RS& VERSHOES' .VERDICT. Ail the. leading dealers ini the principal towns of the. Dominion agree that '5Ti-iE CANADIAN fRUBBER Co.Ps RuBBERS ARE THE BEST IN THE MAFtET.Il STANDARD NEYER LOWEREDý 3oots and S%èhoes, QuicK SnIe Sncflhices. s 0 ll-_ying secured the services of W. J-ENNINGS, as Lesman, we have begun selhing out the balance c f our ummer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Eall nporýtation--s. This iis a great opportunity to secure ýoods at youri own prices. As the Stock must be reduced, 'e shial offer at, once $300 worth of these goods at acrifice prices. Ail outstan(ling accounts must be settled in ful by ug. 15thi or costs will be incurred, as the present books iust be squared up. Bowm4NILLE. BEAvER BLOCK hSew iD9 IVachines.e There ar:, many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where purchasing ewmacnf \rou shuld by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seli,. For Tairors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable. terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee withi every machine. Inten 'ling purchasers should cal] and investi gate, or sent postal card and a gçnt will be around. Best machine oul for sale. Buy no oalher. Machine p arts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper,, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnlp Seed. ,UAMPTON. Henry Illiott Jr. - t - a -~ :u' - - ~ - - - - - - --0 W W W~ Pé-f Hc l - -- - m&. qb - hpw7 P*Hb Trhis wifll ot be thse case with a nMaxxmiwhose bodis out of order. Whenahaorsejs ail rmn down lie needs a tonic the sarne as a imn. oiten lie cannot have complete rest, Give Wis Dick's Blood 'Puriir IMÉd ode lsow qiuickly he will .'k U:. His whole system wifl be uwsgorated. M2Hie otwill be strçuîgthendsthat all the wuis vt ilibe dtawm from thse food and less of k uilb. reqt&ied. DIck'u BIood Purfer drives omg Bas, Wor=ss Sa and ail parasites. lu cows it greatly In=eeasethse flow of milk. 60 C'ENTS A PACKAGE.I UrN. MES &CO., DIOC K 00a THE LIVING AGE Founde'd by E. LITTELL i,n 1844. Reproduces without abridgmentthe ablest articles fromn thr readîng Britïsh reviews,magazines and weekly literary and po- itica4.jourrials in every department of Literature ; also,trans-' tatioris frorn leading Continental sources. by theadditionof a M tl.-Literary spe- Enlargd j"11t, coitlnî-ing readýinga sfr'om Aerma g- aziînes, readings froni new Books,a llst of the books 0f the month eontributing to iake ý(this periodicai oedic in Se ope, Cia raceter, Completeness, C omprehensivenes s ,N EPOCH-MAKINQ STORY,." 'H AL L H ER H E ART." Promthe French of M.ReneRBazin uj_ýts hjave been made for Serii Pulication of a translation, mnade ex- tShle Li ving, Age, ofth'isftamoiis 1novel. Thsfsratnimentappearsi Lnlit wi itl bemioti n11vdý%eIekli for seýverail months unktil compileteci, rl Inits recenüit present1 1ation'ilutheIlis týliterary and ethitai qualities a:re so unuisua e ýx 'ýMonds. rouec the i ea11:ýý,fes tatLýes Annales Litteraireset Politiques 'des- ctngh atnto o ltertur ribed l ias "An Epoch-Maýking Stry." e'ndEnlad A viv-d ,patrayal meLondon Atheýnoenm characterizes ta" eneP ndutria"to11-i i"nterst ork of fine and s earehnganalysls,ful ofehr 2,l a llsocl udadsaitlet ancv-i-racolent of perfume niwhie isexquisite and ory of utode',rn if. osess odisynietng element." 'IflE YEAR ohertaslt 1ý;ions !r 1-thebes 1 r 1,s Ill ppe ar from mute to rme, o hrtsoie y h eauigBîis ntos aI Al ý WSBCRBR oheL n Aefr198 ilbaetFE THRELIVING -;AGE (J.C- , iP. O., Bx52Q6, £ojstçn, Mass W MANVILLE. DEC. 15, 1897 Mn Anithony HoPe IHawkinîs, tic antier o" 'lie Pnîsoner of Zenda," r oveoutiec doser acquintance which is, visit te this country is now vielding. neleqssattraictive as a mnan tian as a witer. Ris public readiugs frem us own works seem te give uis large ',autii- ences tic3 higicat satisfaction, It la an intresting fact tint while ho is visiting lu this country an Amerîcan magazine will begiù publication of a sequel te the ster.v whichi was his great succcss. McClnne's Magazine for Docemben contains tie opening chapters ofl" Rnp- eroe!Ientzau," a now Zentia nevel w-hici cotinuos the iistory of thc leve anti atveutunes-e! Rutielf e! Rassendyli anti Princcss Piavia, They weno cx- tromely engagiug people as tiey pro. sonteti themscîves in " Tic Pnisouer of Zenda "but those who have pivilego of neating tic new stery sav that they are stili more engaging in it, anti that the senios of ativenture throug-h which it cannies tiem la eue te kcoep'rentiers sit- ting up ail nigit. The steny has b)eon illustrateti for McClure's by tic, ailtior's ponsenalfrienti, Chanles'Dana Gibson.! BAn) MADE WoisE.-Tiere, are many proparations on tic market for tieccure of toothacie thatare nbsolutely injuri-1 eoustte cteeti. "Quickceure"isnec(om.- mentict by tic !eading dentists o! Can- ada as a sure cure for teethachoe, with- eut having any evil effect on the teeti, gumis or nervo. Tic Living Age for 1898.-lu anothen columu will be founti a, prospectus of this standard periotilcal. Pountict by Eliakim Littell lu 1844, it has stcadily maintainedthtic eputation gaineti witi îts earliest issues cf being tic most complote represeuttaive of forcîgu thougit as expresseti by its grcatest oxponents. It is te day a faitiful ne- flection of aimeat ail tint is substantial anti truly valuable in tic passiug liter- ature of the wenld, cmbrncing as it new dees lun its Montily Supplem,)ent, American as well as foreigu literaturo. While its pages show thc sallil wise anti judicieus discrimination whici has ever characteniseti its eçhtorial manage- meut,has been widcneti, its size inicreas cd anti its pnice reduceti, se ,tintL 'in- crensing years secu only te adtit t its vigor and value. To those wvhoo, e menus are., lim i ted it muast meet witi especial laver, for it offers them what celti net other-wis'c be obtaineti exccpt 1)y a lange entlny. Intelligent rend ens who went te savo time anti money will finti it invalu able. The Living .1ge is publisheti weekly.autitic price is new but $60 n yenr !To ail new subscibers for 1898 are. offered froc tic elgit numbers of 1897, contaîning the oponing chaptors of tie new serial, Wti ail her Ileart, tiescribeti in the prospectus. A genuine ghost-storvy bas yct te ho attesteti; but net se a genuine blooti purifier. Over anti overÈ again it bas been proveti that Ayer's Sarsapanilla stands alone among tic medicines as tic most rciiabio tonic-aiterative in pharmacv. It stooti alone at the Wo F ' air, We enjey a prouti position among the publishers of this part of Canada be- cause et thc Very, large circulation of THE STATESMAN lu the househoItis of West Durham. TinE STATESMAN is reati in more homes than ail tic others We have recciveti a large number of new subscribers this year.. We wnnt miany more. We will senti TUE STATES- MAN to new subscriberstoteiccutiof 1898-over l13 mntis-for $1. Sei dal erticrs direct to M. A. JAMErS, Bowiman- v]lle, Ont. Yenl wanit the best wieri on- deriug therefone try this paper for next year and sce how w"ell youl will be picas- ed, Piles IPiles 1 Itcliing FPiles, 5YMPTMs-Mostp~; intense itching anti sig nost atig-it; -wersc by scratciling. If allo0wcd te continue tumirors formo, whiich often blectianti nlceratebeceming Tory sore. SAîl' OINTmENTstops tie, itchîng anti bleeti- ing, heals ulcoration, ant inlu most dses remeves the tumors. At tirug- .ists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philaticîphia. Lyman, Sens, Whoecsalc Agents,, Montreal. A Rich, Full Color. Diamond Dye Cardinal One of the most Fashionable and most Useful Colors. Millions of packakcs of this wonder- fully ich andi pepular celer are selti evory year. 1Past Diamonti Dye Cardinail is noteti for its streugth, fastness anti beauty of celeor One package dyes tmro pountis of silk or al wooi gootis a stanntard shade that will nover wnsh out. it col- ons over, with grand results, al shades except greens. The Fast Diamonti Dye Carinal for dlyeig cotto1t anti mixeti geetis i h only Ciardinal for coten dvieing lu the, ordthat is fast te ligit aud o.ap.« Oopackage makes a 1fast anti er lasting -Cardinial ion e poutiiof ott or mýixeti gootis. Be net ieeiveti with crudi(eiiain or soap grease yca.A1 kfor li "DiantiiiiE" anti you will alwaYs hv ~1~~~~~~~ _______________ RcdteS-TATESMAN'5 report of Danl- ington Council December 1 andi you wil see, that 640 was paîti to claimants for daniages to shep worricd antikilleti by dogs. Thus is an annual slaughtor and wve are glati to sec the Council tak- lng st eps towards clearing off the wan- derîug deurs. A very strange feature ks that nouie of the dogs werc seen nor ha-, any pciuon ackuowledged that his.- dog camie home covcrcd with blood. Cor-' týaiuly' somcebotiy kuows more than thev* hanve told, Farmers whosc flocks are depiceteti in this way are hcavy losors and should assist lu ferrettin ou ot the owncrs of these misehievous cogs. "For Over Fîfty Years.' For over if ty years MRs. WINSLow'S SOOrarNo SyRuL' has been used by mil- lions of mothers for their chiidreu while teeîhing. If diaturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chiid suf- fering and crying wîthpain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of' ~ r.Winislow's Soothiug Syrup" for Children Taething. It wili relieve the pioor littie sufforer immediateiy. Depena uponl t,mnothers,there is ne miatake about It. Tt cuires DlarrhoSa,regulates the Stom. ai and Buweis, cures Wînd Colic, sof tens the <Thms, reduces Inflammation, andi "ives toue and enerpayto the whelesystem. "Mrs. Winslow'si Soothing Syrup" fer chilire tething is pleasant to the taste and ia the prescription of oeeof the oldeat adt "ast feinale physicians anti nurses iu the United States. Price twenty-five centsî a boittie. Solti by ail druggists threughout the world. Be sure and ask for " MS. WINSIoW's S0oornîNu SYRTIX" A Companion for all Âges. A gentlemain who useti to read TEE YOtTTH s COMPiANION when a boy, anti reaits it wvith the same interest now that he is a mititile-age man, w as asked the other dlay if hie had outgrown Tino COMPANIN, "I in't believe," said ieo ",thar I eau ("Ver outgrow it I finti in it not only theG chcery, hopeful spirit of youth, buit the wisdlom ranti experiene of age. 1 like it justias muchi as *hen I las a boy, though p lerhaps in a differ- ont way. But I know that it is the samey Youriis OMPNIO wth hic1Igrcw up, for miy boys and girls like it as well as ever IJçid- It is a good paper to grow iup with." THno YOUTH'S COMPAN10N will coutain the best thou gits of the bcst thinkors of Amierican anti Europe during 1898. It wiil print sra and short siories of ab- sorbing'. interest, and true tales of adi- venture. The various departments of the paper will be a current record of the best work that is being doue lu trie world. Piresent readers of THE COMPAN- ION who rcncw their subseription, anti also ail ncw subscribers, will receive froc a beautiful illustrated calendar, printei iin twelve colors, anti embosseti iii golti. It is, the richest anti costliest caleindar ever- sent to CoXIuPANION sub- scribers. New subserîbers will retteive TinE CoSPANIOx every week from the tiethe subscription is receiveti until Jau ry, 89, and thon for a full year to Januar , 1899. ,Ailutaedpopetj f TEE Cose- PAINfor 1898 ni a *y he had by address- in- PEFRY M Msos & COMPANY, 205Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. The if e of Bowmanville is the farmens, Durham farmers are half a million richer. Upward is the ton doncy of farm product. llow To Cure Ail Skin Deseases. Simplv apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internai inedicine requireti. *Cures tetter, eczemia, itch, ahl eruptions ou the face hantis, nose, etc.. leaving the sikn dlean, white anti healthy, Its groat healing anti curative powers are possess- cd by no other reinedly. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointînent. Lyman Sons anti Co , wholesale Agents, Mont à làW %90 a 2% apu - zw lq&e- Avn a- f The Independent NEW YORK. More wid.ely ,; and favorably known than manv otherýî weekl.y newspaper of the world. For nearl 'y fifty years it has held first place. It hias a largeri list of famous writers tian aniy other three papgrs. Table of Con1tents Weeikly: POEMS,J CONTIBUTED ARTICLES, FINE ARTS, SCIENCE, SURVEY OF THIE WORLD,l EDITORIA-LS, EDITRIALNOTES, IELïIIS INTELLIGENCE, BIBLICAL RESEAROR,, MISSIONS, LITERATUR ýýE-BOOK REVIEWS, FINANCIAýL. COMNMERCIAL, OLD AND Y OUJNG, STIORIES,,' i PEJ3BLES AND PUZZLES. WORK IN DOORS AND OUT, PERSONALS. Subscriptions $3 a year,orat that rate for any part of a year. SPECIME-N COPIES FREE. AS$PE CIAL OFFER. TuE: INDFEýN1ENT. Oeeyear .... ........$3 00 The Cen yMgznone year ........400O The "etr alr of 100 Portraits" 7 50 $ý14 50 ALL of the above for 87 a saving of The"Ceutury Gllery ofl100Portraits" includes b,-4es likeesses of 10O of the imost promine,(nt peý,rsons lu the world mwiih ihave apereinluthe Century Mag'ýazine. *Size ý x3.;put up lu a handisolme box d1elivered free by express Eachi portrait readv for framing, and very esiabl f0r hloliday gifts. A remoittane of, $7..50 to the INDEPEN- DENTwil seure yer'ssubscription, oneý yerto both THI,E' ENTandi CenuryMagzine(, andt1lthe,(Centur.y Write for oth"er special offers. THE lao IENENT, ., cYork. 50- 2 NEW AII3IIEEUDC .NEWS Phrenoline NMcdicne 1'-t & Jury. N. Y Sn Fe~n N.Y. Ind end"rit. Sloan's Indian Tonic. Ways to wiln-Flerning H. Reveil Co. Scott's -Emuisïon-bcotrt & ]3owne. Illustrated Buffalo Express. Paine's Clory Compound. Music Pub. Co., Indianapolis Toronto News Co. Delineator Pub. Co., Toronto. CanadianMagauzine, Toronto. Harpers' Magazine-Harper & Bros. Harpers' Bazar-Hlarper & Brothers. Harpers Weekly-llarper& Brothers. Harpers'Round Table-Harper& Bros London Free Press-Free Press Co. Boys and Girls-N. Y. Ledger. Heart and Nerve Pills-Milburn & C('. Camneras-R. Bonnerls Sons, N. Y. N. Y. World-Thrice-a-Week Ed. Good Butter-Dick & Co. American Monthly Review of Reviews Leslie's Illustrateà Weeklv. Twice-a-week Spectator, ilamilton. Yotuth's Companion, Boston, Mass. MILLER 's WORM POWDERS make the children healthy. Ask your goe o ýbr Table and Dairy, Peirest arn! Best Physicians. Cabtoria h-s mc'ý with pronouneti favor ou the part of physicians, phar- maceuticai societies, anti medîcal author- ities. It is useti by physicians with resuits most gratif «ying, The present exteictid use of Castoria is unquestion- abiv thte resuit of threc, facts : lst, The indîspýutable evideuce that it is harmiess; 2nd, That it net only aliays stoinach pains anti quiets the niervos, but assimi- lates the foodi; 3rd. It is an agreeable andl perfect subistitute for castor oul. la absoluîelv safe. It docs net contain an'. oýpiumn, morpiline. or other narcotie -unlike Soothing Syrup, Batem-au'ýs Drops, Godfrc.y's Cordîil, &c , it doos net stu pey. 'This is a gooti deal for a mnedical journal te say. Our dîîty, how- ever, is te expose danger anti record the means of .arvancîng health, The- day poisoning innocent chiid ren through greeti or ignorance ought tricuti. To our knowletige, Castonia is a remedv, which producos compozure and health by regulating the system-net by stu- pef',îng it-anti our readers are cntfitied te the iliformaion.-Hall's Jounlo H'ealth. FREEI S1EXUAL îHaEALTH lsd how tesecre h. Plain fsots PilnIy Stated. A veryinteresîing little bookfor men offîywhich must tebe apprecîated. Through itshonest advice, thousands have heen restored 10 perfect man- hood. For a short lime mailed f ree, ln plain enve- lepe, securely sesird. Address the Author: G. H. BOBERTZv P. 0. BOX 74, DETROIT, MîCH, On Top... of ai, soaps for nuriery usc, -5tandi 0B 'SOaSOA ." Ih la made of PUrost vegetable oUa mand sllghtîy perfumcd with fineat 2lower extracts. It lias bDLen s old and use d for 50 ioner, and alwayer been geood, that doctors al over Canada rceoîrýnend ia« usé, having practi- cal Inowndge ocf its affects. M0of feiss nmeos i mitations are in/urias fat~Skin. THE ÂLBERT TOILET SOAP Co., frs. Montreul. 74 FIRQM PEIRSONAL Man)y have tried for yeara te cliscover a remiedy snitable to their own case for the Constipati on, Biliouness, ]Indigestion, Headache, Kidoey aud'Liver Connliits risiug frorn Poor Digestion, Wea , f omach, and Disordered Iiver. 'lTo these wesay: Try tlenew rnedicine- Rend wha lî'OpI civ. H ve h le Ms-s . 1î.,a,, Moncon,1N-1 .,i syV 'fi aaur sc hc."1th aI~OPINIONS NATIONAL IMPORTANCE Contains Both. BÂIIY BY M &IL $ 6 ayear DAILY YAND SUN.DAY,by mal 8 ,, THE SUNDAV SUN is the greatest Sunday 1"'ewspaperinr the World, Price 50 a copy. By Mail $2 ea year. Address THE SUN. ewyork. DENTIST.' OfiUCe.-Rear of Messrs. , lgi.. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), - -BOWMANVILLE.' D.-ENT ISX T b' .L»RYr O.HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate of the Royal Colieg,..f Dental Sur geons Ontario. OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR. ïLain obtain a bigp.-ýý tee that tihe trade mark naio e MIEN AWAY!v IN lPRESENTS.V A V A This fs NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE SCIIEMlE V -but a STRAIG1IT BUSINESS proposition. A beautiful Present to everyonýe-FRIEEI 1 ATeahpern s ýendling us 2-,ctsin silvý rV AFAàM1:R MAGAýý ZINE, to include ý beautifulV A pecial"-C;ism, snumber, wil mil v Aanv one of the followi%,ng prec is youn may Aselect FRUE A beautiful Quzen >Victoýria AGold Enameled Scarf Pin (the lattet inovelty. Afor lady or gentleman) %,alted ai $1.2;, or a V SKlondike Diamond Scarf Pin-,a perfect gem iV - valued at 6.5 or 5 Pieces of the La t st A Sheet Music (Instrumental and Vocal) valuedV Aat $125. (A value of $iS for 25C.)V A You shou Id take advantage ot this offerV AAT ONCE.V A THE ,NGentienian Farmer Magazilne'v A Is the Fiandsomnest Farm Magazine V A in AmericaV A h contaîns 96 pagea profusely illustrated, andV Ais edited wlth a view, to make fi awelcomne andV Aindespensible visiior to every faim fireside. V A Instructive and Interestin Ato farmera of every class.11V AOne Dollar a ear. Tan Cents a Colpy.V A n dL.... I.-...4.L.... fl..1.Y.L~....... ,~ VI A lttanhaitan Buîlcteg, V A A Chicago. VV WET WEATHER. The an r f roure to cold and damp i 'Idly p .rrayed by one W hio au Mr. John fjonboy, 250 Sidney Street, St. John, N.B., talked to our reporter. à aout his exptrience with kidney trouble, and lais neceut nemankable ýcure by Doan's Kidney Pilla. Mn. COeuboy'as rtatemient reads as foliows ý Il"For a numbe,ýr of years 1 have bain troubled witi kidney weakuness, breu-ght on by heavy lifting suid exposure te wet and coid; ise a helt,"y strain wherahy I wreuîched mny back. 1 exper ieuced great pia in 4&liechest, attnding tlirough tte s omall of my back and around the loins. "Befoîeetaking DoanIs Kidney Pilla, my blooti became vitited, anti xny kiduys were greatly denangetiilu hemr action. 1 suffereti aise froni ner-vousnesa andi general debiiity, anti 1 am thankf cI toesay thiat by thie usec 0 Doan's Kidney Pis, asseiby La-xa-Liver Pille, I arn wondet(rfuilly im proveti. 1 aise suffereti from constipation anti liver complaint, but founi Lara-Liver Pilla an excellent nemedy, aiding Doau's Kiduey Pills ilu udr splendid work. I'I arn glai te testify te the wonderfut curative powevrs of these great reînedlies, es vliwen liai' are used in combAina- tion, ani feol asuenrt that anyonýe trying, the]lk Hacilh. il REGULAR ACTiON of tbe bowe1s is nesayte beaith11 XALIVE for faul eea s. Pic 2e JIL Mr nar JL&-P IL JL A A-7 SJL Aâ 7T -U ?i i Fe M-offler ierainan ltg-"ighi:ir Uo. M T-À -2--.L -W-T A& luw MW ifflemp