln Toron- Mr. Geo. McClellan sipent the holiday lu Whit- by. Miss Ada Bingham,bindsay,is vIsiig friends an iownl. Mrs. John MeClcîlan vislted bier sonut Gait L'hankisgiviiug. Mr. W. T. Dale visited relatives in Brookîtu Thanksgivir.g. Mr. F. J. Grierson, Barrister, Oshawa, gave us a.ceat last week. Miss Robinson, speni Thanksgiving ai lier home ilu Toronto. Mr. Walter Baker, Cobourg, vlsited ai Mr. Rolit. Fraclaud's. Dr. Mb'aughilin and Mr. J. C. Vanstone wcre nTrnolasi weck. Misses A. and E. Gould, Toronto, spent flhanksglving ai home Miss Elsie Deikie, Guelphi, speut Thauksgiv- ing at Mr. J. MeuInyrc's. Mrs. Jas. Manu and Mrs. A. J. Bennett spent rhanksgiviug in Toronto. Mr. Robt, and Mr. Geo. Freeland, Toronto, spent Tbhauksgiviug ai home. Rev. W.- A. Buner aud daughter, Myrtle, speut Thýauksglvlng lu town, Mrs. tsaac Tabli bas returued f rom visititig Lier sisier, Mrs. Bath, Whiiby. Mr. Fred Borden sud Miss Nellie Sanders speut Thauiksglviug lu Whithy. Capt. Garnet B. Hugie 3, Linidsay, bas been visiiuugMr. H. W. Burk, ex-M. P. Mr.Eddie aud Misiies Myrtie and May Milîsoui speut Suuiday ai Mr. Jos. bangmaid's. Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. Larigmaîd, iowu, speut Thauksgiving at Mr. Jos. banigmaid's. 1lErs. Jos. LaUgmid hasbecn visiiing bier î.iece,Mrs. 11ev. J. T. Caldwell, Mumico. Mr. D. B. Simpsonuls conucting the Crown businesit the Autumu Assizes at Lindsay. Mr. James Browuson of Solomion"ity, Kansas la vlsiting Mr. M. Cryderman and other friends. Miss Mary Coleman, Miss S. J. Small, Port Hope, speut the holidays wiih frieuds lu town. Messrs. James and George Perkln. Moorfield, vlsiied ilîcir faiber, Mr, John b. Perkiu, Sast week. Miss RlIe Crydermart speut Tbauksgiving witli frientds lu Torouto and reports au enjoy- Mr. F. J. Campbiell, Manager of the Canada Paper Ce., Toronto, gave Tisa SiÂsASMNs8cali lait weeke. Mr. Chais. M. Bice, whose Setter appears lu ibis issue, ls, a Darîlugton boy now practising Law ai Denver, Col. 11ev. J, J. Rae preachcd a nuost excellent tcm- perance ýsermIon Suuday niglit to a fuiS and welS- pl1eased: audience. Mr. ai id Mrs. J. H. Oryderman attcnded the funcral of bier brother, Mr, Tlios. H. Lawry, ai Hamiltin, on Saturday, Miss Npllie Williams and Miss Kaie Curtis of Ontario Ladies' College, Wbuthy, speni the bolS- days ai Mr. M. D. Wîflhiams'1. Miss Sing, Sapraîîo Soloisi 0f the Methodisi cboir.Pori Hope, sang,,vcry nicely ai the Meibo- dlsi ehui'eh here Suuday night. Mrs. (Dr.) Edlck and family have removed from Dulîdas to this towu and uow occupy the Davey residence on Centre Si. Dr. Chiarles Gibson, New York City, bas been visitlng bis father, Thos. H. Gibson, Esq., William)s'CGrove Farm. Clarke. Miss P'. L.Alexauder Seft on Tnesday for Can- ion, N.- Y., wherc she was ealled hy the iliness of lier sister, Mrs. (Dr.) H. H. Tyler. Mcssrs . Fred and Frank Brown, Buffalo, and Mr Harry Brown, Toronto, were called here last week hy the se'rions ilîneas of ibeir moiher, Mrs. John Brownî who bas since passed away. TIIANKSGiviNG DAY VîSITORS. Miss Thompson visieid er moiher ai Port Hope. Mr. W. Budge, Port Hope, ai Mr. P. Trebil- cock's. Mr. Alliert B. Coucli, Torouto. ai Mr. W. B. Couch's. Miss E. E. Haycrait visiied ber parents ai Myrtie. Miss A n a Fraser, Tononto, ait11ev. R. D, Fras3er s, Mr. an îNMrs, S. Wilson, Toronto, ai Mr. F. A. Haddy 's. Mr.;iArîbun J. qauuders, Toronto. ai Mr. Jas. Miss Ethiel Trebilcock, Port Hope Mode] Sehool anhme Miss Be-rtha Slug, Port Hope, gucat of Misa E ditb Caýýrsaddeu. Mise Lily Mebean, Port Hope Hodel, at Mr James M, bean's. Mr. John James, sr., Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. F. James', Ouitarlo St. Messrs,. Ernest and Charles Britiain, Toronto, ai Mr. Chias. Young's. Me srm . Paul and Charles BiSkey, Toronto, ai 11ev. R. A. Bilky's.. Miss Williams and Miss Curtis, Ontario Ladiei College, îýi Mr. M. D. WiSSiaura'. New Raisins. Choice Clusters, Imperial Cabinets, London Layers, Griffun and Shelly 4 crown, Fine Layer Valeucias, Sultanas. New Currants. Patras,' Fileatra, Vastezzas, Provencials. New Nuts. Grenoble Walnuts, Soft Sheli Almonds, Sheiled Walnuts, Laragona Almonds, Shelled Pepans, Roast Peanuts, Secily FIibcrts, Malaga Grapes, Golden Hallowees Dates. GJow Box Figs. Sweet Jamaica Oranges. 'Pwo shipmeuts weekly Baltimére Oysters. We can handie any quantity ot undressed Poultry. BOWMANVILbE. eawker & Tait. Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYAR :i.- NOVEMBER WEDI)ING. A very pretty and quiet weddig took place at the home of Mr. F.* J. Groat, Principal of Hampton Public School, on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 24th, when their daughter, Miss Annie Gib- son was united I n marriage to Mr W. J. Cryderman of Hampton. About twenty of the intimate friends of the contracting partis were present. The bride was given away by fier step. father, Mr. Groat. Miss Ethel Cryder- man, sîster of the groom acted as bridesmaid, and Mr . W. R. Gibson suppoî'ted the groom. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. E. EÉ. Howard, the company sat down to a sumptuons and an elegantly served repast. When the outerman has been fully satisfied with the good things provided the bride was "toasted" and a number of very pleasant and con- gratulatory speeches given. The bride was thýe recip ient of many useful pres- ents Afte a most enjoyable evening the friends partcd, ail earnestly wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous if e. - Ail cases of week or lame back backache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cenl s. Try them. New Jewelry Establishîment James Goard is opening his store next to Tait & fl bc ready for business by Monday 29th Nov. Watches, Clocks, Jewellerv and Spees. repaired promptly and -satisfactorilv guaranteed. H as now got in a stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of a choice assortrnent. Ail repair work put in safe at night. Gold West Durham. You wiil fiud it by deuling with T. N. Riekard. If there was a Gold Mine lu Bownanville yen would make a "Rush" for a sh.are of gold. Se why not foliow the crowd and buy yonr Christmas Preseut, where you eau obtain the greatest number for your monoy. Tbink for a moment. You follow our advice. You eau save rnoney and eau buy more presents and thus please more people. That is what you xish to do, is it net ? Scores et specials, Opa! Rings, Solid Gold Spectacles, "Good Luck"' Wedding Rings, Sterling Silver Novelties to suit old and young. Iu tact the Quantity is large and the Quality is excellent. Engrav- iug beautifuliy donc. Eyesight very earefnlly tested, great pains taken to care for your eyes, no one in Canada more fitted to do this than T~ N. RICRKARD, Jeweller and Optucitan, Bowmauivilie, Three- doors East of Standard Bank. Grocers' due bills taken as cash. 0 el A. E, McL&IJG HLIN, Barrist er, Solicitor ana Conveyancer. Office- Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money to loan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, Dr, . .PA!TERSON, Dentlst. Honor Graduat Toronto University and Royal Collegeflenta] Surgeons. Selalties Artifbclal Dentures $800; Amalgam FUIlngasc. Firet class work at very m.oderate prices. Office Orono. M ARRIAGE LICENSES'-M. A. JAEs, Issuer of Marriage L1cen.5e, Residence: CeutIýe Street. IITAIR WORK.-Laidies wishing hair A.A.donc over, cal! at MRs. DicxiNsox's,Klaig Street, Webt, Bowmanville. 43 - if V TOICE CULTURE-Miss Glover is prprd toivelssous in voice Culture to a Ilite rumber of pupils, ai lier home, King Street, East. 30 - t BRICKHIOUSE TO LET.-On Elgin -" treet, atresent occupled by Mr. Peter Murdoch. tAp r y to James Stevens, Concession St., Or MISS MANNING, 83 Czar St.. Toronto.46bw* S ERASTRAY.-Came on the preiseglot 35, cou 8, Clarke, à yearhnîg, Teour is i equested te prove property, pay expenses aud take hM away. COLIN STA1'IES Leskard. 47 - 5w" fi EIFER ASTRAY,-Came on Lot J- 4, Cou 6, Darliugtou, a small heiter,."The cwuer is requested to prove property, pay cex- penses and take lier away. W. J. COLI.ACOTT, Tyroue. 48 - lw>ý # IjITEIF ER STRAYED.-A red Durhang JLA helfer rising two ycars. Strayed about Nov, 13. Information lendlug to lier rccovery wjll besuitably rewarded. W M. SNOWPaN, lot 22, CouS3, Darliugtou, 13.ïauiavilbe P. O. 48 -tf. NMFUSIC.-Anyone can learu to play .i..organ or piano lu two weeks by usîng the Magite Music Chart. It teaches everything simples i and most comprehensive y et iuvcnted. Agets wanted. R. b. WERY, Publisher, Lock Drawer 7. Bowmanville. 49- tf. B OARS FOR SERVICE.-The im- provedYorkshire "Oak Lodge Emigrauit" wasonc of Mr. J. E. Brethours famous stock hogs and sire of a number of bis prize plgs ; lie la of immense leugili and deili. Sire' Holywell Ernigraut" imp. Also a Berkshire" Prin ce Lee" -sire and dam importedlby Mr. J. G. Suell. A Young Yorkshire Boar for sale clical. Terms- Soc or 75c Booked. T. J. COLE, Maple Grove, Lot 19,cou 2,Darliugtou,Bowmanvillc,P.O 42- 3w Our Xmasc Exhibit %oif Art Calendars Bookiets and Cards Is we are frequently told, the very finest in town. Last year we haci a great variety and sold them al1 but this season eelipses everything. OUR EARLY OPENING fs to ae- commodate those Who prefer to sbop before the Christmas rush is oo. Ail loyers'of the artistie are invited to cal! and sec these dainty gools. 1 Bowý[Je tu g e . 2 avker &ait, THE, POPULAR GROCERS. Christmas is after us fast and in view of the fact- have made our usual heavy purchases and as in the past 80 111 the future best value for the least money.. The following are now in stock., iliGll SCHOOL REP ORT. Names lu order of menit. FoItm IV.-.FRENCsî.-M B Tamblyn, A Cawk- er, M E Waddell, G E Gilfillan, E 3 Fielding, FoRmIN 11.-ANciENT HISTORY-N ýH all, Ma y Clemens, A Me]Roberts,N Paitinson,E Freelaud, W Morrowv, S Blackburn, b Hauson, R Hoskin, F Galbraith, D Galhralth,S Huichinson, N Allin. Fouis l.-PnYsies-E Sparliug, J J MaeDon. ald, V M Pollock M Rickard, II A Freeland, K Adair, H Walbr-iàge. A Rcnwýick, G, Trewin, P Osborne, H Osborne, C Joness, F Mitchell, A McKowau, P Tait A M 1105km E Heury J McLean, CNeada 1I{ClemenisC §MacDonald, F O Mason. H WIook, W RoY; H Hunier, b Jarvis, H Hoope*, Ti Foster, R Mitchell, E Man- ulnig, H Morris, A Kuiglit, R Bingham, b Gil- bert. FOuesu-ARrTXMETIC-ECouchE Blackbnrn; M Alun aiid F McCrimînon equal, R Maxwell, A Belih, P Rckard, H Pearu; G Bilkey anîd V Jewell""qpa, M Reid, E Worden, M Henry; M Treblleock aud H Tyler equal C Meatb C MeLean, G Gove,0CWght, A liorris, E Dun- ham, W Rowe, Kï Edsall; J Hutchinson' and F Mason 2qu al1, E Paltinson and A Lyle equal, T Scobeli; b Bragg and M Mason equal P Pearce; W Buxtoni, M ryderman, A Hill and b Mason equal. A Wight, M Grigg, G Cawker, M Gand, E Soeolcl, LbG fford. BORN. OuiÏSTsO-Z.-In Eufield, N\1ov. 2ird, the wife of, Mr. John rmniston, jr., of a son. SMITîr-N\ear Euniskilleu, Nov. 28, the wife of Mr. J. J.Sýmiih, of a sou. MARRIED. MOoRE-W\ALTR5-Iu Tyrone, Nov. 24th, at the resideucei, 0 f the bride's mother, by Rev. R. N. Adams, Mr. William Henry Moore aud Miss Rhoda Mayý- Walter, ail of Tyrone. RUNDLE ýPASCON. At the resideuce of Mr. E 11 Geo. Pa8cue, brother of the bride, hy 11ev E. E. Howard, Nov. llth, Mr. James T. Rondie and Miss Eliz a J. Pascoe, boili of Darlinigton. CRI'En.iiN-GISON.-By Etev. E.EHowar-d, aS ihe resideuýce ofF. J.Groat, Esq. Hampton Mr. Waltei J. Cryderman and Miss iS. S.Glbson, daugher 0f the laieýVîu. Gibson,hoih of Darl- liîigtou. WIELCIIHOsKlN.- On Nov. 17, at the resi- deuce of ihe, bride's mother by the 1ev. tE. N. Adams of' yrone; Mr. Geo. W«elsh of the owu-. slip of Reacl and Miss bille Hoskin of Darling ton OUED. l3uOWvN.-T-I Bowmauville, Nov. 28, Jane Brown, rel1bet of the late John Brown. OuetusTouç.,-1u Enfleld, Nov. 25, the infant sou of Mr. aud Nirs John Ornisto, aged 36 botrs. LAWRY-AIt Hamilton, Nov. 25, Thîomas H. Lawry, agýd 55 years. eldest brother of Mrs. J. H. Crydernuan, 13owmanville. EviERSOtN.-At Harmony, Nov. 28, Robert Eversoni,aed 75 )years. Interredat Ehenezer yesterday. SÏale of Periodicals. The anniiuai sale of na-azînes and papers -wiil be1 held at le Reading i oo ms of ithe Public Librar v on Friday, Dec. 1011hat8 o'ciock, P. M. 49 . Holiday Shopping. A veryv timely suggestion is made le Messrs. .S;tott & Jury at tbe bead of their new advertisement this week. Do.your lida.y buying before the rush and get the p)ick of the bargains. Our merchants are ready. Cal! very soon.

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