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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 7

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W ihwould you rather trbAn old, true friend of twnyyears, or a stranger?ý You mnay have littie healh left. Wiil you risk it with a stranger ? If you have a cough, are losing flesh, if weak and pale, if consump- tion ;ikares you in the fa-e, lean on Scott's Emulsion. It has been a friend to thou- sands for more than twenty years. They trust it- and oau can trust it. Let us send you a book t 0 l in g you ail about it. Frec for the asking. SCOTT & BOWNE, Beleile. ORt THE CANADIAN S9TATESMAN KSTABLISHED 1854 ?lper annum In advance, otherwise $1.51 ffferiptions always payable et the olcoe of É_blicatiln. Advgrtising raýtes unles y con iç, 10 cents per lino, nouparie Jlrst insort~ OP and ô cents per fine oach subeequent in- eertitin. Locale, 10 cents perlime, M. A. JAMES, Publises I~D UCQ IWIIVDCQ1 luiVUV 1iAIJII05 Seaminstresses, and families should procure thie best and simplest method of cutting, viz ; Itý is up tLo date and will save f ully haîf your time, and gis-e your work thie legance of Frenceh Style Curve S. This sy stem receis-ed fist-class Dîpi- omas at Toronto and Montreal Exposi- tiens. 1897., Apply to W. SPAULDING, 278 Euchid Ave., Toronto, General Agent, or to Miss J. M~ARTIN, Bow- manville, (at Mr.Dav-ic', Beecli Ave.) 80 -l1ym. la wautad an easch uersen ~ district for the Twice-A ."Week Spectator. EIGHT PAGES Isaued every... Wedneaday and Saturday. $100 PE~R YAR. 1For terme and simple copies appiy Sypectator Ptg. (LIMITED)) ZAMILTOIT. CO,, Semeiicd ealors try to palm off tmiLtatioiis to obtain a big proi. Sec that the trade mark naýme "Tuti r,'il"le n ach Se. FA0 it nSA l' N T4 CANADA DRIVEN, LM ls about as near perfection as 50 years t of Lamp-Makng tan attain te. h , burîsa kerosace, anti givas a powerful, s clear.while light, and will nalaher blow î or jar eut. When eut driving wibh it the darkness easily keeps about lwo bendrati leet abeati of your susarteat khorse. Whec ycu want tire very best Driving Lamp te be bad, ask your dealer for te "Diaitz." 1 We Issue a spec2l Catalogue of Ibis Laînp,, ad, if you ever prowl around aftet nigiri-fahl, il will Intercît yeu. Tas malled frac. 60 LaightS.,NewYok ýaab Ishe 1a840. 1 Tendernesses and compassions; yearn- îng emetions. In antique times bou- e ere ïregarded as the seat of mercy and affection, mucir as thbe heart le now. 2. Fulfil ye my joy. We have epoken of the joy of the Philippians; Paul's joy will ha fulfilled by the knowledge tirat they are perfectly developed ln these Christian graces and virtues. "Fulfil" means "make full."' Tbe Pirilippians were a source of constant joy te Paul; hie epistie to tbem bas beau fitly called a love latter, for in, very few leltars of the sama brevity are there to ire found 80 many endeariug phrases. The thîrd verse ef the tiret ciapter-1I bianir my God upon avery remembrante of1 yiu"-soundetise kaynote Of tire epic- tie. But, mucir as he o ed there sud pmoud as ha ovas of tiam, ira conld net help observiug Ihat 'they did not w ale in perfect unity.- If now tbey willl ce xalk ibLa jey will bha "fulfilled," fi lied fuli ernpletaed. Being cf oe ac- cord. lliarracnized. 0f ene mind. A i t in senîtimenot. Chrysostom sex- plaiýnePaul's bautlogy bers hb say- ing, "urepeate bimself eance of iris..exeading great earnesues." 3. Let netiring he doue tirrongir stnifa. ' Neyer att from separata lu- terests;" bave no factions; entertain ne thougirt of ceif-seekung or vainglery. Lewlilueca cf mind. 'Tbe opposite of al pride, wbetbar of family, w caitir, leamu- iug, or abiiity. Let eacb esteae db- -er btter than Iirmsalves. "Lowvlinass of mmnd" ws-hi laad te tis, fer if oe is honest lu self-judgmant, sud chanita- hie lu judgment of others, oee oili push hiris Christian neigbber toward su- perior positions rather tiran to seeak tbere for ou's self. 4. Look nol. Do not attentively gaze; aia smot. Es-amy man ou býis osvu things. Be neot self-euntrad. "Do ne- tbing tirronghirseif-interest in tire Ibinge of God." But every mien aiso on the thinge of otirere. lAuotier e- petition. Strife le the Phiippian ohurchrgava Panl mucir uneasijnes and 1TUU [ufý 12lL' fii 'Orostrated by the Piles. Diseq One Cause of Bleeplesmness That Une 1 - Bencly Overeoxac. a . ae~ea9Eea ~a~K 111E su»IAY SCHOOL.f INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DEC 5. PRACTICAL NOTES. Ves 1. If- bere dees nol express doubî butb chauds for -~ as" or "in-e," to empirasize the affirmation, Paul ex- pected cocu 10 velum te the Phlhip-i planes. Witb pleasure ha tirougit of tbair bear' y jey au again meeting hlm. Phil. 1. 26. Therefore. Becauce of tbis' happy prospect cf bbé renen ai cf in-: timate aseociaîlens bu pleads that theiri affectionate joy ebeuhd fiud expression in boly deeds. Consolation in Christ. The Bavised Version chranges tins te 1cerfort iu Christ." Btter stili wenld be " exhertation." By bis boly 111e, by iris conflice sitb avil, by bic patience in cuffering, Christ constant- ly exhorte ns. Cbusfort of lova. Tire con- solation of tandavuesesu d affection- ite compassion. Fellovvehip of the Spir- it. Momunnon with Cod, whc le a Spirit, and wbe, if wershippel aI ahi, muet be oersbiped in spirit and tmuth, mus e hA-norsbippred le epini udl tmuth, aed ibo regards as e he0,o1 acceptable human oorsbip sncb inti- mate communion cf seul as loesr have witb eacb other; a belloweirip so tan- a fmriend "Go a Christian may talir witb a f riend "eo a Christian tan tamh7 witi God. Sucir a felloochlp binds Christians close toe asti other. Boovels o eds serves te expliin, te sonre begrea, Ibis exbortatonii. \V bat the quarrel wis about ie not known. Tbe Christians of ['bilippi were poor, and were just now ln epecial trouble, probablylfromi persecution. 2 Cor. 8. 1, 2; Phil. 1.28- 30. Soose phase ot these afflictions may have led te discussion; or their fleur- isbin.g progrese as a cirurcir may bave caused spiritual pride and led te rivalry and jea'eues-.ý 5. Let tb s mind iela ln ou. "'lbînk Ibis le yourevee." WhIch wae aiso ln Christ Jesns. 'Nbho le ur Examapie as xxall as our Iledeemner. 6. Whbo, being ln the ferre eofbled. Tire simplest explanation of tbis re- fers ilte 0cor Lord's eite 'before bis 111e on eartb. "Form'a" bere, dees not meatn shape. but nature, character, mode of imanfletâtion, and diflers from tbe word render"d "fashPon." Here il seems intended to descrilie the mode by -wbîcb God expresses bis eseentiai persona!iity. n1e aie afterward menu- fested bimefif lumrau nature,,verse 7. mnanitested himseif origicsliy as bCod -ýnianifesteýd ail divine perfections, 'tha 'borie of God" was laid acide b)y Christ l'e bis incarnation. Tbnugbt is flot rob- bery te be equal with God. "Daemed net hie Leing on an equality with, Ged a tbe ng earestiy to býe deeired." Il vas baller le ýav il asiýdu so as te ha ùdentîfied w 11h bnmiuity. "Cbrist's great object w as te identify bimef W îti bUManitY; net te appear, to men as divine, but as buman. Erd, Le comae ino tbe w orld empbasizing, his eqnality w ith Ged, the woýrid wouid bave leea amazed. but net sas ed. lHe did nûet grasp at Ibis; the rather ha counted. bumnanity bis prizze, antce laid acide the conditicg of,, bis pre-ex- istent state and becaree man."-M. R. Vincent. !7 Made himeelf of ne re putatien, "Emiliedbirese if." "' Iimef,' le the amphatic word bere, net- ti verti. Ha net oniy did net enricir bimef, but, ha ereptied himsalf. Ha usad bis equal- Lity w ith Go-1 as anj opportîrnity net for self-exaltation, but for seif-abasamant." -Alford. But of wbat did ha empty 1i eli"0f tire "ferreofbled,"men- At a mere nominal price, THIE NEW YORK LEDGER is înaking one o! the niost rerearkabie Camera off of the cea son. Tbov are soîdiîîgoutani ilmeose numbeýr of cameras te ail parts of the Untd States. It in î reaity but for tirecameî'a, wîtb complote oulfit rer pbotograpbing and deveioping Seud today 1efr full particuliers regarding Ibis renînriabie off er, as il is extremeiv lîre ited. Tbe camera is tboreugbiy' bigh Igrade sud first ciss lu everxr respect, fitted wltb ail modern inprovemeuts, anîd le guaranteed as represented. Ad- d res WiiIam Wai4t, Saaîoga Springs, Y., says:-" 1, tira subscribei, being f j Camera uepartment, Vity yeare a re ecdenl of tbe towxn tacatega, N.Y., do cettify hat 1I TeiraY rkIII!iýe pies. for mouChye fIgot ne revu" ti LEDGER BUILD1NG,N.Y.,CITY. Bloep, 1 hecaîne coînpletely prestrat P.'jShouid senti aI once for Spatial Pre- thre decteme did i e ne gooti. On n KIïIV mitmList. Jetis!sueti. Watehles, tSeing au advertisemeiît of Dr. BOY LSe.s Prantiug Presses, Vrask's fa.gntic Oluntreent, 1 at oni ArRafles and mauy valuiablo e 1 precured a tsventy-fi"ve cent bottle, A rtiIles ale tb ha gil an away. GILS used il as diirected, and ti ias effaecewe York Ledger,Ledger Building NX aL perfect cure. 1 bave net lare-unaga i, expres ny feelings cf gratitude te eîi, docter for bis ins-aluabaie Ontlmeut. weuld say le tboec cff'î lng weîth HE samae complaiut, 'Try Chic remetiy, aiTH you w iii not be OIsaappoited."w Exper jonce w ith Dr. Te'aský 'U . - O £ý~C W~. f'eas dmntaei ethe n t it a i: TIIEAWE DTO astic oirCnstalu Wthe mpa at p,,- fty yea f EITON fessien, as well as te mIllions eof suffey-___ ers rous piles, thal it le, the safest an, ment effectuai cure es-ar offared te th,10PAO 51s A WEsx-156 PAPsas A YEÂAn 'mbixhîl, conta'tarng ne opiates or potzon, , .,,RO E OL AR d asy kinti, peinloss sud conveneur'O NE D LL R no banile, anti balng solti by druggtita U. 25 cents anti 40 cents par hottle, ï eethin the reach of every sufferer. Publiied ever aliernate day txcept Sundny Very frequently tvve or tIbrea bot-Il- eave matie a complote curaeof ohenieTire Thrice-a Week Editios of the 5ases tlsat bad net yieldied teoliit." New York World la firet, amna. remedice for years. Tbuce'eseat ce! tdisease more aggras-atIng 9uti oiY "waakly" pipera lu aise, fra'quancy cf tiaaate to crtan tire varteas forss publication, and lire freÉhneu,, nourîcy rf piles, and it le acomo praunt ad variety o! lUa con tents. Il ban al 0 use oilutrents, salves, ant i areilL., the menite cf a great $6 daily ai tire peparatlens ceataiuing dangerous pod , iceof s dollar weekly. îLe politial 0ens, t e rmese tire trouble. D- re t'rask'a Magnetie intreent iras araper nawsle prompt, complets, accurate and 9eeid asl of itho» 1e sfctual remedîtie1impartial as al l ie readera will teaiify. Rnd ne one suf ernug WitX sy rentaà It la agails! the monopoliea sud for tire troulble aee an .y mid ;inc a'vJnýâ people. It prînta the newa of ail tire O r. TIra4k's Magnatie Gin t a trial wndhvn p Âuy druggist catifre P.Traek'kwol, hvn pciai correspondance gfagnetic Olmtmeut, as ilte the bau from ail important nows pointe en the rucwn andi mua popuar remedy r globe. hi bas brllantI lliustrations, -4teea,.and-I f you ak hlm-ire usai otîbi. etiea by great- authora, a capital ess reter yen te nýany people lunyc' humer page, comploe. markets, de- dririte 1w'1 hvebeau cured C: paietefrth oaeodm llitely b l. -tpartment's fer tehueh n P'ranc-.5e U. Kahir.e, 127 Bay s tseet, wme' wr mad otirer epeclal cde- 'fU-ta, t.'t partmenta of unueusi interoat. tlened ln the last verse; not the es- .centiai nature of God, but the manner of ils manifestation. Took upon hlm thre ferre of a servant. Nature, char- acter, mode of manifestation, as ho- fcore. Hie noW- expressed bis godlke- nass ln a slave's body and witb a slav-e's environurents. This shows bhal wbat Christ deemed "a tbing te eaýrnestly desira," verse 6, w as ne div ine, sovereiguty but divine service. Maein the likenees of men. Born ',iloite world. 8. eing found in fashion as a mien.- As., if' bis divine goudaess shone out se brîýgbtly aven throngb the haavy caUlof, flash that men wbrn tbey met( hlm ware led to expect coma- tbing 'etter ihan humnanity, aud ware surpric1,ed to £ind hlm' so inucir like other maen. "W ben ha sias hlm there was ne beauty tiraI xve seuld. desire hi.m." Isa. 3.2. Ha hunabled bimisaif. A furtberat of seif-deniai. And became û dint unto daatb, eCen the death of the cross. 111 e dience reacbed ev- en to deathb w hch was its climax; te the deatb of tb-- cross, the most cu.rsed of dea-,thes. 9. Wb,_eref ore. Because of thes self- humiliation. God aise bath exalted bi Md L'm. superintendent. Givan blîn -, namie which le ai ove every came. "l'aV ", rIe carries in the Bible thre aens-,of ubaracter, and sometimes of peronbere, b'rwevier. il is te te un-- desod iiteraliy of "Jesus. the name that (uharme our fears. That b:ids our sorrowa c(ýease." Accord'ng le Epb. i. 20, 21 tia mi.n Christ Jesiue 'is exaibcd to the r;Igbu band of bled, far aboya ail prin(cipality, and peower, and might aund dominion. and every namne that le nameud net oniy in this world, but aiso in thut w hi- h le te tome. i10. That et the na-ie 'of Jesusevery knae sbouid bowe One purpose of the s unr)eëminiept exailtatinof .Tasîiewaes that le bis name every prayer shah bc, nfferecl Things lu beaven, andi ln eatb sund things under tira aartir. This is an orea ta w avcf sas ing al intelligences. Tbey may Le classi- fiedý if oea si-ne, lto the augal s of God, living men, and dead Man:" "the glorifie-1 Clburcb, the living militant Cbnrcb. and the nun- savad dapartad-a comprabeusive de- su-nation of ail men."-Curry. 11. Every tongue. Es-ary oea of eacir of the classas named. Sbould confae. qýSbould 'r'knowledge. Tirat Jasus Ch1rist is Lord. Aliolute goiveo-,or. Sep, 1 Cor. 12. 8. To the giory of bled the Father. Wiricb is th, isserand resuit of al] this con- fessonaund the, great end of 0cr Lordse tien ofr this text, med7ita1tion.a John Calvin writes, "Reuij chapters 5 and 17 of John's gospel, sud sou w iii bave tire expeci- 'D'or Over F7fty Years.' For, ovar hifty y'ears MRs. WiN.sLow'e SoorUÏNCo Svxtur iras beau used by mi!. lions of rmoîhers for thair cildran while t",eiig. If dlei urbed .at night and brokaîî'; of your rest by a sick cbild suf- fering !and crying wîth pain of Outting '1I'eth îend at once and gel a boUtle cf '~r.Winslow's Seothir'g Syrup " for Childran Teathing. Il will relieve the pour lttia sufferar iznnediately. Deparia tapon l,mothersthra e neiomistake about1 ?i. Tt cures Diamrhoea,egulates the Store. 'eh and Bowals, cures Wîud Colle, sol banc thre (lume, raduces iofianmatïon, and givas icce and enervy 10 the whole systere, "1Mme. Winrilew's Seothing Syrtîp" for cflîden teething is pleasaut te the taste an(d if the prescription of the oldeBt ad 'bot fnmale physician% aud nurses lr thre Unitad States. Price twenty-five cents s bottla. Sold be ail druggists ibrougirie the weýrid. Be cure and nek for "MaS. WîîçSLOW'c SooTINo SYvuP." JONA[IED. Suhurbs-1 guese we'd btter gis-a up keeping cbickens. WNe don't seem te bave any lotir, Mme. Suburbe-IIow can yen axpect te bave any lucr ray dear ?Wban you set a heu you luvatia-blv put 13 eggs undar ber. ilow To Cître Ail 5kim Beceasesý Siiïply, apply "Swa.yue's Ginîmeut." No internaliînedicine required. Cures tetter, eczerna, ittir, ail emupilons ou the face( bande, nese, etc.. ieaving' the siX-n lear, wvhite and ireathy. Its grent healîng sud curative powers are peseess- ed b ',ne other emnedy. Ask yourdmng gisIý for Swayuie's Ointimcnt. Lyman Sens aud Ceowholesale Agents, 'Mont real. Avoid substitutes. MýERELY LANGUAGE. Je our daugbter a contractor, may 1 aek? A contracter ? Wbat do you mean? Well, 1 beard bar say that w-ban she saw tire parade -coming cire tome up the atreet., Piles 1 Piles 1Iltchiîîg Piles. symPiToMS-Moistre , intense itchiro aud siuig; most aI nighl ; werse hv scratc=n If allowed te continue tumers fos'm, wbich odIeu bleed and ulcerate ,becomriug very sore. SWAYNE ' s OîxroîlŽ4NT stops thre itcbirg and bleed- ing, beais ulceration, and lu most %ses remeves the tumors. At dmu- Fîsta, ci- by mail, fer 50 cents. Ir. Swayuè & Sou, Philadelpia Lyman, Sons, Whelesale Agenuts, Montreal. " Before a man le thity ha fails lu love witb every pretty girl ho lookrs at." "Ye 1""Aud after ha is tbirty ha, falîs lu love witb es-amy pretty girl wbo leoirs at hlm." My. daughter, se-.en- teen years c4 reason of weak longs and a dis. Coge tressing cough. Atlt sat we gave mnay not be)ý so full, as ho her Aeyer's Cherry Pectoral, and wishes, but If ho is mwisa after taking three. bottles, the cough was cured. She la nowr in lie will neglect his cof- excellent health, and ail fers awhie and attend ta that cougli, A sligh* cougli is somewhat like the amali pebbie on the inountaia side. It appears utterly ineignifioant, until a inouse, perhaps, stuarts it rolling, and the pebble be- gotu an avalanche that buries a town, PFatal diseases hogn ith "a slîght cougli," But any cougli, takms in time, dan be cured by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 0.This testimonial will be fond ln full in Ayer'a " Curebook" with a hnndred others. Pree. Addres J. C. Ayer Co., Iowell, Maso. There are many kinds of Sew-ing Machines, but where $'urchasinig a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind 1 seil. For Tailors' and Dresemnakers' use, our Machines have no equai. Prices reasonable. ternis made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers should cali and investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around. l3est machine oll for sale, lll1ÇT lic ctho,' liiM41 M212t,,,,-n..i,,a ----------------- I have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a 'big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Secd. 97nyBlit r 1HAMPTONI. ueen Top Draft Stove. i-i Wanted rraOnly Stove made in Canad'a with Top Drafts. The newest, iheapest and best. Tire most economical ever invented Made of best American Ilussiien Iron, and lined witir Steel. No ash-pan or draw damper for children to draw out and set lire to building. No ashes neeci removingonly once in month or two. -~ illwarm a hiousýe iii five minutes, Your Ii- suranue is less when you use the QUJEEN. Will S save 25 to 50 per cent. of fuel. Will positively keep a slow burning fire ail night. Beware of Stove, adv ertised "Top Draft" but bave draft at the side. Ail of these imitations are taken from the "Queen." When burying, be sure and get the genuine Queen Top Draft Ileating Stove with our name on it. Pat. Feb. Ist, 1896. It is a Queen because it bas no equal. AtGENTS WAýNTED. 87 Church Street, Toronto. A Combination bairy Cow The common cow is generally very hardy but even her robust constitution 1 MMO wiIl bc the better and stronger, and her dairy value enhanced manyfoli-l if during the winter you add solUC of to her feed. It sharpens the appetite of an indifferent eater, tones up the system, strengthens the generative organs, and keeps her in good health for the Calving Sea son. 50 cents a package. LErmiNO. MILES & GO., DICK & CO., Âesoirs, MONTREAL. RpiTa SUTGGESTIONS TO B1OUSEKEEPERS. îvîth kerosene ie excellent to scoui tha lesai te'oeflatirons. Wee7ah off w ith soap-suds an An apple-sauce mhti adt erb wiîh flauuel tili perfectly dry. flot only delicious, but also a sauce that can la kept for soule lime is made by preparing the apples as usual, only cutting Èbem in quite smail pieces. Cbhoose tart, juicy apples, if possible. Ailo-w, fromn a quarter 10, a balf çound For Infants -nd Children. of sugar te a pound of apples, accord- ing to the sournesof the fruit. Put TUi bac. ille ai layer of sugar ln a large aartben crock or boatbiing-disb, then a layer of I 4erappsa appies sprinkled w itb a little cinnamon then more sugar. apples and spice, etc. - Put the disb on the back of the stove, USED TO Lei. covered, and let heai up slow1y and 1 guese ehe doesnt mucb miss ber simmer ail day. Keep in a cool place late busband. and il will be raady for use any lime No, 1 ain tbld ha wae always more and prove very acceptable tu the pal- or ess late. ate. If you want your baked appies te W RIGU NRY ha juicy bake tbem slowiy and baste WEIGU NRY tbem occasionally with the juîey in the If it le ever rigbt for a w ife to do pan. If the apples arr, net juicy puet anything te exasperate ber busband, a f ew tablespoonfuls of wýater and the best time is just before be is go- a balf a cap of sugar in the baking ing te tiest th-- parler carpet. pan and baste wlth thie. Baked shela of pastry for p)uffs.,oys- NOT IN THE '1REATILSENT.,, ter pies, etc.,-muet be put into the ovenr Visitor, at lunatie asylum- 1sèea you andi warmed, or the fihling allowed to give your patients amateur photograph get cold before puxttirg it in tbem, or outfits to amuse thiem. the pastry svll soften. . Soperintendent-No; they biilng tbea l ie asserted thiai. ashes moistened with tbem. Children Cryfoà~ cirs atra A oeoeo.~oeoeoen.oooa Syrup ýFor Couglis, Colds, lBron. cts, ore- throat, etc. KERRY, WATSON & CO., ep,,as On Top... of ail aoapa for nursery use, stands BAaY's OWNS3AP.' h is made cf purest veretable cils and lizty perfuraed wilh finest I flower extracîs. It bas been aold and used for so long, and always been good, that doclors ail ovrCa nawlda e cf isefecitsushvn rt mcal nalda eommsendli uahain pac Most of its carnerous imitations are fn}urious TUALBERT LT SOAP Ç3., Mfrs, Motreal. 7 ým;î(:g!jje parts anq repairs -L -L -1

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