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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1898, p. 2

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Thie Canadiail Statesani Ani Figit PgFortyEiýg11 ,Coluin iNewspapei, AT ThFone 96 STATESI AN ýBLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY yA1 JA1IEsEditor & Proprietor. S biscriptîons1 50 per annuni, or $1.00 if pald stictly tn advauee. ADVERTISJNG RATES Traieýnt Advertieing. Tea Cents per Lîne, flrt insertion; Five Cents per Line cccli sab- saIetinsecrtion. CONTRACT RATES. TIMES tNSEttTED. 8IZ Or AIaVEttTISEMENT__________ 1 MthIsmths Sthe 1 Yr. One Coiurn .n.........$2 0 00 $60 ico Raif Coinnin.........13 00> 26 40 60 ýunarter Columul......8O0Ir,16 26 40 ighfli Coinnin. .......S00 10 16 26 Twenty-five Line. 4 50 9 12 15 '1wentyLUnes.......... 400 6 8 13 ifenLine......3 50 5 7 50 12 TWet Lines.......2 50 4 50 16 50 il S'iveL e.....-1 251 3501 6 110 'he above ar Otact rates, and apply oniy to regular business advertlsar. IlChanges of contraci adverfisemeni5 muet bc baddin not lter that one o'ciock on Sefrday -ibis rie will be siric-tiy enforced. Paragraph advertisemenis among news items 10e e lUne each insertion. Bîirthsq, 25c; Marriages and Deathe, 50c. Dîsplad advertisements are mensnred by a Scte i of soid nupareii and so cliarged. Order's for diecontinning advertisamenies must bce in w rifing, otherwisee the publisher wili not S-) pepjer wii hasiopped unfil ailtarrearages araý pied, ceept ai the opiton off the puhliiher. A osofienotice f0 discontinue is not sufficient. Doube reuierrates7~are charged dnuring wilaA>ntand1 va andi Octobar, November or tllapflay advertising not con- the ar f Job Printing doue with neainase and on reasouable terme. The ied iih a great variety off the ït faehionabP'e styles of type. ',s in local or newseLclumns llrst ls par lUne Nonpareil; 5 cents per luant insertion. Notices off meet- 'et whlcli an'admission fea le ution le taken must ha paid for. one should beha adresseti, q1. A. JAMES, ilowmanville.Out ;TED.-Three ladies tousehotd work. Splendid partions J. GALLOWAY, expcricnced canvas- d appointf ageatts. No ean- xpensee paid. The BRAD- oronto. RE.-Mîss Glover is iessons in Voice Culture f0 pupîls, at ilier home, ing 20 - tf j OICE CULTURE-MISS M. Mos- Sstta James, pupil of Airs J W Bradley,To- onto, and Gold Mcdo llst ai the Ontario Ladies, Cllege,Vhitby, wili receive pnpils for instrue- tienou-a voîe culture et 27 Centre Si, liowman ville WANTED-TRUST WORTHY AND aciege-ntlemen or ladieýs ro iravel for raposible estaiblisheti honte i sýarlo--Monýth- ly$SandexpasesPositiontseady. Raferene cplose sei tdre, 'egltampeti envelope. The lonuinion Compeany .Dept.Y,Chicago. 39-13w. TANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND W~active gentlemen or ladies f0 fraye> for responsiblae tahlislied bouse iatOntario. Month'- $&:5 anti ex penses. Ppsition steady. Reference, Jcose self addresed. stampcd envulope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago, 39 - 13w M USIC.-Aîîiyo.necacn learu Vo pla.y organ or piano in -two waeks hy using the Magie Music Chari. Ih teacbes everyting, simpleet andi mosi opt esV yet inventeti. Agente wanted. tR.h. WEaaT, Publisher, Lock Drewer 7. Bowmnavllle. 49 - if. Tif ELP WANTED.-Reliable men in ..L- every locality, local or travelling, to lu- troduce a new discovery and keep ouir show carde teeketi up on trees fences and bridges throughout the country aud town ; steady cm- ployment ; commission or salary. $65 par month and expenses ant imoney deposiiet inl any hank wheuestarteâ. For particulare write Tstz WOaan MEnIAcÂr.EnacEacTRGo., London, Ont. 35-6 M. B OAR FOR SERVICE-The regis- i> ered Berkshire hoar O. A. C. (4522) hred on the Modl Farm, Guelph, whicl isl a well framed animali aloe thoro'-bred Tamworth off extra gooti qualty. Price $1. D. J. Gnssoîs Lot 34 Con 3, Clarke, liowmanville. ch4î 24 - if. U1!OARS F OR SERVICE.-The im- _"Fproved Yorkshire "tOak Lodge Emigrant" was one offMr.,J. E. Breihour's fanions stock liog.e and sire off a number offhi5 prize pige ; lie le off immense lengtl and depth. Sire' Riolywell Eigrant" hlep. Alsoa Berkshre" Prince Lee" -sire and dem importeti by Mr, J. G. Snell. Terrns-50c. Young Berkshire pige for sale, pure bred-ready to weaa Dec. 20. T. J. COLE, Ma ple Grove, Lot 19,con 2, JDarlington,Beowman. Viile,P.O. S.- 4w" V ANTED.-AGENTS.- Que y A V fera la sbooming. et tlousued copies solti. Tliree thousanti L'KLONDYKE GOLD whirtwlnd. Experienceti 'te ricliesi harvest o.f thir 'olig wonders. Nealy Oua youngffeltow on a naklng e75. A lady type me $11 A mecliante wloio t cearing $5 a day. We -assing outit 25c wortli igrsoN Co., Limied, 'ERTISING 1N Ak off 20wpages 6000Newspapers the Ameican 'r edition 1897) W00 copies or off eci anti i.on, natning issueti news- 'tion. This -<bpostage 10 Spruca EPPS'S COUDAlu ENGLISH BREAKFAST 0000A DEUICACY0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN J UALITY GRATEUL and COMORTINO to the NER VOUS or DYSPEPTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED In Quarter-Pound Tins only. Prepared by jAMEhý.StsPPS M 'o, mtd Homoepthi c eiesondon, Eng.tan d 41-6m. A. E. McIAUG HLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyaner.Ofe- Bleaktey Block, Rngstee, 3owmeuvilie. Money to boan at reasona.9ble rates. 4-yr, Dr. G. B. PATTERSON, Dentiet. Rlouor Graduate Toronto University and Royal College Dental Surgeons. Speclalties Arttfiiai Dentures $8.00; Amalgam Fillinges5O. First ciess work et very nioderate prices. Office Orono. DR. J. C. 311ITCIIELL, M EMBlER 0F COLLEGE OF PIIYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontar-io,Corouer, etc, Residence, Enniekilien. 74 D. BUIRKE SIMPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' 3BLOOR, up-tairs, King Street, Bowm an ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private mioncys loaned af lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FFICE IN WEST DURHIAM NEWS Biock, -where hiniself or ies assistant wil be found from 8a. m. to9p. m. Nght ecalls ai residence, directiy opposite Drill Shed. Catis by teleqraph or telephone wilreceive prompt at- ten tion.1 71 -yr. Gent1emen'sClothes made Vo Order. BOTII tEN AND WOIIlEN.rIf you are willing to work. we cen give yon emptoyment ,with GOOD PAY aid you enu work ail or part tme, et home or traveling. The work is Lighlt and eay Write at once for ternie etc., to THE iAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. 38 - 4mn BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 5, 1897 CLA.RKE N11EWS (Condensed from the News.)I S. S. NO. 2, CLARKE. The Rowland Bros. spent Christmas under the parental roof ... . Mr. John Barrie and family spent Christmas af Mr Robt. Barrie's. . .. Mr.S.Baskervil lias decided o retire from farming and lias purchased a lot in the fown of New- casflc,whexe lie intcnds to build a house iu Spring ..The trustees have re-en gaged Mr. Atkinson for flic coming vear. Hc is a gencral favorite among the children. .... Mr. Win. Barker, Caýri wright. spent Xmas with frienids liec. COWANVILLE. Miss LIditli Cowan is visiting at Rev. Gco. Copland's,Desronto .. . .Mr. J.H. Cowan lost a valuable young heifer Xmas day from imflammation. . ... cv. Mr. Dove, Toronto University, preacli- cd an excellent sermon in Clarke churcli Sunday week .... Aunual el ection of offi- cers of L.0. L.No. 265: W M-Wm. Caswell, D M-W. Harris, Chap-A. Walsh,Sec-Hiram Mîison, F S-Fred Graham,Trcas-Robt. Cowan, jr., D of C Elouzo Cowan, Committeemen-J. Uglw G. J.- Bell, Wm. Cowan, Wm. Moo10re.Joseph Wilson; Tylrs-A. Mc- Neil and Geo. Seymour, NEWTONVILLE. Recent visitors: Rev. Newton Hill, wife and son, Belleville, at Mrs.Jacobs'; Mr. Newport, wif e and daugliter, wîth Mrs. Smithi; Mr. J. J, Jones and dauglifer, Hamilton Township, witli bis parents; Miss Polly Stapleton at Mrs." Walkcr Milson's; Mr. Geo. Hancocký at his fatlier's; Miss Muhhligan wgitli lieri sister, Mrs. W. H. Reid: MssAmyj Smith is spending the hldy il lier mother, Mr-S. Smith; ýMr.Tunr Coiborne, wifli bis sis;ter- , Msae Workman; Miss PaokvstdMs Bertba Reid; Mr. Jas. Harrison wîtli Mr. Go Payne; Mr. W.TSmith and fire hall..,. Mr. Wm. Beqr aud wýif, Hampton, visited relatives lice...... Mr. P. b. Whituey, Smiitffeld, iitdbis soni, Mr - DanWhtney.. .Mrs.John Mont and rniece, Miss Bertha imr ,Toronto, visited Mr. N. F. Hlall ... Mr truce Bell and frlcud, Mr. Sp)ence, Duusfoïd,wu~ e mcid guIestýs of MIr, W. Býatten,, _.'Mrs. Ten.Gemi-sby vnndfai1 1 peut fie liolidays in Bowmoanvile-, Mr, Juhn WaYd(4ell is suLffering' wýýithia sprained anIe . ... Mr. RCMCloll of Elkliarf, Ind , is visiting lis mtie. .Mrs,. Jas. G-ilfilinu, Bowmiauville, visited lir moflir ... .Mr. J oe Hall was in town reccl. ... Mr. ando Mrs.F.W.I Clarke, Bowmianville, visiV'ed et Mr. R. Hill's .... Mr. Milton nkcecroo visitcd Mr. A. A. Rolfe .. ..rad Mrs. Wmn. Scymour, Coîborne, speuf mn ethler fafhcr's, Mr. Wm.Mcod Mcssrs. John W. Odehl, Coboirg ÇCol- legiafe Insfitute, and Herbert Odeli are liome. . .. Mr. A. Temblyvn was elecfed Scliool Trusfceo in plaeof Mr. G. M. Long, refired. SOLINA. Mr. S. Shortridge visited bis moflier, Mr. W. Bond,aV Broolin, reccntly, Tliey make one feel as thongli life was worfh living. Teke one of Cartcr's Lit tle Liver Pis affer cafing; if will relieve dyspepsie, aid digestion,, give oue and igor Vo the sysfem. MAPLE GIROVE, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday visifcd fricnds in Cliatham and Westerni, Ont- ario. ...- Mrs. Wm. Foley is vislting et Cambray .... Holiday visif ors: Mr1 and Mrs. D. H. Contes and sou Lynu, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Little and femily, Port Hope - Miss Penrl MeGili, Oshaewa. That fired, lengnid feeling andi dul - liadadlie is vcry disagrecable, Teke Vwo of Carter's ]Little Liver Pilîs before rctiring, and you wil ind relief. Thev neyer feu Vto do good. NEW HAVEN. Visitors: Mr. Wmn. Jritou with friends in London; Mr. W. Cory with friends at Moorefield, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jennungs witli relatives lu Toronto; Mrs. John Hoît and chiîdren with friends ilu Pick- ering - Mr E. Vancamp, Brenuford, et Mr. Joseph Vancamp's; Miss Ethel Bamford, Oshawa, et Mr. H-. Powcr's; Mr. John Barflctt and wifceand _Mrs. H. Bartletf, Caesarea,at Mr. W. IL. Wood's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mollen,' Hamp ton, af Mr. T. Blvth's. t To zet relief from indigestio-n, bili- ousness, constipation or torpid liver witiout dîsturbiug fie stomedli or purging flic bowcls, fake a few doses of Cartcr's Little Liver Pilîs, thcpy will please you. ENFIELD. Xmes visitons: Miss N. Wigg, Oshaewa at Mr. W. J. Ormisto's ; Miss, Mary Hurîbuf, Port Perry, et Mr. J. P. Huri- buf's; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hogarfli and Masters Clae and Bruce et Mr R. Pas- coc's; Miss M. White, OshiawaI, et Mr. Donald McCulloch's. .... Thep'c wes a merry ime et the concert auJnisfa tree, Sente Clans lied presei.0, r near- ly ahi ... .Mr A'iymer Hzlw. ,Osh- awa is visiting et Mr JE._ yel-'s. Mr. G. Humpage lies startetI eunepair sliop for ail kinds of woodwok 'ACCIDENTS TO CH-ILDREN .-O ,ldrcn lu their play.are apf Vo get sprair!,b)ruises, or dut s, aud fhe pain fliese liale ones suffer before relief is brouglit f0 them shonld convînce mofliers tftIf i tnec- essary to .be alweys pnepared for accidents. "Quickcure" le a lieler, fliat nefs quickly 'and removes pain, et once. HAYDON, Visif ors: Miss Edif h Mou$ý.'iooy et home; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi. Broad, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Brok.eushire and family and Mr. W. H. Creeper, Misses Meud and Annie speut Christ- mas et Newcastle; Mn. JI rankiI Brima- combe, Toronto.; Mrs. Thos. Ho7operý and famlly, Toronto,. et TIos God man's ; Mr. Albert Sierpe home from, Manitoba .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Reuben J. Ashton were scrcuaded on thei wd ding niglif by the baud .. . .On Wedc(nes-I day cvening, Dec. 2$nd, abouit 600f flic friends of Hlaydou socief y met et the residence cf Mr. Samuel Woodley f0 present Mrs. Woodloy witli sooefhîug whidh would show ber tIc csf eemlun whieh sIc Is held bv t flic people aet Hey- don. Mrs. Woodlev lies for- many yeers bece afaitfl i ember of flic choir and lias, f hougli noV a memiber cf flic sociLy here, feken a deep jnîoresf lu Heydon churcli work. Whei lil were essemble.d Mr. John Rundle, as cliirtnu, called on IMir. C. W. 3eo f0 rend an address, while et th4 roper fime Aiss Fdith Tre-wlnan(dMis,ý 'arrie Beif" "'c, ut v causes yellow 5km nand .cycs. ,fired, weery, sluggisi- feeling, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cleanses flic blood and rulte heli liver, curing aIl ifs dis- (I d>:"Frotn a cýlîiid JT fu>edfronm luliet I spontfor meQJ' "o in-o neliel. F boit",S MIAi, Toonto, Ont. COURTICE. Holiday visitors : Mrs. R., Everson nnd fnmily, Hnarmtony, and MNrs.,Sqires and 01tgtn sîaw,.at _Mr. James Courti1ee's ; Mr, ID. Pohlard and fatnlly and Mr. J.. D. Storie, Osiiewacat M'r. L. M,. Q~rîct's~Pev. Dr. ilarv'n spent Nnias et T~oronto; Mr. b. T. courtice wasý hoie at Xmels '. , . i Mi'ssýes Worden have returueod from Demihi College. St, Catherines .... ,Mi'. T. F. Wrighit, Toronto, visitcd ef Mr. L. M. Courtice's receufly,. . . Mr. S. S. Brooksi is repackîng apples, for shippiug fEnlnd ._11cv.,JJ. Pao and Mis JesBowýmanviilc,1 offlcially visifed flicÉb EbneerLeague ounflic "Forward Movemeut". Thle leugth of 11f e may bc iucreascd by lcssening ifs dangers. TIc majorify of people die from lung troubles These may be evcrtcd by prompfly using Ransorn's Hive Syrup and Tolu. St oft & Jury, druggists. COBOURG. Mr. F. Martin bas returiicd from flic gold fields of British Columbia bringiug several uuggcts of fIe ricli metal. During fhllst week of December Chief Ruse secnrcd enougli convictions lu the Police Court to neftfthe town $23 lu fiues. Since MercIlic lias lodged and creti for 273 trempa in the Iock-up, comprising ncarly every nationelity and religion... - Pcv. Dr. Griffs, Bnock- ville, lias dchined fie cal o fie charge of Vie Meîiodist dhurcli.... J dge Sîarpe and wif e, Michigan, werc oeuests of Mr. J. B. McColl recenfl. u1dge Sharpe is au old Cobourg boy, and studîed law in tic office of J. W. Kerr, County Croýwn Attorney .... TIc remov-, ai of flic annuel Agriculfuàral show from Cobourg Vo Baltimore is being fevored. Shorfncss of breafli-a sensation of dryuess and béat lu the Vliront. Neg- _et l dangerous. Pansorn's Hive Syrup and Tolu ects likc a charm on fie Vîroat and bronchial tubes. Use iV before 1V is too late. Sld by Sfoft & Jury, druggists. PORT HOPE. Pcv. Dr. John Burwesli and wifc of Victoria Universit y, Toronto, werc recent guests of Mn. J. T. Heuwood.... TIc Belleville Hockey teem, champions of thc Quinte League, and tIc Ontanios, champions of Midlaud League, pin' cd herc New Year's day ....Cookiug classes under fie auspices of fhe Y. M. C. A. will lic condacted during flic comîno'winfcr ... Mr. Arthur Briffon spent ins ws-it h his parents, Con- dutrand Mrs J.- Britton, Liî.dsay.... Mn. S. Jolins, of tic Publier Co., was guest of Mn. F. Ingle,Lindsay, receufly ... Mn. obt. Little, Deseronto, died vcry suddenly et fthe residence of lis brother, Mr. Polit. Littlo, Port Hope, Dec. 19tli, aged .52 yenrs ....Chiot Engincer HickeY, of flic steamer North King, was married et 32 Franak Sf Ptocleef or, receutly f0 Miss Emme Stcfrmerly of Port Hope. To cure old sores, 10 lical an indolent ulcer, on to speedily cure piles, you nced simplv epply Trask 's- Magnetic Ointment accordîng fo directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. SoId by Stott-& Jury, Bowmanville.- HAMPTON. Christmas visitons: Mn. J. MeLean and famil v, Bowmauvillc , Mn. W. J Colo and family, Oshaewa, et Mr. J. Cole's ; Mn. J. Trcwin, Bowmanville, Mn. W. W. Price, St. Mary's, et Mn. J. Salfcr's , Mn. and Mrs. A. B. Fergnson, BIac1kstock, Mn. H. J, Hoidge, Sutton, et Mr. M. B. Cryderman's ; Mn and Mrs. Stephenson, and daughter, Ethel, Oshiawa, et Mr. E. Trou outli's ; Dr. J. H. and Miss Ellioff, Toonoo.t Mn. H, Elliott's jr.; Misses Elsie and Mamie Cryderman, Bowmanville, et Mn, C. W. Ruse's; Mn. F. S. Mason, and bride, Fniendship,N Y., et Mr. E.'Hesfing's; Mn. J.,B. Horn, Pckrng t hbm. Mr. A. Hluglies, Buffalo, Mise elena and RZosieý Lauc, Toronto, et Mrs. Lane's; Mn. E. Howerd and daugliter, et flic Pensonage; Mr. and MsT. Canu, Osborne,ahM. .L.Pi' Pcv. E. E. Howard spent Chiristmas et Keene among bis mnauy old fnïiuds. Mr. Edger W. Allun suppicd bis appoint- meut vor.yacceptalyý.. .. About 40 ap- plications.have been rccivcd for te position of Cheesemaker for flic coming see'son. A CODE OP SrGNALS.-Naturc lins a code of signale-A histless stop and tined.,i and wery feeling are lu the code. They show thet fIe sysf cm le mn dicown e-nd dagdouf. Nature's, mediclue, for this le Mîilburu's Heant and Nerve Pills-fhey benefif the entirc systemu, brece tic nonces, and liniglifen tic b rein, turing iervouenees, sicep- hessncss, weakness and palpitation of tuhe antetc. NEW TAILOR SHOB. rhe untiarsiguediwho liesbeau cerrying on tua taitoming busines luconne etior with Masotîs Dr'y to ods Storea for a tînnber off ycare lias conînîica ti8uiess for hlaiseif ac ile oome King St. n'est, w l'aýra be is pialtareti to make gants anti4,boysmatis liiiý l the laiet styles, anti et lowest prlt'ee. For those who wieh to order SUitS, bewîli carr'y a fuitlHne off sanles lu al theinewastîîatemus. Gîve hlmacccli J. T. AILIN, Faîthionabla Teilor - À Conr When toned IPurifier wl rich milk as, cratic Jerse: Sordinary fée, whcn givfen Didk LBU .1 non Groed Cow d up by Dick's Blood 1give as much and as a highly bred aristo- ey cow gives upon ed, and a jersey cow lood Fjurifier will wonderfully încreae her yield of millk. It saves feed too- because a smaller amourt of well digested food setisfies the de- manda of the system ad every perftice of nourishment BtickS. 50 CETs A PAcKAGE. MUNG ILES & CO., PICK a Co., Is Onty WNhai t Ouht<'l ta B e Expected From TYRONE. Visitors: Mr. E. Hawke'y,' whitevale: Mr. F. W. 0. Werry'ý, "P. A, Toronto; Misq Emily Coaclh. Mariposa; M1r. Jesse Bond, Thorhl, Manito1ba ; Mr. and Ms. B.F. Gardiner, 0shawa; Mrs, Mrs. e llamley, Uop10Te; Mr.and JessîA. Trii4X 11ampton_ Christmas E4ve T~ea andi Conciert was a siccess and thle Sons of Tomiperance tender their sncere thankýs to th e f riends from a dis- tance who so heartilv turned out to aid iu their endeavor. The entertainers fromi Mt, Carswell well deserve their high reputâtion and may expect a cor- dial welcorne on any future occasion. About $40.00 wvill be cleared .... Mrs John H. Werry, Bethesda, lias had a relapse of lier il.1lness_.. . Chiristmas Day passed off very quietly in numerous home gatherings and sleighing parties .... .Prof. T. F., Wrighit of the British American Business Collcge, Toronto, assisted ou the dramna, Xmas eve ... Public School honlor roll for December. Sr. V Maximum 693, Ilonors 519, E. Skinner 624., Jr.- V Maximum 1523, llonors 1141, F. Fraser 1396, C. Scott 1290. Sr. IV Class Maximum 1709, Honors 1281, M. Sanders 1427, P. Clemeus 1839. Jr. IV Maximum 1605, Honors 1203, IH. Sanders 1304. Jr. III Honors,1 Zillah McLaughlin 975. Sr. II ilonors, Ray Wilbur 1585. Jr., II, Honors, Minnie Lindsay i1(;65. Sr. Pt, Il Hlonors, Ross Hoidge 108 Jr, Pt. II Honors, Florence Clemens 818. Sr. Pt. I Honors, Johnny Lindsay 436. Jr. Pt. I Honors, Florence Rahm 324. Miss A. L. MOWBRAY, Principal, 1For Over Fîfty.Years.' For over fifty yeaT %Rs Ma. WINSLOW'S SoorrINxoSynur lian been used by mîl. lions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of Vour rest by a eîck cil'd suf- feigand cryîng wîth peîin of Outting 'reeth send et once and get a bottie of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"' for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor lîttie sufferer immediately. Depenci upoù it,motheres,there ie xno mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea,regulats the Stom- sach and Bowels, curee Wind Colic, softeno the (;unis, reducos Iflammation, andi gives tons aud enerLgyto the wholesystem., " Mrs. Winslow'o Soothing Syrup " for chîldren teething in pleaisant to the tante and in the prescription of one of the olde3t ad best feinale physiciens and nurses in the United States. Pricetwenty-five cents a bottle. SoJd by all druggists through ouf the worid Be sure and ask for "Mas, WINSLOW'S SooTHING SvùaUP." Ladies Read Tihis. Thomas Peatc,dyer and clothes clean- or, has purcliased a steam renovator for steaingling ng id dyeing feathers, beds and pillows. Parties havîng no way to scnd thein cati drop a card and I will fetch tliem, if it is teu miles, Price per bcd $1 ; pillows 25c. Ail feathers will be sent back -%heni donc and parties will beclionestlv dealt with, Send balong Ž our orders4 or feathers as I hiave ia man cngagcd f0 work flic renovator. THOMAS PEATiE, Bowrnanvillc. 36 If. THE BEST MOTEL IN DETROIT can do nomore for Leu luthe way cf comfortable bed nd godmais h th FranlnHouse- Rates 81.55 tofp.S. Woodward and Jeirerson Âvensoniy s blooýeknawzy. . .JAMES'& SON. ?roprietorff, Bats s j arnd treets, Detroit, MiÇb. MO0 NEY TO'"LOAN $100,000. A large snm 0f money has been placed ini my bands by a prix ec person for inv etment, on approvedtoak.s on farin ee(urit for a terni off Rilve or 'l'nezi crs, at a5 1-2 per cent iterest wll be aeleed payable ycariy Sattefac- tory conditions for repayrnnt wii b earranged. De B. SIMPSON, Solicitor, Bowmanville. Dated Oct. let, '94. 4o - tf. Upnigiat liEveryting-3AýTways Keep- ing aiteth withi the peopie. anil Above Ait,, Curing Them eý,F heIr Mel -Why Wouldu't Sue3se Pellow?- Mme. Wm. Shaw, 15 Mnan place, Te., moto, Ontario, Canadla, saya "I - have great confidiiacetu 'îdunycou's Rasuedies. hiaviug Iusati the-,i with %wonIdcrfIut ucces bofh Ï or mysaîf, lbuebanti antiChi1l. 1 wae subject to severe a tecks off headechýe eaLch week, anti sickness off the stonracli aceomn- panleti the seine. Sirice usiug Muuyo'S Headache.Cure I have not beau fmroubled wlth an attack. lu thecsaoff my littîs boy flie retults ava liacca ît-uy emekala Througb leathing tfli iffle falto-w as oq plataly rmn down, bcd ( nt i ppeLtfe aud was restiasa anti irritab),,le at heue We gave hlm the Blooti antidbIý,ILty Cures. ant inl a short time tae clange for the bat- ter was marvellotls, He le now cnjOYID9 splendid haalth. 1 use uothtlg but Mun-. yon's nenteties noir andi have great faltil in tbem." M' . l ' o: .. 'o a 'a tii'i. L' ni t "es end oclr e Ui tît Miadcel Strr 'Vt it . 'i'irtn t ! itý t-y nt1.a Astiti toe bcdure 'eac ela a l pulleŽ. cf th' istai. 25cena i . rso<t na Fclattr ao.îe aea oO t s z etet 'ruonto. Ct.. nwelà i neyer riT culfarrig fur a pcce 25e.,detatedeou f cny ve treud foraCaer-,Tltcs-].PrC 2e.e uitanerbleal theirpans. ith îiidneradgiretiouesu e ata. neaotl 25 cents a viol.,;e1' anPerer e irrver. MuynilAbr streete'Toant. n..onr 5 wfls iSaSl Ro oCIO e ea lsa s"1 MTany hae tniedofcorstyeaso%discover remeyOnif able f0 flicire own nsefr th me aosain , Bilicue o uvyantiietion, Handasckhe Kinyat Lvrtomlit " atî ie,;'er d itl er. c1wn o- i 'l'o these wo sy : no painet' ipictcf - MiRs .LAW, OuMNON, lan, tn. , Ont.'. ton, Ont.,a ai c: "Tcerearcraepen th e ur sud rreck leadache. MAÏsM wa oul eQ "Lx Lvrmilaa eexlenfo i- ALYNOST A MIRACLd Oftawa ý Show besf to express mY apprecia.. I fou of yonr valuable rieumatie V remedy, Plirenoline. My son GWron, wlao is 9 years old, lias b een a sufferer from namVoy rheumatism for fhec p'ast vo years; was $0 bed aV tmies thnt. lie lied f be carried about on a mattrepse; was etteuded by two cify doctors apparenutly withotOit fhe shlitesf beuefit; spent 10 dasy a t Caledonia Sr g~camne home Swith nDo markýed inprovcmllelt; lio tree botte of a Hlorneo- I paf hicremed\-ioen sively aivertised, which did not relieve hlmluic he et, Iwa beginning V- o give up ail hpe1 I hsree!overy, wheu by chance I ~imentioued the case Vo a friençi -,Plrenoline a frial. 1ddso, with tflicresulf fliat V 4 whcnrny boy hud faken oulv baîf na boffle lc es eble to geV o Po h bci e andd le ike auy oflier Sboy ir ouud fhe block. 'A I cerfaily feel that I cann)ot say f00 mudl inlurise fyoj ~$medîcîne, endzshaîl do ffil 1e I ce :Yi meke k nowu ifs vleo oflers. eY ours very sincerely S (Sigucd) REUBEY iIý'LARKE. DENT ISTRY C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Grajinata off tha Royal Collageoff Dental Sur' 'Ce( 1W. ntarlio. OF'FICE.-'- oleExpress Ofiiee. VITALIZED ALY. - 'j '-c' t'> Y 1 $ A HIS METHîODS, F»"I-111-111-111-I'M

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