MNINISTERS AND CRUEUHIES. BORN. S. N. Kivil, of a daugliter. P OChristmias presents for salIe by the SCT-Cr Tyrne D , th ife of Mr,.T 51 Young Men of Trinity,-tickets .for their '171s. So0tt, of a so. 01fa t * Bachelors' Social. Fo -Ini Bowxnanvlille, Dec. 1, thie wife c Fo _____ sri The pastor and choir of the, MVethlod- Pniu o,-of ar ov. 3t) i i X M CL ist are preparing for a sang service Suni- Thomjuas jjarness, of a son. day evening Dec,. 26.ibe P,&YiE.-Ini BoNwmanvîfli, Dec. 7î, the wife cf1 OP L R GRO S rA. Cornish b a ppsne Mr. W . Payne, of a daughter. vve canno±t impùress upon our Customers too strongiy organist of the Methodist Sundayr MARRIED. the advantage of buying at least a portion of their bul- Seoli lc fMs on'rsge.CAIG-0,URISTAL-At theparsonage,.Hx~ TeSt. Paul's Sunday Sceh-ool havec ton, Dec. 2nd. by Rev. E. E. Howard,Mr ~dyGfsThomas; Craig, Enniskillen, and Miss Nellie Crsmsi fe s atadi iW ftefc a 110 itsnW bef ore the best is ail picked uip. Don't for- arrýanged ta give their Christmas enter- Chrîstal, Cartwright.ChitaisferSfatndnvewotefctae tainment on Wednesday evening Dec. MurrTOx-EDoxa.-In Bowmanville, Dec. lst, made our usual heavy purchases and as in the past so in get tbéit the best bargains always goe first. Our stock is 22. byRv .J ae r m er Mutton anl the future best value for the Ieast money. The following aliadwe eaugveyo more attention now tha atr ev. J. H1. Barnett preached an ex- TlHo)psoN-DNGmAN.-Ifl Bowmanvilleo aen ceptionally fine sermon in Trinity 80, by Rev. J. J. Rae, Mr. J. A. ThompsonNOsh- aenW in stock. on and you can examine our stock and compare our prices church, Sunday evening on "'What kind awa, and Maggie, youngest danghter of Ïir. W, e asn.N wNus of sermons shall we preach"? Dingman.Ne -î',sN wNu . t etravnaenwbfrth ruhbgn.If yOU0 The third'of the serieS of sermons on DD.Choice Clusters, Grenoble Walnuts, haeafin a itneyo hudseoÀ aetnv Home tapies will be preached next Sun- FuaSEY.-Near Zion,Darlingtoni,De.6,William lImpraCbies daye avnn in tne Mehois acisaceyuurchbyeou ats n Fursey aged 70 years, 4 months, 14 dayS. Fun- peilCbntSoft Sheil Almonds, > lty for sending by mail. Everyone in, Bowmanville Bey. J. J. L~e. Subject:"Lessons tram oons tox No. 25th, Thanksgivin Luo aes Shelled Wainuts, and et heirphoo onit.home lite." Day,at her nother's rsidence 52 Cecil St. passe5 Griffln and Shelly 4 crown,LagnaA ons oshould secure a sample at once adgtherpo4on t.Theý Bach-ýelars' Social ta be given byý peace- fully into rcst, Katie, Îhird daug1ýter of Fineon LyraenaShî Pcalmns, itisth bettig ever off ered for mailing to A FRIEND teougMnoTrîtChchon eae betut.Sultanas. oateats It is the best thit Monday, Dec. 20 promises ta be a grand RatPaus ~AT A DISTAýNCE. success. Programs wll bc ont in a few BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. New Ourrants. Seciiy Fllberts, days. ,The admission, wil lis 25o for thePt entertainment and social. Corrected by J.McMurtry each Tuesd ay Paras, Malaga Grapes, Fileatra, Goldýen Taliowees Dates. S tcW-tt & J u ry. Rey Professor Robinson, who is ta FLOUR, r 1OOlbs .......$. 2 40 ta 82 80 Provenelas SlweBo JamicaOrngs y cnutte niesrsrieinSt. WIAFlbush ...o. Bo oFigs075. The .Druggists and Opticians. Paul's church next Sundav was one of Spring .... 0 00 et 0 75 Poeeas we aac rne. the lecturers at, the Theological Confer- 't Red ife .... 0 00 'to 80 Tosiiet ekyBlioeOses ecnbni n once in Victoria Coilege iast week. le GOOSE . ... o 00 0t 65 Tw hpet ekvBlioe yts.W a inl ISteel s now shovels 80e at Nicholl's. Hs subject was "The Book of Judges." BARLEY, r bush, No. 1 0. o4 0 35o quantity of unidressed Pouitry. I-TIOpal Rings are beautiful at Ricka;d's. The Trinity church Sunday Sehool 'il 2 0 26 O027 _M ï will hoid its annual tea and -program 8... 0 25 '0 26 hol's.Lamp shade frames 15e at Nie- oDe.2r.Ail arecordiallyinvited OT ht ;TarwdBwAVIE "Good Luck" Weddingý Rings at sparing no pains in making this the Rvn i..............O 0 00 0 45 Rickard s most interesting and best yet given. BuoKwi@AT "..............O0 00 fiO 20 s VBMîLEa's Wohm PO'WDERs are a wNon- A collection is askedl for in aid of the PEÂs, Blackeye. P bush., O 54 fiO 55 derful Medicine. schooi. fi Cýanad!ian Beauties... 54 teO 55, 40 Do you read the West End Hanse The Ladies of St John's chnrch wiîî Mummefffy et O 00 if 0 h erk' ov advt. ?* Look at it this week. hoid a tea in, the schooi-room an Wed- t'Smaii, 1' 0 40 1O 44 Alian and Dominion Line oennesday, Dec. 8th, for the benefit of the 1 Bine, il O 40 Ot 410 ""Poor Fund. ilome-made, candesç and BUTTER, best table, P lb.. 0,13 Oe 15 m ". .1. ý , a few fancy articles suitable for Christ- EOGS, r do0z.............O0 00 O1 16 4 1 _ýej Miss Gertie Glvrisvisiting her si-mas presents wili be offered for sale at POTATOES. bush........0 00 Of 0 LA'N~ ter, Mrs. A. Bingbam, St. Thomas. reasonabie prices. Tea 25 cents. sale ýHay pear ton.........O fi 8 0() 2~V iI~We wiii send Toronto Weekiy Globe wiil open at 4.30 p. m; tea at 5.30 p. m. P la s u r e to end of 1898 ta new snbs for $1,00. The prayer meeting Thursday even- Aý,.re ( clrn oneLÂU6 e OiLIN, An immense tradle in ladies' jackets is ing in the Methodist church was con Bleakley 1mBock, Keing Street, Bownianviiie. being doe by Couch, Johnston & C. ducted by the ladies of the Mdissionary Money to oan at reasonabe rates. 48-lyr, A Mr. J. J. Tiiiey, Provincial Inspector Society. Rey. W. Jolliffe occnpied the Dr. G. B. PA¶'TERSON. UN We have a few Xmias Gaods kept of Model schoois was in town Saturday. chair and after devotional exercises, Dentist. Honor Graduate Toronto Uinivcrsity over fromi last season atid ha.vT ad- ,H-igh-Sehool Comimencement exeoises Miss Sherin reported the finances; Miss and Roy-al ColIlege Dental Surgeons. Speciaities lin o god, (o walutow hll Fida, ec 1 at5 . . oness read a report of practicai work A rtîliciai Dentures $8.00; Amaigam lins5c in home missions and Miss Veale read Firsicaswoka er oeat rcs.Of which we have secured at a Have you seen those fancy rockers "The Man whc died for me", a touch no f rid icu1insly- low rate ou the dollar. and chairs at M. D. Williams & Son's ? ing incident of what occurred in a mis- VARVIIAGE LJCENSES,-M. A. Our stoelk of Iiuported Goods for L.ý Morris is rushino' trade in Parior sion field in our owni Dominion. £VLÂE.Issuer of Marriage Licenises. mci fspc w av t m s Ms. Jhns is a seatinStnPal' Getr suito rset J- Wlrdeo ~a if at o n , Sut.lsbig variety and low prices Rev. Norman Russeli, B. A., of theReiee:Cnrste. this seasans trade will, take every wiii tell. Canadian Presbyteriau Mission in Cen- OICE CULTURE-MISS M. Mos- inho pc ehv tXa r.JhYellowlees feil on Tnesday tral India, ist pa nS.Pu' sett&James,p ,frJBalyT- Said a lady to ao erlady frienid in trading at time sa we- have decided ta place a marning and broke her leg jnst abave, chnreh on Thiursday evening, 9ch inst.ntadol Ms iteOtroLde College Whitby will receive pupils for instruc-G large table in the, centre of oùr the aukie. on the people and mission work there. tion in voice culture at 27 Centre St, Bowmanl% og M store now, and gfve customers their Se hs oey QatrOak Side- The lecture wiii be îiustrated by lan- ville à choie o thee od ues a SO onboards at L. Mor-ris', the newest and tern views and the public are cardialiyMY choce f teseoddlins a 50 onver chap.invited. Collection for Foreign Mis- MUSIC.-Anyane eau learu ta play the dollar. ve ches ap. ë nlkp b i sions Mr. Russell is home for at brief the Magie Music Chart. It teaches everytbing '----~p u--qr-- Thisis achane no tabeneleet Thebestwathes nlykeptby Rck-furlaugh after seven years of snccessfni simpleat and most comnprehensive yet invented g.g*,.j UEIif Ths s cane ottobenelet-ard. Prices-wiIl you came in and see work and is a bghan tesi_ Agents wauted. R. L. WERRY, Publisher LookCX ed. Come early and get your pick. for yonrself. speaker. rîgh ail nod isatoretngï Drawer 7, Bowmanviiie. 49' If pac We'stili set the goads away for youý nMr.Wm, Rice, Buffalo, N. Y., is visit- ment. Thr ilb adspon-Its a paewhere quahÎty is not sacrificed for cheapness. gni yuwn hmiifriends i town previeus ta a trip Charley Kelly with his guitar and Their store is stocked with "good things to eat,"' just unti yo wat tem.ta nglnd.deep bass voice needs no introduction what you want most and the prices are so reasonable that L. '1i.... Ju y. For thic bigg-,est stock and the best ta a Bowmanville audience and the St tt& Ju y value lu Overcoats call at Couch John- press, everywhere ho goes, is tond in it does not pay to buy the cheap grades offered by some We sili ontnue a su 40SBa istn & Cryderman's. his praise. Miss Hattie Kelly is no less hu~. Oravc st a n nmc u n Wes-icniu osl 0 aig If yau hfave a dollar the very greatest delightful. Ber performance an the hos-.Oravc stocl n npc u goodsan ) Powder at 15c ta introduce it. Ou Jan. satisfaction ta be had framn it is gat by mandolin and hier sweet singinýg are paîak oftepesr 1n aifato. I ~h eti Iat it gais back ta aur regular pr .ice of paying the Editor his due. well remembered here. We anticipate be a pleasure for us to show you the rroods. We are ý20c a pound. That five cent bar of soap that Nie -a bumper hanse for the Keilys on Fni ___________________holi's selis is gaod vaine, see that A. L. day, Dec. 17t1à, when tîîey appear in proud of them and it wîll1 be a mnutual satisfaction if ouj pur àas or your V AIS~ CCOýNGsome of our GRAND TRIJNK RAILWAY. - isF ra fTrnavstdhrSt. Panl's Y. P. S. C. E. Ticet ta ail a fo brtM J. . ran of t ed ltar parts of the hall 25e; seats reserved with-RasncngS arFor BOWM.hVILL STTIr Bn , ou J Thnkgvn Day. Cta out extret charge. Plan opens at Big Rasn, IigSgrFor ibrs Gowr Nvoi SÂST. oN~ . Bank fin rang 0f ue Dress Brpd,Th enraju ntlS.Pu's Friday lOth inst at 10 a. m. NCurrants, .7Chocolate, Sugars, Brazil Nuts, GOÏNGPels EASTe Nutsyrup Orangesnrng f e Des ra "Expresl.88 ,,:1 Lo a m . ..~xr... 8128 a.T Gimps and trimmings of ai kiuds at Sehool room on St. Andrew 's Day elS ledN t yrp Oags Psasenger.... 329 .. IPasseniger.. 2 05 p. mf Couche Jahnston & Cryderman's. prvG a- gra nces heatrna Extracts, Dates, Molass e os Local. 64 m '*Eipregs... 5 22 Pretty doil for 5c, nice doil for 10e, a sale of aprons and fancv articles was Seeded R'ns,Jellies, VWalnuts, fine doll for 12e, adandy for 25c, Tlarge followed by a genuine Scotch Supper. Less than three weeks till read, o sB o dr lod _____________________doils at 40e,50e and 75eat Nicholl's. 1The tables were decked with tartan, a Xms No wonde people o de. lon red Kelley, Perrytown, were gests of land were present, and a great many are lokn and buyig 5WMiss froue Jewell ,during the couventigu. bath ladies and gentlemen wore a bit of This store is the centre of BOWMANVILE, DEC. , 1897, ery pretty uine of rattan chairs are sold the day. It is safe ta say that thatatrcin fr ilh idy useng ndS T FA IO inp caigsoeote rery cheap at L. Morris' furniture store. "Great chiettain. o' th pu n race, "l shoppers. Such preprio ueful articles we are offering for Christmas Presents in, It is the general opinion and it is'a the "honest, sousie-faced" Haggis was a tinu Skate straps 5c a pair at Nichoil's. fatta: . D. William &g n o ýver botter served or made mare mer- as is found here 'neyer has Our China and Glassware Department. The largest stock Miss Edith Richards is visiting friends tactin that mra ags &n foure riment. A Scottish readi n,, was givon been known in town before. the rnost room for display, the best values are to be found in Osha.wafeigsmegetbraisl un bv Cant. Jae WiSht. nTu t-d p ono r at eg a ae, af Burns' fti ions poem - To &oc a ne, arger and Rdthi!-3ieWst En Hans ady. i Dress Gaods of ahl kinds-the latest a lggs" was braught ta mind-by a- better than yoin think. The Cups, Saucers,Salad DishesLm naStPro ans tsisu-twipayo.weaves and the newest colors-now retorence ta the val'or of the Gardon 11-sqlrL ms Mr. T. j. Sheridan spent Sunday at showing at Concil, Johuston & Cryder- Highlanders at Dargai: earlier you corne 'the better Mugs, Tea Sets,, Chocollate Setsllall Lamps, Mr. R. Treniouith.'s, Qucen St. man's. But mark the rustie. haggis-fed, yo'1 be pesd utr osDne esfia aipLbay L *99e buys an Albuim warth 81,25, at If yau hauy furs that are not up The trembling eartii resouinds his tread, Y Nîchali s, anlly a few of themn lett. ta date, brîng them ta M. Myrad Clap iu lis walie ujeve a biade, -Ces îhsTie al Maye andHeul mak it whustle; Chees aihsTie Sets, Talu.taps, Mn. Johnoeken, Part. Penny, gave he will'make them aver into tho latest 'And legs, and arms, and lieads will sued, It l Fruit Dishes, Table Sets, T~uSTA A a riedl ea lat tyls.The entertalument nresnlted lu an ad- W § T. Aanquet we.TeY SC.E. of St Pal' dition of $66.55 to the funds of the iAnd many other useful and otraental articles suithable M..a .td Mrs. Fred. J. Biekeli, Osha. church have eno'aoed Mn. Charles Ladies' Aid. BowIAINvILLE. iig2. for the holiday season. wvisited ut Mýr. T. F. James' over Kelly and Miss fkieIy, Guelph, for a Mak i20 Inld g-oid Speckacles we are offer- It will spruce np your ideas of furni- Po.Robin- M.k Tour Soelti on's Earl1y. ing speeialiy iowv pnices for Xmas. ture ta see the Quartered Oak Wniting- s l 'àon, whose '"". r ikd rw olr atdfrwihw Stett & jury. desks Hall-racks and Centre Tables thatpotatw 10ta 200 will seenre yau a pair of are, seiliug at L. Marris'. P ave pleasure yw1 a ihs aktpi fît af Schiobl. vie are goîno' ta cnit al pvices ou aur inivite ysgtvr aeul ted, N orfxl il otlo nesu i, . C.A., rs. E. large stock a~ furniture this month and yüih eycrflytsc, NPO. ol l b aln nes' éF.C Nem Jeiwelry Establishîment. nexit, cali and soe aur- goads. M. D,. The ladlies of Bowvmauville are se-grea pa)rae acn o orrdne ae.As ahpi o ut- '.CA.adS..MbinnEq'Afi'1- ton, beans, dried iae iîrh nsiue fCatee c Wihuims & on. ally iivitedl ta attendi( the social to be eys aoei aaamr itd, apedesdhgs ( onats iSedusasltdooýtos gven liy the youuig meu ofTniyt do this thjan aud eggs. South of Standairdi Buk last year edfrfe rsetst James Gourd lias aponed bis store ne-xt Only twao weeks ta Christmas. Do Chgi on Dec 2otî Thed boys wutTxprac omavie A iD OKNeA toTait & Co's. and is ready for business. nat put h you -r repaini until1 the iast tao off ther the t ra,,g 50 -r Jm lJAMS MANN. 'enncpi Watches, Cloeks, Jewellerv and Spees. week.ý E'-ery cana taklenof enustamor's ________ repaire irmty andt satisfactorilv, goods at Rieka's AIla go- lu N.e sale h guarantelela now at un a stock, at niglit. RIýekard is a gennune inechanuie Thfl 9 l tl B i stoamship ticketd ta any part of tlý-he T IECLUEMs lvr o! aIlas, loksand Jewvelry of a with years of practical expenience. It tiifl f f.. h er and~ Esti Standar B1-ankile itable '- vI ree -%ive lemsons lu volcecUl t, choice assortment. Ail repair work put will ho lu everv w-ay ta your interest ta -f The _____ Eatoatld Ln1 zine pubhied trm1 tstluh f npl~a e oeK lu safe at niglit. have yonr work doiie At this hanse. j7rnlty Baeheiors Social. Dee. 20. Grcr'due bi s taken as cash. JAMES, STATESMAN office, Bowmavle tet East.