ghtemadanfftxt"Maux BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 8, 1897 EPPS'S COAs ENGLISH' BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits DELIGAGY 0F FLAVOR. &UPERIORITY 1IN QUALITY. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NER VOUIS or DYSPE'PTIC, 'UTRITIVE tULTISINRZIVALLED lu Quarter-Pound Tins only. Ptîre y JAMES EPPS & Go., Liniited, liomoeiopithic, Chemists, London, England. 41-6Sm. HrM BER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIAN I.dSurgeonsOntarîiooroner.> etc. Bcsdene. Cuski..en. i. BDAfR1 T RKIt SLIITOR, 8o O P I jat Ivate ys ioaned ai lthe lowest rates ROBT. YOUING, V. 8, 0FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM News Bock. whcre huiseli or assistant bvil h fOund fruai ia.m. to 9 p.m. Nilght catis t ves3iden'ed j;ctlY opposite Drill Shed. Cails yý telegr7aph or telophone willi receive prompt tention171.yr R PLATETailor' GenLlemelen's clottesMade to Orderi J53ý ILVBRIMACOMBE OFFICE :-Rear of kressrs. Higginbothaan & Son's rg Sjore down s~i4 BOWMÂNVILLC C.1-ARN{,EN, L. 1). S. Bradua of ltn Royal Cdllege ef Dental ourgoons, Oubatrle. R OPOSTE XPRSSOFFICE-I VITALIZED AMR BE WISE& Try a Proved Ulede1ne on the ÊIMs D ANYGERPlSIG N AL. On lte firsit int etfiteant or nenv trouble tny a pro'ved màedicine, one that lias cureS otenuàr, andwMi cure'yrou. Don't wait for the second danger signal, but taka lte rigitî remedy in time. Xr . B. James, 38 Arcade St *, Vont. real, Que., says, IlFor aoveral years I have been troubleS with my heani aud nerves. My heant would plpîtale teribly, and whieu il dia se, 1 could not go up-saome without resting. I would have severe attacks of despoudenoy, and gel se bail at last, tat for two weeks 1 coula net go up-stairs te my neom. My bleeti bocarne weak aud impoverished, due te an attack of la grippe. 1 would bave a dm11 beavy pain lu my heant, togetitor with terrible headachea, anS took romedy afte e nmedy. but witbout a-rail. IlThon I heard of Milbrrn'si Heani audl Nerve Pille, and started taking temn. Prom the veny final I gaineS rapidly, andi arn now btter thon I have been for yoara. My heant anS nerves are al ight. and my vhole syetem thoroughly tonod andi- vigorated, the distressing sylupteme frem wbich I onfered boving completely leit mie. I canuot tee ,bighly recommend these wendeniul pilla as they have mnade a perfect cure lu my case." 220 CDAMERAS. At a mereudminal price, THE NEW YORK LEDGER is makinue of the mose yeerzable Camera of#of the sea- Sonr. 'TheY Avesrnding ontau m115 Int4tise [1,in lurealîty but frthe camera, with complete outfit if photographiug and developing. Send today for full particulars regarding this remarkable offer, as it is extremely lih- ited. The camera is thoroughly high grade and first class ia every -respect, fitted with ail modern improvements, and is guarauteed as represented. Ad- dress Camera Department, The New York Ledger LEDUJER BU1IDINQ,-N.-Y.,tITY. '1 TaE New allor* Sho«'Igow YoricWor1& The undersigned Who has hecu carrying on lte tailoning business lu conuection with Mason's Dry Gonds Store for a number of years has commenced business far hiaiseif at lits tOsdence, Kug St.,wost. whore hlis preparofi to malce gents' and boys' suite lu ait the latest styles, and at lowost prices. For those who wlsh ta orcior suite, ho wilcarry a fulll une of amples mail the newestpatterns. Give hlma J.T.A L N Fashionable Tailol MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large suma of monoy bas boon placed in my hauds by a private person fer investment, on approved boansd on farai security for a terni ot VIE Or ~T ' N years, rivz AAND ON£t HALF PER CET rinterest will be asked payable yeariy. Satisfactory conditions for repsyment wilil be rr"ged. 1 D. B. si MPSON. Soliitor, Bowmanviile. Dated Ct. lot. 9L, 40-tf. TADIE S WANTED.-Three ladies .Lto introduce a household work. Splendid ret!urus to competent persons. J. GÂLLOWAY, IE-LP WAN,'TED.-Reliablemoen in .11.evcry bwcality, 1local or travellingQ, to in. t.roduce e(ýý (w discoveny and keep 0cur show cairds; tacketi un on trocs fences and bridges throu ghout tecutyand town;z stead.y , 1loyaent; cmisinorslay565 per month ai e pe es,sud money dep)ositedi luanybank When started For particulars Wrte THE WORan BDEOIL ELEO'RaeC Co., London, ont. W ANTED.- GENTS.- ý"Queeu AVictoria" is booming. lEighit thonsanti copies sold, Three thousanti live hundred ordered from Australia; lare 2ýiaiitities gone to Southi Africa ; going like =ei ,rInCanada. Lord Lorno, Rer Majesty Io son- ïiu-law, says: 1 The besi popular life of the Qucen 1 bave seen," sud thousands endorse the state- menit. Ouitit free to canvassers ; exlusive ter- ritoqy books on timne; easy to make five dol- lars daly ;some make twicc that. The BRAD- LET-GABRETSON Co., Limitofi, Toronto. A GENTS SELL'KLONDYKE GOLD Fielis"Ilike a whirlwind. Expenienceti canvassers reapýing lte ichest harvest of teïr lives ; uew beginners doiug wonders. Nesrly evcry body subscribes. One young feliow on a farmat i$1 a mgnthis making $75. A lady type wrlter ai$3 aweek lears $11 Amechame who bad earned $1.50 a clearing $5 a day. We want more agents. Canvassing outfit 25e worth $1. The BRÂDLEY-GÂHHE'rSON 0o., Liîted, Toronto. WAN TED. .-An experienced canvas- VI 5cr to travel aud appoint agents. No eau- vassing. Salary and expenses paîd. The BHÂD- LEv GÂsmIIEsoliCo., Toronto. WANTEDAGENISý BOTH 11tEN AND WOI'lEN. If you are willing to work, we eau give you ernloyment with GOOD PAY aid you cau work afilon part time, at home or traveiing. The work ls Lglit and ea. Write at once for terms etc., to TH-E IAWKS NURSERY-COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. 38 -4m shoi idse n ionce for 'Specisl re YS mmLit., uiisef.Wths B OY Pintiag Presssn nr Air Rifles and niany valuableIIKI articles aret1 oegivea away-a. MIRLS5 ZKew Yorli Ledger,Leiilger Building 2Ç% THRICE-A WEEK EDITION. 10 PAGES A WziEu-156 PAVElRS A YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR. Publisited overy alteruato day excepfrSunday Tho Thrice-a Weok Eiition ef the New York World is firet amoug ail 'weekiy" papers in sîze, frequeucy of publication, and the freshus, accnmaey andi varloiy of lis contents. t bas ail thie menits of a great $6 daîly ai lte price of a dollar weekly. Il. polilicai uews la prompt, complote, aceurato and impartial as ail ils readers wMli estify. Itisl against the monopolis anS for the people. t priaIs the uews ef ail the worid, having apocial correspondence from ail important newa points on the globe, Il has bnlliaut ilustrations, atories by great suthors, a capital humer page, comoflete markets, de- parîmeuts for he bousehoid andi women s wonk and other special' de- partnaonts of unrisuai inteneat. Tro m--ake, Uaood one mnust have good milk and thiscomesonly froîn healthy blood must be keptcdean and pure, and the digestion good to eusure this resuit. There -"- is nothîing se goodi for this purpose as Dick's Blood Puri- fier. This preparation is speci- ficaliy mnade for nilch cows and possesses real merit and, power te do what is claimed for it Given regulaly with good fod it will convert a mere hide ad boues structure into a profitable memnber of the herd. 50 Cents a Package. LEEMINO, MMES & Ma, DICK à CO., ato0f any kinS excopiî in extraondinany cnsos to ho reporteS 10the Legisiabure. Dy titis legislation an oduicationalcoun- cil of twelve m lier as been cousti- tut-d;, eue-hait appointeS by tbbc Univer- aity anti the otixer halt by bbc Goveru- ment of the day. Tbis body bas powo(r te appoint exminers 10propanei xniun tion papera ani asocateexaionps 1 nouS bteé ausof thlie candidates; ;uii thc nopent tf te bodiy as to Ibo stefitng yf ulcadd t ai OUTR 9TAWTÂ LETTER. THE CLEA.N RECORD OF THE ON- TARIO GOVERNMENT. Th.eduainBrenOhnPolinta and Dl«ereuoces- montreai Mro-Iois ta pay ?-Mn. Blake,$ pReapp.arance. [Fnom Ourn.Owu Correspondent.] Ottawa, Nov. 8.-AI this limne of writing bbtheuener Toronto camnpaigu la ln fuill blast, anS, as Sir John Macdoanald useS ta Say, It is nover sate 10 bel on an eleclion or a horse race. Il is Siferont ,With the Provincial campaigui; Ibene is appanently no risk whatcven iu prediot- iug a briumpli. for tbbcie Hardy Govemru- ment. Mn Wbiney's weakuess, is se is~- couraging te bbe Tories ltai mauy elS- timons alrcady regaird the habte as lest. 0f course a party wbicit bas been lun office 25 years bas ils weakuiessos 10e, but, bakiug il ail round, bbc Goverument aide le lu talorably gooti shape. The greal point lu lis favor is thal for a11 those years Miniaters have couducteti aifairs lu a paetey houcst m ianner. There have heen no scaunis. 'The Oppo- sillon has brieS lu vain ta showx any lnolng. Iu thal peniod aven $100, 000,- 000 bt money bas heen bondieS hy Min- lietra anSdbtein subondinatos anS net a dollar bas gene asiray. Il Iîs a unique record. Abouit albte Opposition eau say la btaiteeo much bas been spout on bbct Agrlcnltriral Colloge farin anS. piggcr.Y, Iboîr notion hoiug Ibat those instituitions, altborigb devoted tle bcachlng anti oxpeni- nuentaîlon, should ho myatie la pay. Buzt Mn. Whitney lg unable le show, lu tact, does net oven suggosl Ibhat auy euenlefir- ly, or romobtely connecteSý wilh tbbcGov- erumoul bas matie a dollar wrongfuully for blinsoîf or for fnientis. Consldering witat happenaed aI Ottawa dluning the Tory nogimo, the poople et Ontanlo hbave neason le ho thauttnl for clca'n Lîboral The cry ls noiseS that Cibe Minisior of Edricalion bas taken tee i ower te, bimacît and heen gu1t o, cc iIzr tien," whicb The Mail deohuos as a crime againel papulan control. TlitIpaper a'rWqd thers tlitvagucly et rcstorng lthe 0Qenncil et pujT) stnýc(t9-Qby way donualappear le kuow wyhat sort ot o body the Cncil rcally wasl. The Gorincli et Public Ilustructon, et wblch Dr. Ryersou was the nîpist iuflU- eutial member, was nul i',ýsponsile te bbc people. It bieS p6wcotaîonz text-books, tb na.. iie course oet sudy in Public anL.i lligb toh, 10 fjý hi ie sta~rd t xoântîuctonleohf andi, on r trance imb Higb Sobcoola, le mialte kIibappointmieuls tle ccivil ser- vice sidaeoftbbc Elucation deparîmieul as wcll as le bbe bwo oralsrhools andtihie MoScl scbools; lu short, il ):,- erciseti ail bbc powvens anS prerogatives nw exorciseS by the Govcrnm-eut ,ou lte advicceto a rosponsible Ministon, but lthe people baSno contrai o-rer il. Il was au irnespausible bureau dlscbanging lie trinctiaus of Govermmnt witb respect ta educational - matters anS, s-r lonig as lb diS ual exceed lte large anlhenlty coni- terneS on il hy statube, ils decrees wene os binding as au act of Pariamount. By lthe appinîeit c, f Fa rnsonsihli Minister lu 1876 the powers oet bbcCoun- cil wene, transferredti 1thbbc overumeul et lthe day. While the Minisieýr bas Dower te, miae certain regulutions wlit rgr te etincalion, sncb eglaiosare sulb- jact 10 novision by tbbc Legîsiature. Whe regulablous oethlie Cauincil of Public In- structiou were net subjeot ta rovision by lthe Legisiabune anS coult not bho amend- oS except by a au etfethIe Liegislature lutrotiuced fonrltaI speelal purpase on hy lthe Goucil ilsoif. Other lPoints and Dîfferûeces. Again, under lteA Couincil of Puibieo Instruction promotinionnl bte 11gb soboals werc moe )by te Educabion doparîmieut ou au examinatian aondualed by ofilicers otf Ise teparîmoent. This was colleS bbc initerîmdiaoe exainialion. New promotions are matie hy bbc prin- cipals oethbe 111gb sobools. The officers efthe Eduicatïon dopant- nient were appointeS hy the Couicl ot Public Instruction. Now tbEýy arc ap- pointeS hby -theo Go-enrrreul, wh4e la dinectly rospensîble 10lte Legisiatrr. P onmerly ah ,public anti 80h00) libra- nies were supplieS Ibrough a Séeposltory controllod hy the Ceotili ot Public In- *xaMânatitsn ls flnal a~ndiconclusive. T' chil dutY 10 be di-îlarged 1-,Ythe de- p4rý.inbýý irI p that of seeiug aie the exam ntuion pers are ýPr1tù3od transmitteid te the' dffoeeut oentensa at which e:xainatlens are hold anti Esub- tûitte o ib ie examinera appolntdby te flèw counci. Insteati, therefovre, of ceptnalwLzg po!çoýr lu hlm self and bi ilore. Mr. Ross bas actualiy bocu dlstrlbutlng il. More- ever hie hiaseîf as a nespoual ble Minîster la undon bbheyc 0 f theflouse lu ail ho doca andi says, Whencas Zthe eld CouncJI of Publo Instructi, whlch sanie Tories wisb ta revive on bC pretence of extend- lng populan coutrol, was te ail intents antci purposes out of roacl of te People andthem rrepresentablves. Montreal ilarbor. A gooti' deal la boing sald just uow about Montreal barbon. The Tonles have adopteS te charitable bypotitesis that Mn. Tante wanbs ta maire improvemeuts qt the East euS lie enter to enhance the value of certain real estate whlch friGnds qf bis purchased saine time sago. This real estale la owned amongst tera by 19r. fleggarb, ex-Minister of Railways, Who eau Écarcely ho classeS as a fnieuti of Tarte's. It wgs purcbased whcu a boom scomed Imminent lu Moubreai, but nobo4ly thoughb at bhe lime of barbon lmpnovcnuenis. The ewuers are willing, I belleve, te seli il for exactly what bhey gave for it Plus 5 per cent. intenoat, se that there may ho no suspicion of boodl- lug. Il might as well bc saiS. per contra, that the old shipping flnms deaire te bave the improvements done at bbc cou- gosted West end in ordor te enhance the value et the property whicit they poacas lu that part of te clty and aiso ta pre- veut propenacocomodation belng provideti at bbc East euS for large moderu vessela. *hicit would make things bot for the ebsolete tubs 0f wich their fiecta are composeS. Instead of bandying changes of this sent, boweven, il would probably hobcot- ter te stick ta tho prime fact, that tbe barbur noquires to ho improveti, anS con- sider whui improvemeuts would best serve the public intcrest, ne malter whelber thev anc lu the East on lu the West end. The bulk of the Manitoba g antrahlio is now going te Liverpool by Iguùffonlo anS New York insteatl of by Monînreal, notwithsaadlng that wc bave Ipent S$0,000,000 ou canais alone for bbc St. Lawrence route. Il la atili mono seri- ons perbaps te know that rates from Montreal on ahitinds of ago-rIult,,,or1 PARTS MAN NWYORK PAS] PArT A MIRROR 0F FASHION MIONS A COLORED PASHTION SU,ýTPPLEmENT TERNS A lIWEL ATR HE CUJT t'Affl Each issue will(i cotain carefully pr epared dlm rwngs 0)f the afivan ,c asion1s ofp a ris anld gNe York. Once a mnonth the Bazar wvill issue, free a olored fashlin suoppe"ment. Ou tpanor ptttrns of certain gowns in each number will bef ma (le a feaiture. Thîcee wil l e so Jiin connecýttonwitl,, h at an uniform price. The Bazar wiil _l)opubjli sh bi-ekyï re notteptenset LONG SF,RIALS ANID SHIORT STOUIEb WILD EELEN by Williami Black R' \,ADYbyW. D. iHowoils Two famous authors wîll contrîbute long serial stories to tii 1 Hazar in198.The ioirst deajis witli Scotch and Centinental scenes. The second j, i s ory )f:a young gini, versatile and typically Amnceia. MARY E. WILKINS OCTAvE THANET IL P. Sori M. S. Bniicon Thiese and a score 0f other equally prominent wriiers will con1tribute short stonries to thie $azarin 1898, making the paper espeelally rich in ficltion. DEPARTMENTS AND SPIEClAL ARtTICLES OuR PARis LETTER by Katharine de Forest TiUE ,LONDOf)N E1T, Rby Mrs. P.Bigelew CLUB WOMEN by Margaret H.Welch HUMOR by John Kendrick Bngie There wiil be a sertes of articles on Etiquette, Music. the Voice. A1rt, the iPlay. Women and MenI Leaders amoug Women, Gardening, House-keepinig, Life and Health, .Indiooir Details, eto 10 a copy (Senfi for free prospectus) Sul) 4 a yean. Postage free in the United StatE5s, Canada amd Mexico. Address HUPER & BIROT}IERS,Publishers New York City. ASK FOR THE CANADIAN'RUBBER CO.$& WELL KNOWN BRANDS.- * BEST QUALITY LATEST STYLES AU ... STANDARD iNE VER LOWEREfl.. Se Wî1ng jachînles, W-,There are many kinds of Scwing Machines, but where purchasing a new machine youi should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seni. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms made to suit the 'purchaser-. Pull guarantee withi everymachine, Intending purchasers should eau anud investigate, or sent postal card and agent wvtill be around. Besýt machine oil for sale. By no0 other. Maehine parts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big 'bar- gain. New supplies of, Boots and Shees, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green,, and best varieties of Turnip Seed. I-enryElitJr HAMI'TON. ro uuce are 19gurr Qunlng uhc season of navigàatili tJi rates ou, simîlar coin- ýModics fronis oston. For example, on Qtoer Q " Terates tg Liverpool on From Montreal, cioese, 2" shillings. From Boston, cheese, 20 shillings. From Moutreal, butter, 80 shilUipgs. trerii Boston, butter, 29 ~llns Boston wt aà ilme fqnmiàabt8 cose- d4eL a Ïr 0or two when th e United St4-.ts estV19rubent bas fluished the work of dé-pogiu8r the barber by blowlng rip f04 Ieýesiln the thrco main channels. 0oon too tlýc rouinte t Lierpool by Buftalo aunS New York, whiclî la now gattng lvebushels teope~ of the "Yport shipieonh1-rom xMauitob w beýable uext year, Wh enth) îfýo2 pýt~banll com-plotcdl, to offer raies which t1e St. Lawïencc route, -with only M ~feet iln the Welland and lbas below Kingstonan with Montreal barbor n lu s prescut be- hind-the-age condition, cannot possibly compote against. Who l11,;tfoFay? The harbor neefis tu o ocrnrilzcd tbrough 5s0 thut the latest type of vessel, the vessel that carnies froom 10,000 te la,- 000 tons 0of cargo, can get in and out with the lcus'-t possible delay and ho feti by the nairouads at the least Possible ceai for loading and unloading. Who shahl foot the bill, Is a question. Up to the present the barbon commîssioners have paiS for ail improvements. The debt is kept up hv lthe whanfage dues which« puy the intoresi. But il lle doubtful il the commissioners cau afford te inonoase the dues lat orSon- to mccl a fresb ouftlay; indeed, il Socs Dot sopnm probable that the"y could raiso very miuch mono. The crtailuly oughlit1nut ta be oxpectela b saddlle th arblorn ith Iau onormious debt aud greally incneased toels when rival barbons like Boston are being improved; ut the expense of the peopleo f te Uni- ted States. If Montreal is te ho a nation- al pont, the Doiilion ought tu assumne the cosi; i 'f il is to ho treated in the future as lu bbce past as a local pont de- pouding on locýal revene for, improve- onuts rnexpont brAde witb Englauid cannot ho carnieS on pneflbably in comn- petibion wii hebcAmnicain expert brade. This, I lbink, sumn. tp the whole case. It is nDot pleasant pî)cnaps te -contom- plate the Dominion assuining heavy n e- sponislbilitles for MntreL but as wo have set out te mualie a specialty of brade wlth Engiaud, lndeod with the Dlagbey bill lu force have Do othen market ta speaitofa, What else romuains? Mn. Tarte is ual auxioris ta burden the Dominlon if it en ho avoidesl. Ho sens, boweor, as every Intelgent poegn u mut sen, that ocean, rates caunol M. -lowered 1111 the barbornIos e4langed. lu othen worçis, Unh thal l' onee ~bCaaiauafain wkIl nul have as gond a show lu the Britisht man1ket as his Anerican coin- potitor, wbo Las bis owu vat and lucra- tive homc lmanlket al to bimseif befidos. Once thb3 OntarlIo fariner undenstancle the question, ho wlll he disposed te back up Tarte rather than ta condemu hlm. "Mend it rEnid it" bas been the rallying cry of refonm, directed againat abuses municipal on social. For the man whe lets hino- self be abused tby a cough the cny should be modificd to: Mcnd it, on ît'll end yeu. YVou cau mcud auy cough with Ayer'S Cherry Pe-&ctoral. W ANTED-TRIISTWOR0TITY AND aWctive gentlemen or ladies toutr1.ifor respousible e4tablistied house buOntanlo--Month- 16 a6nsd expeoses Position stoady. Reference. fncîose self addre rît stamped cuvelope. The Dominion CempanyDept.Y,Cbicago, 'n,18w II"ARPER'5 MAGAZINE~ %vil] entor the comning ya rprdt give the reading public thatjjhih asmade iýýt famoosfol the :trtrof a vnuycnrbîosto h es ftegetieayie n oe the worlustraartil. A brief aneor tprpctsnnuesuhrs- ing asceeeli rsetsM1111c to ad Projects for aNicaraguan Canaýi, by H-on. Daývld Turpie. nastern siberiadthe lilcPacific', bY Stfephlen Bonsai. The Developmnent of our Paceific Domain, by Charles F. Lummnis. The Comme1rcial impjortance of ani stluniain Canai, by Worthsngito, C, Ford RODENX'S CORtNER-TuE NOVEL 0F THE VEAU by Henry Seton AMerritoan, author of "The Swrs"Strikilignve inshort fiction wlI be contrIbutedbhy authors as W7. D. Howells, lifibard fHarding Daviîs, Brandfer Matthjews, Fred. cric Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart andi others. 'J'iere wiil 1be a seiries of articles on The Progre3ss of Science Europe, Pliia diSocial Ar1t and the Drarm ARMIES AND NAVIES STTJDIESIN AMEIIICAN SOCIETY ANEIIICAN, Postage free to ail subseribers in United States, Canad(àamin Mexico, IiARP,,nER'-"S nBAZAR A tboroughly or to date periodical for women, wlll enter upon its thirty-firstvolume li 1808. During the yea rit wlll be as heretofore It is impossible te promise particular features that wilI appea in lthe UAERICAN MONTHLY"*- durnug the coming. year, forit L4i&, u the Bookman saya, "a great monihly newspaper." As sucl, i: bprints for is readers an illusttateti accouaI of the notable things which make the history of bthenaonth, of lte polîial, the "Wo Iarw of no review publhbsd, In this ecOnOmDic, andi literary hîappenings country or in Europe, whlch combines 50 succees wâichà art of value te intelligent fuliy es the AuaRIcAN MorsmcY'tIreaiertness, tîmeijacs, and enerq cf jeurralism 'luth the men, andi womnen. The Editor's isourd judgmerrt. carefu y weighed optnion, exact Iknaw1edge, an.d wll-cho3en Frigluhfi i te purely "ProgressaOethlie Woid " tells SUC- lilerary poriodica."--The Otok cinctly an illtistrateti story of the month, The "Lcading Articles" give lte bkt thenglit andtIinformation cf lte current magazines la five cogti- nents; lte coutibuteti articles furnish Ithe character sketches cf lte man of lte mentit, anti give timely discuissions by authenities on any question cf iminedlate serions import. Thte resuli of ibis conipreliensive effort toecditinluee nonthly volume the Information needeti by intelligent people cf le» instincts is beat gauget inl the opinions which lte readers eof __________________ thte AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit le express. Thes r SPECIAL OFFER men, editens, Iawyens, professons, l and the twe preced- engîneers, lte witie-awake women L ing Issues.t. , i of America. They write titat te ____________________ A.MERICAN MONTHLY "hs In dispensabl"; "is simp!y invaluable"; "lII a genereus library ln itself"îil fahiistonical cyclopediafet lie world"; "tite besi meaus e df rabuym s" "tte best perlodical of te kinti we have ever fiati"; "a triumph of editoîi&l genius lt; "the wenýIdldunder a fieid-glassP" etc, etc. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER VEAR American Monthly Review of Reviews 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK' 1 T AMERIC