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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1898, p. 8

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Our up to date collection of Noveities for the Holiday Season is vo- mxarkable for its Excellence and Cheapness. Ail our goods are new. and attractive. Dressing Cases. Odor Cases. Manicure Cases. Shaving Cases. Glove Boxes. Handkerchief Boxes. Jewel Boxes. Necktie )xes. Geut's Companion. Hair Brushes, (S8IVBr mOUllL.) Fancy Mirrors. Shaving Mugs. Basket Perfumes. Cut Glass Botties. Paper Cutters. Candde Holders. Pin Trays. And a host of Novýelties from 10c up. e0ur ehristmas Perfumes Are ahead of anything we have ever shown and at prices that will please you. Our stock- is complete. Our variety great. Our prices popular. J. llîgginbotliaIm & Son. BowmANviLLrdE Chemists and Druggists. So dùear to the heart of ail young '/k . boys and to rnany a one who long ago ceased to be young is perýfect when ypur The Steel in these Skates is the Very finest and the prices very low. Dustan & Huar BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 5, 1898 CAUMUS.- Sleighiug is good around he. Other Cawtwright news on an inside Mr. Jackson, Manitoba, is visiting at Mx1. David Fallis. Grain threshing bas just been finish- ed in this settlemeizt. Mr. G-. W, Devitt, Monitoba,' is visit- ing at Mr., Samuel Devitt's, Cadmus, Messrs. Win. Philp and Perey Edger- ton are visiting old acquaintances at Lindsay. TYRONE. * MOUJNT VERNON. Mrs. W. SoucI, Mrs. Geo. Argue, Mrs. S. Souch and Mrs Geo. Milii sori have been "At Home" to their numerous friends. 11ev, S. G. Rorke delivered an excell- ent discourse onl Sabbath monning, on "The, growth. of the Holy Spirit" in aceordance with the Fonward Movement oftheEZ.L. C E. Text - Acts 1: 8. Visitors: Mn. Bert. SoucI, town, at home- Miss Woodley. Tyrone, at Mr Jas, ùanfat's; Mns. dos. Cole, 13-ed Deer, Alberta, N. W. T., visiting her sisters, Mrs., Geo. Argue and Mrs. S Souch; Mr. and Mns. Chas. Pascoe and daughten Hazel, Tononto,Mr. E.Hanris, Rockwood, Miss Ella and Messrs. Her man, Fred and Rogen Beacock, Black- stock, at Maple Corners; Mr. Arthur Mlîson, Guelyh, at home; Miss Aima Short, at Mr. ,Sas. Heatlie's; Mr. C. W. and Miss Eva Souch and Miss Maud Hlayes viqited at Base Line andProvi- dence. BLACKSTOCK. Mr. Frank Wright and 'Miss Ei'dith Peardon, Toronto, spent New Y-ear's day at Mr. T. A. Wright's. A Necktie Social was given in the town hall here on Friday night last by the Séns of Temper.tnce. The prog,ýram was' of the most mirth provoking char- acter and those who. love the comical had atreat, Recltations were given by Miss Dolly Hooey, MT. Joe. Ferguson who ià home from Kingston for bis holi- days and Mr. Harry Dunslow. Songs were provided by the inimitable Matt Swain, Mr. Marwood Veal, 11ev. R. M. Phalen and Miss- Lottie McDonald, ail of whidh wcre creditabl y rendered. The Worthy Patriarch made a worthy dhairman and also gave a reading very acceptably. Miss &'acock was accomp- anist for Mr.,Swain and Mrs. W. Swain and Mrs. W. Swain for 11ev. Mr. Phalen. The order was somewhat- disturbed by the indecorous conduct of some Port Perry boys. Their shouts for '«more"~ must have been flattering totheperform- ers. It is said there is a clown in every circus and Port Ferry has a few lu train- ing. The supply of uccktîes rau out to the evident disappointment of several youths. The hall was full and about $20 00 were realized from the event. Refreshmeuts followed the program for ail who remaiucd. ENNISKILLEN. Our new teacher. Mr. Stacey has commenced lis labor. Mrs. Wottou and son and Mrs. Byers and son are visiting in Port Perry. Dr. Mitchell is being assisted iu his practice by Dr. Hackney of Mitchell. A pleasant time was spent Thursday evening at Mr. W. Wottou's when neighbors gathered at his new home for a honse-warming. An address was read to Mr. and Mîs. Wotton and re- sponded to. The Presbyterian dhurcI as usual furuished a most enjoyable eveninz to those who gathered' there on New Year's Dav. Despite the cold weather a goodly number assembled. The program furnisîed was of a very brigît order, fully eqnalling in fact the quality of the refreshments which is saying much, The Ileaps family of Oshawa furnished the major part of the pro- gram iu a masterly manner. Tbey were assisted by 11ev. Mr.Rorke,Messrs. dos. FnrgFeson, Duxslow, C. E. Brown, A. Beach aud 1R. H. Stevens. Every number was a success. School report for December : Teach- ing days, 16; ScIool open, 16 days; Aggregate atteudance, 567; Average, 36; Late once, 10; Twice, 5; Three tes, 1* Staudin- - in order of menit- V.-Lyla Gilbert, Rate Virtueý Sr. IV -Willie Thompsou, Hubert Pollock. Jr. IV-Walter Rauton, Florence Vir- tue. Sr. Ili-Pearl Banton, Harry Virtue. Jr. 111-John Hall, Florence Pye. Sr. II-Ed. Sîortridge, Albert Oke. Sr. Pt. II-Mage Bell, Muriel Stainton, lut. Pt. I-Walter Chapman, Myrtle Heuderson. Sr. I-Evelyn Ronke, Alymer Herrng. Promotion examinations, Sr. 11-Jahn Hall, Frank Virtue. Visitons : Misses E. Trebilockl,, F. Tllley and Nellie Hall, Bowmýailli1e, Miss E. Borland, Toronto, and ýMr. F. C. Trebileock, Trinity Medical olee Mrs., W. J. Davey and Mr Byron Davey, Whitbv, Mr. A. Pollard'aud Miss N. Pollard,Orono, at D.icels Miss Remmer, Whitby. Miss R,'ohinson, Jauetville, and Miss N. Dunbar. Ton- onto, at Mr F. Rogers'; Mr. David Cherry, Bethany, at Mr. D, CJerr's; Misses Cora aiid Nettie Reynolds at Mr. J. J. Gibsôn's; Mn. and- Mrs., T. T. Jardine and Mr. Wallace Jardine ut Mr. P. Maronev's; Miss Jane Lewis and Mr. Thos. Lewis ut their mother's;- Mrs. Waite, Toronto, aud Mr. Thos. Ranton, Sarnia, at Mr. Jno. rZanton's;- Mr. W. Downey and Miss Hosit Mrs. Virtue's. If your child is pale, peverish, and does not tîrive, a dose of MI-LERIS WORM POWDE RS occasionalIy will cure.1 TE sm Brut Clearing Sale Belore, StockîatakiWm JAN. 10 t AN, l5the ONE WHOL E WEEK 0-F BARGAINSt ADy reasonable person can see the utility of a sale just 110w. We menet take stock Jan. lSth, and we want ail the goods ont of the way that we can possibly dispose of. Now you get wintei goods at L-argain prices and the most of the winter is yet to corne. This Bargain List gives only samples of the scores of bargains tbat will be ofi'ered during this sale, Canadian Coal Oji îsc in 4 gail. lots Amenican Coal ail 19c 3 Boxes Matches foc 25C. 6 lbs good Raisins for 25c. Can Corn for 6c. Can Lobster for 5c. 7 2 feet Clothes Line for i oc. Sunlight Soap for 5c., reg. 6c. Pnimrose Soap 6 for 25c. Quickshine Stove Polish 5c box. Our 25Cjapan Tea, 5 lb. caddy for $i.oo. Nicholson's Mince Meat reg. 12c, 3 lbs for 25C. Mo0ts & BhOes. Men's z buckle felt, foxed boot, reg. $1.75, now$12 Men's Arctics, best make, 6 and 7 only for - $ Meu's Tan Dongola Bals, fuir stitch, reg. $350 for $2.25 Meu's Ox blood,pebble " 2.50 for 1.75 Men's Buf bals, fine, pointed" " 2.50 for 1.7 Boy's Top Boots, Kip, reg. $2.oo for this sale -$i.îo Boy's Moccasins reg. $i oo now for - 70c Tan'Bals, pointed toc, reg. $1.75, now - 12 Dong. Bals, pt. toe, fuir stitch, reg. $1.75 for $1.25 Ladfes' Fancy Plush Slippers, reg., - 1.25 .70 49 Gerinun Slippers, felt sole, reg, - .,30o" .25 ci Fine dongolu butt or bals reg. - 2.25 " 1.25 Misses dong butt, McCready's make, reg ..5o " .oo ci leuther sole, cloth slipper, special for - îc Youth's Moccasins, neg. 85, for this sale 50~c Ladies' colored Spats, cleuring price for this sale - oc Men's heuvy gout driving mits reg. $i. oo for Soc Boy's Wool Mitts leather faced reg. 35C for 30c Men's and Boy's Fur Caps at clearing prices. Meu's heuvy ibbed union underwear (shirts only) r.-g. S 40d fer 30c, Heuvy al wooi Sox ribbed or plain tops, 2 prs. for 25e Duriug this taie we will offer our special 75c unlaun- dered white shirt, pure linen front und cuifs on bands sizes i3ê- to 16î for 50c. A line of Napa Tan driving Gloves elastic fasteixer 55c. Men's Nuvy Flannel top shirts, reversible collar special ail sizes reg. $i.oo for this sale 85C. 2o pieces worsted puntings bcst quulity, you r choice of patterns 2î yds for $2.50Oor made to order $3.9o, remuants of tweeds, worsteds etc. ut sacrifice. Dry7 Goods. Ail Winter Goods must go during this sale. Dress Lengths, elegaut new goods, reg. 1. 25 yd for 75C. 69 et '4 .00 yd for 6oc. Corresponding neduction on other prices. These are ail new this season, only one dress of cach kind : Piece Dress Goods 35C to 50C for 25c pr. yard. 6oc to 75c for 40-c Not much left but what we have is the *best quality. Muifs, Gauntiets, Stormi Collars, Capes and Caps, ahl will be sacrificed during this sale at the price of the unm'anufactured skins. Bla n'K eteti T e D o w ns. All Wool Blankets reg. $2.5o for -- &C 3.25 for - - 25 ce5<1o for - 4.5S0 Similiar redluctions on ail our Tie Downs. Ladies' and C!ildren's Shaker Flannel Uniderwear, al mrarked down to prices that should clean out the entire lot before we take stock. Several pieces of Table Linen at special sale prices. i0 pieces Russian hand made Toweling 7c worth - i OC. Ladies' Vests, a very special-Ptrchase,only i 24c worth 2o Several Baskets of Gloves and, Hose, at tremend reductions. Lad1ies' Ooa.ts.I Only about 20 lef t expect every one to g,. ju.i big. bargain week. AIl Coats -up to $4.50 for -$2.5o 6,oo 37 et di 7.00 " 4-75 Highen priced Coats correspondingly low. Manl1e, ýCIOtIS in Meltons, Beavers, Cui Cloths, Tweeds, &c., one lot were $i ta $1.5o, your choioe fon 75c Pr- yd. Several short lengths less than haîf price. Sipecial, Prices This Week. About 2o articles in Silven Plate comaprising Berry Dishes, Tea Pots, Cream Pitchers, Syrup jugs, Bread Trays, Sugar Bowls, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &c. Your choice of any of these for $2, about one haîf their value. About i00 Brooches, best Rolled Plate, worth from $i to $3, your choice for 50é. About 50 Stick Pins, rauging ini pnice from rj c ta 50c, your choice for roc. Kiondyke Gold Nuggets Pins 5c each. Coin

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