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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1898, p. 4

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s' GatDisplay ef Holi day ~ Goods at LRB[OK3 SPECIALS IN Albums, rm 50c. Bibles fxom 25c.A Lerathex boun d Teach- ers'Bibie for st25, Bo oks for -By ni Girls. Bocks for Moni anti Women. Toy Books enidics varictv Doils, vcry * speciai, Kiti hýdies andt evoxy oller kinti cf hot-, some dsress- *eti. A beauty for 125c. Sîigîs, Dolîs Cals, Tin Toys, Wood Toys, Games-jusi sec mv Cro- kiol board for $1.00. Ex'ery- thino' ilal Sauta gees down th îlëhimnev witî. Christmas (lards anti Caleuti- ars. SIop ealy is sounti atvice. P. Trebilcock. i BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 5, 1898. DARLINGTON AFFAIRS. We are told that some prophetie intu- itioni mutst be possessed by THE STAICES- MAN ý bec-ause we foretold how the muni- il l ,etions would turnout in DJarling- ton . N, .we dIO fot possess any super- niatanda povwers that way, but we knew froni conversation w ith electors that there was3 pretty general satisfaction with the counceil of 1897 and therefore cousidered that the two years' terni us- ually giveni to the reeve would be accord- ed Mr. Pascoze. That they ar-e an eni- omical council no eue will question, for so far as our observation gees, Darling- ton has neyer had a more careful or prudent board. NEW IDEA ON ABVERTLSING. While we might certainly be accused of selfisiness were we to advocate that it is better for local merchants to, adver- tise largpely in THE STATESMAx to reach West Di.nham readers, because this jour- nal does reach the majority of the fami- lie s trading in Bowmanville, yet wheu such testimony ceuses froin one of the highest autheritiesz ou advertising in the Uited States, Chaiýrles Austin Bates, ed- itor of the De-qParusnt of Criticisus in Prîiiters' Ink, business men will give his views consideration. 1\1. Bates says in that journal, Dec. 1à, 1897, "O0ne of the greatest mistakes that is made Ili ndvertising is the .use of small spaces. Advertisers seem to tliink that they are net doiug anything unless they are in a large list of papers. They hardly con- sider it advertising if they are lu only eune paper, and yet they w'ould be doing more real advertising if they confined theinsele es to one paper than they do wvhen they spread it over a hundred, Whait does it profit a man if hie lias hiii aid in 1000 papers and the ad so smiafl that nobýody sees il ?" SAVING THlE COMMISSIONS. When one's mind is ocoupied with any live subjeot, how manly phases ef the question present themselves ýto him or his observation. On the question ef dloing business as directly as possible w ith the consumers, we observe that the M1erdhants Manufacturing Company et Motreal and the Montreal Coetton Com- pany have decided to abolish their seli- iug agency and commission merchants, and do their own selling direct with the wholesale trade. This is precisely what ,%v propose for the Canadian Farmers' Co-Operative ExpûrtingjF, Syndicate er whatever the naine te be dhosen mnay be -a saving of ahl middlemen's fees se far ais possible. HOU MARIKET EXCITED. Montreal Trade Buletin--Dec. 31st. The markiet for dressed hogs is quite excited, $6.35 and $6.40 belng bld for car lots of light averages, -without getting themn. Holders of pea-fed bacon hogs ask $640 uorth of Toronto. At' such pric@s they should be at least worth $6.60 te $6. 75 at Motreal ini car lots. Iu the great pork-packing centres et the Westernx States, killings have beer enommous-9,ù95,000 te date or 730,000K inraeover sane perîed last year. lu facýe of this heavy augmentation prices have advanced recently te the surprise of niany lu the trade. Seoit wll be seen there are othe parts of tle country excited over the poil question as -well as West Durham. The "Hlumber Piggery" pales into insignifi. cance in ceutrast with tle general ques- tien of supply and demand. Farmiers, yen are the chief beneficiaries lu the inpro-red conditioxd of the markiet and yen should bend ali your energies te in- crease your hog products. 7f *1 NEWCASTLE. Ur.(1e. . Taylor is sick. Unin ervce luthe Methodist and Presyteianchurches. Rex . R ayor discussecd le For ward Missieuaxy Suuiday in, the Methedisi cluxel, Jan. 9. RZev. W. R. Yo)uug, B. A., Port Hope, will couduct bll sýer- vices and address a mass meeting at SP. . Recent visiters. Miss Belle Hooper, Toronto, ai Mrs, M. H. Maso's; Mr. Walter and Miss Mabel Rickard, ai Welcome: Mr Robert Eilbeck, Torouto at home; Mr. and Mrs. William Pickaxd and famiiv ai Mr, W. H,. Crecper's, Haydon; irfr. and Mrs. John Masen and soni,ai Mx.Wm. Maseu's; Mýr.Louaud Miss Miaule Barreit, ln Pickering; Mrs W. JI Pearce, and Miss Pearle -Peaxce, inTreete; Mr. and Mxs. E, Symons, Welcome withl frîeuds lere; Miss Ettie Law, withliher sisier, Mxs Weiherell, Pîckeriug Miss B. Diekson is with Mrs. SWSanders, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Aluin and family, Pickerinîg ai Mrs. W. B. Allin's. BURKETON. Wherc winds once whispcxed througl thc pines. And sons of nimrod followed game, A busy village new reclines, Anti Burketen is ils honored name. Burketou thougî net yet a city is a p ace of note and importance particular- lv as a s=ippng pint of the C P. R. for Catwxgt Iwnship. Ils churcî, school, store and tiotol are unthir cap- able anîd popular managoement aise and the concerts given here front lime te, trne are xapidly acqiring a repulation for estabiished and unifoxîn excellence. The School concert whicl look place ou Thuxsday evening lasi was ne ex- ception lote Ic me. T he pregrain was as follows : Messrs. Beach and Stevens, Violin, due ; C. W. Semon, Recitation; J. Bafour, Vocal sole; Heailie Brothers, Violin selection; Miss Z Brimacombe, Vocal soie,' To-merrow will do"; Messrs. Beech and Stevens, Violin selection. Mis" Edua Ross, Elecutienist, Oshawa t Misses Heatlic,Hayes and Messrs Heatie andi SoucI, Quartette; J. Balfour, Vocal soie; Mr. Beech, Violan solo. Intermis sien, Heatle Brothers, Violin Duet; J. Balfour, Vocal solo; A farce in char- acte by Uncle Tom and compauy; Miss K.Arue. Selection; Messrs, Beecland Stevens, Vielinisis; Miss Z Brimacombe Solo, 'Yen Little Darling"; Miss Edua Ross, Selection, "Old Gray Mare"- Jas. Balfour, Vocal sole ; Heatlie Family, Violin tinet; C. W. Souch andi Miss Hayes, Duet; Mr. Beech. Violin soie; Miss Hayes, Sole ; J Balfour, Soie. God save the Qucen. As will le seen by the above prograni a high class en- tertalument was put up thai would have been creditable lu town or citv. Tee much caunet be said xegaxding the ex- cellence of îhe violin music cf Messrs. Beech andi Stevens or Heatlie Brothers. TIc catchy and weli rend ereti vocal seleclions by Mr. J. Balfour of Port1 Perr.y were repeaicdly encored andi the1 mie tio ailow nc encores was forcibly broken by tle demanti for lis retumu on inox-e than one, one occasion, Mi ss Brimacombe of Bowmanvillc bas a sweei voice andi ler selections were well chusen and gracefuilv îendexed. Miss Edua Ross excels lu tle art cf elocution. 3SIc neetis ne enceniums froma us-'slie' speaks for herself and always delighýts learers. Whether in pattici or thrill- ing selecti.ons she is equally ai home, Mis- K. Argue of Solina is ne ordinary 3reader anti favored us with a splendid Enumber lu faultless inanner. Messrs. Woodiey and- Stevens lu chaxacr sketch were.greatlv enjeyed. Mr.' C. W. SoucI anti Miss'Hasies lui duet quar- relîcti aii made np afier île most con- Iventional anti traditional methoti. Miss Hayeos and Miss ileatlie are evex popu- lar'accompaii.Mr, C. W. Siemon of r"!Bradle s"did weli aise bell lu recita tien and acconpaniment. Mr. FraiXk 1W. Moore, leader, must be compliment' cd onhis success lu arranging sud a Dsplendid prograin. I was7a'treat andi .wiil lbe referredt t as the event of the sseason lereabout Mr. Ce ccl presided 1acceptabiy. He tid net kli time bY trying te be funuy andi spinnin- olti yarns He was witty but netsilIvîlu is remarks. TIec durcI. was verv kindlv piaced ti iMr. M oorc's disposai 'for tle occasion and was well filleti. There was net a vacant seat eveilunîte aisies 1andthîe order was a credilte îlte youtb cf the district, Thc ni"-ht boil for fsiighing and inoonlight was grand. 1Proceds about $2000. Saving a lusband'a \ Only the other day the uewspapers told the slory of a plncky wouxan who saved iber luns- band from .drowu. ing ou the rack - bound Atlantic coasl, There are '.'other dangers be- -' side that of drewn- ~ iug from wbich a shrewd womau may, by a lttle diplumady, save her lins- baud. Men are proverbialty recktess about their health. They do not think -It wrtl while 10 pay any heedt l a slight indigest tio.,, a lnidling bilious attack, a little iierv- ousnrss or steeplessuess, or a emalluesF, of appetite. The first lhey know tbey have Syspepsia, livercomplaint, malaria, rliien- matisur, nervone prostrpr ion or deadly con- sumption. nven then they are prue to neglect Iheir trouble lnutil il is tuco lte. A wise wife wilt assume gua rdlianship of lier hushanda health. She witt always have aI baud a bolile of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When bier busband feels ont of sorts she wilt see thatlihe takes it. Il makes the appelite keen, fLlic diges- tion perfect, the tiver active, the blood pure anti the nerves steady. It builds firm fiesh, stroug muscles, anti bealthy nerve tissues. Il cures dyspepsia, liver comptaint, malaria, rheuînalism anti nervons prostration. It cures o8 per cent. uf ah ceases of consunmp- tion. Au honest dealer will always give yuu wlîat you assI for. I was a sufféee from mala ria," wites Mr. R. -D. Hll, of Zanlo.hoisa do., va. " Two dotou faitedt l cure me. I touk tbiree bottilesOf Drý Iierces Golden Medicai DiSeovery iii em10* witb bis'Pleasaut PFletc,' sud was iiiUetI à uow do as gond a day's work as any mnu. Constipation oten causes Dr. Piercels Eteasant Pellets cure ci)ntlpatior- one 11111ýe " Pellet I is a geutle laxative and two a mnild catbartic. TlÀey never gt1pt. They arce tiniy. sugar - coated, aulti - 1in granules, inlu 111e riais. Drîuggists e"Il lhem and have uothiug else "'ut ste good."1 They xegulate t1hk St&ubacb, Lwe9 and Bow*is. NEW FIAVEN. Lasi wcek 's news budget Millebc founid on au insd page. A dose of MILLER'S WORMN POW- DERS occasioually will keep the chilti ren IeaiiîyN. 1Recent visitors: Mr. anti MIrs. J. Storie, Mx, anti Mrs. D.PoiatiOsaa, Messrs. John and Clark Power, Cari wrighl, at Mrx. T. Power's, calleti homue by the deail of tleix father _Mx. E. G Power. A vcry succcssfui annivexsar-Y service was hcld here !ast Saîhaîl aflerneon by Rex'. R. D. Fraser, Rev. J. J. Rac pxeachîng a sermon which was a stxeng appeal le a bigler Christian nmnbooti. Collection $21.16 which for thc size off the congregation was ectinl ib- oral. OSHAWA. 011cr Oshawa news on insitie. Miss FIe. Thomas las returued fxom Torontoe. Mrs.S. Martin, visiletilermobex;rs. Kester Xmas eve. Mr. Edwaxti Chambers, Miilbrook, spent helidavs bere. Mr. G. Grills andi wife,Bellcvillc visit cd Mr. anti Mxs. Jes. Craîg, Mr. and Mrs. Overbaît and twe sons of Hamilton'visiteti Mx.R. Woon. Mx.J.T. Buxueti, Grand Rapids Mich. spent Ioiidays wilh fricutsisnlu sha wa. Mr. Chas. Law lias retuirued frein England anti spent Xmas, witl Mr. Geo. flyiand. Mr. Harxy Defoecf thec Viindicaler staff spent lolidays with lhis parents ln! Noxwooti. Mr, Arthur Beck, SnîaiBank Picton, anti Mr. Authux Jouies, Molsous Bank, Loution, wexe home fox Chxist- mas. Mr. T. Henry McMiilan, of Parkdalc Standard Bank., and Mx. Jas. McMillan cf Port Pexry Western Bank, wexc ,homne fox Chr-istmas. HAIPTN. Mx, C. Hl. Buxrows visiteti Toronto friends recently. Dr. J. H.Elîlott anti Miss Elioti hiave returnet leToronto. MILLER'S WORM POWDERS arc île lest laxative medicine fox ciildxen, as nice as sugar. Mx., E. Trenoutî is Schoci Trustee succoeding Mx. H. Elioil, jr., who las been a mýember of tIe boarti fox 87 years. Mr. L. TCourtice and Miss M.Joness addxessed rIe members la behlf of île Foxwaxd Evaugelitie and Mission Movemonts Tlnrstiav cveuing. Mr. I. L. Brown, Presidentb of tle Hampton Cleese Ce., cutcxta'iîed the dixectors and officers of tle comjpanv ai an oysier suppex ai Mx. F. L. Ellis' Thursday evoning. Mx. C Evexeit Brown entextaineti a number cf bis young frîeudii(s from Tyxone, Enniskiileu, Solina and Bow- manville 1 riday cvening wlen a very exjoyabie lime kas spent. Tice danger is lu île neglet-lthal s whv se many colds leadti t a fatal dis- case.liausotes Rive Syxup audi Tolu is made for thxoal and(111lung;ý, t acts like magie. Solti by Stoli &Jf2l. dug- gisis. - New Yeax's visilors: Mr, Lwxv Hamilton, ai Mx. H. Ellioltktjr.;iss I.,Sieep, Oshawa, ut Mx. G.1Boues;Mr.. W. Jollîffe,ý Lindisay, ai Mx. J.lirunt's; Miss Dunbar, Toronto. ai Mr C. Rog- crs';Miss M . Roach, Eglintoni, and Mx. J. Harris. Toronto, ai 'M p. T. Eux roxvs'; Rex'. F. Howardi, Welcome, ai île parsonage. COUItTICE. 011cr ncws on insitie page. Mr. Wesiev Hanceck h ,atientiing HigI Sclool. Mr. D. Clarke is tiig a lus,'iling butcloring business.' Mrs.J.W.Fothcriuglam andti1ldren are visiling frieuds lu Drayton. Mx. Russel Laugmait ilas obtaineti a situation in a WIi tby drmug store. Mr. J. M. Roberts resumned dulles ai No. 8 Sehool Mouday for 4t1 ycar. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Moorec, Tyrone, wexe guesis of Mx. A. Xyburn x(,>enily. 11ev. J. J. Rac will cenduci a Mission- amy service ai Ebenezer Suntiay mexu- New bo.oks are bcing atidedti lthîe S. S. Lihrary of Ebenezex anti new svslem of circulation adopted. Thc D. U. Butter Factexy is stili ruîî- niug funil blasi and wîll continue le operate for some weeks yet Elenezex E. L. arc siaxtinge-th(, "For- ward Movemeni." Special EÈ- L. evan- gclisiic service nexi Suiay ig Tins NEw WoYAN-NOW cuters nupon puirsuits formexly monop)olizetivi ymc. Free Seed Distribution. Ail fariner reaicxs of this journal art cutilledti tonee free sainp le of each varicly of seed sent eut f rou 'l 'le Ex. perimenatal Famin, Oltaw-a, 4'1 iiuý wbeat, oais, barley, fildit1, - itiar cern anti petatee-s. Firsi firsi sei-vet. Every fariner mus, 5dy foi limself. Lelters go free c s/ ostage Address. CNT~RAL. FÂRi, Otî wtt, Ont THIE REEYE'S SUPPER. to)n enteýrtaincd the memibers of the Couciiel anid Towuiship Officers et an ovster supper ai Bone's Rotel ,H-ampton, Decomber :31st. The menu wasparex- ~rhecsuei as wouid temp the appe- tite ofan epicurcan. 'Tho hostesses of this hotel for many y cars have becunet- ed for sttinig a geed table, and Mr. Boue, the present owner, since taking p)osse(,ssion has fuliy sustained the repu- tation. The Members and Officers werc ail present excepi Mr. D. B. Simpson, solicitor,Mr. L. M. Courtice, First-depu- ty R1eeve, antd Mr. R. Wîndatt, thc yen- erabie Clerk. Afier supper ail retired te the spacieus, wherc the Reeve was called te the chair. Au afier dinner speech was made by evervene preseut, and il was admittcd by thé eid- er members of the Council lIat the speechies werc the best they had ever listened te on an occasion of the kiud. Dutriug the evcniug Miss Siecp, Oshawa very efficiently rendered severai selec- tiens of music on a beautiful new Dom- inion Piano whicî Mr. Bouc has recent- iyv purchased. Reeve Pascoe is very popular with bis colieagues ai the Board and the Township officers and the cem- pauy wcrc unaulmous in their express- ions of good-will and kîndiy feeling te wards hlm. Sincere regret was express- ed over the iuability of those mentiened te particîpale la ibis social function. VERY PRETTY WEI)DING. BuRGEss-Pow r R. A very happy event teok place ai tle residence of M r. George Power, Ma ple Grove, Wcdnesday Dec. 2e, when lis dau.-hter, Edith and Mr. S. Arthur Burgess joined hands and hearts tili deail do theni part, in tIc presence of a ver.v large number cf invited guests. Miss Ethel Power' sister of the bride was hridesmaid and Mr. W. G. Rundie supported the groom. Thc bride was atlired lu a ueatly fitting gewu of ecani cashmere 'and the custemarv orau-e biossoms, bouquet, etc. Misé Ethel' Power was similarly attired. TIc ridewas iven away by her father. Rex'. G. W. Marvin. M. A., B. D., Ph. D., tixd the nuptial kuot wtî ueatness and despatch. Af 1er the large compauv lad extended congratu- lations ail sat down te a sumptuons wedding feast. The health of the bride was hapily proposed b Dr. Marvia and dul v hoîîored. After ait exceeti iugly pleasant eveninig spent lu social pastîmes the ouno' couple was escorted totheir home li-y tSe voung people wîîo spent another jolly heur or two. The presents te the bride were a splendid collection of valua bie and useful articles as will be scen by tle following lisi: Miss liester Power, glass cake stand: Mr. F. Power, glass lemonade set; Miss Ethel Power, chienille table cloth; Mr. Truman Power, large rosewood rocking chair set with earl; Mr. and Mrs. Levi VanCamp, chenille tahle cloth; Mr. andi Mrs. George Tufford, chenille table cloili and fancy plate; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Power, small center table;. Mr. Win. Rundie, china c7heese disb; Mr andi Mrs. Albert Manning, pair lace curtains; Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Clark, pair lace curtains and pair of hedroom towels; Mrs. Rau- ton, pair ofIinien bedroom towels; Mr. anti Mrs. Chester Power $2: Mrs. Frank Tufforti, dozen linen table napkina; Miss Ella Burgess, pair of pictures; Misses Annie andi Mary rwi,î, tapes- trv mat anti pair colored vases; 'Mr. Chartes Burgess, maniel dlock; Mr. John Cox. pîcture; Mrs, GeorgetPower, il y ards earpel; Miss Elva Power, pepper andsait castor;M r. John Me- Murtry, pair vases; Messrs. M. D. Williams & Son, parlor table; Mr. anti Mrs. George Stevens, silver pickie castor; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Giliilani, chamber set; Mr. John J., Miss Viola andi Master George Gilfillan, silver pickle castor; Miss Min- ute Spry, silvpir cake stand; Mrs. G. Truscott, silver na pkin ring; Mr. R. Worth, fruit spoon with golbowl; Mr. Corish, silver bntter knife; Miss Ida Stevens, peart handleci silver buitter knife; Messrs. John aud Robert and Misses Gertrude and Beatrice Stevens, large fancy tamp; Mr. Loreuzo, Misses Esther antd Zilda Boebe,larQe fancy lamp,fancv plate with silver handle,p air uf glass platesý Misses Alice* anti Carnle ?ower, large fancy lamp; Mr. antoi M George Dinner, glass hand paiuted lemoàade setÈ r. and Mrs. Charles Axford. thrce large fruit disbes- Mr and Mrs. Jacob Stevens, glass set* Mn. aià Mrs. James Woood, large fruit diali anà balf dozen snall fruit dishes. CASH FOR POU LIRY. The untiersigneti is prepaxedt 1 pa ' the ligI est cash price for an 'y quantity of poultxy tiresseti lu the f ollowing manner viz: Bodies dlean anti dry pickc,. wings, tail anti leati uupicked anti un- tirawn ; fowis inusi faqt atîcasi 24 leurs lefore bing killcti; Kiil by bleeding in îlehe ntI antineck. No poox fowls will le laken unlcss ai reduceti rates, Also cash paiti fox but- 1er, bcans, tiricti apples, tiesseti hooes anti e-g-s. Seuil cf Standard Bant, Tcmpoî-ance st , Bowmanvillc. 50 - 3m. JAMES MANN. West End House, BOWMANVI LLE. Stores close at 6.30 p. m. except Saturdays and facetory pay days. Stock=taking Sal., a 0 This is the month for Bargains. We are taking stock and Want to clear out our Winter Goods. We( are offer- ing BIG INDITCEMENTS and if low v ce iiuý quality wýill do it we wili have a big trade th1 is month). IN DRESS GOQDS. Black Fancy,all woo,"Priestiey," reg price $1.00,reduced for sale te 80e. Black Fancy,all wool, "Priestley," reg price 85e, 70e. , g satin finish, reg price 75e, 60c'. Black Soui, ail wool, reg price 60c, .5" 0e. Black Fancy, ail wool, rcg price 90c, " " 75e. Fancy Goods, lu dress lengils, newest colering, reg j price $3.00," A LOT 0F IREMNANTS AT COST PRICE. Men's Pea Jackets, heavy frieze, rpg price $4.50, reduced te $ý3.:25. Men's Electrie Seal Caps, jockey shape, reg price $3.00, reduced te $'2.0O Men's Persian Lamb and al eur $5.00 Caps reduced to $4. We are selling Overceats, Beys' and Men's Ciotbing, at greatly reduced prices. Special value in Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats. FANCY[DINNER ZS ET S. We have just received fromn the makers in Engiand a shipment of Fine Dinner Sets. They should have -been here a month agro. On acéaunt of, them being in so late we got a substantiai reduction in the price and i a order to make a quick clearance we xiii offer themn at prices that ouglit to find a ready sale. They are choice goods. 4 97 piece Sets, blue, brown and grcen,reg werth $8.00,selling for $6.50. 3 97 picce Sets, gilt and pink, regular value $12.00, selling fer $10.00. 1 97 piece Set, ý,almon and green, reg value $15.00, selling for $12,00. 1 104 piece Set, fine pattern, yellowreg value $15.00, selling fer $13.00. 1 119 piece Set, gilt, reg value, $18.00, selling for $15.00. We always pay the highest price for ail kinds of Farmn Produce, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, etc. John MýALrtr IPhotos fori 'WA RNI N G il Pesents.. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVBlN that we intend makiug it warm 1eor ail per- sons wearing our minter underwear and fur geods. Thlrt.v years' experi- ence as furrier shouid enable me te handie furs te the advautag-e of my customers. -Look at our lines and icaru our prices before bnying your wiuter under- wear and furs My stock embraces the mosi fashionabie sty les and my prices are very low. Cali and sec me. in t.M MARKSBWm Vie frow paying crope becanse they re freSh and always the beit. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. 8tick to Psrwy's Seeda and presper. 1808 See AÂnnuai free. Write for it. D. M. FERRY & CO. Windsor, ont. Solti bv A. N cu owB~manN'-lie Nothing is more suitable for a present than a photo and wc are prepared te turn eut work equatl te te the finest city work and at prices that wili suit yen. Special atten- tien given te familygreups. Cali and sec ns opposite the Bennett House, Be wmanvillc. B ritish 'Înýi mità -i Anierican S l3uiladi.N SBusiness Coulrse îColiege «roldb Toroto .TCoron uNi Fred. Wyld Esq., E. . Cli, kson, Esg., F.O CA., E. rrout,Esq., Wm.McCabe,Esq., F. C. A., andi S. F. McKinnon, Eq.A Il lated wlth.the Institute of Chartereti Ac- 110 S 8 tudents assisted to positions lasi year. Snfor free prospectus to DAVIDHOSIS, C. A., ut * l'osPrineipal. r 1ZNITTING.-Mrs. F. Piper, King St. L.E., Cornisha Block, bas a new knîtting machine and is prepared to dd ail kinds of faia ily kniitting. Ail sizes ribbed andi lain also stockings and soeks5 refooteti. Give lier a call Hl EIFER STRAYED.-A red Durham heifer rising two Yeats. Strayed about Nov. il. Information leading te ber recover, will be sultably rewarded. Wm. SwOWDEN, lk 22, Con 3, Darlingion, Bowmanvî1le i.l. 48 - trý T, IOR SALE .-A pure-bred Av\rshiire -.2bull, 2 yeasobi. Hl sire tookýl firi st at Cicago l'ar and le new owned at the doel Farm, Gutipli. Ap)ply ta .kBows o Con. 6, arlinglon, 4)r amptsi,P. C0. 51 - 81A I Gold Ini West Durhani. 0 0 1 ' Yen will find il by dealing -wiih T. N. Riekard. If there w-as ai Goid Mine lu Bowmauville ycu would make'a "Rush" for a share of goid. Se why not folow the crowd aud buy your Christmas Present, where yen can obtain tle greatesi numbe r fer your mouey. Think fer a umoment, Yen follow, our advice. Yenu isaive imeuley and eau buy more preseut s auid Ihus please more people. Thai is wli yen wish le do, 15 ilt ot? Scores of speils, Opal Rings, SSoid Gold SpectaclIes, "Good Lucek" Wedding Rings, Sterýlinig Silver SNoveliies le suit, old jtidyug Inl fuel tIe Quantitl is large anà thîe Quality is exceleit. Enr lug beauiifully dliee., Ig Eyesiglî very areulytested1' ?greal pains taken te 're for yvour~ -eycs, n nue lunl. lamore fittect Ste de this Ilan t T. N. RIORARD, Jeweiler aiio 9plieiau, Bowmanvill eî Tîreticors Easï of StandardI Bank~. ~ GroCer'ue bills *akerà as cash rm-_ t

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