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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1897, p. 7

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A REMARKRBLE OLUBBINUI OFF ER TO OUR SUBSORIBERS. By speiai arrangeenit with the publishers we -will a(ccept subxripitions for -OUR OWN PAPER alld $ g LESLIE' S Illustrated Weekly ONE YEÂR FOR--- jWhen you consider that the reguflar price of Leslie's Week- !y alone is $4 a yeýar, youcan readily see wat a splendid offer ilt 16 we arc making. Leslîe's Weski he oldest and test established of 'the great illustrated Nîýe-w York journals. It is the most poplar and mot eterprising ; its illustra tion s are of the highest order and aresueb .Iy printed. There is no important event happening,' either at home orarod but that a Les lie representative is on han d to chron icle with pen and pencil. Subseribe now both for yourself and sorte friend's Christmas Gif t. Remit $q to this office and you wlll receive both papers for one year. THE STATESMAN,- -Boiai1,Ol. boots ao-d Shoes.q>e- lwuoflnfll Business Gflnnue. 0111cR 3uIe 8ocrllices. Hav ing secured the services of W. JENNING-S, as salemanwe have begun selling out the balance cf our Sumîmer Stock of Boots -and Shoes ta make room for Fal Importaitions.ý This isa. great opporýtunity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be reduced. we shail offer at once $3000 w'orth of these goods at sacrifice prices. Alil outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the presentbooks must be squared Up. b. 1DAR VI S. BEAVER BLOCK1 BOWMAýiVtLLE. THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLI8HÉID 1854 $I par nnum In advance. otharwise $1.50) ) usrptic.. always payable at the otile ef publication. AdvertiBing ratas unles by co ract, 10 ent8per lina, nonparie irst imeort en, and 5cente per lino eech ebaqe in- sertion. Loucale, 10centS par iae. M. A. JAMES. PubUlillai DRESËS-VAKERS, searinstresses, aud familles should procure the best and simplest method of cutting, viz; It is up te date and will save f ully haif your time, ani give your work the elegance of Frenchi Style Thiýis system recehved first-class Dip!- ornas at Toronto and Montreal Exposi- tions,.117. Apply te W. SPAIJLDING, 278 Euelid Ave., Toronto, General .Agent, or to MISS J. MARTIN, Bow- manville, l"t Mr.Davis', Beeeh Ave.) 80- 1yr. 1ts wanted in each uurQpreseted d ~itrit for the Iffmlton Twice-A-Week Spectator. EIGHT PAGES Issiued avery... Wednesday ançI Saturday. $1,0q FEIR YEAR. For tarmnaiand eatnple copias sppIY ta Speotator Ptg. GO., (LIMITED) PROEVUR EU UMIT RcE F iXKL - rite to-day for uretifualiiluxtr5.te m B .konatents andt 111a fsnaig tr fapo vntrwho 11.11$5,000.00M. &ýsan uas e rauglh sioteh or modl of your invén-tin end wo wIIi »jromplytoiyou FRErE if it j e-w and »robebl1ýy patenteblo. SnoIhumbug, Honee;t Bor vW0, specialty: %Yougli cauý8 rejucted in otlçhabntis and HonoableD. A ilsa, thu loading niewet- Mut, agancy a br1)1ought beforc e tpulicb XAION & MARION, PatDnt Experts,ý 'Temple Duilding,1855St. JmsS. otei The ounîlrusi raduto wEngineerm in ble Doino3"" e1tngptetQulnu Journal of Ciilization. dunlirag 18J8 wiih preseuitt ils reaea faithf iii iccoial reprasa tatione cf thse worid's met intereetn iie suimpotant luawe. T HE NEws TUÂT BIES 1IuoaR. NÇationial and Aud Tternatioua 1 Politie, Social sud Econonsie Questions', Industrial Enterprisa, Art eud Literalure. Tihe We ek- IV nili continua ta particîpala in tisa great poiticsi avants of ocr countr3-, It will trust1 nf thse social anti aconomia questions, aud of tise development of tise midle west. Its epeiat correspondance in thse Klondike ragicu wîill trace tise story of tise greet goit dtszoverias'. Lesta SEaRAS AND SHORT STRoasES. Two loug serials will appoar during tise year, contributatd by authoro of internettional Axe by S. R. Crokeli; thé Associat Hermits by Fnsunk R. Stokion, Owen Wistr, Hward Pyle, John Ken- drick Bangs, Mary E. Wilkins. Theseansd e score ot equaily proeinaut writers wili makiugtite paper eapacialy ichi ufiction. Othar tentures ara tise- DErAaRTsMBNTS AND SP.EOiÂL ARTicLEs This Buey Worlt bY E. S. Martin; For- igu Notes by Ponltssey Bigelow; Lattea From London by Arnod White; Amateur Sport by Cespar Whitney A ir3poTiiG PILGRSMÂGE AnouaNDTUe Woaa.-Iu tise Ttereet of tisa Weekîy, -Osepar Witinay le on bis way'arouuntbth ,volt.1He will viil Siain in seercis of big game. imakiniz hie principal hunt frota Bangkok. Ha wili visit Iutin and thon pnocead te Europe to prepara articles ou the sports of Garrnny and France. 10c n copy (saut for free prospectus). Subecripticrn $4 ýa yeanr postage frinluthe 'Uuited States, Canada an eo, Addreae iHAPPER & BROTHERS, Publie-here, NEW YORK CITY. Harper's ]Round Table. Borne cf tise Strikiic tFasturas for 1898. SEILSTiORIESý TheAdvntuesbv H. B Marriott Wat- Bou is a thiliing' tory of a figiIfor a Iransure conceaed lu au ld caeu n lise mondtains of Wales, Four For a Fortune by Albert Lae, is s Birring narrative of four companione who hava locted e long lest fortnne. Tise Copper Priuces-hy Kirlr Munroe. Il is lu the bowals of tisa eartis where tise hoa bas bis advautunes, sud f rom whera ha reecues thse princes. SHORT FîCTioY,-In addition btise three long serial steies, thse publicatmon cf wiie wîIl continue turing tiseantire yaer, thora wili ho short storias of evrv kunci, cf wiich it le ely possible ta mention n few tillas haro. Hutitisa Owlar isy Steulev J. Wey- manu; Tisa Bocekadars by James Banuesj; A Herber Mretery isy Joisu R. Spas; Tise Flunkinq et Watkin's Gisost by Joisu Ken- dick Beege; A Grat Heiah y Sophia Sweal; A Creaatura cf Circumeatance hy Mor' gan Robertson. ARICLES e O RT, TEAvEL, ETC. Elepisent Hunling iu Afnieisy Sidney Brooks; An Ainorican Expicrer in Atnica by Cyrus C. Adame; Firel Lassons in Tiller and Shot hy Dutley D. F. Parker; L"yiu Out a Golf course by W. G. v= n Tassai Sotpisen apmmnt'EitrsTable, Staups anti Ceins, ?hatograpisy. Pnize (ompetitos-Short Staiip, Sketcising, pisotogralisy 10c a numbec (Sent for froc Prospectuls). Subjcnup)tioie $1 aeyar. Postage free in thse United ,_,tatcV_ Canada esandMei, A ddreS8 Hîaarpcr & Brothers., 1publislisr,, Franklin îsquare, N. Y. (ity. I ~ ~4~4~UZ ~tMtmau 1~LIND Mine ovs ave neyer seen the lighit; BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 8, 1897.Idontkwthbsifsit M O N Ato uh long to s e. Cwis - Somietimne, sometime I shjaîl see the Ring in ahl his bcauty And the 1and that sometimes scemeth far away; I shahl see-O gliorious thought- Iu that land of eveýrlasting day. I hecar them sayv the grass is green, The skyV is bInle; bcut i've not seen, I know flot"wht those colors Mýau1 So-CaIIed 1In c nabite giseases _Which I so long1- to sec. Arouud meacfriends se good sund kind Yield to Hîs Reindies hopity e bca- e 'm Altbough on'ire ever ilu my mmlid Yoi,, f ornms Ilong ,,to sec T r nI Ocan it be my, Father's wilh1 H 0 S, PE PLETrES-iru Thlat I remnain«lu darkness still ______ Can I his putrposeý best fulfil WVithont the power to see? The lEsxeerice of Thoqe WoV ~ v Beau Pl,_1ý. lired P'o1 Ta toilu -0 Oh,gi-ve imefaith, thou Blessed one, Obsinat o rtins cf 1RhoUMatiem, Auld pie nce ah my ni ae tO mn, Ceairh DspWsiax,Kdne Co- And Gracteto say Thy Will be dloue, pints, ani iood and crýs u iessAre Pronptly and Par- Until Thy fa"ce I1 sec. ilninotiy Cur,,d by Ilunyorn'seeRme- Port Stanly.-Il. L. Werry. dies -Asit Vour Druggist folM un.I y0s sGuida toi Heait , %5Gectu a 25 Cent Reniedy and Cure oref WEST DTJBHAM WIISPERS. Mr. John Morrison, 1.-,2 nLvii îavene Toro to. Canada, eays : "or sCanerý! ai ear ,Vise farmersare, smiing- once more., ,lwas, roubled ivith a ereornf kldne 'il' e1 fo-Ue aî ~Eery farte prodlucei scllingwlo0 rheumnatinstao. After tryling a.1 'Il 1o Sonme old timie crop yields are reported. other 1,things anditnt being bei 'Flc, ic was 1ndu2e1 tu take Munyon'sItuîtir Th life of Bowmauville i the farmers. and Kidney Cures. One bottie f bthe former and two botties cf the lattelrrmme- ui7hamfarmersarehalf amillouricher. (Mes entlrely cuî'ad me aod 1 arn îww as UTpwaird is the tcudency of farm product. weil as ever. ien heartilyreomn the Munlyoii Ramnedies and am rn oing 1bRsh ont the grain aud pay your debts. dally ta my relatives sud fionde."1. 1Ug r odm»sti psn Muulyo's BeiateCure salons failta, Pe- osae odmne hs esn fisse in o1, ta ibree baute and ceres la u tes? Actual fluanicial progress ha coiug to al tiyan iye5fla c jure pasiively curasil Mortg'ages will be paid off qîky formeai Inigeton and etsiamucttroubles. res'rdtislpigpwd, FPrico 25e. cei sepn-uwrý Mn,1jynac'5Clt CureS prueante pneumaonie and breas ctil e om.Pie2e nd the wheels of trade are goiug faster Meyamcough Cure stops coeug5,nl nght Rtire the noesnd save the intcieet. M . t aV 5 i c,,,n e ss u a ndsp ee d il y a s theu in tbc bark, liM11Ror gr(iei', aai l lance c ý,f days. ViLtluay duease. PFnac 204r. MyN'.earve Cure rtop)s ncrv'oulenan xpe cnfdec in buisiness circies. theyou's etma rCtast2s.5e. t E ~ etuirns are moore Satisfactory than for ebrea minutes. Frla25e. Y c11ris. munyof's Vile Oliienjt PIstlveIY cres is8ri oTÇAAîNlÂEun ¶ or fples. Priee 25e,.rprtc Mcnyn's londcurae etacetes al luprle Mcuynas f'epiailemdla5 esare a IiOOIlft0 511 WHY ARE WE PROUJD munyof'g Citnrrb leciaels caverfrail, 'Mie CaltaLrrl er-rie25.erd t'tsele 1eaSri1 .. f roi thes ytamL, at iecataïrisTllt-pie We enjoy a aprnpoion aong tic 25.-iSieanti beale llspN. klseso 1 Pr;o ald e Munyon's Astbwua .Reinedles releve I le Ir ofpu ihe of tasis pa rt atnadaof minites anti cure pearmanentiy. Prias $1,. cuec eylrecruaino îîuinyou's, Vîtalser. a great taoiii n e'TaH TAT iM n luthe households Of starer ut vital. airangtis to wa eope. 1. West Durham. THEns STA TE1PSMý AN A searatea cure for easebdisease, di al i rn n oehoe ttnai h ohr psta. mostiy 25 cents a viul. i edi oehmstaalhohr parsiall lette-s to Prof. munSOn. i1 lAberI We.have received a large number of etreet. 'lormnta. Ont.,nsýwertd l tb tluet Medl- cet adwîce Wo ana' tisesse. inew subscribers this year. We want - --moe.- ve .--AenuIrE -TA.... Embossed in Gold. To buv sud reproduce famons paint- iugs involIves an expeuditure that conhd hardly be bornunlesti as iu tise case of TUE YOuT's COaÇPA ioN, the enterD)rise is sustained by the approval of more than five huudred thonsaud snbscrhbers. Tim Cl~-OMPArýON.'aS tOiVOUir Calendar for mAN te uew snbscrhbers te the end of 1898-over 13 months-for $1. Seud al orders direct te Mi. A. JAmsma, Bowrn- vilOnt. Yen want tise best when or- deigtherefore try this paper for next yeýar aud ee hjNw well yon will be pleas- 'Iblor Over Fifty Years 1898, a serhes of charming figure pieces, For ovar fifty yeare Mas.WNIO' fatflycopied in colors and cmbossed SOluN Svpum bacc tien sed by mil- fahthuhlyliens of unotisers for iheir childrau wtisjh lu gold, s recoguizcd as ene of tise liclis- îahn. Ifdsbduiih u est sud meat costly examples of thi's bokn f yortest by a shck child sut- form ef art. Yet every uew subscriber turing suad crying wtthpain of Cutting recelves it without additional, charge. -Pell senti et once and gel a botle'of Moreovea, the paper ha sent free te new ,iîgSrp o 3nbscrhbers Perv week from the time "Mrs. Wiuslow's Sootigyrpýfo tise snbscripthou ha received until Janua- Chidran Tee thing. Il will -c-!ueve tise rY, 1899. Trhe popular price of TUEr, poor 11111e dufferer immediatelyý5. Depeno CompANioN, $1.75 ayear. sud the char- upon it,mothers,there is noe isitake about acter of its contents, make hi a paper IL. Il cures !Iiarrhearegulaies the Stont. for cvcry houschold. Exceptional at- &ch asud Bu-wals, otres Wiud Colie, soflens tractions are promised fer the ffty-twe tise Gume, reduces Inflammation, and numbers te be ssued turing 1898. 'Tise givean roue snd energy to the wholeasyàtE>iu Rt. lIon. W. E. Gladstone, tieh ou111. "MrE, Wiuslow's Soothiug Syrup" for Thomas B. Reeti, Rndyard Kipliug, children leethlng is pleasant tote elste Lihllian Fordiac, John Burroughsa, W fI.and à h e Prescription of eueo of the olde3t llowells sud Max O'Rehl are pi'omineflt ad besit erne e physiciens aud nurses iu in the long list of eminent coulributors tisaUniled State. Price twenly-fiva conte nameti in THns COMAN'aON's anuncta- ý, abtte Sold by ail druggisls thtoughout meut, which wibe sent free to any onetiewrd Besesdekfo us addresshugTHns YouTm'sCOMP[ON, ISOSSOMN4Slu WELCONE TO CANADA. We welcomie te Canada tise ladies cf the Chbristian Tenupetauce Union wMho corne te hohd their convenition hu Toronl- te. They wil caruj our gratituide if they en hmpress 1uponius imore forcibly tise cvii of inlemperance sund ligist us on tise test te hs reprcgshn It is by wemnan that thoso evils are Most keenfly feit, sud il la tram tise lips ef wemeiù tisaI tise Most effective denaunchation et' thi iscm a ihly te flow. Ouir welcome is tise mor~e cordial becanse we blcieve that we can as s cenmmnuiity mcet ftise sctutiny ettise convention -wthout sisamle. Canlada, we îua'y saY witis Con- fidence, is now a temnporale ceuntry. Tise appearauceotfdrunkennes-s even in lte street et eui greal ilaes as coppr- atively tare, and it wll propably be foundlisat many of tise cases are tisose of immigrants. Amoug ont farmers ab- stinence is tisegeneral ule. Oit people only can emember tise tays wisen maniy efthlie farmers nsed'ta fo home f rom market tise worse foriuer Tempt- &tien te drink bas almost ceased, te Ista a point eofisospitality. Public opinion on tise subject is ver y strong, sud con- stitutes a moat effectiye tisougis un writteu law. 'ro bu cou victed or eveni auspectet of exccss is a sure fort tit of reputathen, of confidence, aud almiost et breat. This is tise effect ofet etcatient, religion dadvanciug ivliztinas, eIas of tise teacisof et edical science, the force et wblch bas et late noîably increaset. Improvemient isas lacen progressive, sud may be tustet te continue, if somne evil, stihi rom-iins. Lot tise ladies carcfully examine tise tacts, and they -will int, we bhoectisat our bosat ha net uutonnded.-B9ystandeï-. THE CANADIAN ROUTE. A gentleman wiso lately mate a trip to Enlant g'ives tise folhowig acts me- gardîhiug hie passage : 1"0fnthe large, lisI et' saloon passeugers oui board tisel tate etf California, sailinug fmmMont-, teali ou July .lird, about eighty per cent wýere from the Unted tates. Askéed why they bat prcfcrred tise Canadian rente sund by a cümparativ-ely slow boat somne said tise.y desired to secý someothng of'Canada, eth ors wishied te sec Meut- real sud Quebec, sud others were at- tractet by tise maguificeut scenery lying aloug botis sides of tise St. Lawrence fro Qubecte Rimouaýki. A consiterw- able number coxprisiug pincipally ladies, wýi sbed te gel acciutomed te tise ahi p before goin'g eut mie ttise Atlantic sud assetted that tbey tils escapedt tes great extenit the nupl'easanluesa etl sea skus.If eig-hty per cent. efthtie 'whole number of saloon passengers were drawn from tise United Stales, in spite ofthlie slowor service by a steamer ike tise Stale ef California, what iyonld be the percenlagec if wve had Steamers sucis as thee fret' lass bo)ats eto tise New York liues?" Piles I piles 1 Iteliing its SYMPTMS-Meatur; intense itchiug and stu iug;ost at nigt ; werse by acraitcine' If ahhewed te continue luimors tarin, wiich otten bleet sud ulceatebecauin -vr ysore. SwÂv2LN'S OINTENTslos tse tc nsd bleed- in <, heais ulceration, sud lu most ~aes emeeathe tumers. At drug- gîst, orby ail, for 5o cents, Dr. Swvayue & Son,&Philadelpisia. L 'yman, Goeys agazine for Nýovemb1er is anl 'Aqhumn Fiction Nýumber, aud cou- tain fiftv pages of uew stOri(es selected fr-omt] ver f iv7e hun trotsubmoitîed man- uscripts. TILce fasions wýfor tisemta is pI13'are de ,scribet with plates Iviromtise lI-t est noeliesisdtise wEditor centribu-. tes .a ter-se iistory etf tise cri'n sud is ceusot by tLomit bre r, wbneh prevents (los evelf piecàl of " O(nrN-ational. hTiauka-, tier ýn1 né prmita .foodtr Informent as utnrifin agvugDy"baset upon tise beat an'tis- LIaeomcsfhen 10110w tiZZineisa ,eiae, ori ies Irku'covur adomna is*te pn-aazinoý. Tise Godc Cniaay52 .Y Lafayette Place,NeYrk insomina, noerwoxsitess eut if ne.t rolieved, biiosfoe or biood pOlsniu. oe' pille stlnsile stomnacis, ran9ee lie r, cure heaacho rinei cou- sîlpationi, etc. 25 coe.soit bv y-ail d1,'ngists . aPut - naBafTaleantd Liry The Only Pills tO laite wilh Roe's a 8 a tl5r Nu adpltenation. Nover cakeb. &1Bby's Owri S-m p iso~thn e miore thn ia cleanser. 1tI le a ,pro5c e tin againast the annoyïingad irr'a Sing ski n troubles so oftci endurd 4infants. 4d It maikes Babies happy a nhaty kind Ile l te delicate skin1 rosy, e aud ian. e Fragran,1t aid puire, t I's apeft soap. 4 montreal. 5î CAUTIO N.-Many of the imitations ci' Dzv'5 SwN will burn and ruin the skin. 7 The PIIRENOLINE Medici nes THE ON LY AItSOLITELY RELIAnLE PuEPAflATIONS ON THE MARKET. Pleasant, Pure and H~1tfi Guaranteedtocure, Rheumýatisir Gent sud A Sure ceofo r Constipation, Iluth- gestioulhousuess Brightb Disease,1 Diabetes Paralysis Convulsions Heart Dise age, etc., etc.! Naniifuctured on Honor & so).4 onMenit For sale in Bowmianville by Stott& Jury. The Issue of The CanadiaulMagaziue is an Anuiversary Number witqj a spec,- ial cover. contents are p erhaps above the average. Mrit J. Willon, editor of the Toronto Goe has a niflcent Toronto Saturday Night's Christmas Numnber tiiis year is a real beauty, Its literary and artistic merits have neyer, been suirpassed by any previous num- bers. This is a capital number to send to friends in Great Britain as it is Can- adian from cover to cover. For sale at the bookstores. 110w To Cure Ail Skin Beseases. Si mphy apiply "lSwayne's Oitmeut." No internïaý imedicine requiî-ed. Cures tetter, eczenia, itch, ai eruptions on the face hands,, nose, etc.. leaving the sikh clear, white and hèalthy, Its great 1ea1ug ad curative powers arepossess- cd bi"y no 0other remedy. Asie youIr drug -ist for- Swayne's Gintmnent. Lvman Sonls and Co , -wholesale Agents, 'Mont real, Avoid substitutos. Iu the Standard Designer for Novem-, beranllthe modes aud millinery are. rcwin deT(sigu, and of erat variety to pleaseevery faucy. IN ot alone to fash- ionýs, 'however, is the number devoted, for the floric-ulture, bicyclhng, faucv work, litcrature,art and honselhold each receives due attention. Stanldardi Fash- iont Co., '12 West lfth St.-, NewYork, THE AAD SAýLT ... .:Clmns e GUtntý prompt Fine, Coarse or ant PorTable oryLlL Ten uy aaznI y...... ...43 0O The( "Centuty Galiernof 100 l'ortri s"7 5 114 74) ALL of the above for 87 a svlgof 87.50. The"'Century Gallery ofloOP)Iortrits" includes the besqt ikzenesses of i1u of the ms"t prominent persons in the wo-"(rld which have appeared. in thie Century Miagazine.* Size 9jx18ý; put uplu ina handsome box delivered free hy exýpress EaFch portrait ready for fraimîn, and verydeIsirable fa~r holiday ifs A remnittance of $7.50 ttteIDP DETwill secure a vtuir'rs anhcription, one, year to both Trin INDEPENDENT and Cenmtury Magazine, and the C(entury Galle-ry of 100 Portraits," dcivred fre b0y e'xpress. Write for other special offers. THE INDEPENDENT, i 80 Fu Iton St. New York. 50 -2, ~ Dn'tbe T-0 Too Late! -T 11EG6R EAT OFFER OF W, \-il 1ho continued for a few ete PrseWill get . . . Orle Year s raper Free . TIsl. Firee 1Proe h!îýas mearrange- .. ~J mots wth te Voterilaary Science .mu-i Pubhshhnon. for a mfnber of coisof tlýeir book, "h e¶n rycene" ie price o $0.Tbiis ook troate fi»'l and in W s, plain ilançgage the AnatomnyDim- W "" casndTreatment of J)Deetlo fi doscri ption of Medicinle so thet averY fRrmefr le o(wn veterinar5. % 10OOfoiS2.0O0 It E, rea resansd lFiriii d il oe yar(prce$1. g y e-lim tir(,receipt 0of 11Ï, znet ; stu ontinue thjs offar in- So, vavj1d Sub- i pp1y of bookýe te .~.norlyC\han~t.Ronembar, by rend ng i .0 for tise book yougaiLA !li tha 1 XXd. c- ek re Prcs5 and Feren ajnc Home ONE YEAR FREE. g ~4 A~re-intd, e Verywhaere. 0.ON, -- NTiRIO. 1$-. "'.5 I'Sý Sure To Curel AND CQLDS. Price 25 Cns 4- s-"s- -L k- "j--- "-4.- PHRENOL1N E RhellIlatÎo PHREN OLINE PRIS. Castnria Ih 'S Mei with proriounced faor o the part of phYsieians, phiar- ite.It is use b physicians with resuliits mnost gratifying, 'The- pres>ent exedc se of C st.or!a is uinqutiLon- ably the resuit of tiiee fattct: lst, The indspuabl evdene tatit is harmlless, 12nd, That it not offly allays stoînlach pssand quiets the nerv-es,-buit assîrni- lateés the food; 8rd, It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for castor ohl. It is absolutelv safe. It does flot contain auy opium m orphine, or other niarcotie -unlike goothin Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Godfrcy's , ordia1, &c., it does flot stupefy, This is a good deal for a medical jou'rnal to say. Our duty, how- ever, is to expose danger and record the mens of advaucing health. The day poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance sught to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which prodluces composure and Iiealth1 by eultn the system-uot by stu- pef ving' t-and our readers are enýtitled to the î'ntformatio.-Hall's Journal of Health. 461 regard Castoria as one of the best remaedies for children of whîch I amn ac- quainted. 1 have prescribed it lu my practice to several childîren receu-itly-, ndf it gave excellent satisfaction. 'I hope thie day is -not far distanLt wheul mothers; will couidi(er the real iuterest of their childreui, ind use Casto)ria in-' stead of thie varions quack nostrums whlich'I are destroy*\iug their loved onles, by forcing- opiumii, morphine, soothing srpand other hurtfnl aet down premature grajves." onaDuz. J. F. KNmLE Conwy, rk,4t-9iw. NEWS1 and OPINIONS or~ NATIONAL IMPORTANCUE AiLONE Contains Botb. lDAiIyBYMiL ..s6ayear DAILY AND SUNDAY,by mail 88 66 THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sundar Ncýlwspaper in 1the World, Price 5c a copy. By Mail 82 a year. Addrose THE SUN, New York. The in dependent NEW YORK.- MVore whdehy and. favorýaly known thn1any other weekly ncwýs)ap)ýer of the world. For uearly flft 'y ,y ears it hias hcld flrst place. It bas a larger lis-t of famous wVrters than any other three papers.- Table of Contents WeeklY: POEMS, CON.ýTRIBUTED ARTICLES, FINE RARTS, SCIENCE, Sý'URVEY 0F THE'WORLD, q EDITORIALS LITERATUE-BOOR RLEVIEWS, F [NANCIAL. COMMERCIAL, JNSURANCE, OLD AND YOUNG, STORIES, PEBBLES AND PUZZLES. WOFR IN DOORS AND OUT, PEIIS 2%.S Subscription)s $8 a yoar,orýat that rate for any part of a year. SPECIMEN COPIES FRîEE. À. SPE CIAL OFFER.

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