~GOD ) .kID THE CORàJ1 ýjkVDP. TAkLMýýGE ON THEl SCULP- * U WE OF T-E W . P eshi4ngUp n o 1il-le Says ma Ieis MLs Cryang Ont, "lissa.ua God, aii ' Adore 1 kL. s !"oret for tise Fait.lsfi5 py>rigsted S97, y ÂeiaiPree. Âfr que discurse 0f Dr. ,Tahuxage leaida his heaiers antid edosthr<sugii unwonted rit.ms et .lopnle andi is f l etf Praetieni g,>eÂ4e; tnt obnvili, la, IlKo mtion aolie b. mratie oft coral." Wydo yna>'lainspireti dram- aaWben yenr v1 aamitetoset forth the Wpei'.risa e of wreigion, ytoset» i aatlaIthe onyx, whch ta used for Zaking exqusile cameos, ami lhe sap- ,tire, oh>' bine, ande top-a f rlombie pri.m, a&n"i b.ruby of fruta IpWood, ainsi Uwm eyen se>' tisaithîe coral, Vhich taa miraM of shape and a tran.sport of coter doteq ewhe hava tudlati h, is not weiég e'd nlmtion in "Oopaison with Our holy religion. NPXnation aolib. agade et som." Ai St. Johashur>', VI., lu a inritu mbuithb>' tle cio ilie as i eai ;etj selnmon the sheif, 1 arit realsMd eti b a Ii>' 0of bholies Qed aa bild. anti bas bu11hin tht.-enple of om0 pasce of coral. h1tic net weader Ibail £iraitHeekel, the grot suientît, while Ia Ceylan, wais se entzauceti with thse apemeass which sonie Cingulese dive"s âbro l'ught up for bis ltoueiten Ihu Lbe himself plunget i nie the sea aud WoSt caeer under the waires at tle risk Gd bis lite, agin anti again andI again, tant he aiglit kaow more of lhe coral, thme bennly ef whtch lho inditates eannote ovo ba guesse iby tîle.who have oi>' seén !t abore wailer, anti afler tb. polype, iwlicliare ils cuiptors anti erohiiecia, have dietiandtle chiot gleies ethîes. eubaxarine fiowers have expireti. Job ln nsy lext tit nt mean te deprociato Ibis di-vine sculpture in lb. ceint reet anog tle son costs. No coecain affordtatedeprecinte lIe9a !white palaces of ihe daep, huihi und« God's direction. Re nover changes bis plana fer lrebuildingof lbe isiai ad m 1shorea, anti fer uncolnutesi IbousaindiS et 1 y7ears thio corailgardens àanti thi co>rW ; nsiles ani tice corail hattleuts go, on iandi up. I charge yen thnt yen will pleaie octiainsi plonse yorself if yen wil gP lote tle minute exasinioatlon o e 10corab5 -their fountiitions, their pinnacles, tlifr aiales, ibeir pillons, iheir curves, theïr i cIcavages. thIbm eticulation, thibm gncup- ing-familites ofthtexu, towns efthtbem, I citicsos f lIexuandi continents oft Ihexu. Indeoti yen cannot appreciate île ena big ot my text unless yen knew 5cm.- thimg f the coral-lnbyniuthian, tellax, *o1amnar, fieral, dented hike ohields frein baille, spoiled like leopertis, embroidermi like lace, bnng like uphosery-Iwiigt atntiauneras anti sunhursîs a£ boautyl i Frem deep crîxuson te miik white ar.ls 'eolens. Yen may i>'fldIltiswork oet Ced t.hromigh the animalcules 80 failbeemi4.W. S amnidtihîe bronkers, ,wloeeOhemeý chshes le wildest anti bonIs lIe aighti- esz anti Bellows tise lbucca. These sea erontunes are ver>' bus>'. Now lIme> builti islants ta île conter of the Pacific occam. Now île>' itibarrtera arounuthIe con- tinent, ludion ocm Redi son anud coast of Zazir lhîve soi of etthein lu- 1,ffsimt Bt -'bluo soury. At île deesio thîe tides >ou Mai>'in semne Places sec th,île to et tbir Alpine elera- lions', wilile c -wshore nothlag but the deep sen sourt, 1 -gs ,frôin the docks, ofthle Challenger, the. Port opineainsi1 lise 1Llghtmimg ofthîe BlitîLsIexpodition ena air7ueuo hem. TIe anient Gaule employedth îe coral to ti. ini'a imýî enb andt ke Lis et swortis. In man>' landsa l las heen useti as ans mlst. Tua Alger- tan neets ta oeeyear ir bsi4iî aiiat wr amiti the ccrail 311 rss w. ltb ,1IC salors, yieldling lu profit $565,000, But the seculan andi worhliy ofnhet l.cern ta acthting as co'mpared wi'th the moral anti religieuxs, as inn -- 'y texi, Jeb employa Il in compaxison. h do net knowv ,Iacw an>' on.enaouexamine a aurai tbe size et the thnmh nail without beîhink- tng hiniseit ot Ced anti worshipîmg hlm, anti feeling the oppoe of th. grea" infidel surgeon lectnrtng Wth ie niedical atuclents in tle dissecting room upon sa huma eye which le beld in bIs bauid, sbeSing ita wondera et architecture and~ adaptation, when the idea et Goti flashed upen hixu se powrfnlly h. oieti eut tu the studeats, "Gentlemen, Ihr. lsa n Cd, ,but I haie hlm!" 1 Picktïmg tp n corail, 1 féeaI k. crying oui, "TIere ila nGec, and I adore hlm!" Ged and thse BeatifuL Nohing sa impimsOseme witli th. tact 4bal Our 190d loves the heatiful. Xbe inies beaitifml eornl ofthle wrld naevet cornes ta huiain oserratlon. Suinrisea anc runisets lie hangs up for nations te leok at; le mai> green the grass andirouad lIme dew to peant anti set on fin ainlumnal toiage ta pleas metal igh, Talte My baud anti we wil waiiî lîrough tis bower ef lbe son while1 show yentlIat even enquisite coralisa ne worthy et Bing comýparOd i wth th ri -lier jcwels of i ý Iristian seul. TIt fiast lIing thai strike., me in hokimg ai lIe_ corali lia long ceaýtinuItacmua tlion. Il la nt imnet iiip 11k.Cotopýaxi bal la an outbutting anti D eutbraachJâ Iag ci aga-s. 11a polymlesia tIaere are reef bmwet ofteet deep anti l,0to nme liln.. Who buifleoefai, t01--, siauda? Fithe victlmi's 'fae and mimmdbatelY tranls- "The zoophytes, thme coralibics. T h ay ferre t Wttt Ie fcanvas. Then hoe said te wara net euch werkers whi-)btillI the he ser-vanjt, "or trtre" ndLn pyramida as w;ereý thos. muasons-, tlieo more tortur there wais a mnore therough creetures e wt s ea. MWhat semahi retinsexress;éi o f pain, and the artW-t ad amenunting te what vast agreatzn3'top there. Wait tilt I catch that pr- Who can estimiate the ages be on .sien. There! New I1 bave it upe>n the lime when ithe iadreperos laid lhe canvas. Lot leose the victixu. I have a foundalt;onso f the -liands and the ltime work that Will last fore-Cvr." Oh,"y eu when th~e madropores put.on the cap5ItonP say, "lie was an inhuman pitr"N of a cmltdwork? It puzzles ail lu. doutaot l ruleI reladli scientsls t guosathrouh hoamanmr, but ho is a great paluitar and eutý years th,,e crallines were building lthetof u tears and bleod on his patleütte ha Sandwich and Society is]ands tanpd th. makes celors thal nover die. Oh, Ihat il Marshall aind Gilbert groupe. Butt more might ha a piclure ef Chiri#lian fortitude, slowly' and wenderfully accumnulative N of shining -hope! gracwe lu the heart. Yen sometiip.s gel On the day I was licensad te preach discouraged hocause the upbuilding b Ly the gospel an eld Christian ma toek tihe seui cees net go on mnore napidly. my band and said, "My son, wbeýn yen Why, rou bave ail eterntty to build in. get in a liglit cerner on Salurday night, The I1111e annoyanices et li, are zoophyte without auy sermon,, send fer me, and 1 uidrandi thore wifl be eMail layer will preacli for ye. " Wall, il was a great on top cf amati layer and fosilizet grief' encouragement te be baicked up by such ior. the top cf fossilized grief. Grace does a good old ministor, and il was not long net go up riqidly in your seul, but, befor. I get itol a tighit Corner on Satur- blesseti bc God, il golas np. Ton tJasnsaiud day aight,, wiîliout any sermon, and 1 mlillion aiges, wil net finish Yeu. Yen sent for tbe olti ministor,, and lie cme will nover be finisheti. On foreverl UP, andi proached, and il was the a wt sermon forever! Out of the sea ef eartbly, din- hoe lver preached. Ail the tears, I quietude wtll gradually ris. the reefs, the cri.d aI lita funeral cenld net îslands, the continents, the- hem1isDhersý express my affection for lItaI man, of grandeur and glery. Mon tlk as7 who was willing le help me ont of a i tght though ta this life we ,oaly had lime ta, cerner. Ah, my friends, Ibatittawbait buîld. But whal we build lu Ihis lite as we ah 'want-sornoedy le help us eut of compared witb what w. shall build in, a liglil corner. *Yeu are in oee now. the next 11e is as a strtped aboll tue How de I knew it? 1 arn used te Australia. Yen go int an arcltect's judgiug eof human countenances, and 1 sudy and there yen sec the sketch of a, sec beyond the >anille aind beyond the t;ljmple the cornerstone of which bas net: courageens look with which yen bide yet bean laid. Oh, that i could bave aný yeur feelings freni others. 1 knew yen architeetural sketch ot what you will b. arein a tiglit corner. What le do? Do as ait~~~~~~~~ 1e triybswegtuo o did when 1 sent for old Dr. Scot.Do What pillars cf strength! What i ars ol battor than 1 did-send fer the Lor-d God aupernal wersbip! What pinnacles t1hrust- of Daniel, and ef Joshua, and of eovery ing their glttering spikes mb îl, te Siu other main who got into a light corner. that nover sts! You do ziol scoldtlIeý "Oh," says soneaone, "why canllo Goai corallines bocause thoy cannaI bUli a develop ma tbreugh pro, ity inlstead cf islaud ln a day. Why slieuld you 5cld threngh advorsity?" I1', , I nswer your yeurselt becanse yen caunot comiplet. a question by asking* nobe. i y dees temipie ef bolîness fer the heart ta Ibis Bot Ced dye our norîhoru and tempoiprale short lietixue? Yeu tellilme w. do 'lot sas with ceral? Yeu say, "The Wa,;ier ta amnaiite mucli now, but Ury us atter a net bot enougl." Thore!lu n swerng thousand million ses cf halleluiali. Lt my question yen have answeredl your us hear the an gels chant for a million own. Rot climates for richest specimens centuries. ie ns an eteraity will God ef coral; bot trouble for the jewû1of thîe and thon sce if w. do uct ameni te o seul. The coral ishers goîng out from something. More SIOWlY -i- eelnsy Terre dl Grecco nover brougbù asoIe accuiiulativo la the graor enta he seul sncb fine specimiens as are brouglhl out ef than anything 1 can think f. "No the scaldiug aurges cf misfortVxae. I mention shah be maclee ooral. " look down into the tropical sea, axtd there The Vfrtue of Patience. la aomethîng that lochs like blood, and Lord, help us te learn lIaI wlucb meast Isy "isthr en r1bil et usi are deficlont lu-patience! if thon cown there?" Seernlng hloed scatteroSd ail uu.ttake, through the mea aulernnes, UP and dcown tue reefs. Ilt ihe bloed of cailns o erstbuîlnebn o!te coualaind il makes me think of corail, ougît we net to be willing tc de Ibese w;ho corne eut cf great tribulation. 1work through ton years or 50 years with- Again I take your hand, and we walk out compilu, ,xitheut restlessness, wllh- on tbrough this gardenon f the. so and ouichaingcfspiitPatene wîh Ielook more particularly thon -e did ai ourrsng; p spi? atience tatwecant v the the beauty cf the corail. The pools have 1ail beaon fascinated with il. On.eof tliem inlleniur n l a few Nvehs; patience wrete: with assali of antagenists; patience at whab meeius a slow fulfilîment ef Bible There, with a broati and easy motion, promises; patience with physîcal ail- The fan ceral sweeps tbrougl .lhe clear nieuts; patience under delays cf Prenvd- deep sea, once; grand, glerieus, ail oudurtug, ail Andth le yelew and scarlet tufts ef lh. Lconquering patience.! Patience like that ecean 1which xny intel>' ascended triend, Dr. Are tant like cern ou the uplaind Ica. 1AImai Stev&ns, descrihos wben writing of oai pcies 1one of Wesley's preachers, John Nelson, oaSpcm . wbe, when a man bad htma put tn priscn One speclmuen cf coral ta càllod île b>' false charges and heing for a long1 dendrophilia hocause ilta like a Ire.; anothor is caileti the astrara hecause Il is lime tormenleti 1)> his enemy, sai, i îie a star; anether ta called tle brain "The Lord lifted up a standard wben the ocrai, because t la like the convelutiens of anger was -couitnig on likea, fioed, aoi 1the humain brain; another is called fan aLlsoulti have wruug bis neck to lb. corai hecanse il is like tle zinstrument ground andi soi my foot upon i. " Pati- witli whidh you cool yourselr n a hot ence like that ef Pendces, tle Atbeniau an aohrseie scle h ra stateamain, who, when a main pur.sued day; coaothe secimen mla callineganf himto is wndoo, hrlng t hmmusical instruments. Ail tI1fowers eptheýtS aind arriving tlere, when it had aind ail tle sîrubs la the gardoný1s ,r the becoedcark, sent bis servant with a ladbv hi orsodnin luthis torchh le liglit bis enemy>'back le bis gre f h e.Crlui. ti home. Patience llkethtîntulogizeti by 1h.e garon et fle seait. CorAndllutrn i tana Spanial proverb whedil tsays, -"I havesyeuymin fe hori>'. nd yet t1Ourisn letthe"-Paings,!bthbe wethet sugfer religion. Il gives physiOgnemtc bea'iýýuty. sili, seurecp! Tle baane who.l afor;îlIl cees net change the fealures. Il cees thesul m or h aladnc w,learotilnet give the features with which the per- naenal ad moal achiery;the ootsen was netol riginaîl>' ondowe, but i Ibat treadsitt placidut>' gtrmiert laké; sets bchind thle teaturea et the benwoleat the bride for othcrwlse rash tOnguas; 1h. sublime silence that conquffrs the prsna ive Ia lue cer i ou. bolterus ntiblaant Paiene lkeSe that otten on firat acquince you loistarosfadlb. meattieius~neplie j aitd of a mana,"Ho is lthe homeliest pr- aIltIcage-JsusChist paîtùî nsir.son 1Ilaver saiw," when, atter yml'ucarne ail he gesJess Crist paieA uiderta underitaintihim anti lit nebtlity et betrayal; patient macler the trealmeut eo elfitn îogibs oaeane Pilate'a oyer anti terminr;yns patienhetvoietreso under the expectoration ot lits assailantis; yns1 ,"iet helvlla -ro patient under flagellation; pattentunader oCrstaniw moeue haever ltdherneoly thie cbrglng spears et the Romain cay- Christhavne tber. Wlaflervewee wo alry; patient unie deaih. Under » alhavheghellbtu ir, thar er lwe a e-xasperations omeiploy.it. Whalever'cernes wh oultelyurfierwhld stand it. Holti on, watbear up. admired blir for 50 yeairs, anti' yoii, over wlierasate bent with Se maiay tendier kChrstian Hope. minisirattoas. Whmn yuu thînkl4 e'thIle Take my liand again, and w. wiil go angels of Geti and your mothei i.voong a 11111e tarther jute ibis gardea et ta, thern, ahe ontshtines thexu ail., !sthil 0sala, aind we shall fiud îlot in proportion' oui young people coulti nnderstai .4 tînt as theclcimate ta liot the orai is wealtby. there la mrotbîng tIat se muclihNi ltiloes Draiw lwe isothermal linos at 60 degreea Ithe humain countouance as the IFlge norîliand soth of tb. equator, aindi yon t eusCrit fl.nd 1h favorite home et the coral. Go to Near my early borne Ihore was a plaie. th. hottest part of the Pacifie sons ànd, calledth e Twe Bridges. These bridges yeu ndn the linest Specirns of ceral. leaped the two streams. Wall, my friends, Coral is n chlld cf the fire. But more tbe religien et Jeans Christ ta two wonderfully de tle hats and flras cf bridges. Il bridges ail tle past. Il. arches rtrouble briag out th. jeweîa e 1thîe anti overspans ail the futuire. Il makecs clChristian seul. Those are net lIe staîwart thlb dying pileow île laading place of 1 e l x! ile o l hdt awangela fresh trem glory. hItturaste but these who are pounding anmtd the' sepitîcler min a May tlme orchr.I furnaces. 1 do Bot know et amy ollien catcheas up tle dylng lie )fil orchesta way o gettlng a Iborougli Christian Coralluxu! And yet that l ces _eteLrsS j olaracler. h will slow yen a picture. tle beauly. "No mention shah be macle e h hais pruyerseerr> monninig antihab. But thse durabilil>' et tle coral's'e werk bears lis graudeltdrea say, the calechiami. is net at ail te ho comparoti witl îleý kPresperity teek hilm aWay trorn God;. durailit>' et oui work, for Ccd. The epral Sadversity cfrore hlm back ta Ced. lHet la goiag te rrumbIa la the' fies et the )t cllimat. te ruake h.rorai; bel anti eeaid- at çday, but ou werk for GCe(',Will te îmg trouble te mnake the jewels cf grae enidure foeover. No more discouiraiget la ithe soul. We aIlhait truble antiye Iman evér live t lna B4-eeleveni, lb. grent It t doe zagrenutideei for Us. Yen have imusical coi4poser. - Ummercifuil>'IýJtti- V ladperhups oethnbt paitor wbOu wish.ti czti by brother artistaad his music l.utogel aa xresofe greai distreas for sometimes rejected. Dent for 2 anti his canvas andi whe bad iebis errant La-sh Iforced on i way te Veta ta )bi 'g feod a xua LM anmd put hi=a tegreat tortur, andi edging ail a verjr plain lieuse B>'th-- mâ t m " *W amit aut t bo okM eS ri4& ~In th.e veuing tle fzimU4 oponed a miusical ins-trument and layLiet anid sang wi grat enthu1xsiasin, an4 Oe ofib nmer he renldered waýs so empLotilthat tasran down ftheir otks ;wille tbey sang and played. Eeto ,Sitiug l hi . leroeinL, too daal te he,:ir the singing, was curio. to know whtwas trhe musihat sOovoerpow-ýered them, aud whén tha3y got through be reached up and toolk the folio ln bis hand and found -1 waa Ms ,ýown imusic-Bee- thovn's S-mhoy A-and lho crieýd out, "I wýrotc bthat'" The household sat and stood abashed ]te fiud that their poor- looking guest wns the great composer. ]But hoe nover lef t that house olive. A fever seized hlm that niglit, and no relief could bc afforded, and ln a ,jew days hoe died. But j ust beforý , expiring lie took the baud of Ihis noephew, who had _been sent 'for and lhaïd arrived, saying, "Aftor ail, Humamel. I must have hadl sonie talent." Poor Beethoven! is werk- stili lives, and in the twentieth century wifl be beüter aptpreciated than it was in the fine- teouth, and as long as there ia on earth an orchestra to play' or au oratorio te sing, Beethoven', fine symphonies wifl hc the enchantmneut of nations. But you are not a composer, anid yvU say that there is nothing remarkiabîe about you--ouly a mother trying te roar your family for usafuluess and heaven. Yet the song wîth which you sîng yeux child te sleep will nover cease Its mission. You will grow old and die. That' son will passout inte the world. The song with which you sang hlm. ta sleep last night will go witb him whfle ho lives, a conscions or uncjenscions restraint and inspiration here and may help open to him. the gate of a glorious and triumphaut hereafter. The lullabies of this cenitury will sing through ail the centuries. The humblest good accom- plished in time will last through eterxi- ity. 1 sometimos get discouraged, as 1 suppose yen do), at the vastness of' the ,work and at how little we 'are doing. And yet, de yen suppose the rhizopod said, 1"There is ne need. cf my workiag; 1 cannet build the cordilloras?" Do yen suppose the madrepore saW, "There la ne need of my working; I cannot bail4 the Sandwich Islands?" Eachoue- att ended te his own business, and there are b Sandwich Islands and thora are tIse cor- dilleras. Ah, my, friends, the redemption of this world is a great entorprise. I1dfId flot see it start; I will net in this world gee its close. I am only an insect as cern- pared with the great wor], te be done,bnt yet, 1 must do my part. Hlelp build. tis eternal corallum, I will. My parents toiled on this reaf long beforo I was boru. 1 pray God that my children raay toit on this reef long after 1 am dead. Insects al of us, but honored by Ged to help heave up the reef of light aeross which shall break the ocean's immortal gladness! Botter be insiguificant and useful than groat and idie. The mastod- ens and megatheriums of the earth, wbat dîd they do. but stalit their great car- casses across the land and leave thoir skeletens through the strata, while the coral linos weut on' heaving up the islands aill* covered- with fruitage and verdure?, Botter be a coralline than a mastodon. ]Power of Little Things. Little thiugs decido groat things. Al that tremendous career of the last Napoloon hauging on, the hand of a brakeman who, on.on. of oui American. railways, caught him as he was falling between the cars cf a fiying train, The battle of Dunbar was decided againsî the Scotch because their matches had given eut. Aggregatiens of little Ihings that pull clown or build up. When an army or a regiment corne 10 a bridge they are always commanded te breýak raLnks,. for the simùtltaneous tread wili desrtrey the strougest bridge. A bridge at Angiers, Frauce, and a bridge at Broughton, England, went clown becàuse the regiment kept step while crossing. -Aggregatiens of tompta- tien, aggregations of sorrew, aggrega- tiens of assauît, aggrogatieùts of Ç(isit- tan effort, aggregations of self-sacrifices -these make the îrresistibie power te demolish or te, uplif t, to detrey co* te Save. Little causes and great results. Cbristîanity was intreduced itt Japan by the fallîng overbeard of a pocket Bible from, a'ship ln the barber of Tokyo. Writteni on the fiy leaf of one of rny books by one whom Ced took te himiself eut of our househeld were the folle.fwing words. I do, net knew wh@ composed them. Perhaps she compesed them lier- sel:- Net a sparrow falleth but its, God doth knlow, just as when his mandate lays ,a moniarch lew; Not a leallet, wavoth but ils (lid dolh see. Tbink net, thon, 0 trembler, God for- ,1getteth thea! For mere prectous surely'than the birds tbat fiy. Is a, Father's image te a Father's oye. E'en thine hairs. are numbered,. Trust him full and fýee, Oast thy care upon hlm, and ho'll care fer thee. Fer Iho God that planted la thy breast a seul Uhiusand million cerallines maclaeuoe oriu.And thon tbhey passed away nmd other mnillions came, and the werkla i ýwondorfi&l. But on die day whxen thoe andi the names eof ai the millions cif Christians wb.o in ail ages bava toiled on1 this structure abollI.ho e nad, the werk i wili appeir se grand ant he achieveumealt -10 giorioisa and the durahility seO everlat- lng that "ne moaen sbail b. made of cer.AL" Sweetnless and Light. Put a pili ii th e pulpit if you want P-raetÎcr4 preach1ingi, for the -physical main; thon put the. pRI in the pillory if it does not practise -what it preaches. There's a whohe gospel in Ayer's Sugar Coated Pill.; a -ospe of sweetne3ss as they did their rti The more bitter the cl 'We've got over that.,. gospel or physic-now-amdays. It's possible -to please and to purge at the same time. There may be power in a pleseat pull. That is the gospel of Ayer's Cathart'ic Pis. More pili particuinra ia Ayer's CureBock, ico pages. Sent frec. J. C. .ye Ce., I,ewell, Mass. Hampton General Stor4 New Spring Goods at prices that will astois for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great valu, See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest and most attractive stock ported and Domestic Woolens ever shown in the Cc bought in the best market for SPOT CASHI. We carry f ull Unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready Clothing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as cefe1 eheapest and as good as the best. We have special values iîi Fullilune in Patent Medicines at popular priees. Suiphur in u at 3c. per pound. Frank A. eol HAMPTOX. East End Gr ain. Depot The undersigne'd desire to thrank the' farmers of West Durham' for the liberal patronage extenchd to us cluring, the past season, also to remind t'hemn thatwe are stili in the markeý sud prepared to pay the, HIGH{EST .MARRKET'PRIdCJ F-10 Tt ALL K1ND0 0F C ýVA Rl-E iR AI SUEDî )S delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or ab ?o~r Darlington. We have aisoea onad a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini Bags. Rock Salt for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared te sel Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCIREENEI) ÇOÂýL aiways in stock. We invite inspection and gruarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN &G .0-l" I- The Nobbiest .Styles The Finest Finish,~ The Best Values In Furniture.. are to be fouud and are offered at our warerooms, and as it is impossible to deseribe the different lines, %ve would respectfully invite the publie generally to visit our store and see the new and pretty designs lu ai linies of Furniture. We wilI convince you we lead in variety, style, make, finish and price and you will be delighted that yen have called on us. BOWMAN'VILLE., L. Ino rris.e Funeral Director, Furniture Dealer lit ýi 40>-- Scot ý,*-j One good thing about being siek, Naming a boy after a.gatmain when we are kids, the gýrown up people hardly ever miakes the o y great. buy us things we have wanted for veàrs.Eating is a necessity. To the hoaitliy. years.it is a' Peasure: to the y spepie; a Mien your bunsiness becomes irksoine 1tortur...By the use o.f AYe±'s Satrs.- and distasteful, y ou are flot well, Mii- parilla, the vreakeQt and ibeet disorder-* ler's Compound Iron Pis will mak~e it ed stomnch is restored to its niatuwýt a pleasure te attend to bUsies n conditio %, and food is once more par- greater profit wiil reliuit.SoDby SU taken )f with yoçthful relish ai druaggist S. zatlsfaew0oa.