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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1898, p. 5

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,/ r SUBSCiRIPTION RATES, 1898. '4' $TEmAR-, to end ni 1898 (nle-v) $100O 74,MNand Wleekly Globe 1,75 'TTEM1AN and Weely Mail 1.50 MAand Famnily Herald 1.80 ,si~.1ad Farma and Fireside 1 50 ST',ýqSl and Farming (weeklvyl 1.90 STATusmAN and FFarmiers' Atvocate 1.90 STTSMAN1and Gadin2.00 STÀESiMAl1çý,nd Moitreal Wltness 1.75 STTLsmI, tnd Motreal Ilerald 1.75 STATEfS4Aýand Wesitern.)Advertuser L 75 STArEsmiA1, and Breeders Gazette 2.50 xTESMA37x andi Leslie's Wcekly 3.50 ATEXSMAN and Toronto World 3.50 eA.1TESMAN andi Toronto Daily Star .00 rA'1E5MAN and Dailv Globe 4.75 ATHSMAN and EvP;nin.g Globe- 8 5(1 thber purifcaonus --at proportior. tes. Al orders must lie sent to JAMEis. Bowmanville, Ont. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOîsue EAST. GOUMG WEST. Express.8a. . Exces... 5 23 a. M "Express..0Ï,, a.: m . oca..18 I Passeuger . 39pm.Pssenger 2 O5 P. m Local. 642 P.m Epes52" " Dýaiy. BOWMÂNVILLE, JAN. 5, 1898. Pay suliscr-iptions now. It is a gond deal colder wlien you have a tiermrometer. A sncudthrift always fintis the most exPe Pive things to buy. No'tz every man who carrnes a type- writer is an expert using one. Even a vcry pretty girl's looks are mmcli spoiled'by a badà colti. Some people f eei sorry for folks who break up and have to go to work. Allan and Dominion Line ocean tickets for sale at STATESMAN office. bave-o seen those fancy rockers and clirs at M. D. Williams & Son's ? L. Morris is rushing trade iu Parlor Suits. biS big variety and low prices will tell. A imaniigenerai ly thiuks lie does well ,enougli if lie leans toward lis wifc's churci. Pockct UKnives, Razors, Scissors, Skates, Blis, Hockey sticks cheap at Edsall'ýs. Tlie troule witli 80 rnan.'y ougpen- ples pecalserics s 80fcw Young people ,go Sec thýose- lovelyv Quarter Oak Side- boards at L. Moris', the ncwcst andi very chcap1,. A man who 18 alway telling what a gentleman lie 18 neyer licars anybndy ailse Say 8. Buy your Xrnas Candies whcre Non ~can get the largcst variety, at tht 4 Grand Central. I_ lFor tie bitrgest stock anîd the best ' lue in Over coats caîl at Coucli John- Aon & CrYderman's. Mr. Johni Burnliam, Q.C., ex.M.P.P, Asliburnliamiï, committeti suicide lix drownj,ýi1' ,n Dcc. 29th. FEvery ', Areaclieaan age wricn sic, measureu> évery other ginl's importance by tic Iongthi ni lier dress. 'A fine streck of Ladies' and Children'u Underciothing lunstl sizes at Coucli Jolinston & Crvdrman's. The man whe lias beon thc wildest in lis youth cannot stand tic least indicat- ion of the traits ina lis boy. The annual rallv ni tlie Methodist Sundav scliools of Toronto was lield in Massey Hall New Y cars Day. Wc receive two wcekly shipmcnts of oysters whîch you cani rely on being fresh at all time.-Cawker *& Tait.' Someiron and brass lictsteatis aiso a very prctty liue ni rattaîl chairs are sold very chcap at L.Morris' furniture store. It is tich general opinion and it 18 a fact ithat M. D. Williams & qon arE offeing omegreatblargains ln furni ,turc. heonlyý way some men hiave ol showýing wziat poýlitical party rcceiyeý their suprîs by7 puttîng up bllis for nMetin gs. Tho ig Daugiters of Christ, churcli, Bailicboro, prescnted Miss Ida Reid, orguntst, with a purse and suit- able acreson tic eve oflier marriage, The Carrier Boy gracinusiy thanks hi,- patrons for thliecxceeding liberal- ity on New ,Years Day. TheylMned lii ~ olees wll nd i ils, too. Accept Trm TAEMA' best thanks, ton, f oi thec genci(, )is offerings accorieti toa deservilgouîgapprentice.. In tic Px-o1tion ni a trotting horsE iMur.A.J. Mston of -Pitts-field ,Mass., lia -W. , ~lin. rustees-J. T.Hoop er, H. qpyand E. B. Williamis Audtor- J C Stccy G.E.Mayniar an . .Alia; Me dical officer-A BithM . JntnTis1eg Cemnetr Coitte--L. Jollow, C Cox, srJSaneW.WAlnn W. Painiton); Mutsical Director-Jas Saundlers; Correspondet-W. Paiit ton. Readthe ticewsy inisitie pages. Hon. W. E. Giadtafne was 88 years olti on Decý. Utb. Read tic West End bouse advt. ln thîs issue-lt will pay you. Anotier grand sermon liy Taimage on anl inside page. Read it. Correspoutients wantct inluevery scinol section lu West Driam. Ladies' Coats selling off at hall price at Coucli, J olnston & Crydcrman's, Annual meeting ni West Durham Agicutural Society Wcdncsday Jan. 19. Miss T. Scenes,' Port Perry, was recent guest of Mrs. W. S. Gîven, Miii- brook. Evcry girl arrives at an age wlien 1he wants todo things liecause ail the ý.beir girls do thcm. Winter gonds of aIl kintis selling off at grcatiy reduced priccs at Coucli, Jolinston à& Cryderman's. Thc Farmors' Ativocate is a paper cvcry farmer shomîti takze. Sce tic prospectus on inside page. More news on inside pages of this paper than many local papeu's contain altogether. Isn't it a'newsy paper ? If ynu have amy furs that arc not mp to date, bring thcm to M. Mayer anti hoc will make them over into the iatest styles. We liave a splendid hune ni Purses anti Pocket Books. Thc latest styles. They make nice Xmas presents,, at Grand Central, Bowmanviltýe. Kniyes, Forks, Spoons, Carving Sets, Berry Spoons, Sugar Sheils, Pepper anti Sait Castors, beautiful gonds at Edsall's, Bowmanville. It wiil spruce up your ideas of furi- turc to sec tic Quartereti Oak Writing- desks ball-racks anti Centre Tables that are selling at L. Morris'. Gentlemen who are particulan about liaviug a perfect fitting soit of clothes shoulti leave their orders at Coucli, Joinston & Crydenanan's. Wbat 18 nicer for aunid lady or an olti gentleman than Soliti Golti Specta- cles. Saye your money chidren anti buy Mother a pair at Rickard's. It is expeetedt tat tic annual con- ventuon o f the Epworth League of tic Bay ni Quinte Conference wilI hb e let lu Peerboro tic latter part ni February. Now is the time to bring lu ynun furs to lic repaincti If %x nu can't corne dur- ing tic day. my door is open until 8 or 9 n dlock as I have to work. M. Mayer, tic Furrien, Boxvmanville. 1ev. Jas. Caswcll, Grimsbiy, one of thcppînucens ni Methodism, celebrateti t ils 8ti birthday ou Dec. 28 andi at a family re-union lu Toronto was present- cd with a bandsome set of furs. Your trade is wliat we want. If you deal with us once you will again anti * xe are ging to cnt ail prices on our larg stock ni funniture this monti anti ex, anti sec our gonds. M. D. Williams & Son. bawardcn Castle, bon. W. E. Glad- stone's home is describet inl an article on an inside page, As the Grand Olti Man celebrateti bis 88th birtlida.y last Wednesdav this imformation will beol tspecial intcnest. AIL membens of a liougéhlod art thouglit of and supplies are laid in for tiacli and ail of your iiends lu Rickard't stock anti chiltiren will lic serveti witln cane anti kindncss. Christmas belongs to tic littie nues., Officers of AlerO bote Co,, Nn. 1: Capt-George Downcyv; lst Lieut. Thos. Pcrc'. ; 2ud-J. WV Kigt; Sec s-D. Dardh; Tnas-J. 'Mettyre. Branchmen-b. Creeper, J . Woods, N. Taylor and A. Grant. a Appropriate, clever anti tasty window -dressing 16 one of the successful metlinds oi inviting custom. The« lest wintiow ýt dressing donc ni late in Bowmnanville a lias been at S. W. Mason & Sou's new store. Great credit is due soine onc for ýf the artisfic tisplays. M Tic flrst hockey match of the seasor here will lie contesteti at thec Drill Shed a Rink Friday niglit wheu the Whitby Sclub will stive witicth Victorias fou tic houons. 15e will admit to tic fun. Ticket holders 10c. Skating befone aanti aiten tic game. e One nf our oldest citizens remanlici to'us Wcdnesday as wc met iim ot the street after ho'hat ireati THE )fSTATESMAN. -Mn. James, I don't kn ýs what this town would do without o Santi your paper. Tnul 'v, vou are couler- ring a great bencfit on tic town ". ;S You will finti at Richards that vot e_ au purcliase presents for every one of -your ficuitisb. New Gonds have beer -opentiumpf or w ecks every day anti will Ssilkeparriving. A present puarchased !- there ewill keep on fres inlutic mcm- 8 ony of yom friend for many,many ycans ýt ýr Former Bovmanville people wh( a have guven money to th e Sick Ciildren's Hospital in Toronto: Mrs. T. J. Me- Bridsmo 10; Dr. John boskin, Q. C.,825; ýe Mn. B. Brittain, 90 Wellesley st., $10, 'S Mn. W. b. Smith Ontario Bank. Ton- - gregation Sundav monniniz that lie bac' ;piacedt te nesignation nI lis chargc 'i witli tic Preslivterv, which. will meet ir S.Paui's ebunel, Tnesdav Jan. lltbtr ds osnfae ~01~~cPresliy Iterv release Mn. Fra<er fnom lbis woni LU lire tS is ep e iiis mdnto S. that he ill enter upon a year'q specia a- -wonk in connectiouu with au iniportan Churcla inîerest. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. The municýipal lections lu Bowman- v'ille passed quietly. The members of the Cbuncii nf 1898 being elcctcd by acclamation exceptjor the South Ward where the vote was : A. Tait 13, T. H1, Spry 12b, W. H. Dustan 106. The other canididates got votes as follows: R. Worth 8q1, John Grigg 80, and W. R. Goodwin 24.< We may be mistaken,but we think the south ward lias seldom had three better representatives. The candidates were ail good men. Carke Township lias elected a splen- did council. Mr. F. B. Lovekin makes a capital reeve and the other members arc everyone ni them frst class business men and should make together a model council board. The vote was: First- deputy: W. Armstrolig 456, Jas.Brown 433; majority 23. Second-deputy: M. J. Hloman 464, W. J. Jones 448; mai. 21. Councillors: two clected-John G. lloney 613, J. F. McMillan 541. Mr. W. Thoimpson received 300 votes. PE1tSONAL. Mr. W. Kribbs spent New Years in Guelphi. Mr. W. C. Tole spent New Yearsin Lindsay. Miss Violette Osborna is home from Browns- ville. Mr. Henry Met calfisl visifing friands in Hami !Iton. Miss Finra Weeks, Torontfo, suent New- Xears ai home. Mr. anti Mrs. C. D. Pinel spent New Years i Toronnto. Mr. anti Mrs. A. H-. Fletcher spent New Years in Oshawa. Mr. Ncii Veilnwices, Cinfnn,spenf New Years at home. Miss Thompson, Oshawa, Is guesi niflhc Misses Dingman. Mr. Norman Mnysc wiii feach a schnni at Biairton). Mr. Frank Baiiey lu attentiing Business Col- lega, Toront o. Mr. W. F. Dale spent New Years af bis home in Bronkhfo. Miss Atdie McDowell bas refurncd iroma Nor- way, Midi, Mr. anti Mn. Chas. Gorveif bave returnedtef Sparta, Ont. Miss E. Heai,,Osbawa, bas bean guest nf Mrs. W. Wintiatf. Mr. Gan. E. McKnwan, Oakvilie, speni New Years af home. Miss Sophie Cherry, Lindisay, spentîte flcîi days ai home. 1 « Miss Olive Morrison bas gone to Floida to visif relatives. ,Mr. C. H. G. Fletcher and wiie reccntly visifeti Oshawa frientis. Mrs. James Thompson, Darlingfon, is visifing Milbronk irieutis. Mr. and Mns. Hayes, Toronto, wcrc guestu ni Mr. A A. Hnok. Mr. Chas. T. Pani, anti wif,Torontn, are visif. ing frientinlu fwn. Mr. T. P. Goard spent New Ycars wifb bis fathler in Torontfo. Mr. W. Hli niflie West Endi busc, speuf LNew Years in Cobourg. Mrs. Fox, Toronto, spent New Years atilier fafber's, Mr. R. Etiger. Miss Nef fie Sberin, Napane. uis homneforhli iticys ai ber father's. Mr. Frank Deiong, Brookiin, spent New Ycars Cai Mr. W. B. Bickeils. Mrs. F. E. Sut ton, Defroit, Midhisl visitlng ber son, Mr. A. A. Sutton. Miss Florence Marfyn, Port Perry, is guesf of ber oncle Mr..J. B. Martyn. Mns. W. Hlislnp anti Miss Olive rccently visited Mis. Cooper near Brookin. Dr. anti Mrs. Hamilton, Toronto, spent the t olidays ai Mns. Henwick's. Miss Bessie Jnihow, Oshawa, spent New Ycars at lier fafher's Mr. L. Jnitow. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. J. Rowe, Coiborne, speni flic hnidays with irientis here. r Miss Smal, Port Hô5pe, wAs gnesf ni her aunt SMns. H. J. Weeks over Sunday. 1Mr. J ohn Joblin anti Master Berf Joblin, Osh- Sawa, spent New Years in fnwn.' Miss Loff le MeDougali, Abinzdon, fa guest of ber oncle; Iîr. Alex. 1MeDougali. Mns. (Dr.) G. T. Fieldu ni Chasc. Midi,, has -been visiting nid riendu b tnwn.' Miss Lily Boit, Toronto, spent New lears a lier gtandmntherls Mrs. J. P. ice. Y Miss Maggic Bogue bas bean visifing her cousins, flic Misses Galbraithi, Whitby. Miss E. E. bayerait ni TaE STArEsmÂN spent V New Years wftb ber parents at Mynfle. Mrs. John Maynardvisiteti ler brother Mr. J. E. Cochrane, Cohourg, over New Years. Mr. J. Pearn anti Master Harold. King, Osh. 6awa, spent New Ycars af Mr. W. Pearn's. tr Mrs. (Dr.) MeLaughlin was "Af Home" f0 i riarge number ni irîentis on Thuruday afernoon. Misses Lena ant inînic Bennett, Toronto, have been gocufs nif their sister, Mrs. F. J. Man- a nling. 1 Mrs J. W. Stevenson anti Miss Lottie Steven- Fson, Port Hope, are guesf s ni Mrs. John Brima- rcombe. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Coombe have refurned irom a pleasant visif with Mpv. W. Coombe nf e Wihf on. Mev. H. A. anti Mrs, 1,Srixc ni Demorestvili, d spent flic bolidayu at liher fthersa Mr. Jobn Elford's, Providence. nMr. F. H. Jonesa anti Miss Millile Grigg repre. E senfeti Exceisior Conucil atiflic Tempérance v convnîtion in Port Hope lait weck. Li Miss Eva Kathleen Bork, dangliter ni Mrs, -Marvin Burk has gnne totak a cnorseiietinca- tienocf Demiii Colege, St. Catharines. Miss 1. Lawrie was presenteti with an atidres LI two nicely boand boks anti a case of periume dfroma her pupilu ni New Haven sehool E ast. Miss Lottie Brimacombe anti Mr. James n Goard a5sisteti on the prngram aithfli Methodist Il churcli supper at Newfonvilhe New Years night. d 1Rev. Dr. J. A. Parsons of Grove Cty, ?a,, -bas beeîi lced a trustee ni Mount Union Coi- lege at Alliance, . for tbrec y cars. Presîdent McKý_inleyBishnp Vincent anti others are mcm- bers niflicBoard. 0 Messrs. Courtice & Jeffery, harnesss makers, 8Port Perry, were preseuteti with an address ana - s'erai pîcces of slverware by their employées i;on Christ mas eve. ,rMisses Mary anti Lottie Wilkins are visiting . relatives a nterooat Hsig.They eilsi Skia o fic itbtrtuing isflguring,. itcbig, brnin, biedin, scay, anti impiy humnsinsaofy rlieetiby a Ywarm b athi witb CuiicffltA.1' asngapplicafin o f "C"cttA (itef legreaf ikin cure, anti a mli tite i U ncuRA1,ESOL I ExT. Propi. Ilou. Roui due Torturing.g Humoni," fi,. sui dh.r lle and Beam- BARY'8 SKIN ',Ip~d Hein,çzA8op DkRLIN04TON YOUNG LIBERALS. The next meeting ni the Darlangton Y ng Liberal Clu b wililiec held iu the Tovn -Hall, Hampton, next Monday ni i.Let every Libeal attend as busi- ness oA importance is to lie brouglit be- fore the meeting. The Executive is preparing a very interesting prograin. THE CHORAL UNION. The first rehearsal of this society wîll take place on uîext Friday evenîng the 7th inst. at 8 o'clock sharp, in the ffigh School AsscmblY Boom. Members will ail please attenîd. The mcmbership ie 'rias been reduced to fil ty cents, and the mnusic books are being sold at sîxty cents ecd. Parties desirous ni becomi- ing embers- shouid do so at once. A1pprly to T. E. Higginbotham, Treas, Special Reilnetion ia Photos., Ta,,it & Co. will for two wccks begin- ning Monday, January lth, make the regular $2.50 per dozen Cabinet photos for ý1.90 cash. No reduction in quality We can make as gond photos on a dm11 day as a bnîght day. Cail eariy an thc day.. 1-2w. Sunday $ehool Superintendents. Has your school made its contribution to the towîu and tnwnbhip association for the present year? If not, kindly do se %vithout any delay and oblige the Executive. R. E. OSBORNE, Treasurer, Box 53, Bowmanville, or P.TMEBILCOOK., The vote Monday on. the fire englue by-law was: 'For 188, against. 91. Car- ried by 97 votes. The Cow by-law was carricd-against the bovines : For to run 181; tnt to mun 298: majority against 117. AIJOTION SALES. FDAJan. 14.-Mr. Chas. Rogers, wi llI on thc Mitchell farm, lot 31, con. (;, Darlington, near Bradley's Selinol House, ten acres ni good liard -%ood iu small lots. Sale at 1 o':cock Sec bllis. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer The man who can apply a sermon to himsei isi a mighty gond Christian. It is what a cougli mav lead to that makesý it so dangerous. klansom's bive Syrupï- and Tolu is a medicine that lias long'l_(tu listed in private practice. Sold liv Stott & Jury and druggists' genervtlly. B ORN. H-AR4,7I.-Af Wbitby, the wife ni Mr. Thol] Hal-risj of a soli. MARRIED. REvNp LnS-GOWDY.-At the residence of the brides'parets, Dec. 23'd, by Mev. S. Sellery, assisteri d iby Mevý. 0CW. Reynolds, brother of tic groom, ý11. Benson Reynolds, B. A., English and Mathenica Master, 0. A. C., and Maggie Il. daugl ier oi Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gowdy, ai of Gueipli Butoits-Powa.-At the residene ni the bride's patrents, Mapie Grove, Dec. 29,-by Mev. Dr. Marvin, Mr. Samuel Arthur Burgess and Miss E fitb Power, daughter ni Mr. Geo. Power, both ni ýarlîngton. GuiEsf-'-TkVYLOR.-At the borne of the bride's tirenits,iieaRfolland, Man., Dec. 20, Mr. R. Il 0 aiýt1 Miss Edith L., inurili daugbter ni Mr. jnIiý Tayi1r the nfflciating clergyman being Mev.Nj f0Morgan. Hollanclbrass baud servin ad (ýd the ynung couple during the evening. HÂtsaty-In Minneapolis, Min. Dec. 28, ni certonil, Edward, youngesf son o1f lic late Pett ! iiigby,Pûrf Darlington, aged35 ycars, Dv x, In d Osbaw'a, Dec. 28, Joanr.a Caier, ,eloved ife ni Andrew Dewar, aged 51. F, >WL2ci.-At Corbourg, Dcc. 19, John Powier, ageti l8Years. 5ww--At Cobourg, Dec. 22, Mary, eidest dai f er ni Mr. J. J. Swift, aged 18years, Pow~g-Iî DrlngonDe. 0,Edward G. Powe, ag,.ed 87 years. BuaiYgNý. b BowmanviIle, Dec. 27. Isabella Burdený,1beiovedwiie nu Mr. Samuel Bordai,, aged et, years. McFivarERs.-In Darlingtnn, Dec. 28,Snsanna McFecteýr8, aged 50 years. THE WM. DICKSON COM. AU -TION SALE 0F LEASEHOLD Ptperty and Fish Hatchery situate in th~e Township of Clarke, in the Cou rýiy of Durham. l'nd(ej and by virtue ni the powvers cnntained in f wn ertain mnrfgaires, dafed respectiveiy the 1sf dlay, vý fAugust, fA96, andIlthe drd day ni Aug. 1896ý,,wic will be prodoceti at the time ni sale aýnti ,-leiaýultbeing made in paymenit ni the mnii ýtereby securetitherew Ill be offereti for sale by.ý Public Auction by thec William Diekson Cnpn.Auctioncers,at their Auctton ifooms, 73 Kiii- street east, Toronto, on )IO>Y, AY, the 1Otli day of JAIÇUABV, 1898, ai 12 o'ciock noon, the fe1liwing leaseholti prnperty snbject tu Urorii rgaebtereon whicb ,iii alsoe epro- AUlldftnd singular, firsfly, all the sfreams ni' wate rý. akes and ponds rosingorbei " p the nlrOi l aofnithe sout hba oni ot nunr flfeoiand ni the souili bau ni lot number four- teen )ýtlt in tbe seventh concession in the sali ofnsipn Clarke together wiitb the right to bnii'i(ld oîîsfruct dains or weirs or any other build i gs-- or works necesuary f0 conn.trnct and carry on-c;i a ftub hatchery on thie said premises. S ecnndly, ail andi singular, flose certain parcels o r t r ac-tsni landi anti premises situate lving ani beinýg inithe Townsbip ni Clarke aioresald andi copsei irstly, ni the soutlî west part ni lot numbe1ýr sixteen in the seventh concession of the safiti ownisbip ni Clarke rnnnilîg dfty-tbree chisadthrceelinks frnm the iront ni saiti lot ai con)itiing by admeasurement.ity-seven am1nti oeluaitacres becfthc sane more or less and sccon4l1y part ni lot number sixteenhinthe seven- fi conieisinni tbe saiti Township ni Clarke, coniiniiig by admeasurement seven acres be the, sa,i, j moreor Iess to-ether wifh a aîîd every interelt',wlndh the saîilesso may now bave in the said lott number sixteen. Thirdly, ail the streamu iso wafer, lakes and ponds crn-ssi«ng or bcîîîg tipon lot seventeen, concession eigbf in the Township ni Clarke. And Fonrthiy, ail the streanms ni water. lakes andi Ponds crossi,îg or bemng upon lot cigbfeen, concession eight il) rTownuh4lp1,nifCarke, fogether witth easements nf dimingan lindnr ncriglits ni way over fIse ,,aid lproperfies. There are four leases two ni ý iiic'h are dated the 19th ni Febrnary 1894 and the nt 1r wo the 9th of Mfarcli 1895 ai for the peiîiod(ni t'ynfy ive yeatrs. Alun ail the tronn atti o1l, r lisih which balthen hein the streams ponds lind haltes upon the said property alun ail traýpu, cets, toohu and instrumeots, fixtures andi aplilieai very nature anti kindwhatsoever 1oue ii onection withtflicFisîs Hatchery uponi thiedesd premises fogether with ail eggs and spawn fl it may he in thesaidhatchery or upon auiy ujLher par t ni flic saidilands. Alsu twu bay horses two wagronsi,barness,nne pali bob-sleit.hs, aIl - ofýr fli,-gondt chattels wbich niay be in, and lîponu the saidpremtises. Taa~s:50 ercent. et the time ni sale, anti tbe, baacewifin one week thereaffer, other condtios mtieknown ai time ni sale. FoVrtriber pîrtieuiars appiy f0 HUBERT' Il. MACýý RAEý , 1 Toronto street,Trroifn, Soicit- or for lt ntaes -w 4 ýVfÉ, In avker THE POPULAR GROCERS.. Ot, Wish Y u AIl a Merry Christmas. Next Saturday is Christmas Day. We will be more than busy, kindly assist us by shopping as early as pos. sible. Our stock in ail departments lis complete. We employ an efficient staff and neyer in ýour history -have we haci such heavy selling. TJ-ESE ~T are due to the good judgment of an intelligent people in their appreciation of our motto: "ll1igh class goods, no f ancy prices, a living profit for the best goods that spot' cash can produce." Sjpecial Bargains in llanging Lamps, ail new designs. id ~~Banqutetdii id Dinuer, Tea and Toilet Sets, ail new desigï1s, ci ~Fauey Cups and Saucers,'! ci Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Caudies, ete. We eau handie any quautity of dressed and rough dressed fowi. e;awker ï& Tait There 's And Said a lady to anothier lady frienic'n trading a Its a place where quality is not sacrificed for cheapness. Their store is stocked. with "lgood things to eat," just what you want most and the prices are so reasonable, that it doos flot pay to buy the cheap grades offered by some hous.s. Our advice is to cail and inspect our goods and partake of the pleasure and satisfaction. It will. «ertainly be a ple asure for us to show you. the goods. We are proud of them and it will be a mutual satisfaction, if you purchase for your CHIRISTMAS Cî)QKING ",Tsome of Our Raisins, Icing Sugar, Plour, Filberts, I urrants, C hocolate, Sugars3, Brazil Nuts, Peels, Shelled NutsSyrup, Oranges,- Extracts, Dates, Molasses, Lemons. Seeded R ns,Jellies, Walnuts, ready -f-or useB. Powder. Almonds, Then T here's Pleasure In seeing and SATISFACTION in purchasing sorne of the useful articles we are offering for Christmas Presents iii our China and Glassware Department. The largest stock the most room for display, the best values are to be founci here. Cups, Sauictrs, Salaci Dishes,LemoaadeSetsParlor L9amps, Mugs, Tea Sets, Chocolate Setsllall Lamps, Mustard Pots, Dinne r Sets, lland Lamps, Library Cheese Dishes.Toilet Sets, Table Lamps, Fruit Dishes, Table. Sets, Banquet" And many other useful and ornamental articles suitable for the holiday season. Make Your Selections Early. Dry Picked, Drawn Poultry Wanted will pay Highest Market prices. BoWMANVILLE. l'ho Press. Thec Evening Time s, Kingston, greets the uew vear eniargedtn 7 colurnns. It is a newsy sheet. The farmer who has not seen the superb Christmas number nf that nid favorite, The Farmers' Advocate, (Lon- don, Ont.,) has missed one of the best numbers nf an agricultural journal ever issued lu Canada. Some Liberals cnmplain because the, Globe publishes sucli full reports nf speeches made by Coiservatives and Uives such tengthy accounts nf Conser- vati 'e meetings. Such people we must say (ail to distinguish between a real newspaper anti a partizan journal. The Globe is one nf the fairest political journais lu Canada and we are flot sur prised to sec its circulation gnîng up. 50 rapidly ail the time. Sitîce the nrice bas been reduced from 86 to $4 a year, the increase has been very rapid. A man's account of what hoe said to anniher in a quarrel is olten colnred by what hie wanted to say, but was afraid to. For Infants -nd Chidren. Tefo- » for which we CHINA HALL BOMMANV ILLE MARKETS. CorrectedbyJlWclqurtrY each Tuesday FLOUE, 4P 100 Ilis........$82 40 to $2 80 WHEAT, Eall, bush ....0 00fo075 il Sprin- *** 00 et0715 fi Red I?ife .... 0 00, if0 80 fi GOOSE, .... 000 fi 0 65 BARLEY, -P bush, No. 1 0. 34 if O 85 et il le2 .0 26 027 Il fi il3 .... 025 îf0 26 fi f Two ro*ed 0 25 i 0 27 OATs, white 1;............ 0 00 et 022 RYE il.............000 il.0,45 BUCKWEATt............0 0If0 nO 30 PEAS, Blackeye. 4P bush.. 0 54, fi 0 55 ilCanadian Beauties... 54 il O 55 'iMumrneY tg 0 00 il0 45 nSmall, e 0 40 e 0 44 Blueil 0 38"le0 10 BUTTER, best table, VI tb.. 0 13 fi O015 EeGs, Pdoz .............0 00 fi 0 18 PoTATOES, bushi ......... 0 00 fi o s3) lay per ton ............ 7 00 Ir7 50 IAIR W ORK.-Laidies wishjno'hair donc over, ceatilMRS. DicKrresS14 in Street, Weit, FBownsanvillc. 4 ,MfARRli'GE LJICENSE,-M. A. Resideice: Ceýtre streeft. 1%0 MOU(jW A 1A !ME.-Liyou (1 L..Fapply f0 T. ]BiNOHÂ ft ira inice sohId bjrickx coffage che-ap and on easy tfaims. and listýsteful, \ou iare iot wfMi lers compnunld ýrOn Puis wil nake ii a pleaslure to a1ttenld to businless, andjc greater proffit wýil re iuit. Soici bit j

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