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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1898, p. 7

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;.BRIMîACOMBEi DF2iTIST. of Messrs. Higgin-, Dtllir ,m Sou's Drug Store, Donstairs), BOWMAN VILLE. ,JAX REMEDY sale tail Bowmanivillî isba. >y STOT RF r the reaa faetf cons rcu ruiil ca F hncis:me end oseful rpr me cmIr abbe foer a Chrstmas pre5Cit il.esent Fret. ~ALLANLINE Royal3l;ail Ste amâhip s. Liverpool, call- [ ng at M o v ille, for Londoaderry, every Saturday, from Port- land. sE5rsEÂMlS.P FROM PORTLAND. j MongoDlian....... .......Satnrday Jan. 1. Pairigian. i................. ...... " 8. LatUren1tian1.................. " 15. ...m...... 22. Monigoiman ................Feb. 5. I'arisicin..............'Weclnesday "17. ULaurenitian...........Saturday 2. Numý1(iin............. _Wednkesday Mar. 2 J1 s.nrentian, let cabin only, Carthaginian, 2nd sergers are transferred from the train to steme wtout inconvenience or expense. RATES 0F PASSAGEic. By Parisianiýu( an d aifornia-Liverpool and 1 Lonidonderry-1st Cabýýin, $52.50, W6, $70,; retUru,, $114, $5,2nd Cabin, (nclud-1 in~Ludn $62.Ste-erag-e--LiverpoolDerry,1 r Numdian r-Laurentian, lit Cabin, $50.00 ýy Numdian or Carthaginian, 2nd Cabin (ln- clulngik London), $34. ý-yNmdian, steerage, $22.50. Itick ets and every Information ap- -Y M. A. JAMUES, f Alian Une Agent. Bowmanvi]le ILiteratur- on Christian Evidences B . L. Uâlastings, 47 Oornhii], Boston, Maris., publishes "Are there Corrup tioai3 ini the New Testament? ' (price) 15 centa,) a pamphlet trm'ating th~i ques- tion ci 'New Testament preservation and transmission. "The Golden Rulu" once referred to it as "a full, clear and seholarly examination of this subjct M~r. Hastings ie the author and panlieh er <'f several pamphlets, iricluein2 "Rlemarks on the mistakes of Mosea" (price, illnstrated pamphlet edition. 15 cents a copy), a work presienting a number (,f facts in proof of the weak- ness of infidelity. 0f this work many excellent commentlations bave been received, the 'IN. Y. Observer" havinz referred to it as "unauswerable," and another Journal ais "a storehouse o'f infor~mation Every Parmer Wants It. The Chri8tmas Number for 1897 of the oHd Farmer's A avocate of London, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man., has set a merry Pace for kigricultural journal every where on the globe, and bas doue a ý oo d thing for the cause of farnsing in 4. anda. Whatever helps the farmner -Uîkly stimulates the general inter- este of the couintry, A lnaznificent coored plate je given of Mr. 1- D. Smh' (Gcmpton, P.Q.) fanious Here fo dewith , 'portraits of many other prilo.winnt4nt apimalii and fine farm scenleu. Tc, ihe sttckmnan it wili be ta thiig~ of beauiy and joy fotever, Evry Province in the Dominion je sto.ik reipresenited. Poet Elliott iu ditem,"Tl;e 'armier's Jubîlee," and arltclycontrastes 1837î with 1897; wh~ite lengough, our great humoriet *ii4 cartoconiot, contributes a cachy v09em <î!luitrvited) on "The Canady oeWIlA#iciltural Gonlnllseiouler 'Robertson, of Ottawa, extende a hope- ful'yt canxsy eéasônable greetirlg, sud Mr Johnr Dearies, 1. P. S., a well uù6n édluuationis3t, contributes a tboInfi papcer Gn ag'riceàIual educa- lion or nature study iu the echools. (Jattle ranching is admirably reviewed by Mr. J. R. Craig, ex-manager of the great Oxley Cattle Ranch Co.' and the Minera] Resources of Canada are re- viewed editorialiy. The tendency (f British agriculture leý the aubjecti of a carefu11 article by a Scottish writer. Sugar beet growing in GermanY je deos- cribed by Prof. A., E. Shuttlewvorth:4. and Mr, Palmer, of the British Colm. bis DeVartmerit of Agriculture, writee graphically on ýibe outh'ok for that Province laâ 1898. This Christmas ?Number, we notice, goes to ail niew ecîb8criberý for 1898, and the publislhers of the Fu 4 ADVOCATE (now issued every two ,ýeeL-s) are to be complimen- ted on their effort, and in getting ont ordinatily a paper containîng easily. double the really high clas3 practical farr matter than can be zot iu aIny otler way at BO low a cnetsr (e'1.OO> per year. u.*lac-lo BURKETON. Report of S. S. No. 7, Barl0ao, fer Decemibea. Nanîos la order ncf mo, it. Clases V -Canteroîî Cowa, ýL ilîter. Chas IV, sr.-JohniSntit,B-ebie Coa Clueýs III Fr<auk ICo1lsow.R.Gthl ge and E. Robliue. Ciase Il, e- r. mk Cowan, Bertha Goodmn. i) nIlillier. Thomas Si-nitiî. Chiss I-Lonisa RoI son, Sophia Hiall, Alie CookRobert Hall. P art JI-Arvibla Wabton, Murs Watton. F W. MOOprE, bancher. You think I look -e mmd cbfter ; 05, and I feel better-MiIler's Compeund Iron Pille did 1$t. Solci by druggiebs, LESKARD. lie Rev. Mm Ii-wi alid Miss I. Berry, STyi-one, addressed tle League Mcem ,~bers, Meunday week-.. Mr, Fred Rob- Iebins t hme. .M i . Muephaden me- jýsurnes charge nf our scîtool for anoblier le term. -...Mr. aud Mme. Moffatt epent the tn vacation ut their old home, Myrtie.... Mm. S. Curtis te uow la a crîtieni coudît ion- ..Mr. Jas. Laweon, White Churcli les ,penjding ChristYnas under the paren' Z- tai rof. ... Mm. John McKnightjr, uand John Beel le ecovriug froon ankie eprain. My daugîter las improved se mucli bliat yen wenld scarcely 'know hem- MAillers Compoluud Iron Pille dd tl. 1Sold liy ahi drnggiste. CLARKE UNION. Mm. Rolit. Thompeon bas purchased a ucw cutter.. .. Mr. J. P. Bemmv, Toronto University, te home .,.. Mise iene Jew- el smeut the holidnaYs ut home lu Bow- manville.. .. Miss Mary Linton, Orono. visited lier sister, Mms. Hemmaît Davis ...Mr. fiDavis bas purchased a quan tity ef wood frmrM. Alex. Rutherford Kirhy .... Messars. Aaron Samis, Roger Rowe and Josephi Fox recenbly had sheep worried by dog .... The enter- tatunent rendered lu the sehool lieuse on Dec. l7th, wae an unlonded succeqs Messrs. C.- G. Armebmroug and 0. Aý Gamehy favered us wibhcorne excellent songe Mr. Lewis Buckiey's moubli or- ean solos delighbed ail. Mme. W. H. Kelly's solo deser ves special mention. Nover lot a congli ruanu frons day te day. lb indicates ciblier inflammation or irritation, which, if allowied te con tinue, rnay recuit, in seions iujury $0 tbc luugs. A- few doses of Avem's Cherry- Pectoral cures aInv pulmo'nary cern- plaint net entimehyý beyond the reacli of medicine(. Physicians. Castoria lqs met with prononncd laver 0on bIc part of physicians, phar- muceutical encictios, and inedical auther- ities. hIt s used by physiciaus witl resuitsineet gMTatif\-iug'The presesît exteuded use of Castemaia t unquestiou- abus- the resunîothlre Inets :icI. The indisputablo ovidetice tînt lbte l arinlcss : 2ad, That ib not oniy alinys stoinneli peins unrd quiets the tierves, but assîmi- labos the feod; 3rd, lb le an ag-recable and perfect substibute for castor oil. lb is ubeolutelY safe. Il Oee net contaitri any-opium, morphine, or other narcotie uÛnlike Soetliug SYrup, Bateman's Drops, Godfmcv,'s Cordial, &é , it oece net stupefy. This ie n goed deai fer a medicai journal te say." Our dîîty, how- evor, le te expose danger and 'record the menas et advanciug licalh. The day peieoning innocemît child mon throug-b greed or ignorance ougihttu nd.OTo oui- knowledge, Castoria ila nremedy which produces ceinpwe îcand health by regulJabiug the systeal not bh'v tu- pefv tng it-and our readers are entitîcd te tihe itiformaion.-Hall's Jvurnal of! Health. 44I regard Custoria as oe eof the et rernedies fer dhildacu of volîlel1Iarune quainted. I have prescribed ib in rny practice te severai chidren mceuly, and lb gave excellent satisfaction. -1 hope the day le net far distant when mothers wil consider bbc real intereet of bîcir dhiîdren, and use Castoia in- sbead of bhe varions quack nostrums whieh are desroying their loved one, by forcing opiumu, morphine, sobhing syrup and other hurtful agents clown biîeir throuts, thereby sending them te premature graves." Conway, Ark. DR. J. F. KINCuIELO.r 41-3w: AU* frequency of Heart Troubh« gtvu Cofllgwood peoploe no ed foraamn its ravages ean be stonppea. "For s namber ai yeaae," essa" Mre. 3.W. Gard iner, Napier St., Cclliugafoed, Ont., -Ihave licn sffiiated with nervamsens ând weakne.e of tihe snàt. ,Tic symp- torns constamtly becane.more distresuing and slarming ae the disease ad'anced. 1 Lad violent palpitatian and fi.utteaing o the beart which naturalfly made me weak. My sleep waî disturbed wibh iaiglitf ai drearne aud my mimd wandoaed et night. In addition te tItis my blood wagsranc impoe'rished, causing leeplessuesusud fatigue. I became thin aund Iacked bodily vigor. ]Dizzinesq aud weak cyciglit, blurrad vision, etc., added ta my distrees, sud et tirnes I founld lb difficui tot breathe aller slight exeatian sud 1db always tiaed and wcaay.:11 IlAt Ma. Capeter's druig store I got a box of Mlburn's Heart sud Neave Pille in Marci last, sud faom blett im-e began ta get letton aud gain in streugth nsud weigbt. ey bliir remnakalle bonic act;on bbhey lirougitt my cutire sysbem te icaibli and strengt1 a.gain, gave nme reabf i, rf ;1111g seep, cnaichcd rmy bl.ond ..d aE>toaed, Ivitaliiy, aud la cveay way couîerred great benefit upon me. 1 cauinot say booa mach in.fa-or of bite great nuedicine as a tonie for ail forme of pitysiJcal weaknSss cnused by wrone actiOn cd tie hearli or mrVes" 1 1 thefr i great aatsarfot a fcýW scc t ad combafot. &,nounc"d hlm iiitadecdedly emplablo, berm..0f courseý(, peiLtiça l; ad a gret T osnGas tpe deal toa do lucokring bbeir opinionms, but Put n drap Of awceb oitl aound bbcth i lot a Ie fw instan1ces ýtlie.rewas bic cdg,-(,ocf bbsoppr.Thon placebbe, bot- graetamouant Ofilaiffeporeeas, te0bie aar tbic ire until lb becones warmi, his preseuce amorxgtbhcm. 01oamn tOld whcun , liglit blow with a woodeu inu -me kle would nGt go acrosa tic stacet bw atrunit on oaci ide 0of tbcstopper her bhlm alk, aud anather said ibat i willi g,ýesablY loscu lb. If, Itowcvea, lA tm-,Premiv a sa hngtmore of tu 1 sauJîd flol!' repeat tbecil and heat app1i- 4,MIMc $bwu tu Eltgand ay'wa, e u. f HAWA DEN ASTL NIGHT IN THE DESERT. NA ARDN C STL ~ o t, ta ani al,,-d t of Nature îLui, a Where iMr. Gaaen espedn h I t i< Effoect onHuinanity. DecinlR Vai.. o lis Eent I ~. at 1ùKellv, the Engli-tb prtigt bit Cat-cer. iitttd Slàthi Paah' r inr' l the Seuil a," bas writien Mr. Gls)u 1xiii orfly ý(-cterafe .;î-" r theo century, which ho calta bis 88th birtliday. 1,11k,"grand 010 man" -hal~ Deseri With the Bedoun." Mr. WM born lui) vruol Dec. 529, 1809, . ýVans drawn anuniaber of strlking. and, as tàiaga, look, now, he bida fuir t" i ' for fthe article. A bit of bis weleome the dawn of the twentietIl tcn ta as follows: ij~t jtjthe century. If lie survives till i axit year ho -.i 15 xry solema. Snrroaaded by can participabo in thflic cenary olebra- ' a y wa5resî elý.ing ln the glooni, tion et the Irish robellion. As boe cornes ý_ of nature la ulmoat pataf nI, of a sturdy race, the chances are that -'ooccasional bowl of a macml or Me wlll live even beyond hIs 90th I)irthl- d P, f borse only serves toa acentu- day, t'l suceaeding stilinesa, whuie the fluwlýardlen (astle, the honte of this rîdral rare atmospbore makes the great political"hmt, as lie le- somne- aPo,î f sncb unusual size and tirnes called, lies about six miles cast of uaus that one feels oppresand witli a Chester. flore on the hual overlooking '- f lonoly Iittleness. I arn olten ikhe vulloy of the beautiful Dec, ln a n,. i ow 1 occnpy ny tlime in the des- pictureaque park of sorne 700 acres, Mr. e7t; iuy reply la, 'Painting.' Everything Gladstone la spendlug bthe remaining 15 ~eîbe and the desert le always years of bis evealful career. Arnong bis ...-...ful. Infinitcly varied in texture owu countrymea ho ta regarded as a , i 1lcalolr, proliflo of wiId flowers "1socular pope," although hlie s by no ýît oset life, ils tateres i teunendtag, means as closely confined as the distin- is traclelss expanse undulating gnilhed " Prisouer of tho Vatican." hrizon seemas like an ocean sud Mr. Gladatýone lias takoen np is aliode petrifled into nbsolute rest, and practic.,ally iu the gateway ta Wales, nneest mdwtiaoucfvs- perliapa liecause hleUlisce many admirera s s d reuose which nothiar, ita my among the Welsh. 'Ili, toc, lie lias for "lvn-a. can oqual. Agein, as the effects bis noiglibor tbe Duke c f Westminster, xorytjîîg wenther pas ovor the sileat whu lives only a few miles uway ut ï-1 ho; perplexing are the qutck Raton Hall, and owna lialf of Chester transitions frorn gray te gold as passing and a good part of the clty of London. sa-t)i ni s play lilde-aad-sook arnong its If i lblietruc that extromes meet, aud If bloes, or be e bbhcvwot n ,lnt cfda ail the gossip lie truc that 1 have hourd pie plAe te he itis d elews c f here,tliea the richest peer and the poorest -.,-!Addt h nrni euyc stateman in theo United Kingdorn lt-ne Wlie ,cserb ibseif are the innumerable aide by ide, says a correspondent in th" alwui's rendy te bandi-now a New York Advertiser. Ib is no ecret.1 ci watchiug bis Boück, or .1 Party that Mr. Gladstone lias very lirnmdWxbscecsngterhrssjcu macns ut bis disposai. Huwurden CasSd -o ft domestie dutieg inlulnl swing; belongs ta, bis wife, havlug licou i- nre slave roasting coffee over a lire herlted froin lier father. Evea wMI os;bak-oe wne titagfo holding bis first Prorniership the veteren ei te tot; or a gm-cap cf gaily dressed statesrean bad ta seli a vuluablo coUse- ,e the girls playing "knuckle. tionof -bin inarde tamakebot end lathe sand, bbe boys, as usual, meet.of ciai odplac keboenofs i7ig ilathe misohief reudiesi te jan. Evierywbcere a piceare! An artist's The frtplc fintereat on the way 7 o tie tnded eb oaly druwbacks of to Hawarden la bthe littie parlali church iaronuo's utter taability te nccom- whee Mr. Gladstone reads the prayerç 1 ,.-ý1h~le of the subjects aurronniding en Sn.nday. Ib is built lante early Eing- ..eand 1the diseiforbs and burdshlps liali style of architecture, aud lias nobhIng cI. ishfe. remarkahle about lb other than betzg the place wliere thbc most distinguiphed Atmi-ets for Lad jus' Hats. manlu rea Brltau wrsllp~ Eys~ Thomias Joues pushes quietly lato tbe Sundy, Tin O alue, wien -'e cf the nestiag greund, tics bis-bout Huwardcu, bbe great aatesman ta fou c Vit 1)il easy range of tlie baIl sang I bis seat wltbin the chiancel of tbelittle l eci eoeadtksn i churc. Hi plae ison th frot ue. h here la an aigref on the tali sang. whldb ta fitted up with a ruliler aïr immtýg 'a steady aim, ho fires, and tbile- cushien, and centaine n prayer book aldidri vhradondad n o w Bible. ýlwrl;lo da.Oeo tW Bubit is net thesanme Gladstone thatl n",er b s ttleou t .Oirpeces lbbn saw la the Hanse of Commoas some ton o ra utstl lnk ne-b n year ag. Todaybis err is outwith oy, ewhirl ouf andOlie ln a white year ugo To-ay bs frm l liet wlli ',1 Mass authe cfoot of thc troc. An age and ho halOs the prayer bocok close t rises liersoîf np above the rima cf te bis eyes. Morcover lits hearlug l in <m- n2t on w hich she site, and the tiny paired, an that lieonmust use bis baud as ýuîlet pieros ber. She wbirls dowu, ly- a kind of car trumpet. Nor ta lita volc er w, inatte ad motienless. Tbo littleoeues e strong as thon. gàie oa nd cry, but ne food cernes. The lia day la cipened and closed wth fthor wns killed on flic trec neuf by. p.ayer, and whcn the cures of sate ha-ne ici by anceout cf 'the pests, off the pressed hardupen hli li as gone to is115 ikub cf flic trees, Wjre, tliere, aaywbere "4secret closet" muny i' les la the course -fer bthe birds are ail abouf and se of 24 heurs. It la a well-kuown facit that stupid with the brcodiag foyer that tliey duriag a Cabinet criais lie weab te cliurch nl on e ave-the silerer hite b irds ne leas than tircecfinies in eue day. The ,cethrdem tttaisngls greut Britishli atesman luibtis respect M tth 2 ictIom. TJoncs ls nt bas la seuthiug lîko env ewu Benjamin lr - ie bout. H-e lias over 200 birds Frankln, who, during a critlemil pcried uailie eau tell by bis cnrfridge boxes, lu tbe framing of our constitution, i j Leiirely misses a shot. - te iseasy- nioved thait the convenïtion aeek Divine ~eig Affer acon lie gathers up lits assistance. And, ne if to encourage' the t-,. A tut cf the kaife and fthc clump ex-Premier in appcliag te the Almighty if,.lumes t off. Two huaidred carcasses for nid at allasnes, there la this totexinu~ itf r et yo.Ta ymr lits ledreonliangiag over the mntelpiece: înog rr. Many ore Thtianyblmtobb "Tliou wilt keep bir n luperfect pence nr ',frby biitm h nla wlies nuid 1$ainyd ontlie." ti ho yia yung of the first day's vie- The Gladstone farnily, which represeuta i,,s;xi ihave ceascd. flire * generutions, site imimediately From th 1on ou, day by day, iucreusing behind thbc bo0f tbe bouse, wbule bbche brcin ldratio, bbc barvest cf deutb servants bain scats nr the choir.' The Jos ,on scacilly, pîtilessly, on the sewing little chiarch la fillcd every Sundny, iuauy udscflife, eut la tbc sulent wildea- visitera eemîng for bbc purpose of aswing ns. , eràe cbirds bave ried te bide and ieaiag thb, fremeet stabea n t dr homos, l bstha n amebl ilbta Great 'Britain perferming the humbleo.Te long vwhite hunes n longer service of renýding prayera. nes h~ eua)lltry gciug bo and frein the The Gladstone home la about a quarter 'e0,ing grounda. The white forms no of amile away. The rend vinda thacuigli uer peur on the uuked trocs. Doubly e beautiful park of dbestnut, ouk,ah kefifth, fareat stands la client desola- and walnut trucs. Osn tbc way yen puaýs itoun Sodden and discelored, bbc once the ruina of tbe aid cable, cenaiting of ,i1 -bite feriias ,bobow the trous are sinkiag a circular keep, thc top of whicl cern - limbe lc lime. Frein benaablthbb trocs mands a goed vtew of tbc Dec vailey. _î.î1 frcnt bbhefiesta up ta thu trucs a Thc aud ta flot cualbivabcd, as ta tle case groat steucli gees up. Net a bird, youag et Eutau Hall, butremaiua in its ntîtrai or old, la1sef t alive. The aid eues stuyud condition. . Hlavarden flustbe la docidedly :11 deabli cames, louud by the gacat in- modern in appeurac, and is sunnontd dbiDt cf aataru te romain witb bliir by a h1gb torruce. ifb lan typieal Enig- !,,iug.-Forest and Streamn. lIsh manor, and contuins Mr. Gl,'adsbone',s valualile workiag lihmatry. flore bbec Derlinc of thu Comedie Franeals8e. gtatesgman spends bis dz-ysanad niglits iuiButwben wc aeview the Comedie iu study. New biooks pour ln upon bim by iba prescat sate as a whole and compare every -mail, and no anc lu Great Bribatu i ivb tat it was 10 years ago, we cx- is btter postod lu regard bowbat ta pas,- caim with infinite regret, "Wbat a faîl- î iag ilutbbcbttrarv worid thante bermnit ieg oü7 's liuae?" The players can aise ta of Hlawaadca'. ;a great effort naw and bleu, but thme The averago day ut thecte is pnssed general acting lsaut a'lower bevel than subatanbtialiy us fn1llws: Mr. G1ladsboue hý used ta be, and the ancient repertoire weke ut 7.30 o'ciock aud hbas a ligltit t, now rarely played. In fact, 'we' under- breakiLfasýt ervoýd hum inhi s room. fie -stand that it la not improbable that the generally m)akes it a pint te aise at 10 coutinuance af, the subvention May hoe o'ciock, afte)r read1(ing lu lied a couple 49f utueketo. Inutbbc fermer days whon M. heurs, and -hli goos tîmougli bis mail. Perria waa director, we said over and As bcledos n)tempiay a seo,-rta&ry, blila aver a;galu ntliat bis policy Wns radtcally takes &soemitune. Very soon, how- lad nud wouid end lu disaster. Our * a BEST QUALITY LATEST STYLES' m - -e STANDARD NI3RLOWURED.L 9 Im~ovIuW ~~~ÏiI~3 Chauqe. ("Y Having securedý the s-î~t salesman, we have begun sll ~ Summer Stock of Boots and 81, Lis. I le la1 cf our ht< iti tifor Fail Importations. This is a gi-eut u1Otsît to secuire goods at your own prices. As f sth etl1. -îut e reduced we shall offer at once $3000 woitii of thesc goodsat sacrifice prices. All outstanding accounts miit be' settied in fulli by Aug. !')th or costs will be incurred, as the pî'esent books must be squared Up. BoWMAîNVIu1LE. BEAVER BLOCK~, SeuilogMahns There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where parchasing a new machine yen should hy al m<ans get the very best-This is the kind I seil. For Tailors' 'and Dressinakers' use, our Ma chines have no' equal. Prices reasonable. terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee, _with every machine. Intending piirelia. ers shouid cai and irestigate, or sent postal card and agent will be ai'ound. i1est machine o11 for sale. Buy ne other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Cas'e Organ for saie, ,, big bar-, gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Sccd. H VNIPTON. f e r li t r Warranted OnIv Stove madein Canada with Top Drafts. The newest, cheapest and best. Thie most r'. i Ieconomical ever in vent ýed Made of best American r' ~ Russian Iron, and lined 1' ~J"with Steel. No ash-pan ( 1~' "'~or dra-w fda-iper for ehildren to dra w ont a nd ~ ~'!~!I~'Iset lire to"building. No ashes neeci removingonly once in mouth or two, Will warm a house in five minutes, Tour in- suranc:e is less When you uise the QUEN. il save 25 to 50 per cent, Skeep a slow burning fire' ail niglit. It is a Queen because it has no0 equal. AXGENTS W, FT[D. M Ee R B RO S OSHAWA. Miss Con autspe nt Xrnas hiol-idaya in -- Buffalo N.Y. and Portville, Penn' Mr.,Mervin Anniswas home frorn New . Nurse Hugh es of New Jersey is York. visiting lier sister Mrs. C.Cr le Misses EdithWand Minnie Fisher spent Miss Ednia Mar Crysdale is S-peudiug' Xrnas at Myrtie. the holidlays withi friends in Bellevilie. MiLss K. Smnitb, Toronto, spent Xrnas Mr. and Mrs F.Aý.Guy' and farnilv with Miss Pedlar. spenit Xmla, at Peterboro, with Mr.F. Mr. WVill Thornas, Chatham, spent the Hatch. ho îlIdays at home. Miss Eduai L. Conant is visiting with IMr. Peter Kyle, jr. Peterboro, spent ber aunit. Mr.)Jos. Caldwell, Belle- his hiolidavs in town. ville. Mra and Mýiss Bongard are îýisitiug I used ta he, continually tired, nwT frieiinds in Coldwýater. 1arn stroug' and well-Miller's Com1pouind Mr- HaïrrvJackson Orillia, ýisited l is Io il idi.Sl i aldugss parenjit s durinig the holidays. e-,How iany men there are whôbu 'MdIsses :Flo. and Emma Mackiethat s tnomare tno gsmplylicus Toronto are home for holidais.thycsunmrtanoetatf. Mrsý. Gen. Bloomfield spent thehlie el _ day wlth friends at Port Hope.- SEý,VERE HE1ADACHE CUE.--Dear Sirs, B Ltroubled with asvr hiedache, I was advised bya rindte For Infanlts 'ndOhidren, try Laxa-Liyer Pilîs. I onlv uised hallE abottie, and hav,,e net sinice uffered ~~ f rom thccomplaint They setîsu mte liea leusisc perfect cure. Mas. JoaN ToMtiNsmoî, I~îOGu jHamilton, Ont. /k ASK FOR WELL KNOWN'BRANDS,

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